The Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 7THE YiTINGIIA31 TIMES, NOVEMBER 2f, 1897. PEOPLE PRAISE IT, Dear .firm, --I have often had coughs and colds as well us bronchitis. Norway Pine tiyrup 'n e me every time. I re- ii be .perfeot cure for all throat a lung , and It la tr, ''dales. ., ,� rtrrrzl� 1rrAleUY'!;] :Mayfield, Ont. From the way some Of these pet poodles etre fondled and pampered by the girls, any main !night be glad to lead a dory's life. .t F, , r, r (tic i ii1 tel seal' tl ,AJ tak:: d."eelti.voie• eared By '`4''; ese L.'.tb.10 They also relicvo Distress from Dyspepsia, ( T•ndlgcatiozl and Teo Hearty Eating. ,1 per. '114bet remedy fur Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsf. ness, Dad Tante in the Mouth, Coated'Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They .Regulate the BoweIs. Purely Vegetabie. p. r Sul ,,ti.tution 'ill,! fraud •of the day S :e ycail get Carter's, t.:�. for Carter's, r:.3i:,•t; and demand C: l +s (1,; ,t -(:r Pills. T H PHRENOL NE REMEDd ES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and 1, night t, supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds zf poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC O KIDNEY AICD LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healrtiful. Guaranteed to euro Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. tIEWAIZE OF SPURIOUS I11IT.1 TIOYS Sold in Wingham, only by Gordon tE Co Caveats and Trada•Mark% obtained, a.nd all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My office is in the immediate vicinity of the patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch orphotograph of invention, wit% description and statement as to advantagey claimed. .-Aro charge is mode for an. opinwn as to patentability, and ane fee for prosecuting the application trite not be called for until the _patent b allowed. "INvsn roar' Orta¢," con- taining full information sent free. AIX OonHnunP .cations Considered tis Strictly Confidential. FRA1KU"'. H. HOUGH Mitt )F Svx®etn WASHINGTON.D. tri. ELTON'S U M PS Io. Would Succeed. There is an instructive anecdote of a Nova Scott.- lawyer told in the his- tory ofArrierpolis country. A young swan, anxious to become a lawyer, made an application for a position in the office of a barrister, where upon the fallowing unconventional dialogue ensued 'Well, young man, and so you'd like to be a lawyer ?' ,Yes, sir ; I think T would Bloc to be one.' - 'Where's your gun, my boy ? I want to see your gun, my- young gentleman, Fond of sporting, eh ?' `I have no gun, sir ; don't know whether I'd like gunnin{;;' 'No gen ! Well, you keep a boat, then ? Like boating ?' do not own :1 boat, sir ; do not know how to use one.' 'You wear a watch, or keep a dog ?' 'f am too pocir to wear a watch, and T have no dog.' 'You'll do, my lad, if you persevere i in the course you have begun. The law is a jealous mistress, and cannot be won except by undivided attention Remember this, my lad, and I will in- sure your success. You may rely on any assistance I can render you.' 'The young mar_ entered the office, and in time became a famous lawyer. !ME Ontario Agrieuititral and lax per mental Union. The programme is to hand of the next annual tweeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union, whiel] 1s to be held at the Agricultural College, Guelph, on the 8th, Oth and 10th of December. We notice that reports of the summary results of the year's co-- operative experimented work in Horticulture, Agriculture and Dairv. • 7 tion the result, of the cooperative 1tilt Fr ult Growers of' (intuit.," •, by ,l, jji should wr;te to C. A.'/.avltz Secretary** tests with leading variants a! straw- number of the ex .-tu(lt•nts of til(. i Agricultural College, Guelph, for a. berries, raspberries, currants aed { Agricultural (soil -ge, on "import...nt I programme of the meeting, which; goosebearies will be given. The Features in Ooanef•tion With Success full particul gra regarding CX-. committee appointed to look after tui fanning Under Present Condi- t 0111'.400 rate u1 tit( railway, and,. the dairy work will report an uniform tions' ; also by 0. 0. ,Janie . M. A., other metiers i!1 connection with the tests made 111 several' cheese fit4t+)1'1fH Deputy Minister of ).sl'!d:•llltn!'k>, 'Poe- (thQeti!}gs and creameries during the past I onto ; tsps 0. Ot('.:'ilnan, Ii. S. A. (,'i,>- 6 Tho ''o have cts:t(: nt+rt r: ?twee ogs++, +... summer. The results of all these bourg, Ontario ;. L. G. Jarvis, Agri-- been cured by i!,>od'u siert npari!ia prove experiments in the different branches cultural College, Geeiple and others. ;.lei great, niarit of till:, metli• sue, Got of Agrieulture should prove both in The Christmas Fat ;ltoek and P yul ""fly Head's terestirig and profitable to those in � Show is to be held in the Victoria link, l'w' t:lll'VIP I1k::S..«!9' attendance at the meeting. - The! (;•llell.h on the 11th and loaf of flee- I hip, will be represented and discuss. wo-k tt,roughout impresses n5 ti;5 ember. Fin opportunity will be af. ed at the meeting. Ie. Agriculture being of a pries ical nature, and j forded to those in attendance; tit the alone co-operative experiments wore s onlay of: Careful study' by time I Guilin mooting t0 visit the Fat Stock interested in A ;r]eulture. Show on the evening cif Thursday-. Addresses are to be delivered by I I),;cefllbet' the lath. Mr. George MOJ(F'rrow, Superintend -1 Arrangements have been 10:1(1:;• ant of IF'atrrrtet''s• Institutes, Madison, ' with the Grand Trunk and 0ana(111tn grasses and clovers for hay ; emu-- Wisconsin, 00 "Economical Feeding";, Paeifie Ref 1way Companies for exeur- mercial fertilizers for corn and man- 1'y Dr. Jas. 1:111:5, President Ontario sign rates from December Gt!] to 13th gels; and wit4 leading varieties of Agricultural College, Guelph, on 1 ineluiive. grain, potatoes, roots and fodder "1$ lme of the Advantages of the On- All persons desiring to attend the crops, Frotn the Horticultural sec- tario Fruit Elxporif tont Stationsmeeting a 1 to 1 ac ,tln� o. the Experimental Union l. conducted on '?,8 3,) different farms throughout Ontario in 18117. The -•e include tests with leguminous crops and mixed grain for green fodder'; , thousands (.•f Pilgrims Airt.tl ,t 11th-* ttetticll::ly healed by South Awed - can ,.1'1"1'!0('. "Per years I w.:.t , i ar •ed with ayapop». ..1st au.11•1.111 3,ti..,, .>y .n.>,.anta a.td reined- d�it ! cosi i Oiv' me brit temperery relief men ,.)lith American Nervine witsreeom- needed to me. I pio.ur.-d u battle and Flet relit:f from the first few d"s's. The Kweilnig And. t> > .ts to u'or.in stom(:h arapid- ly dis.1 l- :'ai `d. and hi a very short time 1r was a'a., fat sy critd It has b night ro- hest he:1,10' 'leo n ir Man .x?.rnprior, I Ont. 13 1-i at Chialaolui'•a Drug Store. Is caused by Uric Acid and et. r im- purities lingering in the bloo, which have not been filtered out b the Kid- neys through the 1(l ine. e seat of the trouble is not i the kin or mus- cles. It's sick IC ne s. Electricity, liniments or plast s 111 not reach the case. But the di ,fl, se can be was taken with a severe attack of rhea matism, and could not turn myself in bed. T was persuaded to try Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills. They soon put me ou my feet agttin Less than one , box cured me so completely that I have returned again to my work in the Lake Shore Repair Shops an well as over. WM. A. SCHOFIELD, Adrian, Mich. I am pleased to say that Dr, Hobbs Spar- agus Kidney Dills ale the most relieving remedy I have ever used for rheumatism you may use this as a testimonial for the benefit of others who are afflicted. Cees. Hess, Veteran of Civil War, 281 Ade- laide St., Detroit, Mich. Will stand wear and tear for ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are 1 still working. xxioN and. FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. ,Repairing promptly attended to. Snor—Diagonal St, opposite I3eattie's r,ivery. 3011N P1LTON, Winghani, Ont. DR. HOBBS S KIDNEY PILLS. Dr. Hobbs Pills For Salo in WINGHAM ONT., by GORDON & Co., Druggists. The Stomach. There is a wonderful sympathy be.. tween the stomach and all other parts of the body, but that between the stomach and brain is so active and perfect that the most skilled physician is often greatly puzzled in trying to decide when one is ill whether the brain or stomach is really to blame. Nothing is more common, for example, to meet a long standing case of dys- pepsia in which the prominent and al- most the only symptom is a dull and fretting headache. While persons have suffered for many years from what they beleived to be a grave or- ganic disease of the stomach and were themselves fully convinced that can- cer 1.t least was the cause of their suf. fering, it turned out that when a post- mortem examination was made that a healthier stomach than the average was found, but 'there were evidences of long standing and serious disease of the brain. In fact, sick headache is the result of eating too much and exercising too little. In the majority of cases its cause lies in the fact that the food last taken is so rich in quality or so excessive in quan- tity that the stomach cannot digest it. > A simple diet on grains and ripe fruit, with sufficient exercise in the open air to keep up a gentle perspira- tion, would speedily effect a cure. With some persons this headache comes on at regular intervals and is the stomach's signal of distress at having been imposed upon. To take two teaspoonfuls of powdered charcoal in a glass full of water will sometimes give relief, or a tablespoonful of lem on juice 15 minutes before each meal and the same at bedtime.—New York Ledger. Por Over Plfty Years. Art Or.n Arty wntn-'ruir.n RrluanY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers far their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind collo, and is the bust teunedy for diarrhoea. Is pieaeant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five gents a bottle. Its value is inoalu.l(ble. 13e sure and nr,k for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, atd take no other kind c" uor Ag lr� "ram' ho ies of a _ ` iving ta'a:ar�' if 4.4 t e WW1 WEE HMM41,F HAKEAND HIE I A LARGE iNSAB LFl CLAM. The Case Probably the Most Wonderful in the History of Medical icience:--Brought from Hope less, Helpless Inactivity to Health. and Strength—A Eoproduction of the Check by which. the TDis >bility Claim was Paid. o � Via. ;,= k�i= ��x�-t-xrs-a�-�_•�� Htii9±T"`4 .. ar rr�i J73j.r- '+,i _ T;F74. � Cyt; \!r">�'� �.-�."i�_. �� A��.��. i' "� -1 +,� %r,M1 �"•nCpx d�^'+ •r'`•'?S ti+1 \.,.;... •„%//'�i�%'Q�',h}"' `..a.+('a ro. f tiF..sa. •Ca- �y1d .• j `:'` aa.�...:j +d r,, 4/7 cr" m Coiintersiv.t:'degZ -/J o o A d9 id.rtiG.•tI" .f7lYvr�.-.., o''v t . a N 1e. �®.y+12�'"d#'�R%'i" �i.✓�r0.•2b..+ cC.,iiCa•r.'a.'6'.re.4L6FdpiIf/ Sec-Mana3er .1.40,4i,t Procia n/. /1 ?1" ria C 3 No other i ;t� 1 medicine in the 'r`' u ij world has 5 ever offered JINil ;h I i - such undoubted gni proof of merit. g ruj i Fi WHAT , . I 1t R. S, 1 y� 9, PI ti K. PILLS n 11) u have done for ,i I0 5j, f� others they will 5h! 4 cV("�. do for you, if DI given a fair trial. fij rias ifi itr]S`(s7L~irD.Scz117(st� :'1 From the Meaford, Ont•, Monitor About two years ago the Monitor procur- ed an interview with Mr. Reuben Petoh of Griereville in order to ascertain from his own lips the reports were well founded that he had attributed his most astonishing re- turn to health to the use of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, The result of the interview was published in the Monitor under the date of Jan 17th, 1896. Mr. Petoh's case was certainly one of the most extraordinary in the annals of medicine in Canada—if not in the world. He had been 111 for five years and during that time he consulted no less than six or the best phy- sicians he could find, but none could give him the least relief. His limbs and body began. For three years niiore he lingered in the condition above noted, utterly help- less, and a burden to himself and friends. He was then advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He did not hope that they would help him, but in his sad condition he was prepared to grasp at anything that afforded the prospect of even a slight relief. The first change noted in his con- dition after he began the use of the pills was a disposition to sweat freely. Then life began to return to his hitherto dead body, and from that time on his progress towards recovery and activity was steady and certain. The publication of the interview, con- taining the facts above noterI,ceated unus- were puffed and bloated to such au extent that he could not get his clothes on, and for two years he bad not dressed. He had lost the use of his limbs entirely, His flesh seemed to be dead, and pins could be stuck in various parts of the body without being felt or creating the slighest sensation. Ile could not move about and if he attempt- ed to get up would fall and would have to be lifted up. Ile was unable to open his mouth sufficiently to take sohd food, and bad to bo fed with a spoon like a chill. The doctors said his trouble was spinal sclerosis, and that he could not pocsibly get better. He was in fact nothing more or leas than an animated corpse, so helpless was he. He was a member of the Canadian Mutual Life Association, and was under their rules entitled to disability insurance and trade a claim for it. Two motors, on behalf of the association, were sent to examine him, and they pronounced him incurable and permanently disabled, and in accordance with their report he was paid a disability insurance of $1,650. This was about two years after his sickness body. Perhaps you have observed that I have now even ceased to use a cane, and: can get about my business perfectly wel You may say there is absolutely no doubt as to my curd being permanent. Indeed I am in even better health than when Z gave you the first interview." "Do you still attribute your cure to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" asked tha. Monitor. "Unquestionably i do," was tho re pier ' Doctors had failed, as had also the num- erous remedies recommended by my friends. Nothing I took had the slightest effect upon me until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To this wonderful. medicine I owe my release from a living ual interest not only in his - section, but death. I have since recommended Dr throughout Canada. w 1liat a man whose Williams' Pink Pills to many of my limbs and body w.;pr'all but dead, wile had I friends, and the verdict is in their favor. Z been exatnineil"l>y medical experts, and 1 shall always bless the day I was induced to pronounged4fia`curable and on the strength take them." of thehoport was paid a large disability The abovd are the chief statements made claim should afterwards be cured by Dr. by Mr. retell in this latest interview, and Williams' Pink Pills was looked upon as a the Monitor may remark, from a long marvel. Many wero sceptical ; not acquaintance with him, that the consider as to the cure—for the fact that he his state,nents absolutely true and reliable. was actually going about proved Ile has no interest to serve other than a this....but they did not believe it would desire to recommend the medicine that has proyo permanent. In the view of the doubts done so much good for him, and t e feet then expressed, the Monitor determined to sure that if any sufferer will write Mr. watch the case closely, and now nearly fetch, enclosing a stamp for reply, lie will. two years after the cure was first publish- endorse all the statements made above, ed, has again interviewed Mr, retch, with We may further add that Mr. Fetch's re - the result that we are ian a position to say markable recovery leaves no doubt of the most emphatically that this remarkable wonderful ourative powers of Dr. Williatne cure has proved permanent. Pink Pills, and it seerns reasonable to infer On being questioned again, Mr. retell said that they will do for others what they ill/Vet "You see those hands—the skin is now Coat. done for him ---restore health and vitality. ural and elastic. Ones they were hard Tite cheek at tho head of this article is tt,. andwithout sensation.Youcouldpierce them fan simile of the one by which Mr. Fetch's with a pin and I would not feel it, and what disability claim was paid and is given in is true dm hands is trap of,tlla rest of my further corroboration of his statements.