HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 8E fl i IIi?WICK. Th:lnniverser • Services in con- n ?etilfn with the9th coneeesionCongre. gaxional ('Murch will be held on the 5th anti tail of December next. Ser- vices er.vice's morning and evening 11 a. nl. and 7 p.ni.. Monde,, evening tea meet - lug and addresses from neighboring miniatets; good singing. A good time is expected. Come and bring your friends, Further particulars next week, Lookout for the bills. The eoung people of the Sunday Sete ol are getting up a Cantata for the Xmas Elltertainnl(aft, bentitfed "Santa Clans". Funds on behalf of the S'tlool finances. SATURDAY FOR BARGAINS In all the trading experience of the Ladies of Wingham .ted surrounding country, they never had such a golden opporttu.ity as will be oflored Oen.) at 11I. IL McIndoo's on Satur- day. Our peerless offerings of every class and description at FALL�Mff MATER DRY GOODS Wil eeliln (: any ever made before in this bawd. Buyers will dud nn- IflIli`e=1 tiara tills in every depart - merit in the 1„.r visile et OLr mm.11- ill0tll bargain day. Everything w,t.s at quick clearing pr'iees. Then We advise one and all to eel; .. r,l vee will give thein per fut. „ ,i + le at prices that will pie:+so and :;,r:a 1 tutee to save thein money in mei 1' areha-o. SATURDAY J li l ineaete, from 2to6 <ot Drese Gedde, Tweeds, Silks, Flan eel :ee Sbirtings, Laces, Itis• t ebroidery at ?: prices. 10 pleees Heavy Dress Goods, reg. 30e, Seterday 18c. pieces Tweed Dress Goods and Cashmeres, reg. tl0o, Saturday 35e. 4 pieces heavy. Tweed for Men's Suits, :x1.00 for 65e. 5 pieces Grey Flannel, reg, 15e, Saturday lle, 10 pieces Towelling, reg. Se, Sat- urday 5e. '4 pieces Table Linen, reg. 50c, for 33e. ant • 10 pieces Heavy Factory Cotton and White, reg. 7c, for 5e. 50 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, reg. w^I.50, for $1.20. 10 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Rose, 35c for 25e. 10 doz. Gents' Linen Collars, 20c for 1?r_c. -10 Extra, Men's Frieze Overcoats, 7.00 for �tL50. • 10 Ladies' Winter 1dantles, very stylish, ,$$.00 for $6.50 10 Boys' Suits, winter weight, reg. $3.50 for $2.75. • 5 doz. Black and Colored Ladies Rid Gloves, every pair guaranteed, reg*. price $1.25 for $1.00. 8 Fur Capes, extra quality, $12.00 for $$0.50. 6 Ladies' Fur 'Coats, reg. 30.03 for $27.50. Have your Photo for Xmas. We give you 1 doz. Cabinets, taken by the Star Photo Co. FREE, with a 25,00 Ticket at. WitRR o l In 1l' & THE ' YJNU1.iAM TIMES, NOVEMBER . 26, 1897.. I,()NDl;;SB0itO. The teacher:; of S. 8, No, 8 par. Pose having a ceneert in the temper- ance Hall here on the eve of Dec, 10th. Miss Nettie Webb wbo has been visiting friends in IIibhert township for the past six weeks has retnrncd home last week, Miss A. Crisp spent last week friends in Staffs, The Union Thanksgiving service yardswas hekd in the Presbyterian church here on Thur. -day nt 2 p. in. Invitations are out for the weld• lugs of two of Milieu's popular young ladies. The Clinton and liennliller Sans of England Iodges, visited Londes• bur() lodge last friday evening. with .tom, �LuJiYiF'RY'k Off' 1L.I8ITLANIL OFFICTAi, RErera. Met at Wingbafn, Nov. 10th. Rev, R. -S. G. Anderson, Moderator, The Rev, (John Sinclair, of the Free Church cf Scotland, applied for admission to the Ministry of the Presbyterian church in Canada. Tno Presbytery, on receiving the usual credentials, will apply to the 'General Assembly for Ieave to receive i11r, Sinclair. The I'iZ-v, Dr. Moffat, Toronto, and Rev. 'C. Sinci.ur, were invited to sit as oorres• 'vending members. IYessr;:. I%1oLennan and McKay were appointed to audit the Treasure's books. Tho Itev. J. L. Murray, iJ,A.. Kin. =dine was nominated Moderator of the next General Assembly, to.+rkbe held in the city rn£ :tontreal, in June. Tho charges entitled to send commission.. eta by rotation to the General Assembly are: To send Ministers. wing ham, St. �Tetens 3r,nlield. Brussels, Tcaswater; and to send Elders, Crantroek and Ethel, Walton; North Kinloss, Knoz church, Ripley; and Molesworth. The Maitland Presbyterial Young People'm Society will hold their annual meeting at winghani, Monday, Jan. 17th, at 10 a.m. A conference was held on the subject l adherents relationof o congregations other than their own.” he s to gat ons arc ars follows: Pine alliver, $1ted 60; Watton, $75; North I{inloss. 5100. The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held tat Wingham, Tuesday, January I"Sth, at J a. m. Join; IiTAcNAi;n, Luekrow, Nov. 22, '07, Clerk. LUCKNOW. A grand Iubilee entertainment will be given in the Lucknow Town Ball en Thursday evening, Dec. Oth, under the a uspiees of the Orange Lodge, where addresses will be delivered by Grand Meister N.Clark Wallace, M.P. and Grand Champlain, the Rev. W.F. 'Nilson. The famous Bar'r'y M. nen Vette, the greatest of living Car'icat. ttr1ats has also been scoured for the ctee.anion, and the niueical hart of t' rs lorogramme will be supplied by the Lueknow Orchestra. This will be greatest entertainment of the sett - 1 UOR1'L E, Gorrie has recently added to the dumber of Fraternal Soeieties already inaugurated in its midsta Courtin con- nection with the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. The Organizer, Mr W. G. Collins succeeded in establish. ing a strong Court here. Our public hall was occupied all last week by representatives of the Royal Templars' With a view to the establishment of a Court of Rot -a1 Templars of Temperance here. The lecturer and his lady friend, who ate companied him, gave an excellent en- tertainment in music add lime light views ; and strong appeals were made to the advocates of Temperance to band together for opposing the liquor traffic, It is to be hoped that the en- thusiasm of our townspeople has been aroused by these timely- appeals and that a strong Temperance organiza- tion will in the near future be form- ed, Thanksgiving Service wilt be held iu the Presbyterian church, Thursday next at 2.30, preecher, Rev; A. 13, Dobson. Mr, Dobson preached an excellent sermon on Sunday last on "Samson Grinding in The Prison- Rouse at Gaza". Danger of evil companionship ; the peogressiveness of sin ; the folly of breaking covenant with God. Saturda a was the 560 anniver sary of Sir Wilfred Laurier's birth, On Friday last, at Cayuga' Mrs. Sternaman was foand guilty of mur- dering her husband and sentenced to die on January 20tH. The jury re- commended mercy in her case. The bye election for the Commons in Centre Toronto will take place on Tuesday next. Mr. George I3etrar is the Liberal, and Mr. George A. Howland the Conservative candi- date. IT'S GOTNECESSARY... To lay aside your soiled or Faded suits or overcoats, but take them to the Wingham Cleaning and >)y ing W,X%o; Its, and have them clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. RAY STE Strays dersigned, Lots bury, on or about a two-year•olc tnfcrrnatio the an the prem an s of the un - middle of Oe obs , eer. ny person giyin easing to e recovery f will be liberally r 'rded. DERRY THOMS° Winghan, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only cafe, reliable monthly tnediciii0 on which ladies can depend ill tins hour and time of need. Xs prepared:: ii two degrees of strenth. No. I for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine kfiowu sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases---zo degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, hive Dollars. . li, or Na. s, waded oii teceipt of price and two a -cent statiipe. The, Cook Company, Windsor, outarllo, Send in rand everyw responsible lrer r tri .a "..a.,.. . , Is;responsible druggists, Opposite I3ank of 1atnilton WINGXIAM Order your. z�arza: •�+--1:'ItO.i THE_._ 110..,S'.0 BIN' DAIRY. NEVI SHOE STOAT, Having opened up a shoe store next door north of ChishoIm's Block, I an now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices JOHN HILL Qr PAY0 TO THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, Qui T, • is double discounting all previous records f ,T ala pupils placed it: the eleven months eedia;;eu.. 15th. 24 pupils placed i -n the past few weeks. --near ty all of thorn dnring October. Our last Week's notice contained the names of seven, who were placed. and where placed. Seven others have since been placed. The demand for our pnpfls is now so so other schools, at nd have found ono been graduated for their ser vices, taken post graduate Course with us, .nd get the advantages of our facilities for placing pupils. All such must remain with us until they get thor ongtdv qualified, before we renornmend them. Write for Osr'aloguo, if interested in either Business or Shorthand pupls placed in choice positions. This 33 riteB*til D. McLikatitAN,p Co.,, i Wino„llaill. Chatham, cant; M. K RN EY, 'l'O193O111.4.I, ARTIST, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingnam. For an easy Shave and a 'irst•C1asa Hair Cut, give him a trial, Razors Honed, T r lors' They're off at the post, Will B3arrand in the lead. at the . It Si ti nr ;l r. 3 in the stretch, wins. 1{ t ti And always does in UP -17 i, -DATE TAILORING I1 4fil brei See his Winter Suitings from fj $ 11.®C up.rrL� s Shaw Brook, -J next Brunswick, n Q,d We desire to inform the readers of The TIMES that we have in stock a splendid line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., etc. ICES We are in business to do busine . fair living profits. We propose to „i our customers the very best value we can afford, and will not be "undersold if we, ono , t.” We do not therm, Call and see our beautiful Gold Rings. HAL BY PARK.. present goods in order to sell SPEGIAL OTIGE Parties wanting special rings, etc,, made for Xmas will please leave their orders as soon as possible, as our repairing trade is very large, and we can only promise a limited amount of ordered new work. HAL,SEY PARK T. SHAW BLOCK. - ---*` •-14.04 .10•••...W SULLJVAN Has just received a nice line of FALL GOODS, . in newest designs, including . w - • r... xw...• ff . e 4 ; StITIr'rG5,. 4.110 � w IPANTINOS, OVE Cd ATl.iy'CI.S, ETC. E"S ERYTHHXNG NOBBY AND ` TO.<D TE4 See my stock before purchasing elsewhere._ ii=1�, .lit a , ar : t �• +�'.' ,, .l M.14r,,4`1 elli'm a.le ia," ,M.M.1I "'Ci FOR LADIES New Cloth Mantles. New Fur Coats. New Fur Capes, New Ruffs and Muffs. Newest Dress Goods. New Flannels and Flannelettes. New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Fen GENTLE 't{kEN New Tweeds for Ordered Clothing. New Ready-made Overcoats. New Suits' New cc Odd Valets and Vests. New Fur Coats. New Boots, New Rubbers. 'New Underwear, New Caps. U�� nf- We have a large stock in all the above lines bought at right I j prices, and which we sell at very close figures. We try to keep only ,, reliable goods and to charge only reasonable prices for same. We le take all kinds of produce at highest market prices. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, etc., token same as cash. J 1 in Come and see what we have before buying your winter panel. y' ff n :D. M. `f � R DQN ���inghamDirect � r 1. Importer. j ��,=��i"'T��r,ir;�5 ���r't-r5fr4uti�rrrr7ar.n�r.�c�r Ptralosaimamawassorsw en th We have said it before, and we say it again, that we are still here in Wingham in the Furniture and Undertaking busi ness, and bound to sell at the very lowest prices. Call and see if what we say is not correct. A nice line of Bed -room Suites, something you can't find in any other store in Wingham, in Ash, Maple .and Birch. New Iines, new designs, and at prices that sell every time. Just received, a beautiful line of the latest style of Rock- ing Chairs. Just the thing for Wedding Presents. Call and see our HaII Stands. The prices are right Our $5, $6 and $7 -Sideboards are worth seeing. Parlor Suites (5 pieces), Walnut Frames, Spring Seats, for $x8.00. A line of Ladies' Rocking Chairs for 65c each. Secretary and Book Case, combined, for $3.00. We make Stretchers for Painting Canvas for 15c. Picture frames for 25c. If you are wanting anything in Furniture (no matter how much or how little), remember we have a large and up-to-date stock. - Before you purchase just call and see what we can show you in Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Lounges, .Chairs, Spring Beds, IVIattrasses, Etc. We don't Charge anything to show what we have. Nor, arc we offended if you don't buy. GRACEY