HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 5i
Has prevented us from giving our Grocery De,
partment the prominence in,our ads, it deserves,
A specialty is mane of '
which elebratejr'Cirole"_brand Cct eylonJTea,xputaup inon. WA the new pperfecton air -tight-
istere at 25o, 40o and .50c a lb. A'so special brand of Japan Tea, "The Bird," at leo
lb. We have in stook several other lines of Teas from loo a lb, up. In
we keep a full stook.of the beet goods prooereble,
Canned Corn worth Sac for
" Peas " ]00 for -
" Tomatoes, worth 100
Baking _Powder, ] 3 Ila sealers "
l0c tins for
Corn Starch. worth 7u
Globe Washboards, 2 for
6 dozen Clotheepjns for -
2 good Brooms for
New Red Salmon, a can
(.arae Scrub :Brush -
All day and part of the evening
you to save money at this store.
5o 1,2 Bars Laundry Soap - 25o
80 Jersey Cream .Biscuits, tin box - 10c
2�0 3 Boxes Eddy's Matches for - 2to
Madam Roy's Complexion Soap,con-
taining glycerine, witch -hazel,
buttermilk, 3 cakes in a box, per
box, - - - 10c
MacLaron's Imperial Cheese, ele-
gant goods, put up in Porcelain
Jars, - - - 2,e
until closing time, there is opportunity for
]L `�+�' 'T
GEO. CARR has now in stock a large display of the very newest material for'
Overcoats, Pal) and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Vests, etc., etc. 'Alto the
Most Stylish Gents' Furnishings in the Market
yonwant stylish and well -made Clothe at a moderate price.
G ve ti's a call. We can give you the best f workmanship, Good tit guarateed.
Opposite Queen's Hotel,
�r, i..l"'lv�''l,'LJL'��s L�•.L�1�.1[�'•a4'L �+L1.�L�1J 1'.��[;�L( �LJLr'^�L�'ld>:s1L�`�'L�'�L�J"'j���,�j•7LJ�
hoiee ...._ e ' ?�p1 suits
Vtre have also the choicest lines of fresh Lemon,
Orange and Citron Peels, Shredded Cocoanut,
Shelled Almonds, Spices, Extracts and everything
required for your Xmas delicacies.
The China House Grocery.
1�•i 'a��_�t��^�-t,.�-,�!� �7 7";ti—,r}�'•hr ^�� F�.� yr �r ttir--i_r�.�^'i_7.Sy �t`rZr��C' r
Honest Weight, Honest Cpnnt, honest Measure, and your money back,
if everything is not found as represented.
k Underwear
• My underwear department is now
ccntpletc'. I ha's° fuet rescived a
special lino of li rderwvear to sell for
iortyflve cents (45e) each garment,
Aleo Scotch and Canadian Wools at
ret unable prices. In
en's ,5 Boy' Clothing
I have now a full line of Ready-
mades for fall and winter wear.
flats and Shoes
My Boot and Shoe line is now as
Ii$•t,il full and up•to date. I have a
special line of Men's Calf l3nls. to sell
at $.3.'.5, Men's Long Boots from
$2.00' •
to $4.00 ; Ladies' and rltild-
l'en's Shoes In endless varieties. Spec
I have a full stock of Men's, Boys'
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Rub-
bers. Prices, regular 65c for 50e;
Ladies' 40c for 30o. Children's 35c
for 95e. 1 have also Men's Long
Rubber City Boots, regular $3.25
for f 2,50.
In Overcoats I have a large
variety in quantity and quality, attd
prices to suit the tithes.
Call and . see our special line of
Ladies' Jackets at $2,75 to $7.00.
Far Coats and Robes at a
Z'. g. M=LLS.
WI-" (i I 1';i..`� �", HOVEM13Ejt 12, ;:.OL
QWIC1. �� .�
The following is the result of the
recent promotion examinations held
in union S.S. No, 113 Ilorvick and
1 r1'ut'nberr•y i ---_'Prow sr, III to jr. W,
• marks required to pass, 415 ; Henry
McGlynn 508, .Mary Uennuil, 480,
!Bella Floc tune 473, S?trillinrn King 43e,
I wood 403osie G1Jc JosYna eph yBet t3, un 3 16,obeet UFrc,ur
Ise. 11 to 111, tanned required to pass
i 315; tliinuie Abraham 428, Joseph
Neill 412, Maggio Abraham, 389,
'Clara (iewinill 369. Gordon Abrar-
1 362, Jessie L3vrton.351, Victoria Wil -
I its 328, Arthur Gemmill 297, Howard
' I Hooey 275, Edna McIntosh 252,
Armond McIntosh 230, From part
III to II:class--Olive Green,. Ethel
I Hooey, Wilfred Weir, Gordon, Gem -
r mill, Frank Abram, 1Vebse r Willits.
1 From part T to pt, II, Annie Westlake,
Fred Westlake, Earl Fu.ituey, Arthur
Twamley, Thomas Twamley, Russell
McIntosh, Redmond Mcc(.11ynn, .Ethel
Genirttill. Wesley Abraham, Eirtt'ra
1. -Borten. .-
Mr'. A. C. Sotheron, our popular
reeve, who has been local agent fur
the , Massey -Harris 1lanu.ftteturing
Company for ' a number of years,
has been a.ppoinied a general agent
for the said company, and has • start-
ed on the road in that capacity. .
Mrs, S. McBurney, of Wingitate,
is visiting her eons on the 10th.
Mr, Fred Rath and Miss Jackson
of the 4th, were married on Wednes-
day, 3rd inst.. .
One night recently, Mr. Richard
James, hearing a noise around his
poultry yard, ran out to see what I g solid wet th
was the matter. Evidently his sus-
picions were not -without grounds, as
ore, of hisgeese was missing, and
the hat of rhe thief was found• in its
stead. The fiat; a' brown one, is one
Yes, if the merchants always have the goods to sell, and just as represented,
Customers can always rely on getting exactly the goods advertised at the 13ankrup
Sale now going on in Mclntyre`s old stand, McDonald Block, VVingham, If you dit
not see what you want, ask for. it. We may have it in stock and never think
showing it to you. l of
'27 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for
23 •5t. J.eiwrence Granulated
8 " Choice Japan Tea for
s " Finest35c Japan Tea for
`28 " Beat Rice for _
Kingsville Canned corn for
1 box 13 5o cakes) Complexion So
Fine Red Indian Salmon for
lr.�re.r for -
ap for -
81.00 Choice Pattern Prints for
1 00 Fine Canadian Prints for - -
1.00 23 loch Flannelettes, choice colors, for
1 00 Checked Flanelettes, regular 12..ic, for
1.00 Double -fold Dress Goods Marti: 113e, for
80 .a " " " 30c•, for
So 30inch Heavy Grey Cotton for
.100 Prima Donna Wrapperettes worth 150, for
The Ladies are -informed now of the arrival of
who takes charge of our Dress and Mantle Makii?ig. Dept.
Call and see her. We guarantee first-class and fashionable work.
imacaa,— `loo, u t., , lea• f • + ^,•'.t 4!r
er. The address although from be- CULROSte etziet•� I T
ginning to endsparkling with �CiiV',_.iN�10N,
was deeply instructive, and contained ,e)d Division Court
many thou hts of fur north
zr and llzrs A d W
Musically the entertainment was
eminently successful. The choir
(and quartette club, consisting' of Miss
Annie King, Mrs. Joseph McBurney,
and Messrs. Alex. Ring and Adam
that leas often been seen in this . Robertson, each rendered three an.
neigh boyhood, so that it is not diffi- I thews in highly creditable style. Two
cult to name the thief. !choruses, "Ring Beautiful Bells," and
Mr. James Ritz, of New Hamburg la "Child's Service," were given by
is visiting his grandfather, Mr. Jas. I six little girls: —Mable Sheill, Maud
Cochrane of the gravel road, and is I Robertson, Jennie R.intoul, Id% Bone
.11lorenee Shelli, and Josie Campbell.
These proved the most taking num-
bers on the program, as the singine,
was remarkably' sweet and exact,
and reflected_ mueli credit on their
instructor, Miss Maud Ce:npbell.
Miss Maggie Porterfield. sang a solo
"%Vhen Jesus Cornea," with her usual
strength and purity uf voice. "The
P. b2cGlynn, of Culross township. Gates of .Fleti,ven," a solo by Miss
r Hail of' Belgrave, was also well re-
ceived. Miss Carrie McGee gave a
accompanied by his aunt, Miss Sarah
C chrane.
V Mr. Irwin Elliot yleft on Tues-
day for Britons"'
A happy event took place at the
eeidence of Mr. Patrick Cribbons3frn
Tuesday evening last, when his
daughter, Miss Hannora, seas -united
in toe holy bends of wedlock, -to Mr'.
• be ceremony was preformed by
1. ev. I•'rtthee :McEwen, of St.Augustine
n the preeeuee of a large number of
nvitcc. „-eats. •.'- join in -wishing
he yotwg couple a -'-.''y voyage
hrough life. .
The township, council met yester-
• On Wednesday of last week, at
�t re iceman Manse, Winghanr,
ir. T.A.1 uw e,il, of Ferdwich and
iss. Sara r Ann, daughter' of Mr
times Coch'rrttie of this township
were;. juirieel in the holy bonds of devotee) to the mission fund at' the
wedlock, by Rev. D. Perrie, The church.
'many friends of both bride • and
groom in this vicinity, join in wish-
ing them all happiness through their
journey of life. •
Mr. Pater Robertson of . the .9th
con. took onto himself a partner, on
Wednesday last in the person. uf
Miss Lizzie McGill of the 4th, Tale
many friends of the young couple
in in cors it
i reeitation, 'What the Train Brought"
i the pathos of' which was well brought
t out. Jennie Rintoul and Josie Camp,
t bell each did well in their recitations
"Only a Penny," and "Let the Ring
The Bell," respectively. Miss Maud
Campbell acted as an accompanist
.tt e P i ti for the choir, the quartette club, and
'A r ' some of the soloists in her usual
14I S ! + efficient manner. The proceeds
which amounted to about $9, will be
j0 1 ing them eyery happiness
in their wedded life.
Mrs. H. Deacon visited her father,
Richard Chamney, last week.
Hiss Phetna Ohsinney visited hie'
sister .fire. Cumberland, near Listo-
well last week.
Miss Mary Agnes' returned this
week from a short visit to friends in
An entertainment was held in Cai-
n church on Tuesday evening, Nov,
h, at which an excellent program
s rendered by the members of the
nclay School and the Christain {'n-
avor Society, assisted by Iiev. Mr
holey of S. llelen's. litany took
ventage of the excellent state of
the roads and the weather, belonging to Allan eft Flemming of 1
so that the spacious church Ottawa, the schooner, Todman, be- C
was comfortably filled. The longing to Capt. A. Lawson, Gode-
fir s
r.t num program her on the,
tot t
a ai aw rich, '
Was aand a fl
P r, fleet ofeight belong- g t tugs belellt, t
speech by Inc chairman, Rev. Mr- ing to the Buffalo Fish Company, e
;:call. The subject chosen was the would have been consumed, as they 'r
possibilities of I"ureign ,dissions. The , hemmed in tt corner of the hat- a
address wigs listener) to with wrnpt bol', and could not (make their escape c
The total exports from the Gode-
rich port, which Comprises Goderich
Seafor'ch, Clinton, Southampton, and
the ccuntt'y surrounding each place,
for the month of October, amounted
to, '102,595. The imports for the
same month amounted to, $.2,7,501.,
$21,018 of which .were free, and
r6,:573 dutiable, the duty collected
amounting to, $1,625.25,
Fire broke out 'Friday night in the
Grand Trank elevator,and the build-
ing was destroyed, along with a
large quantity of grain. The fire
communicated with the Lumberyard
of N. Dyinenc of )Barrie, and bnrrt�ed
along the water front, consuming
Dyreent's yard, and the lumber
belongin to the yard of Win. Rus -
en of Goderich. A gale was blowing
at the time, and but for a change in
the wind, the probabilities are, tnsat
buildings and lumber belonging to
the Goderich Lumber Company, the a
dredge; Arnoldi, with tug and seows,
n r v arson, ,judge D,t�:le 1
ho lett tie) here „n Munday.
Dakota, have returned with the inten-
tion of making this place their ger_ , iVlrsa Malluu,tt is visiting tvii:hiYIY.
manent home,✓ R. 1lailon •li, of Ki:teal-di ic.
Thomas M. Colvin, son of the late Mrs. Lareraels, erten T,+rrr tiharu,
Robert Colvin, died. at the house of ""'I blas. Cul1t, l.nl, Of $rr.:rford,
his brother, Mr. W. R. Colvin, on.we.v, visiting at !',. Cavare•a..�.
Oct. 29tit,,at the age of 25 years. Ile At Si. Paul', rhureh, on :eueday-
was a young man of a kindly and eveeing lust, the !ley. Mr. Ar•t •strong .
generous disposition, and was a fa v- preached a sp a i;il sermon ..r the
orite with his associates. He brad Oran'�enten of rht, vicinity.
chosen the profession of a vere,•inerr: The stables lta'l,,nging to Mr. Geo,
surgeon as his calling in lite, and Westbrook. to,'eriit:,' with the barn
had qualified thereof. but consume • and its contents, wer,i tntn 1v de -
tion had seized upon him, and lief was steuyed by fire Friday evening.
oft in his youth. The fui.erat took; leisured in the Vest Friday
place on Monday and was largely t Atutnal Fire I esurance C,,.rt ari
tended, p' y,
� 'anildiegs ti300, 400.
Rev. Fenton Hartley, pecaehcd
very excellentsertnori in the Pee
byi•erian church, last Sebhat•h
ing. He possesses a gno'I deal
his father's true elognetiee,in deist,•_
Ing any shiny; martial. lir•. 11nrt.b
came from Dtattitoba a few wee•i
ago to attend the wedding of his sie
ter, Maggie, to Mr Siiarp nt' Yarn:
Her many friends here, join in wish
her much joy.
Mr, Pentland, of Dungannon, col:
is visiting at Rev. D. Rogers,' prettcl
ed in the Methodist church last Sale
bath eyening.
The Orangemen's box sncial held
last Friday evening to cele).r etre Gu
Fawkc's day' was well, atten,ird, tl
hall being quite full. '.i'Ite pregrar
consisted of choruses by the Methe
dist church choir, and speeehes b
Revs. Rogers and West. Dr
Moffatt, after addressing a meeting•
in the Presbyterian church, ou th
work of the religious tract Socie1
attended the social, and also gave at
Mrs. Win. Rainey and son George
of Greenwood, neat. Toronto, visited
at Mr. George Hainey's last week.
Mr. Louis 13. Duff has been re en-
gaged to teach in No. 9 school, East
Wawanosh, at a slightly increased
.. very sad tragedy occurred here
-; r.+ %tondo. night al t
: to tit ten :� -tock.
,,ri'• "e:v I lliott, Albert Woods and
-a:imert, spent the afternoon at
i S': ra, arriving hack at Elliott's
•„ ,•I a hunt .1).30 p. m. All were
ill fitly intoxicated. About 10'n'etoek
a., rc.t.d and Dumar t went to store
n rd got bi icuits and cheese for lunch,.
-10n i c'turning they found Fred. and
n Harvey Elliutt quarreling ma the
sidewalk just outside of the hotel.
-1 S:�rtuds and I►Ira. Elliott tried to
I seperate them, when Fred. drew a
revolver and fired at his brothl.r,who
v 1 died almost instantly. The inquest,
hold before Coroner. Dr, Horbury,
the jury after being sworn went to
ti the hotel and viewed the body on
v ;'Tuesday afternoon. The inquest, ott
1 receipt of a telegram. f_rotn the County
Cron+ n Attorney, was adjourned until
e Wednesday morning, when after
i ex (mining several witnesses, the jury
u I returned the following verdiet: "That
I the said Harvey Elliott cavae to his
i death by a bullet fired from a re-
volver in the hands of his lr•n,,:er,
Frederick Elliott, on the lee r of
November Sth, 1897.
Bare I!�LD.
The filen -of Messrs .T. aC P. Amen t
has been dissolved. The foranet' re-
tires and the business will be carried
on by Mr. Philip Ament.
Mr. W. M. Sinclair was in Toronto
nd Peterboro last week on businees.
Mr. Robt Thompson intends shipp-
ng a car load of turkeys to the Old
ountry about the end of the rnonth.
Brussels lodge 'of A. 0. T.T. W. at-
endecl divine sesvice in Melville
hurch on Sunday mornik last.
he Rev. John Ross, 13. A,, pf` lied
sermon to them suitable for the ue-
attention, and showed the speal ee's''throu„h the. burning lumber which
eharacteristie earnestness end 8iinpll- was floating in the harbor, The N
ette. i lie subject „f • missions rots ,cause of the fire is unknown, and the
dealt'with in a papier' by Mr. Roble 'loss is immense, "('here wa40,000
Sheill, who discussed "past mission 1 bushels of ;Manitoba wheat h the
work, v
f its
df r
f defects, and prospects for � elevator which was destroyed. 'The
wets the theme of Rev. Sir. Wheley'a son & Son's of Kingston, wand was
address of some thirty minutes a1- I valued at about a dollar a bushel. It
though the time seemed much short was insured.
future itnpr os ement,, "Personality” wheat was owned by Jatn^s Richard -
Several from here took iti the 5th
ovember entertainment in 'Ib'<alton
n Friday evening.
Monday morning, of last week,'
the residence of Dr. I<'clbfleiseh,
William St., was visited byp erson
or persons ns u nknbwn and about
Prove the merit of flood's Sarsaparilla -post
tive, perfect, permanent Cures.
Cures of scrofula in severest forms, tike
goitre, swelled neck, running sores, hip
disease, sores in the eyes.
Cures of Salt ]then:n, with its Inten a itching,
and burning, sestet dead, tett a;te,
I Cures of ]toils, r1ti' les, and all oth.ir erup.,.
tions due to impure hlo"d,!
)Cures of I)yspeps;a ancl,otlaer trotlb) Balers
a good stomach tonic w. s neaderl.
Maros ofltlteuma tism, wl:erei patien..a wet'enn,
able .tn work or walk for weeks.
Cures of Catarrh by expelling the 1:npnrrtiee
Which cause and sustain the d'sease.
Curds of Net•votusness by properly toning attti
feeding the nerves upon pure blood.
euros of That Tired Peeling by restoring
strength,. Send for book of cures by
$62 00, $18.00 of which was a cheque, I 'to o 1 Flood & Co., )Proprietors, Lowen, mss,
Stolen Ingress was obtained through ! ---- -•-.
a window from. the rear verandah, Hood's Pips 1pilis;h tar r,�t slftot�ait„meir
digestion. a s