HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-13, Page 5Mitchell; Lois Baillie, Seaforth;
Mary Lou Sniall, Dublin.
• ....
Mr. Jim Connor, Sarnia spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Mike MacRae and family, John
Mrs. Mary E. ' Feeney has
retained flame-from an extended
visit in Tillsonburg with Mr. and
Mrs. Pat t•eency atiq family in
London. with Mr. Ilia Mii".-Fred
Overdulve and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overdulve
and faMily visited with Mr. and
.Mrs. Steve Maloney and family,
Mt. and Mrs. Ken Whetham
and family visited with friends
and relatives in Simeoe.
' "In the' heart of downtewn Varna"
VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and service 9f most makes.
Varna, Ont. 482-7103
* Parts
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This Ad is directed
specifically to the'-
Secondary School Teachers
of Huron County
We have many farms and small businesses for sale in
Huron County. Hove you considered giving' up the . In-
security Of your present position and becoming your
own boss? Maybe you should.
There ore many advantages. You can set your own
hours. You con.make your 'own wimik'ruias. Your income
will not be restricted by the ,decisions of others. You
will, be free to make as much money. ibefore Nixes) as
your own ability, perseverante, wisdom and dedication
can produce.
You would no longer:be abused and humiliated by
the irresponsible decisions of a Board of Trustees who
have been elected by the majority of the tax -paying
public to represent-their best interests. •
The security of independence is open to you. ityou
carvileat them. join,them and enjoy all of the' benefits
of, he reality of private enterprise. Your life will never
' be the same again. •
We ore available to assist you in your purchase, any
time, 'day or night,, holidays, Sunday or any other time.
We know' you will be-interested. "The devil made me do.
- Real Estate Ltd.
Phone: 48241371
Hurob, -Perth schools
To use Festivol'staff
men and polio on' safety
programs to name a few.
The board renewed its contract
with the Simplex TinteEquipment
Company of London from March
-1, 1978 to March 1,. 1979 for
$1,296, an increase of $216 or 20
per cent over last year for
maintenance for the fire alarm
systems in the schools, the clocks,
score boards-anti...:
The board endorsed a
resolution from the Northumber-
land and • Newcastle Board of
Education ,opposing the proposal
of the 28 per cent rate increase by'.
4-41 clubs ask questions
at Hibbert Council
When you're in Triangle Discount -. You're in... es-
PRINCESS' PIN BOYS---' Maria Booi, the :1977c-78
Dairy Princess of Ontario, helps Bruce Allen Rusten
and Ken Schoonderwberd of St. Patrick's School,
Dublin, pin on their milk badges.
St. Columban has
new correspondent
345.2632 or 545-2388
Fran Malone
family of the late Jimmy
community is extended to, the
The sympathy of the
Flannigan. What an act to follow! It
Mrs. Mary Moylan who has
certainly was •with regret we recently returned from Kelowna learned that Vincent Lane has B.C. reports the weather was
decided not to condone writing warm there, the grass was green this column. We've enjoyed his and they were watering their
comments and his humour and
they ,y_villtbe__missecl,. _
However, all is not lost as he is
feeling fine and plans to help) returned from British Columbia
from time to time. All our readers \.where they visited their daughter,
can help too to make the_St. 'Linda, who has been employed in
Coltimban pews more interesting
to us' .at, home and' to all the
subscribers of this paper whci are
away from home: • •
Comments of any-kind will
always., wele me. We are a
thriving, pro u community
- in One of the most fertile parts of
Ontario. We have • ' deep
comnittriny spirit and dedication
of long ti*dition. We are blessed
with some 'of the finest ,senior
citizens and young people in the
world. To coin a phrase "Let's
Shout it 'but!"
St. Columban parish party held
April 1 and was a huge success.
•gveryone agreed it was one of the
—best--et and-can-hardly wait until
the .next one. •
The playoffs are starting in
N.H.L. hockey and' soccer
registration is starting-ttere next
Saturday in St„:Ciallumban school
in the t'eat Vestibule betWeen -the
hours of 11:00 and 1:99. A big
turn out is expected.'
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nolan
attended mass iii"TTIltiton on
Sunday to" hear rather Nolan
speak, then visited Mr. and Mrs,
Ken McLean and family in
Joseph and Larry Hickriell are
visiting in, Burnaby, B.C.
_Mrs. Gerard Marchand of'
Windsor and Joe Murray of
Stratford visited their mother who
is a patient in Seaforth
Community. Hospital.
'Mrs.' Martin Purcell, Mary Lyn
and Mrs. Blanche ,Reynolds of
Kitchener visited the fOrmer's
-Mother last 'week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pinsonnatit
of Windsor are-visiting their annt,
' Don MacRae
Dublin and Mitchell District
Lions TV Home Bingo• winners
front Wednesday-night are: Terry
Morey, Seaforth; Linda Cook,
Mitchell; Mrs. A. Rau,--Seaforth;
Mrs. J. Scott, Mitchell;. Mrs.R.
Ferguson, Dublin; ,Ferg.
Campbell, Mitchell:, Mrs. Lloyd
Pauli. Mitchell: Viola Hunt.
Prior to the opening ef. the
regular' meeting • of Council;
--Reeye.,13.ess McPhail, on behalf' of
_welcomed the 4H Clubs
ofNo. I. 2. & 3-Staffa, and Dublin
Colleens, who were visiting
Council in connection with the
project "Focus on Living7. Reeve
lvtcPhait-invited 'all to .stay, .and
that later in the evening he would
have a break, when there would
ben 'question and answer period.
'Cyril Brown, the County Weed
Inspector., gaVe a resume of hiS
programme for the. summer, and
would act irkclose liason with the'
Road Superintendent in the con-
, trot' Of . weeds, particularly. Jim-
Velvet,. Leaf and Leafy
Spurge. 'A random . spraying of
weeds would be in effect in' the
Township, with particular care
during bean season.
Gary Van Loon and Donald'Ccile.
visited with Council coneerning.
the building of liquid manure
tanks. Council gave permission in
prulcijil provd --Certificates
of Compliance were obtained.
During .'the question and 'an-
swer period for the 4-H Members,
amongst the questions asked:
Why were the ,minutes of pre-
-vioes-nieeting riot read? (They arc
, circulated prior to the meeting)
Why were township roads not
ploughed earlier? (The. Road
Superintendent explained "It was
„ difficult to open all the roads at
the same time"). Who had
,authority to call off buses? (The
reeve referred this one' to the
School 'Board and the Bus Oper-
ators). Copies of the Council's
agenda and Perth County Pens
were given to the members_
Frank Campbell, and John
Mahaffey presented the Town-
ship's J, surancc account for the
" year, Attto.mobilc' Liability ;100
fir), Wilma %el
School principals in the Huron.
Perth County Roman Catholic
Separate School system are being
encouraged by William Eckert,
director of education, to continue
'having resource people' from the
/Stratford Shakespearean Festival
staff come into .the schools this
year as they have in the past.
Mr. Eckert, reporting to the
-trustees at a board meeting in
Dublin, . Monday said he .had
• Correspondent
Mrs., John Templeman •
,345-2346 •
Mrs. Ross McPhail and Miss
Vera Hambley were hostesses for
the March meeting of the Staffa
Womens Institute held at the
home Of Mrs. McPhail on Wed-
nesday. March 29th at 2 p.m.
Mrs. Don Hocking was guest
speaker for the afternoon, show-
ing pictures of the Island of Tyre
• where her father .Mr. Hector
-McPhail was raised.
The president, Mrs, .Charles
Douglas presided • opening with
the•- Institute - Ode -and •• Mar-y
Stewart Collect. Eleven Ladies
a nsw er -ed,th e MS/SIC-0- riff „
Mrs- Ca rter__Ker slake reported.
on .the District executive meeting
held at - RitsscIdale where plans
were madefor the District Annual
to beheld iti; MTh. Weer United"
Church, Mitchell. on May 16 with
Dublin Womens' Institute host-
ing. Staffa is responsible for.
entertainment in . the mefrting.
Miss Vcra Hambley gave cur-
rent events telling" lout a London
F.M.. Station where one can get
news at. anytime'. Household hints.
Municipal Liability were increas-
ed to $2,000 000 each, and the
replacement costs.of the Adams
and-eha mpion'Graders increased
by $10.000 each. -
Done'g an's Haulage were
awarded the contractor for haul-
ing fill and gravel, subject to
M.T.C. aprirovaLfor Con.415 Lots
15/25 for 65 cent peryd, and Con.
•1 2 /1 3 Lots .1/5 for 78cents per
yard. Work Ao- be completed by
30th September. Pollard Brothers
were awarded contract for chlo-
ride • ,
at $96:50 per flake ton
A '" law appointing Ross
Hoggarth as fire chief for. that
part of Hibbert in the Mitchell
Fire Area ,was given three read-
ings and passed. Budgets for-the
Mitchell Fire Area. Mitchell
Arena. Mitchell Planning Board,
and the Committee of Adjustment
were approved.
Ernie karburn, Road Super-
intendent was confirmed
as the
Road Superintendent for 'the
Township following completion of
his probationary period.
Grants • We're made to the
Mitchell AgriculturaLSociety for -
$150. and to' the Eisler Skating
Ritld, -Seaforth of $25.00. The -
Road Superintendent reported
that the new Tower , Base for
. Radio Base Station at the Oarage
. had been installed.. an the
antennae at the Township Office.
Installation of the Radio Equip-
ment would be made at the end of
next week.. The Clerk wiis in-,
structed to . submit a suPple-
''inenta6 . subsidy application to
the Ministry of Transport
• Cornnumications .applicatiop to
the purchase of a Tractor and
. Tile Drainage Loa 1979
was approved ii the sum Of
$9,000.00, At the special meeting
the fire and wind insurance on the
Township Hall,' Staffa was in-
creased to $25,000.00 Road Ac-
• counts in the sun./ of $1394.78 and.
General Account $5,058.45, we're
approved to-r payment. Regular
meeting adjourned at 1 a.m.. and
the special meeting at 5.35 p.m.
' Mr. a d Mrs. Bill Alb h
-lawns,- - - - • - -
a bank in Clearwater since last
year. They visited Kamloops,
Victoria and Vancouver as well.
They saw lilacS in full bloom and
all the spring flowers were out.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malone and
Mr. Frank: Woods of Teeswater
visited in' Windsor and near Arm
Arbor, Michigan, U.S. over the
weekend. Driving away from this
area, there was nb snoyv to be
seen. Near. West Lorne We saw,
cattle in the fields. The wheat
through the country is', looking
good. There is a lot of ploughing
to be done everywhere you go.
Visiting in. Michigan we had
green onions right from the
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane
were in Toronto visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Mialloux Sunday and
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Robinson
of Huntsville, visited, Mr. and„
Mrs. Tom kale,
Miss Anne Albert spent March
break skiing in Vermont.
The C.W.L. catered to the
funeral of Jimmy Flannigan on
The postponed annual meeting
of the C.W.L. is being held •
Tuesday as we go to press. We
will have a full report next week.
Mr: and Mrs. Ben Hamilton.
and Florence IVICQpaid visited
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane on
Satyr ay. '
_Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid of
Oshawa and Mr. Frank McQuaid
of Oshawa visited in the _ •
community and -attended their
parents' sale.
The Community was shocked to
hear of the sudden passing of Mr.
Pete Jordan. Our sympathy goes
out-to-the-fa rn
r s
spoken to the principals following
a presentation from Festival
representatives last month When
the use of the resource people
was offered.
. Mr. Eekeh. pointed out that
besides resource people from the
Festival staff 'the principals
informed him they use many
-other resource people during the
year such as artists, puppeteers,
cadets, ,e7iphartge students from-
other countries, Jjbrarians, fire-
were given by Mrs. Clgarles
Douglas. Members were asked to
complete their log 'books -and
display' them at the annual
meeting in April.
Following the close of the
mecting.u,s,Oeittl hour was enjoy-
Mrs. .Carter- Kerslake, Mrs.
John Miller and Mrs. • John
Templeman attended the execut-
ive meetting of the PertirSouth—
District in Russeldale on Tues-
Communion Services were held
Sunday at Hibbert United Church
(Continued:On-Page •
April 17 to 21 on the theme Speak
to Me of Yourself. Programs
being carried out in the various'19
schools in the system were
handed out to the trustees so that
they could attend some of the
'activities in their schools. The
trustees were asked to announce
the programs being carried out in
the schools at the various• church
services next Sunday.
The board will offer a pension
plan to non-academic Perscanel
working more than 24 hours per
week in the schools, effective July
1, in accordance with the Ontario
Municipal• employees `retirement
system. Adjourned at _ 1_1p.m, to
go Into committee-of-the-whole.
Bell Telephone in July. VVI. hears about Tyre Mr. Eckert announced 'that
"'Education Week would be from
Family writes story
for Van Drunen
I A it‘Ny
11 1
USTERINE .ArrusErric
Mt a 4145
Gillette WAc tit
trues it,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard 'Van
Drunen and Mrs. Cory Pullen
visiting from Holland highlighted
the 25th wedding anniversary of
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter' Van Drunen
on Friday, April 7. • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Van Drunen were
married in Holland in 1953 and
• 'came to Canada. a week later.
They were honoured with a
dinner- and reception by 'their
Children, relatives,. friends and
neighbours at Brodhagen Hall,
Here is a short summary of the •
past 25 years of their life made up
by the children. Once upon a time
a long, long time ago, Morn met
Dad and Dad met Mom. They fell
in love and after a whirl wind
courtship on the bicycle.
- -They -married- one *fine 'rainy •
day in April in the year 1953
The place was Berlicum, 14413r.
Holland and the time was 9:30
because it was cheaper than
• Very soon after this big event.
Dad decided to take hiap bride of
one week on a honeymoon and
guess what! The honeymoon still
. isn't over. That particular boat
ride took them 'to a place called
Petit de Gtat in Nova Scotia,
Canada, where they met a certain
Father Girroir, and. a lasting
friendship began.
Well, after Dad Pad travelled
all that way to. Canada, he
decided he may as well see the
test of the country. And so On
they went.
• They slowly Made. their way
across • this huge new land,
stopping ,in Ontario where they
still reside.' Lucky for them that
they stopped here, for, shortly
afterward,. there came along their
first hem: a little girl named
Trudy. And after her came
Francis. Joanne. Peter and..
There were many surprises in
store for this young eatiple from
the Netherlands-and one of them
happened to, be those long cold
winters with snow piled up to the •
tree tops. Certainly a surprise to a
couple who were used to seeitrg
only a feW inches of snow all .
winter long. They decided that
they had better invest in some
thermal underwear.
Meanwhile, during thosiT years
when the babies weregOiNr uhg
up. Dad worked very hard and in
time, became an expert welder.
But, as time passed he 'decided he
had had enough Of those 'boxed
lunches and the long bikes home
it snow blizzards and he decided
to make his secret ambition, come
He and Mom, along with their
kids, cows and chickens made the
big move to lot 15, concession 5,
McKillop township. Not at all a
bad place to finally settle.
And so the story goes on ,i'm
certain we all bop' that our Morn
and Dad will have another 25
years that will bring them as
much happiness and success and
as many memories as the first and
that We'll all be very happy to
help them celebrate their Golden
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