HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 7‘d, 1 Bar 44. .,sem... No %word is more ab�ised than the word "Bargah ," It's a very baeleneyed term in'thesettlays of fake sales •ianct deceptive *advertising. You will admit when you visit this store that We amewat correctly ,and: neyerra3aggerate, if we:anvertise so article we have it exactly:as•it is advertised. Underwear for Men. �erea Union '�vystflesh oak% tpc;nion Dlfleshcolor, 25o; Mens heariped Shirts, genial 35oMegsll.wooScoteb .knit grew Shirts, as good as«we have sold :lit 05c.oYor 50o; Arctic Shirts, a very warm, heavy line, soft and smooth for people wbo•ean't stand anythingrreugh nest to them -»price is Only .50c.;>•i'anoy StrinedtShirt, grey and pink, also blue and pink, Scotch knit, 50o; Fancy itgiped Shirts, alit wool, eplondid goods, special, 750; Bet- ter kinda n fancy strips or, plain grey, 81%00. .Ina all the' above linos we have Drawersotra match at same,prroe as Shirts. Underwear for `omen—Ladies' Vests. Ribbed Union Vests,1So,lElegant lines .irt all wool Vests, long sleeve,ilarge size, Bather open front or closed, c.ztra special >zrt .50a; the best goods made -at 81,00 .; Heavy ribbed, fashioned Vests, open front, :nicely; trim tned,our special,•25e: White Lamb's Wool Vests, silk trimmed, very pret y.and•durable, 75c. Drawers:to match most of above at same prices. GlrliVt Vests—Prioes vary according to sizes --.9o, ]0o, 123o,1.5c, i8a, 20o. 25c, All -wool Vests -20o, 250,30(435o and .40c. Whose :are nice, soft, all -weal Vests, closed fronts. JBoyfr, Skirts and tilla'fwen s—h'inion make -20c, 25o, 30e, •35ctcnd 10c• . aocording to size. All•wool lines, best Iraele-:30a, :35c. 40e, 45c, 50e. Drawers to match above, 1VIcK I NNON C Q. . LYT i. 1:27^JA•11.111.101161C. `01.0•11:11i3115.1 .tom ----FINE ORDERED NEW GOODS. NEW STYLES. GEO. CAM has now in stook a large display of the very newest material for i8.vercoats, Fall and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Vests, etc., etc. Also the Mogi Stylish Gents' Furnishings' in Ile Market :f you want stylish and well -made Clothe at a moderate price. ,Give us a cal/. We can give you .the best f'workmaeship. Good lit guarateed. t)pposite Queen's il.dotel, - - - _ WINGHAM. CAR F THA 'Just Completed One of the Finest and Largest Ovens in Canada, by the skilful oven builders, McGregor Bros., and my bakery put in modern style. We are prepared, Fie professional bakers to supply the people of Wingham and surrounding country with First Class Bread, Cakes and Pastry of their vaz . kinds, equal to any city bakery, and Wedding Cakes and Ornamenting a Specialty. Parties and Receptions Supplied. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Thanking my numerous customers for their many years patronage, and hove' a continuance, I remain, Yours truly . I it 11 (e; 1 La CRUCM BAKERY Opp. the Market. 431 GREAT S MTE ALE OF• ]laving bought 85 eases of Rubbers at greatly reduced prices, I am prepared to give my customers bargains. • Ladies' regular 55c for 40c. Men's Misses' " 450 4' 76e 65e 40c 85e 30e. I I N ( I F AM MMES.. , .b 1 OV EMBE.F.!• !', th»7M EA. T WAWANfJ�SFI, _.__.._ NA! Mr. R. Currie was in Goderdai this �"� "� �"'�°''+ *^fa . d iavveelc. The••tE►wnship council will met on �+ Thursday next. Mr. Touts 13. ,)ilii' has been en- ',gaged as teacher for 8, 8. No. .9 for xt year, at an increase of salary. I.r Mr. James .Elliott left on Monday for I ororito, w'rere le has pr•oapeets •-.ot` a situationl/ Mr, and Mrs, Nathaniel Johnston, ,,of Westfield, were visiting at 111r. +•John Elliott's. this "eek. Mr. W. E. Currie leas rented itis Tarin'for a teem of years ti Mr. J.W. tGibson, of +Dungannon. ! At, the uocent promotion examin- .r l:ations held :in 8 S. No. 9, the foil !dug pupils avers successful: 3r•d to 4th— Maggie MDoug M 1! !:Mabel Shieh;, Florence Shiell, Abram Jr. to Sr, Sad—Frank Mills Al Ritz, Alex. McDougall, Alberta I' itoul, Leslie Deacon. 2nd to 3rd --Willie Elliott, Deacon. Jr. to Sr. 2a d—Albert 13. S bury, Ethel Melts, Bella McDoug heart II to 2nd—Raymond El11 Alex. Rintoul,Will ,'licks, Da Johnston, Roy Andersdn. the following is the school rel for S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh, the month of October, The nal are arranged in, order of merit certained by a system -of daily ma ing, deductions being made for 1. condiltet, lateness, &e.: 4th—Jennie Rintoul4 Lena Deac Sr. 3rd—Maggie McDougall,.31 Abram, Mabel Shiells, Fiore Shiells, Emerald Anderson. Jr. 3rd—Frank Mills, Alex. Dougall, Alberta Rintoul, Le Deacon, AIfred Ritz, Alfred Hodgs Sr.2nd—Willie Elliott,Roy Dea Jr.. 2nd --Ethel Hicks, Albert isbury, Bella MeDougall, Her Shiell, Ida Abratn. P'au•t II—David Johnston, R ond. Elliott, Will Hicks,, Alex. R toul, Roy Anderson. ist--,-Howard Slriell, John Abr Willie Shoebottom, Wilburn Fer son, Carrie Deacon, Leamon Hick Lours B. DUFF, rl'eachet BLUEVALE. 'Mrs. John McCracken,. of Blue road, has returned. home from vi ing her s n, Mr. Thos. McCracken London The Orangemen and Young 13 ns of this place vvi11 hold a cial this (Friday) evening. Rev. Dr. Moffatt, secretary of the ble Society, -will lecture in the resbyterialr church Friday evening. Rev. Fenton Hartley, of Winnipeg, d formerly of Bluevale, is visiting c1 friends in the village this week. Hartley has received a call to•a tion 70 miles north .. of Winnipeg. is. the son of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, merly of lilnevale, but now of ciennan, �iigorna. Mr: Hartley 11 occupy the pulpit of the Presby- ian church un Sunday, Nov. 7. • Saie of 2 Bankrupt Stooks', 7 IN •INGHAM- Ilavirig purchased the 13ankrupt Stock of G. McIntyre, Esq., of Wingham, we have added thereto .t large Tilbury stock bought at a very low rate on the $, and have opened a (.ligands Cut rate Sate of Staple and. Fancy Dry Goods, *Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Ready -Made Clothing. e two stocks amounting to nearly $10,000, will be sold at such prices as will soon Make a e whole lot. In these two stocks will be found almost everything desired id. wishing to make your acquaintance at once, as a are After your cus- s so that you can compare them with what you can buy elsewhere; LO 80 Jai P an of D11 sta He for Ma wi ter Sugar for ap for - $L00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 30 ase loo Choice Pattern American Prints for Fine Canadimn Prints for 30 28 inch. Flannelettes, choice oolers for 40 Checked Flanelettes, regula 12tc.'for - g;e Doble•fold Dress (foods w. Ft•I.-15c, fair 9e 30 inch Ilanvy Grey Cotton for o0c. for - 15e .k'rima Donna Wrapperettes worth 15c, for 3"-:`e l0c ole ed,taudlare here ock bottomask bargains as a sample of ttie e and see for whole stock.e GoodBButter McDonaress ld's Blockin s&t Winghn,»,iu ddt�tttholashion in great filer is with the youtar old stand. i iL,,....� .,.. � J --,16A,.. ..1 �r t.. <dirl3 .4 [. It re to ay in ry won ns dy it. ry. ut- in- in ed er n• fl3 ey .00 of the his son his Bin of Tu on Ab Hu tea in t wh To soh of tea Blu a v we law Ab wh At yea hay is a the GOc, real 50e. bo son' 30c. rest Mrs 25c. Joh (Intended for 10,4 waua.) Mr. Matthew Hutchinson, Q. 0„ Montreal, came up froru that city latter end of last week to .visit namesake, Mr. Matthew Ilutehin- Elliott, of Wingham, and also old neighbors and pupils around evale. Mr. Hutchinson is a Son the late Mr. Scott Hutchinson, a rnberry ,pioneer,•who used to live the farrn, near the village, now upied by Mr. Charles Gannett. out thirty-four years ago Mr. tehinson began his first work by thing in No. 9, .East Wawanosh, he old log school house that stood ere the frame one 'is now. On esday of tris week lie visited. the out in Wawanosh and also some his former pupils there. Atter thing in Wawanosh, be taught in evale, where he remembered as ery popular teacher. In 1865 be :,t to Montreal and entered the office of the late Hon. J. C. bott. Premier of Canada, 'with om he practiced for some years, the present time, and for many rs past, a French lawyer and he o been partners. Mr. Hutchinson prornihent speaker at Many of Liberal meetings held in Mont -- Their many friends here will glad to know that Mr. Hutchin- s mother is well, and that the of the family, Mrs. Drysdale, (Judge) Archibald and, Dr. n Iititchisou, with their ramifies, of whom reside •in Montreal, are I also. Dr, Hutchinson formerly, eked in Bluevale and Brussels, Men's City Rubber Boots, regular $3,50, for $2.50. all A full line of 1 and 2 Buckle Lumbermen's Rubbers always in stock..iui My stock of Boots and Shoes are complete in all lines, and I am bound The Ilutchinsen family is a credit to not fn he undersold. r Euton,and Bluevale is proud of then+, Mrs. Boyd and children' of the villagof Loring, Parry Sound.uis: 's triet, tiere visiting her parents, Mr. up or it mad an auction sale of has •farm stock and implements on Tuesday. Mr. Gannett is retieing from active work, has given his farm over to the man- agement of his son, John. Ile and airs. Gannett will continue living in the house on the farm, Miss Ella Cornyn and Miss Martin, of Wingham, passed through the village on Saturday on their return home from a bicycle trip to some neighboring towns. Mr. Gibson, who built the stone work of our railway bridge, is the contractor of the stone work of the extensions to •the Victoria bridge at Mon treal. from Manitoba. TURNBERRY. Mr. Wm Gray has returned home • Mr. Watt has leased Mrs. Mills' farm on the B. line for a term of years. Mr. Samuel Anderson has returned home from Owen Sound. I3LYTH. A most happy and auspicious event took place at the Methodist parsonage here Thursday, when Miss Alice Maud Rigsby, the eldest daugh- ter of the esteemed pastor of the church here, became the wire of J. Frank White, of London. Miss Rigsby is mueh better known to the people of London than Isere, where she has been living for some time, and that she is exceedingly popular was indicated by the number of costly and beautiful presents given her. Relatives and friends of the eontra.cting parties were present from London, Hamilton, Clinton and Norwich. The fortunate groom is a prominent and highly esteemed young man of London, being the youngest son of Mr. John White, of the London Bolt Works. The cere- mony was performed by the father of the bride, Rev, W. Rigsby, as- sisted by Rev. 13. Clement, of Clinton. After the usual congratulations, din• ner was partaken of, and amid showers of rice and expressions of good will., the young couple left by the afternoon train on a wedding tour prior to settling down in London. G OII,R IE. S. Lukes, Esq;: Mrs. Lukes and Master Oscar, of Bradford, were the guests of Rev., J. W. Griffin, at " Maple Villa." on their homeward journey from Manitoba. A court of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was organized here on 26th Oct• It started with a mem- bership of 23. At the election of of officers, N. NcLaughlin,.Esq., and Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Coffin were chosen as Chief Councillor and Vice Coun- cillor. J. B. Ferguson, Esq., and Mrs, Ferguson, of Wingham, were the guests of Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin of this place, Miss Staples has returned home a from a visit to friends in London. Several of our sports have left ford' the deer fields in Muskoka The- Orangemen will • hold - their "annual • conceit this (Friday) evening. F. J. Enepher, evangelist, of Wingham,. preached in the town hall on Wednesday evening last, [ries. ZV, IL McBride and son, Preston, attended the funeral of her uncle in Wingham last week. Mr. Caesar, of Lucknow, has gone into the produce business in the stand next to W. J. Greer's shoe acme. 0ULRCS Miss Murphy. of Mt. Forest, was the guest. of her aunt, Mrs. D Me Cormick,. this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kerr have r& turned to their home in Galt after a pleasant visit with friends here. Mr. P. Arkell has just sold to J. Myers, of Montrose, Colorado, one hundred , of his registered Oxford Down Sheep. Mr. Myers is prob- ably the largest sheep rancher in Colorado, and thinks a great deal of the sheep of .Bruce County.. Mr. Arkell's flock of registered sheep now number over three hundred. Deals of this kind help to bring our coun- try into notice. A very successful entertainment it and medal contest was held by the members of Culross Star Lodge on Tuesday evening. The entertain- ment was furnished by the members of the lodge and by a choir from the Westford Lodge. The contestants in tite medal contest were from Tees - water, seven in number. The medal was awarded to Miss Mary K.neffler, and was presented by Mrs. F. E, Moore, of Teeswater. The judges were Miss Switzer and Messrs. John McRae and D. McIntosh. holds quarterly meeting and sacra- ment services at Salern next Sabbath morring. - - Rev. Anderson, of Wroxeter, and Rev. Perrie, of Wingham, exchan d pupils last Sunday. d . :./1r. J. H. Gibb has been drivi-g the Brussels stage several days this week, • Miss Andrews, of Holmesvilie, and her brother, E. W. Andrews, were in town over Sunday. Mr Cleo. Smith, late of this place, who has been an inmate of` the House of Refuge for some time. died on Wednesday morning of last Week of consumption and heart trouble, at the age of 75 years. His remains were brought here for interment. BRUSSELS. Mr, F. 0. Rogers, • who has been s,v i,'nsly ill. is able to be out aga" al r. W 11. Kerr attended the Pt viuri.11 Sabbath Sehaol Convc•uti at Hamilton, last week. Mr. Berry, of Lucknow has pre ci rsed nue of Mr. Leatherdale's Je; sey Cows. The first monthly horse fair, w•' held on Thursday of this week. number of buyers werepresent and. few horses changed hands. Tit fairs will he continued each own.' until next May. The in, andescent .dynamos are placed in position at the electric fight Ponding, all the 'connection made and everything ready for oper• Wens in a few days. Through the decease of an aunt; irs. Joseph Bouden, Thomas Curry nd other relatives fall heir to a ni, um of money. The deceased laid vas a resident of Montreal, and , hr> ad no children, hence the dtstrbt ion to the next kin. A pink and white social was given n the Scheel -room of the Methodic hurch on Tuesday evening. 1 h t c WEOX.ETER. There is a rumor of a young ladies' literary and debating society being organized. We have two new butchers, a tew barber, a new baker, and a new tail- or in town this week, We are pleased to record a de.' tided improvement in the health of Mr. A. Paulin's daughter, Ida. There was a meeting of the Tract Society held in the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday evening. Rev, Mr. Moffatt, of Toronto, agent of the society, addressed the meeting., Ree', J. B. Kennedy, of' Wroxeter, 4 An,'thor outbreak of hog &i,,:: Daex is repot tu(I, for .i • is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla :: a g� popularity, Its constantly inetew sales, and enables it to accompiis 'Wonderful and unequalled eiva::. combination, proportion and pro used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa are unknown to other medicines, make Rood's Sarsaparilla Peculiar to itsc It Cures a wide range of diseases bee of its power as a blood purifier. It directly and positively upon the bl and the blood reaches every nook corner of the huinan system. Thut• the nerves, muscles, bones and M." come under the benbficetit inftuen odd,: The One True Mod Purifier. $1. per ellre Liver Ills; • Hood's Pills takkos.otor-44