HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 6or !•t' RE WINO I -&. TIMES, NOVF4II3ER 12,1897' i• • I,nlblazonntetits at fist appeared, be a follower of Judah, he adopted t MIRO ant 'tai I cut; i only )n the shield lilt when that Judalt7 s emblem, a lion. Thu was s method of defence t fell into disuse, !added the third lion to the English !the sl robot wan eug'raven on. the hal-Royal Standard. DAY, . r:(9Vz1r1BI'..l113.1837. mete:Intl Intl. •afterward on the cont -of --I It might i)erllape be interesting 'l rrhm) when the coat of-nlail, ifor us to note the posi'ion and at;ti- ezirtled,ildv•the knight bled. hila to lits meaning istar ofthe ��l1el zonrr�ents' i a"a Iuvc> who \vitkl`rwondcrfui dex• 1leralds who first trace( their outlines imfit , , lli�lulet rind shield bad all been (fis-- tulle of the lions, and analyte the i 'ng intended by the ancient an • the British. 01a.ya1 Standard. ilk 7;,.otilti 131.a ii i nt1Flr, ' terity interwove IiMS heraldic sign on the flat; ot the. nation t tel' wet to lienor a11t1 be honored by. In- stead of a profile, the head ii turned so that both eyes may view ull be- fore thein, .This was intended to in- dicate the watehfulness 'of the Lang-- lisil nation. Attain, the legs of the lion show it to be in inotion, repre• senlative of activity. Surely the 1. Because it is dtingerons td be a herald of that day was prophetic, for Moment without ere what more prominent characteristics nd 2 It will never rust and is . cense ne. of the 1'attrlit111`1lation could be cluac-' tlueritly durable. . tltttn those of watchfulness and tfv3. A person wearing it Wetmore does Tu. 'o'pi'ning now to Seotfands part of . not find it a bother, the RoyalStandard we find a ram- 4. We will guarantee. to in to . cled by a double Nor• position any reducible rupture, pant lion e).;cir• • sprinted 5• This truss cannot possibly move ") V' t ' a but some of car Of the fleet, de -lis, all imprinted after adjustment, the parts ah?a.t compose it will lead •011 a. yellow background. (i after of Our townspeople can us far back into Biblieal times, if not The background, and -in fact each testify o our merits, to the creation of the world. i symbol of the Scottish national flag 7: testify gnarantoedris, or money Upon examining the standard you were chosen by the Clench heralds,refunded. , . will dud J nghtud's representation to who at that time were the only cow- be three lions on a 'background of piste• masters of heraldry.. Yello�� CO. red. Of the lions,. early 'English his. was the color of gold; only kings inGORDON bort 0 tory gives toll aceount, but lbr the those days possessed gold, therefore ="-=---.7-7.--777------------ upon � ,,; - w ----- d chosen � g ]t of the Scat upon the sleeve of lois coat. ,till Pater, when knights. of this stamp were real Wily in histories and story hooks, the tiaiiit,r� descendants bore the symbol which had belonged to their more warlike forbear?. - To clay the heraldic signifteance of enlblazonnlents. bears little moaning, but the study of the meaning intend- ed, is interesting and instructive, and among all etnblazonments none are more interesting and instructive than those nn the British Royal Standard The standard as it is today is only sixty years old, having been adopted upon the accession of Her Majesty Queen is ore , Mankind, from the cradle to the grave, Iles a love for flags. What boy, in his hoyish flay, 'over formed a procession Wi'hd,nt having at its head a flag'? Perhaps it would be 'but a.newspaper or a bit of cloth tied to a stick, but so long as it would stream in the air 'he would love it and treasure it among his playthings. Nothing ever supplants it until that boy has grown to man- hood, then he adopts the flag of the nation to which he belongs, his love for flags multiplied by his patriotism. Flags, we see belonging to all rations from the bristling griffin of China to the stolid elephant of Siam; from the pure white of Japan to the dozen colors of Spain, and on each flag we find portrayed Soule object of either the animal or vegetable world, or some representation of a historically significant, event. This rule, has, however; like all other rules, exceptions, for 'instance the flag of Hayti is made of a double strip, one of red and one. of bine, they having adopted the predomin- • ating colors of France, to whom at one time they owed allegiance; or, again, the flag of Egypt, having three strips, two ot green and one of gald. The world's flags number about fifty of recognized importance, no two being of pronounced similarity except N wway and S veden Fifty flags, representing fifty countries in the heraldic meaning of their em hlnzonments, elnblazonments that toll of wars, battles, treaties, friend ships. antagonisms, religions and superstitions.. It takes alt kinds of people to make up a world, so a proverb runs, and well may we add that it takes all kinds of flags to represent all kinds of people. To us these emblazonments have no meaning more than the keeping that appeared on the English flag. up of a custom prevalent among our The flag did not• long remain unal- fighting Saxon forefathers of centur- , les ago. To tt,em. however, the em- tered. henry II married Eleanor of blaz;rnments \sere. important. When Aquitaine. \ti hose dowry of Aequi- a knight rode out to do'-attle, not a Laine lay to the south of Normandy, rind who had an escutcheon simnel.• to that of her noted predecessor, William, the Conqueror. The prom- inent figure of the escutcheon was a Are You ..-�-- RUPTURED i If so it k your advantage to dill on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, \Vingbaitn. They arc the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY TETE WETMORE IS THE OK: F(H YOU ' tek round we must question the it was -a royal color, an was - Eat A Cold Food Slowly.! most ancient- of earth's chroniclers, , to represent the .royalty y the Bible. buskin tells us that the tish throne. The border, the river- Digestion will not• begin till the origin of the color, red, as an ern: lily or fleur-de-lis of .France, was temperature of the food has been blew, dates front the time of Adam placed on the flag to denote the close raised by. the heat of the stomach to and Eve's occupancy of the Garden alliance of France and Scotland ; a 98 degrees'; hence the heat that can of Eden. They, after their downfall, double border denoted doable rela- be mpzu•ted to it by slow mastication donned robes made of the skins ot tionship. or double fealty. In placing the better. The precipitation of a newly killed animals, Tnese. bides it on the flag the French king prom- bilge quantity of cold in the stom- were warm and red with the heart's ised, in ease of Scottish need, to send ach, may and often does cause cis• blood of the animals tta which they double the men sent on the call of had belonged. Thus on down 'for any other•.friendly sovere:gn. Such ages and ages red has been the sym• was the promise—far, different was WI of love, honor 'and coustancy, ttie fulfilment thereof. Scotland coming as it did from the centre of learned, and learned dearly, that if all love, all honor, and all constancy, she must win a victory, her own the heart. brawny arms must wield the sword, England's flag, however, had not and her own long heads must scheme always three lious to symbolize bar the engagements. Scotland's victor - strength and majesty. A time there les have •been Scottish victories in its was when red alone waved over deepest meaning. . ancient English eastles, and was The lion again,- is also of French fluttered by ancient English breezes. birth, representing the strength of Red was the English emblem so long Scotland's soldiers. In attitude it is as England remained Saxon, but erect, with each of its fore -paws in when the Conquerer settled his stun- the air.. Its .position was designed dyNorman followers on English soil, b31 the courteous Frenchmen to m- ile settled with them the lion of his present the honor always found in a escutcheon, Chia making the first lion `Seotch'combatant, which • would not allow him to take advantage of an. adversary whole he had worsted, or, to use a school -soy's expression, They don't kick a fellow when he's down." Such was the significance of the royal flag of Scotland. Turning to Ireland's part of the Royal Standard we find it to be a harp, whose carved post is an angel, the harp aid angel bei'ig of white, with a background of blue. Blue; bo-vever, was not always Ireland's national color, nor is it to- day When Brain Boru made his famous invasion into Norway 'and Sweden his battalion's marched un- der a red flag. This distinguishing color was lost in the fights and diffi- culties immediately ti>llowing, di,as- ters that have nevi r since. really separated themselves from that un fortunate people. Ireland, in the n addle ages, well earned for itself the name of the land, have as a heraldic �syn,bot.a glorious battles with his inti a op• " floly Island." Nowhere scarcely .crane, because of its annual migrat- ponent ory tiight,�to Southern , sounds sitnilar and means the same as Sutherland. Take again the coat- A Boasted Advantage Proves to of -arms of the Lord Vice -Chancellor , of Ireland, a common barnyard be a Source of Weakness cock. The symbol was chosen by a and Worthlessness. French herald, in whose language a coek is made to say cook—a—leedle— Makers of crude and imitittion dyes ]aunt law, Instead of the English cock -a of necessity claim some advantages for their doodle do. The herald applied the common productions in order to attract customers. Amongst the deceptive and emblem because of the similarity the S. alat3A.T11 I -tVIOES, Ms:TIUODIST-- Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pas tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p 1n. i'R.LS13YT'FRIAN—Rev, D. Porde, pn3tor. Servieee at 11 a m and? p EPISCOPAL,. St. ]:'nut's--Itev. Wm. Lowe, reotor, Services at 11 a 1n tied 7 p m. BAPTIST•TlLov.1'as. Hamilton, pns- tor. Services at 11 n m and 7 p ui CON(xR AT4o vi es -at 11 . elm and 1 Ma ,pastor. r [CHRISTIAN WORKERS -- Misses Catreal and Lock in command, Scrv,icee • at 3 p ru and 8 p in, SALIT4T'iON 4 1tiA'1X---AdjutnntMiles and wife in command. Cervices at 11. n. re.3 p tr, awl 8 p m, Sabbath School f the is held atbove 2,.30 churches at, vestige of his person was to he seen ; it' was necessaey,. therefore, that he should have a. mark about him by which friends and enemies might distinguish him ; accordingly, iy, he hon henry, as he received the placed some symbol upon his armor by which he might he known as friend or foe. This symbol was chosen for him by the herald, who usually succeeded' in making an ap- priate selection of fish, planet, animal object or deiign to represent the good knight's deeds or personal noble lady and her handsome dowry, must needs adopt her coat -of -arms, which be accordingly did, thus ad- ding a second lion to the English flag. For the third we. must bold Richard of the Lion Heart responsi- ble. He, who fought for the honor -of fighting, and quarreled for the qualities. Oftenahowever, their ef- love of quarreling. This worthy forts received n,, reward, in which gentleman, under pretext of wrest• Say - ease any emblem wits chosen that .in ing the Holy Land. from .the Sar - way resembled any phase of his aeons, joined the Crusaders, an ex - .any nightshfp's surroundings. For in - taken heltever wuuid have under - •stance the Scottish family, Sather- taken bad he not anticipated many • 'd s. Considering himself then t �rn Lund which in his holy work, as he called it, to .comfort and indigestion, and every occasion of this • kind results in a measurable injury to the digestive l • funcitions. Persons of low vitality and delicate health should eat tueir food warm Strong persons full of warmth and blood can safely eat eold fot,d if it is eaten slowly and is thoroughly chewed,—Safeguard. name the old knight, Law, bore to the vocalisms of the French cock. Again, torn have read no doubt the dying tris:. of Robert Bruce, that his heart might be buried where it had always been ---it. the Holy Land. Who but a Douglas could carry out bis wish. Douglas set out to fulfil. his mission, with the heart of his famous eountrymtii enclosed in a sil ver casket. While journeying through Andalu: i•t, a province in Southern Spain, he encountered and fought with a'p)arty of Moors. Hurling the casket into the midst Lf the fight, he exclaimed, " Heart of I',ruee, I follow thee or die." He died, fighting as only a Douglas Mid but tl;e mein of LTO WINGHAM. -Il3 rU)Ltilil:i)• EVERY FRIDAY MORNIN( ,,, rar— TiME$ OFFICE, ,IOSEPNINE STRET WINOO:HA M, 0N',CAItIO. • flubseripttora price, $l pix Year, in ndvanue B1 RATES ADVERTISING t3pu0a.. _. 1yr.1'0tl,o,$ uio.j Imo.OneCOtunrn ti0000 81124005 340 u0O 81232:0:00. 20'OO $81:00g" 8 00Hall,' il 40 001 yn 12 00 I{ s o0 iZunrtor'� 20 00 12 CO IL 7 00 1 8 00 tine Inch 600 3 00 200 100 Legal and other emu' advertisement, $o pe n for firs:, insertion,and 3e Por lino for each subsequent in+Drone. 9lonsured by uonpurui] scala u00at notices SOe. par i1 .0 for arat mourner:, lon,.pi4 6d. por litre for each subsequent insorticn, Acivertisilments of Lost, Found, Strayed,ettpations and Business Chances wented, not exceeding 8 lime nonpareil, $1 for area month, end 60o. for each vnbyequout month, 'louses and Ferule for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. Capital, 111,250,000, Best, r�725,000 63. for that month, 60e, por subsequent month Larger eilvertisements in proportion. Those terms will be strictly adhered to Proeldatlt—on`s �TUAItC. ectal fates ter larger advertisements, octet Vico rrosidout— A. G, RAn@AY. buyer periods. l Adrortiaomalts and locnl uotivos without ep tetf10 diruotions, wiIi ho inserted till forbid and chargge' P, A T. accordingly, Traieitvr)' a,ivortisemaute must pe paid in advance Changes for contract advertisement' must be Ile the Oleo by Wednesday noon, rn order to appear that week JOIN PaorrOR, ONO, itOAol(, oM 010105, WOOL, A. B. LOS (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNI3ULL. Savings $atilt—Hours, to to 3• Saturdays, IO 1. Deposita of 81 and upwards received and terest allowed. Spoclal Deposits also received at corm' rates of ir. .rest. Drafts on Great Britain and rho United State. Nought and said W. COBBOiJLD, Asinni E. L. olio KINSON, Solicitor. A. E. SMITH BANKER,INGHAM GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANS- -ACTED. To Cure catarrh Do not depend upon snuffs, inhalants or ether local applications. Catarrh is a ooustitutioont disease, and can be suc- cessfully treated only' by means of a con- stitutional remedy like ,Hoart's Sursapa- rilla,whieh thoroughly purities the blood and removes the scrofulous taints which cause catarrh. The great number of testimonials from those who have been cured of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla' prove the unequalled power of this medicine to conquer this disease. If troubled with Catarrh give Hood's Sar- saparilla a fair trial at once. Rev. Father Connelly, of Hastings, is dead. The Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, has issued its announcement of dairy courses for 1'898. The ses• sion begms January 4th, and closes March 25th. No entrance examina- tion is required, and no tuition tee will be charged to residents of On- tario: had the Ron)ish Church fuller sway, and nowhere was its until(>rity exer- cised with less resistance. It''s green n with hills ane dales were studded It 1 convents, monastries and colleges, containing students by the thousand, all being educated to work for the Church. The nation because one of peace. A color must be chosen to represent that peacefulness. Where. could the herald go but to the calm blue sky, the heavens, where peace sweeping Claims put before the public by a iS perfect ? certain. Maker of dye, one In particular' P must attract the attention of even those 1 In the time of Henry VIII, long whoars novices in the art of home dyeing; before be showed t3unelusive signs of we refer to the statement, "Will not snit hatred to Roman authority, the Pope the lisuds•" ! This o,airu is a dirout acknowlcasmeut desired that he would change the of wal.ticuess ':nd worthlessness as far as etnblazcnments on the Irish flag, as coloring power is concerned. Any wise it too mach resembled his own, the W0111 t, out readily y see ]a a ye a v1 Papal not stain the hands is of little use in the I apal flag. This, Henry allowed work of dyeing. Such dyes may give to the Pope to do, so that the three light and massy fabrics a show of tint or crowns of the Papal flag were re - Whir, nut 11 soon vanishes from the mater• placed by,the Irish in4et'innlent, the iela when they see the light of heaven. £he ii.amor.d 1)yes,no matter glow much harp, having as post an angel, not, water is.tdd,d,have ealoriug.powur tontain as many suppose, the figure of th'e the fiends. A bath prepared from one ten Gorlde: s Hibernia. tithe emblazonm d•I that d that will cent packagsfor dyeing sixpoun'ls of goods ants on the Royal a light •'ter will j,kve as durable a shade as if tlabailibad been prepared for rtyeibg Standard then have a meaning that twc putt 4 of goods a dark color. was kept constant by the death oi' It.. .,, , wring power that home dyers loDlt Nelsen, the charge of the Light Mid, fn: and must nave, colors that wilt /faun Brigade and the heroes of Waterloo MR. THOS. DOLPHIN TARA, ONT., says: "I had Itching biles for about ten or twelve year:., and tried every- thing I could boar or read of, and found that nothing did me any good. Mr. Hilburn, the druggist, gave me a sample box of Chase's Ointment, and from the first application I found relief, rand was able to go to bed and sleep. I then purchased ott7ie box and that one cured Inc so that l;liave not been afflict- ed since, and that is over a year ago." 60 Cents a Box. IIv nlI dealer., ne Edmnnxnn, nn• en S 00,. Toronto, Ont. Money, advanced on Farmers and Business men on endorsed note and ooliateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES' CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on i-easonablc terms. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REFSONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at $i pet aentwlrh privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not, and accounts collected. For TwAnty.seven Years or of his brave deed did not die anuli ,, t and washin with snap. An two I$,, w th him, but has been borne dowel stinks can be used TUT trtovinglthe i;o.res' Let us all feel honored that it flees THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND the silent history of the sig- about lit the baht, tilers is no. I,ed.:ssity,10 above us, aid by our individual Citi- I.ARGIISV $4.1,.,: iN CP DIAD,,. to us in have the hands or arms in the dye. I)at• 1 �r+ ver heart emblazoned on the c0at.of- 7enshlp form a nation whose em 1 O0 5Vill pay tor * J Ill; mond Dyes are true e.,,,1 pdwertur a,ents, arms of all his illustrious descend rod doing the 18.1 wvrk,aud Bever make) bietns shall ever be peace, honor, , ants. false ern t mist, (Onge'atms. (activity and watchfulness. TIMES to Vie, o i st, 1898, 1LLDi3r. VIaINDO0. Seaver Bloek Wingham, Ont • G itAND TRUNK RAILWVAf. IMPART AAIIIVE (3 50 a. in. 2 40 p. m 3 30 p in 10 25 p m 855,1 u, 240pm ( 53 am1110am 2 30 p m 8 00 p m 11'10a rn 6 50a m 255pnt 380pm 1025pm 830am Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine II, 11. ELLIOTT, rROP1t,RTOR AND PUBIABINA �). V°ANSTOONE, 1� BARRISTER, buLlCj'rOB, Eto., Private end Company funds to loan at lowest Interest. No commies= charge°. Mortgagee, toeftt and fare, property bought and sold OFFICN neawor Block wtuonnN �ATANTED—An experienced canvasser to trove Y\ and appoint agents, No canvassing, Salary and expenses paid. TON DRADLRr•GARRRT/ON Co., Limited, Toronto, ViT ANTED—Three Ladloy to introduce a house. YV household work. Splendid returns to coin- petont persons. J. nALLOWAY, Toronto, WINGEIAM STEM PUMP VtIORKS /\LL, TEFL (l" r.V/HAnAcortloktTSAr MlLLi1 J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, ,kc,. tYli.,.rem, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER., ETO. SOLICITOII TO DANK Or HHAMILTON. SI.ONEY LOAN. Office --Moyer Block. wingiram, To Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron Force and Lift rumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galva»nia.- -eai Iron Tubing. Cisterns, 'Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with waiter eupptles. (Galvanized Steed Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly tittended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. NIORNI GST AR Box 140 Wingha,n, Ont. M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streetet opponite Colborne Hotel. GODlialoer, ONTARIO. D1G TISTRY.--••,i. S.:JIEROME, L. D. S.,w1NGnam. "k.4114`..:' -`-',' .c1 ;_„, "la,nanufactur first-class sets qa,-�teeth as cheap an they can be to In tnc Dominion. Teeth extra6. absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe.tly sato. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, oppos Brunswick house. , .4RTIFLat J. IltwIN, D. D. B., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pemnsylrah-q. Dental College OFFICE---MAODONALD - BLOCK. No'rx-11i11 visit Blyth every Wednesday. T, 0115 RITCHIE. -� GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINGUAN, ONTART P. DEANS, Jla., WIND,:.tat, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Bei, ;dE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge* Moderate. OHN CUttrtlla;, \VINODAn, ONT., • ,a LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Steele and Farm Implements specialty. All orders left at the Tents office promptly atten3 ed to. Terrey reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. • f ('1 camp Caledonia, • No. 49meet U. Qthe first and third Monday in evory mouth, In ..he Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting brethren welocre' J. Murray. Chief. D Stew- art Run. -Ser Agents Sell "Klondike Gold Fields" Like a wh ritvind. Experienred canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their lives: now beginners doing wanders, Nearly everybody subseribos. ,One young fellow nu a farm at $12 a month is making $576. A lady tvpe•writer at, i a week is clearing 511. A mechanic who had earned 81.60 a day is clearing 55. a • ay, We wont more agents. Canvassing out. fit 2 cis.. worth $t, THE 13ir.ADI. •GAItaSTdON CO., 2oonto, limited, t,nt. " 2t'akN VIOTORIA" iv bonnitng. Eight thousand - copies sold, Three thousand Ova hundred ordered from Australla; largo gnuntity gone to South Africa;; going like wiid•firu in Canada. Lord Lorne, Her Mnjesty's 110n•in•18w, save : ' The nest Popular Life of the {Queen r have seen,' and tliousanes 80. • dome the st,,tenwnt Outfit tree to aamvasse.s ; ex - elusive territory, Books 00 time. Easy to maks fire dollars deity. Some stake twice that. The Bradley'Garrotson Co., Limited, Toronto' JOB PRINTING, y N(LUDING' ]:colts, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311 3. Hands, Circulars, &o., tic., exeouted in the best style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice 4pp0 or address II, 13. ELLIOTT. T eiss'Ofileo, Winghar. BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to anno11nee that any 73o01cs OT- Magazines rMagazines lute with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any 'style will be given on implication n the. TiMill Ofiico