HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 1VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1334.
Wingham, Oct. 1897,
11 rin
• „.. ....,..„„,,,, .-40
.1L1»"e"q,.---wssrsl•:•m..,•cti ..•
Haying decided to make a specialty
of thcitir'derecl Clothing Department
- of ouV business, we have secured the
services of a first-class cutter who is
fall able to cater to the most fastid-
ious tastes.
We are showing for the Fall and
Winter Trade a selection of Woollens
which we are justified in claiming is
More complete in all the latest nov—
elties than either ourselves or others
"'have ver shown in Wingham. Com—
prising as it does the best productions
• of the English,. Scotch and Canadian
,„,:. '.May we solicit your patronage.
4 'We can assuroo you it will be a plea—
. sure to show you through our stock,
and should you favor us with an
order, can promise that the garment
will be found to be both fashionably
cat and tastefully trimmed.
Yours respectfully,
ileaf4t 11 tY & BOWLES.
Attend the Popular
If you wish to receive
f^ �
Business or Shorthand -W tian
This institution enjoys a splendid pat-
ronage and has unexcelled facilities in
every department. Students admitted
any time. Free catalogues.
W. ELLIOTT, Principal.
g3 H EAP READ I N ! I Garde a pan print you the neatest visiting
Farmers—Cash for good butter and
, eggs at the North End Grocery.
Our Clubbing List.
In order to sago oug, subscribers the trouble of
Making two or more remittances we have mane
special arrangements with the publishers by which
we aro enabled to offer the following publications in
connection with the WINQHAHt TIMES et spacial
low rates from now until Jarman), 1st, 1805, Spoalal
clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon application. saes must accompany all
orders :—
Trues and weekly Globo, - .. 51.20
Thugs and Western Advertiser, • - 140
Times and Family herald and Weakly Star
and Picture - • 1 75
Tinos and Farmers' Advocate, - 100
Times and Farming, weekly, 175
Times and Ladies' Journal,• 185
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 00
Times and Farmers' Sun. - . 125
Times and Daily Qlo'be - 4 00
Tunes and Daily World - - 3 00
Times and Country Gentleman„ ' 2 70
The balance of the year:, will bo given free to new
subscribers for above mentioned weeklies,. except
Fanners' Advocate and Farming, Subscribe at once,
Marriage Licenses
'• Dialed by FuANK 1 ATIt13SON, No 23, Vic-
ioria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
M li McIndoo---special for Saturday.
Wm Lane—Comity Council Sleeting,
Wm Barrand Tailors' Race.
W J Elliott—Attend the Popular.
Sohn Kerr—Bargains,
McKinnon Rt Co—Want of Space.
N A Farquharson—Choioa Now Fruits.
S Graeey—Furniture Cheaper than over,
James S Earl—Does 1t Pay to Advertise.
T A Mills—Does It Pay to Buy.
—Campbell's Headaoho Wafers guaran-
teed to euro headache.
—The horse clil
—Next Thursd
her, Opera house.
ing season is here.
evening—Queen. Est -
Don't mien it.
.A. full stock of first-class groceries at the
North End Grocery.
—Memorial carets of all kinds printed
neatly and cheap at Tris Tries office.
—Mr. Chas. Gill epie shipped a carload
of apples, per G. T B., on Wednesday laat
to New Castle, En land.
—Mr. W. S. Iolmes, of-. Luoltnow,
shipped two carte of apples from the G.
T. R. station here on Thursday.
A. first-class Coal Stove for sale cheap.
Apply to J. Halliday.
—Mr. John Carr 'has been having de-
livered this week a quantity; of baled hay
e M srs. Currin of
purchased from os ,
P� .
East Wa,vanosh.
Shipped direct to its from Baltimore'
,Call and gets some $t
i• l
ass oysters.
and all Fruits in season.
—Brussels pope s say that sneak-thiev-
ing,;4l,'rom store wi owl and the fronts of
business places is eating to bo too common
a thing in that to n.
We are handling any quantity of butter.
eggs and dried apples—cash or trade. Also
all kinds of poultry. G. E. Ring.
—The Toronto obe of Saturday last
contained a nutube of good pictures of the
delegates at the r' ent W. C. T. U. con-
vention i that cit
—The e 4 cript n price of the morning
editions of tho route Daily Globo and
Daily Mail and E pire have been reduced
from $6 to $4 per ear.
City 1.. tilt',
'Telephone hto. 35. - Macdonald Block.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' ftfrnishings, try Webster & 00.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
— Messrs. Fowke
Old Country, hay�
week, visiting t
factories and per
English market.
— We had a nit
Tuesday mornin•
of winter in dea
great mischief
and electric ligh
wet and heavy.
—Queen Es
cantata ever wi
ed with groat s
of Europe and
it in the Oper
next. Admin
35 cents.
A 10 cent Heliotrope Soap for 5 cants,
and a Witohhazel Soap, three cakes in a
box, for 10 cents, are sellers, at Chisholm's
Drug Store.
—Guy Bros.' 1 instrels visited town on
Friday evening 1 st and gave one of their
old time progra mes of fun and amuse-
ment, The won ' of the different artists
ndard of a
wasfnllynpt the Ata
years, while the rchestra was even better
than ever. Thy put up a good, clean
show and wel deserved the, house that
greeted them, tioh would live no doubt
been larger h the weather been more
— Mr. 111. Beckwi has bad two new
signs placed at hie b kery.
—Mr aures hshipped load
A er s s .pee a car
of potatoes from he this week.
Coal Oil and Lamp supplies always on
hand at the North End Grocery.
—Mr. D. E. McD nald shipped a car
load of hogs, per G. ', it., to Collingwood
on Wednesday Last.
—On Friday las a deer was received
from the hunters. r. Q, B Roe was the
lucky shooter,
Trash oysters served in any style at
James McKelvie's Star Restaurant.
—Court Maitland, . 0.F., will meet
this (Friday) evenin A full attendance
of members is roque ed.
— Tell your frier s they can have the
TxMEs till the end of 1898 for $1, or the
Toms and Globe foe.$1.25.
ll iss Matheson, p the school teaching
staff, was indiepos during the week and
her place was take by Miss S. Farquhar -
—A. • number ft town attended. the
Orangemen's social t, Bluovale on Friday
evening, also a nut er went to the Orange
concert at Gerrie.
and Tinning, of the
been in town the past
o different furniture
asing furniture for the
fall of the beautiful on
Test. It made one think
earnest, and also played
ith telegraph, telephone
wires, the snow being so
Money to Loan.
on first-class securi
Robertson; France,
—Taking advai�
presence in town)
people held a sot
evening of last wee.
L1'riyate funds to loan
y. Apply to William
St. •
age of the Harpers'
a number of young
aI hop on Wednesday
Flowers, Groceries and Vegetables at T.
0. Graham's, Chisholm Block:
—The local Cou
Order of Chosen F
their hall, Gregor
evening last. A
spent by the ,nomb
cil of the Canadian
fends field a social in
Block Moncla
, on Y
pleasant evening was
rs and their friends,
Beaches, plums, nd pears in abundance
andses cheap as the cheapest,, Jas.,, ltto-
Kelvie's Star Restaurant.
—Two hours and a
ling music by the larl
in gorgeous oriental
can effect,,at tiie oa
in the Opera bonse
—The town Prop
had the cellar uncle
ouglily cleaned out,
eto., belonging -to the
therein for therevi'nt
a wise move on tlTe.,l
and they deserye,gre
ier is the most popular
tten, and has been render-
toeees in all the largo cities
=rice. r Don't miss seeing
house on Thursday evening
on 25 cents. Reserved seats,
cif of bright, spark-
°horus, all dressed
ostiunes, under cali-
tata, Queen Esther,
xt Thursday evening.
ray Committee have
the town hall• thu-
d all the implements,
awn have been placed
r months. This was
art of the committee
t credit.
Dr. Towler 'has returned tai the
Town, and may be found at his
office, Josephlltie Street, during Office
hours, or at other times at his
residence, Diagonal Street.
—The long looked
the G. T. R. will go
day next, and the
tweets Toronto, Ha
go into effect on th
there may be abang
will make matters
t�Dir. Ilugh Clarl
tor of tho 'Kiucar
Friday morning last
editorial charge of
Prior to his departs
by a number of th
the town andeviciuit
a complimentary ad
a purse of $00 an
Clark every sncces
Thinness is wasting. Wasting is tearing
down, Scott's Emulsion builds up; it
neve hakes waste. It will give you rieb
blood and bring hack your weight.
or new time table on
oto operation on .Sum
. P. R. time -table be-
'ttoaln andBnfi will
same day. We hope hope
in the time table that
Iter for the citizens of
for many years edi-
ble Review, left on
for Ottawa, to assume
the Ottawa Citizen.
, lie was waited upon
leading men of the
, and presented with
rose, Iccompanied by
told. We wish Bro.
in his new field of
---$1.00 pays for the TrUOs from now un-
til the end of 1893.
—Rave you read Gracey's new ad•
vestisement? It w' pay you, to do so,
11J -111r. Wm. Robe tson has been confined.
to the house for e past week. Ile is
nursing one of Job' comfortereri%''
—A. splendid arti le from the pen of Mr
Louis Ili Duff, o the "History of the
Emblazonments . the British Royal
Standard," will be ound on the sixth page
of this issue.
Coal stove for sale cheap ; preicti(a11Y els
good as new ; (has been replaced by a fur-
nace.) Apply to John Murray.
—Camp Caledoni , S. 0. S., will meet
on 'Monday evenin Afull attendance of
members is reques d, as business in con-
nection with the scent concert will be
hrotyllt up• for dts esion.
Ir While an his
laundry parcels on
last, 1?r. John F'
near Mr. R. Mein
away. The wagon
xsual rounds with his
Wednesday afternoon
her's horse took fright
oo's residence and ran
was slightly damaged
Dr. Macdonald is now permanen t-
ly at home an can be consulted b y
his patrons.
l+'CI1111E1 W
Tho following
Toronto Globe 4ef
Winghamites, Me
0. Fowler. Thei
vicinity will be pi
are making that
country, The Hn
"Tho Provincial c
don and Turtle I
November 27th,
ocourring a week p
in these ridings
resignation of Mr,
ber for South Brlu
of Mr. John Hett1
Panted the other eel
dates in Turtle Mot
Nichol, Liberal, an
Independent Cons
of South Brandon 1
Fowler, of Wawan
bearer. Turtle Mo
a 01030 constitue
anticipate a walk -o
as in the past the r
—The TXIIES requ
to send in news as
a week if they can
rather receive half
from a corresponds;
a month:
—Esther, the b
choral of over o
dressed in orienta
instruction of M
Opera house next
cure your tickets
the chorus. Plan
tont last Saturday's
's•to former well-known
is. ,Thos. Nichol and 1•i,.,
'many Ariends in..this-
ased to hear. that they
'mark'sit the northern
on boys are'the boys":—
oys:—otiens in 5otitii 13ran-
ntain will be held on
ormal nominations
vious. The vacancies
wets .caused by, the
ratpini, Liberal mem•
.o. and by the'death
, Liberal, who repro.
titnency. The Candi.
itain are Mr. Thomas
Mr. James Johnstone,
vative. The Liberals
ve selected Mr. F. 0.
sagas their standard-
ntain leas always been
y, but the Liberals
er in South Brandon.
is its correspondents
ften as possible, once
anage it. Wo would
dozen items each week
t, than a column once
autiful Queen, by a
hundred voices, ail
costume, udder. the
G. W. Cline, in the
Intraday evening. Se -
arty from rnembers of
hf hall at Ross' book
Iiuron County
the Provincial Co
we lead the proyi
contribution to
having.a union -
C. E. Convention
and recommend
Tells expected t
follow our exarnpl
By corresponds
mittee have deci
ve"tion will be -held
and 15tei.
The previous con
in the fall, but ow
friends in the count
schools the date has
our friends .from t
therefore show; th
eontive by bootniag
Samples of two
the totnperanbe qu
every society in•th
petted that many
order a quantity f
secretary 'has been
hear from you.
Amon R. Wells g
dress at the St. Th
Tenth Legion, a
ceiving special pro
es. The County Ur
lakes number enrol
time to time some
corresponding score
meeting, and neglec
provincial, district,
Kindly note Hien, i
all concerned to hav
ponding secretary f
that person should b
who will attend to c
013.nISTAIN EN -
was highly praised by
vention at St. Thomas ;
ce in membership, and
issions. " 0eir idea of
ening for tlye5..;tea. and
was favorably reported
by the President, Mr.
at other Counties will
e, the executive com-
that the '98 con-
Wiugham, June. 14th
ntions have been held
g to the wish of our
societies and Sunday
een changed to Juno,
e rural .district will
✓ loyalty to the ex-
Vingham '98.
y different leaflets on
titin has been sent to
county, and it is ex -
of the societies will
distribution ; if any
erloobed kindly
let us
The monthly me ting of .the School
Board was held o Tuesday eyening.
Members present—/1 sus. Bell, Homuth,
Berber, Moore, A. wham and Griffin.
Minutes of last meeti g read and adopted.
The Priueipa1's rep rt for the month of
notobor was read and •n motion, received.
The report of ins (tor Robb, for the
current half year, was •ead as follows :
Clint n, Got. 28, 1897.
To the Board of, Pub re School Trustees,
Goatee tau nr,---I beg eave to report that
I visited your school .n Oct. 11111, 12th,
18th, and 14th. I fo nd the house clean
and comfortable.. T e teaching order,
management, disoipli e and standing of
all the rooms aro quit satisfactory. Your
present staff of teach •s is all that can be
desired, and while it emains as it is the
school should receive the loyal support of
both trustees and ra epayers. 1 have no
yii.ticisms to make q suggestions to offer.
e a yery forcible ad-
nas convention on the
ovement that is re-
nence among all class -
'0u would like to see a
d during the coming
le many requests from
cieties change their
cry at every annual
to notify the county,
id general secretarys.
is in the interests of
a permanent corres-
✓ each sr eiety, and
a business -like officer
respondence prompt -
Yours •espectfully,
D. Bonn,
Schools, East Huron.
math, seconded by T.
Inspector's report be
Insp. of Publi
Moved by J. J. H
Abraham, that the
The following ac
sented : H. Derr,
$i : H. Park, rep
Moved by Wm. d
Homuth, that Inc
Moved by 0. N.
J. Homuth, that th
fence. between Mr.
tho t,ohool ground
agement Committ:
A petition was
Webster, signed
asking for a close
of school grounds
Movea by Wu,.
Homuth, ,bat th
left over ,for fort
Moved by C. N
Chas. Barber, that
issue orders fur teac
salaries for the mont
The putting 1. of
of the un -stairs room
also the repairing of
the Management Co
The Board then ad
It's not the privi
listen to the great
speakers of our tim
continent. Yet we
out from sitting at t
their lessons. Tho 1
teeth, catches up tl
them permanent .po
few precious little b
the press of Revell
are specially suitabl
is 11`,..1
Meyere ofCa
higher life, most e
attractive as a sto
Gordon's "Yet spec
as a nut, and as lu
delighteoti=o to nu
"Christ Reflected i
Macmillan, a sugg
young people to r
food just as the baa
ding has been strongly what is good. no
ge of every one to
ristain thinkers and
when they visit this
re not entirely shut
eir feet and learning
ess with its nimble
eir news and makes
essd0n, We have a
kir just issued from
'o°, Toronto, which
for endeavorers. One
way" a book on the
cellently put and as
. Another is A. J.
tit" wilich lass aweet
Mous as gropes, and
o upon. Another is
Credation" by D. 0.
stivo little book for
O. The mind needs his return trip, s
clues, supply it with require two ticks
u read the Endeavor goes with laitn be
., of Chicago, a fort
ounts were then pre -
fleeing emits in room.
iring clock, 50 cts. ;
•res, seconded by J. J.
iDye accounts be paid.
We shall be glad to
oolurnn from any of our
tore or rurnese 00111.1
tell us, or send us a 110
Mr Arthur Kno
urday last.
Mr Thomas Dia
frop Dakota.
Viz, Henry An
from Manitoba r
Mr F Beck, of H
few days this week
Mr Thomas Po
town on Wednesda
Mr john Button
town on Wednesda
Mr, Geo. Page, o
in Wingham last w
Miss M Merkley,
ing Miss M Begley.
Miss Curtis, of
Winghatnfriends t
Miss Turner, of
of Wingham friend
Wire P.Brown, of
with friends in tow
Mr. Wm. mitob
Old Country, is in
Mrs James Fox,
ber parents, Mr and
Sere. Adam Gerd
elating with Wingh
Mr. Colin Kenned
a day or two at his it
Miss Minnie Gibs'
riffin, seconded by J. I guest of Mrs F H Ke
question of putting a
Deyell's property and
e referred to the Maw
tvitli power to uct.—
ones contrlbntions.to this
enders. If you bare nisi
way yourself, drop in mud
to that effect,
was in Clinton on Sate
on has returned home
has returned home
rriston, wasin town a.
11, Fordwioh, was in
of Teeswater, was in.
Lakelet, was visiting
1 I3elmore, was visit-
his week.
Blyth, was visiting
is week.
eaforth, was the guest
this week,
rordwieb, was visiting
this week.
1, lumberman,: of the
wn at present.
f Brussels, is visiting
Mrs. W 0 Stuart.
. of St. Helens, was
'ends this week.
o " Brueefield, spent
me in town this week.
n, of Blyth, was the
ney during this week.
Mr. Geo. Thorns. •f Goderieb, was
calling on old Wingh y;o "'riefds during the
Mrs 3 W. Gibs , of Dungannon, is
esented by Mr. A. W.
Geo. Page and others
and fence around part
t already fenued.
ooze, eeooitded by J. J.
petition inn read be
r consideration.—Car-
Griffin, seconded by
airman and secretary
ors and other officials
of October.—Oarried.
return pipe e from one
to the basement, and
he pump was left to
The Presbytery of
the Wingham Pre
Tuesday next. '
Capt. Smith, with
entertainmet in tie
S tturday evening 1
The regular nee
will be held on Tue
o'clock, at the hum
At the •Congrega
day evening next,
Mason, will preach
of Henry George."
Tho quarterly co
Methodist church
last. Able sermon
paster‘Rev+Dr. P
The young poop]
held a very' emcee
the school room of
evening. They inte
ings once a month
A. thank-offerin-
tile annual thank:
Paris Methodist c
H Eazlewood is
gotten responded r
Hazlewood is a br
Donald, of this to
The West On
Band; under com
a former captain
visit Wingham on
The band eonsi•
musicians. The
contained a good
aitland will meet in
byterian church en
the Graphono gave an
S. A. barracks on
ng of the W. C. T. U.
day afternoon, at three
of Mrs. A. MoGregor•
onal church, on Sun -
he pastor, Rev. II, E
n "The Life and Death
visiting her brothe
Mr George Mae
was renewing acqua
week. .
Bailiff Wm. Gun
in town on Tuesda
the jurymen. • -'s"
Mr and Mrs Joh n Hanna, of Detroit,
are visiting Mrs : anna's sister, Mrs
Isas,o Ireland.
Mr. Bennett, of Wingham, formerly of •
this place. Was in own in Saturday.---
Seaforth Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo
were the guests o
•Gilley on Sunday 1
Mr Thomas Gra
grave. He has sec
saw mill at that p
Mr. A. H. Mu
duties of chairman
in Gorrie on Pride,
Mr. A. L. McCd
minstrels, was the
bars, of the Trues,
Mr Wm Robertson,
sb, jr., of Stratllroy,
tances in town .this
y, of Goderich, was
serving summons to
W. Walker, of Gorrie,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
has removed to Ba-
red a situation in the
grove performed the
t the Orange concert
y, of the Guy Bros.'
nest of Mr. H. Cham-
hile in town.
Mr George Ha, bling, who has .been
residing in town f r some time, returned
to his home in 31i , may, on Tuesday.
Messrs John N
Newton were in
last, attending the
munion services of the Mr. J. W. Dun
were preached
of St. Paul's church
ul social gathering in
he church on Monday
d holding these gather-
uring the winter.
were on Sunday left on Monday for
the been taken by 111
Mr W Homey,
yesterday while on
where be bas scour
News -Record.
of 41700 was asked at
ivti!tl4 services of the
mob, of which Rev J
pastor. The eongre-
'th $740.20. Rev Mr
ther of Mrs A R Me.
rio Salvation Marine
and of Ensign Wiggins,
the Army here, will
Saturday, November 13.
s of fifteen first-class
ar Cry of last week,
ictute of the band.
Rev. Fenton H rtley, of Roland, Mani-
toba, formerly of c lnevale, was renewing
saint C
old acq a,n e• in town during the pasb
week, and oceupithe pulpit of the Blue -
vale Presbyterian Church on Sunday last.
Dir. Bartley was t One tithe a member of
the Tridil staff, a d we aro pleased to Hear
of his advanceme t elope leaving here. On
the rumor goes,' ho will'.
Mrs. Robertsou,
Curtis, of Alpeana,
of their cousins, it
Sirs. S. McGee, dui
Miss Daisy Bond
ing friends in tow
who has been here
her home on Monde
W. A. Irwin was
elands and George A,
ondesboro, on Friday
uneral of the late Thos
an, late of the Trams,
oronto. His place has
Elgin A. Harris, of
oderich, was in town
his way to Wingham,
a situation.—Clinton
f Westfield, and Mr.
Mich., were the guests
es. Joseph Gray, and
ng the week.
of Wingbam, is visit-
. Miss Nellie Bond;
few weeks, returned to
.—Listowel Banner.
Wingham on Tues-
doy..John Rutherfo •d was in'Wingltam on
and wife, of Wing -
G. W. Walker's on
,gay and Miss Kate
guests of friends in
..--Gorrie Vidette.
Monday ..Mr. Goll
ham, were guests
Sunday..W. J. Ea
Earngay were the
Wingham on Sunda
Salo „sinister,
Friday, Novernbe' 19th, there will be sold
by public auction, about reserve, on t}e
above date, the val able farm, farm stock,
ilnplenlents, lumbo , etc., of George Thorn-
ton, on lots 21 and 2, con. 13., '1'urnberry
P i)eans, eueti0uerr.
s ; the young lady who $1,00 �yal
mg Miss Lou Worthington 1'
s sidetht o C i E O
£ Tinto.
pay for Tuft
3ISt, 1898. r