HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-12-24, Page 1vOL. XX,VI.---NO. 1340..
of th
tti l' ail
«-.-..--o-.-e• -.- •
The old year is drawing
.:tom -tear to its end, and the season
for rejoicing and thanksgiving
has come once again, We feel
we cannot let itgo by
without returning our sincere
hanks to those who have
given us such generous pat-
ronage during the past year.
The increase in our business
has more than exceeded our
most sanguine expectations,
:and it is to you, kind friends,
that it is due ; not that we
.wi§h to be too modest for we
think that we have faithfully
endeavored to always have in
stock a complete assortment of
goods in the best quality, and
.at the right prices.
Again we will wish you all
a Merry Xtnas and a Happy
1\1 ew year.
Yours faithfully,
Commercial School should satisfy you.
with its superior courses of study, able
staff of six male teachers, and ohoice
equipments offers you the best advan-
tages. It is not the ownership, age or
advertising that secures for us a large
patronage—it is the "solid merit" of the
'Winter Terni, Monday, Jan. 3, '98.
Circulars free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Via -
sot to street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
CO Min
Do not forget that the old
reliable City Restaurant•
is the spot to buy
Nuts and
Xmas Novelties
Figs, Malaga Grapes,, Pipes.
Confectionery in abundance,
,��V , alieit a .$har.e of yottr MIAS
_ Lam._ ,JQ isTS
City Restaurant,
Telephone No. 35'. - Macdonald Block.
—Campbell's Headache Wafers
toed to cure headache.
—A very Merl Christmas
Nice fresh celery at Y
--Tho public sol
last for the holide
--The Grand '
passed through Wi
Largest stook
etc„ at Jae, Melte
—Mr. Woolsey
editorial chair of th
—Mr. 1). Cochlir
town on Friday las
weigh scales of our
Our Clubbing Lisf.
In order to sago our snb+cribers the trouble of
flrticin7 two or more remittances we have Iliad
special arrangement." with the publishers by which
we aro enabled to nttur,rho following publications in
omulectionwfth the WINDHHAM TIMxi at special
low rates from naw until ,lannaey 1st, 1500, Special'
clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon application, Ca h must accompany all
orders .—
Tithes and Weekly CAnhe, $1 25
Timis Mild Western Advertiser • 1 40
Times and Family Herald and 'Weekly Star 175
And 'ieturo.
The s and Fanners' Advocate, - 1 00
Times and Fainting, 'weekly, ..1 75
Time and .Ladles' Journal, - 1 30
Tithes and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 00
Time. and Farmers' Snn, • 1 25
Times and Daily Globe - 4 25
Times and Daily World - - 3 00
Ti +•c's and Country Gentleman, 2 70
The bAlance of the ye tr will be given fres to now
subscribers for above mentioned weeklies, except
Farmers' Advocate and Famine... Subscribe at once.
S Vouhill--Special
el A Farquharson—Spec al
Mckinnon & Co—Christ, as
nosey Park—Christn>as resents
Ifomuth k Bowles—Corn 'Intents of the season
Canada Business College It pays to attend the
—Tuesday last was he shoetest day of
the year.
go ran- —Memorial cards of all kinds printed
neatly and cheap at THE Trues office.
o all our —Mr. John Hill has moved his boot and
shoe store into one the stores in the
1' ill's, 21 Chisholm block. if
of closed on Wednesday —cell places ;of bu moss will be closed
in SVi:rgham to -morn v and all will enjoy
auk Railway pay car Christmas day as a h liday.
ham on Tuesday lata, —When anv of o• r subscribers do not
Xmas candies, nuts receive their papers . if they will let us
ie's star restaurant• know wo will be plea ed to forward them.
as again taken the Fresh oysters served in any style at
Brussels Herald. James MoKelvie's Star itestadrant,
of London, was in
, offioially testing the
nercbants and ethers,
Smoke Exaelsiors at the Queen's; 5
cents. 4 t
— A. meeting of he directors of the
Turnberry Agricult ral Sovietyr will be
held on Tuesday eve ing next, at Swarts'
hotel, commencing t 7 o'clock, A. full
meeting of the dime re is requestd,
— Alex. MoNinn , of Kincardine,
druggist, formed of town, has
deoided to open a branch store in
Tiverton. Your W nghan.. friends will be
pleased to hear of y ur surds Alex.
Everything up=t date kept at the new
music store of T. II Ross, Meyer block.
J—We understandl
has purchased the
McGregor, on the
Francis streets. M
fu possessio of one
in town
—Now is the tim
soription to the T
new names to our til
be pleased to send
dress to the end of
the Trams and Week
All the latest nov
music books, etc., at
store opposite post c
•Camp Galedge'
tend celebrating th
Burns by the hold
on the evening o
believe that someti
.the people ti Win
particulars Will b
Tho following is th
weekly written exam
ffrat department of
during the past two
Arithmetio (twice),
Physics, ics
Grammar, y > G
d keeping. The star den
examinations from w
Primary Claes— p,ssible, 000.—N.
Beckett 837 C. Welsh 825, K. Macdonald
684, *Jas. oKinley '46, H. Ansley 500,
John Rea g 572, J Cummings 621, 1I
Miller 51* M. Verb 602, E. McGuire
430, and *8. Gordon 2 3.
Leaving Class—peeible, 850. --George
Ansley 781, Geo. Gray 721, Olive Moore
680, Vida Ilisoocks 6- 3, 1athei Musgrove
617, *And. Gray 01-, Joe Stewart 000.
Maud. Welsh 570, Mill e MoGillvray 570.
Oliver *Ella
*Peter Fist er 500,Fnmo?atreon 475,
Roy Forster 430, How rd Bader 413„Gen.
Johnston 410, May P tterson 307, Morris
Roes 874, **Iota IIo gson 325, * *Harry
Can 809, *Norma i laekwelt 310, Wm,
Gillespie 2031, *Erin: Mutton 278, ** 1ennie
Mc1"C1nlsy 261, *Vey fl order] 247, *Russel Murray oma G.
Wilson 288 * * *lova Greasy 205. * * Ada 1 Call at Mc'
5tera r. « * * Almy Eay 116. and see hit laky
result of the regular
nanious held in the
the Public School
oaths. Subjects• -
Algebra, Euclid,
and Bn
tehnmber of
lob such pupil was
hat Mr. A. E. Smith
property of Air. A. G.
corner of John and
Smith will now be
1 the finest properties
to renew your sub•
125, \Ve aro adding
every week, and will
le TIa1Es to any ad-
xt year for 11.00 or
y Globe for $1.25.
:llies in sheet music,
T. H. Ross' new music
Chief y�rzd,ixp
Sons -of Scotland,„; , --„.....;•�” �
anniversary of Itbbert whsYe. on. Al.elydaynd a
ng of a grand concert • the same place,<,tva
Jan. 17th. 1808, We • T'ue Standard is t;ti
ng good is in store for ever, so it must hay
ant and vicinity. Full nese these geutlem
iven in our next issue.' Blyth.
-The majority people look ut its
EL trivial offence t throw a stone at a
telegraph wire, be under the. Criminal
Code, the penalty i hree months, or 150,
and if you injure t wire or break one of
the glass insulator , the penalty is two
years in the penite iary.•
Everything in the musical instrument
line from a Jewsharp to a $600 piano at T.
II Ross' new music store, tileyer block. -
--Nominatione f r the positions of
Mayer, Reeve, Dep y Reeve,.,, Councillors
and Public School T ustees, will be held 00
Monday evening nes in the town ball. As
yet, the munieipal p
to boil very much.
Marton is 1n the
1layotilty and we b
of other probable ca
honors, but the nice
ing will settle who
is not and munici
oommence to boo
A long felt w
Wingharu—a tiro
you can get eve
music and music
prices. T. H. Re •
—The detailed
and expenditure o
:lvore issued from
Week and from it
T11E T
Caslr on hand
Dog tax in hands
Poll tax "
Taxes in hands o
'Taxes on roll
Percentage on tax
Local lmprovemer
—The agroegate. of
the Wingham school
be $3,145 and in Clin
laries to be paid by
Ioard •next year will
6n it will be 12,000.
Flowers, Groceries and Vegetables at T
C. Graham's, Chisholm Block.
—Old English Hol
important part in t
of our merchants at
by Mr. T. O. Graham
—The fine sleighit
has made business so
Large quantities of
articles have been pc
y performs quite an.
, window decorations
res. It was supplied
g of the past week
newhat brisk in town,
ood, grain, and other
wring into town.
A flrst•olass Coal Stove for'sale 'cheap.
Apply to J. Hallida ,
—The detailed ah tement of the receipts
and expenditure of t e Township of Turn -
berry have been p inted and are in the
hands of the tow ship Clerk for dis-
A Merry Christ a and a Happy New
Year to all oar oust mere= N. A. Farqu-
—The simple -mit dod man, Thomas
Warren, who we I ported last week as
having wandered fro s his home, was cap-
tured at Goderielc, n Monday last and
taken to his home in Wallace township.
Holiday perfumes, arrainged in foamy
bottles and boxes, from 10 cte. to $5.00 a
paolrege. Quality the highest; priees the
lowest. •Chisholm's Drug Store. ti
—We understand
hamites is'hc'iug of
Klo dyke in these
Mrs, Cntvden
ally huts by a fa
walk on Wednesda
Mr. II. 1''. Gol'i
een very ill for
pleas 'd to see, imp
Jas. Mol elvie's
bet place to buy
nuts, etc.
—The old issue
stamps ie abont exl�
be very long until th
— It is understood
Hay, and Mr. Moo
aspirants for the We
Have you seen Ireland & Button's
1250 extention tables. They are great
—Dr. J. Wilson wi
meeting of the Onta
A.ssociation, to be
Friday next, Doom
— An extra rush
vented tis from givin
to the newspaper th
will kindly overloo
_of W inghcm, was.
,Bailiff Paterson, of
in town on Tuesday.
being published, how
been some ether busi-
n were engagingcie.-
-For iiret-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
—It will pay at
contemplate a b
college, to take
vertisement of the
lege, of Uhatleam,
ie one of the best
Money .to loan
and Jif per cent, wi
payment. Apply
—Every tnemher
25. Canadian, Ord
remember that eth
Court will be bele
December 30,h. l:
take piece and a nt
be initiated. Let
of the membere.
y of our readers, who
tsiness course in any
look at the large ad -
()mutat t BLCineas Col -
1 another column. This
xsiness colleges in the
a farm properties, at 5
b favorable terms of re
R. Vanatone, Wing -
f Court elattlend,'No.
• of Foresters, should
next meeting of the
on Thursday evening,
lecti'ln of officers will
mbar of candidates will
iere bei full attendance
Have you just got married or 'are you
.gotng4o get married soon ? •If so, get
your furniture at 1 reland & Button's and
have a chance of getting a parlor suite
free ;a chance witb every dollars worth
of goods purchased. 1f you are going to
bray $20 or 530 worth, you can get that
—The Wineham Amateur Dramatic
Club will produce rs. Frances Hodgson
Burnett's bright icy sparkling drama,
".Esmeralda",iu the pera house, Cn Thurs-
day evening, Janua y Gth, 1808. The cast
of eharanters is a trong one and from it
we would say that ar readers may expect
a tirst•class evenin 's entertainment... '1 he
play will be pro reed with appropriate
scenery and eostu res. The aclmtssion fee
is 15c and 26e, wit plan of hall and tickets
op sale at Gnido
• u & Co's drug store.
Miss MacPherson is offering from now
until the end of the season, special re•
duotions in millinery. Any of our un-
trimmed hats from 25 cents to 151.00.
Speoial outs in trimmed hats, ranging frorn
$1. and upwards, •Call and see us. tf
At the regularmeeting of Camp
Caledonia, Sons of cotland, on Monday
last,the f lowing officers were
evenin g
elected for the ('ns
that a party of "Wing.
anizcd to start fee the
of Puruberry, was
1 on tyle slippery side-
lon, druggist, whoxllae
me time is, we are
oving nicely,'+''
tar restaurant in the
your Xmas candies,
t has not '`commenced
Ve believe that•Mayor
field again for. the
ve heard the names
didates for municipal
ing on Monday even-
s in the field and who
al elections will then
1 Dominion postage
rusted and it will not
e is none left.
hat Mr. McEwen, of
ey,. of Morris, are
den's chair for next
— Wingham lov
an opportunity of
at the rink this (F
will be open for th
(While engaged
Mr. J. Wilson's sta
was severely kicked
an ugly gash in hi
read a paper at the
o Veterinary Medical
told in Stratford en
er 3139.
f job work has pre•
the proper attention
week Our readers
It for this week.
rs of skating will have
tking a whirl on the ice
iday) evening, when it
first time this season
0 clipping it horse at
le, i♦ir. Welter Belden
y the animal, leaving
face and fracturing
one of Itis arma,'+tif
We are handling any qu'tntity of hatter.
eggs and dried apples—cash or trade. Also
all kinds poultry. G. 111. King. •
•—Dep y Sheriff G f ndry, of Godorich
was in town o0 '1 her
dente in the Smith -IV
Smith will be tried
Goderioh on Tuesda
—A 3i rge number
Wingham dllrier; th
have a full list of t
Out readers eat) 1,
papee ,if thee evil
If you wish to
a nice Xmas pres
store of T. H. Ito
Meyer blook.
1/fr. Lonis 13.
splenoid letter
Lore" page of
Owing to the 10
eineble to publish
appear in our nee:
—The Hensa}i
this ,week in a n
eight page shee
fashioned four pa
is to be congra
day, looking up evi-
cKelvie forgery case. '
efore the Judge at to lave those pretended interviews for
next. i publication and that tiwy • luld the upl a es
of visitors will be in attribt)ted to them by Inc coecereing the
next week. Let us `Winghacn market an 1 lb vers. kle will
e goings and comings . have to make good th.)_e in i-rviews or eat
Ip us make a newsy
only do se... Try it -crow, mid that, will ee gee ye
we do not h'1d ourself s responsible f. r opinions
any cenimume..tion,
expressed I.y tt,e writer r
Tn the Editor of the Tai
1)FAR lint,—Tho e
instead of making a,
ample apbiogy for hi
create a• feeling; ag
grain ;market and the eby injure the town.
i , last week's issue tri a to wriggle out of
the nice bog -hole he 1 s dropped into, by
claiming that grain is oming into Wing -
ham in large.dquentifi s since the publi-
cation of hid: slandero s article, Now, r
askin all tairneint, was at article, if read
and believed by farineee, alculated to bring
then with a great inkus to a market that
the editor of the Advan 0 -,argued was no
good; and to buyers that lacked enterprise
and did not pay tis high rime as was paid
in other towns, or ma it caieuiated to
drive them away to t o other markets
lauded by the Advance' Which horn of
the clelema will he t ke? Dither his
statements were not res or they were nut
believed. I am inclie,ed a thick there was
a, little of both ;. that the were read by few
and believed by none ap, ata very evident.
His pretended inter : aw8 appears a
tender point with hint. 0 my last letter L
denied their genuineness (and do an still).
I asked him to make t 'm good by pub.
lishing ager those geutle en's signatures.
In reply to my reasonabl request he flies
off at tangent and wi s a guod deal of
floarislr asks me to preya negative, con-
trary to all rules of ctrg nom, I ane 11ot
and he knows
rielt editors like
tile extravagant
trrels of.fiour. I
quints ,reterred
or of the Advance„
11 retraction and aa
foolish attempt for
at the Winghalre
ir1 the interviewing busiu
full well that it is only
him that can indulge in
pastime of giving away
agair, deny that those m
Be also falsifies the 1.•c
says I. talked of tlle_grain Elea
the interests a the stor
simply said nothing of the ki
did sap was, "there should be 2
tween the store -keepers an
dealers,.but each in his bwn ap
to advance the best interest it
Anything wrong about that
charge Is- th.et buy Braid
Certainly I do, and have done
years and hope to do ,.o for
And why should 1 not? 1 ou
there ai=d buy ail p;'stilt aim
not *"aeon° else would. I i;s
church this year Another 1
monts he has mi i
on at once, and that Wirt,vnt
of the editor of the Ad.acccc'.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanent -t The mayor l.tn yenr:f gra
ly at home ana can be consulted byvoted to p.'rsoual insinuation
his patrons. and abuse. 13. bat hal that 5•
•—The team o ed by Mr. Walter question at issue? My ohjac
Stewart, of the L know Planing Mills, is, and has been from cies
drew their new el >ine, weighing 85 000 defecol one of the Lading in
pounds, from Blyth to Wingham. It took tows: frv.rlc the uncalled for Le
two team to draw
Ileosall to 13lyth. a
Lucknow, This is
••onsidering the w
t3atnrday last.—Lu
rd wile= he
ive any of your friends rsadva,lciug
ut, call at the new music •ktep -ns. I
s and see what he has. .1. Wast 1.
o quarrel be -
Duff, of Bluevale, had a tale gram
n the "Canadian 'Folk- r:r• wot king
last Saturday's Globe. Wit.gha,n."
1 of other work we are 1 he next.
't this week, but it will *~ I t t Belgrave,:
issue. 3o fc,r ninny.
limy Yllet0 .•
au Flr vltt.lr
if 1 dict
111> iVllite.
rty tock
ekiog leave
rticle is de -
> with the
i11 wliting,
egmuiug, til.
-rests of Mlle
1 A0,ttldlllona
Adtance. L
. false im-
tic Mind by;
led I will be
veil aff ir& to,
11sly personal
nttcnpt it and
'inn, you, Mr,
)bserver comes to hand
form. It is now an
in place of the old -
he sheet. Bro. Neelands
elated on the imptove-
de in the Observer.
—A. meeting wit
Hotel on Thursday
to organize a Hock
fol, will join with
nt supplied at last in Listowel, Wingb
lass music store, where cardiae, to farm
l'elesoope. We w
thing in the allies of league formed an.
1 instruments .at right opportunity of se
', opposite post pffioe. this favorite wiat
atement of the'-reoeipts A good busi=es
'the town of Winghatn Wingham; very li
the Thins aide, this particulars, apply
we give the Eche wing W gham.
At the regula
IL W., held on
following officers
ensuing term :
Foreman, George
Bell ; Financier, J
C. N. Griffin ; R
Guide, F. Carruth
W. Foxton ; On
S'anstone, Repress
J. W. Walker ; Al
Tamlyn ; Auditor,
$ 3685 00
Chief Cons.. 8 00
" 5 00
Collector..,. 1102 70
1308 14
Chegttes issued, bu
for payment
Int, on Debs
Local Improveme
Sinking Fund L.
County rate, 180
I3ank of Hamilt
Dom. Rubber Co
Salaries, (due at
Grant to Public
ing term: Past Chief,, Balsam
Bolin Murray ; C ief, ,Tis. Hciiderson ; I
Chieftian, G D idson ; Rec.-Seo., D. t
Stewart ; Fin.,:iec , W. Taylor : Tres., D. � •A•8 wilt he see"
M. Gordon ; M shall, D. McCormick ; 0000011 has paid
Standard t3eare , Hugh Gillies ; Inside lime a balance
Girard, Arelr. lnpbell ; Outside Guard, 7 believe, is ono of
.Prances Cro • Physician, 1)r. 1?, Mac= I 'presented to the
doiiald,• TrustJas. Ho erson, Jahri'. should procure a
)avidsoti. 1 the town clerk
elvie's star restaurant • °5"."(1and expert
e display et Xmas goods, k the past year.
s (estimate)„ 00 00
advances..,. 5590 19
$16769 09
A r,L1n
not presented
$ 753 23
2955 00
1 Deb........ 455 111
y, 1807 440 00
532 05
n, Loans 10525 00
rubber diose4135 00
itl of year).. 274 20
ibrary 95 00
311"v 37
1116700 09
the above, last year's
IT the old debt and still
1 $305.37, which, we
10 best statements every
atepayers, Our eitizons
opy of tine report from
id see what has been re.
ed by the conneil during
the same loan from
cd from Wingham to
a pretty good pull
y the roads were on
know Sentinel.
be held at the Queen's
evening, at 8 o'clock,
y Club, and 1f snecess-
arriston, Palmerston,
Lucknow, and Kin -
a league.—Walkerton
uld like to see the above
we would then have an
ng some good games of
for sale in the town of
le capital required. For
to post office box 1115,
meeting of the A O.
ridgy evening last, the
were elected for the
W. A. H. Musgrove ;
alker f Overseer, Thos.
W. Walker; Receiver,
corder, R. Vanatone ;
rs ; Inside Watchman,
side Watchman, S
tative to Grand Lodge.
rnate Repres., J. E.
The Hoard of Exit
of Huron, met at G
inst. The following
Third Class Profess
Public School Teae
Misses Aitken, Ai
Clantin, ('•unningha
Poweer, Edge, Bllio
Higgins, Isbister,,tar,
Kennedy (Annie,) La
('1nsl;31, McConnell,
(Annie,) Moray (Ge
Reid, Robb, Stou
Mesers Aitchesion',-
.;nn, Elliott, Fraser,
liiipatt•iek, Lennox,
1'avish, Naftal, Pow
Snell, Scott, 'Todd,
wratlla, Torrance.
iners fir the County
derich. on the 18th
tudents were granted
nal: Certificates, as
ers, valid for three
y, Anderson, Copp,
, Culbert, Coalts,
1, Fowler, Herbein,
ine, Kennedy (Susie,)
font, LeTouzel, Me-
McGnegor, Murray
b )rwiitchell,ll Walker,
Risen, 13ricker,Clark-
Ilauliltott, IIaggith,
cl.wen, Mcliay, Mc.
1, Bath, Robinson,
ilt, 'Tescdale, Tro-
Attack 01ttlle tikre011 by the
have sought to remove a
pressions made on the pu
said article. If 1 have suttee
well pleased and can very -
treat his scurrilous and g
attack on myself with 11100
its anther deserves. Thee
Editor, for the 1psce, I ant
Yours truly
W:.1 Oaicc.u.
A srscial musical service will be held in
connection with the Me indist Sunday
school on Sunday afternoo next.
A special Christmas ser .e• will be held •'
in St. Paul's church, ou 1 rristmas nllorrir-•
ing, commencing at 10.30 'slack. r/
The Mission Band in onneeticn with
the Presbyterian church I id a very sne•
cessful entertainment in • he lecture root=
of the chnrch on Tuesday ventng*.
The children of St. P' ti's church Sun.
day school will enjoy sleigh ride oa
Tuesday afternoon ne. t, and a . grand •
Christmas entertainme will be held Is/.
the school room on the s ale evening.
The annual meeting of the ...Vnigltatn
Presbyterian Sunday s>heel'-was yield .on
Tuesday evening Dec. 14,• There was a
large attendance of tel hers• and officers.
Excellent reports were ,prese.nted by tis
Secretary and Treasu er, showing tha
both the tittondanne al l -contributions le
the year have been irly . satisfactory
the officers of last ear were till rs
elected" ny aeelamatl' ;The businra
part of the progranln,; being ended, t)
ladies, in 1:201t usual 1 : ppy way, furnir
ed fragrant tea and numberless cak
sandwiches, and other' erupting delicaci
After a pleasant half hour was spent
this way, a most '.njayabi0 and
thusiastie sleeting WA, brought to eel
by singing "God be ' th you till we
twain." Dr. Macdou ' d ie to conduct
review on Sunday, De 21;tin' The mu
pant of the review "Wil be under the
leadership of Prof. line. A. oordiu4
viration is given to c congre
others to attend the riew.