HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 6'HIE _WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 19, to visit some friends, and dict not sec COULD NOT LIE DOWN 'FOR I Aro you _, ,i1 e$ them ogain while in California. 11 EIGHTEEN 11IONTIIS. found my old Mends before noon ! egeseettere stud they did not know me, but we i The Sufferings of a Toronto Junction L9, 1807. glad not met for twelve years. Wei Resident From Heart Disease. ,,,.,,,.,,„eee, compared California and Ontario. It Not an exceptional case o "-"" f. heart dis- is harbor for a working man to make lti ease taut a ery distressing was that of Mr. C 001 PARK. a living in the former than the latter L. vir, Law, oC Tuxonto 3uraction, On., place, and much more work is ex- 1 who was obliged te be propped u p in • d of h f S d • bed with .pillows for eighteen months se?,] stein u the chutes, we rip on the Scenic lbll • the same ground, g eente, •1'ne is like a railroad undyed feet high or :rack is almost eireu- ee Bourses. The Greek ,d the circle twice, one nder the other, like the o a sere w. We first satis- Fres that it was perfectly `we did nut get dizzy by look - It was a two seated open double Better. .A. wire VAS fastened, to the left side , as the ear went te the Sys, and in turning the as railing kept one from sent on the left. We back`Se�<tt nd started up te like tit oggan slide. got to the to, the track own hill at a eathless curved sharply o the piece ot level. I w s en , but there was no need bf a n my side. We held tight - ear all the time. In going rst hill, we told each other almost wished we had not but it was !low too late to k.; In going down the first a ound the curves, we said d, but held with firm grip ear. Then we breethed tree - said it was perfectly safe 1. We had many ether down and sharp curves, but we it. When we got around e kept right on with the, e of traek above us. To lgeside, we rode through a 'ed, dark tunnel and came still at the other end. It • d : 'te an exciting ride and seem - ',.long, though we were told that it 1°y last three minutes. Then we led the others In a building, in- timare. grounds. This build- '°Admission Free" en the ld here an entertainment is n every afternoon. Part of entriloquisrn and rather artificial man and boy ing to ride an artificial , which threw them off and them down. ' Then two young sve some nice music on differ - kOnce by twirling little ers; then they came out s on their necks, wrists, and Another man was playing and these keot time with pians her. 'alae tasie by ehaking the bells. It jell,done. The two were carry - a -conversation and empha• tet their remarks by shaking the .1s. whenever suitable, and keeping f e to the music. The jingle was ry pleasant. Then there was a *go irr which three lions appeared, Iild ,a woman went inside the cage rid made them perform for about Calf an hour. One of the lions is not set under peefeer, control, and they ay she is never sure of coming out [live. We then returned to our 'hoarding house and had tea, and • rward went to Oakland to hunt me old friends, but did not sue - Did I tell you about the Nearly all the street cars of sy end at the ferry wharfes, vn st street, whish is the main `of San Francisco. If you are to Oakland, go into the depot . buy a ten 'cent ticket, give it a man at a door, and pass through Thi a • large waiting room. There re alwaes hundreds of people in his waiting room and no one gets in rithout a ticket. As seen as the ell rings, up goes a door, and ellen ie people pour forth through an partial: room and on to the ferry. The rry fits in between walls, s.J that 0 one can fall into the water. The nat. is so largo that it is not crowd- E. It takes twenty minutes to cross, lid then we got oft the ferry on to a •Ain over half way across the bay, to track being built out into the iter. The train meets every ferry nd down one street of ad runs up a *rand every huff hour. The Ida stops at every station on this pit, and from your station you street cars to your destination. turned from Oakland late that and had quite an experience r cabinet bed pulled into we feared it would col --i aI morning my cornpan• to Rita a boat, atnd I peete race an es. un ay morn- p iJ , ing we attended the Congregational ' beeause of smothering spells that would church, and heard ti€r`' od 5orn)on con aver him whenever he attempted to lie down, No treatment had done and good singing, The building any good until be tried Dr,Agaew's Cure was a fine one, and the dresses of 1 for the Heart, and here one dose gave the ladies were very showy. In the afternoon we listened to mu ie by the band in 'Golden Gate park, which. was excellent. One of the pieces was a medley of all the 0, E. pieces sung at the convention. It was line to watch the band. master, hie body as rigid as a statute, and his hands going as if by machinery. The array of dresses on every hand was something gorgeous. In Frisco, bright red, green or purele can be worn without criticism. On our way i TC.l1ANU3:'ACTUPE THEM. ' to the park we got our dinner at a restaurant, One Zan get sueh good It :Spain should declare war meals for 15 cents in restaurants. against this country and Congress We returned hone before tea time, sbotl;ld vote money for the immedi- .and on Monday went to Frisco to ate construction -.of fifty cannon of visit the Sutra Baths and the •Cliff the largest size now used in the house. nay, many months would elapse complete relief, and one bottle cured hila, and today ho eljoys the pleasures of good .health as other people do. Heart disease will Brill if not cured. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store, WASHINGTON LETTER. ',IN TIMES OF PEACE, PRE- PARE Fon WAR." IF AN :EMERGENCY SIIOULI) ARISE CALLING EOR FIFTY 13 INCH CAN - +NON, IT WOULD ,TAKE TEARS REPH. The Listowel Way. A visitor to Berlin recently, says the News-Record,,.describes an inter- esting incident in .a Listowel council sitting. The chairman of the Fire .and Water Committee had not re- ported during the whole year, and .even.the.members:.of his committee were in ignorauce:as to how matters stood.. The .chairman had bis ap- i propriation and conducted affairs to emit, himself. It is not to be inferred that .his .honesty was..,gaestioned, but merely his. methods. A .member.arclsc .and asked why he didn't report. The„chairman said: "I .knew by your .actions you had some .kicking; . to do. But I tell you right here .it's none of your blamed business. .I.'.nl chairman and every- thing's alright." "But you haven't ..reported this year." Chairman,: • '!Don't ,.care a con- tinental, Pm running this com- rnittee." The couueii demurred, but the chairnisul was determined not to report until the end of the year. Then .another .member arose and drew the .attention of the council to the fact that the town's tire ladders were net in :their placcs.in the fire hall. r1 he ehairman, who is a painter by trade, said they .were all 11 right. But the eouueil insisted on .knowing where they •were,.and after a stormy scene, the ehairma a .admitted very reluctantly, that they were in Sea - forth, where :we had a gang of men at work, and who had had them there all summer. • Then there was fun.. The council wanted to know what would .have happened hada fire occurred and the ladders not been obtains?ole? Mr. Chairman net their aiagry criticisms Iike . stole and replied : "Why all this fuss ? There wasn't any fire!" TWO PICTURES. One Rich, Bright and Cheerful;, the Other Gloomy, Dark and Muddy. Forty-five samples of co .red .cloth are shown on the Diamond I e sample card from which can be pro cod over one hundred good sol col r.. Every dyed sample is full, lit , rilliant anis fast. showing just wi .t ..y woman of ordi- nary intelligen e c n do with Diamond Dies This is tare number ono The common imitation dyes and dyes composed of soap grease as a principal ingredient, show but a dozen or fifteen colors, and so imperfect in color tone and power, that the small collection looks gloomy, despondent, and sickly to an in- dividual with a taste for the beautiful. This is picture number two. To those in doubt wo say, send your address to Wells & ItichardEonCo., Mon- treal for a color card of Diamond Dieu ; it will he sent free. The Diamond Dyes being the eaeiest to dye with give the grand results in beauty and fastness of color that the heart cad possibly desire. Theeditor of a newspaper that adopted phonetic spelling in a MOBS - sure received a postal card from an old subscriber in the -country which read as follows : ' I hev talc yer paper ler Leven years, but if you kant spell enny better On you hev. been dein fer the last to month, you f may Jest stoit. before:the first cannon could possibly beready for firing, even if the re- .sourses of the gun shop and of pri- vate :manufacturers wore taxed to the ,utmost and the work carried on night and•day. Dtfring the Civil war cannon were turned out at a rapid rate, as they were ,cast.in single pieces. The .13 -inch naval breech -loading gun .is :forty feet long, four feet in greatirat diameter.and weighs sixty- seven.and.a half tons. To throw its projectile, which weighs 1100 pounds, it takes•550 pounds of powder and the ,prgjectile can ;pierce a plate of steel more than two feet thick. ° This type of cannon is made up of a central tube extending its whole length land twelve Jackets and loops .arranged about it in. two layers. At the government ship the guns are simply built up, the various parts being made by contract by a private firm in -Bethlehem, Pa.,. under govern- ment supervision. Let us suppose that,tbe preliminary eontraut,for fifty such • cannon were made and note some of the steps neeessar.y betore the parts could even be delicaered to the navy yard at Washington to be put together: Each ,piece must be .composed of steel of nut .more than tone half per cent. sof •carbr,u ; while tin a fluid con- dition it is,subjected in i.tbe mold to a pressure.of six tons to the square in0L1 1 After the,casting, called an ingot of becatase it ,is now a solid mass of steel, cools, 'thirty per sent• is dis- carded from its upper end and five per cent. fr'otn the lower .,and. It is then reheated .and placed in a power- ful hsair:aulie forging press and squeezed to about one half :its origi- nal diameter. The ingot ie ,nest an- nealed to get rid of the ,internal tendons induced by forging~ To do this, it is heated .co a red gleam, cover- ed tQit11 iron filings and ashes and left to cool slowly_ A week or more must elapse before this praaess is completed. After being annealed the solid core is removed by a special bit and the ingot, now Balled a jacket, is rough bored and turned rnr nearly the di- mensions required.. 'I'ne jacket is now :tempered in .oil to obtain a high elastic and tensile wet4;th. It is placed in an upright farnaee 4" v' F' d: JUn�I heated t l a ..d Cora red heat and Y edt seta there until heated through and. througrf. It is then removed from the furnace and plunged into a tank: containing several thousand gallons' of oil. After slowly cooling it be- comes exceedingly tough and is ready to be shipped to Washington. When the various parte are re- ceived at the navy yard the central tube is turned to exact size and about this are shrank the jackets and rings, one at a time, until the cannon is built up. The final steps are the cutting of the rifling grooves, fitting of the breech plug and mounting. If fifty cannon of this kind were to be manufactured, it is possible that the first one could be delivered in from six to eight months and the rest, at intervals of from two to five weeks. ° PEOPLE .2.1.1 .IS '' IT, 897. RUPTURED ? If so :it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug `Store, Wingham. They .are: the agents for the celebrated W amore Truss, WHY THE WETIVIOBE IS THE .011E FOR YO 1. 'Because it is dangerous moment without one. 2. it will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3..A person wearing a Wetmcredoes not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, S. Some of our townspeople •can testify to its merits. 7_ Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. to be a GORDON CO Feeding Pumpkins. While there is generally a market for all the large, ripe pumpkins at more than their feeding value there Uro always green specimens that are not salable, which are nearly as good for feeding purposes. Remove the seeds and cook them. A11 the de- f►eiences in nutrition will be made good by some meal, which will bo better digested than if given withaait the cooked pumpkins. If the seeds are net removed, the nutriment of the pumpkin will be largely neutra- lized, as the seeds have a strong (diuretic effect. It is also important to remove the seeds from pumpkins fed raw to cows. Even the green pumpkins may be kept until Janu- ary if protected against freezing. - American Cultivator. 'Catarrh and C.o1ds Relieved In 10 to 60 Minutes. One short puff of the breath tAS'nangIi' the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr.. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder di,riuses this powder over the surface a,f the :nasal passages. Painless anddelightfu1 to use it relieves instantly and permanently cases Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds .Head. who., Sore Threat, Tonsilitis and Deaf- ness. All druggists. Sold at Chishohn's Drug:t5 tore. A. 'syndicate cat been e has ae t e l f ri o nod to go' into the tobacco growing extensively in Feels Island. The Keoberle place,has been leased, and options have been secured for the purchase 500 acres more. NE.NJ SSS OF SCABS MIMI GO NEAR, THE S OY.E. Treated -/by Different Doctors. CuiielD BY D2. CHASE. Tho most intractable and diot:rossing skin diseases which defy all manner of treatment -oven the bast medical skill - are readily b I)r. Chase's Ointment. MRS‘\ wire, atE ,tl el, ci t.,l' wastroubledwithEczema of the Head and Face for about 9 years, and was so Ltd 5 , at' times elle could not go near the hot stove to do her cooking. Her head was one plass 01 scabs, and although she treated with doctors it kept getting worse. On gearing of .Dr. Chase's Ointment, she got some, and was delighted to fi,:d the first application do her good. She used two more boxes'of the Ointment, is now free from disease, Mtn do her own cooking, and would not begrudge 0200 for the good it has done her. Price 63 tenth a bo::, at all Dealers, or Edmansoa, slates Se Co., Toronto, Ont. For Testy -seven. Years THE O K'S BEST FRIEND Hear Sirs, -•-I have often had coughs t.aelras:~5t' silt:Il. C9i'vA09. and colds as well ea bronchitis. Norway .Pine ,Syrup euro silo 'every tune, I re, conchs no it Bs a perfect cure lir all throet (;1.00 will pay for THEand lung troubles. LII%I:1; HARDY MO:, ad, Ont. �l'i1ViES tO Dee. 31st, 1898. SABBATH SERVICES. METHODIST -Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pas. ter. Services at 11 a nt and 7 p m, PRESBYTERIAN -Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -Rev. Wm. I,towe, rector. Bervicos at. 11 a in and 7 pm, • BAPTIST -Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p m CONGRbGATIONAL--Rev. H. ,E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7pm. CHRISTIAN WORKERS --Misses Outram and Lock in command, Services at 3 p m and 8 p m. SALVATION ARMY--Adj utant Miles and wife in command, Services at 11 a. in, 3pru and 8pm, In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2,30 p m. BANK©$ HAW WINGHAM. Capital, 01,250,000. Rest, 0725,000 Prosident-Josh STUART. Vice -President -A. O. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JORN PROCTOR, (imo. ROUST, WM GIDSON, P, A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lis (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL.. ' Savings Bank -Hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and terest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of ir.,arest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold W/CORBOULD, AOxNT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. A. E. SMITH BANKER, WINGHAM GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Money advanced on Farmers and 'Business men on endorsed note and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Notts and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Money to Loan ; on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6§ poi eentwitli privilege of paying at the cud of any year, Not, and accounts collated. Ft ova. 1i2oINDOO. Deaver Block Wtnuham, Out GRAND TRUNK "RAILWAY. • Toronto and Last Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine DEPART ARRIVE 050 a. m. 240 p. m 3 30 p nl 10 25 p in 855sara 240pm 053 am 1110 am 330 i1m 8O0pm 1110o.rn 050am 255pm 330pm 1025pm BOOare Wiingta nal --Is PUBLISHED. EVER FRIDAY MORNING -AT TUE- TIMES OFFICE:, JoSEiaHIr4F: STf3E WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subscription price, $1 Por year, 4n etdvan ADVERTISING RATES Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 :no. 1 8 mo. 1 In One Column 100 00 $40 00 S20 00w8 Halt " 40 00 20 12 00 I{ 0 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00I 3 one inch 5 00 3 04) 2 00 1 Legal and other casual ndvertisement, Se per 11 for first bsertion,and 30 per line for each subseque Insertion. Measured by nonpareil scale. Lonal notices loc, per line for Bret inaertion, e 6o. per line for each eubeuquent insertion, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sitnatio and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 li nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 50e. for one subsequent month. Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lin 81 for Ihat month, 50o. per subsequent mon Larger advertisements In proportion, These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or 40 longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without spec! directions, will ho inserted till forbid and oharge accordingly. Tran situry advertisements must b paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements niust be i the Wilco by Wednesday noon, 10 order to appe that week II. B, ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR AND PDDLIsusia VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eta., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest interest. No cornmisown charged. Mortgages, tern and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINonaat J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o., W1,.,.mm, Ont. IT,. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OP TIMI' LTON. MONEY LOAN. OMee-Meyer Bluc!t. Winghatii, M G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &0 Office -Corner Itamilton and St. Andrew streets.! opposite Colborne Hotel. Gunman,1 ONTARIO} -.1 DENTISTRY. -J. SJJEROME, L. D. S.,WWXNonet RRii , ,^ la .1:anufactur first -clams sets ot tt; ivy' 11 =x,11 teeth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfectly safe.. OFF10E: In the Beaver Block, opros Brunswick House. • ARTHUR J. IRu•IN, D. D. E., D. S., Dootor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Uwttal College OFFIOE.--MAODONALD 01.00E. Noms-..laill v4.4 ieaBlyth every Wednesday- .a .� 'eft. TCIIN ereonIE, WANTED -An experienced canvasser o trove and appoint agents. No canvassing, Salary GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT and expenses paid. The BItADLsY•GARRSTSOS 00., Limited, Toronto, Wisenazt, ONTARI VvNTANTI;D-Three Ladies to introduce a house. YY household work. Splendid retnrna to coni. patent persons. J. nALLOWAY, Toronto, WINCTIIAM STEAM PUMP WORKS THINE.. WAY /\LL,TEEL UPONIVLL iai�'l nl'� or✓woa,7sat': •t c.q :!t.L 1L IS Iiavhng purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I atn now prepared to supply the .public with Wolk! mid I>i toza .i! aDa re tazttt Lift 18i13tap , Braes rand Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed'. iron Tubing. Cisterns, ",3brttstci, Troughs, Sinks, Ilat►Jns, Pipe Fitting, Wen Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power anti pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work'••.guaranteed �o• or n�or�s�ele. d ( p� 0. l'il ORd .!lS`1i G ,:LAE l3ox 140 Windham, Ont. P. DEANS, JR., WINEWAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Foh : ,•t113 COUNTY OF IIU4ON. Solos attended in any part of the Co. MargotModerate. JOHN CURItIE, WINOItAsf, ORT„ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implement. specialty. MI orders left at the r114E8 otfieo promptly attend, eel to, Torres reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. C Camp Caledonia No, 40, meal 6�. el 4.3 6'�.-`the first and third Monday in every month, in :no Odd Follows Iloh. Visiting brethren welccm' J, Murray, Chief. D Stott'. art ilex,.S . o' Agents Sell "hlondike G iId Tields" ' Like a wit rlwind. Experienced ennvassors reaping the richest harvest of their lives; new beginners. doing wondo,n. Nearly everybody. subserihoe. One young fellow nn a f,ino at 512 a month is making 875. A lady typewriter at0 t e week is clearing $31: A mechanic who had earned :$1 50 a day is Blearing ;5 a • ay, Wo went more atrents. CanVasing out. 5t 25 eta., worth, 01. 7 !Ill Bir•All f. .G:litttEr3ON Co„ Toronto, Limited, t tit. QUEEN VICTORIA " iv' booming, tight thousand 00pies sold, Three Thousand flee hundred ordered from Anstrnlia; large quantity gone to South Afr b'a ; goitg ilk., wii,i lira hi Canada. Lord Lorne Icer Ain feety's i'ondn•law, save : •' The gleet Papulas Life of the Queen I have aeon," and thousenes en. d.,rse the st:,tetuent. Outfit 41.41 to eanvasse s ; exe elusive territory, Beelte on time. Easy to sunko are dollars daily, Sonia make twice that. The Bradley -Garrets= Co., limited, Terontof JOB PR11411111,1, INCLUDING Beaks, Pamphlets, t'oeters, 11 style Heads, her i' at riioc Erato' executed ssi, nd On short notice. .Apply or address I1;13• ELLTOTT, T 1tSS Office, Winkham. BOOKBINDING. 55'0 are pinased to announce that any nooks oil Magazines left with tis for Binding, will have ons 1 pro pt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application 6 the Timms (Wee j