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The Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 6
111E \\INGH AM TIMES, NOVEMBER 269 1897. '1" {A` e• -re- •♦ BwQ '}�'jj �ti{ (r�' a1Wy b'ItII)AY, NOYE:1TBI:11 3I1, 1t;U7. And then ensue up two young anco of this Bible, but who by quiet Are 'f©21 _• SAF1.3.A.Tkd. SERVICES, people, a y r nth and a. maiden, and and faithful study for her class had pas- -- said . said to the Master ; "We are too , become a wise and thorough scholar of the Word. There wss old Squire Greatlleart, who taught a group of full-grown men and women whom he had gathered into a class when they were boys and girls, and bad r led ever since is hard study of God's Book. I'ltere were many others whom the Master received, ot many varied talents, for the Sunday -school can won wide range ,of powers ; but all ' were alike i11 eoneknnenelrs of their weakness compared with the great - nes of their task, in willingness to resign their work •to any better able who could be got to take it, in glad- ness to go on with it if their betters would rot assume it, relying for success on the God of it. Their ' credentials were that they caw the ; need of the work ; that they saw their unfitness to do it; that. they knew their fitness and power were assured when God .assigned the task. Thus the Master chose His teach- ers and blessed thorn ; and though there was no genius there, no mighty mind, • no trained skill, but only humble readiness to serve, Ile poured out o11 them the fullness of His love and power, and they left the Sunday-. school room ever bearing precious sheaves. That is the end of my parable. Olt that all .might. know, as we(;clear fellow teachers, know it, the joy of our Sunday•sebool ministry 1 Then superintendents would have no search to find teachers, no trouble to keep them. Then to the enlarging band of teachers would come a constantly enlarging band of scholars, and all together would soon bring the mul- titudes of the world into the hosts of the redeemed. r young. We have had 118 yet no wonderful e;tperience. IVe know nothing of death, of disease, of great • eate� tinrrows, of heavy respollsibitities. i WHO SHOULD EACH IH THE. We are not wise, in these matters.} We do not understand theology. 'We cannot teach," ''Why," answer- ed the Master, "neither do My little in eror. .toil, r, wets, ix TIlk1 pees in the Sunday -school want to WESTMINSTER, 01? Nov. 13, '97.0 •know about death or easease or `•' \\rbc) hires little child- responsibilities. I would not have The Muster, them taught what you think Of ren, stood in the Sunday -school door as theology. But you are wiser than and cried to all who came up, "j'1r110 they, You lee beyond their little will teach My children about Me?,1 worries and mysteries. help them .And they all with one consent began to your own pleasure of grace and to make excuse. strength, and as you teach and they The preacher passing by said with grow, will not you grew, too, for conviction, "I halve my se1111ons tG further teaeliiute ever? No,My h preach, and Sunday -school work ells- young man and maid with your tracts illy thought from them," ':hen ardent and fresh•hearted zeal ; you :answered the Master: ""Orucify' your can conte very- close to My little pride in words. and :eek the glory of children, and I cannot spare you SUZY NHL deeds. This is sour true serum;, to bring Me close to human hearts. Thus slid I most gladly preach, when on earth, to small classes and not to throngs. Thus should My ministers to the work, and many excuses were most gladly preach, face to face, one made. Oue pleaded ignorance. to half a dozen. Yoa have many pulpits more effective than the ele- gantly fu •Wished one to which you amount by three st ps. They are the bedside, the wayside, the prayer - meeting table, the Sunday -school •chair. Lovest thou Me? Feed My Lambs." The teacher, when invited, shook his head with a sigh. °'I teach all the week, and I am so tired! "Why should I not rest on Sunday ?" Then .answered the Master: "The truest rest is a little change in work. Your • - Sunday -school and rkayschool will v•g; irate each -other. It is I who II Ve given you the sweet power of from lily Sunday -school." Long stood the Master there b,' the door of the Sundayschool, and many were those whom Ile called "But," gently questioned the piaster, "have you a mind .:to • learn ?" One urged timidity. • "But•I will be with you," said the Master. "There are other.?, who can do better," insisted. one. "Will you not get them to.do it then ?" begged the Master. "And if they will do it, then you will be the.best and cannot refuse." It was not long before a strong little group stood by the Master's side, ready. for service, and as the regular teachers of the school carne up, the Lord .of whom they taught received them lovingly or sadly turned them back, As hard -faced, unsympathetic Mr. Grine would leafing young lives. Should you enter -he whom alt the children fear not use it in leading them to Me ? and elders clo not love ; he to whom a Have yen not seen in teaching your boy is only the necessry inecnven- scholars in holy things the first day of the week draws them closer to you in your secular teaching of the other days? Do you no' rejoice in the opportunity this work gives you to get an insight into your scholars' :characters, and hold them more directly than by the round -about route of grammar and geography ? Indeed, if I excuse any from 'My lent early stage of a man, of premise only as he can commit to • memory Bible verses -when he would enter the Master turned him back. "You must not teach my children," said the B1eesed One, "until you become as a little child." He barred out also Mr. Brainy, whose ideal recitation is an argu- ment, and whose scholars are far Sunday school, yen, to whom I have more familiar with points of.seeptical intrusted in special measure in teach- controversy' than with Ihe1/4I3ible. He ing gift, must nc,t be the one." would• not admit Miss Tangent, The business MAO rejected the whose solo preparation for the lesson proposal with emphasis, saying ""As is the culling; from her book of a matter of course Sunday -school extracts of choice sentiments, pretty teaching is out of Its; line. `My days garbles and striking' bits of verse of are kept in close contact with dull mysterious revelaney, which she natter, with cloth and coal and recites for her scholars' admiration wood and iron. I have no time for and makes them learn. He turned books, except day -bucks and ledgers. back also Mrs. Scold, with her sharp fly mechanical routine business quite tongue and cold eyes. He rejected unfits me for religious teaching." To Mrs. Job, who taught. only from that the Master replied, sibling sense of duty, and with a long kindly : "I was a carpenter, My son, face. but holy thoughts kept pace with But ah, the warm smile, the eager My plane, and firm conclusions were greeting, with which the Master clinched with My hammer. And et welcomed the school's workers 1 -evening, work done, I found time for There was Jack manly, who had prayer and meditation, and calling not waited for the desire to begin yonng children about .Me to talk teaching* but had seen the need and with them. Your contact with leen filled it, not knowing how soon and And things makes you one of Clic largely the love for the work would most valuable Sunday' -school teach- e'lnie and grow. Thera was Lucy :ors. What parables are acted ail l lieutle who did not feel able to around you, in nature, in your work, teach, yet considered, not her ability, in the lives of your Yelpers ! What but the need, knowing that duty is illustrations lie heaped up in your measured rather by the seeing eye 1 business experience, ready to your than by the feeble hand. There was I band ! Most of these young people Mrs. Patient, who had hesitated to :its My Sunday -school will choose begin the work because of her i; nor» some business like yours. How !sappy for them, then, if they could """�""°�"y a" �'�' " ° have you tell them beforehand of its Petite strengthen them for its difii- �1�9€� � �� Housekeeper enities, point them thereat' to success • Use QkkomargatGi3e. and true happiness! No ; I can better hiss preacher and teacher from My Sundayehool than you mien of affairs." The came the care -worn house- 'Svife. "Master," said she, "I am Danger In Another Direction.. wonld any sane housekeeper in Cnn- aCiii buy oh margarine or imitation butter instead of the fluent prod notion of the creamery or dairy Y �l"e think perplexed and troubled about many our Canadian women are too wise to bre things. Aly days and often my deteit•ed in this important matter. Lard nights are crowded with a woman's colored to represent good butter nil] Ytlyrafcl unheralded tasks. 'silo never be ao.optabls to our people. aWhildren are ever with me. Why '!'here aril, however, other deceptive agents that sometimes tind their way in- ar:'cd I go to Sundaysel:eel to teach to our homes ; we referr to imitation and thews ? Why not each home the ;mother's Sundayschool ?" "'Why not each home the prayer-ineeting?" the Mester asked her. "There come front numbers an interest, a help at,d Inspiration, which you cannot get in •tile holiest family, and which you dare not, miss. And what of the Mae ones whose tnoth's are less adulterated package dyers for home rive. int;. Some dealers sell imitations of the celebrated Diamond Dyes. The contents of these imitation packages carry ruin and disappointment to every user. �t few dealers, for the stake ot long j profits, are now selling soap dyes corn - posed of a very largo annount Of' common grease and an infinitesimal quart Lity of coloring matter Saab dyes, after trial have boon found weak and unal' anly, ; faithful. than you'? Have y011 no' riving and muddy colors, fading love to spare for thein t I have frl1- quAsu pions of thriftywashinand end experienced Vented in the very nature of yon \venirn already know. the Diamond lyes =others My tnost earnest call to are the only reliable stole package dyeq. -, } I teaching. What is having stood the tests of long yearn. unuay gre iCN) C ry Diamon''l D:e3 sire early to 11:,x?, and a:iv'n It The greatest love of little liriiliant and lasting eodorn that cannot Children,at be equalled by any other make. KIDNEY SUFFERERS. Be Convinced - There is Hope - There is aaCure. • Most Wonderful Testimony -Read -I3el i eve-- Live. Clinton Cook, a wellknown former, Stouffville P. U., Ont.: "Igor five years 1 suffered agonies from acute forth of kidney disease. Leading physicians treated me. The relieved sue, but proclauned my case incurable. I took kidney pills and other remedies with little benefit, and not until 1 commenced the use of South Amer- ican Kidney Cure had I any hope of re- covery myself. 1 felt relief after the first dose. I hacl excruciating pains in my hack was unable to retain lny urine. My body was greatly swollen. '1'o day all these sufferings have disappeared, and I atn well and strong. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. An Appeall From Windsor DT. S. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the well-known evangelists, who have recently condt,eted revival services in Windsor, N. S., have issued an ap- peal to the Christian church of this provinces, for aid in rebuilding the fire -stricken town. They state that one hundred andrseventy families in the Presbyterian, Methodist and Bap tist communities have been left with - nut a place to 'worship and each church requires about $10,000 to re- build. They express the hope that the people of Ontario will generously respond tr, the appeal of their breth- ren in the east, and invite subscrip- tions to be sent to Rev. Henry Dickie, pastor of the Presbyterian Church ; Rev. IF'red. H. Whright, pastor of the :.methodist Church, or Rev, A. A. Shaw, pastor of the Bap- tist Church, Windsor. N. S. Eats Without Distress.. "I suffered with intlamatioa of the stom- ach and indigestion. Everything I ate distressed r '. I have taken a few bottles of Hood's Sarsap- arillat and it hot enrol me, I aro now 11) 0 to eat almost s'lything 1 wish without ens - tress. I heartily ret:amtlnr•nd [Ioed's oar. s'ap;arilla." C. A..11ai:vt,u'ra, 1090 North Edwaris Street, Kalamazoo, Mich. Flood's Pills nnre all liver ills. hiailec1 for 25o by L.I. find tG Co. Lowell, Mass. A Yellow 1'tiver Story. RUPTURED n If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Vv inghaIn. They are the agents for the celebrated W ecmore Truss. W Ws aE 1r WETMORE IS r�` ORE FON 1. Beeause it is dangerous to be a moment wit ioUt One. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. h. A person wearing a Wetmore does not find it a ,bother. 4. Wo will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This. truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, G. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.. • O Ne 00 Russia's Wool Industry. Russia, the first nation' In Europe in the - production of wool, has 45,000,000 coalmen sheep and 15,- 000,000 Merino sheep pasturing on the vast prairies of Scushern Russia. Russia's wool production amounts to 10,000,000 poods (301.120P00 lbs.) annually, nearly 6 pounds per sheep. In 18535 there were spitting mills in the districts . of Moscow and St. Petersburg; employing. 4,789 hands and. producing wares worth more than 5,000.000 rubles. Moseow and surreundingi.lead in wool le. weav- ing; then come Tver, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Lodz end Kharkov. Euro- pean Russia has nearly 450 mills, employing 50,000 workmen, and producing' woollen articles worth 45,000,000. rubies. Dr. Chase':•:, Cures Catarrh .Aster Operations "'Vail, Toronto, March 19th, 1897. My boy, aged fourteen, has been a suf- ferer from catarrh, and lately Wo 80o- mitted him -to an operation in, the Gen- eral llc,spital, Since then we have re- sorted to 1)r. Cin.ae's Catarrh Coro, and one box of this medicine has made a prompt and complete cure. II. G. P0111) Foreman, Cowan, Avo. k"fro Hail. Brown, the Listowel burglar, has been sentenced at Stratford to six months in the Central Prison. Deputy Returning Officer Saunders has been fined 5200 Dr three months in jail for ballot -box stuffing in -the Macdonald election. • a ! �,,, `lf,o . 6'41 iw,ra If you have, you don't need to suffer with it another clay. Get Dr. Chase's Kidney Pills and they will give you relief as promptly and effectually as they aid M1Z. D. 0. kJ::MI.0N S, of ilraybee, Ont. He says his kidneys and back; were so bad lis was unable to worlt or sleep. His urine :had a brick•clust deposit, and Ito had to get up 3 or 4 times in the night to pass water. He Inas only takon half a box of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the back pain has gone, he ale: ps well, and feels well enough to do any kind of work. One P111 a Dose. Price, 25 Cents a Box. All 17.1:rs, or F,,mun"", Cates & Co., Taroutu, Oat. This story is told on a braketnatl ,L OI-4"7`�f "aS.%r1I Years on a certain road coming to Atlanta . ,k• He discovered a tramp asleep in at boxcar, and entering the car order-} eel him out. The tramp slowly raised his head',1" " and in a, weak voice Litt : I "My friend, I am dying with yello\v 1. fever. For f,od's sake, Jet nri din in i pea1Ce 1 The brakeman juniper' twenty, feet ill getting out of the e'll', bitt' lie shouted t.) tt'e sick man as the freight moved r1f- THE COC COCKS BEST FRHEND S'tl,t:_ IN CANADA. All work guarant^e;1 or no sale. tor. Servicer at 11 a m and 7 p m. pa Iter. Services at 11 11 In and i p in. Lowe, rector, Services at 11 a 01 and 7 p m, BAPTIST --Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 a tit and 7 p m CONGREGATIONAL --Rev, IL E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 1CFIRISTIAN WORKERS -- Misses Outran ani) Lock in mu:1round, Services at 3 I, rn and 8 p m. SALVr,.TION ARMY ---Adjutant Miles and wife in command. iiervices at 11 a. In, Spm and 8prin In enob of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 1:. i0 p oi. ' : ,, tI 3N - }3 uv. 1). Perrie EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's I'ev. Wm• ry n_ f W f Fc K f•. a:l ] t lk ' ,a' I N Q -v FL A NI. Capital, (;1,250,000. Rest, 5725,000 President-JoimN CTvkrer. Vice-L'resident-A. G. RAMSAY. D3i,;.110TO i9 Jelin Paoo'roa, One, masa, Ws G1l,sotr, P, A. T. Wow), A, 11. Las (Toronto). Cashier --J. T11RNBULI'. • Savings Buick-Houre,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 • 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received :oud tercet allowed, Srme,r-1, Deposits also reeei"ed at current' rates of it .rest. i4rllfia o1. ,)rcat iir,tain and the United Statob bought and aoid W. CORBOULI), AGENT E. Ti. DICKINSON, Solicitor. • F fISE 1 Q lei N i</,a a u i; t f! 1 BANKER,'Wfl+T. 1--GtX31 G.�.1.1.SE L BA1.TItIi7Gx 11U,i'12TE"a3 TI1ANS3- I • 1..0TE 1. 1 Money advanced on I unu rs and Tinsmess men on _L a L. DIRE Y:SON, ondotsed note .and collateral. 1 -- BABkt1CT1R , ETC.. I ;!AI:IITEIYS SALE NOTES CASHED( Td ' �_ $OLIOITOIt TO DANK 00 HA.I1ILTON. SONET Moneys remitted by draft to all p^r of Canada and LOAN;. the United 1tateu. Notes and accounts collected on r, 1o,l,tble terms. • -IS rU1;Llsttl.D EVERY FRIDAY MORNING -AT Tin:- Tti4'IES OFFICE, JOi131PHIN1 STRE'V WINGHAI.1, ONTARIO. aub+seri.pttonq:rice, $1 yt0r yeah, an advouice ADVENTISM; RATES Space ( 1 yr. I 6 mo. 1 :; mc. f mo, one Column t$'$0 00 t'411 00 i$20 00 t'S 05 flail " 40 00 20 19 00 0 00 Ouartcr " «0 00 12 00 • 7 00 300 one Inch G 00 5 00 « to I. Legal and other casual ndvettilemeut. ire per lino for fire iusertiom,and 3e per line for each subsequent insertion. Mo,stired by nonp:tr:d scale. uncal notices 10c. per linin tor first insertion, dna le, per Linc for each subsequent ,nserticr.. cone oun n t s d S` Advertisements t k aral.tl s3tuattion s and P. sines Chanties .aa \anted not exceeding ul 81i W tr ne 1 uonparutl, Si for first month, and 9L'a. for each subsequent month, Rouses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. ell for first n!onth, OW. per subsequamt month Larger ativertiseuic,,ts in p•Oportion. These tarots will be strictly adhered to Special rates for 1::rger advertisements, or for longer periods. Advurt:eurnents and local notices without specific . directions, wilt be inserted till forbid and char e " ' accordingly. T':e.neltiey advertisements must ba paid in advance Changes for contract advert)sewente must be In tin:othco by \Voduulday noon, rn order to appear that week I1. rt, eetaOTT, Pcore,weoa Ann FtThIL1$&.Ea R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, buLIOITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest interest. No eorllniienten el,argee. Mortgages, torn* and farm prupelt; boneht end sold O'r'F1OE-rleaver Block \VINenAM J. A. MORTON, B tltltIdTGlt, .\•c„ \yi'. .lam, Ont. onion:-Aleser LI ..ch ltinuham. A G. CAMERON, Money tc? Lban on Notch IrAIIISTEn, s,»aorTO CONVEYANCER, &Aj O�aice--Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew etreetsC i5; C"3 r, aa,v,,,t.t ,� , opposite Colborne Dote!. A.��'Rl i''v�wl t:1'.fltl'eJ�a,11.L-�✓t. GUDxalcu, ONTABd0. AT RE ASONA,B LE RATE2 Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pet eenrwiah peivllps 0 0f paying at the ofd. of any year. Not, and accounts co1100ted. - 11 11.T.3ytcS r?C. :'eaver 13Iock Windham, Ont GRAN D TRUNK RAIL 1VA) . DEPART A1.IrIVE Toronto and East 9 50 a. m. 2 40 11. 10 3 30 p m 10 1.'•1 p in Palmerston raised 8 5,) et to z 411p to London and South 0 53 a in 11 10 a ru 3 30 p in 8 00 p m Kincardine 11 10 a, 70 1; 50 a m 255pm 380prn 10'l5pm 830an1 1,Z TANTED-Au cxperieuceat canvasser 0 trate w and appoint 02011(5• No canvassicd, Sultry and cape ses point. The BCADOS4.GAlt10 r401 Co., I3nliied, Toronto, VVANTED -Three ',edict to introduce a house. VQ household work. Srllcndid Wilma to oom- peteat persons. J. r:ALLOWAY, Toronto, VII GH r: i t I TEAM PUMP VOflKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 am pow prepared to supply the public with mad mad Iron 'Force (W Wood 1 Lire rzaxnits, Iltrasn . anal Ihnota ylliceal,ers, Clativatlitz- ed It/kora Tubing. Ci2te.i'nFs, 't',�ti otter Titres li1M, : 'itnllwas. liiittiito,l `tpe 1!'ilttana;s;, "Wren ltftigafxif:, arid everything in con- nectron with water supplies. 'Galvanized Steel Windmills for timer and pumping W a, tr'r. Deep well minim; a speciality. : Repairing promptly attended to. Part.w'n writing for information nr, ordering by ,Hari should ulwnya tante depth Of well. ' )�, . a f ".STAR "Don't tell 'ear that I saw you 1' �.v ; r $ t,tsa Twill pay for tt .]'FITS ��'.�xN. , Atlanta Constitution TIME4 to 1)cc, 31st, 1898. 'lox 140 Wingnnt, Ont • DENTISTRY.--J.s.'Ji itOME, L. D. s.,wisoiwf. p,J Iosnap utuctur first-class sets Of , fuer] 141 cheap as they can be made s t y -}*e *: In t're uent`ntnn. Teeth extraotedf` absolutely ly a rent r.F . pain, by hos now proo0ss, guaranteed pule try safe. ONF[CE : L, the naaver Block, oppos Brunawiek noose. ARTHUR J. I1t%'IN, D. D. U., D. s., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylraaiew riancal College OFFIOE---MAODONALO OLOOIC. Novi- u, 111 visit 131:,th uvay Wedu•'4day. y CIIN SMITHS ¢J GENi'.i:<\L INSt1IIANOE AGENT ONTARE illy DEANS, „IL, WIN0,IAM, LIOENSMD AIJCTIOi EER FOL ,siE 0Q11NTR Os' }IU1u1N, Sales attended in any part of the Co. phargo Moderate. J01IN CURRIE, WINOnAIt, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements specialty. All orders 1011 at the 'rents olnee promptly attend, ed to. Terme reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. tet n 0iutn' Caledonia, "No. 49, mend Oil e11.01r-41144 dist alit third Monday in awry 11,0nta,in .11441'00 1rtheels Ilan.. Visiting brethren u'eleca0' J. Murray, Chief. D Stows art I;,'e.-Ste Agents Sell ""klondiko Gold yields" Like a wit rlo'itel. lixperiwtred canvassers -reaping. the richest harvest of their lives: now beginners dein:; vendee. Nearly ever,t body iub91ribes. Ono you,n Penna' 0:1 0 farms at 5N a mends 1•) making; 411. Alady typa•'vnt,rtit- i•isclearing51I. A u1echaui3 .the had earned l.f,e a day id clearing rr, at ay. Wu W.atot Moro agents. t,os•ibyr out' 51 o. , tr., worth n. ''file:itnaut. .aus-a4.1 ar'rsOX 00., Toronto, Limited, n quoits VIOioeii " le 1loo dlue. Right thousand OOp10a sold. 'Three tiwu*curl Oro hundred ordered tl'• 111 AmrheIh.; Loge genntity gotta to Sotitil ft., a; noir :lits ardd lyre i.' C.ol ld0. 1,.,r,1 Lorne, tier 31aiesry's e'Jn.1"•law, save : ' Beat Popular Life of tam Queen I have ace•," 0.01 thtl1oeles en. d"re0 the st,teetent. 1'Otla few! to eanyteme s ; ex. eiueiro revoi.e.v, hooks ell 111110. I'aey to make flip dedars daily. acne, webs tale that. Tile I3r tllOy•Gflrratson CO., Lli ltcd, Toronto! 4WD PR1KTING a SI ) i•1.i'IfN!3 nooks, raw uh1cte, rosters, an' 11 1311101), 0ireui.irs,ect.., 0 0 , elcruted in the best' style of the art at mm'terato prwes, and on short n0ti0,1 Apply or rtldrees it. 11. sonnet. T uxs office, Wlnaham. BOOKBINDING. We are pioneed to anl'o'run41 01101 tiny nooks ole M41F•atlbes Info with es for Ilin.iin4, will have osis` prompt attention. Poi,,sfoe ltlndicgin any etylt+ will be given Ou nnphcat'0:1 o the TllIes Oftroe