HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 8N. McIND00. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. SHE WINGUAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 12, 1897, tock Sale 1 To be cleared out regardless of cost, commencing Saturday, Nov. 6th, consisting of Come early if you want first choice. The best things go first. As p. ln:l.ter of course at these prices they'll not last long. MC REMNANT A. 50 pieces Dress Goods, from 8 to 7 yards, regular 40c, 50c and hoc, Saturday, 30e. 20 pieces Tweed from 2 to. 7 yards, 50e, 60c and 70c, Saturday 35e. 60 pairs Crompton Corsets, regular $1.00, Saturday 50e. 10 . Mantles, heavy cloth, regular $8.00, Saturday $4.00. 20 Men's heavy all -wool Suits, regu— lar $8.00, Saturday $6.00. 20 Men's heavy Overcoats, regular $6.00, Saturday $4.50. 20 odd Caps for Boys, regular 25e and 30c, Saturday 15e. 10 doz. Men's Linen Collars, regular 20e, Saturday 121.4.e. 20 pieces wide Shaker Flannel, regu- lar 8c, Saturday 5e. 10 Ladies' Cong. Black Fur Capes, regular $12.00, Saturday $9.50. 2 Ladies' Fur Coats, regular $25.00, Saturday $19.00. Bargains in Kid Gloves, Cashmere Gloves, Bose, Boots and Shoes, Car- , pets and Lace Curtains, Underwear and Gents' Furnishings. Ask for $25.00 ticket, good for 1 doz. photos, FREE at Nici 1D O So The annual self•denial week of the Sal- vation Arany takes place throughout the territory from November 21st to November 27th inclusive. Every Salvationist is more than•occapied with pieparations for this event. A. wonnerfnl testimony to the Army's development and activity , has been paid in past years, by the large sums of money whi,;h hay.. been raised in this way• Each inemh he • „'. the Army. as well as the friends of I=. ,y ••..•:i.el institutions, are asked to., .s?+i, . '*n: , .::i l!axuries, and in many •,'e''s the og'io rY and soldiers have actually abstained fro.n certain articles of food wilful' are ordinarily considered nec- essary, in order that by their acts of self.‘ denial. they May add financial support to the Army and its many branches of work. The souij.l operations in this wide field have been greatly developed during the past tweiv� ,n r iths ; there being several exten- sions to the work as a natural consequence, therefore the demands on the Army's funds have inercased, and this will require a still greater effort to raise a corresponding am - '.aunt, daring this special self-denial week. COLD AM) SILVER WATC 1 CLOCKS, SILVERWARE Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, Stationery, Window Blinds, School Books, Musical Instruments, &c., &4 at prices which will astonish you. LADIES' GOLD FILLET) WATCHES, guaranteed for 15 years, with Waltham Vovenient, regular price $17.00, now $13 50,. 8 day Cathedral Gong, half hour strike, Oak and Walnut Clocks, regul+ir price $3.50, fora 2.50. Silver Pickle Dishes from 75e upwards, Regular 5c Wall Paper for 31.ie pe; roll, i2lle Giltsi.for 9e, Window Blinds, regular 45o for 30c, Regular 8e Glimmers for tic, Regular 10e Glimmers for 7c. Schon Books at 20 per cent.. discount. Everything else in proportion. Watches cleaned and guaranteed one year 50e. Main -spring, guaranteed one year, 50e. . All other work, at half price. MILLINERY ss Ca) &1enyci AND THE WHOLE STOOK OF rttJti ul N° u, -i r_f READY' 11I Ali DECLOT1C is a very important department with: us. All our clothing is tr made specially for us, which insures to the buyer the , best in materials, workmanship, style and comfortable fit, and they range in prices from $1,75 up for Boys', and $3,50 to $10.00 I1 for Men's. If you prefer an Ordered 'Suit made by the best tailor in town, we have the nattiest Canadian and' imported goods in town to select from. Still our prices are lower than others. MUST BE CLEARED OUT DIIRING THE NEXT TI{IRTY DAY'S We like to talk about our Mantles, for they please our customers in. styles textures, shades, and prices, it will pay;you to see our Mantles if you intend getting one this season. r Ri. COATS le Walking Hats 50o to lsl, Sailor Hats 40c to 81, Trimmed FIats from 75c upwards. Embroidery Washing Silks 3c a skein. i6; Stamped Linens half price. Laos worth 15o for 5o. Como early and secure your ohoicc, es this stock must be sold without 1_4 Capes, Ruffs, Gauntlets, &c., are the best, So Customers say, reserve, and we are selling them at close prices. r '$II.....+.m 'T,�.�-L' �S 5�. _ _. _ G]•.f^J'K.4Ri�IT+L^"ECS� _�_�..... W .� UNDER w- A "T" :El U GLENANNAN. Will Saunderson and his sister Maggie, from Wrpxeter, spent last Sunday at Mrs, Robinsons, on the nineth. week. In 1880 he came to Listowel Mrs. Anderson, of this place, is in response to a call tendered him by visiting at Pontypool, Toronto and the Congregational church. Iiese he other places this week. labored for about five years when, One day last week as Mr. John owing to ill health, he was forced to Scott was engaged carrying apples resign the postorate. During his se- i into his cellar, the dog followed him tive life Mr. Gunner studied medicine down and partook of a cake that had and ,graduate as a medical practi-' LISTOW EL. Fredrick Alfred. Gunner, born in Clagbam, Eng., Nov. 21, 1823, died here Wednesday morning of last been placed there with some poison tioner from the Philadelphia, Medical Coale us in his medical skill in his hedied, spite of all Jimmy's s' to inpi , on it for mice. The result was that ge, g pastoral dutre medical skill. An event in Dr. Gunner's career in ! • Major John D. Hays, of Toronto, is dead, He was one of the offieers �j who aided in putting down the I1 North-west rebellion. The Imperitil Bank will establish an agency in Montreal about the 1st of December. Mr. Thomas Brooks, Managing Director: of the Teterboro' Lock Works Company, is dead. BLYTH. Rev. T. E. and airs. Highley and Miss Thompson returned on Monday from attending S. S. and lay work— ers eneventi )1L which was held in the Forest city last week. Mr. James Emigh was visiting Buff- alo the pas* week. Large gritttitities of grain keep pouring into/market daily at good prices. r Oir 1'",•iday a number of the 0, 0. F. attended the funeral of the late Bro. T. Volans, in Hullett, It was eIainied to be the largest t:uneral eves' seed in this section, On Sunday, Nov. 21st, the anni— versary stesnons of the Methodist chin th will he preached, in the morning by Rev. Mr, Millyard, and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Clement,. both of Clinton. A platform meet— ing' will be held on the following evening, tvi,ntl the ahove gentlemen are expected to assist in the speaking. Dr. 1''i-,04.,. 01 Wj+•,rli:im, chairman of tine Western District, will also The Farmers' Loan& Savings Coin ;may having Il sighed l iw "' clusiofl *OA it is not doing a prefltal,le bitea hits deckled to f the Bible Listowel, which will be recalled by The annual meeting o e i 1 man readers of The TRIES, was his and Tract Society was held in y Eadie's chinch last Thursdaynight opposition to the manner in which when the Rev. Dr. Moffat, of oronto, the victim of Chattelle was interred, addressed the meeting on the missio p� n and tale fact that he delivered a assalass as lengthy oration to the vast assembly gathered at the funeral on that oc- oeasion. Rev. Dr. Williams preached to the Orangemen Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church.. on . the Gunpowder Plot. w rk of the society. On Friday of last belonging to John Robins° into their heads to run away. They ran from Gilmour's corner to their own gate, where they came in con- tact with the gate post and .were stopped, but not before • they had. broke the axle tree of the waggon and scattering the box along the way. The occupants, Gilbert Stevens and Thos. Robinson,. were throw out and got a severe shaking up, which will lay then off work for a few days. Will Duncan, who has had typhoid fever, is improving very slowly. t, eels a team took it WROXETER. Snow ! Snow ! Snow i Village overrun with drummers this week. Bible , Society meeting Tuesday evening. Grand address by Rev, J. A, Magwood. Geo. Simmons home on Saturday for a short visit. Jim Ballantyne was taken sick last week. Barnard & Douglas acted the part of gentlemen and bought out his entire stock of meet. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were iu Ilowick at Congregational church, on Sunday evening. Oatmeal mill running night and day now. John Brethauer's green house and contents were destroyed by fire un Wednesday morning about one t;'cicek. Mr, F. V. Dickson, official court reporter is in Toronto this week. On October 21st, Mr. Joseph C. Smith, of Ga.dshili, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Pope, of this place, Rev. Mi'. Anderson was the officiating clergyman. The im- pressive ceremony was performed in, the presence of only the nearest relations. The bride, who is one of the most popular young ladies in the district, looked eharming in her handsome wedding trousseau. The young couple were made happy by tile many handsome gifts 'bestowed ,,n then, and the well'wishes express- ed them, Miss Yule nof Guelph is visiting her brother, A. Yule, Main street.. Mr. Watson, of Hamilton, Inspector tor the Bank of Hamilton, was here Monday. We understand the electric light, plant will be built on Bismarck street east, just below J.W.Scott's residence. The poles have arrived and work will be pushed forward at once, so as to have contract completed in time speci- fied. For Over Fifty Years. AN Ctrn AND W5:LL-T21Itt) Ri: AM— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil - ]ions of mothers fcr their children while teeth; ng, with perfect succees. It soothes` the child, softens the gurus, allays all paiu,•cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to he taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty -live gents a bottle. Its value is incalu..ble. Be euro and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Dr. H. 13. Wray,' of Napa.nee; was killed at Landsdowne by an engine dashing into the ear in which he was sitting. The Stratford Council Monday night resolved to advertise for tend— ers for a. street car franchise. '@7p'OOro'>~i pigtoePHO»YNE. 'The Great English Remedy. Mx Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently Cure all forms Of Nervous 'Weakness, ICmtssions,Sper,n- etorrhea, Impotency and ail e fecta of dbuse or Processes, Mental Worry, c5oesaivo use 110 •f dn•eandll tea'. of Tobacco, Opium or abate Tants, which soon lead to In. /Many, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. nes been prescribed over 86 yours in thousands of Cases; is the onto Petiabte and IZoncat Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Il'hosbhOdine; if he otters some worthless medicine In place of this, inclose price in letter, and Wu will send by return mall. Price, one Package, ill; six, eS. Ono win wow, eke will cute, Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, 'Windsor, Ont., Canada Sold in Wingham and everywhere by responsible druggist.. , RICA SAL Lot 27, Concession 11, Turnberry, I 100 Acres, Wingham• Li r.11� �r�',..'ri"'�:�,��i?•-;-'����'�.�7C.-,.'7 ��tiY':,i"!'�•�fE�'C••�' [i•:�•,�.•.'��ir���..�'�� EAR This is the season for nice warm UNDERWEAR. We have piles of fine, comfortable lines, and our prices will make them very interesting to close buyers. OT, !Ili MRS, Co L� �r. are so well known that it is only necessary to say that we are El daily adding to the stock the best that we can buy. F 17 In 1.1 D. M. G `} `1ON Al in Please do not forget that we keep the best TEAS in town. This is a good farm within about two miles;.ef Wingham, and presents a'good opportunity to purohasers. Offers will be received by CROItYti' & BETTS, Barristers, &c., London. • Further particulars may be had also of R. Vanetone, Esq., Barrister, dm., Wing - ham, F .-I. KERNEY • 2OIVSOR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Bair Out, give him a trial. Razors Honed. NEVV 540E STOREI Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. JOHN HILL. a �b. rs' ce! They're off at the post. Will Barra.nd in the lead. " " at the It II iI And always does in in the stretch. wins. UP-TO-DATE TAILORING See his Winter Suitiu.gs from $11.00 up. Shaw Block, next Brunswick, Wingham. Direct Importer. n cape h'� e l)1 l.! We have said it before, and we : y it again, that we are still here in Wingham in the Fnrnt re and Undertaking busi- ness, and bound to sell at the ver, lowest prices. Call and see, if what we say is not correct A nice line of Bed-ro • Suites, something you can't find in any other store in Wingham, in Ash, Maple and Birch. New lines, new designs, and at prices that sell every time. Just received, a beautiful line of the latest style of Rock- ing Chairs. Just the thing for Wedding Presents. Call and see our Hall Stands. The prices are right. Our $5, $6 and $7 Sideboards are worth seeing. Parlor Suites (5 pieces), Walnut Frames, Spring Seats, for $18.00. A line of Ladies' Rocking Chairs for 65c each. . Secretary and Book Case, combined, for $3.00. We make Stretchers for Painting Canvas for 15c. Picture frames for 25c. If you are wanting anything in. Furniture (no matter how much or how little), remember, we have a large and up-to-date stock. Before you purchase just call and see what we can show., you in Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Chairs, Sprin Beds, Mattrasses, Etc. We don't Charge anything to show what we have. are we offended if you don't buy. S. GRACEY TI