HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 8argains Saturday We have made it possible for you to meet the dress requirements of the day at little expense. You may think of den's Clothing, Hats and Furnishings, Shoes, Dress Gocds, Mantles, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Gloves and Hosiery, You'll find us prepared with an immense variety of the very latest end dantiest styles and novelties. This is the way we're going to do it : 30 pairs Nies's Duff Leather Calf Skin Shoes, reg. $1.75 for 81.15. .50 pairs Ladies' Dongola Kid, reg. -•$1.75, Saturday 81.25. 20 Ladies' Heavy Jackets, regi 88.00, Saturday $5.50. MSn's heavy Ulsters,dark shade, le ' ': f.:11. ,rr $4,90 15 'lien's Heavy Winter Suits, reg, . $10.00, SittU' :day $8.00. 20 pie".es Heavy Fancy Tweed sse`y _a r�ss Uoods, reg. 60e for 35c. 1 o pieces Heavy Shaker Flannel, Tee". 8e, Saturday 5e. 4 pieces Heavy Tweed,. reg. 45c, Saturday 25c. . 4 dos. Ladies' Ganzies, reg. 40e, Saturday 25e. 6 doz. Hosiery, ribbed cashmere, reg. 40e, Saturday 25e. 6 doz. Kid Gloves, odd sizes, reg. $1.25, Satiirday 75e. 6 dcz. Crompton Corsets, very special, 81.00 for 50e. 6 Ladles' large Fur Capes, reg. $12.00, Saturday 89.50. 10 pairs Lace Curtains, reg. 81,25, Saturday 90e. Special prices in Umbrellas, Rub- bers and-.. Overshoes, Ribbon and Muslin& • Shop early Saturday. Get first choice Ask for 825.00 ticket, good for 1 doz. Cabinets at the Star Photo Co. Gallery.. KINLOSS. The trustees of No. 1 Kinloss and • Greenoeit, have engaged Thos. Kaake 'as their teacher for 1898 at a salary of 8325. A very successful pie social was held at the residence of Ed. Harrison by the Epworth League. A large number were present, A very en- joyable time was spent in general and social intereeurse till the midnight hour when all repaired to their homes well pleased with the evening's amuse- ments. The proceeds amounted to something over nine dollars. ST. HELENS. Over thirty new members have been recently added to the Literary elety, We have been informed that Mr. Thos. Joynas purchased Mr. Ed- ward Haines' farm half a mile east his place, consisting of 150 acres. This is one of the best farms in West Wawanosh and we understand, that the price is a handsome one.v A tea meeting is to be held on Thanksgiving night in the town hall under the asupices of the Pubiie Li- brary. Every means are being taken to make it a success. Outside and home talent being secured, any 'wishing to spend a pleasant and pro- fitable evening would do well to take this in. 13RUSSELS. The Salvation Army Marine Band field forth in the 5 A Barracks on Monday evening last. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist ehureh will hold a social on the evening of Thanksgiving day. Complaint has been made about the blocking of Turnberry street by the afternoon train, to the annoyance and detention of travellers.TheStatute says a crossing cannot be blocked any longer than 10 minutes at a time, Prof. Hawkins will take part in a concert at Thorndale on Thanksgiv- ing hanksgiving evening. The next monthly horse fair will be held on Dee. 2nd. Mr. J. 0. Tuck has purchased the 100 acre farm, being lot 24 eon. 13 Grey, at the mortgage sale recently THE WINUI: ,Ali TIMES, NOVEMBER.,. , 1897. MORRIS. e are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Thos. Henderson, of the Bluevale road, and trust that he may soon be able to be around again es usual.\/ Mr. John Mooney, the veteran tat: collector is on his annual rounds. A cariole load of of Brusselites sprung a. pleasant surprise on lir. and Mrs, J. Kerney one evening recently, Miss Minnie Cowan, of Croswell, Mich., is visiting friends on the 1st at 2nd concessions. r. John McVittio has purchased Mr, A. K. Me llister's,100efict'e farm on the 3rd ]foe ', GORRIE. A Literary Soeiety has been organ- ized by the young people of town The general stock of T. J. Nicholls, valued at 81,577.63 has been sold at auction by . II1r.. J. W, Jones, at 67 cents on the dollar:. A. Dulmage, of Lakelet, Ont., was the purchaser. We are called ori this week to chro- nicle the death of Sarah, beloved wife of Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, who passed away on Sunday morning, Nov 7th. Deceased was sick just six days and her death, although expected was a great shock to her many friends Her oldest sor. Frank, who has been in Manitoba for the past eight months arrived home Saturday night. She leaves a husband and six children— three daughters and three sons—two brothers, one sister and an aged mother to mourn her demise. The funeral took place on Tuesday after- noon and was followed by a large eon - course of people. MENIA? nom MR. STEPHEN BEL/SLE GLAD- LY TELLS HOW 1.E WAS CURED. AFTER, OTHER REMEDIES FAILED TO HELP HIM, D. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MADE HIIM A HEALTHY MAN. From the Montreal Herald. Down on William street the bulk of the but.er and cheese trade is done, and it is. there that - the Montreal cold 'storage and freezing company's mammoth building is located. In the summer time, when extensive shipments are' being made, Ithe big block is a veritable beehive. Several well-known exporting firms have their warehauses in this build- ing one of them is Wm. T Ware & Co. Their head wareb. se tnan is Mr, Stephen Belisle, ho, as his I name indicates, i a ench-Canadian and in the pri e,' if life. If ever there was a eful than on thee; face of the earth to -day, that man i, Stephen Belisle. After suffering in describable angonies for several months, he is now the picture of health and feels that it is his duty to tell all the world how he was re- stored to health and happiness. Mr, •Belisle explained his troubles, now fortunately a thing of the past, to a reporter of the Herald recently. "My work called me to all parts of the warehouse says he, "and some- times I went into the freezing room without my coat 'or hat on and then back to the other parts of the ware- house to the warmer atmosphere About a year ago I became ,ver,f ill with a complication of diseases . I was suffering with indigestion, billi- ousness, and the resulting nervous disorders such as sick headache, and loss of appetite. I began doctoring but I seemed to grow worse every day. 1 slept very little, and as time went on I was not able to do any work, and even the exertion of mov- ing about would tire me out. I had a very poor appetite, and what food I ate did not agree with me. I also suffered from a severe pain in the back and side. During that time I tried many medicines but they gaye me no relief'. 7 bad become so weak and my system so run down that life was a burden to me. I was advised to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills which I did with extremly beneficial re salts. I commenced taking the pills about Christmas time, and now I am feeling so good that I thought it my duty to write the proprietors ofDr.Wil- liams' Pink Pills and let them know how extremely grateful I am tor the cure their medicine has effected in me. I had taken only six boxes when my condition of health, was a paradise to what it had been for some months previous. Mr. 13elisle is quite an unassuming roan, and evidently not given to over enthus• iasrn, but there was no mistaking his earnestness when recounting his experiences to the reporter, He will always be a filen believer in I)r. \Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro by going to the root el the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system.. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a whapper bearing the full trade nark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. NEWS NOTES People in Winnipeg are enjoying sleigh rides. Mr. J. F, Boisvert, Conservative M. P. for Nicolet, is dead. The trial of Mrs. Sternaman for the murder cf her husband opened at Cayuga. Benson Moore, an Ottawa drug clerk, committed suicide by taking prussic acid. Convicts Ireburn from Port Arth- ur and Lawrence from Berlin, escap- ed from Kingston Penitentiary. Stewart Paisley, of Mount Albert, was sand -bagged by highwaymen, on Monday night, and robbed of 8600. Roland Gideon Israel Barnett was sentenced at Montreal to three years in the penitentiary for stealing a note• for $750. A young man named. Norman Mitchell shot himself dead with a rifle at Montreal on account of disap• pointment in a love affair. It s reported that Hon. C. H. .lack', Cosh's resignation as Lieut - enact -Governor of the Northwest Territories will take effect on the 1st of January. At the Perth Fall Assizes, last week, a true bill was brought against Dr. J. G. Yemen, for man- slaughter, and he was sentenced to three years in the penitentary. Durrant, the San Francisco nine. derer, who was to be hanged to day, has been granted another respite. It is nearly .three years since he committed the crime. He is one of the few who have no cause to object to "the law's delay." The Fingal foundry, owned by Messrs. MacPherson &• Co., of Clinton manufacturers of threshing machines, was burned to the grouncl•Thursday morning. The place had bean closed for several'weeks, and the origin of the fire is a mystery. $I.00 will pay for:: THE TIMES to Dec. 31st, I8gS.- Order yours-�- —AND- -moI THE— HOLSTEIN' DAIRY. r'IBEO PTrIODINIJ, The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed, to promptly and permanently euro all forms of Nervous We a kness, .Smiss ions, Spe rm• atorrhea, Impotency and art effects of douse or .lsxeesses; Matta Worry, excessive case .Bef09•e and After, of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu• Zants, Marcie soon lead to In- firmity, nnirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an. early grave. ries been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is tho Only Ilctiabto and honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phoephodine1 if he offers some worthless medicine in plane of this, Inclose price in letter, and wo will send by return mall. Price, one package, 51; six, 65. One wet please, sial win cure. Pamphtota free to any address, The Wood Company, 'Windsor. Ont., Canada. F .H. KERN EY, TOE SORLAI, .ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Rotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave, and. a First-Cl'asr Hair Cut, give bitn to trial, Razors Honed. IT'S NOT NECESSARY.. To lay aside your soiled or faded suite or overcoats, but take thew to the Wingbaur 3)oanrng and Dy ing Woiks, and'irave thein cleam- ed, dyed and repaired to look like• new. J. Wr..Sivnz,L. Proprietor. FEezi> t� ac �._,. err-.tl�„ ►srir �raiyi �, � . a ' N f ea �5 e NN� rel O TGA3 E SALE Lot 27, Concession 11., Turnberry,. 100 Acres,. This is a good farm within about two.;t miles of Wingbam, and presents a good,.; opportunity to purchasers., . Offers will bo received by OBONYN & '. BETTS, Barristers, &o., London. Farther particulars may, bo had also of . Vanstone, Esq., Barrister, &c., Wing - ham. 9T PAYS TO THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE' ORATIIA I, ONT. • is double discounting all provions records insetting, pupils plaoed in choice positrons. This is the record: —115 pupils placed in the eleven months eadingAug, 15th. 24 pupils placed in the past few weeks—nem, ly•all of them daring Ootobrr. Our last Weenie notice contained the names of seven, who were placed, and where placed;; Seven others have sine. been placed. The dsh,and for our pupils is now so so stranr, that seine ,mho have been graduatediat othersohools, and have. found no gall for their ser vices, takea post graduate .our). withms, .nd get the advantages of our facilities for placing pupils. All sixth must remain. with us until they got thor' onrhly qualified, before we recommend them. Write for Catalogue, If interested in either Business or Shorthand; D.. M0LACITLAN a Co,, Chatham,, int. SHOE ST�flE1 Laving opened up a shoe store iiext door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. JOHN. r •L 9 They're off at the post. Will Barrand in the lead. as is CC IC at the, 32. in the stretch wins. CC is And always does in UP-TO-DATE TAILO ~ ING See his Winter • Suitings from $1.1.00 WO. Sold in Wingham and, everywhere Shaw Block, next Brunswick, by responsible druggists, Wingham. W. T. SULLIVAN Has just received a nice line of FALL GOODS, . in newest designs, including SULTINOS, PANTINOS, OV1 RCOATINOS, ITC. EVERYTHING NOBBY.. AND U T0,-DAAErr See my stook before purchasing elsewhere. "WT. SVIi.JI .Es .N., Opposite Bank of Hamilton. WXNGHAbl I 1 rt -11 J� loin. 7 trl Winter Go FoR LADIES New Cloth Mantles, New Fur Ooats. New Fur Capes. New Ruffs and Muffs. Newest Dress. Goods. New Flannels and Flannelettes. New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. New New New New New New New FM GENTLE EN Tweeds for Ordered. Clothing.. Ready-made Overcoats. GG Suits. Odd Pants and Vests. Fur Ooats. Boots, New Rubbers. Underwear, New Caps. anis We have a large stock in all the above lines bought at right prices, and which we sell at very close figures. We try tos keep only reliable goads and to charge only reasonable prices for• same. We take all kinds of produce at highest market prices, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, 'Potatoes+, etc., taken same as cash. Come and see what we: have before buying your winter parcel. D. Nd. GORDON 1 Win hm a. N Direct Importer. re L rt n r We have said it before, and we say it again, that we are Still here in Wingham in the Fnrnrture and Undertaking busi- ness, and bound to sell at the yery lowest prices. Call and see if what we say is not correct. • A nice line of Bed -room Suites, something you can't find in any other store in Wingham, in Ash, Maple and Birch. New lines, new designs, and at prices. that sell every time. Just received, a beautiful line of the latest style of Rock- ing Chairs. Just the thing for Wedding Presents. Call and see our Hall Stands. The prices are right, Our $5, $6 and $7 Sideboards are worth seeing. Parlor Suites (5 pieces), Walnut Frames, Spring Seats, for $18.0o. • A line of Ladies' Rocking Chairs for 65c each. Secretary and Book Case, combined, for $3.00. We make Stretchers for Painting Canvas for 15c. Picture frames for 25c. If you are wanting anything in Furniture (no matter how much or how little), remember we have a large and up-to-date stock. Before you purchase just call and see what we can show you in Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattrasses, Etc. We don't Charge anything to show what we have. Nor are we offended if you don't buy. S. URACI3Y `W : T G-: .. .