HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 1VOL. XXVI.---NO. 105.
Wingham, Oct. 1897.
• Having decided to make a specialty
of the Ordered Clothing Department
Of our buginess, we have secured the
Services .of a first-class cutter who is
full able to cater to the most fastid-
torts tastes.
'W aro showing for the Fall 'atid
Winter Trade a selection of Woollens
whieh vre are justified in claiming is
more complete in all the latest
elties than either 9rseTtres or others
r,41( have ever shown in Wingham. Com—
prising as it does the best productions
of the English, Scotch and Canadian
May we solicit your patronage:
We can assure you it will be a plea—
sure to show yort through our stock,
aid should you favor 'us with an
order, can promise -that the garment
'will be found to be both fashionably
cut and. tastefully trimmed.
Yours respectfully,
Atteri& te Popular
If you wish to receive •
Business or ShorthandEducation
This institution enjoys a splendid pat-
ronage and bas unexcelled • facilities in
every department.. Students admitted
to,n,y time. Free catalogues.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Blarrialio Licenses
issued by Pta.141,< PATZRSON. No 23, Vie -
sot in street, Winghani, Ont. No witnesses
req uired.
• Shipped direct to us from. Baltimoie.
Call and get some first-class oysters.
and all Fruits in season.
City Restaurant,
,4k )i
4 I 63010114110e 38. Macdonald Block,
Our Clubbing List.
In order to snA0 our subscribers the trouble of
making two or more remittances we have made
special arrangements with the publishers by which
we are enabled to offer the following publications in
connection with tho IVINGI1Ah1 TINIKS at speclal
IOW rates from now until Januaoy let, 1899, SPe3fal
ocirttilb9rhisn:g_rates with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon application, 4101 =let aeounipany all
Times and Weekly Globe, • • $1 25
Times and Western Advertieer. • 1 40
plies and Family Herald and Weekly Star
and Picture - 1 75
Times and Farmers' Advocate, • 1 90
Times and Farming, weekly, - - 1 75
Times and LadiesJournal. , - 1 35
Times and Montreal Weekly WitnesS, • 1 00
Times and Farmers' Sun, • - 125
Times and Daily Globe • 4 00
Times and Daily World - - 3 00
Times and Country Gentleman, - 2 70
The balance of tho year will be given free to new
snbscribers for above mentioned weeklies, except
Farmers' Advocate and Farming. Subscribe at once.
W. II, Wallace—Special,
Miss HoPherson—Special
Ireland & Button—Specials
D. M. Gordon—Winter Goods.
McKinnon &•Co.—The Best Place.
Colin A, Campbell—Rubber Goods.
M. IL MeIndoo—Bargains Saturday.
D, McLauchlin & Co.—It Pays to go:
G Liordon.—Snaps for the Next Week,
N. A. Farquharson—Don't c.o to Klondylce:
Ontario Government—Tenders' Supplies, for 1898
—Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
--Memorial cards of all kinds printed'
neatly and cheap at THE Tines office.
—A number fr town and vicinity
attended court at derich this week.
' A full stook oe first-class groceries at the
rtb End Grocery..
...e —Wir. I. BrOwn. s solce, bis house nd
lot in teivn tdMr. S, iniamt ifiisttible4
— Postmaster sher has lied a new
spring placed on ti post office door. He
believes in having warm office.
We can knock them ell oubg prices on
chairs. All kinds keptee ok ; from the
c apest to the best. ixe5id & leutton. 3t
—Dr. Tyerinatt, Toronto, was in town
this week, taking a look over the town,
with an intention locating here.,"
— Ale James cGuiro is having his
buildink„opposite • the eelatsdon Id block,
loweredeekt level Rise the o or buildings
along thesetreet.
W. H. Wallace ui Bliss Wallaee
are leaving Win* . Their entire
stock will be sol' retrdless of cost.
—Thursday nex wine be Thanksgiving
Day, and we woul ask our correspondents
and others having atter.fo next week's
issue, to have it i theeSTfice a 'day earlier
than usual. The printers will tale a
We are handling any quantity of butter.
eggs and dried apples—ceela or trade. Also
a kinds of poultry. G.E. Ring.
, —We were plea diet; 'see Mr. Walter
Carruthers, of Tu neerry,": who happened
with a serious ace deel ose a barn raisins,
sometime ago, on a treets on Monday
lastepr. Carrut ere ehas not any use of
his legs as yet, b hOpe aro entertained
that he may yet 1 gait i tlee use cf them.
Coal stove for sale ode ; practically as
good as new ; (has been replaced by a fur-
nace.) Apply to John Murray.
—Dr, J. R. McD nal , who accompanied
the steamer Dia a to. Hudson Bay, as
physician, returne lebree on Monday last,
and reports a v ryt1easant trip. The
result of the tri ha een, to show that
navigation thro h straits from the
middle of July the end October was
possible. e I
Ireland lt Butte so. they can sell .you
goods °beeper tha. a. (other store. Why
is it ? Because t have less expense. 3t
—The new time Ole on the G. T, R.
crime into effeet on mislay last. There is
no groat change in he time of the trains
here. The only beige being that the
afternoon train, a iving•from Palmerston
at 2.40 p.m., will t reach here now until
3.05 p.m.x and d art for Renard* at
8,80 p.m. All th other trains will rien as
formerly. The ondon freight will run
every other day anal, notwithstanding
all street rumors o the contrary.
—For lart-alase tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
What Does It Mean P
It means via blood, strong nerves and
sound digestion. It means proeperty and
growth to the young, It Mane good color
and mental vigor. That's what Scott's
Emulsion means.
—We can print you the neatest visiting
-A. first-class Coal Stove for ale cheap.
Apply to J. Halliday.
—The stone wor has been finished on
Walker's butcher op, and the brick has
arrived from Drew
Farmers—Cash for good butter and
eggs at the North End Grocery.
—The merchat s have been removing
their awnings t s week, their deers of
usefulness being st for this season,
—The stoves the G. T. It engine
house here have een discarded, and the
roorn will be he ;ted by stain from the
Flowers, Groceries and Vegetables at T.
C. Graham's, Chisholm, Block,
—Those who al wed their turnipseto
grow during the ea weather will likely
have cold hands • ore they aro through
with the jab.
— We are please to report that Mrs. D.
M. Gordon, who 1 s been very ill, is now
recovering as we l as her many friends
could expect.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanent-
ly at home Etna can be eons ulted by
his patrons.
W—We are sorry to earn that two of Mr.
Robt. Small's child n are quite ill. Mr.
Small's mother,fr Lucknow is here
nursing them. ye,
— Conductor Wa sley, of the G. T. R.
has been off duty r the past few days,
owing to illness, nd his place is being
filleesby Conductor onglas.
—There were 24 Miura in the Dominion
of Canada last we , aireompared with 46
the same week st year, Ontario being
responsible for • ly 0. This is surely a
sign of good tune
.A. 10 cent Heliotrope Soap for 5 cents,
and a Witohhazel Soap, three aka in a
box, for 10 cents, are sellers, at Chisholm'
Drug Store.
—Messrs. Butto
a consignment of
Town, South Afriei
manufactures first
shipping to All par
—The Canada
that applications
medals for the Fe
be addressed to t
manding the troops
& Peasant shipped a
ohairs, eto., to Cape
that week. This fine
lass. articles and are
a' of bhp world.
gazette contains notice
for imperial service
an raid of 1866 should
o general .icer com-
a Caned at Halifax.
If stretchers for oil .2,1 tiugs are only
worth 15 cents, why we have to pay
25 cents for them bast Ireland & Batton
started business? 3b
—The G. T. R. Jtd C. P. R. have ar-
ranged their exour on rates for Thanks-
giving season. Ti 'eto will be issued at
single fare, good t p11 points in Canada,
Port Huron, Detr it Suspension Bridge
and Buffalo. Goo .going November 24th
and 25th and retur ing up to the 29th.
—There is a pi asant surprise in store
for the subscribers of the Family Herald
and Weekly Star f Montreal. We have
seen the premium icture that Games this
year with the Fa ily Herold and Weekly
Star, and oan hes tily compliment any of
our readers who are subscribers of the
Family Herald nd Weekly Star. How
can it be done ? That is tho question.
All that the subs ribers are interested in
knowing is that ey get the greaepaper
and the sweet cture for a ridiculously
small sum. We ear there is a great rush
for it, no wonder.
Miss MacPherson is offeri from now
until the end of the se 1, special re-
ductions in millin ry ' Any of our un-
trimmed. hats fr 5 cents to el.00.
Spooled outs in trimmed hats, ranging from
14..00 and upwards. Call and see us. tf
—Those who go ou of town to do their
buying should re a tuber that the best
interests of this tow will be promoted by
our citizens spendi g all their money at
home. A town i somewhat like what
Paul says respectin the human body that
when one part pro era the other portion
of the prosperity i felt by the other parte
and a loss is si ilarly felt. There are
many dollars sp nt outside, which by
right should be s ant at home, so every
perion Buffets so in pooket during the
year as a result We say spend your
money at home. Wo were pleased this
week to see a trav ler in the printing line
get the cold shoo der from a number of
our business men. We can do anything in
the printing line a eheap and as good as
can be had anywh re. Give us a call when
you are in need of nything in our line.
Friday, Novena
by publics auction
above date, the v
implements, lure
son, Mt lots 21 a
1 Deans, auetio
er 19th, there will be sold.
without reserve, on tlee
laablo farm, farm atoek,
or, ete., of George Thom -
22, oon. 13., Turnberry,
et. t
til the end of ii
—Poultry of all
in town now.
r the TI5128 from now un -
ends are very plentiful
—Tell your Menge they can have the
Trims till the end df 1808 for el, or the
Trains and Globe for $1.25.
Fresh oysters served in any style at
James McKelvie's Star Restaurant.
—The Queen ty Oil Coinpany, ' of
Toronto, have wor men engaged in erect-
ing a storehouse o the G. T, R. property
—Chief Vanua man received many
words of praise, fo the way in which he
had the street ores ings cleaned during the
past few days.
—Only one freig t car was to be seen at
the G. T. R. yar on Tuesday morning
kat. This ts a ra occurrence. All the
cars seem to be on he move these days,
— We are sorry t say that the Sons clf
Scotland had a smal deficit in their recent
coneett; Wo trust they will be favored
with good weather n -t time a.. a bumper
We don't say we are t only store in
Wingham that keep ma e, birch and ash
bedroom suites, hu w do say we can sell
them a little 'shoe than any other store
in town. Ireland & Button, opposite
Macdonald block. 35
Is there alight you'
Tell it in. the Tee
If you'd have folks t
Yell it throUgh th
Let tbe want be wh
List to what Aur
Ads. start bearing,
When planted In t le Tines.
bay or sell -
know it—well
515 may—
trona say ;—
ght away,
Thanksgiving ser ce will bo held in St
Paul's church, on hanksgiving Day, at
11 o'clock a. m.
Rev. Father MOL • en has been presented
with a standard bred horse, "Fell Moons"
' by his parisimers.
On Sunday evenin
byterian cherch, Bev 5, Perrie will preach
a special sermon on " ambling."
Rey. Dr. Pascoe wi preach anniversary
sermons in the Ont rio street Methodist
ohurch, at Clinton, 01 December 12th. ,
Rev. Mr. Muxwortl y, of Teeswater, will
occupy the pulpit oft e Wingham Metho-
dist church, on Sand y next, morning and
The Presbytery o Maitland was in
session at the Pros 'yterian church on
Tuesday last. A ini report of the pro-
ceedings will appear 1 our next issue.
A rally of the S. Y. P. U., of the
Walkerton Association will be held in the
Wingham Baptist cher h, on Thanksgiving
Day, Nov. 25th, mitei loon and evening,
beginning at 3 .n3. an 7.30 p.m. All are
Rev. Dr. Moffat, gen
next,' at the Pres -
al secretary of the
Upper Canada Tract So .iety, occupied the
pulpit of the Presby erian church, on
Sunday e seeing last, an also delivered an
address in the lecture oom of the same
church on Monday eveni
The Salvation Army mine Band held
forth in the S. A. Barr ks, on Saturday
and Sunday last, and d ow large crowds.
The hallelujah leds a lassies looked
quite navy -like in their °coming 'nada
suits and their playing was highly ate
preoiated by our citizens.
"Christ and the card- able" will be the
the subject of Rev. Mr. Mason's sermon,
next Sunday evening, at e Congregational
church. The sermon ill treat of the
relation of christianity o amusements in
general. All interested n the discussion
of this vital question are 'nvited to attend.
We announced last w ek that the Sal-
vationists throughout 't is territory are
having their self-denial week, from Nov.
21st to the 27th, Molest e. Consequently,
the most strenous effor a are being made
on the part of the Arm generally through-
out the land, and tom y in the seperate
tdwns and villages who e the Army oper-
ate. We 'conclude f orb the contents
of their official Bazett , the War Cry, as
Well as from some sp ial pamphlets and
appeals, which are bei g distributed by the
soldiers and officers, that they evidently
intend this year's tot 1 to far exceed last
year's. It is 00.11815 or surprise that the
amounts collected 1u ing past selfdonial
weeks in this territor have been anthill.
ally increasing, and t ete are many reasone
for believing that t is year's effort will
exceed any father one.. We learn that
many of the office s and soldiers have
actually determined to live on bread and
water (othes next t it), in order to raise
more money and rea h the !goal aimed fo,
Soldiers have been askedito visit from
house to house and —licit obttributions.
Coal Oil and Lamp supplies always on
hand at the North End Groery.
—We direct our ze ders attention to the
advertisement of the Inspector of Prisons
for prisons a.;
etc., re supplies for
public charities.
•-s-Mr, 3. II. Step ensoa is getting the
skating rink in rea Mess for the coming
season. Ile intend having it flooded as
soon as the weather erruits.
—Municipal politi s are very quiet. We
hve not hesrd of y new apirants for
office, but in the c urse of a few weeks
things will be warm g up.
—Mr. Chas. Smi 1, son of Mr. J. S.
Smith, of town, veno as been in the Bank
of Hamilton at 0 .n Sound has been
removed to the Lis wel branch of the
bank, where he will ac as teller.
—The Myth Stand
cffice to s. more coanno
week. Ur. W. J. Feeu
connected with the St
little time, will remove
few days.
—Mr. Walter Taylor
Thursday of last week,
of the Huron Fowl As
meets were made for
isext annual exhibit
January 25th, 26th an
Ireland & Baton c
collection of picture m
find in any city. T
righe from the a
d is moving its
ons building this
who has been
ndard for some
that town in a
was in Clinton on
ttendmg a meeting'
°dation. Arrange -
the holding of the
10 Goderich, on
n allow
ou as fine a
I gs as you an
prices must be
ant of trade they
—.Have you ever n »lioed that when you
meet a dootor he say : "How are you ?"
A newspaper man in uires, ',What do you
know ?" But the la yer hits you on the
back and ejaculates, What have you got ?"
The preacher asks, " here are you going r
And this is the harde t one to answer.
—The deer benne party, Messrs. John
Clegg, George B. leoe Chas.' lenetchel, and
parties from Clint° arrived homefrom
their trip north oi as -Wednesday., They
succeeded in swain t. deer altogethe
They had an excel! nb time and ionnet
!ample sport in the lds.
Cartel Barkholde , of the Tntes, had a
couple of his fingers badly smashed, while
running the press, •on Tuesday. He is
still on duty and ho prese is none the
worse, and Nee are • ble to do all: kinds of
inShela -at manner • and at the
—.Here iset sure cure for the Rlondyke
fever : "Pick out • morning this winter,
when the mercury is below zero, shoulder
a spade and go nto the woode before
breakfast; dig a ols sixteeu inches deep;
e.ome back to the ode at night end eat a
small piece of buf • lo robe and sleep in the
woodshed. Pepea this dose as often as
.''econd nnual meeting of tho
shareholders of ti Union Furniture Co.,
Limited, was hel on Tuesday, the elith
inst. We imders and that the result of
tbe year's busine was very satisfactory,
and that there w no °bangs made in tho
directorate or m nagement, with the ex-
ception that MI • Gilhrist, wishing to
retire from the board of director, was
succeeded by Mr. Hallern.
—A man w1i is dressed like a miner,
has the genuine b ono, and brags of what
he calls gold dos has been working the
farmers of Oxford and Waterloo conties.
He says' he is fr m the Klonkyke, had
made e50,000 in t weeks, und is tired of
mining, and wants o buy a few farms. Of
eourse every yoema wants fo sell. While
as yet the fellow s not made any big
hauls, he has ma ged to borrow sums
ranging from $10 N25. Ile is now in
another county looki r for farms and their
pliable owners, prn kally the latter.
with serious re te The explosions tee /11,
referred to are in. pendent of the prose/nee,
of air, and are ue to the endotheresetst
nature of the gas.
It is also establi hed that at atniosrhja
pressure A mixt re of three per cent
acetylene gas w bi ear 15 exploav, 0099.
bucli mixture cent nues explosive until s
acetylene exceeds eighty-two per oes,
of the mixtur The correspond
numbers for can cal-gas...etre' eig,
and sixty-two pet ant. Ono eacoount er
its explosive prope ties the use of Acetylene
has been prohibite in Grmany. Aeety.
lone is havier that coal -gas, and would,
when escaping by • leak diffuse male
less rapidly tbart c mmon gas, end thsa
would seoecr brin about an explosive
mixuture near the I alt.
are oontributions to tbffi
aders. If you hays yid,
ay yourself. drop in anit
o that effect.
VMrs. Goo, Mason i visiting with ftiendit
1 Clinton last week
300 to Gerrie oa a.
We shall be glad to
column from any of our r
tors or purpose eningt,
tell us, or send us a note
in London.,,,
Mr. H. Day was i
buying horses.
Mrs, II. Day Las
yisit to her parents,
Miss Lottie Orr, of rozeter, is visitinte
her sister, Ms. S. Bor en.
Miss Brine, of Seafo
her cousins, the Mae
tb, ia visiting wi.
• Mrs. Swallowseof G derich, was visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. . Long. . •
Mr. A. Nichol, of •aro% was yisiting
in town during the pas week.
Jos. Carruth, of lora, spent Sunday"
in town with bis wife a id famil •
?Ire. J. A. Halstead,
visiting Mrs. S. B. We
elr. Freels Elliott, of
ing friendsin town.—L
Dlr. John Law, of Sat
olVtingharn friends d
Mr. Montgomery, o
guest of Mr. Thomas I
re. assd Miss Van
were guests at Mr. P.
days- this week.4
Mr. and Mr. Sarnu
• sale were the guests of
Paulin over Sunday.
In the June and A ust numbers of this
magazine for 1895 ti ere were given slich
facts about acetylene as were well estab-
lished and conclusion which seemed prob-
in regard to it 11 is now possible to
add coesiderable le data touching the
properties of the go and its uses as an
The ease with whic
and reeonyerted itito
the conclusion that it
ly kept in the liquid
into gaa as needed,
made by Berthlot pr
under pressure, as 11
The explosion may
spark or any snag
perature. The gas i
greater that about
plosive bit the ewe
number of i
the substanae, u
just cited,
it can be liquefied
gas id at first to
night be convenient -
form and converted
Investigations since
e that the liquid gas
tanks, is explosive.
a brought about by a
rit elevation of tette
elf, under tt pressers
o etraospheres, ts e.
. There lames been
tatica, in whieh
er the oonditioni
ltel, in lasted Mee
Mr. F. Holmestead a
paid a flying visit to W
last.—Seaforth Eiposit
Conductor Harriso,
Toronto, is visiting wit
He drives a fine grey p
Mr. Benjamin Gray
Monday from the No
has been residing for th
Mr. John Robertson,
W0.8 in town on Wedne
Dungannon, where he w
Mrs. Harrison, Mr
Harold, of Toronto,
parents here Mr. and
r. Jame e Wilson 1
from Wabagoor, Rain
where he haii been resi
Mr. T. A. Powell
Monday last for Fordsvi
settle clown to the rail
of Mt. Forest, wan
last week,
• towel
ring this weojr,
Gerie, was the
win for a few days,
tter, of Goderiche
Deans' for a far
Rainey, of
Ir. and Mrs. E. P
d Mr. W. 0. Reid
ngl2atu on Monday
of the C. P. R.,
friends in town..
returned home on
thwest, where he
past two years.
f North Dakota,
ay, en route for
II visit old friend -
Den and sore
TO visiting their
s. Themes Moore..
asreturned home
y River District
ng for some time. ec
nd bride left on
h, where they will
:es of wedded life..
Mr. and Mrs. John itnley, of Detroit,
were visiting Mr. Han ey's mother, Mrs.
Isaitc Ieland. They returned bome
on Saturday.
Mr. George Ames, of the Teeswater
News, gave the TflUBS call on Saturday',
He was over on a vms 5 to his parents he
East Wawanosh.
Mr. W. fee Strong, of Gorrie, general
organizer for the ,aadian Order ot
Foresters, was in tow this week and geese
the Trues a friendly e
Mr. Harry Parka 1 t on Friday last fore
Thedford, where he w 11 resume his duties
on the G. T. Rs, tefte nursing n jammed,
hand for several wee s.
Vit. M. Boswel Rn
in town on Tuesdey
of Winghain, was i
drives a heedsoree
sell, of Winghaan, wale
.Ex -Mayor McKenzie,
town Saterdity. Ile
ey.—Briessele Hertel&
Dr, Elliott and 'fo, of Lucknove, wart
vititers in town thi week. The Dr. came
over with a view f purchasing the fine
driving team of M . G. Green, of Brenda
whom he met Iter
Mrs. E,
"I have used L
them perfeat
and ail* head
mend them to
flsrnibtsiu, Ont., east
it -Li vet Pills and ihret
a on 0 for
h. .st
o ,