HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 4KS, RUBBER RINGS, BOTTLING ' 1flX9 SPICES, ETC, And all seasonable goods at the lowest price at MIN 0. Cus�PhE61'S, IlArtttiggist, Etc., And be sure end buy them before 9 p. m. for we close at that time every night excepting Saturday. TO ADVJ RV T. ERS. Nutiee of changes must bo left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise. ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. e Kiting g ailt FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1807.. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Wm. Lount, M.P., for Centre Toronto, has resigned his seat, and the writ for the new election will be issued nomination day, Nov. 23rd. The bye -elections for the Commons in Quebec resulted in the return alar, Charles A. Ganvreau for Temiseouata, and Dr. Ross for Rimouski, both Lib- erals, by acclamation. In Drummond mut 4r.ttiabaska Mr. L. Lav ergne (Liberal) and Me, A. Noel (Censerv- ative) were nominated. It is iinderstoeci that Sir Oliver Mowat NM resign his po;,ition as Minister of Justice on the 17th or 18th Inst„ and will at once be sworn in as Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. Ile will reside:with his son, Sheriff Mowat until the termination of the occupancy Of Government House by Lord and Lady Aberdeen. On the 30th inst. he will read the speech from the throne at the opening or the Legisla- ture.. Soon after Sir Oliver resigns, Hon. David Mills will go to Ottawa as Minister of Justice. ZXTM MQNESS FREQUENTLY BRINGS ITS yicTIrI TO THE VERGE OF INSI3 TY. THE ..".''ASE OF A YOUNG LADY IN SMITH'S FALLS WHO 'SUFFERED S,vER.^1,LY— GIVEN UP BY TWO CTORS—DR. WILLIAMS' PIN PI S HAVE RE- STORED HER IY.E.1LT From the Smiths' Eai1 News. Many cases liav . Ween reported of how invalids who had suffered for years and whose casehad been given tip by the attending phvsicins, have been restored to health and vigor thruussh that now mild -alined medi- cine, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills but we doubt if there is one more stzrt- ling or more convincing, than that of Miss Elizabeth Minshull, who re- sides`with her brother,Mr. Thos.Min- shall, an employee in Frost & Wood's Agricultural Works. The News beard of this remarkable case, and meeting Mr. Minshull, asked him if the story was correct. He replied : "All I know is, that my sis - ter had been given up as incurable btr two physicians. .She is now well enough tu do any kind of boa:A:ork and can go and come as she pleases, and thf3.change has it 14 my tannest conviction, been brought about by the, use ofDr.'iVilliktnsPink fills."illi. Minshull then related ti,c following st' ry to the Newt?: •Jly sister iatwenty years of age. She eamr; to Canada fv in England ahem ten years ago and resided with a. Baptist minster Rev, Mr. (;oily, at Sorel, Que. In Aps11 of 18U6, she took ill and grad- ttettly grew wurse. She was under a • lend physician's ease for over five months. The (loam's said that she was suffering from 8 camplicatiun of ttervctus diseases, and that he cuuid dor lht1 ror her. The tniuistr•r with ; 710*;e lived then wrote hie of my' '» stare of health, and I had her to Smith's Falls in hope that a change and. a rest would do her good, ; DO1+;ke. When site arrived here she was in a CRs*:oil-o Morels ou Novs .0th, the wife of .Cohn O ssniure, a son, .. Very weak state and a local physi- i WAan,--In .tiarristou, ou Nov. 1st., elan was ealled in to see her. He the wife of a, ki. Ward, of a sun. attended her for some time but with 1 mann.-ED poor results, and finally aeknowledg- o'wFur,- Cooti>z8 s - At the Mensa, , Wiughatu, on November 10th, by the ed that the case was one which he !Rev. D. Xaerrie, Mr. T. A, Powell, of could do but. very little for. My I Fordwich, to- Sarah Ann, daughter of sister hod by this time become a' Jus. Cochrane, of Dust Wawanosh,�/ IeGt s—se iBbmi ,'--'4 tae resi- pitiable object ; the slightest noise ; ,ierlCe of the b,•ido's parents, Deet would disturb her and the slightest i Wawanosh, on Nov, 8 h, by Lieu. Father exertion would almost make her • in- I McEwen, Mr. P. McGlynn, of Culross=, sane. It required some one to be . to Miss H unora, daughter of Mr. P. with her at all times, and often after Gibbiins,Vp satiTx—Boric,—At the residence of a fit of extreme nervousness she ' the bride's parents, on Oct 21st., by the, would become unconscious and re- I Rev. la S. G. Anderson, Mr, Joseph C. train in that state for hc,urs. When i Smtta, of Gadsbill, to Miss Mary Ann, I went home I had to take off ray i W 1 ascenroxeterd da_i titer of Mr, Thomas Pope, of boots at the door -step so as not to } SaAtir>—HAaTr.> Y. --At Port Findlay, disturb ber. When the doctor told mei Algoma, on Oct. 18, by the Rev. A. Y. he could do nothing for her, 1 con- i Hartley, father of the bride, assisted by suited my wife, who had great faith Rev. F. Hartley, (brother) of Roland, in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as she Haartleyohn Sharpe, to Miss Maggie knew of several cases where they j D[,'f.,D. had worked wonderful cures, and I N 0ozvnN.—In Culross, on October 09th, concluded it would be no. harm to Thomas M. Colvin,.aged 25 yearsli/ try them anyway, and mentioned the GviJER,—In Listowel, on the 3rd fact to the doctor. The doctor did not i t., .ur. F, A, Gunner, aged 74 years. 1tVLtR.—Iu 13elmore, on rho 29th,ialt.. oppose their use, but said he thought rs. David Weir, aged 30 years and one they might de her good as they were month' certainly a good medicine. In Sep- tember of last year she began to use thePills,andbefore two boxes had been used, she began to show signs of im- provement. She has continued their use since and is to-day,a living testi- monyof the curative power,of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills " Mr. Minshull has no hesitation in sounding the praises of a remedy that has worked such a change in the health . of his sister, and cheerfully gave the News the above particulars, and when ask- ed to do so, most willingly signed the following declaration :— .I 1U WINGHAM T1ME6,, ..NO V EKBER 12, 1S97. 'Smith's balls, Sept. 11, '97. I hereby make declaration that the statements in above as to' the con dition of my sister, and the benefit she received from the use ' of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are absolutely correct. THOS. MINsuULL. • Witness, J. H. Ross. BELMORE. Miss Hilda Terriff is at home' nursing her sister, Maggie, who is at present laid up. There was no service held in the Methodist church on Sunday last, ex- cept a young people's meeting in the evening. The Literary Society has opened for the season. The subject at, their meeting on Wednesday evening was, "Resolved that modern machinery is an injury to the working class:" The funeral of the late Mrs. D. Weir took place . on Mondavi', the 1st., to Morris' graveyard and was largely attended, by friends and ac- quaintances who moarn the loss 'of the departed and sympathize with the bereaved. BELGAVRE; Mr. John McCallum has purchased a beautiful new Bell organ. Mrs. and Miss Pearen, of Wing - ham, are on a visit to Mt. I. Pearen. An open meeting of Calvin Chris- tian Endeavor Society was held Last Thursday evening and was well at- tended. A programme was rendered and an excellent address by Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens, Mr. Whaley, also very successfully filled the pulpits of Belgrave Presbyterian church and Calvin church, on Sun- day last, in the absence of Rev. :dr. Hall. The fifth of November was well celebrated by the Orangemen of this vicinity, Belgrave Lodge gave a supper to a i-arge number of guests in spite of the disagreeable weather. The supper was followed by a pro- gramme and all spent a lnost en- joyable 'evening, McKibben Lodge also gave a supper in their hall and enjoyed themselves till the " wee stna' hours with must's and dancing. MORRIS. A shooting match dill take place et south half Jut 11, consession 1, this (Fridatt) afternoon, A number of turkeys, geese and ducks will be con• tested for. The Smith homestead on the 9th eonsessfun has been sold to I'hutnas and Henry Clark, of Grey township for $1,500. Mr. Jas Forrest has rented his farm to 1',lr. Dennis for a term of years. Revival services are being held in Jackson's church by Rev. Mr. Rigsby. hiss Lottie Behtly has been re engaged for IJ. S. S. No, 3, East Wawanosli and Norris, ttt an iferea.e of salary. Sive stook Markets. Toronto, Ont,, Nov.;9—At the To- ronto cattle market to -day, trade was dull. Receipts were light, being 34 cars including 660 sheep and lambs, .700 hogs and 14 milch cows and springers. Export cattle were in small supply and not many were wanted. Prices were low, at 83.50 to $3.85 per'cwt. Butchers cattle:—The offerings were light and the demand was slow The quality. was not good. Picked cattle sold at 3 c to Bic per ib.; good medium at $3.85 So $3.85 per cwt and inferior at 24c to no; ordinary loads sold at tie, The demand from the Jocal butchers was slow, and there was scarcely any n buying for Montreal. Nothing was taken for Buffalo. Stockers and feeders were in fair demand from distillery men and farmers, but practically nothing was taken to day for Buffalo. Light. stockers sold at about 2•.c to 3c. Feeders were about the same as last week: There were some being bought fsr the Walkerville distillery' at 34e to 3c for good steers. Bulls—Export bulls wee dull, at 31.c to 3tc per ib._ Stock bulls were in fair demand, at $2.25 to $2.60 per cwt. Sheep and lambs—The market tor lambs was weak, . at $2.50 , to $3.50 each, or about 4c per lb. Some good lambs were left unsold. Shipping sheep were dull at 3e to Bic per lb. Bucks, 2.?se. Butchers' sheep were slow, ' at 0, to $3,50 each, . Calves—The offerings were light and the demand steady, at 52 to $8, 11Zileh cows and springers—There were not many offered, and there was a good demand from dairymen for newly- calved cows. Prices were firm at S25 to $45 each. Hogs — The best selections of bacon begs sold at 4e per ib., weigh. ed off the ears. Tbicic, fat hogs sold I at 53 80 to 53.90 per cwt.; store and light hogs, 53.90 to $4 per cwt.;stags Lie to 2s per Ib., and sows fbr breed ing purposes, 3e to 3?te per lb. The prospects are for lower prices. WHITECHURCH. Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, preached the quarterly communion servicesain the Methodist church on Sunday last. Mrs. .Jas Sharp, of Teeswater, was visiting friends here during the week. 011111•111.1114,1.'m.. Of all t.e nerve-tonics-- broinos, celeries or nervines —your doctor will 'tell you that the Hypophosphites are best understood. So thor- oughly related is the nervous system to disease that some physicians prescribe 1-iypo- .phosphites alone in the early stages of Consumption. Scott's Etulsion is Cod-liver Oil, ernulsified, with the ITypophosphi tes, happily blended. The result of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. Let ue send you a book all about k. 'Sent kW, t. scar r & Jamas, t1&j v,,k,, (1n4 MAB E T REPORTS. wnatzt&ai. Wingham November lltlt,1807, Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs . , , , . 1 50 to 2 25 Fail Wlicat . , .... ; , .. , 0 78 to 0 80 Fall Wheat, new...... , . , . . 0 78 to 0 80 SpringWlaeat,.. 0 75 to 0 80 oats,,, 0 20 to 0 21 Barley'.0 25 to 0 27 Peas,.,, ., ,. 0 40 to 0 42 Butter .,0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen , . , , . , . 0 14 to 0 14 wood per cord, . , . .. , , . 1 00 to 1 25 Ray per ton,5 00 to 5 50 Potatooe,per bushel, , , , 0 80 to 0 Ori Tallow, per ib..., 0 8 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb Wool 0 8 to 0 5 lomat 19 to 21 OTICE TAK.:' NOTICE that the M .icipal. Co ail of the Corporatio of the Tow of Wingham, intendto carry out t • e following loan improve- ments ,timely: (a), The c•nstruction of a concrete sidewalk four nd one hal feet wide on the east side f Shuter Street, from Diagonal Road Alfred treet ; thence along the south s de of Wed Street to Josephine Street. (b). The constru'ti of a concrete sidewalk four and. o• -half feet wide on the west sido of Mi. le Street from the South East corner f Lot 478 to the .North East corner f 1 ot 466. (c). The constr etio of a concrete sidewalk five fee wide . the North side of John street, f ,. m Jose bine Street to a point one ht •tired fest west of the South East .orner of ot 57, Peter Fisher's curve, . (d). The c.nstruction a concrete sidewalk fol and one half Pet wide, on the south -ide of John treat from William S eet to Frances S eat. (e). The construction of concrete sidewalk our and ono -half fe t wide, on the Nor side of Victoria S reet, from Leopui. Street to Carling Ter ace. (f). T e construction of a concrete sidewa , four and one half feet wide, on the N. tb sido of Patrick Str t, from Loop. d Street to Josephine Str et, and then .e on the South side of atrick Stre.t to' Frances Street. 3. a FERGUS erk. Jerk's office, Wingham, Nov. 5, 18 STRAY Strayed from the .re.. ses of the un- dersigned, Lots 21 , nd , Con. R. Turn - bury, on or about middle of October, a two-year-old steer. Any person giving information leading to the recovery of the same will be li berall3 'rewarded. EENRY THOMSON, Winglaam. P. 0. MEETING. OF` Huron C�unty,1hci1 The Council of t e Corporation of the County of Ruron will tweet in the Cdurt Room, in the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, Nov. nth inst., at 3 o'clock p. rn. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goaericb, Noe. 8, '97. PAY Y UR TAXES For the convenience of the public, the Tax Collector will be in the Clerk's office, in the Town Hall, Every Friday from 2 to 4 p. m., and on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th from 10 a. m. to 5 p. in., and any other day at his residence, Frances street. All taxes must be paid not later than December 14th. IN M. ROBERTSON, Collector.. ate es AND... Je elry We have the largest and best stock of Watches, Cloaks, Jewelry, etc., to choose from in the town, and our prices are as low as ever. oHRISTMAS GOODS arriving daily. All. Repais;in.g done on the Premises. Raisins, Figs, Salmon, Best Salmon, Wille Biscuits, Tea +� 5c lb. 5c lb. Ioc can, 2 for 25c. 3 lbs. .017 25C. 3. lbs, for 25c, Molasses Snaps, 4 lbs. for 25c. Sardines in Tomato Sauce 5c can. Sardines in oil, - 5c can, Corr. Starch, - 4 for 25c. Extracts from - 5c up" Kerr's B. Powder, i Ib. tins, I5c.. HN KE Grocer, Wingham. R ?f 1 !THE LEADING — encruersoossamtawarawsmarfesmaa One of the features of..this business is the Cloth-. ing Department, and it pays well to buy your clothing here. We ask you to carefully' examine Our men's extra heavy Tweed Suits, superior lining and fin- ish, fashionable cut and neat fitters, regular price • 87.50 for.. Black Worsted Coats and Vests, venetian finish, newest out, well bound, first-class lin- ings and trimmings, excellent 11t,,Nn nn regular price $10.00, our price. •tO.,,Uti $5.15 Men's heavy brown Frieze Overcoats, dou hie-breasted,slash pockets, high storm Qollar, splen- �j. did linings and well made, for.. $5.00# We have the Overcoats with the patent sure to-beep-the-arnr- warm -sleet e" in them. See.::• them, they are comfortable. Good, solid Vests at 85c, extra weight wearing Pante a $1.00. We want your butter, egg and poultry, and will pay you the highest market price for them. G. Opposite ' Chisholm's Drug Store. Irs NOT NECESSARY. i . . • To .lay aside your soiled or faded shits or overcoats, but take them to'the Wingham Cleaning and Dy ing Works, and have thorn clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. OR N. Order your., LAIEK —AND— 02=tiAZtA. Ina FROM THE— HOLSTEIN DAIRY. Oh bailer to move .1, ThanAsa61.1rolo Rent® If you want to buy anything in the'line of PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, PLOWS, ETC., o ..AJSY 1 : G LI T . -,...E-e IO T. H ROSS, W ng.am. L• absAs•'Lvw:.. t a' Q AvwtolltAs 7tY+.aAl't y- A ®®ROAN W. T. StJLI;PIAN Has just received a nice line of FALL GOODS, . . in newest designs, including - +. .,-.,-. 47"4* SCJITINGS, PAN'TINCitS, OVERCOATINGS, ETC. t``5 RYTHING NOBE7 AND UP-TO-DATE, PATTEfN 5 See my stoek before purchasing W. T. SZT1.11Z ..A.. Opposite I3ank of Hamilton, Opposite Bank of Iiamilton. 'WI-NGIW .04