HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 9THE �- PHRENOLINE REMEDIES' Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t l supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored .to health and 1lappi• ness daily. TRY OUR RFU MATMAT1C SPE aFIC OR KiDOEY Ary) LW(;R PILLS They are absolutely 'pure and healthful; Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, 13EWART'; OF SPURIOUS IMI'1'ATIONS Sold in Winghtlen, only by Gerclnu ti Co Caveats and Trade.MMrld obtained, and all patent + business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My office is indhe iimmediatc vicinity of the Patent Office, and myfacilities for securin atentsareunsurpasse Send model, sketch orphot of invention wit •description andstatementas to a [ages claimed. ,{t3`No charge is ,made for an opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application wilt nob be called for elntiL the patent '.7 allowed. "INVEN'ronsJGbtns.' con- taining full information sent free. An coming. cations considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH eee IF st?xoatu w.m.SlriI INCYY'owt. n. [L - E 12TO.€ ti 1l PS Will stand`'wvear and tear for 3 ears, No better proof can he given of their durability than le shown by the fact that seine if these pumps put in Wells 23 years Nati are still working. IR'•:?Y.arr9 F:33O! PUMPS Supplied to Order. • Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN fE Lt 'O °'�, Wingham, Ont. THE VINaRAI. TIMES, NOVEMBER 5, l.397, Eggs May be Itopt Fresh for Three Moxiths. "c It h impossible in some iieetions of the country to get perfectly fresh eggs during the winter season," says Mrs, S, T. Borer in the November number of Ladies' Home Journal. " To guard against this, in summer time, when they are cheap, peek. theta in water -lime, and they will keep in good condition for three. mouths. Pour one gallon of boiling water over a pound of lime ; when settled and cold pour it carefully over the eggs which -you have pack. ed, small ends down, in a stone jar, and stand in a cool, dark place, Eggs may also be packed in salt anything that will close the pores of the shell and prevent evaporation will preserve eggs," After serious Meese, smell as typhoid few• ver, pneumonia, or the grip. Flood's Sar- saparilla pas wonderful etreugthgiving pow- er, GO O v, eb ter' FOR YOUR :Fail OR<✓ �i rel 71 Elea verca,o Satisfaction and perfect fit guaranteed. Oueen's Block, - Cowtlitei'Iiag an John. 1 C ,{CHE Facts .r' bGu,f• Vars. ONE HONEST MAN, Dow neater mamn�i inform your rear 19s written to onfldantla�Y,1 will mail tti 'Are you the tnai'rlaf a 'peens° malas the young feel old and the old feel V41/AGI"'" W()RTIi UEArfrIliG A1511 %t t)RTet 1'RESEEltYIi1'(N, TOO, clerk ?' ingua'ed tl comely c°un trY `that We, is not 'worth the living It's a daa•' damsel of the > ming man who dishes • ger signal of i iJney 1)isease--tfae unerxiag out [hitt sort of emotional pabulum to evidence o£ weak, inactive andsore•Kidneys. • Any person cured of Kidney weakness will tell yea that when the back ceased to ache, all troubles ended. Neither liniments,, nor plasters, nor electricity can cure it. The seat of the trouble isnot in the skin, flesh cin muscles, It's In the Kifk:oys. It can be hungry vietitnS, ' I tun, Miss,' responded the young man, with the soft sauvity a pretty girl is always sure of winging to the surface of a man, old: or yoi.ui 'IL.s there been a roan in hero to—clay for a license?" 'Three or four, Miss, Times must Thad terrible pales in my back and my. Furriers renovate and clean furs Wfx:nipeg. • be better.• water Was thick sad rrinddy, 1 wan ati aeeordfny, to their'telaurc, No gen West Middlesex Conservatives have '1 mean a red•iteaded ratan,' she brokou np anti in livor health geoerrt11y erzal rite is applicable. nominated Mr. 0. B. Campbell, ° ext:I€tuned, ignoring the young man's Two hoses of Dr. 1lvbbe Sparat us kid riot irons, hot sand and sawdust, Appin, to oppose Iron. George W* allustolt to the unproved condition of tl�o smile of th m he!au tlieroe? nothing benzine, naphtha, applications of rat. Ross, the tinie3. * better. A.11�, \T:IN ALS'1'11 . tan or hazel sticks with elbow • 'Yes, 'hiss; the last one I'gave out ca, Toledo, St, Adrian. Dales, grease, all play their part in cleaning There are some things beside. wits to a red.beaded matt. Ilene it I had suffered with a Mime back and wan and renovating, breeding which must go toward this is, and the man opened the book, - l toolenot rine e n 1,£ n bvx oP p °./70 s Fur collarettes and capes are best improvement of our horses, especial,. - ' John 1'. (,u,lion to Miss Mary M. wired.;us Kidney pills and was entirely token care of when used in spring, IY feeding and handling. The Duster.' B ' cured. ISSAC1 MARK summer and fall Winter garments; breeder should know what is Meant 'That's the man,' she . exclailnerl,. S 1, S. ElevcnthySt,, Seginav, Miub are nowhere better taken care of by intelligent handling, 1111 Mane 'ancl that's me Now, I want one DR. PIo33.bei myself. Hake it out, quick, for . c --t, P_A_I-,, .. ;'- .". S' Mary. M. Duster and Henry hooker.' KIDNEY, PILLS. The clerk was quick about it. • ' How much is it ?' she asked, as he handed it to her, ` Two dollars, ll'lii.a.' ' Did Guilion have to pay that much for ht§ ?' she• asked, laying down the amount called toy. " Certainly, that's the legal price, Miss.' - • ' Well, I wish to goodness it was $5. John Gunton has been courting two years, • and he is the stingiest pian 1 ever seen. That's the first money he over spent on me, and he Idn't have s eat that if 1 hadn't Some one who is well posted writes in Cloaks zincl. Furs as fol. lows: Fur capes and collarettes can be worn without danger of being spoiled at the scnside, A wet brush and. quid[, drying will take salt wetter out of them.. & ?lees P1 1 til t i tor, particu ra Pt 6k santadiuv. banes tint a.rt4e.. whteh 1 wan pc-manau y rnsttnn.rrod to as .. manly vigor, after ,Venins at enlrering [rein Paai.v deblltt,Y, nruXUnl wOMcUCss artist elan and ehTUOIttan parts, awns r ibbeu int[ swb 11od b qquacks un 11 nemlylosttuithtnuaank1n ,but' n'if5 heaves I man now weil,vi:oious And Minna, andw�i h toma!Fe tbla 0artatrl meansef eu%e known to gid terars» T have net to f.'1 nnrl limit no rnoneV Ina beltt alum boltevcrie the universe) bretherhoo et man 1 am desirous et eel ping the anfartuuate to regain their haulm and herp!nes , Xnr.•raloevnu&k rectsecrnt'y, Address, withstatnp„'C M.1.iinerFTens, Agents' Sup1t3tea, o. Poe be, 1st. head, Que. The Bank of Hamilton has pur— chased property for an office iu won p been sharp enough to let hint get the license before 1 got one for me and Henry. Henry's now looking for a preacher, and I am to meet him at the hotel right away. Good bye. 1 am ever so Much obliged to you,' and she started out with a rush, but Wingham. came back in a minute. Oh,' _she said, ' if Jahn Gullion brings that license back when he heart how I've fooled him, please don't give him his dollars again, will vou'?' and she looked so pleading that the young aiim swore John should never see his dollars again. iT PAV TO Those who. ere graduated from the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATIIAM, ON T. Experience the truth of this atetament when they re placed irr.good positions. The following have been placed : N, 13, Cornwall, as teacher of penmanship and shorthand, Sp••ncerian Business Coliege, I'.vansville, rade Bids Bessie Dunitiey, of Chatham, as steno. with the Michigan Chair Co„ Grand rapids, Mich. war, lioTavl.h, of Napier, as atouo. with lir. Pratt See'y of the Y: M. 0. A„ Toronto ; Walter Oliver, as hook•tueper with l€ntnahlan it.licl'arlano. Hall' swine,, B• C.; Sarah Towl, es steno. with Messrs. 3 13. Strinttor & Co„ Chatham, Ont. Does it not pay to attend the REST f Write for Catalogue of either Department. 0.oLACrtLAN .u. Co., Chatham, 'Int. 1J , � s✓ ,. is �,.. 'YOr Iefaxiti, ane. Chi.ve.9eu. tlhe fan- 4, hiMila _ dv it 91gn. ere r ,�' . yie b lar, 7ten. Ml'. G. D, Baxter, G. T. R. mime ator at Glencoe, came across a family s Bible 200 years old at his home the TAILOR'S PARLOR MoEE ZI, i3:.LOOK, WINGHAM. other day. By some means the Bible had been mislaid. for some time. • 'To THE PUBLIC or WINGHAAM AND NLIG, IBORIioOD: 1 have r:'turlted to Win ham and purpose devoting my whole time and attention t'; the Tailoring business, in the rooms lately vacated by Mr. Barrand. where I shall hope to, •tryHA secure the patronage of my otd friends as well as many new NO`A E customers. After an experience of some length in one of the I' ositively,cured by these largest establishment, in Ontario, I feelconfident that I can Little Pills. give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workmanship. MoKENZ1E BLOM, WINGHAM. ATITER TYLE MILLEF SLOI&NS INOLAN TONIC They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Dating. A per- eiorbit feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-„„„e'`"Corn silage is of great value as a ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue radon for fattening steers, but a Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They ration of silage and corn meal alone Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. is not safe. A mixture of straw or Small PM. Sra69 Dose., chaff with the silage and meal ren - &ma i Price. ders it safe—one pound of straw to Substitution every three pounds of silage than with the party that makes it a, treatment and scientific feeding. business to store them; ' i Moths do not enjoy a diet of cedar Afar Sale by, wood, camphor and other advertised I BOBDON 84 Co. Druggists • nostrums. but their presence does l WIN(1IIAltd Ont. ,, not spoil their appetite for furs. Ai healthy rattan it the hands of a Points in Cattle Feeding, healthy furrier means ` death to: The Ontario Agricultural College moths and their Iarvm, . 1+Jxperlmontai Station, after careful A little beating once a week im-1 € investigation, considersathe fallowing ' proves every fur article, after which : Qgp Int points well established in reference a shaking will da well, to cattle feeding; Dyed -furs should never be blushed by inexperienced hands. Calves fed on skim milk make i • much cheaper beef than those fed on i ?'am sealskin newciaritet a sacque whole milk, even when carried to may be made ; this may be turned maturity before slaughtering.A Into a cape and a jacket; these in g f st'ttite for 'whale nrilk is return may be turned into a collar- , skim milk Land linseed meal, and { eta:: and a bolero jacket; these can calves fed on this ration will equal I be converted into stylish and useful seal scarfs, collar trimmings, etc, ' in wet ht at one year old those fed ( on whole milk. Young cattle peed I and vice versa, a,bulky food that is easily digested. The Swedes live in the skins of The beef breeds make beef more I the evdergans. • profitable thin others This is duel The Turks take heads and claws,' i The Chinaman believes in the mostly to their predisposition to ear. of skins lv maturity. Individual animals of( • Cy ; hence deductions from conlpari- Fars are sewn together by means' CW E USESs CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE +.ry, AN0 ALL LIVER `• f LY+,.lr �°.?ti« k i a. laxative, one pill act : perfect ly, h and if a stronger, doll "is desired a cathartic . effect is ro aced �d by two pills. In obstinate cn;:cs, where a uurgative is necessary,, three: pits will be found sufficient. There p:i:s Dave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken each night dui r'g y days will cure constipatioi. P81l0 270•-0% 5 FOR $1,C9 the slime breed differ in this tender—i Otter. sons of beef breeds n,'e not always I of at lap seam on the fur side. reliable. An ordinary long mink cape, which 1831 Sixty.Eighth Year i• h�Q T�3 .O Is sold for auout $200, Is composed or. first year give•unsat•isfaetory results Calves fed on -'forcing rations the about one thousand' parts, joined by��� the second year. The daily gain in [seams about six hundred feet in . ��liii99991i11 weight grows less as cattle grow i uingtlii. The shit res uitrridto tlmesew d andmarketed p ti The Best of the alder. Steers mature stn along.. -.It tikes the furrier three AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. at two years old give so bei cent.1 n daye to cut, and the operator six ; more profit than if kept till three. -- — A 1,000.pound steer requires an i days to sew Before completion it i IleDISPE SIBLE TO average of 11 pounds of feed to passes through many hands. make one pound of fat. A steady,Wolverine tl'imtning, made to imi- All - COUNTRY - RESIDENTS tate sable tails, costs to cut and sew, • frosty winter gives more satisfactory WHO WISH TO results for feeding than an open wire- 'x7.50 per yard, one inch `wide, material not included. the drier the feed the more water Furs, if properly taken care of, 1 . wvjjl.the animal consume. ' are indestruetable. They retain FERNS REDUCED FOO 1898: A two year old steer will "eat their value longer than any article of woman's wear. ter. and the warmer the winter and In • 1Keep Up With the Times. own weight of teed every two single subscription, TWO DOLLARS, Cheap furs tire as expensive as Four subscriptions, SEVEN DOL,.ARS, weeks, slid gain an average of one 1 l and. three-quarter pounds per day. f Generally there is less money e reap jewelry. Six SubscriptiJna, NINE DOLLARS. ill Fine urs cannot be mistaken. raising steers than ill fattening them, Sables hare never been out of and less return of fertility to the stile. farm. Stall fed steers averaging 1,200 pounds or more will shrink forty pounds if fasted twelve hours in the stall, sand considerably more if driven or running at large. Cattle which pastured rape, crim— son clover ,grass, peas and vetches } WORLD'S ��SES �� greedily, did net relish Egyptian • Black fox skins are worth as much as $1,200 a skin. Natural Kamchatka or sea otters, have been sold for $1,000 a. skin. Russian sables of fine quality are easily worth 5600 a skin, or 515 a square inch. peas and horse beans. Hauling green corn, rape;-a.nd sil- age to'°ttt{ pastures wile she grass it returns a t like a pasture of es better than one of and' red clover. is cut short" good profit. mixed 1 Cures Scrofula, Pimples, Ab -1 the fraud. °of the day. soesses, 13011s, Blotches and ( Al]. Other Disorders Arising 1 See you get Carter's, From Impure Mood. - Ask for Carter's, Cutting the hay and pulping the roots fed to fattening steers produced 1 11• pounds mere gain per head per i day than when die sante quantity of hay and roots -was fed alone. A mixture of three tablespoonfuls More curative power in Sloan's Indian i l of Carbolic aeid and A gallon of seal Tonic than in all other medicines combined. Insist and demand oil kept offthe horn fly when the IT fromt when6 Helices constantly confined in box cattle were rubbed or painted once a Miohael Dillon,of Richmond l: ill,writes : Carter's Little 1Ver 1 fi. week. was -'- bad stalls from birth did not breed at so see, .. 3`' •!'i Ate •' ' health efor several years, She has uand hain s been early an age as those running at i 11Atee MARK. treated by throe different doctors, and large. Won a number of different patent inedioinee, but she thinks one bottle of Cattle make an average of 5l as our medicine has done het more good than all the other medicines she has ever "�” taken, and she wants you to send her anotbor bottle oP your medicine, tons of solid and liquid manure the Mrs. R. W. Wilson, of Verges, says: first year, St tons the second year, Having used one bottle ofi your Tonic, 1 would Hire ehcther, as 1 find it lives and0 toes the tiled year. Rating great results. Would you kindly send one bottle of Sloan s Indian Tonic, for ADVERTISE the nitrogen, phosphoric !told and which you will find onninsed 61 and oblige. Nelson_ Page, of 11— •' i'• 0., says : We used yo..c = indion Tonic and found it of groat benefit. 1 PAYS P1, 0 for 435. A11 Druggists or Address THE SLV.".. . :INE CO OF HAMII.TO , LIMITED. IN THE TIMEOSSS e potash in this manure at the same DYEING LIGHT, MEDIUM AO HEAVY GOODS. • Diamoiid Dyes do a range of work far beyond the possibilities of soap grease and crude package dyes. Tbe common dyes on the market are deceptive in character and composition ; they are made to sell, not to give guaranteed satisfaction. The majority of the colors of soap grease and crude package dyes are so weak that they will hardly stain the hands. Diamond Dyes give colors to light heavy and medium materials that are me fast 'as za rock, and last its long as the goods hold together. The heaviest tweeds and clothes can ' be dyed with Diamond Dyes. Soap grease and ituitation package dyes dare not at- tempt such work, because the colors are not sufficiently penetrating and powerful. If yon desire success in the dyeing oper- ation, and wish to save money., use Diam- ond dyes for home dyeing. All np-to-date dealers sell Diamond Dyes and strongly recommend them. in"dtICIAL limuclistaxxs (which will be stated by 111.411 un application) to persona raising larger Chubs; ret Paper FREE all the rest of this year to New Subscribers for 1803. rerAnd a Premium for Every lteader. It wilt be seen that the difference between the cost of the COUNTRY GENTIMIex and that of other agricultural weeldics inay readily be reduced, by 11106 1g up a small chub, to Less Than a Cent a Week ! The women around St. Marys have given ue eating eggs, and for the reason that a farmer there, while gathering eggs recently, found one with a 100118e in it. The mouse's tail was projecting from a small hole in the end of the egg, and the question is, how did the house get there? Send for Speoimen Copies Which will be mailed Free, and see whether this en ormous difference in cost should prevent your have ing the best What account would you wake for such a difference In buying medicine or food addtess fixate Zia dlitot 1tat:tland, ti. B. Cured of Bosoms,. de hereby certify that my daughter. pricethese ingredients cost in eon).- Grace Ella, gyri eturtd of.''o2enla o2 sever- ( mereial fertilizer, the mantire pro— al years' standing by four boxes of Dr. C,hase)a Ofntirtent. diced by a three year old steer der- W. 33.Thistle, Druggist kieriewn Amu ing his life is worth $ 09.01. witness, Itartland• 'i' 33. LUTHER TUCKER & SON, ALBANY, N,Y �i • °1* SAB/ WAS CUE1Ei3. •1* SAW/ • DEAR S[Rs,—1 can highly recom• w 4. mend 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wqild +{, Strawberry ia rhceaittteralIt loth rmewlsfailed, ham' .l+ so I give it great praise. It is excel- 4 4. lent for all bowel complaints. +tip fi MRS. C}iAS. IlOTT, Harlow, Ont. { THE HEAb'MASTER 4 GEsTLEMEti,—1 have found great ,l. `1' satisfaction in the use of 1)r. )• owler'a 'r '' Extra otofWlid Str*WberrY,t<ndooti• Z of 'E' di rrrrhoeattnad Summein r lcomplaitat. 'l' It i5 't pleasure to me to reeonameird 'l' it to the nublie. ;d'f, It. )3,1i1ASTER' ON', l'rinclpal, ,1. Nigh School, Bawer Mario, 11.13,