The Wingham Times, 1897-12-24, Page 3-.. ullyois Uood VVork !. 11E W I1 0 HAM TIMES, DECEMBER 24, 1697, THE NOTE OF TIT d. 7I,`S. "FREE DRINKS," A little boy lead fastened the, door and (impeded his little surer to A WORT) WrIIu GIRLS Aw ri THE ARI' COURT RULES 'rIIAT TAI':. DEALERS' OF wIterINO I•I'. Just ). word, girls, about the gentle art of writing a graceful note of thanks Don't be chary of such notes. , MUST NOT GIylii AWAY LIQUOR IN PROHIBITED IIOURS t$IR 1YDt. lrt,i;Rlt{nITa's VIEW, Does somebody send you a pretty , Tar into Ont„ Dee., 17111 -•'rhe gift, it goes without saying that you divisional court at O.ygoude Hall, write a cordial note of appreciation, made an important ruling yesterday. but if some act of courtesy Is done, Patrick Walsh, a hotel keeper of Ot- or some little favor is rendered the taws, invited a friend into his ltas- written word of thanks is toe' often toltry one Sunday last April, and negleeteil ' • when in a p,•ivate Fortiori of the Ws an art, this art of writing a brief' house he invited the friend to have a TII word of thanks, but it is one which drink. The invitation was aecepted �"� BURDEN every gentlewoman should cultivate, land subsequently Walsh was fined in and it will, in the long run, be of fait • the police court for •`disposing of in- I more service to her than even the mys- , toxivating liquor Upon defendant s .cries of china painting or mandolin licensed premises, doting prohibited TORPID LIVER, s : hours," The magistrate round that 9f Sickness and the h n t� . playtn„. 1 You go out of town, perhaps, and 'the defendant ;rive the liquor away stay over;tlight with a friend, curl ii' Lu a friend ; that there was no sale, stay out in the rain. 'Why, Leslie,' said the panther, 'open the 1"°r and let Dolly in out of the rain' 'I can't ntamntm; we are playing Noah's ark, and Dolly is the sinner ..CURE.. Graver Things —__ you wish as pleasant a mentor' of and no request on the part o£ the , BEING LIFTED. From Thousands Of Horses In Canada. Mr, W. J. Offen, brakeman on the Grand Trt ok Railway, reetdi,lg at 211' Logan Avenue, Toronto, 'baeada says : „My experience with the Iblunyon treat- ment .or dystapsia has been most satis- faotory. I was in a terrible condition when I consulted Mnnyon. I was so bad in fact with•dyspepsia and headache that I never expected to get better, The pains to ,ny head nearly drove the wild, and 1. was compelled to walk the floor for hours. I had dyspepsia so badly anti my stomach was swollen so fri,ehtfutly .sister eating heartily that I suffered the greatest agony. I had used all medi- cines in the effort to get relief, but I kept getting worse. Since 1 began us- ing Munyon'a Dyspepsia Cure. I have never felt in better health. T can eat al- most anything and feel no bad after re sults. I am now in splendid health and attribute it all to M unyou's Lreatment, and a'u daily recommending these won- derful remedies." Munyon's Rheumatism'Cut'e seldom fails to relieve in one te three honrsand cures in a few days. Price 250. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusitively auras all forms or indigestion and stom- ach trouble. Price 25c. Munyon's Cold Ours prevepts pneu- monia and 'maks up a cold to a few Iowa. Price, 25e. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cougbtr, night sweats, allays soreness, andspeedi- iy heals the 1!;r :'. Price, 25o. Munyon's I.Vdtvay Curs speedily cures. pains in the back, loins or groins and all forma. of kidney d ise.ase. Price 25c. '1unyon's Headache Cure stops head- ache in three minutes. Prioe9 e. Munyon'e Pale Ointment p sitively cures all fortis of piles. Pries, 2yc. Munyon's Beed Core eeradicates all impuraies of tae wood. :Price, .2.5o. Munyon's Female Rciut..ltes are r( boon to all women. ' Asthma Remedies relieve in Four visit to linger with : our hostess l person to whom it was given, but he i line repeating to her your spoken I from this conviction an appeal. /� S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, thanks. Oh, that's a "board and 1 was made to the divisional court, 'L 3. and if a stronger action is desired lodging letter," You say. Very true, 1 claiming that the act, which reads, a cathartic effect is produced by two but its always appreciated by the "sale or other disposal,' did not In- ills. In ohstirn,Lte cases, where a gur- woman whose hospitality you ttal'e 1 elect aich a gift.. The court xis P ttttanimaus in sustaining the convic- gative is necessary, three pills will be ilei, found sufficient. These pills leave no Sir Wm, ttk'redith, ' C. J., Stated unpleasant after effect. ' that the object of the liquor license One pill taken each night during day, write that woi'tl of thanks, even act would he defeated if such things; thirty days will cure constipation. if you have te>get up in the middle were ailowec'i to happen. The idea PRICE 25 CENTS OR 5 FOR 51.00. of the night to do it. As a matter of was to keep these places closet ao- policy, if nothing else, you will find soiutcly during prohibited hours, and i the habit an expedient one, fur people if the hotelkeepers were allowed to are much more apt to do ,a. kindness , give liquor away, the intent of , the �'.-r f� °�'O law would be w ;olly disregarded. 1 He mentioned polling days as an I "`;'"j illustr>ttion of the evil. Hotel -keep- 1 .4,1,,, era could pour mit the liquor and I ,J tai `�' l•° ` -J "their friend'" could drink it. The; law could do nothing. . FOR YOUR 'I' - J ilk 6 %Js d • !Mill 011 aileaf as with yourself you should write a I nevertheless, lined- the man SICK • CONSTIPATION AND DYSPEPSIA. HEADACHE, accepted, and, presumably, enjt,yed. Then, again, if a math sends you rt book or a clipping from tt ncwsp•tpor, or a card fur club reception on ladies' for a person from whom the invari- able word of thanks conies quickly and spontaneously than for' that un- pleasant and matter-of-fact member of society wno takes all such corirtesies as her just due and does not trouble herself to send the slighrest aeknow ledgememt of small sociai courtesies. Proved True. A lawyer who: a office was on the upper .'.00rs of a. tall building was about to enter the elevator one morn- ing, but stepped back in order to let :t limy who seemed to be in a hurry, precede hint. PAINE'S CELEI:LY COMPOUND; The "conductor,' it appeared, had AV TE11 GRI AT LIFE- 1 been waiting iln' just ono MOM pas GIVER. senger to- .complete , his load, and __.__ __ i Odeon's Blo��,. Made Wel and Active After Years of S of- fering. Satisfaction and perfect tit guaranteed. 'when the lady stepped inside he shut -'' r 1.1ett: life, beelth, %ire. energy' and bc- •-• and the elevator shot up- i , a hEa btrst�.s,nt,'a l�.iil;e"et the deer ,,ti'{ty' Yr',) hUEUH O. t , • Ward. 1 Celery Compound bestows .m tt,o'Ve who' kms "Poll tetndSS," il7uttCt'ecl t11C lawyer', are nota helpless, weary and hrilr tie tl. n. 61 len is not always its own re'rvat'd." if you are a martyr to rheurnatism,tor• . is ,.rgi., ),T, +,t i.`,h I .� A few minutes later. however. a1^ I 1'',.01- I1. l .., ,.11t, '„i L& trot) -A ascending byanother 1 IIIb.'' )Jat.tl.. 1, bit', their eilt:l:(llin l..11.ol:,:.l C'Etinr.-1 he passed that load of pas i Coley Compound, wilt restore too tol .,,.�,.,:,,.A 0 Ea'1','E't. !teen sari :,i'H pcu 11 1"ng 1t'a:'a id t_ senmers snick half v.aiv be- 1 p A O fi here they remained 1L4 „ ra c . E'x1,'i1'noecl the R half an hour—by some accident tc ""`I r,: and (iii Sty ri''"';r+ that -feline i th' the machinery Celery r;r)1nt)�ar:a a ,)t1r' ,can hive u t 1 `I tale it back," he muttered, in a�tllicte;i. 5h,) apps 1 'I hr,v.. beer. ro. many yearn a ,Great the stone tone as before. "Politeness, i h , cr from mouton! I�ut and 1 r, ti's• 2,1:s. 1'ug(', reertor ot. hiuuyun a twee- ,)Ors— - .., ^ .•nr • )f an!}'ni n minutes and cure permanently. Face, - e ••1 t the f 1ony'on's Catarrh Remedies never+ tail. . rill Catarrh Cure --price 25e.-- I terad'oates the disease rrom tne. sy4tem, and the Catarrh '1.'abl©ts--prioe `95e, 1 is its own reward 1" cleanse ttnd heal the party. Munyon's Nerve Oore is a wonderful DYES.ND nerve toile, Price, ?ire• Alunvon's vitaiu•.er ru teres ,3st vigor i?rioe 61. - - A separate cure f(.r e,t(ah disease. At all druggists. mostly. 25e. a vial. Pere -mil lettere to Prof. V. unyon, 11 Albert St., Toronto, answered with• eros mediad advice for any disease They color : Drosses, Costames, l3lous- ,„,T„,,,„�„eseeseesee-—_.._ es, Ciape.Ea, Shawls, Coats, Vests, Trousers Silk'-, Ribbon-. Wool Yarns, Cotton Yarn, Rags for Carpets and Mats, Flan- nels, Sheepskins; Mats, Panthers. Photo- graphs, Easter tars, Chickens, Pigeons. ?losses, Grasses, Basket Work, Bot e etc., etc. They make : Writing Ink, Meriting Tuft, Stencil Ink, ,tamping Ink, Shading Inti, Ar„ Color's, `Wood Stains, Colored Varnisher+, Shoe Dressing, eta., eto. No other dyne in the world can giv �' r .h ort tht' Delmont I Dyes. Send to Wells S; Richnrclson Co, -efts. .. , Montreal, I'or boo> of Direot'ons and Unless hers lay well in winter they I sample card of colors; post free to any wili prove rather expensive to keep I a,ldress. over. The eggs.of at hen will hatch for The Difl:'eretaee. - ten days after elle is separated from Below will be found the cost of the the rt o,ttars• led„o she could place no further con 'fire Value of a, breed depends 1 Oxford bounty councril for the past fpidetice in hits and told hint he could largelyit -pun Louis you want to do I three ycomparisonears. for ` purpose t of the ex- barn the license, which be did. After -with it. --Bt. Louis I, epublic•• pensc of the large and .small councils; this the preachta•, tiro heroic young it.-dy, and the guests who had cute '�"�"""'�°” � ' The December session this year, five � Delhi and other places, days, cost''r286 20; .lode session, ten E troth 13ayharit, 1 days, :472 40 ; January session. l sat down with Mr. house and family 1$428 90 ; Total, $1,137. Ito a sumptuous repast. 'When you taito Iiood's P1118. Th� ig, oltl rash- The December session of 1896 cost toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to , $A2) 60; June, $744 60 ; Janitary, pieces, are not In itwith. Ilood's. Easy to take 1$628. 60. Total, v�-'1,998 80. 1 December, 1895, $485 40 ; June, 1095 40 ; January, $485 40. Total, $1,556 60. Simple, Strong, Sura, Never Fade Never Fail, Best in the World. Poultry Pointers. - Oive the bees all of the ht'ttermilk and skits mile they will drink. Supply Ale laving hens with bones, oyster shell, and ve;;etables. rrt)o tnueh wet or sloppy food given vour.g fowls often induces scours. Keep a varlets' of pouitry. Geese I the same ter.+ort r s1 It and ducks pay fully 'is well as ehick- so '.r r r , a a�li- eati, n ofoth.r ironl,l:>:. Ataout rt year I ago 1 wag prevailed upon 10 try a count' of PEtiee'sCelery Compound. with a ra' sult s:) fn ;r:'cion't that my must iut!m:,te friends and neighbors could e:uarcely he -,l Bove me to be the 'same woman. For, merly I coutd only move about with the . greatest or:ution ; now :[ am well rind en - Live and my general heairl, is good 1 believe Paine's Celery Campoun 1 will do all that is claimed for it." A. Drunken Bridegroom's Deserts. The Tilsonburg Liberal says that Miss Jessie Carruthers, of North Wel. Bingham, was to have been married to Morley Thomas. Everything had been arranged. The parson -and the guests ware there when Miss Cfarrutlt- ers told them there would be no wed-' ding. It seems that the young man in question had promised his betroth -1 ed that lie world nct•ee `touch liquor, but in the morning be went to Lang- 'i'IIL+' TIMES Bios been ;•ready, irn- don, and returned abotitseven o'clock proved dnrinir the pat few month,, the worse of liquor. Miss Carruthers;a►nil it i, our intention to make it a 1011 him that 111 he bad broken irisbet`er local paps. OF. 'ICIi Or R. R. DICKEY, Clerk bth Division Court. Agent for Pest Insurance Companie,. r' E,r•E",r, Ont., Oct. 12th. 1897. The Sloan Medicine Co. Dear Sirs, --- About two yearn; ago I • rf E 1« r• n r ottaek of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic and rl r t art r , et v.'• ,.. 1, rt t re. I used .several kinds of patient medicines and St:,. ' 1 t i', t r' i ' r! 1; n• ' ptry rieian, but was not (tired until 1 need year SIE o'n's- 11 c' a t " 1 a l' 1,c'lped me at once and z continn( d to improve or d t a c, 11:1 t !' • tE (1 1 r clue I can hem tily le- i it to all trc'ui�it d t 1 el- + i (E c t f' it general invigorating medicine. DICEnY, J. P. I+ or'sale at all du ll r s. E i' c c) „ F t, t, u t a t y at B r.iniltc,n. Price—$1.00 per bottle ; (i t•' r+ia t .),"'ti - Wingham. AN =`a TAIL,. L O R, 1VIcKENZilt:; 3L _r HAM. To 'z'IIE PUBLIC OF WINGIIA.1 A:•:` Y have returned t•r ':vin; whole time and attention !i+ : i! rooms lately vacated by Mr. B•:• secure the patronage of m a= customers. After an experic:nc-• largest establishment, in Ont give every Satistaction, b 'tit in MCKENZ1E BLOCK, WINGII - M trN aL Zi.f'' t ;.-) 4 r23) �a PER YEAR. AiivteletteCte rinte We are in I.RC.•.'.1I3o1aHOOD e.) ails 1 purpose devoting my 'i";t:lctritlg business, in the. ttrtl '.where I shall hope to, rice{,': as well as many new 1rrrt' length in one of the, 1 i;'e1 confident that I can. +-lie, ''it and Workmanship.. .a`onerv9 e. i a position to turn out • • BILL HE }t.'.. • LET IEIR NOT ,i .t' A STA-1TE E b` At MINT -ST LC) :73 We have the hest .tnek print and supply them .) Printed on rio' With the tiute?, Give us a call when yon a'•:• 1 and we will use you right. .1� t d,. : • and easy to operate, Is true 1111 I TTE1tK. Tiieh are `.;� A PERSON I, of lined s 'pills, w tie to late In every respetst. I Wire, Wm. Il,tnibly, Belleville. Ont., Elate, certain and sure, An i.My hu -bind was troubled with me .but gni now perfectly we . druggists. tire, 0.I. IIood Sr eCo, iowell, MASS. kidney' enmplatnt rheumatism, loss The only fins to take with Hood's Sarsanart110. appetite sleeplessness, out. SfO01.ED AND PRIGa ENED. Weak, nervous pvopt'a having heart', troubles aro easily shocked and frieze enol, Mlltruru's Heart anti Nerve Pills fortify the nerves, restore reenter action r 1 betel, and cure ev ry form of i New suh:cabers should subscribe r •' �lilur'rn s' The (alone has recently been en- larged to a 111'.plgt' paper, and it is the hest Par uters It oekly going. We will give the both papers OMIT) O'f -Li to • 51 1 ENO 'Co New Subscribers. to the ,eta' , c n( heart, or nerve trouble). t9ry, t31'u1y�BI Lt ones aria take lei titage iii' this Mol.iillan, 'Toronto. says : er► c''it t) er. Heart and Nerve 'Pis cure. rue of nee- I ti vousne>as and I)alpitatinn. I wno so net - 1 Clash must accompany all orders. vows that the loner noise would aortic call t says : _ of , 1 Address or ca a . a to and could When a Van tells you what a, O.li. �.J p not ttet rpliat until i got a btrtc of Doan s wonder fol )ker h'aper yeti tire, that .;.• V ng on bust. Ildney f'ilts for him tie has now used 1 f bo i 11 n 1 iib perfa)a'tly curets man is planning to enjoy life at your ;'E Ilo't, Of 1.1 ntrerehanta ey.rry t1 In- Kl•1 itrri1114 ti our zeana ac t o t Jxrurs's li`idney 3'tlls are the oats that expense, 's WINGtr tM. ore' 1 meet tethe name, I)ome'1 . • paTOr.. a lower price than ever before • e. . • .•orf ' Far, -elopes in town, and fme es r1,t'�{11 as the cheapest. • -. roe and the price•in keepin thing in the Printing gin 31E TIMES, Wingha ONE GIVES RELIEF, for Med1cn e until you have tried` ole it . r, X,1:., , ..;tt. • ei tee et; a'^ t' .t p ) You can buy them in the paper 5-ce,nt cartons Ten Tabules for � > • ....ort Si pat, up ohm:ly to Grst!.•�' the naivcr 1 tr ct :! E, E I x r r t.rJat�c.ow s p, , ;#,A, ;a , E"M1 :'a ffi ti If you don't find iI`a', :,t ', fig l i. i' ,ic. a t,t'r t.i ,p '1 3sr ri r� iiia* Ttell, .,;t t,��,+.c�� cwt 1:,*t, P1Ct t 1 n, ;Send five ceras to Tir.1 r tr: ' C1"trrt c • " nt e 15pruto St., New York, and tlic. ,elif TI -A.1'1'1314,1+0e. '. to ca, tot. will be nulled fof e tit' f t •' r "I risorii I <,ne that ltil.ats* Tabulaaro the 'eery r. t .:: ;-" f1 M4t•Ir ar At