HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-12-24, Page 9E
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a out
u. see
n the
n the
le, we
cKi O
Christmas Bells are ringing carrying all beyond the material things
of a day, and we are possessed of those better aspirations idolized in Him
whose birth we celebrate and cherish.
It is the time of giving and lightly so. The man who is greatest is the
span who gives most to the world.
Nature appears almost extravagant in her generous outpouring of
The silver service of Bethlehem is sounding. Let the anthems carol it
•out. Let the Bells ring it out. Linked by the magic touch of Christmas,
all are Brethren, and the world is reminded once again of Him who 1900
years ago brought
This store will be closed a'.1 day Saturday, Dec. 25 (Xrriit,s Day.)
The Chfstmas enterteininent in con -
Motion with the S. S. of St John's
ehurch will be held on Tuesday even
ing, Dee. 28th, in the school room,
The Rev, S} Sellery, B. D,, of'
Guelph, preaehcd the anniversary
sermons of the Methodist ehurch, on
Sunday last. A grand old fashioned
tea meeting was held on Monday
Mr. Woolsey is again in charge at
I the herald office
On Monday evening at the meet-
ing of the Melville church Y.P S,C.L.,
the relieving officers were elected for
the ensuing term: kion. Pres,, Rev.
J. Boss ; President, James l:'ox ; Vice,
'Pres. Miss Lizzie Ross ; Rec. See., W.
1 J. Stowt.rt ; Cor, S c,, Miss Mary
Ross; Treasurer, Miss Elia Inman.
• Sunday night between 0 and 7
o'cloek the town was thrown into a
state of excitement catleed by the
sharp ringing of the fire bells, .and 1,6
when it was learned that the new II
school was on fire it diff not in the
least tend to lessen the excitement. 0.
The fire started from the basement I e
and did considerable damage to the
basement and floors above, but, owing
to the good and honest work of the
firemen, the flames were prevented.
from doing further damage. The
fire started from ceruses unknown.
At the last meeting of L. 0. L. No.
/+ /9y1• 'w''i'1/i"Oar" r'''' 'ib' ' ✓' `$W' '' ti«P..'gy' R+'4 ' `. , '.. . '"glWD'
Ladies' Jaoket and
5 Ladies' Jackets, not up to date,
5 do ,) do nearly up to date,
5 do do up to date
3 do do fashionable
3 do do the very latest out
CD -Ts (DV-MR0Q.. .TS
reduced from 3.00 and 4.00 to 200
• do do 4.50 " 5.60 to 3.t?0
do do 5.50 " 6 00 to 3.50
Boys' Overcoats reduced froin 83.00 and $3.50 to 81.75 I •
do do do do 3 50 " 4.00 to 2 00
do do do do :100 " 4.50 to 3.00
do do do do 4.50 ."5.00 to 3.50 I
Give that little boy of yours a chance now. Bay a suit for him four a Xmas present. Ilere is a job
lot -all size 23-flts a boy 6 years old. Some were as high as 52.50. Your pick of the lot for only $1.25.
Boys' Ulsters
' do
du do
Each $r.00
" $2.00
lt $3, co
{( $5.00
7. 5p..
ark Block.
774,.Brassels, the following officers;
were elected for the current term :-
Joseph Bowman, W. M, ; 12. H. Moore; otlWW:44frlvek rked b b .Wn &sem cw .
V. S., D.M. W,1L Mooney, Rec. Sec., -. . ...._.r _ _. _ . _
M. M. Cardiff, Fin. Sec. ; 14. Mooney,
Chap.; S. T. Plum. D. of C. ; W.
Smith, Leet. ; Jas. Bowman, W. W. Emanuel Stapleton has hired with
i11ARNOCH. Huv, Jno, rlieCtitcheon, D, Smith and I Robert Sheill for the whiter
ti Jas, Kernaghan, Committee. Tee The recent snow flurries have
Large quantities of grain, live l At the Manse, •Belgrave, on Thugs i lodge is in a healthy condition. made the sleighing good once more.
e.and Miss Bella - 21 K. O. T. M. Mr..JaPattison bald a caller for
day, 11r. James Young ' Brussels lent, No. ,
elected the following officers ar their j tea last Monday evening, in the 'per -
last, last regular meeting.; :-fast Cont., H. ; son of a midditr a ee man,'eross•eyed
Mrs. D. Sproat was visiting friends. formed by the Rev. Mr. ):rail, of Bel- a L ,Jaeicson ; Coin, \1.0 ,\,ours ; Lela t. j and had on a cap that was pretty
in Atwood and vicinity last week. .grave. Corn., JohScott; see. Keeper, A. well worn. he man was wander -
Henry Cade, of Londesboro 11r. Geo. Naylor has returned hor±te Mt uj,re ;Fin. Keeper, Geo. Backer ; ing he knew not where, It is sup•
has secured a situation with Messrs. Crom 11ta•nitoba. I Chap., W. ii'. Vanstone ; Physician, posed that be was a little off', and
'Watson &Geddes in their saw mill. 'What might have been a very sad Dr. lealbfleisch ; Sergeant, A. Somers;, should be taken into custody.
Mr, Pelton, of Atwood was visiting .accident oceured on Saturday, While Master-at-arms, Robe Anderson ; 1st' Bert J.Reid is buoy drawing stone.
friends here last. Misses JaneJameson and Maud Camp
At the last C. 0. F. meeting • the hell were driving along the road their
following officers were elected for horse took fright, and upsetting the
the ensuing. year : P. C. R., G. buggy threw the occupantsons. Fer-
n David ; C. R., Coo, Proctor ; V. •tunately they escaped with nothing
C. R. , C. Saekrider; 11. S.,W, 'Wight- :more than a• broken buggy.
man ; F. S. F. Wheeler t T. Ander.- Mrs. Robert Stonehouse, of Bel -,son ;'Chap.,11. McCrea ; C D„ E. ,grave, is visiting her parents at :yIar.--
Saekrider ; S. W., H. Back ; J. W., roach this week,
•,A. Halliday ; S. B., W. J. Geddes; The Donny brook Metu.distSunday
aT. 133•, W. Allison ; Court Physician. Christmas hool intend
gristm r a eual
I)r. J. ticAsh.
stock and cordwood, are being shipp-
ed from the Belgrave station, this
McCormick, of Culross, were united
in marriage, The ceremony was per-
INE O wDERED,---•--
rjf4w Crt t/013 S•
M.of ( Geo. Colvin ; 2nd M. of U.,
Sam. Carter ; Sentinel. Rubt. Denbo w;
Picket, Win.. Griffith.
Warden Monteith was nominated
for the Legislative Assembly by the
Conservatives of South Perth.
GEO. OARR has now in stock a' lave display of the very newest material for
Overooate, Fall and Winter Suite, T,:ousering, Fancy Vests, etc., etc. Also the
Most ;stylish Gents' Furnishings its the Market
•be intends putting 'a stone wall under
his barn in the spring.
The council met Dee, 15th pursu-
ant to adjourment. Members all
present, Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. '
.ecount of T, Chisholm, M, D,
d gravelling at lots 30,
cons 12 and 13, 52.30 ; Jas -Sather-
laud, plank and repairing culverts
sid line' 30 and 31, con 13, 84 ; li
Leishman, repairing. culverts, lot 32,
enols 8 and 9, $1 25 ; Du , do.. send -
Wm. Griffiths to House of Refuge, at
Clinton by railway, 81 ; John Black,
error in dog tax, 18,17, $2 ; Robert
Tenney, balance clue on ditch, lots
41, cons 4 and 5, $1 ; Cyrus W.
Scott, drawing two loads of gravel
for repairs at bridge en creek, cons 6
and 7, 50c ; Wan. Kerniek, draining
and -tiling at lots 33 and 31 con 3, 80;
Duncan Anderson, part payment for
cutting hill at lots 39, cons 8 and 9,
85 ; David McGill, error in dog tax,
1897, r1 ; Robs. Shell!, sr., services
as Inspector of bridge on river, conn
10 and 11. $15 ; Messrs Eintoui and
Robertson, balance in full of contract.
EAST WAWANOSH. (ins culvert
an the Provincial Municipal Auditor, re
his communication as to the Munici-
pal Cash Book.• -Carried.
Peed-Scott---Tlhat a cheque bo is-
sued to municipality of `1eeswater,
fur rent of Town Hall for 1807, am,.,,,..,.
ount 840.00.
Raid -Jarvis -That by. -law No.
17, 1897, for the apl:uintment of Re-
tnrning Oilfeer, and Deputy Return-
ing Officers, for the several Polling
Sub -divisions of the township,be now
read three times, passed, signed, and
sealed. --Carried.
Scott--Reid--That as the County
Council are desirous of having a vote '
taken on the 1luute of Refuge.ques-
tion, the Depute Returning Officers
he instructed to receive votes from
the rate -payers on the question.--
Finance Repnrt John Thacker
tails for snow fence, $1.25 ; J. & H.
Field, wire sit kis, 25e ; H. 111cIiay,
\mending coulee! meeting and lett-•ti
.ng job, $50 ; W. ii. Jarvis, do., 53$¢.
graham Scott, do.,,850 ; Wm. Reith,,
to, $47 ; J. J, Johnston, do., $45
•Iicha,el Scheistle, gravel, $1:25 ;
'eter Ruth, repairing culvert, con.
,4, 51 ; Christina. aleDougell as per
railway, also received unci ordered to Walter t deputy reeve .'lotion, $10 ; Chas Button, part sal-
be paid. 1. ttendance at council•. "letting aur .ry as Clerk, t8r1 ; Mrs. 'llutahiaon,
Annual report of 3. McAsh, M, D.1 insl,ectiog jobs, 1397, 835 ; lilatthev ,; per motion, 'l0 ; l;t,bt. i aleuner,
Belgrave, M. • H. 0 , showing; the Lockhart do. 533•; Wm. Bone, du, work on 25th_ sideruad, $17.50 ; R.
township to be in a healthy condition, i e8,, ; Ai tee u• C..rr, do, ,432 ; riche, I N. 'I hurtle, statrouer3 , etc x.1.05 ;
generally, received and filed Wigntnian, cleaning ont ditch lot 34 i David Markle, as per motion, 510 ;
David McGill, con. 3, and John . coo., 7t,. x+1.10 ; John II , McClinton, I 2'i.. G. Stewart., balance of printing
Black, eon. 6, were •p •eseut, corn -. part' ftiyiuent of sallitry as eoliector i for 1897, e10 ; James Flemming,
piaining that they both bad been of taxes, 1 897, 540 Culross share of gravelling boundary
charged on assessor's and collector's The council thenT,adjourned. 162.67 ; Robt. Lawry. eleening out '
rolls, with a dog e+ ch, which they P. PORTERPIELD, Clerk, ditch, con. 15, 2 ; Caretaker, town
did not own. A silnilar complaint 'hall, $2 ; Chas. Button, stationary,
was made un behalf •Charles Aran
CULlGSes i postage and express charges. X6.42 ;
strong, eon. 5, by councillor Carr. i Treasurer, Teeswater, rent town
Ordered that the amount wrongfully Council met in the town hall,Tees ' ban, $40. •
charged be refunded b..ek to these water, Dee, 15th, members all pros a Jarvise.5cott--That the tit,anue
parties. ent. The reeve in the chair. ;report as jusC' -lead, be adopted.'-
13y-Iaw No. 9, 1897, appointing' The minutes of hist meeting were Carried. i
place of nomination, places of elee- read and .approved. 1 Scott -Reid` -That this eacneil do .
tion and deputy returning officers Reid -Scott -That Peter Ruth. be now a djourn. -Carried,
for ensuing municipal election ;and paid one dollar, for repairing culvert: i CHAS. 13ct'rTON, Clerk.
By law No 10 1897 fixing amount at lot 30 cons. 14 and 15. -Carried.
Win;;halur, ilio examinatiurl of and
r'el lidding bride 00 river cons 10
eertideate'to «ern. Griffiths for his and 11 $1 Chas .ru str ong lel
r+,, 9 ,,, l admission to the House of Refuge, at
O .. as, Clinton, received and ordered to be
i paid. -, iahman
O r i•c • Another account from R.I.e
Is never done, and It is especially wearing ! of is+1, being exec:uses inear'i'ed in
and wearisome to those whose blood is sending Win. Griffiths back again
impure and unlit properly to tone, sus- lately to the House of Refuge, by
d the wasting of nerve
30, con 5 error in dog tax 1897, $1 :
P. Porterfield, use of house for coun-
cil tor'el, and selecting jurors fa:
1807, 815 ; Daviel Robertson, reeve
attendatice at cout eil, letting and
speeting jobs, selecting jurors, ant
journeys to Blyth, etc., etc., 1897
$44 ; Scott, -
tarn, an renew
muscle and tissue. It is more because of
this condition of the blood that women
are run down,
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Than because of the work itself. Every
physician says so, and that the only rem-
edy is in building up by taking a good
nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitaliser
like Hood's Sarsaparilla. For the troubles
Peculiar to Women at change of season
climate or life, or resulting from hard
work, nervousness, and impure blood,.
thousands have found relief and cure in
If you want stylish and well -made Clothe at a moderate price. A ik
Give us a call. We can give fou the 4t,eft f worltmanship. Gucci fit guarateed. ,
Ca -T211 _W.1 ..u.,.M
Opposite Queen's Hotel,
The One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle
Prepared only by 0.7. hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass.
are the only pills to tape
1000 'S Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ladies' and Gentlemen who are lovers of nice goods should call and STEAM
inspect our large stock of Smyrna Rugs. Every man should buy one of
these Rugs for hie wife as a Christmais present, ;which will not only beautify
Your hoose, but will give satisfaction in every case. Call and get one be-
fore they ate picked over. Prices to suit purchaser.
In Overcoats we lead. In quality and price we cannot be beaten.
Call and examine and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. A large,
and well assorted stock of Ordered Coatings in Beaver, Melton and Venetian
to choose from.•
Our laundry 'plant has arrived
and we are prepa.•ed to turn. out
first class work in all lines of -
Laundry Work on the Shortest
For the convenience of customers,
Our stock of Tweed Suitings is now complete. In Scotch and Can -la DROP BOX. will be placed at the
adian Tweeds we defy competition and price. door to receive work when laundry
to be be paid to etch member of; Reid -Jarvis -'!'hat as Christina
council for attendance at conneill McDougall is in need of aid, that a
meetings for the cucaent .car, both; grant ot $10' be made to her, and
read and passed. 1 paid to Alex McDougall for her bene•
Debentures were ordered to be' tit. --Carried.
signed for payment ot the following; Report of reeve : "I let a job of
amounts : Municipality of Hallett,cutting hill opposite lots 25 and 26,
shovelling gravel, S 13, per P Wel • ; eon. 6, on the sideroad to James Mc- plain cod-liver o11. ti
h + $1 J McAsh 11 D Gregor- Ti was to be done by the •
's t" , was married
at Hamilton to to eldest daughter of
Mr, A. 0. Romeo;•, on Friday.
Many persons cannot take
per, pat maser,
They cannot digest It..
Belgrave, services as M H 0, for'2..0th of September. I have been
1897, $'2 ; Wm Watson, Belgrave, • three or four times to see it, but the It upsets the Stolle..^.C.;i.
72 feet elm plank for bridge and , hist time I was tbereel could not b see mowing these things, We'
i "C and 37 eon 8 $6 • James road, let was tonoScott's 1 e •
culvert Bens 8 and 9, 61.72 ; Arthur ' it for snow and earth that had beet;
Brooke, digging drain and tiling, put on the old trbe higher f
than have digested Emulsion
ulssionh of oiCod-•
side one, a s , +
1cGil1 repairing culvert, lots 30, the old road :vith a uniform
8 he shed; liver Oil with Hypophos-
cons 4'and 5, ;;al ; Joseph 11c13urncy,! He was to get ,ai when ,
repairing culvert, sidelines, 33 and He has been paid 87 on chorine that phites; that is, we have
into little
84, eon 10, $1 ; Thos, Roes, repairing , is in the tt•easurer's hand. broken it up gltabw
culvert, and putting in plat*, pdos klec•rttick ens nThat as otable to work, niel and car- ues, or droplets.
lines 89 and' 40, con.3 , I1 We use machinery to do
d reel\ the fs.rnfly is in used, that tilesunr of
115 closed, II Taylor, sr, cedar ti
error for culverts, l..ts :its faud 37, $1U be {;rotated for
their acid, and the the work of the digestive
stock of Fur Goods is always complete in Helps ibtinn• looney to be paid to Wm. Baptist, to
Our large and well o' assorted con $1 5 1fl as o g y h
Ladies' Fur Coats. For Capes and Ruffs we have a beautiful line to ehowe Leaver repairing from. Men's Fur Coats, Fur Caps and Fur Gauntlets a specialty, and
prices right.
R,OBES-A full assortment of Robes always on hand.
GIVE ll A TRIAL sea 43 • wlrl
t lots, "b and
organs, and you obtain the
good effects of' the digested
oil at once. That is why you
can take Scott's Emulsion.
cue .s, , '•> C heees Ht.W-Carried.
culvert a o s, 3 •87, 5,
with your nerd order. Thus ,,eav airing culvert ou A eonitnuuication from J.B. Laing,
crossing at lots 3'0, cone 10 and 11,$1.; Provineial Municipal Auditor; re
I 1 Do.,.do., repairing road and hill as Municipal Cash l3uok, for use by
4 ij« L ,l lots: 32, eons to and 11, 53 ; Owen treasurers, published by Brown l3i°os„
J to i Donnelly, grading at lots 30, eons of Tort oto, was regal,
110 and 11, 513 60 ; Do., do,, repair- ScottReid-That the rove write
Union i±'actory.
ser„ read a,.ee, roll drtrgrglrts.
SCOTT & DOWNS, Chanties, Teruo*.