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The Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 8
............ "Qii4 DLAA ut " IlL sec`s, of cffitslals,tiiid bein,a craved, i(?! Fr pl A Our° for Chilblains. l tgballt •',!, :WIG checked, indexed, examined, i,i Red ! la Deese Sxtis,�-•1 aced Hafyitrd'a renew and Countersigned, a check was 011 for chilblains this winter and found duly drawn for the amount and it most etFeoteal. it relieves the iri•Ftn. *- , -- -_ _ sent. to the White Rouse by a Special tions resulted iMon aircoet n a�cyclw]nlr to 7p fenpiJ1iea. 1 RID'11, .�0� l'��1I3T:1, 5. 1897. (� messenger. It has remained un- ,, , , p .�.. a... .. Mothers, Wives, and. 1 i I'b1r.A1�CF, Port ; , droy, Out m_ • •..- . . cashed, for Mr. Cleveland has had it Daughters. ,ters. framed,. Re Spoke 1.7rom IMnowleclao. Oaterrh Is a Disease Connell rant on on Oetober 20th It was at the efub•-a anuli club-- 11U WINGHAM )'»IES, NOVEMBER 6, 1V7.. HOWICK. ' THOUSANDS p A9 Dt E� SG hula t•etnires a constitutionwl remedy, 181)7, in the Township Iluft, uoi'rie, THOUSPNOS OF TUE SJFFER, ii cannot ba curses by 1oca1 appgUoatians, pursuant to adjoerillnent. Members Hood's Sarsaparilla is wondorftuly success• all present : the Reeve in the chair. l ful iu curitan catarrh because it cradioates • from the blood the scrofulous taints which: adoptee]:, i Thein Heialth and. Freshness oause it, Sufferers with catarrh Owl a cutt Moved by Gregg. and Doig, that' Of Youth. • atlurinte cattail es fail.aparil]a oven attar all the cedes et of AleX. Lilted, and i 1 p'lit'r , to have the hill eat, opposite When the l arvaa energiesi load's ielits are prompt, efficient, i s are exhausted, 1 nfiyays reliable, easy to operate, easy to ]or 8, cOnee'slr)n 12, be 'eft with the! women suffer from constipation, dyspepsia. Ito" Reeve :ti'id Deputy Reeve Finley to kidney disease, liver complaint, and pro.' attend to.--- eareied, stratiou, They are weak, tired, have head - 'ache backache, side ache, and cannot )Niched by FinleyI� and Spence, that sleek. it is then that the wrecking of waivau's delicate organise begins. When sickness, disease and disaster Minutes of hist meeting react and Paine's Oelei°y 'Compound Gives Ily-Law N. 7, for the year 1897, be read the third thrre lune passed,-- Carried, threaten, PaineCelery- Compound Moved by Finley and Gregg. that vlelous tlid noticed withoun delay quijThioklyr iarnr. - the request of McLaughlin and Dane, Part strength to every weak organ,. aud're willfor a grunt for the improvement of stores the greatest blessing of life -health. Com - the hill, south of Carrie, be left with pound, few week's neo of,Paint's Celery Co.n- pound will give vigor to the nervous system; Councillor Doig. -Carried, nutrition. dig.•stion and every special wore;. The following' monists were wily function, will be natural and regular. passed : William puler, $1,5 41, far Rosy cheeks, sparkling, eyes, and the frost- }ol'avG+11i1ig Howick and Wallace hneaestlth of giving influences of Paine's Celery youand beauty always ollow the boundary ; _ tut Doig, $19 44, for. Compound gravel.; A.. Drummond. $7 28, for gravel, and Plowiek portion of grant to boundary.; John l'. Sotheran, The Appreciative "Thank You." $8 07, for gravel; John Renwick, IT Is THE SMALL COURTESIES THAT 85, for repairing hill, lot 15, cm:mes MASE LIFE WORTH LIVING. siert 18 ; Robert Russell, 35 cents, for! repairing Gerrie bridge ; William " On every hand one hears of the neglect to say ' Thank you,' " writes Edward W. Bok on " The Saying of Thank Yeu,' " in the November Ladies' Home Journal. "I wonder sometimes if .some people really know how little of what comes to repair•;: to hriclge, lot 20, concession then] is their due and. right, and 10 and 11 ; Adam Reis, 85, for• how much of what comes to them is repairs to culvert, lot 30, concession by favor and courtesy.. The vast 15 ; George Ulderwood, 84 75, for rnaj wits of things .which come to us, repairing bridge, lot 15, concession coins by pure favor, by courtesy. 13; W. Ii'wrn, 81 14, gravel ; Peter And we should recognize this. No faeknese.54 34, travel; Ezra :jerk- act of kindness, However slight, . Iey, ,1 (:5, cl:Jvcrt, lawielc and should go urnioticed: A-' thank you' ' Turnbet'r,r boundary Isaac Wilson, is a simple thing to say ; it requires $13 36, ditching. and grading lot 5, but a few moments to write it, but•. concession. 15 ; Wm. 'Bennet, $3 50. it often means much ; it moans culvert, Grey and Howick boundary; everything sometimes to the person T Samuel Hunter, 82, gravel ; W:u. receiving it. It means a renewed Chapman, 815 50, culvert, lot 25, faith in human nature in some cases. concession 2 ; William Pike, 07 tis, A word of thanks is never lost, never gravelling and -gravel, lot 30, conces- waster). If it sometimes seems to be sion 2 ;: Ed'war'd Cooper, 85; ditching lost upon the person to , when it is. and grfiding lot. 16, concession 4 ; directed, its expression has not been Sohn Spence, 50 cents, repairing lost upon•. S0m0 071e else who has. approach to bridge, lot 31, conces- heard it. It is certainly not .lost. sion 6; D. instar, 50 cents, repair upon ourselves. .The utast. of us are , • Richmond Fire Ban, int culvert, int 30, concession 6; quick enough to thank some one : Toronto, 20th Feb., 1897. -William Underwood, 50 cents, dam- who does us great service. But the Dear Sir, -Constipation for years has been my chief ailment ;It seemed to come age to road to ;nivel pit; Hammond small courtesy, just •as .great as the oftener. in spite of all1 could clo. However Tiros„ :t•a 23,.. repairing, bridge, lot large ,service in reality, we overlook.: some ttlno ago I wits told nsa Dr. Charts 10, concession 8 ; Win. Underwood, It doesn't seem worth while to ave Kidney -Litter Ptlls, chichi have dude, with 825, Township portion of Day diteh ; thanks for small thins.. And yet !perrfectuicu et whatappears now HARRItt S. Joseph Wiliiamson, 52 50, drain what would we be to -day,. and where 1 aeross marl allowance, lot 20, conces• would sollte'nf us be . bat for the I •Work. Well, But Rest. cion +1 , George Padfield. 84, select- small coal resic�s at' life ? They are ; -- Work. jurors; Mrs.''Walker, 81, select- what make lire worth living. It is over work and not work gi • r „ * :that -' v • Irl O 'I- halts. ' t;lEvery man, ua r, j C. Sotheran, S3,It is all very well to have Y n, whatsoever selectins business or profession; is justified t, jurors ; HenryIlc,nr�• Sanderson, the last Thursday of each November X6,6, lirirl_rr>, tart, 7. concession 9 ; F. set f,laart as rt day c,F Thanksgiving, • horin working• bard. Work keeps the I.,. D,ckinsen, e_', Jegal advice ; Jolin But it would be far hette^ if ,i great from in doheor- aswell as the wolf Wallace, jr., ;;2, repairing,* eulvert, many of us carried the spirit of the freta the dour- But no man is justi- lot 30, Conens-icor (i, day into ;ill the other days. Pei.:• fled in over.rt'orhing and undeterest- Movnrj by• Spence and Finley, that haps, if we did so we ]night have:ing )limes]# this cnlinrii O. now adjourn to meet more measles tel (]e Chant+fel for on 1 Over-working and under -resting le the s',Ihilan hotel, Fordwich, on Thanksgiving Day. a ac Do not let are condom itarn t Token down, de - t third We:l'lesctav in November. the spirit of thanks stop with night -;the concomitant is irruken en. 'C:n'ied. fall on '1'it<inlcsaivingr Day. Let usl bilitated and- prematurely old men. LIzzu W.sexe r, Tp. Clerk. extend it to all the other days of the man, like a piece of nlaca pie e year, to the people whose lives touch crtn be overworked,: and, like a piece pen - THE V ` ' D A CKS112IT S ours. When we receive a favor at of machinery, he roust pay the GONG. the hands of any rale, no matter how r ally thereof. -- --- it may he. let us say elle 1 It is often not until a piece of ma- smallef�rs r.f Plain•--13'lt South American words, ' Thant. y.ou.' If they should ellinely has collapsed that the injury l; herlrntrtic Cure Welded the Link be written, let us write theta. Lot 1 done by over -work as beer) realized. Which Binds Him to Good Health us not delay them, but take adva,rl-It is the same with the over-worked Again. ' tage of the instant when our heart is i man. touched. Let there be more ' than]; `. He is a deluded Iran who iivag- Thin i., what J. A. Gadhois, Blacksmith, of , ' ]nes he can over -strain his brain and r, a rigs' r•or flirt, sees, "I was a great Puffer- yeas said by everybody -.thousands I his muscles for fifty weeks in a year 4 te;nnte rhomnatism. 1 used many of them. And the world will be a remndie:: without relief. 1 was induced to better, brighter and happier place to try South American Rheumatic (.nre The , live in because of them."'p first rime ha}lpnd me, and before I had used half the bottle I was greatly benefitted. It has cured mo, and I heartily recommend it Knocked Out by Grover, *o all sufferers from rheumatism." Sold at year from business or professional Chisholm's Drug Store. Mr. R. B. Clement, of Walkerton, caresbut it is better still for him a few years ago received a postoffice • to daily take that_ which nature de - A men is seldom disappointed in order from the assignee .of a Paisley maids he should, love until after he gets married. estate for the sum of three cents, 11e is a foolish engineer who is so The bashful hover ishos; This was a good always in go d thing to tell, and ater r-hile• trying to break the ice, i no one could ever trump up an instance of smaller cheeks or money "AIRLY STAGGERED. !orders to beat it. Now comes a story from Washington that makes R. Is.'s money order look like a mountain. It is this : On one occa— sion when the books were over. hauled, it was found that President Cleveland had been defrauded out of one Cent for salary, and as no one e litkiney medicine, 'because they i dared to send him a copper coin or a tfrely removed all WO from mY I stamp from the treasury, an order eating the 'urinary diiou]ties and -, ttillg my fteneru] health in are•' was issued for the amount. After I degree." • :yawing through the better part of a Johnston, $16 25, for witching and grading lot 30, concession 17 ;• John Moos, $6. for culvert, ITowiek and Minto boundary ; Hugh Wylie, $6, for culvert, lot 15, concessiopn 15: David Milne, 84 55. for material and and then recuperate in the two re- maining weeks. It is an excellent thing for a man to take a few weekst respite every Mr Sennuel 1Tumnhrlea, retired car- nage manufactorer,gtrathrov, Ont.,says: ''i'Crr a long time I have had kidney ab]ea and pain in the back. 1 could n t a'•traignten up and often bed to sit ow>n until the pain and weakness went I hate taken one born of Doan's k a,o Pills and must say they are a sparing in the use .of oil upon his For Tw .t -seven Years engine that its bearings are not prep- erly lubricated. And he is an I unwise man who robs his body of that recreation and rest which are I necessary to keep it from rusting and breaking down, Work well, but rest well. and the members were discussing women, possibly from a realizing sense of how little they cutiki ever possibly ]mow. about the eubjt:ct, and with a laudible desire to learn by pooling their general information as much as might be. Frotu'woman in the abstract the conversation ha drifted naturally to a eonsideratioi of the more concrete expression c feminine phen0mentl-•la other word. the company was talking wives, ani each niefnber IN as putting in hi little claim to reelected .glory even 'a hang ago, did the happy husband o one Penelope. My wife,' said the man fron Chicago, proudly, ' has one of th finest minds I have ever met.' , ` Indeed sle has,' corroborated th stranger, who had just been intro dated to the oltib• The Chicago man looked u sharply. • There was ttn authoritative souna: in the stranger's voice that be die not like. Nevertheless,' he continued, p,ftel a pause, • I, must admit that she ha her faults.' 'Indeed she has,' corroborated th stranger. The Chicago man started to his feet. ' See here, my friend,' be ex clainiccl, sI should like to know b what authority, you agree with m so definitely about any wife.'. The test in the world,' said the stranger, simply. ' 1 used to be.mar ried to her myself, you know.' 9a: Yt a'e' aeitil. i+ AT Nothing equal to it for clearing the head and cleansing the air passages. Gives instant relief for cold in tare head. Cures incipient Catarrh in a few days; Chronic Catarrh in one to three months. A specific for Hay Fever. MR. J'2 S. •SPENCE, Meartex, ONT., writes: " I had been a sufferer from Catarrh for15years. I 'pent lots of money aud tried several doctors, also a Catarrh Specialist in London, Ont. At last I was directed by the ad- vertisements and testimonials I read to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I used 8 boxes, and a complete cure was effected." • Price, complete with blower, 25 Cts, Bold by. all t dealer,, or to, Out, oa, Batas & Co., Toronto, Out, .ger .. WEAK E3PtCK, LAME BACK, 7 BACKACHE, 'TRAM MAR?:LIJMf AGO OR Komar ps SY`•'Romar PilLLl WILL C "r, 9 f3 ;: YOU. EO YOUR HANDS OR PEET SWELL ? IP 50 YOU HAVE WEAK KIDNEYS. DOAN'S PILLS WILL STRENGTHEN THEM. HAVE YOU DROPSY, ICIDY3Y ©0 URr- NARY TROUBLES OP ANY KIND? IP 50, DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURE YOU. S S E HIND • VtIBRI KNOWING, HEADACHES, DI2 I -.^ a^, PRIG HTPU D:UMris, DISTURBED 3LE11 P, DRowsI- NESS. FORGETFULNESS, GOLD CHILLS, Ni:0VCUSN,:Sa Ern., l.nn OFTEUI CA SED 5'i DLSORDER20 eiusseve. l;'JE+;tI IP YOUR; nesse :Y 5:; I EPECn'l Vn 7111 . ;',if +'31.D ALWAYS r enerIOCr; THAT D. ,.i., ; t.l 4 Taos U .t'..:<t r::�...ELPn Trite '.'1' ALL MUG A FAIR TRIAL. "1 was/troubled with a very bad head- COOK'S ache last winter and. decided to give TilCOOK'S BES F'RtFND Laxa•Liver Pills a fair trial. One box i-6iFICst:.'i' SAL.C: IN Ca' N aDI of .them cured me and I have not had a, headache since, They are a long way' $ I.00 will pay for TIrE ahead of any other remedy 1 oyer tried" MISS JANET 1VMD'NROE, Westbourne, Man Tams to Dec. 3 r bt, 1898. • .$41313,1.'144 SEII,`cl''IOES.. Mh.TIIODI IT---I,ov, Dr, Pascoe, pas tor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p n', 1'R4SIi:Y1.1.1FP,IAN-Rev, D. Terris), pastor, Services at 11 a m and7 p tu. I,IPISCOPA.L, St. Paul's -Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector, Sorvieos at 11 a in aud 7 p I3APTIST--rev„Jus, Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p m CONGREGATIONAL--Reev, ]:I, E. Ivtasou, pastor. Sorvioea lit 11 a to and 7 CHRISTIAN WORKERS -- Misses Outrank] and Lotti: in command, Services at 3p tnand8pm. SAraVssTION ARMY --Adjutant Miles and wife in command. Services at 11 a. m,3par and 8pin, In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p m, 1 WINGHAM. s Capital, 01,250,000, f President -Joni STUART. ' Igoe•President-A. 1 ' 1 lalls.w:'rons 3 Join PROCTOR, GBo, Ro.olr, Wm Chasm, Woos, A. B. Lus (Toronto). 3 Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings $auk -)Tours, ]Oto 8; 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received 1 allowed. Special Deposita also received rates of ii.,"rent. Drafts on Great Britain and the 1. bought and sold L 'W. CORBOUJL1), ' E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. ' Rest, 0725,00( 0, Rueter. t', a: T Saturdays, 10 and teres: at current United Stator Aarms ; 1 g E.es ' BANKER, WINGHAM ' GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ACTED. 1 and �� TRANS- Business CASHED. Canada • non on Money advanced On Farmers t endorsed note and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES honeys remitted by draft to all pir of and the United States. ;Notes and accounts Collected on reasonable terms. Money no Loan on Notes . RATES nt 5} per nentwhh of any year, Not. iyi.cIN1L) o • Notes . • Discounted AT REASONABLE Money advanced on Heal/rages privilege of paying at the end and accounts collected. i OretT. Seaver Sleek Wine:ham. Ont, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART ABnxvE ' Toronto and East 6 50 a. m. 2 40 p. m :380pm109.pm Palmerston mixed 8 55 ,r m 2 40 p m London and South 6 53 m m 11 10 e. in 3 30 p m 8 00 p in Kincardine 11 16a rn 6 50 a m 255pm 3BOpm 10 25 p in 8 30 a m 1XTANTED-An experienced canvasser to trove Y1'�'t and appoint agents. No canvassing, Salary and experses pard. Tins BRAOLNY•GARRNTsox Co.,, Limited, Toronto, 33TANTRD-Three Ladies to introduce a honsn 1' household work. Splendid returns to nom. Lpetent persons. J. GALLOWAY, Toronto, WI.t.V AM STEAM PU.MP VIORKS•a Having purchased the entire business from Mr, Daniel Showers, I am now to supply the `public with 7 Wood.n and of � I[ron [prepared A+.e and Lift dumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galve.nia- ea11. Iron Tubing. Cisterns, 'Water Troughs, inks, Maths, Pipe Pitting, Well Digging and everything in con- neotlon with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a snecinlity. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by marl, should altvnys state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MORN INGSTAR Box 140Wi , ti ngliam, Ont. ingbirm 1.18 l'Uni,l8lU D 7dI VEEtY 'RD5A.1' ]itOB$ING - 'r tors - TIMES' OFFICE, JoseessiNg E.TRET WINGIEAitt, ONTAIRIO, 5ubsoriptionpr Ice, 51 icer y'eer, In advance ADVERTISING' RATES Spats 11 yr, Ix (1 um. 1 3 mo, 1 111I0,, One Column }UQ 00 040 83 020 On Halt " 40 00• ,•t 12 00 Quarter '+20\00 12 00 7 00 Ono Inch 6 00 8 QO 2 00 Legal and other moat adt'crtisernent, 8n pe no for first insert( nbautd 8o per line foreachsubsequont insertion, Meson' ed by nonpareil sole. Local notices 10e, per line for fleet insertion, and 60. per line ter each au bawl tient tnserticr., Advertisements ofi,ust,Pound, Strayer], Situations and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lino nonpareil, 51 for nest month, and 53o. for each subsequent month, Rouses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. 0. for ]het month, 50u. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in p'0portlan, These terms will be strictly adhered to loi Sterpecialpurlroateds,,, for lai!i•ur advertisements, or fox local netIces ecific di Advertisements will he inserted till forbid ai,dutoharge' accordingly. Trtu.situry advertisements must be pail in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be la. theotlice by Wednesday noon, in order to appose that week II. 13. ELLIOTT, x'ROPRIN'TOk AND PuslasnsR .L. 1' ANSTONE, BA MUSTER, boL1CITOR, Private,,nd Company funds to loan at lowest interest, No commission charged. mortgages, town and farts propert, bought and sold OFFIOE-Beaver Sleek Women J. A. el01,TON, B i.altis rj ii, .tae., one, E. L. D1cu1NSON, 13A.RRISTER, E'TO, sozzarron. TO BANK OF n'AMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Oillco-)lever Stun!<. R'inghont. vs 11 CAMERON, 2.11 as ROISTER., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Orlioo-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streete1 opposite Colborne Hotel, Goliaaros, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY,-J.B.•,11tROML, L. D. S.,WUNGUAE.p �Jla manometer first•elass sots of ramus cheap as they can be made in t1i ,e Uomhtion. Teeth extracted absolntuly without pain, by rue new process, guarantee.' perry fly safe. OFt'ICb1: In the Reeve? Block, oppoe Brunswick house. • ARTIIL'it J. 1111% IN. D. D. 13,, D. S„ —� t Doom,. of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania, Dental College. OFFICE---MACOONALn BLOC)(, Novi- 16311vibitBlyth every Warlwmday. JOHN ament5 GENERAL rNbiluANOE agBA'T IVOxnaticl INUIId", Dr:ATS,Ja..tt'ix,..,ant," • LIOEN8e:n AUCTIONEER FOh,tiS COUNTY' •010rtl.atuN. Hiles rattenduc► in nay part of the Co. Charge& • • Moderate. JOHN 01Rltn , VXNGaeM, ONT., ♦ LIGE S11I, AUCTIONEER. Sales of Fare, stnek and Parm Implements a specialty. All orders lett at the TI3,Ms office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. s .P.'1 CA Camp Caledonia, No. 43, meet . .—taro first amt third Monday in evc.y month, in ..hc'•,Id Fellows nail, Visiting ire hren welcrtn. J. Hurray. Chief. D Stow - art Iton..See Agents soli "Ir•1onlike Cold Fields'' Like a wh rloninhe�str1harvest ofr�theirred lives; new beginners doing wonders. Nealy everybody subscribes. Ono ymrag fellow 0.1 a farm nt 012 a month is making K5. A lady typo. vritr a .55:l n week is clearing 911. A tneehaeia who hail earned 51.50 a day is clearing 55 a ay. Wo want ware agents 0anvasaug out. ;It 25 r:t:r,. worth 51. THE nic,lDr, •GARRSrSON CO„ Toronto, Limited, int. .. n L VRX e I ln7 and enpiya sold. Three than . t,,1a0ru hundred urdered, tern, 'Anehrlla; ln+••ro iptantity gone to South Her +lln jesty's ismelt, aw save Canada. Te Best Popular Life of 51te Quenu I Late seen,” and thousanes en. d"ase the statement e'ut,it, free to eanvuseors; ex.. ernaivo territory, Ilnoka on time. Easy to make tive deflate dairy, Snlnu make twice that, Tho Brad1eyGarretson Co., Limited, Torontof J; S PWITIG, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, B It Heads, Molders, en, , vc, executed in the best style of the art, at mon rate prices, and on short notion Apply or address 11, B. ELL/OTT. T nits Office,- wingham. BOOKBINDING. We are pikusod to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have. our prompt attention. Prices for Dindingin any etylo will be given on applios tion o the Tlnalcs 0000 .11