HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 4GOODS selling cheap all 'PA and Fountain ri iges, Ice Bags, at Water Bottles, tangs, etc., and this line, at prices of before, at A. CAMPBELL'S RUt;r STORE. f Post Office, DV•ERv ISERS. anges must be left at this not later than Saturday tesneo.py for changes left not later than Tues - tug. Casual advertise. aeeepted up to noon v of each week. a =E ince NOVEMBER 19,1897, TORIAL NOTES. • 13 Mown T has completed y's ,work as Minister of rsday he was sworn in vernor r,f Ontario, e time, Hon. David oath of office as Minis - Lection on Friday to fill ekt lathe Commons for ninon+ acd Arthabaska, which caused by the retirement of the member, brother of the pre - (Mate, resulted in the elec- 11r. , Lavergne, Liberal, by ,3OOerretjority: 1i BEaTaAII the well- etnrer, was nominated dfdatefor thevacancy Toronto, at a largeiy•at- d influential convention held The indications are that it :ves put up a candidate, ill be elected by,a large last accounts, the Con- nagers were trs;inp, to oak, wholesale merehant, the flel5L SE AMENDMENTS. ENTS. ..VERSOD7 REPLIES TO MR. SPENCE'S ARGUMENTS. b following is from is from the e of Monday, and is given by st of a number of our readers s. the 2nd of November inst., the tive Committee of the Ontario lbitiveAlliance waited upon the rnment to ask what they were ad. to call some slight amend - aim the license law, one of which • rovision " That no license sued to take effect in a •division in which a ma - e municipal electors pal- * the granting of such n support of this au,end- .as an argument in its •Mr. R. Black shipped ono car F. S. Spence, who acted as wheat, and Alessi's. Gibson St Bar - ma.n of the committee, said Hard a car orOatrneal this week. *anted to provide that wher- Hiss Lottie Orr le visiting relatives he majority demanded that a in Wingham this week, s should not be renewed in any The hunter:, have returned from the commissioners _ should not Muskoka.. Mr. Genres() McDonald a renewal; that this was not was the most fortunate man in the agent a, provision as existed in party, not only bringing home a fine Provinces; that in New Bruns deer but he also brought a wife cwo thirds of the electors of the home with him. snb•division had every year Mr. Brtce Young of the hunting n a petition in favor of the party met with an accident and it is ng of a license, so that the thought that the result will be the !e had to come every year with loss of an eye. Pr petition and his new appli- Travellers, Armstrdng of Listowel Golden of Iiamilton, and Hayden of a astatement with regard to !Toronto, were in town this week. Pe of New I3runswick is abso--' A „ring of C. Y. R. carpenters, without foundation. The ; landed in town and made some nee - law of that Province eontaies ' essary repairs an the station last Fri. II provision nor any resembling ' day. it tie to quote section eleven { At the Methodist parsonage by Brunswick liquor license Rev. J. B. Kennedy on. Wednesday the only section bear- ' tnorning 171 h, Mr. 13. Price to Miss matter:—"A license to Ida III. Hayden. Congratulations. by wholesale or re-' There will be a service of praise nted except upon . in the Presbyterian church ort $ ib•- applieant to the bath evening, Nov. 21st commencing, iasis of this district at G.30 p. m. 'l RE WINGUIAIVI TIMES, NOVEMBER 19, x897, in which the license is to have effect, I praying for the same, nor until the • inspector has reported in writing to tbbe license commissioners that the applicant is a fit and, proper person to have a itemise (and in case of a tavern license has all the accommo• -dation regaired by law), and that the applicant is known to the inspector to be of good character and repute." As a further argument Mr. Spence said that in Manitoba eight of the nearest twenty people to any licensed place could petition against it and it was abolished. This as a statement of the law of ;Manitoba is incorrect, A reference to sections 32 and 35 of the Manitoba license act will show that this provision only applies to licenses in the rural districts of that Province. By section 82 it is provided that "no person outside of cities and towns having a population of over 2,000 shall he granted a license to sell in- toxicating liquors who has not first obtained the recommendation in writing of at i1et st sixteen .out of the f twenty householders nearest in a direct line to the premises wherein the applicant intends to sell intoxi• eating liquors, and section 35, that it shall not be necessary for any licen- see applying for a renewal of bis license of the same premises to obtain said recommendation unless since obtaining such recommendation he has been ccnvieted of an offence under this act. Provided, however that otic: in every year_ after the first year 'of license •a petition of eight out of the • nearest twenty householders against. and license can be presented and will have the effect of cat,celling.such License." It will be readily seen that the two sections just quoted, and these are , the only two applicable,. deal only with licenses outside of the cities and towns having a population of over 2,000. Mr. Spence made these statements to influence the Govenment, in favor of the demands of the Alliance. Per- haps the most charitable solution of his conduct is that he must have been tnisinformed, and knew not wbereoff he spoke. He cannot com- plain if hereafter his statements are received with -doubt and ht sitation. JAttES HAVERSON. Toronto, Nov., 15 '97. ZETLAND. Remember the auction sale c•ffarni stock, and implements, etc., at Mr. George Thompson's farm this (Friday) afternoon. Mr. D. McDonald will hold a shoot- ing mateh here on Thanksgiving day, when a number of turkeys, geece, etc., will be contested for. LUCKNOW. Mr„Tames Bryan has returned home from a deer -hunting expedition to the nortn, The evangelistic. services in the Methodist church were brought to a close on Frida.y evening last. Service will be held in the differ- ent churches in town on- Thanksgiv- ing day. For the past few months Mr. D, 0. Melforran, bandmaster, has been training a number of young people for a juvenile band. He has all the instruments now required for a first 01a3s band filled and they are mak- ing rapid progrc4s. It is expected I Ghat the band will maks its first ap- pearance on Thanitegiving day. WEOXETER. BOItN. RoADaotvsE—In Howlett, on the 7th inet„ the wife of Mr. henry Roadhouse, , aaf daughter, ;zunntorin.--In Morris, on Nov. 4tb, e wife of Mr. Russell Richmond, fit a eon.v Masrt:Em. INAsTML-•-13RYDGEs: On the 10th inst., by Rev. S. J. allin, at the Methodist j Parsonage, Brussels, i1r. Robert E. Astell, to Miss Ellen M. 13rydges, both the township of Morris.' STOKES-- SCOTT.—At the residence of t bride's farther, on Wednesday, Nov, 10th, by Rev. John Ross, 13. A., Mr. Burwell Copland Stokes, of Grey, to Miss Isabella Scott, eldest dayghter of Mr. 1 Donald Scott, of Morris PRICrt--HAYDRN,-• At the Methodist parsonage, Wroxoter, on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. B. Kennedy, Mr, B. Price to Miss Ida May Hayden, both of Wroxeter, DEISD. MoLnutxnnxx.—.1n Corrie, oh Nov. 7th, Sarah, beloved wife of Mr, T. H. McLaughlin, aged 45 years and 9 months. Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Ont., November 16.— Business at the western cattle yards to -day was slow and few sales report- ed. The rain prevented buyers from making an inspection of the offerings. Receipts were forty cars. Cattle— There was practically nothing doing and prices were nominal at 31c to 3{c for the best stock, There were sev- eral bunches of good butchers' cattle sold, and the market is steady at from 21c to 31c per pound. .Goed feeding bulls sold readily at 21e to 214e. per pound, and export bulls at 3e to 8 c per 1b. In the market for stockers there was a little activity, and the best animals brought from 240 to Bic per lb. The receipts of sheep and lambs were represented by about 700 head and sold at $2.75 to $3.50 per head for lambs and $3.50 to $4.50 per head tor sheep. There were only a few caves offered, and prices rule from $2 to $10 per head. Good mileh cows sell well. The range in prices is from $25 to $45 per head. There was the usual run of hogs, with prices unchanges. The best .selections brim 4e per lb. East Buffalo, N. Y., November 16. --Offerings, about 20 ears, all of which were held over from yester- day; the market ruled dull and slow and pries were barely steady ; good to prime stockers sold at $3.50 to $8.80: but common to fair lots, clos- ed 20e to `25c lower than these pr•ices-;5 feeders -common to - choice; brought $3.40 to $4. Bogs -30 cars on sale, market slow and prices low- er; the bulk of the sales were at$3.45. to $3.50; roughs sold at, $3 to $3.15; stags, $2.75 to $3 ; pigs, $3 to $3.50. Sheep and lambs—The receipts were 214- loads of fresh arrivals, including 101; cars of Canadas ; the ma •ket opened with a fairly steady demand with very little change in • values ; .the market ruled generally full easy to lower for the 23 cars of Canada lambs that were on offer late Monday and about all were sold ; priwe lots of ewes and wethers sold at'$5.70 to $5.75, others, $5.40 to $5,65 ; lambs, yearlings choice to pri111e,84.75 to $5; fair o good, $4.40 to $4.65 ; culls to common arlings, $3.50 to $4.25 ; native lambs choice to extra, $5.75 to $5.85 ; fair to good, $5 Fro to $5.70 ; culls to common, 34.75 to $5,40 ; 'ethers, $4.65 to $4.75 ; good to choice mixed sheep, $4.25 to $4.60 ; common to fair, $3.50 to $4.15 ; culls to common sheep. $2 75 to .$13.25.. BEL() RAVE, Mr. W. G. Strong, special organizer of the Canadian Order of Foresters, attended the sleeting of the local court on Tuesday evening last, and is spending a few d'tye here in the interest of the Society. We tell your doctor all there is in Scott's Emulsion, just how much cod liver oil, hypophosphites, glycerine. But we do not tell him how these are combined. You have your secrets; this is ours: This knack of mak- ing the very best thing has come to us from years ofex- perience with just one thing. We make only Scott's Emul- sion—all our energy is bent on making that better than any other emulsion in the world. We have no other business thought. Is it any wonder that it is the standard ? MARKET REPORTS. TS. wa aint lr,. Wingham, November 1100897. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs.. ... , , , . , 1 50 to 2 25 Pall Wheat .... .... . . . .. 0 78 to 0 80 Fall . Wheat, new.. ,... .,.. 0 78 to 0 80 Spring Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 Oats, 020to022 Barley.....,...... •0 25 to 0 27 Peas 0 40 to 0 42 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 Geese, " 0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 60 Butter,- , . . ,. ,,.. 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord.. „ 1 00 to 1 25 Hay per ton,...,..... 5 00 to 5 50 Potatoes, per bushel, , .. , 0 80 to 0 85 Tallow, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per Ib, 0 3 to 0 5 Wool 19 to 21 •r ToPtiolig fot The undersigned will roceivn to era far supplies up to noon on 111ONDAX, NOF 29, 1897, for the supply of butchers' meat. butt , dairy and cream - r, oatmeal, potatoes, n;; institutions during ane in Toronto, London, Mimico, Brockville and on and 'Mercer Reformatory, tory for Bovs, Penetanguish- eno; the institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Belle- ville, and the Blind at Brantford, Two sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract. Specifications and forms of tender can only be had by making application. to the Bursars of the respective institutions, N. B. -Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the Asylum in Toronto, J,ondor,, Kingston Hamilton and Minden, nor to the Central Prison and Morear Reformatory, Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this ad%ortisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. (Signed) B CHRISTIE, T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES NOXON. Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Nov, 16, 1897. cry, uiyinq Disci of , folehio, 5 cordwood, etc„ forth,, the year 1898, via.:—/ At the Asylum for, Kingston, Remit urillia; the Contra Toronto; the Rofo to n, STRAY STEER Strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned, Lots 21and '22, Con. B. Ture- bury, on or about the middle of October, a two-year-old steer. - Any person giving' information leading to the recovery of the same will be liberally rewarded. 13ENRY THOMSON, Wlughatn P. 0 MEETING OF :Huron Couniy CoiII The Council of the Corporation of the County of -Huron will meet in the Court Room, in the `"'own of Goderich, oil Tuesday, Nov. NM inst., at 3 o'clock p. m. • W. LANE, Clerk, Dated at Gouerich, Noe, 8, '07. PAY YOUR TAXES For the convenience of the public, the Tax Collector will he in the Clerk's office, in the Town Hall, Every Friday • from 2 to 4 p. m., and on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th from 10 a. fn. to 5 p. w.,. and any other day at his residence, Frances street. All taxes must be paid not later than December 14th. Vv M. ROBERTSON, Collector. ate AND... es is els We have the largest and best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., to choose from` in the town, and our prices are as Iow as ever. CHRISTMAS GOODS arriving daily. All Repairing . donc>~ on tho E'ronaisos. a PhTTE SO Opp site I3ank of iiluiiiiton, r ain , Raisins, - 5c lb. Figs, - 5c lb. Salmon, - ioc can. Best Salmon, 2 for 25c. Wine Biscuits, - 3 lbs, for 25c. Tea - 3 lbs. for 25C. Molasses Snaps, 4 lbs, for 25c, Sardines in Tomato Sauce 5c can. Sardines in oil, .. 5c can. Corry Starch, 4 for 25c. Extracts from 5c up. Kerr's 13, Powder, 1 lb. tins, 15c. JOHIN KE ;R Grocer, Wingham. e ext eek We are offering snaps in all lines for the next week. Bring your .cash or trade and we wi give you -big value for it. Dress Goods in Small checks, stripes A . 's Union Underwear, very and shot goods, extra weight nd heavy line, fancy stripes, special width,`special at 23c. at 35c. Heavy Dress Goods in Blac and Green, special at 17e Fancy Dress Goods, splendid wear- er, regular price 40c, special at 29c. Single -fold goods in a variety of colors and patterns, regular 25c, special at 10c.. Extra wide Flannel,splendid weight, in plain or twilled, special at 12ic. IHeavy pieces of Flannelette, special at 4c. Heavy Cottonade, lots of patterns to choose from, 'special at 19c, Very wide Table Linen, extra weight in pretty designs, regular 45c, special at 35c; . Good quality Linen, splendid blea.all, special at 25c. Fine Linen Towelling, fany bor- der, 24 inches • wide, regular Nrice 45e, special a; 10c, *men's Wool Undershirts, double- breasted, well made and finished, regular 50c, special at 40e. - Men's .Top Shirts., all colors, ail makes, special at 50a, 75.0 and • 90c. Men's Padova Hats, re;ular$1.2.5,, special at 75e. • STACKS OF OVERCOATS Piles of nady-Made Clothing' Clothes to fit the masses in style, quality and price. .. - See those heavy Tweed Sitits, 'well lined and trimmed, all sizes, from 36 to 42, at $5.75. Extra weight Tweed Suits ift Black and Brown, special at $5.0Q. Stoiig wearing Vests, special at 85c. White Shirts, 4 ply linen fronts, strong cotton, open back and front, special at 81.00. 4 packages Cornstarch 25c, Fresh Salmon 1.0c can, 7 bars French Castile Soap 5c, Mixed Pickles 10c a bottle, Clothes Pins le a doz., 10 lb. can white Clover Honey 70c. Try Salads. Tea, it will please you.. .Choice Family Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal and best Canadian Coal 011,: alwayq. kept. on hand. R. Go GORDON.DON Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store. _ .. ,�w VJ `�6,'`tY"iQ/\tIP tiV W W/4l MJ'VY �/ Vn'�JV VW �11'V.�SV 4Y �%Y V'FO%QO •.yl ..�s ypy �V �I�r �1J•VY�YI� $ a p ecr,,* ;1111 leefele In owe 11 a i1'� Op If you want to buy anything in the line of PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWIN G. ETC., Y7 . PLO S, JTC. m�wo A_D G-JJT P Io i T. H. RO.SS, Wingham.