HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-12-24, Page 611 WORTH QP Fine Perfai s in Fancy Bottles for Xmas ?resents, 'We have all the latest otiose, rwtyles and shapae, Call and see thorn even if 'want to boy. They are lovely. tu 'don't COLI N A. CAMPBELL'S in -Wo STOR,F. Doors South or Post Moe, TO Ai7V1IRVLIVRS. �T Notice of changes in Su t be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual adreetise. ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. 4 e t iii pagimes FRIDAY, DEOE MBER 21,1897. West R ron Partners. 1 r1 lth 1V "GU". A.M TIMES, DECEMBER 24, 1897. CLINTON. Messrs, Harland Bros. have order- ed an improved aeetylene gas genes, ator, and expect to have their premi- ses illtlnrinated by the new light be- fore Christmas.(The stock of W. H. Beesley i nsolvents, has been purehascd by Mr, Danford Roach, of Newmarket,. Who will open up in the old. Beesley stand. Mr. Roach paid 40 cents on the dollar for the stock. The other morning, Mr. Win. Weir, of the Bayfield road, was sur- prised on entering his stables, to find the floor on fire. Investigation led to the belief that the lire had been started by a tramp who bad spent the night there. The tramp was captured and brought to Clinton where he spent a few hours in the eouler, but was eventually liberated,as the evidence scarcely warrantedbis detention. Forel and Murphy have improved the appearance of their meat market by an external and at an internal Co of paint.A curling b is zed in own, among the lovers or f the Scotch gaiue. Mr.Iehrenk is build - 'n, ,t rink at she rear ot the Com. mercial Hotel, for the exclusive use a the curlers, Thomas Noble, who recently gave up farming in Hulett owing to health and moved to town pass away on Monday at the age of 57 years. The cause of death was can- er of the stomach. Deceased was a Buret retiring man, taking no special art in public affairs, and -was high. y esteemed by those who kne N him, le -was an Episcopalian in religion d a Conservative in politics. The uneral took place on Thursday. The anniversary services of the laptist Church, were held on Sunday when Rev. James Coutts, of Ailsa Craig preached, On Monday even- ing, he lectured on "Oar Native nd." On Wednesday Richard Haywocid returned from Gravenhurst Sanitar- ium, whither he had been sojourning ibr the benefit of his health,, Mr. Ed. Q. Holmes, is confined to his room with an attack of conges Mon of the lungs. D. ,['erg. Macpherson has been con fined to the house for several days through illness. Monday evening, Rev. C. L. Mills, as returned missionary troll) tine North-west lectured hi St. Paul's schoolroom on "Life Among the Blaeltfeet." D's. Blackall and Bail have 'de - horned about 2,030 cattle in this neighborhood, during the past sum- mer and fall. r. S. McCorvie is in Kincardine r EmtX SUCCESSFUL IVSTIL''TF, MEET- an I_TiCr 'HELD AT EI;\�iTLLI;I,+. Public meetings of the West Huron k'arwers' institute were held in ,Gledbi11's hall, 13enmfller, on .Friday afternoon and evening, Deeeinber IOth. Notwithstanding the incessant downpour of rain the hall was well a. t Ailed at the afternoon meeting• b-- i the farmers of the surroundingg neighborhood. President Baiflie oc- cupied tilehair with Elis usual ability "and Seeretar�y Lockhart was also found in his place. 1�1r. Iuodei'it;k. Young was intro- dueed as the first speaker. He dealt with his subject, "Corn Growing and hire Silo," la a clear, concise and practicatl manner .and, although a widen .effort in this ,wast•, was a de- cided success. Messrs. Elford, Blake, Young, Bailie, iiernighan, Hilt and (ethers took part in time discussion. Mr. A W. Campbell, Provincial ,"'•mad' Commissioner, was time next speai,,,er. He congratulated the peo• ple of Iuron on their llla l good roads, second toon ne nvthhe RI 'rovinee, but far t'roni per,ect. 'With far little combing off the sides and Al adding more crown, the scale al beep 'reed was about 12 inches to a road few 20 feet wide, He d.d arut advise 1 few abolishing statute labor but system. I Atizieg the work, more unifor,.nity as to width, etc. An eloquent tribute A was paid to the ;pioneers for the wor k i 43roe,' br few days, un business z'. A. Puussette, of, Sarnia, has representing the Canada Life ranee Co.. in town for the past dal t s, WEST WAWAN0SII. pretty wedding lite$ ocoarcA tit tvitle,fu which Ottaw•ans will be them ,aeeoii+»Ilshd r O .,, them lin the errai l.y I Inter al , i'Wva ttidy weir!. nut Confiner) i Susie fu the minimum of flays on the road groom lists. Be also advised more pertnan. Ruun ent material to be used in the eon- 11ieKe strtxetion of culverts and always iron- 'the ee bridges, etc. 81.11. r, Catnpbell's address was son- Dollar sibl , pointed and able thi,oughuut, groom an it was evident to all that the r tawa,spe -ker knew what be was talking G. Br about. Aldge .At the evening meeting a . plendicl She�are programme was given, consisting of Ingles aainsic by the a Bencniller orchestra, friend. duets by -Bella and Johnny Beadle, a also in solo on the harp by Mr. Stewart, re- tawa, citation by Miss Ada i'laber, all of is a son which were well received. 1 Wawa cstCd, The .l,i'ide was Miss 0 Ilan of that ton n, and the was Mr. &belt' Ti; l'es of th waits, Alan. Rev. W A. nzie, B. A., 13. D., performed lemony on Wednesday, Dee., The bridesmaid was Miss A. m, sister of the bride, and tile' Imsrnan, Mr. Jnr, Shearer, of Ot- The guests included, truss M. °:'n, Renmptville ; Miss S. A. rs, Smith's Palls, and Mrs. J. r of this city. Mr, and Mrs, left on the 5.80 train, to visit )n Smith's Palls and Toronto; Wingham and vicinity.—(}t. Evening Journal Mr. Inglesp of Air, John Ingles of West G nosh. Mr. Campbell again spoke on '.lead Making, owl after short Ypeeehes by .peeve !toting, Coo►;;+, Johns and Loekhart the President requested all to join in 81'cging "God ire the queen," Within the past two days three aged residents of Galt and vicinity have died—Mrs. Cumming, Rockton, aged t years; Mrs. Thos, 1 Xe til lan, aged 64, and James Ellis, aged 70, Galt. " x former was almost a victim of cholera scourge rampant here y years ago. She was put in her , but came to before the burial, /A interesting to note that pitad value of the British navy las present time exceeds £94,000, The first coot ofthe fleet which thv downfall of Napoleon was mfiitons sterling. The fleet prised between 480 and.19011 Wila. • 1 In the Nicolet Dominion bye-elee- tion, Me. Leduc, the Liberal, won by 220 majority. Theodore Durrant was sentenced on Wednesday last to be hanged en January 7th for the murder of Blanche Lamont' At the municipal elections in'4Vinni.. peg Mr. A. J. Andrews was elected 1 trlayor by over G00 majority. Pte. Stewart of the 48th Ili 1lind- era won the bayonet eontg with Sergt.-Major Morgans last night at Massey Hall. .Lieut, -Gov, Mackintosh's resign- ation as Governor of the Territories takes plane on Jan. 8, The new timber regulations of the ()rftarfr Governtnent require that all rigs taken oft` Government timber' units mut be sawn In Canada. 1 • ow I'I' A storekeeper who buys his goods in large quantities for Spot can make a profit selling at the low prices I do. But I have to business, In this store you do not have to pay other people's debts M1_ ERRa■R Cash gets great reductions, 1 do that. That is why I sell for CASH. My profits are too small to do a credit as you do in some stores which run long accounts. AT PRESENT WE ARE OFFERING ANIMMENSE STOCK QF 1■IRi-- ■------q -i ■■a iaaaa {.vYa YLB.ggaa ■Ii4RY YY ✓1g1itlY4gYtlgdYYa4Y4Y OYiaYY Yq s■4GYYaa iv At •Y,‘ fj1 oncee�n.in ■ sig Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Porridy, 'els, Chocolate Sets, Five C'Clock Te Sets, Table Sets, &c. Also Horns, Bolls, Mouth Organs and Small Wares. v4g� Tau YaQY d tfetee Ei (WE PROVE 6T), AND PRICES 13 THIS S "QR a S Raisins from 5c up, Currants recleaned 3 lbs;for 25c, Figs 5e lb, 8 lbs. for 25c; Extracts 5c and 8c, Large Bottle l0c, Cream Soda Biscuits 8c lb, Mixed Tea y`iscuits, 3 lbs, for 25c ; Sardines in oil or Tomato Sauce 50 a tin, Sage, Savory and Thyme 8c a can, Molasses Snaps, 4 lbs. for 25c ; Wine Biscuits, 3 lbs. for 25c. Mixed Candies, 4 lbs. for 25o. Gum Crops, Erna iY,lgq ■4 yaq.Y„ „ YY Y RY Atlq■aatlYYRYRYRYiia■igi ■ itNlll-Ya444R1a„rliaYrtgY4Yi■■qoi Y■a■RYq YtlpRq tl1,aYagiY4 gVRaa41�iIN Elt{9 num CU Y)Ilrl l 111 EI '1 est ssorte took ceries i Weigh ,m. ff n YY■iYy14 •YRYgiai■gY44Y4YYYM■aRYEYYYg4Ypq.� a4RiiY� E YOU KNOW ARE BELOW ALL OTHERS Also Cocoa, Chocolate, Mince Meat, Marinade, Gelatine, English, Pickles, Chow Chow, Pickled Walnuts, Salad Dressing, Worcester-- hire Sauce, Lemon, Orange and Citron. Peel, ®ranges, Lemons, Dates, Nuts, &c. 8 barrels of Candies for Xmas trade at whole sale prices. 3 lbs, for 25o. Chocolate Crops 150 {b. Y .rr 11 :111I 11 iI 11 Il :I 111 tl■A4YY1� �r'fI�` YARYY..f\A Peppermint and Conversation Lozenges, 2 lbs for 25e. 'WATCHES for Ladies' and Gentlemen, beauties, GOLD RINGS—Fine settings and very large stock. SILVERWARE ----Largest stock in town of best quality goods. STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES Popular and desirable, PAHO CLOCKS u Porcelain and other lines. It will surely pay you to visit our store if you want first-class value and thor- oughly reliable goods. LNGRAVING—No extra charge for en- graving Silverware or Sterling Silver " if bought from us." GROCER, WiNGHAM. ,Y. • We are offering our popular $15.00 range of Suitings from now till the ist o January for $12,50. See these Nobby goods in all the }fewest shades, in all the popular patterns. —the correct Tweeds for this season of the year. They will be made , up in first-class style, with first-class linings and tirmmings, by a first-class tailor for $12.50. SELLINO GUT CROCE .1E8 That's our business. Every day we are selling out and replacing with newer and better goods. See some of thee. snaps we are offering A beautiful Japan Tea, regular 25c line,goes at 20E ; a pure ground Coffee, regular 35c for 20C a 1b. Fine Almonds 2 lbs. for 25c ; Crosse & I3lackwell's Peels 25C a Ib ; recleaned Currants and Raisins,. 3 lbs, for 25c ; Corn Starch, 4 packages. . for 25c ; Pure Baking Powder, z 5c a 1b ;; Honey by the can, 7c - a lb ; Salmon toe a can ; Figs, 5c a lb ; Matches 5c a box,. Machine Oil 5c a bottle, Clothes .bins 1c a doz.. We sell Salads and ,lincoxa Tea. ALSEY. pART2., swMat*Opposite Chiholm's Drag Store, RdGAGORDb'S ,