HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 1TOL. XXVIIR—NOR 1343. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1898. 041110, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE The New is now with us, and fashion to make res this season, we have . to et rid • of all o goods, and in order t as quickly as possible, going to make such re ii pricesas will make t people of this locality 1 tonished. We have good assortment of Lad it is the utions at resolved winter do this we are actions good ok as - ill a s' an ekets antles :and in these we will positive make a Cut of from 25 to 50 Per Cent. Our Furs in all lines will suffer the same fate. The balance of our stock of Boots and Shoes will go re- gardless: of cost. Our stock of Tweeds • and is unequalled in the County, and fortbalance of season will be sold: very, close to cost. We /have some very Nobby Overciiatings, which we will make tip in the best styles at prices; you cannot resist. All cloths bought by the yard we will c t.» -ri'f O: cost..........,. e are selling most of o -made clothing at co we have still a few e Ulsters, the price ch has caused so much t we let them go at lo ces than ever, ome and get some of t a fide bargains at W read and the wh MOTH & BOW WE., SELL CHEAP. 4Z/ EDUCATION for every young man nnct young woman is a good practical business eduoation. The GENTRALBIISINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. offers Aue1.ce1Je4l advantages to all who desire a thorough business train - training; indieidualinstruction. Students can enter at any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- tor is street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. CHRISTMAS IS CO .1y NC Do not forget that the old reliable City Restaurant is the spot to buy your Candies Nuts and Xr.as Novelties Figs, Malaga Grapes, Pipes. Confectionery in abundance. We solicit a share sof your Xmas Orders. LOCAL NEW :. WANTEn TO Riesz—Abe the 10th 0 March, by A K A.leA ist, a house, con taining 5 or 0 room ' elhon, woodshed also to have good bio on lot. Leave word at Wm. Armour's, Wingharn. Alm Ihueass.--By posters issued this week, Mr. John A aley, County Com- missioner, invites to dere for the erection of three smallced: bridges. Full par- ticulars can be had f C. O. F. Meru Court Maitland, C (Friday) evening. I ENI.AnnED.—Tho if boon enlarged from a 1 column paper. It pre - mice in its new form 1 Dewar every success. BOARD Or Hr:ALTIr.- om the posters. G.—Tho meeting of T., will be held this is expected that the installetion of officer will take place at this meeting. A. full alt.ndanee is requested. MUNICIPAL Nolan zoss,—Nominations to fill the vacancy of Reeve, Councillor for Ward 3, and Sohoo Trustee for Ward 4, will be hold in the t.wn hall, on Wednes- day, Jan. 19th, at 1 o'clock a. m. Polling a .eek later, if note :nary. —The elective offi- cers of the Milian Lodge, I.' C. O. F., for the ensuing term, i istalled by D D G Al McKay, of , Bru evening last; are Dr. Kennedy ; V. G. Seo.,John F. Groves Treas., Wm. Reber WInes errs KTE of the Scottish onte ward Avenue Cong the sweet singing of Her rendition of Hahne," brought ba happy days of oour applauded,—The ( oan.—Opera House, Jan. 17th. OINESIATQGRAPiIE. A grand cinemato- graphe entertaiume t will be given in the Temperance hall, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening next. The Harriston Tribune and otbe neighboring papers speak well of the entertainment. The Queen's jubilee proc.:sion in London and many other scenes re produced to per• fectiou. The comps y will no doulk have age. houses during heir visit here. D.—M . Wm. Ferguson, of came to town • n Monday afternoon ving his horse attached to a cutter. n Victoria str •t, opposite Sweets' e of the hol back straps broke, slowed the a tter to play on the heels and it r n away. In front of n Mowat's esidence it ran full f to a shade eo, the jar breaking in the head t al's bac] t was at once knocked ead and kill sets, on Thursday as follows :—N. G., A.. J; Sebastion ; Rec•,•y Fineo., J W. Dodd; on. oan HAlIE.—A feature tainment at the Wood- egational Church was Miss Detta E Ziegler. When the Kye come k to recollection the ship and was heartily Y) Soottish-Ameri- Wingham, Monday, tIt 01-1 TS :l City Restaurant, Telephone No. 35. - Idacdonald Block. 1 CHEAP tkEADING! Our Clubbing List In order to sate our suharribers the trouble of making tao or more remittances we have made ap.:cldl arrangement„ with the publishers by which we aro enabled to offer the following' publications in connection w!th tho W1NGILAM TIMES at special low rates from now until Januay let, 1899, Special clubbing rates with all newspa era and magazines quoted upon application, Ca,h must accompany all orders :— Tinea anti weekly Glolie, 3126 TIM sand Western Advertiser, 140 im:s and Family Herald and Weekly Star and t•icture175• is and lrarniers ' Cate, • 190 s and Farmhig, 1y, • 176 s and Ladies' 186 es and Mont y Witness, • 160 e' and Faruie ....,.., • - 1 LG Fs and Daily Globe 4 25 i4s and Daily World - 3 00 tics and Country Gentleman, i 2 70 ht balance of the y r wi bei it e to ow )scribers for above me .to•Cdya . e. Aptinters' Advocate and in - s • ace. Address, H. B. ELLIOTT, WINGHAM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H Darts—Sped YV Vanstonc—S tial T H Ross—Mus Stow W J Elliott -2 cation A Ii McAllister Speccial N A Farquhars n—Special Jas 3 Earl—W1 y not buy bow Robert Warwic —Stray Calves T A. Mills—Gre t Slaughter Salo McKinnon k C .—Whats the use Wax Lane—Co my Council Mooting w•••••••116111 T Escornb—A b d wreok occurred Mo ay to the comb ned mail and freight trai of the Grand ruins which resulted in 1 wreck of fou cars. As they were appy+cling Kinca): ino and when about four . )les out the locomotive and first car came rliscon ected The engineer went considerable distance before he saw what ad happened when he slowed up to e updetached nnd turned to the part He a not reckon n the down grade and as h • as passing over the crossing . of Huro Terrace ro d the engine and de - tache train cam together, telescoping two s and ams hing things in general The , esengers in the coach received a bad s re, but no ling worse The auxil- iary xil- iary thrived at J o'clock and about 11.30 had al the dobr a removed from the track,: allowing the late train to pass Thr oi*;w has b n suspended, awaiting inbeatitstion—K cardino Review. Morriss act, dr When 9 hotel, ou which a horse's Mr. Joh Orce in he ani Coxvxcxroxs.—Jua.ed by the number of magisterial oonviot ons ,reported for the last quarter, the •.unty of Huron is be coming a moral ..unty, as only 27 are reported, whereas a few years ago the number would lh. ve been nearly three times as great. S aforth magistrates had four of them ; Wi gham 3 ; Blyth 8, and the others spatter:.. Clinton or Goderich had none fo: the quarter. Four of these offences were for aoh of the license act, all these being in '.oath Huron Inspector- ate, and. the oter offences were only trifling. Hocxx —Other teams, but Win understand that tl their power to ma town, but are una arrangements wet for the use of the would like to see town, but tho sea to make anyy of winter Another be brought up ea and Hockey clubs now rink, if . necea AonxcvxmuRAL meeting of the Society was held i on Wednesday nallilib `afeenemle auditdrvaeport of for the past^ yams The roport{sllovea- presenti lnemod suet issee •rrhe=e lowing officers an for the oneuing Carrie; 1st ice 2nd Vice Presid rectors—Wen D Angus, John Gra Fowler, W J 0 John Mulvey; and II B Elliott owns have good hockey am is not in it We e club has done all in e the game a success in le to make satisfactory the owner of the rink rink for practice We good hockey club in n is too far advanced er arrangements this year the matter should lier, and let the curling ake arrangements for a cry. MEW The annual urnberry Agricultural the Council Chamber, fternoon last A..,lixge ts• .were =presenia :1J bla eceipts arid. expbnditure wdi.s:: dread and ariopted ti4eri8il•-.deficit, but all ell pleased 'i ttlieatire lasetayearr The fol - directors were elected year: President, John resident, John Moffat 1 nt, Amos Tipling ; Di• ans, F G Spading, Jas , Wm Robertson, Peter rrie, Andrew Fox and editors, John MoLean Immediately after the annual meeting, a meeting of the directors was held,whenRobertson a timwsa• p pointed Secretary, reasurer of the society and a committee appointed to see if arrangements could not bo made for the Lrunning of an ex • rsion to the Model 'Farm in the sours of a few months of Health for the en r;omposed as follows : 11 Ferguson, Dr. Kenned and Thomas Gregory. cal health officer and sanitary inspector MINERVA ENCAYIxuii:N :tlinerva I,ncampnient day evening last, the f cers were elected for ti O. P., W. A. Johns ; S J. W., Neil MoGregor Scribe, W. Dodd ; TIM VACANCIES.—We authority that Mes Joseph Golley and are in the field f but have heard no for the vacanoy in S Trustee in Ward 4. meeting on Wednesday light on the scene, INSTITUTE MI:L'Tixes. rz'iston Ilaview has vo column to a six oats a fine appear• and we wish Bro. he Wingham Board, uing year will be ayor Morton, J. 13, Chas. J. heading Dr. Towler, meds - Chief Vannorman, .VAt the meeting of I O. O. F., on Mon- Ilowing elective offi- e ensuing term :--- W., R. 3.-MoMath, L G. Jas. Coehrane reas., John Itlowattl have heard on good rs. John Hanna, George McKenzie the Iteeyoship, names mentioned rd 3 and School The nomination ext may put new Meetings of the West Huron Farmers' 1 nstitute will be hold at Dungannon on Thursday, Jan. 20th, and at Blyth on 'riday, Jan. 21st. The Dungannon meeting vill be addressed by Messrs. Zavitz, Tho .peon, John N. McKenzie and James ayden, and the Blyth meeting by Messrs. avitz, Thomp- son, Frank Metcalf and E C. Elford. Tue. Femme Snow. --T e prize lists for the poultry show to be he d at Goderich on January 25, 20 and 27 aro now being distributed. Mr. L. 3. Jarvis has been Secured as judge, which is a positive step towards the success of th, show. There is every promise of a very 1 rge exhibit, and the people of this vicinit will find it well worthy an extended visa . Prize lists may be secured from Mr W aylor, town. SAD BEneevennNTl V: are called upon this weok to record th, death of Edna Myrtle, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Aikens, in her eighth • ear, which took place on Monday last Tho child had only been ill a shor Jive with in- flammation of the bo • elsshe funeral, which was largely alt • ded, took place to the Wingham oemet ry.on Wednesday last The bereaved agents and family have the sympathy o the community in their sore affliction Coe:nem—Our rea ers would do well to remember the con erg to be given in the Opera house, .n Monday evening next, under the au. icee of the Sons of Scotland Miss T•ssa McCallum, elo- cutionist and Mie Detta E Ziegler, soprano, will supply the programme, and judging from the pr es notices of these two ladies the enter ainment will be first- class The tickets are 25 and 35 cents, wish plan of ball at Ross' book store Programmes are bei.g issued, wbioh will give full particulars BASEBALL CLun.—I may seem somewhat early for the organ zation of a baseball club, but there is no ing like being ready when the r per tim= comes, and with that end in vie a loam baseball enthusiastics held a meets in th Queen's hotel oe Tues- day evening. The of . b was organized for the Coming season, an the following officers elected : Hon Pres , A H Musgrove ; Hon Vice Pres., H 0 Bell ; Pres., James A Cline ; Vice Pres., eo A Newton ; Secre- tary, Al x Aldei on; Treasurer, H B Elliott Messrs a Small, F Angus and H B Illifiott were appointed a committee to canvass the ' t. • rt and see if arrange- ments could not b made for tae holding of a celebration on t e 2411' of May, so as to secure some fun s to pay running ex- penses of the olu We see no reason why Wingham should • of have the best baseball team in this d' will be held on tl in the sport are i triet. Another meeting 25th, and all interested vited. WESTERN ONTA'I0 TANIIARD.--Tho West- ern Ontario Tang and series has been ar- ranged, and the •rimary competition will take place on he Wingham rink, on Friday, Jan. 21s . Group number there includes Wingha , Brussels, Kincardine, Lucknow and Wroxeter. The primary competition wil be played as follows, on the date given a , ove : Wingham ye. Kin- cardine, Luck ow vs. Brussels, and Wroxeter drew a bye. The club winning -in this competit'.n will play the finals at St. Marys, and he lab winning the finals becomes the h Icier of the tankard for 1808. The iVi . ham club is now in first- class running . 'der. The rink has been mired from 1 '. Stephenson and play is indulged in :very afternoon, and on Wednesday and Friday evenings. All lovers of the "h. lin' game" should join the club and we • y expect to hear favor- ably from them in he competition. WaunI2'al Bear. took place at the rt Johns. John street, ing at seven o'clock bration of the tela ;Miss ,Sophia Marti wui,rtm Hastings, F both of Wingbatu. mmed withtat k and f smilax aught as a b -ch of ate ' by hr'r sisterpink, •f Tinniito, riehT rying a cheer groom =ably supw- eer, Mr. Dao - Tbe nuptial knot ev. Jas. Hamilton in immediat relatives partids.rafter the een performed, the a bounteous repast stess, Mrs. Johns, to ample justice, otter oyable evening was was the recipient of and useful presents, teem in which ebe is fiends. Mr, and Mrs. up their residence on FIE TIMES joibs in y wedded Couple a py wedded life. gre chiffon, left shou roses, and Mise Al;o -J. Flo attired in chill' of pink ro port was tied by the the presence of th of the contractio ceremony bad guests Sat down t prepared by the h which they did which a very en spent. The bride numerous, costly testifying to tho held by her many Hastings will tak Frances street. wishing the nen prosperous and ha dies' cloth, t with vine r, wit as A. happy event 'dente of Mr. W. A. u Weduosday even. it being the cole- riago of his sister, ret Johns, to Mr. SMAL LOCALS. —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran• teed to cure headache. —Send us in the new pleased to receive it. —The Huron Count at Goderich ou Tnesd We are always Council y, Janug Private fnnds to loan Appy to IL Il.t.vts, Wing iil meet y 25th, fowest rates, m. am. —Several from toe n attended a box social at Bluevale on Vednesday evening —Quite a number o our citizens have been used up with a cold during the week. —Lucknow was de hockey, by Goderich, on Thursday evening It will pay you to 2 you order your menu! —The inaugural ham Public School Wednesday evening heated by 8 to 3, in at the 1 ter place, last. 8 anstone before le - 3t eating of the Wing- oard will be held on next. —Several carload of hemloelc bark have arrived at the G R station for the Wingham TanningjCompany Flowers, Groceries and 'Vegetables at T C. Graham's, Chisholm Block. —A. sleigh load f young people from town attended a ca ival at the Lucknow rink on' Thursday a ening last. —Read the insid pages of the TIMES A lot of inter ting news will be found on these pa s this week. Smoke Excelsior at the Queen's; 5 cents.4 —The TIMES is he best place i • this section for weddin invitations. "e carry a large assortment and print th at right prices. A regular 10 cent cop (words and music) of the popular t - otic song, "The Land of the Maple," ' each 3 lb Tin of Cream Sodas, at N A Farquharson's. 2t /-A happy sleigh hamites spent a plea and Mrs. W. J. Thursday evening. —Charles F Se representing the Savings Comnany, h the week, endeavors board of the comps load of young Wing - ant evening with Mr. leuty, at 31yth, on ey, of Owen Sound. reliance Loan and s been in town during g to establish a local y Dr. Macdonald is now permanent- ly at home ana can be consulted by his patrons. —Mr Minife, of musician and piano position with Mr T customers San now tuned in the prope at Mr Ross' ad in a —The District 23 was held in tl Thursday, the 6th present from the district, when ma district were disou arnia, a first-class uner, bas taken a H Ross Mr Ross' have their pianos style Take a look ]other column eeting of District No I 0 0 F hall, on inst Delegates were Several lodges j '1 the tors pertaining'to the sed We are on the road securin orders for monuments and headsto s for spring work, and are prepared t do/ better in uand prices 1(it fan ever. t e workmanship V will not be undersold. W Vanstone. 3t --The people of short of places to g evening, Sons of Se day, Tuesday and the cinematographe Temperance hail; on wheels, at the Friday evening, bo hall. Ingham will not be next week : Monday land concert; Mon- ednesday evenings, entoriainmont in the Wednesday, Florida G T It station; and social in Temperance —Memorial cards ef'all kil,dr 'prl"uted neatly and cheap at 'Cite Timss ufi:ce. i' —The L 0 L co my lodge will meet its Wingham on Veer ary let. —Sons of Scott nd concert in the Opera house on Monday evening next —The young :pie are enjoying theme salves theee even n;s. The party season. is on iu full blast. Fresh oysters served In any style aft James McKelvie's Star Restaurant. —The Lacy True Blues will hold a box social in th Temperance hall ort Friday evening ne •t —A $25 three an le skating contest well take place in the Lucknow skating rink one Tuesday evening h ext. Bargains in Exercise books, Scribblers, oto., and a book cover free with Avery school book sold. Chisholni's Drug Store.. —New and ren wal subscriptions to the TItres have been oiling in the past week Have you done yo part? Recommend the TI1tE8 to sour frig ds —The Union ft niture factory is a very busy spot these cl ys. Five oars of fern. itnre was shipped in the week ending with. Saturday last. We are handling any gaxntity of butter, eggs attid dried apples —cash or trade: Also all kinds of poultry. G. B. King. We were plea ed this week to see Messrs John Ainsley an R. Herdsman ou our streets, after bei g confined to their honlea for some time, t rough illness, R Rooms,. s''to 1 t Inc the Macdonald b14ek. -The many fr ends of Conductor Snider will be pleased to learn that he has so far recovered from h s recent illness is to be able to leave Far us for Toronto —The mild ether the fore part of the week played mischief with the sleigh- ing, but the cool turn Thursday morning has made it lo k as though we were going to have ome more fine winter weather • —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster et Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. "Miss Tessa MoOt slum made a distinct- ly favorable impre sion. She is equally good in pathetic . s well as humorous pieces. Her mans er is pleasant and natural, an attract vo feature always in public entertains s."—The Chronicle, Ingersoll.—Opera- ouse, Wingham, Mon- day, J'an. 17th. —The San's marl et reports are admitted on all hands t) be tie best and most com— plete• published i Ontario The Sun's selections for Tamil reading are also un- surpassed, while th • weekly contributions of "A Bystander" give the paper a value peculiarly its own You can got the Sun and this paper fo 31.25 Sample copy may be had at thi office FLORIDA ON WHEELS. ]IARVELLOrS RE' VELA ION OF TROPICAL ai xunz COMING TO WINCH), WEDNESDAY:, JAY, 19. A marvellous revelation of tropical luxury, a Florid state fair in a rolling palace from the 1 d of flowers, gorgeous with golden dee rations and tropical scenery, filled wit 1 tropical exhibitions, imposing in m titude, wonderful in realistics, •marvel ons in variety and splendid with a tbo isand tropical wonders, illustrating to tou ste, inAtlids and pro- epectiye settlers the advantages and; resources of that :nnny land: Tropical fruits, Florida win.-, exquisite perfumed fountains, waving •altos, live alligators, etc. "Bear in min that the alligators are chained." This conservatory on wheels. a heeled wonderland, was bu i t of Florida wood ata, total cost of 320,001. It is the most re- markable car on eith r continent; has been visited by more peo e on the inside and gazed at by more on he outside than any car ever built in the 1 istory of railroading. The people Hook to t by night and day, and papers have desc ibed it from coaat to coast as being the fir of its kind the world ever saw, To defray incidental expenses a nominal price of 10 ents, children under 12, 5 cents, will be barged. Watson B. Webb, director -genets 1 Florida Sub•Tropie cal exposition and F1ride commissioner to Paris exposition, the World's Columbian sition at Chicai;., and official pro- . ,r r of Florida pnbii ity, is director. This ollfeial exposi ion on wheels wilt exhibitat eR station, the G.T. s tion, Wfnghalssr,. on Wednesday, Jan • ry 10tb, horn 11.30. a. m. to 0 p. m., d at Lueltreolik Aft Thureday, January 2 th. Additional local no . s on pes Atm