HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 740
Taking the lead everywhere.
We are working day and
night t•1 supply the demand.
Our correspondence shows
that hundreds upon hundreds
. f poor sufferers are being
restored to health and happi-
ness daily.
They are absolutely pure and
healthful, Guaranteed to
euro Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Neurnigia, Lumbago and all
forms of Kidney and I.,iver
_ d
Sold in Wingbam, only by Gordon & Co
Caveats and Trade•Marks obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
451 -No charge is made for an opinion as to
patentability',and my fee for prosecuting the
tall lnot be carred for until the
patent 't allowed. "ItrvENrons' Gnrnao' con-
taining full information seat free. All OOtnMunt.
Cations Considered as Strictly Confidential.
WS le tt M3O1s Wast niflE VON. Ia-da..
\"?ilf stand wear and tear for
S ears. No better proof can
't be given of their durability
-than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 rears ago are
still working.
Supplied to Order.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Sitor—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's
Wingham, Ont.
A Iltghlander'a Will.
A Glasgow Highlander who died
recently, left a will which bore the
following clause; "In consideration
of my esteem and regard towards.
my friend, John M'Coll, champion
piper, presently residing at Kilbov le
Cottage, Oban, I hereby leave and
bequeath to him, the said John
M'Coll, the su.m of £15 sterling, and
I hereby express the wish and desire
that he shall attend my tuneral and
accompany my remains to my last
resting place in Duthie churchyard,
and play on the great bagpipes a
lament suitable and appropriate for
the occasion; and therefore I express
the wish and desire that my clan
tartan shall be placed on the coffin."
A Cure for Chilblains.
DEAR SIRS,—••i used Hagyard's Yellow
Oil for chilblains this winter and found
it roost effectual. It relieves the irrtta-
tiori almost instantly, and a few applica-
tions resulted in a complete 'sure,
P L'EaTRANGa, Port Sydney, Ont
is meeting with greater success than ever in planing
students in choice positions.
Last week's notice contained the placing of five
pupils, four as stenographers and book keepers, and
one as Teacher in an American Business College.
Now seven others are placed:—Geo, West, as man.
ager Business Dept• Tacoma Collette, Wash.; Jenniu
McLachlan, former pupil, as steno. in the Wilco of
Chief Justice Drake, Victoria, 11, C. Prances laud.
(telt, as steno. with the Badley Lumbar Co., Chat.
ham, Amin Clark, as steno. with Mr. Jell, Barris•
ter. Rodney, Ont. Alex. Adams, as book keeper
with the Metol Shingle Co., Preston. Annie McRae,
as steno. with Geo. Angell, wholesale Art Supplies.
Detroit, Mich. Cassie Ycates. as steno. with Prank
Smith, Barrister, city. It is perhaps worthy of
special mention, and will show how strong the de.
moot is for our pupils, when we state that tel of the
shore seven are under graduates with ono exception.
Tho fell term is the best time to enter. It pays to
attend tho best. Write for acatalogue, If interested.
Chatham, 9nt.
'0` J
Satisfaction and perfect tit
Queen s Block, - Wingham.
TAIL t R'S Pfn's LO Ry
The council met according to ad-
journment, in the council room, Octo-
ber 25th ; members tell present ; the
reeve in the chair. • Minutes of last
Meeting were read and confirmed
The Collector's bond was presented
and it was moved by Isbister second-
ed by Kirkby that 'said bond be ac—
cepted as satisfactory and that the
clerk be instructed to place the col-
lector's roll in his hands for collec—
tion: —Carried,
Cardiff---Isbister—That the col-
lector' be instructed to have all
to have all the taxes collected -before
the 15th of December next.—Car-
Cardiff --Kirkby-- Phe following
accounts were ordered to be paid :—
John Oornyn, part payment on
printing account, 518 ; R. Agar,
drain on road, $3 ; D Campbell, $4
A. Forrest, lumber, 75e ; T. Ellis
drain, $1,60 ; Geo. I<-reakting, clean-
ing drain, 50e ; James Kelly, ditch
and culvert, M2 •
; Wm. Cunnigham,
ditch and culvert, $2.50 ; C. Taylor,
ditch and culvert, $S ; J. Pratt,
ditch on sideline, $2 ; J. Pratt, ditch
on concession, $8 ; A, Brooks, two -
culverts on tha west boundary, . $8 ;
Ira Etcher, damage through hauling
gravel, $1 ; S. Thornton, damage,
$2 ; D. Campbell, damage, $1 ; T.
Miller, cleaning and repairing hall,
$8 ; Selectors of Jurors, each $4 ; J..
Mooney, ditch as per engineer's
award, $30.80 ; John McArthur,
ditch and culvert $6 ; Wm. Maunder
Engineer's drain. $12 ; R. Alcock,
Engineer's drain, $1.15 ; W. Hopper,
gravel, $3 ;James Tiininies, $10.50,
gravel; George Taylor, !x1.82, gravel
C. Campbell, $3.22, gravel ; J. Col—
ley, $2.38, gravel ; • W. Shouldice,
$5.05, gravel ; D. Scott, $2.30, gra-
vel ; J.. Leech, $2.50, gravel ; Geo.
I'Ienderson, $1.9b, gravel ; S. Walk-
er, $6.,30. gravel ; J. Barr, $.5.G0.
gl•tr''el ; R. Bloomfield .$2.70 gravel ;
Jno. Oakley, $3.60, gravel ; James
Thyne, $4.85.
One motion of Code seconded by
Kirby the council adjourned to meet
again on the 22nd Nov., next.
W. Cr.AR>.c, Clerk.
"I was troubled with a very bad head- The father of Jessie Merchant, of
Ti.texq�ry Notes.U
Is caused by Uric Acid and other im-
purities lingering in the blood, which
have not been filtered out by the Kid-
neys through the urine. The seat of
the trouble is not in, the shin or ulus-
,cies. It's sick Kidneys. Electricity,
iinimente or plasters will not reach the
case. But the disease can be
I was taken with a severe attack of rheme-
tism and could not turn rnyeelf in bed, I
was persuaded to try .Dr. Hobbs Sparagns
Kidney Pills. They soon put me on ley
feet again, Less than one box cored me
so completely that I have . returned again
to my work in the Lake Shorel epair Shop
as well as ever. Wet. A. aieuorrsssm, Ad-
rian, Mich.I am pleased to say that Dr. Hobbs Spare -
Ott Kidney Piga are the most relieving
remedy leave ever used for rheumatism,
you may use this se a testimonial for the
benefit of others who are afi:licts,d.
Ortaht,rs Hess, 'Veteran of Civil War, 384
Adelaide Street, Detroit, libel,
Dr. Hobbs Pills For Salo in WINGHAM,
OHS, by GORDON &. Co:, Druggists.
The preservative quality of the
soil on which the town of Pert:] is
built is wonderful. Workmen en:
gaged on the James Armour property
have madesome surprittieg revelations
.A wooden drain put down in 1818
was just now uncovered, and found
to be quite sound. While makings
excavatious for Mr, Armour'new
residence, a lot of vegetables were
unearthed from a depth of three feet.
and several beets brought to tl)e
surface were in a perfect state of
preservation. They were buried
over twenty years ago, when, to fill
up about the stone foundation of a
verandah. the contents of a bin in
the cellar were deposited with the'
earth that had been dug out.
The wonderful change noticeable
in the last few issues of the Canadian
Home Journal still continues, and it
is rapidly striding to first place
among the home magazines of the
day. The improvements are re
markable, and in the November
number are articles that hold the
interest of old .and young. There
are two pages of g: mee and IUUUsc-
ments for the children; aroth4r of
Miss Alexandria Rare ay's articles on
Old Toronto families, taking the Jar-
vis family; a bright, chatty account
of a run down the Rideau; a short
sketch and some beautiful views of
scenery around Dundas; a clever
article On some of our Cartadi'ui
poets; music and mn,ie notes; fancywork; all the latest fashions in furs;
some of Mrs. Jean Joy's hints on the
preparation of late suppers, and the
utility of the chafing dial ; book
notes and short stories. and the three
concluding chapters of the clumped -
tion story, which was began ill the
October number. Everything is
beautifully illustrated, making one
of the prettiest and most interesting
numbers given us by this very up—
to—date journal. The Canadian
How...Journal, McKinnon building,
The Ladies' Home Journal has
secured what promises to be the
great magazine feature of 1838•. It
is entitled •` The Inner Experiences
of a Cabinet Member's !Vile," in a
series of letters written by the wife
of a Cabinet alletubelrl her sister at
home, are detailed her actual experi-
ences in Washington, flankty and
freely given. The letters were
written without any intention of pub-
lipation. Tiley give intimate peeps
behind the curtain of high official
and social life. '11 hey are absel:late' y
fearless, they study Washington life
ander the seine:ltitgf tt as it h ,.s never
been before t)leaented, The Presi-
dent and the highest officials, of the
TAKEN WITH SPASMS. ,tand, with the met briltiatnt men
:and women of the It,11'Ital', are. seen
A Colliflgwood Resident Tells How in the most familiar twat• est these
South American Nervine Citred �: are all aetani experiences, the name
His Daughter of Distressing Dear -of the writer is withheld. The let-
vous Disease, •ter4 will doobtlesti excite much
ache last winter and decided to give
Laxa-Liver Pills a fair triol. One lox
of thenfcured me and I have not had a
headache since. They are a long way
ahead of any other remedy I ever tried"
Mies JANET MuNaos. Westbourne, Man
The W. E. Sanford Manufacturing
Company, of Hamilton, which re-
duced. its scale of wages 10 per cent.
a year ago, has decided. to restore it
to the old figure.
Sold at Obishulw's Drug Store.
Collrnttwnod,tellsthis story of hiselevo
moldaughter: doctored
led physicittesiCollinnw
most skilled ood
Iwithout any relief corning to my daugh-
ter. spending nearly five bondred dollars
in this way. A.friend influenced me to
try South American Nervine, though. 1
took it with little hope of 4t being any
good. When elle began its use she was
hardly able to move about, and suffered
terribly from nervous spasms, but after
taking a few, bottles she can now ru•n
around as other children." .ffor etona•anh
troubles and nervousness there is noth-
ing so good ne South American herniae.
I have returned to •Wingham and purpose devoting my
whole time and attention to the Tailoring business, in the
'rooms lately vacated by Mr. Barrand. where I shall hope to
secure the patronage of my old friends as well as many new
customers. After an 'experience of some length in one of the
largest establishment, in Ontario, I. feel confident that I can
give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workmanship.
E a, • (Co (11-4 Fa -L m cr •
Cures Constipations Sick Head-
ache, Indigestion and Detspep-
slta; Clears the Skin and In-
sures a Beautiful Complexion.
Mrs. J. W. Heaven. of E1espeler, says:
"I was troubled with constipation for
many years. In fact, it was my only
enemy, and was very dietressing. I tried
1a en met !cines
but received no relief until I tried
e.tt;%� rr'~:' i l- SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC ; it helped me
*�rd'nj 4rl , at ecce and affected a complete cure. I
have recommended it to a great many peep
'TRADE MARK. Jple. and believe in every case it has given
satisfaction. Beery spring I procure it fro Mr. Thin, our druggist here, and think it
is an ideal blood purifier and System tonin,
Mrs. Wiltse, of iielnlent, writes:•-•�i'leaso' find enclosed post office order for $1.00,
for which send a yh'•""+•• 'd Sloan's Indian Tondo. We think it an excellent medicine. '
Mrs, Margaret ,,tt : , ..e, of Wallaoetown, says: ---I have bad a bottle of Sloan's In-'
dian Tonle, and I el! • t: bag cured my liver, I have not yet need one bottle, and 1
bava now no bilin ' .. '". • , far, SOT consider it rey duty to recommend it to ell whore t
I know need it. . ..:, my name, if you wish, in recommending it. I was ailing
ever thirty' years...,. ' ...y hest is 73.
Price $1, 0 for $6. All ilruggiat5 or Address
a great many pills and paten t t
C ��
Fo5itively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and. Too I-Iearty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad. Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
'Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. Small Dose.
Small Price.
rho fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's, t
Ask for Carter's,
insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Journalism a Business.
The magnitude of the finan•eiel op
erations of the newspaper is turning
journalism upside down. There are
sehrewd guessing by readers and
study of internal evidence to discover
the secret. The '• Expe•riences,"
which will be beautifully illustrated,
begin in the December number and
will continue fur several months.
Tile Ladies' Home Journal, .Phila•
1 l!'ruin the bret information .obtettneet.
able at in r ntente+o'l th rt 12a100„
bushels't NV t• tail'• 'shirk
to data this foal iiE tyle fanners ref
Manitoba rind t•+. '1-.:" i1"n
$hook] nierin that u)aout ,r,000,t
has been placed In M'lanitoha fainters
Is Sure
To Cure
Price 25 Cents.
All kinds of rough and dressed.
r —LATH,
kept constantly on hand and deliver-
ed on shortest notice.
Gall and get prices as we are
determined not to be undersold.
a .cLE N &
$Jett,• $tZitor.—Please inform your readers, that 11
written to• confidentially, L will'mall,ila a sealed Itt- 1
ter particulars of a genuine, honest. home cure, by
which I was permanently restored to health and.
manly vigor, atter years of suffering: front nervous
debility,. sexual weakness nlyht Fosses and wenn
shrunken parts, I was rolnbe and swladred by the
quaclvtuntii I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank
heaven I am now well, vigorousand strong, and wish
to Snake this certain means of cure known to all suf.
fevers. I have nothing to sell and want no money
but beln'•nfrm believer in the universal brotherhoo'l.
of man, 1 am desirous of, helping the unfortunate to
regatn their health and happiness. Ipromiseyouges-
AgentsrSupplies, P.O.Dozzso.at. HenriTQuo.
When a woman takes to wearing
still greater editors whose person- men's collar and necktie, ]tis time for
alities ,make the success of their her husband to sew lace frills on his
organs, but always few, the number nightshirt, says an ex:'hange.
of theta has not increased with the
multiplication of newspapers, and
even when they dominate they have
to leave to others the mass of detail
that has accumulated under and
about the editorial chair. if the
editor is the owner and has business
capabilities, be is attracted down
stair's to the counting room. If he is
defleient in executive ability he has The Canada Gazette contains notice AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES..
to engage a man who has it, and the of application for a charter by the i
requirements ere such that the bus!—) Acetylene Lighting Company, with a I INDis1' :7sI13LE TO
ness manager, if fit, is likely to have 1 proposed capital stock of 815,000.1
a personality of his own so strong,1 The principal place of business is to ALL - • COU TUY - RESIDENTS.
boat Len don.
e."'". mare
e.2 THE 1UTOHER °o
is selling all kindsof
—at the—
Meat delivered and orders taken. ,
D. J. G ED D ES;
C t:' STO R IA • i SixtyEighth Veer
For Infantry and Children. ; ri GENTLEMAN.i:; sa : CUU TUY
The fa
wi(saature �a
Fit hoe ;
The Best of the
indeed, that he will demand a share
in the property, and the profits and
the policy Then, to, the old editors
die Their heirs seldom inheriting
THBR E IS 'HOPE,I Keep Up With the; Times -
There is hope for thoen who stiffed
' from biliousness and liter con:plaiut.,
the brains with the business, turn itI.8ii3.am:it Bfood Bitter,; regulates tbelTEp\IS E� UCE& FOR i-898`■
over to a finaneial manat,er to main- liver and restores health and v'gor. Here l
tain It for the income he can produce. is the proof: 1 Single Subscription, TWO pollens,.
If their is no heir and the property DEAR Sire i,--,1 Was troubled with hil Foul Subscriptions, SI1NEN UALt,Altti,
p p y toueneen and sink headache, and could
1s sold, and the price is so high that' got nn relief until I tried B B 13. 1 have Six 3ubaerintio llf1E LAI1St
business men who have become crept -1 token four bottles and :tin now complete- 1
other businesses, not w , �,
ly cured. I rocorumend it as the best + in writers, fi .!radar, lxuet csu'br, {wh
talists lett will be stated by
cure for all liver tmables.
are best able to acquire control. -1 hilts. GEORGE 11Anrioty, Walkerton, Ont, (nail on application) to i'ersot,araisintt larger Clubs;
Scribner.gel-paper nee FsL all tis neat of this year to Nein
1\l l•, R. G. Baxter's panic, Ili Bur—
. Subsew:etafor 1130„,
Gai iod Very Much. : lington, was robbed of $1,800 by I t , act a Proi.i'e:A for 'Every Reader.
, e.raeksn]en, who blew the safe toi It will be, ase:, 51ut ib.... lffierenre between the
"My wife was afflicted with soiati° rbeu- pieces.cost of the Cerastar:xrrrlatax rod that of other
matisrrt for three years. Seeing nn Sever- i ,r ' ; S an"rieuitunA aceelies luny today be rodueod, by
tisement of hood's Sarsaparilla we conclud- ! CAN'P YO`IT SLii;Ek't 1 makes, tie a sea it chip, to
ell to hive it a fair trial. After site 11;14 elleeplessnese i_ one of the tenet free; Cent a Wt:el>;
token a. few bottles she gems( very much i quem l symptoms of heart rand nerve ! Less Th as w
and she continued its use until she Was 1 troubles, 11 atierstr3 all el i,rtra'r atld ell'
oared." Carnets B. AllnoTT, Col,itvater' ages. Milburn's Herat and Nerve Dills 4
Michigan. restore the nerves to healthy nation and �i,u.l for '3p�e;int:u Cupids
•i 's Prize oro the best family other. 1 regulate the heart. Sir. Mil:r3 l noa3,' Width ut I ►,, tni'r:t3 Fier, :u•'. are vihet1ie this bei
Hoopla 1'redericton N.B.ells how ,hay worn. boo
, , atmens d r.cr<:n.., 50 coat should prec.rri BtMr
tie and liver tont':. Gentle, reliable, euro.1"Y could never rust wall, lanai afti;1 1cri,tA 11'c the is 5' tt tat w•e,uat •a'wkt 7P1
�5c 1 up with a etratt, alio then sleon it•ft rna sl;.h t :; `r<.tr t in baying mrdiel p
Mr. R. Rawson has purchased dirt for the night. P1`e pills .gave nirt'tteneet i ,µ,ms
old Exalter foundry, and intends tmmedtate sleep, r;tv;n1 rate h"1 It LttTl:C,
refry tog sleeps and 1 roan 'act r iilie f cK ,�,?
making it into a bolt factory M