HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 51
w 411 1 / �i•�°`, 1 CO 1l•
' WOG tit t1A M TIMES, NOVEMBER 26, iS97
This Establishment is a " Store of Confidence "
in, the Fullest and Broadest of Meaning.
The entire community has long since learned to trust absolutely in this
store --to believe its statements --to depend upon the goods—to endorse its
methods, and we strive to merit this feeling of extreme trust, no matter at
what Cost.
Mantle Clothe for Girls, 54 inches wide, 50
0, All•waci Grey Mantle Cloths,
double -fold, regular price 41.00. for 85e. Beaver Cloth in Blue, Brown or Black,
double -fold, speotal at $1,00. Nigger -head Cloth at 41.00, $1.25, 51,50, 41.75, 52.00
and $2.00 a yard.
Newest Effects in plain Beaver or rough goods. 3 special garments, size 32,
34, 36. No. 1--Biaok Rough Cloth, standing collar, well made and perfect fitting,
43.50. No. 2—A plain Beaver and Black or Brown, 4 targe Buttons, Velvet Trim-
ming, 884.50. No. 3—Roath Cloth, 6 large buttons, slash collar, 57,00.
The Men's Overcoats we show at 55.00, 56,50 and 47.00 will give you satisfaction.
" Our prices are absolutely the lowest." Not for one day in the week
only, but every day in the year.
. a
GEO. CARR, has now in stock a large dispiny of the very newest material for
Overcoats, Fall and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Veste, etc., eto. Also the
Mast Stylish Gents' Furnishings in the Market
If you want stylish and well made Clothelat a moderate price.
Give us a cilli. We can git e 3 cu tLe 4fEt f workmanship, Good tit guarateed.
G-I:r§ CLA:Ia...4-"R
Opposite Queen's Hotel, - WINGHAM
l,a LL•-'•'":L.Lai:;t.:..L'LJE-t. G711'lta'RJt,:.L.L^!!.]"U:�`�'''�.—t.�L']�L4iL iY.—'..it.^'L�'I.JS�L�:l^�L.IL:'a_t7•�'J'—',1.�i f."
L�f t 't
IY '
When you can save
money tike dais, NotVi}lotving
CUi,leGti �► a a a �� �o� t
Messrs, Franeks Clelland Jr. and ee
Bobt. Baird, Jr. returned n, short
time ago from a short sojourn in Mire 5 •
i nesota, They seem to think that Ont.
is just as good a place to stay in. ,
AMr,Geo,Mundell has bought a farm ,
7.6 miles from Harr'iston, and intends
to reside there in future.
Mr, John Crowe intends winding
Up the cream -routes for the season. 1
It has been a good one for dairying
and the Whitechurch Creamery has
turned out a larger make of butter
than ever before.
Sties Simpson, daughter of Mrs.
Wm. Simpson, of this township, has
gone to Chicago, to take a course in
opticial science. Miss Simpson is a
graduate of the Manitoba College of
Pharmacy and is the first lady drug
gist in the province, The daughters
as well as the sons of Culross are
winning distinction abroad.
On Tuesday morning of last week,
the announeetnent of tate death of
Sirs. Chas. Steel, was heard with sor•
row and surpri€e by the residents of
this township. Her death was quite
unexpected, she having been attend.
ing to her household duties until
noon on the Friday preceeding her
death. Mrs. Steel was a daughter
of the late Wm. Moffatt, and was
much esteemed by her neighbors
and friends. She leaves besides her
bereaved husband, two daughters, to
mourn her loss.
Connell met in the Town Hall,
Teeswater, Nov. 15th 1$37, as per
motion of adjourr. went.. Members
all Iresent ; the reeve in the chair.
The minutes of last council meeting
were then read and approved.
Scott—Johnston--As James H.
Melvin reports that he has completed
his statute Gabor according to the by.
law authorizing path master to have
the work of people living on the tear
end of Weir lots, to have their work
done on the road on which they live
that the clet•ic do not enter his work
on the Collector's Roll.—Carried.
McKay—Scott—That the Clerk
and Reeve be authorized to iisuc a
cheque or cheques for the amount
of Engineer's award or report
when received, and charge the
same as directed by Engineer.—Car.
K 1
Great Sale of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Below Cost in Wingham
The McIntyre stock Is being rapidly rushed off. Bargains here because the bought much below
wholesale l.rices. What you don't see ask for—and tisk to see any of the following this week :
V tJ •J �GJ 1J
Lambskin Trimming worth 2:ie for 20?..
Braid Trimmings reduced from 4c to ,2a.i
Colored Passimentrie Trimmings at -
20o and 8o, r�
Ladle:,' Sandal Rubbers, first quality, i
for 400. l�
Heavy Towelling worth no and 70, for §
Choirs Tweed Dress Goods, 40 in. wide,
only 2:)o. 12
leB-� ,-r-i 'i' ti9iV.ris'i �`-Soli ` i" r3 Y
G&r:ventesweeeesesw` reef teitetenetz me
°liF • Chintz Covered Bed Cotnrorters begin
t 7
to at au
'e Beet t3raes Pins, worth Go per paper,110:.
for 2t.
e Meeh &iif Felt Hats, a job lot at 25o. 0.
.,i Heavy Oottouade, all prices, beginning :
Choice Braid Trimmings worth 4e and
5c for 20,
Men's Overcoats, a large assortment
from 53.09.
A•close inspection of all our goods and prices cordially invited. We are here to do business and
solicit a portion of your custom. Good Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
Our premise$ will be found in.the Macdonald Bleak, Wingham.
drain his place and requests having
the culvert across the road and
ditch deepened, that Mr. Reid have
the same done on receiving the pap-
ers signed by all the parties interest
ed giving permission to run the water
onto their lots and on the understand
ing that Kinloss bear half the ex-
pense. --Carried,
Reid—Johnston—Tbat the follow•
Miss Muir, of Wroxeter, is visiting
her uncle, Mr. Archy McDonald, 1st
Mies Mary Cornyn has been re-en-
gaged to teach S. S. No. 7, Morris,
t'or 1898. This is her third year.
• Wnr, Cock, Gtlt line, has bought
twelve stock steers from a Mr.Cooper
near Kippers.
ing .parties be appointed Retuning The apple packers are about Rev. Mr, Oaten and wife took tea,`
and Deputy B;eturning officers for through.. Most of t••e fruit was a very with Mr. and Mrs. If:. Welker one
the year 1897 :-
poor sample this fall. evening this week.
Chas Button, Returning Officer ;
Polling sub division, No. 1, James
Thompson ; No. 2, Robt. Watson ;
No, 3, J B Gcetz ; No. 4, R E Little ;
No, 5, L McKay ; No. 6, W Kelly ;
fled. N„ ise7, L McIntyre, an,. that the
Jehneton-�Jarvie--That the town• clerk prepare a by-law' confirming,
rr-Alp Ate l,u i, swotted to dtaw up their oppnintxnont, to be passed at Messrs. Rutherford, of Wroxeter;
e4 the necessary bylaw to empower the nest ii.ec,•ing of Council. Dep, lie- and Pagh of Bluevale have just coos-
. ,,
twenty �-l ti furnace
coin -
carefully , �-i r.otvatsttil� cou,tcll xo pal' at,i.tlt4 cents' tu�•ning Officers to be i�.itl:°,;c'•J'; °1'.t a plt.tflcl.the new,LVleCI J
in the cheese factory.
Mr, James Stewarts sale t,f farm.
stock and implements,.. it Turnbe'•ry, -
last Monday, was one of the largest
ever seen in the neighborhood,
Bruce• -g _1ias returned from
(Manitoba, where sly has been visit -4
ing her brother, i
Alex,. M.Srnith, who has been fann-
ing on the 9tli con., intends removing
Seaforth, where he will enter the
ernploy of Messrs. liroadfoot & Box
, 1I r't
1 doz. Cups and Saucers and Plates (Tea) for $1.10. �'r'
° 1 IC itII „ (Breakfast) for $1.20.
Jugs, Platters, Vegetable, Dishes, Bakers' 13asins, Chambers,
Ewers and many other pieces at proportionately low prices. 4;
i' Faricy China in this vicinity to choose 1
Largest assortment o . L
per red for wire fence Where the the Presbyterian ilia nse. 'It works
Clerks, it2 ; Bootbs, t3. Einance Re-
port : Iiobt Geddes, cleaning jam at
Orange bend, $5 ; I+ Elliott. cleaning
jntii at Cauche's, Sept. ate. 53.50 ;
iiowe hill bedding culvert lot 10
ides it necessar , to }� I well and would undoubtedly warm
council may cons 3
protect the road from stew drifts
and 'the clerk have it ready fur the
next session of council, fur final read.
,, t
''d to
Ganite •c
ing;, pa.aing, and sealing—,
• Reid—J0hnstnn---'Tutt the Clerk con G at pridge, et : Dan McTavish.
work teecon 10 lot 8, $G ; Dr. Gilliet.
annual fere:. t, heard. of Health,1897
g2;M Sehiestcl,gra el,and road $5.35;
Janice McGregor, cutting hill, 25th
stile read, cot- (i, 9t8.75 ; John Hark-
ness filling gravel pit and improv.
Ing road, $11.50 ; James Whiteman,
gavel, 54.50 ; t!'• R. Thompson, Crowds are attending and tt n meet -1
832 feet ocellus $8,32 ; James Me.good attendance is expected. ings are interesting,
Glynn, geavel, 02.29 ; Situifeipal g Rev. Mair. Nest will preach at the toall who trend hetattcTti ;i League!
World, miosis book and stationary, service in the Methodist Church at meets every Sunday eve at 7 o'clock'
t.5.91 ; Peter Kroetseh fixing sink
write Mr. Dickson, Clerk of the
Peace to final out what amonnt of
fines are .':e the township of Cukor•::
Scott—Reid—That is tlit3 indigent
Mr. Baldoof, was traveller who trav•
tiled the townships of C::rriek and
Culres`s repairing sewingineehines
etc., and tell siek and came to Cul-
ross, bat not being a resident, tied
having no rclativee in tone township,
the ratepayers refused to keep hire
and the eoancil of Wren c n�,ider-
ing it an act of humanity tohevc the
man provided for, agreed with ll:.
Mr, and Mrs. Plunkett-ot Asltfieldl
were visiting in the neighborhood,
this Week, •
Mrs. A. Auld of,. Westfield, •gavot
Mrs. Jas. Reid a friendly call" this•
week. !j ..
Rev. Stewart of Ethel, oecupied1
the pulpit at the brick church Met;
Sunday, Mr. Oaten beim, engaged!
i • r • w his oint-
iu rn ssiona 3 ot•d.•,-�,rt ,app #
went, -
Mr. ifeciintt,re the tax,collector is
Ion his rounds. Pie o'nuts the farm. -i •
the befitting
for two as well as otic, tors are doing well this yeatr, as the
A very interesting tetltperanei:
meeting • was held last Tharsday money comes fulling; in.•
evening in connection with the Ep- 1 Last Wednesday eve, the officers
,•• eau
' ther' Church wcr,tiL e.
of Brick l✓ u 1
worth League A number took part �p g
and petitions for lessening; the
priv- I were elected in due f,rnt a , fuhows:';
Pres., Alice Hoover' ; First t• ice-pres., 1
J. Pattison ; Second vise -pros„- Mrs.1
Hoover ; Third vice -pies, ,J..Dowe;'
Fourth vice ores•, Mrs J. Pattison ;
'Tate annual meeting of the Bible RecordingSecretary, M,i:'. Brooks,
Treasurer, Thos Irwzn..The 'League,
is now lit a flourishing ce•ndition.;
eges of the license law were directed
to he forwarded to the Secretary of
the Alliance.
Society will be held in the Presby-
terian church on Dec. 5th, to be ad-
dressed by Rev,' Mr. Edmunds. A
5 ,
10.80 on Thanksgiving Da The evenings are very l .i'g 'audit
hole con 10lots 27 and 28 $9 bl g 3�t t t g demand
for County, 550 ;Thos Brown, cal it g; place in the business activity, boys stop in at night. Perhaps this
' A noticeable improvement is ,a z- coal. oil is in great emand as the
David Steel, for work on gravel road
So say our merchants. ' accounts for evervting being 501
Gehl and others of Carrick for hie nett, en ": :date of Cue ess aind
, 3- i l'.v. Cozens, of Fordwieh, ofticiat- quiet in this nei„ hborieu tl,
lee [r keep, and considctine th'i Cat.ict: •ilreencek, t:pjJ,,nito Li o;, con 15, es here next Sunday at 10,30 a, m. Notwithstanding tht, ‘:et and'
��tr- r-�•`�"�� � �r2 7�'- ti t ��` was as liable for hip liL'Ct. R3 V:tlr' S: iU ; t�ntirf•'tt` CtlSlcettiaits, C11tC1'.ln-, ` and 7 :n, in the intereit of the.
r rt wc!!grzt.'C. ,,...= F '�• `+.� -"t•- G keep1 tt ,rd p blustery weather of past, ti•ts fariu-y
amount expentt d viz , sixty' three gravel, l ,l8 ; Nich Seltnitzteyi gray I'atlanct's hotel on Thanksgivin,; - • ,
Coilingwood will give .;,,'."'2.;`).,000 to a,1
new (i.T R $t50,000 elec ata r.
The China Douse Grocery.
the hereby request the clerk: to for' X3100 ; (.sett, Sill, and a: c - missionary Cause, ors have got their roots:all safely
ward a colo of this motion wi:li the ante of indigent, : •_'1 ; P� Iirehz, tlsl'ootinn Snatch will 1?e held at bossed,
(li'3) dollars and t'eclneet t;ae (:ait'rick ei, 75o ; Schwartz & Fedy, bal of ale, dt
Council to pal* half as they ate jolt- $1 ; Jrio Sehnert.,. grate In ettivet't, •
ly entitled tu,--Ca'ried. ts:'e, Peter isulie k 7II J}trtla.�le,l�dt,•,(iC+1 1 .., 5U 'i1 tt t t 'tltty of lLinloss (.ul•
FROM , `: o MILL
Honest Weight, honest Count, Honest Measure, and your money track,
if everything is not found as represented.
"Underwear Rubbers
My underwear department is now I have a full stock of Men's, Boys'
corn tete. I have iiia received a, iii, Ladies , Misses and Children's Rub -
special line of Underwear to tell for' hers. Prices, regular 0,5e for 50c;
forty-five cents (45c) each garment. Ladies' 40e for 30e, Children's 35c.
Also Scotch and Canadian Wools at fol' 25e.ber Cityave Boots,o regularRu$3.25
reasonable prices. In fur :� 2.50.
en'w $z Bogs' Clothing t
I have now tt full line of Ready- j Overcoats
Ire. Martin Farrow and three
y, ;;rave .,a,..) ; 0 ildren of Calgary Northwest Ter-
_.- --- Th•tt ne the Arkoll gravel,
; Geo. 3e:tit,3Ce , l i UI t are VGaig M 'her itiw1 Mrs.
caller of lot :35 em, b desires to el.; ; , t :'tips • ,, , Ih ere menet '>
' S entente tib'
ross shard on boundary, „-.3.t3t3 ; 1l
b :Me, drill (`Tar iner,Xwho spent the
simmer in the Lake Dauphin distsiet,
arrived home on Saturday�,/'IIis
in:tny friends here will be glad tc,
knots- that Mr. James Gardiner, who
went out there in the spring, has tak-
en up land, has built a house on it,
and hats prospeets of doing well.
dt'.l ohert Il.kstings. of Turnberry,
who has just returned from Parry
Sound, where he has an interest In
n Saw-tufll, was in the village on
%%Irwin, of Morris, brought thirty
secs' into the village on Monday
evening, to sell.
Mr. John Mitchell, of Keigley,
I;tt„rind, who spends the winters in
(menta, buying inn pie rollers, which
.Gtr shipped to the Old •Ct,untt'y to be
nutria into, mangles, was in the village
la •r tresis. This will be Mr. Mitchells'
til ;r
Muter in Carman.
Elliott. of
M. 13..D1
hitt .
� •. and
W iigh:un, spent Suttility at Mr. 1 N,
lstt-terauaking has begun rgahi
You may get over that
slight cold all right, but it
has left its mark on the mem-
new lining your throat. 1 it ,lu e ,
cold and the second one will
hangon longer than the first.
Scott's Emulsion is not an
ordinary cough specific, but
it is ” the ounce of, preven
nratdes for fall and winter wear. In Overcoats I have a large tion,.” It builds up the
system, checks inflain nation
:and heals inflamed fnetn-
brands. °Slight" colds never
bring serious results when it
is rote tl taken.
Mackay, trip to Walkerton, we, P
Clark, trill to Walkerton, and :honey
pain out t'or C, 53 ; John McKinnon
gravelling en the gravel road north
of Teeswater, $328,50 ; 11 MacKay,
selecting jurors, getting. affadivit, 53;
Grcnache, new calvert and
plunk, i, * .i ' ; George Ross, worm
You are liable to takeanother ou e;.,•,iyt'1, for eonnty, 86,25 ; 11
Arnaslnni,, do 0.31 ; Thos :ltcivin,
do $11.57 ; Jot 13nikle, repairing. cul-
vert.,. 54 ; '1' Rosa gravel,','.40.
Jervis---Joheetuti •--That�the Pi --
nonce folium as j:int read be adopt-
ed and cheques issued in payment of
Jarvis •--- Johnston —.Tont this
('.ount'll do holy adjourn to meet
'drain on \Viceciineel:ty Dee. kith at
10 a, r. as per statute.
Ones. l3trT'roe , Clerk.
variety in quantity and qualify, Sed
Bootsn Oboesvariety
to suit the tithes.
My Boot and Shoo line is now as'
usit tt full and up to date. I have a Call end see our special line el
;special line of Men's Calf Bala, to sell'r.nclic Jaet.ets at 2,75 to $7.00.
St "f)` Montt
ents from
$2,00 to 0,4.00 ; Ladies' turd Child -- i Ft,r Coats and Robes at a
ren' Shoes in endless varieties, i Specialty.
IDDe ' .r"
On Tuesday morning ,John I' .Tray.
Book on the subject free. the murderer of Angus ;lloLoed, t't
Napanee, was sentenced to bang on
• -. SCOTT & SOWNE, nettevitta, Sat. January' 14th, 1898.
People often wonder why their nerves arc 1
co weak; why they get tired ro easily;
why they start at every Hight but
sudden sound; why they do not sleep
naturally; why they have frequent
headaches) indigestion and nervous.
the explanation is simple. It is hound In
that impure blood which lit waits -
lathy feeding the nerves UrCut reins:
instead of the elo1nent§t!f kl.rength ari.
vigor. In sueh ebrulitIsm opiate and
n and
do note cure o Hood's Sarsssaparily ;la feeds
tho nerves pure, rich, rod blood; gives
natural sleep, perfeet digestion, is the
true remedy* for all nervous troubles.
ars ari11a
Ts the One True 11ke er. ar per bet: e.
1't`eparedonlybgCl,T o.,Lottve0,ems,
eue'o iS'tr ane ; ey t
C!(2Cil '.] �X S telco, east•tte opett%to, SVel