HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-13, Page 6e . "`"‘1.11111111111•1111111111."' = ag A die COOKING ONIONS "LIMY B MI IMP Mal MOW. E Ont. Grown No. l' ....•••ammor The Office of Energy Conservation, Department of Energy, Mines and. Resources has dozens. of ideas, big and small, for stopping the watts, from leaking, away in the kitchen and other parts of the home. You.can find a lot of them in 100 ways to save energy and nm/ in the home, which is yours if you write to Box 3500, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 Y 4G 1. 41111„4„,,,,,:„„„„„„, TISSUE White, pink "1"4".. • Red Hot etm. •••• Nue • non - ' WIEN ERS W • =, ewnneal k.dei otio(tttt8‘ • . . 0 IP t. ‘ .- ' .-2••. .. • 'MN, .... •NOM ... ..... .0... mom ". • ON g'"....400101PP "n" Mal flex. MEM 3 MARGARI. .1.21 ea.._ . 14 .... . MIN. In••• 014 2/41 1 Lb. Tub. ii....4:41.. No. 114„, ..... •... ..... Nti,, . I 1 MINIM M.. Sc-hneiders ,°..ogioliOr E Amt.46444147416 Crispy Crust -.1"11111.11111.1.1.111r1.1"111.11.11111 r-77- Mlle • ..'S LARD 'Or Inillta "Mr ,..... ,se., aneft. . nolo Ala. MEM NMIMOM .111i .11016 9111•• MOB • .0010111r .0.ummir = Aft, M Soft IL SUNK MOW , "Nftlip "SO 4...4441Z - 44-17. Schneiders " iimias woe wen risi ....,- Nam mar **** • Schneiders Week ***** SAUSAGE wheolepie or by thce Schneiders Sliced 9 9° 'BOLOGNA 18 Oz. Pkg. Schneiders SIZZ LE R S 1,41 29 Schneiders Schneiders • SAUERKRAUT 2pkt: 770 CHEESE 1c1A./ing3r6ES `ndj,:led. 12 Oz .19 Schneiders Crispy Flake SHORTENING 1 Lb. Schneiders CHEESE Blocks 120z. • Limburger, Colby, Brick Farmers or Mozarella Rg-THS FOOD-. 69 u Schneiders Thuringer MEAT 131-E Pk 8 Oz , 68 g as 6 HURON EXp.Qa ITOR, APRIL 13, 1918. ,Colimons have 40th,,, Area weddings Neighbours and friends held a surprise party foy .1Y4. :and Mrs. Harold Coleman .for their .40lir Wedding Anniversary.- at the home of and Mrs. Elmer Townsend in Harphurey on Wed. April 5th. • Several. games of cards•-were played after which- musical num- bers were enjoyed with Mrs. Bill Flynn on guitar. Warren Whit- more on Violin, Lorne Lawson and Bob Mehl!" +1, 0.1 r,Cillt!"1 Om an; • P Mrs. Bill' Flynn sang a solo accompaning herself on the goit. Jas. Keys read very interesting and humorous address to Mary* and Haiold and M,rs. Jean Pethick and Walter Pepper pre- sented them with a picture and light. After thank you speeches from the Bride and Groom everyone enjoyed a delicious , lunch. Robert Eligloticl of Huron Park alaternoon 'with. Mr. and Mrs. • . was, the demonstrator.' Mrs. Murray Hare •and chijdrem ... England is Mrs. „Regole's Stratford. grariddatighter. - • ref AZ1%, fel 1%..\N it. 'A M r./.. ":1/4 • Mr's. Regele were hostesses. Ed. Itegele. .• . . =NM MEW . N EM a . PROpUCE , . Weft. 4(7i'VV4K4A1CA' WEN ORM MN. McKi ]lop *MP Wen ' = Prices effective till 'closing McQUAID -STEVELY . Marion Stevely,daughter•of Mr. and Mrs, John Stevely of 157 Princess Street West, CI:mion and Norman C, ' McQuaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. McQuaid, 61 North Main Street, Scaforth were , • ' married in St„ Joseph's Church, Clinton on Saturday, March 11. Rev. J. Hardy officiated at the wedding service. The bride ,.1.4' US, iiiii MIIIIIM1111/11111111111111111111MMIHIMMIMMIMIMIMIIIIIIIMIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMM1111111111111111111111111111111111-0111111111111111111111111WHIMMIIMIIMIIIIMIMME . mom . . .. . . . . t .. givcri in marriage by her fzither,who wore a trztrytional full dress .... ....... , . . . . . . , kilt. The matron of honor was Helen Ferringo. -of Guelph. sister . MIR . '.".'",........• ..1111, - of the bride, the hi ide-Stiliiid Wa; Christine Requena Of Guelph, .A.,.. ...,. 0/. N MI and the hmver girl was Madonna McQuaid of Seaforth, brother' 111•IMI IMM.1 m . -E:.--t---,...' .i.... • of the groom and the ushers were Ken Scanlon, of Londesboro ....... .......• .,,,... ....., Kieran of St. Thomas accompanied by. Marie Meclimid on ,violin, . ...... ..,... FOOD STORE'S .... ....... immn .11.11 WM itnd Ben McQuaid, ofSealmili: The organist 'was Sister Mary ...... imam, Spows , tort a' tupperware party at their Mr. and Alarold = homes last Thursday. Mrs. McCallum,and•Carl spent Sunday' _ - • • resicjiFiti Canadian home can easily use 12,000 kWh -a year fez' appliances •alone, not counting heating and lighting, That's close to '4 tons of oil or 5 tons of coal' for each of the millions "Of homes in. Canada ., We could surely save some of that by finding out whether watts are our friends or foes • before we let them in. • Three of the biggest energy users 'in the home arethe, • refrigerator, freezer and • stove; and all can be run more 'economically without making them less useful, An electric stove uses .an average. of 1,200 kWh per year at a cost of about $30. Make some savings by using the • oven to 'cook 'larger quantities at one' time (freeie some if you don't need it all). There's no need to preheat an oven-if = the cooking takes more than an hour, and you can switch off- 30 minutes before a roast is done and let the existing `ffefTompleTe-fr- • Num On the, top of the stove, use the right size of pan for OMNI each element, don't drown •vegetables in too much water and, once it boils, use lesS heat' to keep'it boiling. Again, IMO OMB turn off the heat two or three minutes early and let the heat in the element finish the job. IM• PS Glass or glass-ceramic dishes need less. heat than metals for baking in the oven. The best-performing pots and pans on top of the stove are bright and shiny, with straight sides, flat bottoms and tight lids. Double-boilers, pressure cookers and vegetable steamers (baskets) also save energy. Frost-free refrigerators . and .freezers cost 'more than• standard models, and can use 30 to 40% more energy. Even a standard 14-cubic-foot freezer uses an.averoge of 1,200 kWh annually, and a standard 12-cubic-foot refrigerator about 850 kWh. Between them they can add about $50 a year to your hydro bill. When buying either, make sure that, it is properly insulated, • To save, energy, place the refrigerator or freezer away from heat 'sources such as the kitchen stove, direct sunlight or heat vents. Leave space around it for air to circulate and take heat away. Keep the refrigerator's condenser coils clean for good performance:Make sure that freezer and refrigerater doors are airtight. For efficient c9oling,. defrost whenever the frost is one-quarter of an inch thick. Some don'ts - don't set the temperature lower than necessary, don't open doors more than you must, don't overfill (let air circulate inside), don't put food in while it's hot, and don'tleaVe the refrigerator running while you are on vacation. ye,70 The couple were piped in anq:opt of the church by piper Huey MO= .1 • N. 4 OMNI McLean of Nonillion. The recePliiiir'''Was held at the Royal 0.300' --40%'7,4aAezr,%14W,4"" Fk-FIL all(' guost$, came tram Hamilton,- 11•110 POPO - r- London, Georgetown, Kitchener and Guelph. The couple will ••n •• 1•Afoo •ff,-.044 • 4 • • VIM ato UMW .N -Tu-e-s-d-ay, Apr.1 8/78 g Correspondent Ci = MmindMrs•Paul McCallum and = c-Mrs. Ed. Reele ndy spent Sunday afternoon *011V • • Mrs. 'Harold McCallum ands and evening with Mr. gold Mrs. • ..= . . who goes there? Watt, etc, Another story goes like this we • sWiteh on. our home appliances; and even trust sme to switch themselves on, and we are hardly aware of the watts quietly pouring into our homeS until the next hydro bilk:: ..... arrives. So, who goes there?, Nik,..6.fiats 'Witt The people at the - power -statiow.see -it,frain 'another' AW - angle. When we switch on a small 1,000-watt appliance for an ...... ...., hour, we use 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) oPenergy, which takes ,., ...., the equivalent of 10 ounces of oil or 13 ounces, ot coal to .... produce. That doesn't sound like much. But an ordinary MIMI OM. 11111M. IIIIIMI MIMI WM MN= -116%...vokez.m.vozed.N•Ni7.e.re:*vwzilf,W = • 100' • , • • hy.Rjehard Charles cthecEpergy8 a v e r s = -AAlik Royale . ...... 4,44 4101/, = ft% Facial • = MIL ..... IMMO • MO. ..• • Or yellow *ftel. fte... = Ask , Glad -.•41mmemeari.7 = 411k •••n ••••0111111111111111011 , = Aft '44111111111P' le= AWL '404.1.1w7 AGAR BAG E. • riot SAUCES. .0'• 7ve,„ . -7401411004s4Ar 51... = AmL,14111114 Parchment - '""imillimirmr...mow • 4: lia Ake. E AIL •w• = allil. , E.= MARGARINE -7- = gil• = 0••• . _ E- 1 Lb. Nb. ... . - = At--it ... rf ..s.::' . fr k4 4 ' *%. .410k mob- 44111111117 mprn .s IMMO' s *Wt.* z • 44**, UM. raBit:GliSot Kg OF NMI PIMP OMB .1/11m/i 10111.1 NMI = *%14,4, WESTMORLAND-r-STEPI1ENS . %hoe Stephens of Woodstock, daughter of It and NIrs. Edv, in , Stephens.' Brucefichl, and Mils 11'c stimulant'. son of Mr. and wo.„1 ,11,,a,oxi ,wealnire. cv.' married 11j the huhu' of the bride and Rec. NI. diStasi at Brucefield United Church on March IS. Maid 01 honour is its .14jd a Blind r Stephens ‘sa s flo,J eyuirl and Scent Stvit op.,. ringh, The Liy110111 V,d`..mtcilded he Garj Moore, Woodstock as groonismon and ushers Phil Sch-II, \Voodstock and Shane BrosAlt,.-1-ondon, Dortyth Mt:to-cum. is as oruanist and Jackie Mirifichl. soloist, Special guests im'Itided 1)1.. P. Nit. Young. \Jim • deli\ ercil the bride into the world, and Mrs. Young of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 'S i1 13rnin. Nlasont:he. ()lichee, anp Mr. and Mrs. T. •de• Was ca, Minn. USA, aunts and uncles of the bridt. \‘ edding trip to ‘,Vashington, the couple will Ike in 1/01111110' Prod.USACon.No.1 '41k Ragu E Swanson _ am. Spaghetti You know the old joke: Who goe there? Wait. said, AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. 700 LIMIT QUANTITIES TO ' MARKET : Nion.thluress:: Wanedd.F,;iS.a9t..9, 9-6 WE RESERVE THE' RIGHT' "' STORE HOURS • \4 2/s1 04 - McCa ins Regular 14 oz. 1.39 = 70 14 Oz. 144:::**- PIZZAS PKPF mis Deluxe .15 'oz. • 1:49 Pkg. .*sk Supreme- 17 oz. 1.59, \,, -ilLIIUIIU.LUAU.isU11If1UIlUIIflI1:I1ff1IUI111I'fl•IUIIiIfIlfllflfltllll '- ~ , . • • nrcrcen ARIL `"1,111110111111011ow .""" 111010111.1111111___....ops 111118111111111e ' •11! NMI s ' CARROTS 2Da Lull. 711.- mum = = - POT PIES .8 Oz, ; or T' urkey ftml ' 1MIG MM WM . . . . _ . . .. E, McCain Deep'n'Delicious as. MEM •• • 4 _ mil= CAKES 1111 MOO 1 COD FILLETS - 1 6 Oz. 59 44146 GREEN ONIONS Ont.Grown No. 1 =OM 10111•1 18 Oz. Choc, Vanilla or Marble C 1 29 - ft ; STEAKETTES 39c immol MINN NMI NEMO MOM MOM BEEF '"`"4""" UMW M., MO. 40111111 MOM - mon ' • MOIL -mow* 4416. Cello "11.11\ 1 7."111 "Im ‘‘9111111111111111rOr 11101° '41144 Schneiders 490 , 1 Lb ire Pk g. 41:1414 1111 08°‘ •a • MINIM . . • MIN Schneiders "1""' %1;1 %-.0% -ed pia ' imoill1111111111° 1 0. E A tt t‘'°\ 0 0 111111MI WAN MOM MOM NNW NOM MOM 11110•1 Meet oldwatts-his-name_ Prod.USAC-an. No. 1 • • SPINACH 59* 11.1•11 MP • • . . ino• MIN