The Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 5The Best lace to Clothing TUE W IN GHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 19, ibsr7, Is where you'll obtain. Best Qualities at Lowest Prices There is no better ready-to-wear Clothing made in Canada than Shorey's. That's the kind we sell. Nu tailor can make them better. In fact few can equal them. A Guarantee Ticket goes with each Overcoat or Suit. '.Chia is what the Ticket says; 0. 1 0 • 0 _ This Card is a Guarantee that the Cloth in this Garment has been thoroughly Sponged and Shrunk, t , f and the workmanship is Cully guaranteed. _ EI. SROREY 3s, SON, Montreal. Boys' two-piece Suits at $1,25, 81,50, 82.00, 82.50 and $3.00. Boys' three-piece Suits, Shprt Pants, 82.90, $3 00 and 64,00. Youths' Suits, $3.75, $4.00, 4.50, 8500 and 85.50, Men's Suits, $4.00, 85.00,86. 0, $7,25, 88.00 and $9,G0, We would like you co see our showing or Men's Double -Breasted Suits at $57.25 and 88.00. As good as usually sold at $10.00. Our $5.00 Suit is a wonder. • Overcoats for Men or Boys -no matter bow big or how little. The kinds with a Big Collar and Tweed Lining ; a regular " storm proof " coat. Boys' Overcoats, all ages from four years old up, at low prices. Our Men's Overcoats at85.00are worth thinking about. At 87,00 we have a "Rigby Waterproof Overcoat," This is a coat that will keep out wind or rain, and give you entire satisfaction, The great Clothing Beeiuess wo are doing shows that people appreciate our Lfforts to give the best for the least money, • CAST WAWANOSII, Mrs. Plunkett and daughter, of Owen Sound are visiting at Mr. Jona- than Pattison. Air. Cyrus Scott left on Monday of last week for Stratford where he will attend Commercial College. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Seott were "At Home" to a few friends on Friday evening, M. H. Harrison has had an hydraulic ram inserted in a spring below his buildings and now'_has plenty of fresh water running into both houee and stables. Miss Sarah Irwin has been engag- ed by the tr uatees of S. S. No. 11--- --a,,n=1,,. for the year 1898, The council met in the council room on Nov. 11th, pursuant to ad- journment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Communication from E. L. Dickenson, barrister, Wingham, on matters relating to ditches and water. courses affecting the property of Peter King, s Is lot 83, con. 10, re- ceived and filed. Communication and TO ADVERTISE ? Yes, if the merchants -always have the goods to sell, and just Customers can always rely on getting exactly the goods advertised at. Sale now going on in McIntyre's old stand, McDonald Block, Wingham, not sec what you want, ask for it. We may have it in stock and ne showing it to you. petition from F. S. Spence, Secretary Dominion Alliance, Toronto, relating to the further reetrietion of rho liquor traffic in the Province of Ontario, and • who takes charge of our Dress and Mantle Makin requesting the Provincial Legislature A G by petition to make further restrict• Call and see her. We guarantee first-class and fashiofiable work. 0 ions in said traffic, received, when it _ was moved byMr. Lockhart second -LI yr WING by lir. Carr, that the petition be+9 petition ..S. 1' ® "'", , signed by the reeve and clerk as quested on behalf of the council, and les . e e , „oe,. , sts • ;s re - forwarded to MA Spence, Toronto- r -M2= = 1•••-,- alrunNumeCarried. CUL1.GtiS. ^ tUpDL+'ILICIJ. ^ The treasurer reported cashon_. preacnin in the Method ) ••- --°+ -- 6 ..1'.`.N1- °. hand at last meetingp 410.87, paid Mr. George B. Armstrong, recent- and vice versa. • NEW, GOO.D . • STYLES. leaving 1, had his hand injured in a turnipIt is pretty certain that the G.T.R. Mr. and Mrs. George r out sine© then X84.34 • a hal- Yb ante on hand at date of $332.53. • pulper. will not rebuild the elevator recently attended the tea -meeting GEO. CARR has now in stock a large display of the very newest material for Accounts received and ordered to bliss Grace Campbell daughter of burned: here. Its cost was 845,000, worth on lionday evening.Overcoats, Fall and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Vests,etc., etc. Also the be paid as follows :-John Ansley, Mr, D. Campbell has been engaged and Goderich is regarded as no Air- and Mrs, Fred AIeC► Wingham plans and s eefiea'ions as a teacher in a school near Holy- longer a sufficiently important grain Brussels spent Sunday Most stylish Guts Furnishings in the Market the, of bride on river, ons. 10 and rood. distributing point to justify rebuild- parents, Mr, and Mrs. John If you want stylish and cell -made Clothe at a moderate price. 11, $19.00 ; Times, 1'Vinghaw, ad- ing. The trade will be divided be- The flax mill is shut do Give us a call. We can give you the best f workmanship. Good tit guarateed. vertising judge's court at Bela -rave, . GLENFAIiROW, tween tl,e elevators of Collingwood the wet weather is past. Oct. ,4 1897, X1.00 P. Porterfield. and Sarnia, + , Mr. and 111 s. James Aikenhead of . from other towns, --wile h services rendered revisin voters' , The Bayfield shooting case was call-. 3ron»li& old, are visiting at James ed for argument at 3 o'clock Tues- working in it, went be; . e Oct.ts, attending89,court at Belgravia ty Wylie's this week. day before Police Magistrate Seager, ginning of ti.e week, to -.lay t O 4, 1897, per. order of .county Mr. Douglas Fraser has been en- wanted. - WINGHAM. judge, 810 D. Geddes Bcl rave use + •, tr ' , Crown Attorney Lewis asked for the g + , + grl ed to teach in S. S. No. J Turn- Both teachers in our school, • of house for holding court, revising berry t'or the next year. 14re. sun. pt ironer, Frederick Elliott, to be corn A Doth t n and Miss Jessie Fre ...,r, „....e.,.c,,,s, ,11.11. „,,,,• , witted on a charge of murder, bir. voters lists Oct. 4 1'897 $,.• John gr Frazer r, aitulate 1?! , F zer on hie success. Proudfoot argued to the contrary, are re-engaged to teach next K;- .'all.;,,..f-LlblelgL,-a;%-1-,,11_,A1!.r..t,:'i_'.L'L6. .j47`,1 s,-s,.,,c„ •=, t;;i WA61E 1,,: Redmond, Sen., 50 yds. gravel and Miss Ella Hastings was the ;'ucst The Police Magistrate gave a r I J ,1ama;es road div. No. 21, 83.50 ; of the Misses McPherson last week. lengthy " unit r 'Edwin 1Vightman, damages drawing Airs, Thomas Bone has been so un• review of the evidence and ,ole ravel for road dies. Nos. 3 Z and fortunate as to lose host of her geese factof s of the as beinge lavv, and held . beforat e hien Ile 0.0117 CO 1! M 7J, through u 3 lot 41, con. 8, ,W i by clogs. [' John 13utcher, 12 rods gravelling on The Literary at Gemmil1's Centers telt it his duty to decide that' there . . When you can save money like this. Note following prices carefully: 0 sidelines 36 and 87, con. 9, $5.87, in connection with the Congregation- was no evidence of any hind to stab- r) gravelling at lots 39, cons. 10 and all eburch was not very well attend- stantiate a charge of murder, and he G. i T- q „ 11, 88.84 ; Joseph Rudley, cleaningaccordingly committed the prisoner n,] W -1 . T E a no doubt, inclemency the cy of the weather to the next court of competent juris t. t. out ditch at lot 39, cons. 10 and 11, no doubt, was the cause.- J $8.00; Arthur Brooks, gravelling and We are pleased to report, that Mr. Bail was admitted and fixed at he Rove' Te , .„ ,f ;, ' 11 t $5.52 2w1, A J thuit40, Brooks,repairing s. nd Tg alasso) col nearowell lCllnton succeeded to golf. $1,500, which will no doubt be pro- ofAlodge of. Temperance -was organized 0dueed. on Friday evening lash with 4a .21 LCr t +j;, i,`, fir,.,,.. two crit oris on Pastern riravel road; Mr. ,John Hartley, Teacher ill, I 9 "u r le y✓ ii8A0; !.rthur t31'oaks, gritvo1liij at: M1,rlcl . sOI300I1V1ti.'c, intends having a bershipet twenty. live. The fo EY j j kit 42, ecus, 12 and 1_3, ,x9.00 , Geo. `;,iic8rt uti u;'ember '?tith. 1 good I3LUEV:ILF ing ofiicer3 were elected':, Co AU 1 doz. Cups and Saucer's' find'Plates (Tea) for $1.10, j iS :ul,lsy1 IjEl ra\e, drawing platr'. peogram i3 liefrg prepaiecl, and a ` , J. Stewart; Past Counciclla lalcl 1' c;tirin culvert on sidelit: s -16 g ,d tln;e mea be'ex eeted, + Rev, Fenton Hartle left here on rain • Vice -Councillor Mi. d'; 1 ++ ,+ " (Breakfast) for 81,`?0. r- oc p ' al .,l,ii 37 ovu. J , Mr. G. E.W'il•:on has been el A,M_ Roland, to proceed un'his,journey to Fleming Chaplain, Miss J. Bre 1VJ, ( Jugs, Platters, Vegetable, Dishes, Bakers Basins, Cha1mbersl looking after g) gravel pit, llotL 42, con. ed to teach a school in tt village east Roland, Manitoba, about seventy miles from 1Vinn' eg where he was Rec.-See.. Miss A. Yugill; Fin . - A. Ewers and many other pieces at propoctfon tely low pricesc II g, fur sometime back and up•to date, Bothwell, KenT Co. ata salary of recently called The story is going A. Darliu ;Tress., J. Mulvey C Largest assortment of Fancy China ill this vicinity. to choose l, :" u.00; V 1n. Mason, digging ditch $4 25. Mr. Wilson went down to that when bI^. llartiey reaches li . Milihouse ; Guard, J. Neill ; 11 I and toxin r"Game lot 35 cons. 4 and a-+ 1 for the school last week. IllH. 1'lirkley ; Dep, Her., hiss from. L r 8-I.0U Win. ,Johnatc•n cleanitlg apply Chicago, he will be married to Miss 1Bremner• Assistant Sec., A. ,Peri ,a 6, , „ was recomm:nded by Mr. J. G. Mc- Worthington, daughter of the hate ' - Le q.- drain end repairing culvert lot 3 1, Pherson, principal of the B ,thwell Di 11 urtilil!;,*loin. of Wroxeter. :fir. entertainment Will be held. i ` ,. II, con. 3, $1.15 ; Thos. Leaver, 90 yds. Public School, ar.d son of our esteaur Aire. J. J. ,tiuiaer and little school -hoose of Union S, S., NO. l r" d ^ ,l' gravelling at lot 130, eons. 10 and ed reeve J. G. has a great deal u, Ilanvic:k and T urnberry on the; 2( ° " ,' ii, $,15.60; 'Phos, Leaver, tilling up lefiuence in that section of the collie daughter, Margaret, of Hamilton, ,g G approach east end of brid t, 011 river, lei arc: visiting at Mfr. 5 "ii) Sul .,ic:,L't''s,1111;<L. The prc,,,tltat will eol,.ist rl a I P ', coo having taught school in K nt Last week Miss Ina Thomas toot: ,vocal and iusrl omental anoxic, re The China House Grocer} F coni;. 10 and 11., $10; Wm. Robinson. county for about twelve year's, be lel' little CUu511, 111.8 llll!'1Gl west! tatlOnS, dlatU;;ue3 and tLiJlh'<tt. u --y.-,e r r -r, -,r-tr dinging ditch and building culvert sides bolo;; chiut' organizer for the ,who h:ti spent 'quite :L little tint`.; Ilerb, W'higtinan, of NV:ugh:tie -igTe i -,rW-,n`,- , r7 , + c .,,-...,•,r1 7-r i sFaRP. +t , _,. r. ,r_ 9774,9c:°,r.J et Int ;3U, coils. 8 alai J, $6 5U; Win. Foresters for several ears.e. he present and give an exhil Robinson, attendance :It court at Bel- We are g,ad to report, that, Miss with her grandparents, clings, \he cud Ili . I'r ' c ' " -- crave per.order from county judge, re-engaged Robert Duncan,- brick to her bonne in !slight of hand work, will; t .' 1 " , Jessie Frazee has been re -en a_ed to ;halls and knives. Pre grata Oct. 4, and selecting' ut'Ui'8 Oct. 11, , la 1'iln(1 alll:y. I t`, wirjurors,tench the Junior Department ut ,•he 111x. Haney returned to her lion:(:' alt 8 o'clock. Admission, a ' f iPN. 1897, 84; Richard. Burrot•,•s, ditch 131ae,vale School, at an increase of cents children 10 emits. ` ing and repairing culvert sidelinesFraser s 'r is an efficient 10 Toronto un Monday, aftel'' i.i.lri,, r P' :, , salary. miss l la..e. 39 and 40, con. 14, 84 ; Wm. Fitz- teacher. village. patrick, 30 yds, gravel for road div. No. 50, 81.50 Thos,H. Taylor, +lor GLENANNAN. Mr. Joseph, Smillie, of the first line , Sr.,, GLLNAVNAN. of Morr!s, had eleven tut keys stolen plank and cedar for culvert at lot Friday „ ; 34, cans..( and fi, 83.60; Robe Tun- s. Miss Maggie Stokes, who is to ieh• last .Allay night. , i he tree•;•i in ' . w ney, timber and building bridge at ing school near 'Midway, spent San the snow, in t,,u field Wileru the honest Weight, honest Count, HonestMeasure, and your money back, lot 34, cons. 4 and :i, 812.50 ; Rob(, day last here with her parents. turket s were, showed that the per, T if everything is not found as represented 'J'anne, digging ditch and building Robert Hastings returned from buil of perouns, who stu)e them, cable Blood means sound health. With »u •Und rwcar [k)l;ers culvert, 10).443011A 10, epi. 5, 831.7) lIusltokli. ]a:5t h iturday, it is reported ill a waggon. Perhaps n matt c=u . rrtwh, ho,.1 ij bleed, the tomaetr and o Vin. Ilallahatl), ,Jr,, hauling planks' that lie had bought out the lurnher waauted +.0 hold al shooting match. votive organs will bevigorou , anti ti, underwear department ttnent is now I have 0 fall stock of Men's, Pots' (01 culvert, t lot 39 and •l) con. 5 VA; Chihli in which 11C htt(l +L share, a11nt1 is 11iS, Isabel Sanderson l'Ctlnrned eurargin vl the uikno onIthe Serotnlmas My , P , + ' ' ' ' . ' ' going t0 rent his farm, and tette pU5 home to 'PUt'U)ltll 11(1 Tuesday, atop Velli Rheum mysr disappear. With put complete, I have fust received .. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Rub- IIel,arty and 1 uuuey, cedar and re• » ' , ' special line of Undervtear to roil fol• tiers, Prices, regular 65c for 50c, pairing culvert, lot 41, cons. 4 and 5, session, viait.i:,g her father here aur stout , ,^< _' forty-five cents (45e) each garment. Ladies' 40c far 80c. Children's 3.5e *7.91; McLaety and Tunney, digging It is reported that Dave 1Veir from three itictnthti. Also Scotch and Canadian Wools at for 25e. 1 have also Men's Long ditches at got 41, earls. 4, and 5, and I3eltnore, iagoinf'to pelt iii a chopper., , 'Phe I'real,yt:r1151 00 L,rc';y"aitiou ~reasonable prices. In Rubber City Boots, regular 87.25 on sidelines 39 and 40, eon. 5, $28.'45; wind do all kinds of choppil,fr tor till hAve put a fat mate into the i,aa n: u. for 8'd.50, Geo. lirachlin repairing culvert farmers. It Would he a new imlas- :lesar5, 1Luthei•101d tit Wall 0. of g+ P Your term s will be strong, and Men"s & Boy's Clothing and digging; ditch on g aver Lund, cry to our 5tirr111{r lfttlr, tu`vr,, curl be Wroxeter, 5ultgalle,l lt, aL4ui I,nl, It lI, L42, + , vet'(' •U1UVCnienC for the farmers. plate! this week sleep sound, sweet and refresh] Overcoats Od;lat, lug cull..,, 1U.;,8 ;.ttaco. Iiruclt- 1 , • r ,Good's sarsaparilla makes pure bio ting, digging di8111 eachemir ert, lug►• Miss Smillie of Morris, spent bun- Re % .T. West, M. A., w:l;; ono That is why it cures so many disea In Overcoats 1 have aL large bel• and repairs, Ste., 1)ingrall's road (11 last at ;lir, John Scotts.+ tit' the '.p. si.t i'a a,t the t,1,L,l,I"g of That is why so many tho)acands tab ;Shoes variety in quantity and quality, tied allowance, eon. •1, $12 10. The On Sunda;( dist as Jas. Scott w:11 %Iolesvan•bb'$ new P,'e,,l)rtt;rian vel p hes s inden er a i iom' Boots and ; h prices to shit the times. council tiler, adj.nil'ned till 11'cdnes-- Putting the blanket on his horse at t;liult.,i, Net :\Totality eveniner. My Hoot and Shoo line is now as day, 15th day of Dec, next. church, it tank fright and ran away ..1, union ' i inks ivin service velli ► , ;^+ 'tau.' full and up to date, I bavo a Call and no 0111 special line of P. I)olz'rrltrri•:i.v, Clerk. b t was stopped before it had gone be h...lti in the Methodist t,hutcln, uu • . ,s,od special lino of Men's Calc 13a1s, to sell Ladies' Jacl etc act 2.75 to $7,(1U. * f•t ;v o doubt Jitn 'wee excite t " + v' ,r • ," 13 l eat 1 u:;,ll+ ,ly.il„ morning, at eleven ,alt 82.25, Men's Long Boots from -y -- ; we will excuse him owing to his cite t. CJ,wk, UAW. W. J. West will :144,00 to 81.00 ; Ladies' :and Child- y I;'rrt' Coals and Robes at a W. J. lien) and licna,y Mitchell cttmstaiicry. preach. 'Pile? lletlio lista .tud Pr •s- " ren'ft,,"hoea in endless varieties. Specialty. have been sent to the Central l'ri5c,n Master David Fortune, will) wits t,i•tt'11:1)24 Weed holding union . a .l ` lc i`-. for three nwrtits fur falls(] pretences visiting his brother John in bliiGlt:ekat,ycrvit:es on l 'anks;;iving, hay i.tt Id Moth, Tote BloodPtlrtitrr. ' at Listowel. . returned bome blot Saturday. 27 lbs.'Bright Yellow Sugar for - . 81.00 23 " St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar for - 1 00 8 " Choice Japan Tea for - - 1.00 5 " Finest 35c Japan Tea for - 1.00 28 " Best Rice for - - 1.00 Kingsville Canned Corn for - - - 8c 1 box (3 5e cakes) Complexion Soap for 8c Fine Red Indian Salmon for - 10c Choice Pattern American Prints for Fine Canadian Prints for 28 inch Flannelettes, choice colors, for Checked Flanelettes, regular 120, for - Doub)e-fold Dress Goods worth- 15o, for " " " " 30c, for - 30 inch Tleavy Grey Cotton for - - Prima Donna Wrapporettes worth 15e, for The Ladies are informed now of the arrival of WE X .... „---FINE ORDERED --•- 00-3ECD.. Opposite Queen's Hotel, BEL MORE. The Belmore Literary and cational Society .rendered it program of the season on Wed evening last. The debate "Resolved that modern maebii an injury to the laboring man.' diction on a charge of manslaughter debate was won by the negativ TO BUY YOUR GOODS FROM Ti ,p I IIL Se her son, Mr. Geo. IIonoy, of this 1 have now a full line of Ready- mades- for fall and winter wear. a.. yn',,ab A M - I]LTS s. futtt','3, Lite 1'1'e:,lr)tet•i'ln rnjinicter Rootrs pians ear.°