HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 4111E WING}[AV1 TAIVIES, JANUARY 14, 1898, 4 bber toods We have a large stock of Rubber Goods, Water Bottles, Syringes, Tub- ings, Feeder Fittings, Vic., which we are .4ellling cheap at MORRIS. ir. Satrouel Paul has been draw - leg .'w -leg stone to his father at "Viotorra cottage," Bus: els. Mr. Joseph Hogg and wife Int/veil into their future home on Wednes- EZ 1''TEIL. r MAi'wIi T,r= It 'fl O RTS. •WlNonem. After an illness of .several years' I Wingham, January 13th, 1808. duration but which tock a more seri. ; Corr'eoted ky P. Deans, Produce Dealer. ' i FlPall Whoor per x:00 lbs.. 1 50 to 2 2G ons turn lately, Y•osttriaster • •Johns eat 0 80 to 0 83 • passed'arvay on Monday, '20th 00eeem• fall Wheat, new...-. .. , 0 80 to 0 83 ber. Mr, Johns was bern in the Bering W'dioat.. . . . . . ... .. . 0 80 to 0 83, day, Mr. Thornton has gone to live' township of U•sborne, and'wal. one of 0081 o 25 to 0 20 13 1 0 25 to 0 27 in mr, --ohnstan's house, s the first; residents of Teeter. 'In'his ;pma y, "... .. , ` 0 GD to o r> t is with deep regret we 'bear 1 younger days be spenta 'year in• Turkey, •brawn 0 07 to 0 08 that the four year old sols • of Mr. t Australia, but upon +returning engag. (*teas, " , 0 04 to 0 05 AnsoirShavelhad to go to 'Toronto : ed in the hardeeire business here, Deolts, per,pair 0 4a to 0 00 1 J3u6>:or,........,.... ., 0 14 to 0 1G -for a etuadieal opetatfon otehis leg, 1 whielr he eolldueted•saceessf+111yuntilEilgspQr.•�ao;en..,..... ,, o 14 to 0 14 Sometime ago his leg was broken b'y 1 receiving the appaiintteent • of ,Post-- ,\'wood per cord..., .. , 1 00 to 1 25 Bay per'ton,., 5 00 to 5 50. Potatoes,per bushel, . , 0 30 to 0 35 •a fall •in the barn. When it was; master, of Exeter, •some20'years ago, i�• '�` taken from its bandages it was ceased was highly respeeted, hay - found. to be crooked e whit%' forced i thg at various times 'held • a seat at • COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S hint to seek skilled attendance- in the • the Council and. Sehool boards, end hoseitaI.tee I was -a member • of the Merin 5,treet 01r, D. W. Campbell, of 'eforris, ',Methodist, Churt% .and •an• official of purchased the farm known as the i th'e satue. He was•a anan.ef sterling Morton farm, from Mr, John Bloom- qualities, his word 'beefing as. Wafer 'fiord, on Wednesday, T•ee price paid'was $1,800. • !Deputy -Reeve Kirkby, t:•svho has tfor years wended the annetioneer's. hammer with success, has_ gone out -of the business, 'Wm. Elliott, wife and children, of Alexander, Manitoba, nreOliere on a 'holiday visit. It is 17 years since Mr. Elliott removed from 'the 4th 11ine,,Morris, and 15 years since he was. here Alex. Forrest has pumehased the 150 acre farm adjoining hnsr,100 acres, •b.eing east half of north half lot 26, •con. 2, from Alex. Eaket, cif Algoma. (Intended for last issue;.) air. Joseph Hogg of Grey, and ,Miss Mary Mason of Mormisvwere unit .ed• inwedlock on Wednesth y of last 'week:% They twain will settle down married life on the 1st concession, on Evvfarni leased from Mr. Thornton. Mr. Isaac Farrend, of the 2nd had a bee recently of 8 or 10 team drraw- •ing brick from the Gi r.ie brick- yard. He intends bricking the re- mainder of his house next. spring. .:At the annual nmeetingodf€:S, No. 8, Mr. Geo. Tnrvey and Mr. Wm Knox were elected as new tinnitees for • 188S. Thirty cords of wood were ordered as a two year supply for the school. New screens were ,put on the \windows as the ratepayers think thatele the safest way of protecting the glass. Mr., ;Adam Halliday and *his two cousins, Messrs Robertson,#ram Mani- toba, were visiting their uncle Mr. i :Archie +4iobertson. BLYTH. Mr. rand Mrs. Thomas .snes, of Lcadbeey, spent Sunday ,with I PIyth friends., sir. Moser returned on Monday from a tvlsit to friends in Briussels and Listowel. The anniversary services .Andrew's • church will be holden *Sunday next.• . A ser_viiee of song will be ia'eldien 'Trinty church on Sunday evening, 23rd inst., -commencing at 8 o'clock. The re -opening of the Catholic c&ureh tales;place on Sunday next, 10th inst. ;Bishop O'Connor, .of London, will thless the new altar. - Touainatiodeato 011 the vacancy an Blyele commie •will held -^•in• -ti- dustry hall on Monday ne..t, 1'iluh inst., at 12 o'clock noon. 11fr.. and Mrs. Howard Alexander., of Wsinnipeg, ace :visiting in town. Morris eistrict L. 0. L., mep.in the Orange hall, Blyt'h., on Ttiesdiiy. It was decided to ,have •theeeet nnual North Huron county celebration held at Blyth this year, The following officers %ere elected: -James Russell D M; John.Ferguton, D D M; Rev T E Higley, Chap ; H i.1cCrea, R 8 Alex Leisiiinan, 1+' 5 ; R McUommins, Trews ; Nath Johnston, D of C ; Matt Mains and Robert Owens, Lee,urers. • The next meeting will be held at Blyth. On Monday evening the following were installed as officers of Santa Marie Tent, No, 123, X. 0. T. lir.,• Com, Sir Kt Thomas Quinn ; Lieut. Coin, Sir Kt J M Ross ; It Ii, Sir Kt M H Hammond ; I' X, Sir Kt W 1i McElroy ; Chap, Sir Kt George Smith ; Seargeant, Sir Kt W J Davis ; i<i at A, Sir It Joseph Stoth-- DR'U(a• STORE. •'floors South of Post Orrice. Campbell's Headache *cures headache. TO ADVERVISERS. Notice of changes must be left:at this office not later than :Saturday noon. The copy for 'changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casua9.advertise• Idents accepted up 'to noon Thursday of each week. 1)enlingpant IMO 1'ItIDAY, JANUA,ItY 14. 5-807. EDITORIAL NOTES. THE Patrons of Industry have :thirteen candidates in the ,field for the coming Provincial eleetions. The Ontario Governluel�"t • 1:i'ved 'within its income this year. 'The re. , ceipts were over $330,000 greater than the expenditure. The Ontario Government may not +Irave elections in the same old month „-June, but they will have thesarne cid success. -Toronto Star. 11°, is expected that the Ontario Legislature will prorogue the; end of the week. As yet, lo has not .been announced when the general elections will- take place. 'Tez East Huron Conservative ,As- soefation will hold its anneal meeting in the :Town Hall, Brussels, en .31ni- day .next, the 21st inst. Mr. II.. Oar - 1,I. P., of Bruce, has been invited to be,present. Principal Grant has accepted. the challenge of Rev. Dr. Lucas to debate the liquon quee,tipn, the latter to name the -date, ,which must be done before the end .at the month. The wordy d iel*is to take,place in Kingston. By the *hill referring to the Ontario Companies Act now, although the evord."limi'ted" shall appear in the style_•of..the caplpanies operating under -the act, it will be sufficient if the letters "Ltd'' are used in marking goods 'made by ;these companies. It is well for farmers to know that they are liable to a penalty of $200 if they do not report at once to the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa any indication of tuberciilosis in their stock, There is danger this winter of this disease becoming epidemic, and farmers should give a careful in- spection of their stock quite often. Slit Charles Tupper was banquet. ed by the Winnepeg Conservatives on Saturday night. He expressed dis- pleasure with everything that the Liberal Government at Ottawa bad donne, and generally "swore'at Iarge" e.against the condition of affair:, in the ` Dominion. Sir Charles is not taken very seriously. however, and as he takes comfort in using denunciation Ino one is much offended, --London ,Advertiser. good as his bond. He ,was twice married, bis dost . •wife,, .-who - died some 25 years ago, 'being a Miss Tait. Deceased was '6®-yearbof age, and leaves a w+idovY, 'three sons and four slaughters -to mourn his demise. Mr. Johns has been a lifelong Re- former, He was a p'time mover in the erection of the Main:8treet Meth. dist Church Office, antl•a large con- tributor to ttae •building:fund, The funeral was very largely at- tended, whieh +-evijerteed......the esteem in which the was held. The corelrieny, was -,eonductod by Rev. Chas. Smith .df +Maid Street Church ; Rev, W. M. Martin,Tresby- terian, and. rev. B.•Clernent, of Clin- ton. A large number . of 1•friencls from a distanoe attended •the oh- sequies. Mtge btock Markets. Toronto, Ont., January Ill. -Ex- port Cattle -Good eteers.ruled: at 31,c to 44e, and by l'•s ,sit Seto 31e. Odd choice `cattle sold.aat•4c. Butchers' Cattle=••-The,rparlret was tti Helen, daughter of Mr. Geo. Ross. for Roots oN-Scar, On Deo. 29th, by a little better than on :Friday Rev. Jas, Malcolm,Gilbert Robinson, of good cattle. Prices 'wetre,: ;.c'to ne the city .of' London, to Miss Margaret and only era •eboice .sold higher, Rretxiner Scott, daughter of Mrs. James l , Tallow,-1)erlb........ 0 3 to Dried'Apples, Per lb. ..... . , 0 3 to 00 :1 4 Wool 10 to 23. Dressed !bogs 5 00 to 6 00 Aonat. SHiAr IDAY.—In Wingham,on Jan. Oth,' th,e wife of Mr. Wm: Ilalliday, Patrick s eet; a daughter.V .OwsToe COMM/ —In Lower Wingham, on the'Sth•dnst,, the wife of Mr. Isaac N. C gwston ; a daughter.V f tvlfisnuu x -In LowPr, Wineham. on' the ,.7th inst., the wife of Mr. Chris, Chittiek • adaughter.\/ 5 . 1E C l ip tl¢ilr.orr 80tl]rt`Ile -*5titoberiliol aos,,e rVetha'tigh Ttir, COWAN-In East Wawanosb, on Jan- uary 7th, the wife of Mr, John Cowan,•of a .daughterly MARRIED, €-sT.INGs-301311S—At theresidence of the bride's brother, Mr. W. A. Johns, on Jan. 12th, by the Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Mr. '.`Villiam Hastings to Miss Sophia m rgaret Johns, all of Wingba. j &OVELt- i oKLBOI sa.—At the manse, Wroxeter, 'on Dee. 29th, 1897, by Rev, Mr. •Anderson, Mr. `Thomas Lovell, of Turnberrv, to Miss Katie McKerober, of �T��t,VtL`tif� �AtLLANTYNE—IHysLop.—•Atthe manse, Wroxeter, on Dve. 291h, 1897, by Rev, Mr. Anderson, Mr.. Tbo•t us Ballantyne, of Melita, Man., to Miss Bella Hyslop, of Turn herry:� A1oassoN—Ross.—A•t the residence of the, . bride's father, Culrosr, on Dec. 29th, by Rev. James Malcolm, James Aitcheson. or Maple Creek, N. W. T., One lot of cattle weighing 9,250 lbs acott,of (,ull oss. sold at ,e.-`.'35 eitch, :less .51. A ' load averaging, 9•(1O lbs sold:at::31c;; one of 1,Q30. average at:3' e. Mi'. Joseph Wilson has begun to +buyfor the Har- ris a-bhsttoir, and was paying Sic to 3JJc for good cattle A. *load •was killed for Montreal gterterday, ;,and one for St. John to. •"illbev:are going to kill again Tuesday. Stockers and.Feeders-:Some Buff- ale uffale buyers were on the itlaatiket:and took several Ioads of slight -stockers at*. to Sic. A few fat 'feeders were taken for• farmers ;art $8:50 to $3.80 per cwta Light eteekers 'were a little weaker to -day low ;grades selling. off 150. Sheep and Lambs-Exrpont 'Sheep were quiet,, at 3e to ne-the 'latter for the best; ewes. Bucks sold :at :no Lambs were le higher seliang at 4:}•c to 4c. per ib. Butcher were ,diill at 3 to 4c each, Calves --The offerings were .Dight All sold. Choice are wanted; • Iariee 1 $4 to $3 each. • Milch cows and Springers :seance land higher, selling at $25 to $aQ. Cows of all kinds will sell. Plenty of dairymen left unsupplied. Hogs -Active demand and prices' advanced ic for all sorts. Choice ',selections of singers sold at 5e to 5 ,c, \weiighed oft the cars. Heavy and ;slight sold at $4.50 to $4.60. Sows :at 3e to 3ie, and stags at 2e to tie. Stores quiet, tt• ,East Buffalo,. N. Y., January 11.- O.attle-choice veals, $6.25 to 56.60 fair, 55.50 to $6 ; common, thin to fair„ $4.50 to $5.25, Stockers and feeders ---Canadian stockers and feed• ers, good quality, 53.80 to 54.15.; common Co good, 53.35 to $3.75 stockers, light -weights and prime selected yearlings, $3,60 to $4; common grade stockers and feeders, 52.75 to $3.50; stock heifers quiet; common. to good, 52.75 to 53. .Hogs -Yorkers, 53.72 to 53.75; mixed packers' grades, $3.72 to $3.75 ; medium wieght, 53.72 to $8 75; heavy hogs, 53.75 to $3,80; roughs, 53.10 to $3.30 ; stags, 52.75 to $3 ; pigs, 58.25. Lambs- Yearlings - Choice to prime, 55.10 to $5.25 ; fair to good, 54.75 to 55, culls i o eonunon yearlings, 54.75 to 55; native lambs, choice to extra, 55.70 to 55,75 ; fair to good, $5.40 to $5.65. Culls to - _ W ers ; 1st M of G, Sir Kt .A, Ballan- ;+ MARNOCH. Miss Maggie Porterfield was at tyne ; 2nd M of G, Sir Kt W G Ross; Sent, Sir Kt C Barrett; Picket, Sr Kt J M Armor. bnme to a few of her friends on • Thursday evening. Mrs. Adair* hoover, of Marnoch, is at preoent visiting her brother in Stratford, Mr. Wm. Little, of Marnoeh, re- rned home on Tuesday from a visit friends its Clinton and Blyth. A few young people from this lolly took a very enjoyable sleigh spelt a pleasant evening at J :eats ct1 .'Monday'. Neither the crematories nor ceme- teries of San Francisco wi11 take the body of Durrant, the murderer. The Canadian fanners who shipped, poultry in the feather to England in opposition to the advice of the Gov- ernment will not make any profit from their consignments. 'Whose who dressed the lairds will derive fair returns. , common, 54.25 to ' 55.25 native s veep, c ro ce to selected wethers, 54.65 to 54.90 ; good to choice mixed sheep, $1.85 to $4.65 ; colntnon to . fair, 58.90 to 54.25; culls to common sheep, $2.50 to $8.75. The Grand Jury at St. Seliolas- tiqua, Que., returned a true bill ceased amongthe parties entitled thereto, having 1 against Mis. Potrier and Sam Par- htttoaottae.to the elainrs of which elle shah than slow in the St. Canati 5 •11uder. 'phd laat4�d this 4O day of January. A. I)1505 1 be on P1lursrlay next, atoiaat ftrr itntaa •oet+•den Aiirndns DIED. %Anrsrs,—In Wingham, on ;Jan. 10th, Edna Myrtle, daughter of Mr, and'Mrs. Robt. Aikens, aged 7 • years, 0 months and 10 *tays.tf MOGaEGon.—At the residence of her son-in-law, 'Rev. A. R. Linton, Bs •D., Port Credit, on January 8, Mary Orr, wife of Alexander McGregor, Esq., of Culross, in the 74th year of her age. NOTICE The annual meeting of the . Blueva - Cheese and Butter Go will be held in 1,e: Foresters' hall, Bluevale, on Tuesday, 18t ► ,Day of Jan., 18.98; ,pany, Limited, et on :.'clock p m, For the w indinlr:up of the re . ,eeson'sbusiness, the election of a Scald oftDirectors, d the transaction of any ether *masers That may ne before the meeting' ;By order, :JOBN BIOMES . ec'y' NOTICE • •Notic s hereby given that the annual meeting of the ,F3,wic • Mutual :ire. insurance Company • will be he in' the Township tfall, +C• prime, T`rida,' Zan. :21st, • 1898 at 2 0'et. k ,p.an. *For the purpose. of rereivinl, *he !Dividers' report ;for the lost year, the election o wolDirectors, and .for other.imeiness. 132 oi•dex of th. card W, S, 81e. ttit Lit, sec'y. Gorrle, Jou„4,13118. IN THE SURROGATE DOUBT of the County of Huron.. ' l N THE MATTSIt '0i' 'T13Lr ESTATE 0E” E.LIZA I i)AMJ:. late.or Ulf 1'oo. of tVinghan5, widow, deceasecd.{ Notice de hereby given pursuant to It. 8 0 , iil8i, Chap, 110, Bea. 30, and Amending Acts that all per- sons having claims against the estate of the said liza bile, whp dted on or about.'tl a 20th day of November•, til 13110, aro required to scud by poet p-epaid or to deliSer to 11 t ansrone, iS'1ni hnnr 1'. 0.. solicitor lot the executor otthe said deeoased, en or before theist day of February imxt, their• names, addres=es and descriptions, ar.d a lull statement of particulars of their • Jahns and, the nature of the seouritl', if any, heli by theri'' duly eortlited, and that atter the said dayf,t,ho executor will proceed to distribute the's,tertit of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whish he shall then have notice. Dated this 4th day of January, A. D. 1303. R. VANSTONE, Solioitor 1 r Wm. Arbuckle, Executor. Te TIM SURROGATE COt'ltT OF THE COUNTY I 1 of 'furor, In the matter of t•he estate of Jaynes Cowden, I he of the Township of Turnectry, Y'armor, deceased. Notive le hereby given }pursuant to R. S. I 0„ 1887, Chap. 110, Sec. D0, and Amending Acts, that all petunia berth!* rlaiws against the rotate of i the said James Cowden, who died en or about the lith day of February, A n, 1300, ore required to Rend I by p.5st prepaid or to dative'. Ao I'. Yanstono, Wing. ham 1' '0, Solicitor for the Arhntnistratrix of the said deceased, on or before the 1st day of February *,ext, their names, addressee and descriptions, ar,d n' full statement of particuiari of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them duly certified, and that after tho said *lay the Adminis. 1 tratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of tho de. t` l 11b r nvionyrxr tri will Newara ea Black and Mixed, in Lead Packages, KERR'S CAKING POWDER in x lb. tins, These goods are put up expressly for us, and we refund your money if they do. not give :satisfaction. JOHN KERR_ GROCER, WING• IAIVI. emen { sue k... ut For the next few weeks we offer our large stock of new up-to-date Clothing at a tremendous cut. Our. stock is too large, but our tremendous cut prices will clear it out quickly, Mens Black and Brown Tweed Suits, reg. price $6.00, cut sale price :$2..6.5.. Mesa's very heavy Tweed Suits, good linings and trim ming, great wearers,. reg. price $7.00, cut.sale price $5.25. • j?-1.r;;in':s Scotch Tweed Suits, very nobby goods, equal to tail tj o'de, reg.price $Io.00 to $12,00, cut sale price $8.75. any x-ful Fine Tweed Suits, very best linings and good trimm lllte splendidly made in Brown and Fawn shades, reg. price ;f; o, cart sale price $8.25. • Good wearing pants •9oc, strong Vests 8oc. f Buyyour . Overcoats during,this tremendous cut sale and: save dollars by it. See oi.�r beautiful white flowered Royal Ironstone China' Tea Sets, 44 pieces, that we are selling at $2.15 a set. We are selling Matches at 5c a box, fresh Salmon xoc a can, Pure Baking Powder 15c a ib., Fine Japan Tea 20c lb.; Fresh Ground Coffee 2oc lb, Corn Starch 4 packages for 25c,, We pay 40c a bushel for Potatoes and x 5c for Eggs and. Butter. R. Ge G � RDON'S Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store. Button Block.. �t ,��a;t"rli-�.""'��_I'L")�,,r.+�..J.�^�'',�.r^"�jJl LL.iL1J+f� i-rls�+C�L��L�'�[.L."'`'JI� *. JI•, :J4 • SEE- ri OUR WINDOW O -W �N endir W. BARRAND'S new stock must be converted into cash by xst JAN., and in order to do this, .those beautiful Scotch Tweeds have been reduced from - •$15,00 and $18.00 to $Io,00, $ t Loo and $I2,00, which have never been sold at these prices in Wing- . ham before. It will pay you to' .see these goods before you purchase your winter suit. + 1J e1 'M trout% Next dont to W. lrD Brunswick hotel. Shaw 13lock, Wingharn,