HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 10M. H. M°!N000. SATURDAY Baroiaill 'r li IE R. I \ Url-4.-GiAA iE S,, N O 1' E R.4..a,.�C�t• �,,. 1897„. To be cleared out regardless: of cost, comme4acing Sattarday, Nov. 6t11a, consisting of COLD MO SILVER POCKS, SILVERWARE We're a using ready cash to good advantage, and lnektng up bargains in alt (!tasats of inerehandise. 'Theft makes it easy fors oui to save !Honey, Your fault if you don't. The cath' shopper on Saturday will get the first choice. 100 pi-. Crompton Corset, regular $1.00 ami 1.,25, Saturday 50c. 20 piivea extra heavyShaker Flannel, regular 8e, Saturday 5e. 50 Remnants Dress Goods, rf weeds and Serges, ends from 2 to 5 yards, regular 50e and 75c goods, for 26e. 20 pieces white and cream Lace, . regular 8e, for 5c, 20 pieces Silk: and Satin Ribbon, regular 8c, Saturday 5c. 5 doz, Ladies' Undervests, regalar 45c, for 25e. 10 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere 'Erose, regular 40e, Saturday 25e. 6 doz, Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, silk fiuished, regular 35c for 20e. 10 doz. Men's Linen Collars, 4 ply; latest 20e r 20 Sof nd Stiff Hats, black and brown, liar $1.50 and $2.00, for 95c. Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, Stationery, \Vinrloa Bli11dF�, chool Boots, Musical Instruments, &c„ &c,, at prices whiirh w' astonish yogi. argains in Boys' and Men's .dyeide Clothing. .20 Boys' Suits, Regular $2.75, for $1,90,'" • 1.0 Heavy Suits 'for men, regular $10.00, Saturday $8.50. 75 pairs Ladies' Toe Slippers and Lace Shoes, regular $1.45 for $1.15. Special Bargaii s in all lines on Saturday. Fur poets, Fur Capes and Collars, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Linens. Readv.made Mantles, very special. Shop early.. Ask for $25.00' ticket, good for 1. doz. photos, FREE at WINNr'Si PERSONALS. Mr Harry Parker Sundayed with friends in 1iensall Miss Nellie RosQ is visiting friends in Walkerton. ' LJ if READY—MADE CLOMINO r�J MILLlNRY AND FA GOODS SAL As Miss Wit lace is leaving town, the whole stock of Millinery and, -Fancy Goods must be cleared out in 30 days. Come eatly and get your choice in Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Wings, Velvets, Crepe, Veilings, Ete. LADIES' GOLD FILLED WATCHES, guaranteed for 15 yearn, with Waltham Movement regular price $17.00, now e43 50, 8 day Cathedral Gong, half heli. strike:, Oak and Walnut Clocks, regular price $3,50. for 4$'.2.50. Silver PicUle Dishes from 75e upwards, Regular 5e Wall Paper for 3 -e per roll, 12xe Gilts for 9c, Window I3linds, regular 43c ft,r 30e; regular 8e Glimmers foe Cc, Regulate 10e Glimmers for Scholl Books at 20 per cent. discount. Everything else in proportion. Watches cleaned and guaranteed one year 50e. blain-spr ing, guaranteed one year, 50e, All other work at half price, LONDESI3ORO, Thomas Neilands, an old resident of the township of Aullett, died very suddenly at Londesboro at noon on Tuesday, from heart failure. De- ceased had been tax collector for the township for over 25 years, and was on his annual rounds Tuesdity, and stopped at the hotel for dinner, when death came while he was sitting at the table. He was also postmaster at residence of Mr. and Mrs. , �=r- .T " � Nixon, on the 27th inst, when' their i I� L silo tCr c T U C eldest daughter, Isabel was united in r 1 marriage to Mr, George iI. Ritchie, . of Toronto, the ceremony being -per- formed by 'Iiev. Mi'. 11uxworth v, The bride ryas attended by her ester Having opened up a shoe store Miss Wiunre Nixon, elute \.f r, W. W. next door north orf Chisholm's BIock, Jones, of Toronto assisted the rS,uni. I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. Oarlock, and he had the contract for 1Ffs R a •,�,rg . b f , carrying the mail between that place and Seaf'orth for many years. He • was a prosperous farmer, widely Lot 27, known and highly respected. W I3ITECHUICH. Samuel Charters has arrived home for a two week's visitt from Grand Forks, Montana. The two Mr. Anderson's are home from Cleveland. • itliss Henderson of Teeswater; is visiting at Mr. H. D. Henderson's. L, Martin and T. Armstrong are M. 8, Merrifield visited friends in 11)1137111g a large quantity of grain for loth this week. 1 whic'i they are paying the highest 1lIia�t : Eva Graca was a visitor with Blyth prices. They are sill ng daily friends this week), Miss A. Dey in visiting with friends hi Blyth :tad vicinity. Mr A. Brisb iry has returned home from hie ail, to 1lnnrre•etr. Me. a,d Mrs J. B. Pergueon visited don i' friends this week. Mrs it .1 Uiau, of t;linton, was visiting • friends in town this week Mr C. Gillespie is away on a business trip to Montreal this week. Rev. Father McEwen, .of St. Augustine, was in town on Wednesday. Mr William Drummond, manager of the ±flia x.mill, is visiting in Blyth N/ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart, o Belmore, VS ndayed with Mends in town Mra William Robertsee is visitlyg with her mother in Ashfield Township.V • Messrs. Adam McKay and W. Adams, of Teeswater, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Buchannan. of Goderich, was visit- ing with Mrs. W. J. Plenty this week. Pro.. Odium, of Vancouver, B. C., is visiting hes uncle, Mr. Gao. iIoEenzie if'Mr. H. Davis spent a couple of days with. his brother in Mitchell this week)/ Mrs Rupert Mainprize spent Thursday with her mother in Ashfield Township. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barnard, of Wroxeter,speut Sundaywith frienas in town Mr W. Schwanz, of. Goderich, has taken a. position in Mr. G. B. King's store. iliiss Lizzie Moore, who has resided in Toronto for some time, returned home last week" TEES WATER:. Mr e,ameron, of Alexandria, Man., is Inspector Campbell paid an offic- visiting with his daughter, firs. G. Mo- !fel visit to our school last week. Intvre, h Mr. Andrew Little and family '4'[rs. R. Dreaver and Mrs. J. B. Cum• d lir. Kennedy? is very low at present, with infiam– ation of the bowels, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Jamieson, we hope he will soon recover)/ Two carloads of cattle were ship– ed from here last week. Gillespie and McMullen have done an exten– sive stock trade this sumwer and fall and have a number of carloads to Nsh'p yet. Wm. O'Callaghan'ss large drive barn was consumed by fire last Mon- day morning. He saved nothing but his buggy and cart. kfis binder, mower, and other implements were consumed. The fire was caused by a Lantern exploding:✓ .A very large party of young peo- ple carne by surprise to the residence of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Nixon, where they enjoyed themselves till morning dancing and playing games of differ- ent kinds. rrhe.y give the host and hostess great praise for the genial re- ception accorded them, miugs visited with friends in Mildmay last wt.elr. De. Jae. Gordon and Mr. Geo. H l%fon;iey, of Ripley, were visitors to Wing ham this week. Mr. r. J. Hanlan, representing J. J Daly & Co., of Guelph, was in town a few . days tilt!, week. :)Ira. fiarriston and nephew, of Toronto. daughter of Mr. Thomas Moore, spent a few days last week under the parental roof. • moved into their new brick 'resi- dence. Mr. Hopkins of Tilst:nburg, is visiting his sister, Mrs, Rev. Mux - worthy. Mr. Fletcher, who has purchased the electric light plant, will soon have it in working order. Mr. John Mines, late of this place Mies A. Patterson, graduate of Toronto,has purchased Scott's livery business Conservatory t of Music, is visiting her in I•Iariston and has takenpossession brother, :,Ir. W. Patterson, jeweler, of this i ' place, i of the same. Mr. Charles Homuth, who has been I '1 he private bank of Gilles & Co. residing in Stratford fur some time, is ; was robbed on Saturday morning. renewnrg acquaintances in town and vicinity ( , Mr. Samuel Prerich, who has beef. i There werertwo explosions at shalt clerking in Mr. G. E. King's store for some; intervals. 1'he first one probably time, left en Monday for Lueknow, where • blowing of the vault door, and the he has secured a erzuatio". We wish S'Ini ; second one blew off the every limitless lir his tie!<. hem,. door '.['ePbwater i`iuwn1 :.it•, ,c,,i air, .v‘..9tti(i, fere'fl it through the vault door Anent/. of e,i,gh,un, visited friends in witidi1 WAS probably closed to dead. town on Sunday:—Mr. W. i'lioltibbon, of ell the noise. The burglars secured Winghatn, was in town on Monday.—Mr. V:2,UCO, 8100 in gold. D. Stewart, of Wingham, was in town or old being overlo:)ic Tuesday on busiffese.--;hiss L. I1irkbt eel. *pint a few days- last week visiting friends`A delict wedding took place at the :a tie vlcinity of Wingham. , LULL: Concession 11 100 Acr AZ urnberr,7, t his is a gem " ren within about two miles ref Wino in, and presents a good oppni tnuity to purchasers. • Offals will he received by CRONYN d BE I l'S, J3arristera, &o., London. lrurtber particulars may be had also of R. Vanstoue, Esq., Barrister, &c., Wing ham. IT PAYS TO CANADA B U3B E3S Cf2LLECE CHATHAM, ONT.. is meeting with greater success than ever in placing students in choice positions. Lost w ek•s ;muco contained the 1>l,erinr• of five pupils, four as stenographers and book keepers, and . one as Teacher in an American Busii•e,Coa,•ge. Now ser en others 'are placed :-Cee, ., est, as umn- ager Business Dept. Tacoma Collette, 'Pa'h ; Jennie mrt.achl'i . firmor Dani! :is steno in the office of Chief Justice Drake, Victoria, 13. C. Frances Rud- dick, as steno. with the Hadley 'Lumber Co.; Chat ham, Annie Clark, as steno. with Mr. Jell, Barris. ter, Rodney, tint. Alex. Mains,, as book keeper with the metal shingle Co., Preston. Annie •tulian, as steno. with Gen. Angell', wholesale Art Supplies. Detroit, Mich. Cassie Yeates. as steno. with Frank Smith, Barrister, eity. It is perhaps worthy of special mention, and will show low strong the de• mand is for our panne, when we stare that ell of the above seven ure under graduates with one exception. The NI term is the beet time to enter. It pays to .nttei,d the best. write for acatalogue, if interested. D. MCLACHLAN •" Co„ Chatham, 'int. EACHER `WA For S. S. Turnberry ; rea:e, holurng sec o -u certificate, pro- fessional, eferred. d references and sta experience. App .. '•ns to be in n.. titer than Nov, 8. Apply JOHN ROLPH, Bluevale F H. KERN EY, '20N N SORIAL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Hair Cut, give him a trial. • Razors Honed, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—to degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One bog, Three Dollars ; two boxes, 1+ive Dollars. No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two .-tent stamps. The Cook company, Windsor, ontarto, Sold in Winghs,m and everywhere by responsible druggists. JOHN HILL. r �Yf OPEN. rEW1ET It is an open secret that'we"are giving good value for every dollar that is spent in •our store. Good value in • Worsteds. Seirges Tweeds W. Don't get your Fall Suit or Overcoats until you get c,ur prices. We will guarantee a perfect fi t. ARRAN Shaw Block -Next to Brunswick Hotel. Are You —� RUPTURED? If so it is your advantage too call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE .ONE FOR YOU e, 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment witaout one, 2. It will never rust and. is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a W tmcre does not find it a bother: • 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6, Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON' S CO. l % lin is a very importai t department. with us, All our clothing. is F Imide specially for ne, which instates to the buyer• the• best, in U' materials, workmanship, style and comfortable fit, and they range in prices from $1,75 up. for Boys', and $3150- to r1;0tO0 Cn for men's. If you prefer an Ordered Suit made by the- best tailor in town, we have the nattiest Canadian and imported goods in town to select from. Still our prices are lower than others, ANTLE& We like to talk about our Mantles, fbr they please our customers in styles textures, shades, and pries, it will pay;you to see our mantles if you intend getting one this season. OUR. FUR COAT CJ Capes, Ruffs, Gauntlets, &e., are the best, so eustomers say, and we are selling them at close prices. UNDERWEAR--- t�( 1a This is the season for nice warm, UNDERWEAR. We have r 5. >1 li GJ f�� f, OUR Oil, RUBBERS, k ricsi piles of fine, comfortable lines, and our prices will make them. �n very interesting to close buyers. are so well known that it is only necessary to say daily adding to the stock the best that we can buy. Please do not forget that we keep the best TEAS that we are in town. T F 171 l'i]t ' rl IN �� Ingham. Direct Importer. ` r4�-.• Enz l'G.:It-aFnr': r r`I%r7r-.�_ lir_f9C0-9Ze-b1—trit.,ir,: Flo +5-.72—jt1r•-r70 7 Ori .rrj,SH.. g:1- f_ru' .141,: •�; .0 � i, 111.6 u.I.ritrat 21 .. t, ,.r^ t 'I ; L�r�, - ia.u,'�>�, ia,.., .at, U��J�L_l .l �\ k l 1 THE <> 5, Dinner Sets Cr RI Largest ' Tea Sets C Five 9 OI.oc Tea Sets 0,. ,..„ tli Assort* T j OFoilet Sets< ' ' 1, rel 1111 L all v ! V e [>l pill sii ,c� IA L Ilijr HI ever shown in Wingham, and at the lowest prices. N. A. FARQUHARSON rr 111 trs The China House Grocery. r)1 41. wx�r 0 heaper to move `i T CCCIIjjaC.M.�L..- Pq h Rent $ 1. If you want to buy anything in the line of ---PIANOS O 1 �GAlvS, SEWING MACHINES, tr PLOWS, ETC., ETC./ leve, 1d,o Lam, -Acs '- ! ) G -t- T PRIOEIS.. a H ,, ROSS, Wingham.