HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 4t). 24; Felt hit Lye :cwt. . • yrnt inf Ft:1'V 401W. 311:1'k. it t eel ;1: 42. wear sten'. t Vii-!tv risv •ifar quo this 11 thm Con Remember the auction sale of tho- Ma xoughbred stock, implements etc., at S. Paul, Morris, which was paid to 40, Mr. R. W. Hastings, on Monday the treasurer ; also half day for Peter I en next, November 29th. McEwen, con. 2, Turnberry, and one 4.2 The shares in the Klondyke are all and a half days on sideroad No. 5, Laken np. We refer to the beef ring con. 2 and two days on east gravel .• ' aa IL 111E WIN GUAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 26 1897, ....,............,,,.... ... 10/0. I, Ilimeitzunino".—in Bluevale, on Nov. letb, the wifeiof. £4r. Joseph Breelren- ._ ; a son", litertuilinanox..—In. Onlrees, ou Nov. I lath, the wife et Mr. 0. Hetherington ; 1 laughter. BASTED0.—In Wingli am, on Nov. 18th, , t le w e of Mr. A. G. Bastedo ; a (laugh - i t . 1 Arrehrev.—In Turherry, on Thursday 18h, the wife of Th05. APPLAYbY i NOTICE SAE OF RUBBER CONS 1*•••••••••••... We are selling chea kinds of Bulb and Fou Rubber Syringes, Ice -Ice Caps, Hot Water B Tubings Fittings, etc. anything in this line, at never heard of before, at COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S MARKET REPORTS. Wingham, November 25th,1897. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs.. ..... 1 50 to 2 25 P:111 Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Pall 'Wheat, new.. • 0 78 to 0 50 Sprint; 'Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Oats ..... ...... . • 0 24 to 0 25 Earley 0 25 to 0 27 0 40 to 0 42 0 07 to 0 08 0 04 to 0 05 0 40 to 0 60 Peas Turhey, drawn Gese, •• a son. Ducks, per pair utter .. ...... . • S lt to 0 154 ntain iawys—Bawm.—in Teeswater, on the ,Rgge per dozen o p all'MAIM= Bags, Val, inst.. by lip!v. Father Clorcerern, W.layood, per cord.... ... 35.0 0080 too 2fis(11 133er ton (f .(Lif.Ugitt°t: t:t G1V ottles, Erwin eldest Pot it es, per bushel, • . 6 to prices ( ay, Nov. Elth, at the residence of John wool 19 to 21 h telkeeper, Holyrood. Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 0 6 to 0 .5 and MCDONALD —1VICGUlUE.-0 Et Til WS. w Murray, East street, by Rev. J. A, Anderson, 13. A., John McDonald to Mies Alice McGuire, both of St. Ilelensif DILD. DIECUCT STORE. STEM,—In Culross, on Nov. 10th, Annie, beloved wife of Mr. Chas, Steel, pears south. ot vest oiEee. aged 45 years and 4 months. ----- . _—.-- -..— . Margaret MePherson, relict of the late TO ADVERVISERS. Angus Clark, formerly of Winghain, aged 78 years and 4 mouths. Notice of changes mut be left at this office not later than Saturday Arthur McGee had completed job on noon. The copy for changes 5th sideroed, con. 2, at 615.75 and mast be left not later than riiies• recommended payment of both ac - day evening. Casual advertise- counts. meets accepted up to noon Mr. Copeland reported that two Thursday of each week. culverts on Culross boundary require Ire'-'-'''—' ---7t---:---"----- immediate repairs. a.• • Mr. Genamill reported that he had hi (1... ' Ingba m dints employed Geo. Nicholson to repair work will be laid before you; also • Gemmill's bridge, the bill 'for the that a culvert on Gth line, opposite PetIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1897. lot 7 require) immediate repairs. ----------------------7------ 'Walter Hawke, road machine TuRNBERRY. operator, reported that he had work- ed the road machine 1 day for Mr, MORTGAGE SALE Lot 27, Concession 11, Turnberree 100 Acres. This is a good farm within about two miles of Wingham, and presents a good opportunity to purchasers. Offers will be received by CRONYN BETTS, Barristers, ikc., London. Further particulars may be had also of R. Vanstone, Esq., Barrister, &c., Wing - ham. J ," organized on the tenth line. road, eon. 1 and one day's time in And•. Mr. Reuben Stokes had the luck to running from place to 'mace. bring' down an American eagle the Moved by Mr.Oruieltshank, second- - other day, which measured 6 feet, 10 . is le une4( inches', from one wing tip to the other ." vieir.1 . Wouder if Uncle Sam will have any than objection to make. . am '•• . A pleasant social evening was spent at the reeidenee of Mr. D. H. Moffatt. port; .. 'boundary, on Thursday evening, 18th have instant, by a barge number of anent • young people. A. fine programme of and- songs and recitations was rendered, Beat ..••• Prof, Skilling and. wife, of Tees water, 1.. ble, ' gave several selections which were " well received by .he crowd. Mr. alacr mail 1 lest 1 v,:her and 1 pend ecrna wrete just nrocli Gray and daughter, of Bluevale, sang some Scotch conks to the delight of' everyone present. Tea was served ea 12 o'clock and from then until the wee small hours of the morning were spent in singing and social conver- sation. Votes of thanks were tender- ed to those taking part and the crow - this N Cd dispersed to their respective homes W—a well pleased with their evening's en- tertatement, wtl.qc will the next "You Com! the A.nnual tea meeting at the T • herr • Congregational Church, Tho undersigned will recei tenders tor supplies up to noon on IvIoNIAT . 29, 1897, or the supply of butchers' meat utter dairy and cream- :orYrctlioYoldn!otper.1,04) o rg' tmeol, potatoes, the year 1898, viz.:— Lotions timing At the asylum for o Insane in To nto, Loudon, Kingston, Bandit n, Mimic°, Br ltville rind °lima; the Oentr Prison and Mercer 1 formatorr, Toronto; the De reatwory for 13ov s, P I ,tanguish. env+ ; the instill ions for the Deaf and Du b, Belle- ville, and the Ind at Ivrantford. Two sutlici 11; sureties will be require ferule due fultlinvet of each contract. Speciiicati us and forms of tender can had by in ins application to the Bursars f the respective istitutions. N. .13.—' enders are not required for the sup; of meat to to asylum in Toronto. London, nine • Hawn and Mimic°, nor to the Control Prison d Mereer t • T vnto 'Chu' west or any tender not necessarily accept° New papers inserting th.s ad, ertisement withon auth ity front the Department will not be paid for it. (Signed) R. CIIrcsTIE. T. P. CHAMBERLAIN% JAM.B8 NOXON. Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities. ornament Buildings, Toronto, Nov, 10, 1897. MEETING OF Hum un1,11 ncii The Council of the C. County of Huron will Room. in the Town Goderich, on bast ed by Mr. Gemmill, that the Clerk be irstructed to forward to tce Reeve of Morris an account of our expendi- ture on boundary line, Morris, and to request that a statement of the expenditure of the Municipality of Morris be sent to us before December 15th next—Carried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr , Gemmill, that the Clerk be instructed to enquire what new books are required for our Treasurer under, the Ontario Act of last session and to_ provide what may be necessaay— Carried. Mitred by 'Mr.Cruickshank,second- ed by Mr. Musgrove, that we pay Elliott Bros. for the 10 inch. tile and accept an order for the full amount in tile of any ordinary size and at any time when required—Cerried. Moved by Mr. Alusgrove, seconded by Mr. Copeland, that the Reeve be instructed to assist the Treasurer in making annual statement before next meeting of council—Carried. Tice Mowing, f,teeCNT34 were read Date oration of the in the Court dy be esday, at 3 o'clock p. in. W. LANE t Gouerich, No'. 8, '97:1' . 30th rk. PAY YOUR TAXES For the convenience of the public, the Tax Collector will be in the Clerk's office, in the Town Hall, Every Friday from 2 to 4 p. in., and on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th from 10 a. Ill. to 5 D. m., and any other day at his residence, Frances street. All taxes must be paid not later than December 14th. 'WM. ROBERTSON, Collector. of it,'' Gelnmill's Corner prennieee Kane tr,tY1 and clieW.% r.-:zned : Geo. Garton, other - -- _ i :things tiuis vear in the way ot enter- ,32.50, extra on Hastings drain; Wm teinment-4 The Wingham Orchestra, Wright, $1, work on road; John not Se. comprising some twelve or more :al- McEwen, *,'•:2, work on road; .T.'t ter ! sometl. . see ,ented musicians has been engaged, Scott, $4.50, work on road ; Jas. gratiti and Will be on hand wita a specially Nichol, :',:t2, 4th con. drain; John ments choice program of both instremental Woods, a;2.50, repairing Gray's Frill. and. vocal music. Tea meeting, ad- bridge; Walter Hawke, 6:7,50, work) speedi. 1 dresses, musle. Remember the date on road machine; Elliott i3 os., S1.60,1 Porter's tile; Elliott Bres., ';','!.33.75, 101 lineh tile; Wm.' leitglesen, ta„..-18, re.ton el On Sunda evening next, a speia1 pairing Linton'e bridge; Coniad i Baker, ele error in dog tax; Wm.' atches AND... Jaw eh We have the largest and best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., to c,hooie from in the town, and our prices are as low as ever. CHRISTMAS GOODS arriving daily. All Repairing done on the Premises. PATTERSON, BEST CREAM SODAS Only 8c per An immense stock of Fancy China, Toys, Dolls, &c., just in stock this week. 0 ERR Grocer, Wingham, THE NEWEST THIN ISA 1 Na Clothing ever torn on this Board. May be used in the hottest or coldest water. Never wears out. Never flattens out. Never corrodes, always clean. Gives satisfaction to everybody everywhere. ----„, A ii nutrtou*s, .clelicivu,s, wholesome, palatable food is found in Opposite Bank. of Hamilton 1. As an inducement to pay cash for your Furniture, IRELAND & BUT PON bave decided. to give everyone buying Furniture or Picture Frames fromahem for the next GO days, a chance or a number of chanees or getting a OUL0' remoix • Monday Den.13th. Come and bring -1't"ei your friends. to ihe ye 1:01, Thanksgiving service Turnberry ent att Congregational Church, by the Pastor 1111", Bev. J. W. Goftin. Sabject; "Fou- letter.getfulnese of God the basis of ingra titude" Iles. 11, 8 and J. :qr. tiolfin $4, services board of I OE tL Deyell, .a2, de., de.; De. Toole, R.:4U); re9 crt F 'pp 1E1 T cd F S7 do. do.; James Elliot, •a3, I ll;/ r.t5 1 11 Health; Wm. Ueannill, do., do ;1 issue. will :qua. a, sago. Special colleenen do,; John Diluent, ET), sanitary in- to , gel of eharch finances; II law. I speetor; John Butereee :11 sec (ti , • . eeturne .courafe. 1X, (1 and 7. He Ed. Fergueoe, e42.25. repeiring culvert, MeLaren's sIderoad; Arthur Mintites of council meeting held Ing in ratland's hotel, loutryt, e, on ...toy. I 711,1gee Nvork on .5th "rig *1-)oa. Members all present. The I core 2; Rebt. eeine.s, taa2, tile dra ar s world Inge= Reeve in the chair. The minutes of Hastings drain; RoCa Ilastinon aat `a....,'Ipeas in thejar. The one guessing the number or the nearest to the number • ' they • extra wo:k Hastings di•ain; plif;;-6;r:iciaiintio,11:: his or her choice of the Parlor Suite or the Wateh. Should mere My gut Met, meeting wereread approwtid ar,d drttwing tile; llobt. N'' gue9s the right number, or be entitled to the gift, we will take out • 11 Liege et the remainder, and repeat in this tocceammatomrsseemenurtasas.,==-21,,......secr..............1,1rAcca.ne E ST-IfTs-DDED li7F-213L2W1-1-EAT a2170:3. "itaa nalaaaraaaag It is whole nolhing but wheat ; the wheat is merely shreCA,,-.1 to make it easily digested and Try a 7, You cannot help but feel better for eating it. EAT ifj 77OU HEARD that we Jai Coffee, regular 35c line, for 20'.; a a,1 111,,t and by trying a pound you will 1.),-; th‘Jr0‘-1_:y co;lvinwl. :=;<, nlay 1,g; had only at a uRDON'S , oppo,itr, Button Block& !dr,• atae will do it in this way. We bave a small jar filled with peas. For # —•r.r3i on 1, • veil have a guess at the number of Beath, A connrcanication was read from Stewart, '•:0•8011ulli ell • part of the peas, then s., ‘; Spume re •pention to Lueall 31, refund dog tax; Peter McLaren, C.; '4" wax of necessary), until only • one is entitled to the goods. So you see haiTita fa( Legielatuve on temperance legislie 3CU, part salary; taco. • oc, , everyone has the earn— . A eaVaataa".a,V.Vaecarta4a4aataa,,,aae'reetafaiwtaceevar”,ezatalaita • F=.76,37:731 ,RNT E JJ If you ',,vput eLis SOTO VIA , rape gravel; Municipal World, ea ou, The wateli wfielyeaglit !yen Mr, II. 'Park, jevreler, and has a 21 year ee .--- objcet fir • 1m t,p Tir, 1.4,ove ieported that he had 1)(01(.4; Herbert Ilennings, 81, error guarantee uitli it. be atVwe it is iii (Amin. It la at Mr. Park's Jewelry • — cheeky, got the tile for the naotings drain doag ; 1 g aPeter Hastinge, repair :,.:!,, - entre for inappeeien, The nuenb(.r of your 0; ne,..1 wilt be stamped on a # itud " fit:nt IZellert Il. Ilastihgs at 032.00 1 lug Johh's bridge; lra Etcher, .C1 - ' , ticket aLd cut4,rol in a Iteoh, el -0, vent' wino; atiti addre:‘,14, and when the # you, k.a ';:f2,a, Pert paaa are aeati(e.1-- ,velf h wIll 1,e '4.t3 by tiireti 1%e.•poll....ityle Men or the town e* but my. for tile, drawing r,,,;), and extra, work damages; Paul Amen, a ff in tainneetin with (Irvin, aud re- • 1.4 •,..0 e.••,ruitled tl,t, Timii.,,,,,n drain tt.,w adj,A,ra to mck.t in Putland's 1111`' Mir a P40 that he bad let job el repairing Decembrr next at, lta o'clock a. la.— satire as talary. • —the one entitled to the wel,; wni :te23 not,tis , Mov ILA by Mr . ,t; tecended keei, everethieg i.at leept n a g and 100 coraa,end, d that the aceeunL be pat . ltfr. Copelaed, that this eoluleil (10 ataapiaa e,9 A1.1%,Y*..44;; tlite s WO; ea, li trade, we etnile T1,0 De. ttiv Reeve repovted tilat bY &Leval ferniture etere, from the tI ORTH.11 e`Alefaef/ValTa/a/Va9,W ti %11V1h119:,; line of tUANS, 1.\viii.t(1)11/N.F/Sit 11;;11*( ea;..leaa,/*Alti,aals/44,7141.) 01 t just , fotnal it completed satitactory; Ilfaevale, en the 2ath day' of in town. eiteele deli...I:lei a reee eaaa.; cAtJ \AA e C 1 kanged culvert en Mer,firen's siderond, eon.] rried. bou0P1401 crommonded ment o raell Mr* :klusgrove reported that John j "Woosds has completed repairs onl ----- Ireland. a At, to ierguson at S2.25 and re. I Jn:: oliunGns;?1, ilmnaecnunt Glatae'bridge at t2.50; alto that! #41 410t) VIL170:;y or Tiverton were swept by lire -tat Mirnittur. Daalere awl reielee ;1Z-er3, ,,p,.Nfeleaan 1 Itl'-,1,, Wiegliont. # Sig 81011'5 III 'CM) 1111Si lieF•S Vaakal 111 U s lay mornivg last. P. ;:i.—Your ehelee el IVeltiot er 4 tee, 1.aetee, •le tele lett ler tVto, 31 4 11,114011111110111,111111",t1t,i/t, ROSS, Wingham. vtAk, qaaaefala44e114,14/A. Tlai stnobl: h aee] do what, ilo bi w 31,3 ming only OPOZIARI C Ch.