HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 1• 11 VOL. XXVI.---No. 1336. WINGIIANI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 26, inter 5s with us once more and with his advent. The call is for warn., sea— sonable garments. Therefore call and see oar large and seasonable •Stock whish is replete with cold re— sisting materials. Of our Dress Goods we need say nothing, they are al- ready the talk of the town, hut we Should life to draw your attention to our grand stook of Furs in Coats, Jackets, Cloaks, Capes, Caperines, ii,oas, Gauntlets and Caps in various 7rigb quality and material. We have ,just received a large consignment of UIsters which are warm enough for .a trip to the Klondyke, and they are 'very low in price. And don't forget our Tailoring Department. We are turning out the best • fitting -and nobbiest gar-. Ulients ever seen on the streets of Wingham. Leave your order with us. Just arrived, something new in Rubbers and Overshoes. Call and 'See theln,t{ley will be sure to please ,you. HO;»UTH & BONLESa SELL CHEAP. Attend the Popular CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, - ONT. If you wish to receive - l Business or Shorthand Education This institution enjoys a splendid pat- ronage anti has unexcelled facilities in every department. Students admitted .any time. Free catalogues. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. marriage Licenses Teemed by Fiu uc PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses roc) =ed. SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK BALTIMORE OYST Shipped direet to tis from Baltimore' Oall and get some first-class oysters. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY and all Fruits in season. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List, making twonorame ore rremttancesaReh htivenmade special arrangements with the publishers by which wo are connection with tl a WING11offer the A151 Tl31E•uS lactctspecial low rates from now until Jemmy let, 1800, Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines quoted upon application, Cali mast aecompany nit orders :— Times and Weekly Globe, - SI 25 Times and Western Advertiser, - 1 40 Times and Fatuity herald and Weekly Star and picture •175 Tinos and Farmers' Advocate, 100 Times and Farthing, weekly, - . 1 3G 175 Times and Ladies' Journal, - Times and A/entreat Weekly Witness, - 100 Tinea and Farmers' Sun, - - .:3G Times and Daily Globe • 4 0 Times and Dairy World - - 0 00 Times and Country Gentleman, 2 70 The balance of the year will be given free to new subscribers for above mentioned weeklies, except Farmers' Advocate and Farming. Subscribe at once. Address, H. B. ELLIOTT, WIN GUAM. NEW ADVEaTIsEh1ENTs. T II Roes ,Removed North. It G Gordmn—The Newest Thing, John Kerr—Best Cream Sodas. , Halsey Part —Announcement. Deland1 151cIndoo Saturday Baatrgains. Demuth 4v Bowles—Grim old Winter. James S. Earl—Cash is King. tifeKinnnn & Co—This Establishment. Ilarry Fliseocks—Special. 0 N GrJmn—Special, R Vanetone—Special. LOCAL NEWS. --Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache, —$1.00 pays for the Tines :fr in now un- til the end of 1898. House for sale, on atrSt. Apply to Harry Hiscooks. —Queen Esther in the opera house ou Thanksgiving everein / —The Advance h two doors north in ilio Mey block. Fancy New York bi ' s and California seeded raisins at Gri s. —The Log yard o Messrs. Button & Possaut is about em y, the whole season's stook being about se ed up. Farmers—Cash for goods butter and eggs at the North End Grocery, —Mr. A. Burkho er shipped this week, tor L. Coffee & Co 6000 bushels of oats to Portland, for ex rt to Liverpool. A first-class Coal Stove for sale cheap. A ly to J. Halliday. Mr. Wm. Ni Olson has had his House on Diagonal s rest bricked, and it is now one of e prett st houses to be fond in town. —The factories f the town have been working over time this week, in order to make up time for a holiday on Thanks- giving day. e move their office Coal Oil and Lamp supplies always on hand at the North End Grocery. —The regular me land, Canadian Orde� held thin&Friday ev anoe ns requested. ---Messrs. Carr & mills, have their n boiler house. The comfortable office doing a rushing bus use their customers Money to loan on far)) p and 5i• per cent, with fav payment. Apply to R ham. —We have net many years in some offices in America, expetience necnssa printing. None b employed and the Try us with your n ing and you will fluff elsewhere. Wo don't say we Wingham that keel bedroom suites, b them a little chez in town. Ireland M donald block. —Mr. T'. C. row! of Wingham, was on Saturday last, Mountain, in the itfr. Thomas Nicol, hamite, was nomin against Mr. Jame chances of election Mends in this viol heat of their sneoes ting of Court Malt. of Foresters, will be ning. A full attend - Sons, of the flouring v boiler in their new have also had a fine rested. Tliis fir . is ess in their . le and right every t'. e. erties, at 5 e terms of re • anstone, Wing, 6t d an experience of f the largest printing but we have had the F to turn out fine job t first-class workmen best of motorial used. xt order for job print - our prices as low as re the only store in maple, birch and ash e do say we can sell than any other store & Button, opposite 3t r, a former resident acted by acclamation to represent Turtle ianitobe, Legislature, mother former Wing -- ed for South Brandon, Johnstoy and his re goodi,Their many ity will be pleased to What Does It Mean P 11 means rich blood, strong nerves and sound digestion. It means prospoxty and City Restaurant, and to the young, It means good color and mental vigor, That's what 13cntt's Telephone No. lid. • 14laodonald Mock. 1mulaion means. .--Only thirty-five tore days left in 1897, ---Memorial cards of all kinds printed neatly anti cheap at Tin Tennis office, Flowers, Groeeriee and Vegetables at T. C. Graham's, Chisholm Block. —Be sure and end the advertisements. in this week's Isar . —Are we going o have a hockoyteani in Wingham this se on II. Davis has private fuude to ,oasi on very party terms at low rates, . —The opera b use should be c owded at Queen Esther, hanksgiving evening. —Tell your fri de they can Have the Trees till the eud of 1898 for el, or the Times and Globe for 1¢1.25. Fresh oysters served in any style at James MoKelvie's Star Restaurant. —Mr. Whitteker of Helmuth de Bowles, has taken up hous keeping in the Varney residence on Loop d street. We are handling any quantity of butter. eggs and dried apples --cash or trade. Mao alljlsinds of poultry. G. E. King. i - We are pleased learn that Mr. H. le Gordon, who reoentI had his knee sprained by Blipping on the si walk some littl time ago, is getting aron 1 nioely again. We can knock th all out on prices on chairs. All kinds pt in stock; fron the al apest to the bes Ireland in Butted. 3t Mr. F. H. Ross baying the store in the Meyer block, lately% acrtalby the Advance, papered and other ise 'lmproyed, and is inoving his stook of langst, organs, sewing machines, etc., ther .to.fl% Ireland &Butte slcy they Dari sell you goods cheaper than ny other store. Why is it ? Because til 'have less expense. St —Mr. Geo. Th neon's auction sale of farm stook, impl ents, lumber, etc.. at Zetland, on Fold y last, was Largely at- tended and oveey ing offered for sale sold remarkably well Mr. P. .Deans was 'the auctioneer and eldest the hammer in his usual good manner. - ,- A 10 cent Heliotrope Soap for 6 oents, and a Witohhazel Soap, three, in a box, for 10 cents, are sellers, ie4 Chiaholn� s D g Store.. A. former old nd well-known resident of Wingham, d' d in Owen Sound. on i'riday last, in he person of Margaret McPherson, relic o$ the late Angus Clark, in the 790 year 1 her age. The body was brought to Wing a)n on Saturday last and interment made the Wingham cemetery Dr. iilaedonald is now permanent- ly at horns aux can be consulted. by his patrons. —tinny people a under the impression that taxes may be ,aid at any time. Taxes are due when the olleeter takes the roll, and be is only reuired to make one per. seal call, All t es must be paid before the 14th of Dace: fiber, after which date the collector is cape cd to take legal measures to reoover any t at may be outstanding, —The Depot Ottawa has ion on the dressing, poultry for the formation and d a n10ntier as t helpful to anyo and with this t be no excuse for ment of Agriculture at d the eustomery bulletin packing and shipping of ritish markets. The in- rections are given in such make the bulletin most o interested in the trade, guide hire therehould shipper going astray. Ireland & 13u on can show you as fine a collection of pie + re mouldings as you gen find in any cit . Their prices must be right, from the amount of trade they do. 3t —Mr. and 11 •.•s. Robert Hiecocks, of Teeswater, celeb ated the 60th anniversary of their inertia at their home in Tees. water, on the 11 i inst. The aged couple wore the reoipio+ to of a number of valuable presents. Mr. t d Mrs. Hisoocks resided in Wingham few years ago And their many friends h: e will join with us in ex• tending congrat 'Miens and wishing them many happy ye :, : together. Miss Mao ie son i offering from now until the end ,f the season, special re- ductions in m ]livery. Any of our an, trimmed hats from 25 cents to 1+1.00. Special cuts in rimmed hats, ranging from 111.00 and upw. ds. Call and see us. tf —Note . ie ow has arrived, the old coasting 11010.' ce will be in order again, and wherevthere is any consider- able ''grade" th will be rendered so slippery as to be positively dangerpns to pedestrians, Thi matter should be nipped in the bud at the beginning of the season, or it may lead t : serious rtecidonts, Let tho boys and gir show there good sense anti hayo the nun ' nco stopped. Sal Itogister. Monday, Nov. )9th, there will be sold by public auction without reeerve, on the above date, the valuable thoroughbred stock, impleraen , etc., of Robert W Hastings, on lot 1 , con. 0, Turnberry. J Currie, anationee 1897. Si A. YEAR. IN ADVANCIft A full stook of first-olass groceries at the Nh End Grocery. Conductor Sol town, is very 111 at l —Queen Bather, giving evening, Pr� and 36 cents. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gent& furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, iu Queen's block. —Considerable re out of this 18508, os our advertising c Hsiang one day ear —10 and 15 ce mission to Queen evening. —The picture scribers of The Fa Star, of Montreal sensation and a demand for the pi demonstrations country. er, formerly of this is home in Windsor!V pera house, Thauks- alar prices --10 coats ing matter is oro ng to the presser lumina and our p ier than usual. is is the price of Esther Thanksgiv .& CI,BVER: k'PRQ.LJE. r A man by the na alias Philip 11MClarey Friday morning last 0,xciiange hotel. I•i Calling at different town, and during the McKelvie's and mad was trying to sell 0o wded Vanstono, In the e e on o'clock, her called :;,et ub- said he had a check favor from Mr. Vanst ad- MCKolvie if he could Ing done. To I%lr. MoK learned from Mr. Van ub. was not 'issued by hi kly genuine forgery. Ch once took proceeding ing presented to s ily Herald and Wee ie. creating a surpriee sii. We bear thlit ture eclipses all popu f the , kind in t ' captured and has sent the _ surrounding here. Re lar at the Exchange. T his out by the Chief is as f 40 or 45 years, sandy about 170 pounds, heig inches, heavy sandy m eye, inclined to he near - forward, brown suit of fedora hat grey frieze o carries two small grips, to sell Notes. He is k and Ingersoll as a deac known by hotelmen. (3 of Roland Smith, arrived in town on and put up at the spent the day in aces of business in y nailed at Mr. Jas, out to him that he e notes to 111r. It. ning, about eight ir. eicKelvie's and r w20, drawn in his ne, and asked kir, ash it, which was lvie's surpriee, he one that the ohegco and that it was a f Vannorman at to have the man word to all places ft his board unpaid description sent llows: Age about mplexion, weight t about 5 feet 9 ustaobe, peculiar ghted, head bent othes, tan shoee, -coat, well worn' kely to be trying own in London beat ; also wveIi- Coal stove for.,siile o fecip ; practically its good -as new ; {has,pecn replaced by a fur- nace.) Apples. toe''J0hn Murray. --Several' cotiitaine) were made by farmers in town touring the week, of the fowl, n. Thi rt any One uilty parti should be punish quarielty this 'se nese f the+ T1 stretchers f worth 15 cents, 25 oents for titerx started business' —On the ins issue will be fou "Who should T by Peaf. Amos giving partioul Ontario Agrio Union to be h and 10th, in Gu ph. being stolen from them is a low piece of besi- de and should any of s be found out, they • oil paintings are only why did we have to pay before Irs-land to Sutton 3t o pages of this week's. d an exoellent article on ch in the Sunday•school,'' . Wells. Also an article rs of the meeting of the ltural and Experimental id, on 'December 8th, 9th W. H. Wallace and Miss Wallaee- are leaving Wingl.amt. Their entird stock will be sold regardless of cost. —A grand box s. ial will be held in the tv'11 q 1iupiee lin 9, 1'4ringtees ir'June- tion, on Friday eveningof next week, December 8rd. • splendid programme is being prepared a . a pleasant evening's entertainment m y be expaoted. Every- body welcome. + o sure and go and help 1 the school hot .e to overflowing. QtTE a ESTH.t]Er: The oratario the' opera house Last, under the Cline, assisted 1 COiee0, was the kind ever given was warmly ret thusiastic audi with which it w with the genet support aecorcte upon which Mr. lated, and went done in the way tainment given doubt with littl musical society c would be of gree It would take to special mention o though it would In so. The solos wer the chorus was eve went to show that instructor. The c beautiful and titti which showed that n spared to maks the Before the finale of th tainment, Mayor t'iiort appreciation of the e in preparing such an e he had much pleasure hearty vote of thanks Cline and the young p eel len t entertainment t Rev. Mr. Mason expre of what Mayor Marto that Wingham posse§ to be found in any tow lathing in this line, was chest, a, and he had tit seconding the vote of th should this Chorus give tainment in the near fu be greeted with a oro the close of the entert satisfied audience left t pressed with the treat provided for them, ed with the admirable eon Esther, given in on Thursday evening irection of ;Mr. G. W. y a chorus of over 100 best production of its in Win harn.The chorus ived by a lapse and sli- ce, and the excellence presented, combined s and well deserved the event,- ii're matters line mit?. be congratu- show what could. be 1 en evening's eriter- locat talent, and no effort, a permanent old be formed which bonefit•to the town. much spa_e to make each performer, al - only deserving to do well rendered and y balanced ; which . Cline tsl an A 1. tuniete were very to the occasion pains had been .1001st a success. evening's enter - expressed his its of Mr, Cline 011005 program, n moving that a tendered Mr. pie for the ex- ey ball provided. ed hie'' approval had said, rind the best talent All we were a first glass or - h pleasure in nits. No doubt another enter - tare, they would ded house, At inment, a well building, itn- blob had been were well pleas- rrangements so successfully carried ou : by Mr. Cline. on the Epistle o Every parent in town - ould go and take with the life an their families with th •m to the opera; Sunday nett. house on Thankagiv ng evening and There are be herethe reproduction ''1 Queen 1?1sther, Ontario by the which is deserving of full house. i tram its headgua PERSON - 8. We shall bo glad to hay column frum any of our read tors or purpose going array tell us, or send us a note to t Mr. D. McCormick, town this week. Mrs, Brine, of Seafo sister, Mrs, Jas. A. 011 Miss McIntosh, of guest of the Misses Bell Mr. John Pelton an wo d, are visiting with 1rs. J. E. Davis, of her brot -in-law, _14Zr. tovvii.leer Mrs. J. W. Scot Listowel, were the Webb during the weel Mr, Chas. Smith, guest of his parents, SMMisses a few days th isses .Edith. an Ingersoll, are spendi school mates and fri Messrs. George, son, :of Goderioh, friends in this vioin' Mi1Is rate Reid Winghnin last wee she was the guest Goderich Signal. Mrs. 'Campbell, her daughter, Mr She was on cher s1ia will visit her ontributioas to this . -It veil haw+ yiRt- .ourself,dropin and at effect: Goderiob, was in i, is visiting her e. ucknow, was the his week. Miss Pelton, Ate friends in town. Iitbhell, is visiting H. Davis, of this nd son Morton, of ests of Mrs. S. B. f Listowel, was the Mr, and Mrs. S. J. week, Luella Elliott, of g a few dayp*ith old ds in town E., and Fred ,Thom • tore calling on old y during the week.: isited in Clinton and • While in Wingham f Mrs. James Long.— f Envie, was visiting Wm. Dore, this week a'y to Chicago, where laughtere. CHIT uS 1WTE$. Communion s rvioes will be field in the Presbyterian /lurch, on Sunday, Dec. 5th. Thanksgiving s rvices will be Held in the Presbyterian nd St. Paul's churches, on Thanksgiving d y, at 10.30 a. m. "Tho Christian • Science" will be the subject of Rev. ISI Mason's sermon on Sunday evening nee , at the Congregational church, Remember the r lly of young people in the Baptist church on Thanksgiving day, afternoon at 3 o'e ..k, and evening at 7 o'clock. Last week's issue , f the War Cry was Of a special nature. he chief attraction• being a large f .he portrait of Miss Booth. Rev. Mr. 111uxw• rthy, of Teeswater, occupied the pulp' of the Methodist church, on Sunday 1 et, and preached two appropriate sermons The Christian E savor of the Presby- terian church will hold a sociable on Tuesday evening ne. t, November 30th. in the lecture room of he church. A splen• did programme wi 1 be provided and a pleasant evening's ntertainment may be expected. A eerdiinvitation extended to all. On Sunday eveni preached a sermon Wing," in the Pre large congregation.. 7?orrie will eomme Iasi, Rev. D. Perrin n the "Sin of GGain- yterien church, to a On Sunday next, Mr, ce a series of sermons Jannes. Ile will deal work of St. James on ig sent out alt over "Lord's Day Alliance" tars in Toronto, petitions, to be signed, askiine fo the Lord's Day Act, sent the true senate this province, and business or work by without limitation, with exception onl Icer Majesty's Ma engers by way c drugs and medieti necessity and m can give their vale large signature should be atten. Alliance wants ti ing of the Legisl time be lost. to your Local 1 the Legislature the amendment orf that it shad repre- uts of the people of 501191it the doing et all claesea of peraone and by corporations, in favor of carrying . end carrying pass- tiiro' traffic, selling TONORA C4 "BXPLAINZI). expressed Ly the w iter of any .connliunicatten, To the Editor ot Thom, DE= n last week's edition ce ',Little Jack's' Advance I beg to ezplaire that then he so earneetly traced with Ete Thanksgiving t key quill were very re nelt amiss and mi adieg, aud not handed, to advance the eet Interests of the town.* at home or abr d, whieh by the wity: fe one of the beet orthern godebeed towns in, • this part of the puntry. Tbe bolus done in this town is f in, excess of any of one as we have here, are excelled by none of its and mercantile men aro men of keen, bneiness abilite combined with solid fluancial footing, es there different places, sbow, and are no to be undersold or over- bid by any other market in Canada, and why 1 oh, why, sit aid thelettle sheet called men, by writieg nd encouraging farm- ers to patronize o e"7-aiiiialler places, where every British subj at :head be log so hia own town. Buy e live here and ley& , the phtee thet fee s Mx. Now with re- gard to the grain nil flour trede. If our far-seeing and en I ened Sheet woultp- green buyers, and not takesstreat for it, he would st certainly AIM out. that our market co paree favorably with, any town or villa in the country, and quite on proportion te lines with Totontoe Cricago and Livens ol, the leading markets of the world, The e prices are paid dueler the year around, d faNefers can depend. on selling auy pro ee they grow ate, day' during the year current prices. The and remain in it. Bat as in 'the case, he one cent rnore; f r a few diva only, then drop out of the arket. Now with rer rave to our Winehaext Roller Mills, Me ars. Carr de SOn6 should , be highly comp imented, as their trade brings scores of enters into town enry lay, who, in tur helps every other branch of the mercenti trade, and during their sixteen years o business in the inilling line with the erasers of ITUrOn 'colizty they'(under for At) defy nay man to .saer they were in a y way unfairly dealt with and during tl ese yeare in business have always paid ne hundred cents an the - dollar and t °eked for the interests! of Wing,harn. ney aleo ship flour and cereals to every tow and village within a maim% of 50 miles, al o do a largo export trade (two car loads of flour sold and shipped to Europe this .eek); mill running 24 boom a day and a large staff of men at workm, "NO let up" heir motto, With regal to the griAing and chopping trade. Steve ty-fivo per cent. of it is done at Winghs. Utiti 90 par 'cant. of nit the flour use 1 in this community is made. by Carr & ns, Very true the "Advance' says there s some flour shipped hers from other oints. Bat it in so small, he comparison to what is sold and used That is the case in any liminess or in any town. hero are no monopliee here, except in iy• papers, That Wingbaut flour ie first lass, I can only refer you to our first -el ss, solid bakers in town* Nichol, Bra ley arid Scott, who are artiete• in their li , and con testify in its Therefowa think, Mr. Editor, their. then facts ould be letought before the and not bo tied away by a thimble full Of wits& but dvertise and elevate their e loyal Citizens, and det as we home, then, in fible they will be whore velt, gharn a city. Thanking ,, for one for explamktoot, November leitia. own town. other towns years to torn were, and Wi you, Mr. Edit