HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 54,,.t Far 1 .; . VV 1.1 'I . NOVEMBER EAST WAWANOSI-(.tetwer` fie a?•' _ .. `` °'`l 1 Mr. R. Currie was in Goder it this '~week. ! The:•tetwnship council will meet on Thursd r s B. Data has been en-, ',gaged as teacher for S, S. No. $ for Mr. Itcul i3 xt year, 16Y7. • r, at an1tiOreaSe of ??leis, `Mr. Jiirmes l�lliotleft on Monday term • , " No %word is spore abs* sect -tem the word, e n . icer ." It's a very hoOkneyed to r Or Toronto, vv let e 1e. lias pCo ii Iaeetti in theseit-lays of fnttc+ sales .and cleoer.tive'advertisi g, You will admit when y+►u „Qf a situarttionit visit this stye that We useoit correctlyand.neyerrogaggerate, 1,f we.advertrse an , Afr, and 11i's, Nattiltniel Johnston., y'� article vwii have it exactly=as it is advertised. .of Westfield, were visiting at bin. 1:! IJolin Lllicitt's this week, Underwear' for @�l, t11r W.. E. Carrie has rented iiia 1 M "a Union Shirts,.aiiabe.t, flesh color, 25c; Sirten's Union Drawers, ribbed,, farm fora tern of yeters to Mr, J.Y. Itelbson, of 1Duugannon. flesh color, 25e ; Ken's lacttiry striped Shiite,. a er ai 35o , Mens till -wool Scotch • knit grey tr s, as warm, heavy line, soft and smooth for people whooan't stand anyth�i,ngrruua'h nest o em --pr ,• � k is blue and pink, k n 't 500 ` Fancy S`aiped Shirts, alit wool, splendid goods, special, 75c ; :Eet- Sh' t good as•we have sold.:at 65 :tor 50c; Arotio Shirts, ay toe ri, only a0c ••ranoy Stiinedta$haa t, groy and pink, also p i t tb Scotch knit, At the ueeent promotion e#tami. pt Aa�te Sale of 2 Bankrupt Stocks Having purchased the Bankrupt Stock of G. McIntyre, Esq., of Wingham, we have added thereto at large Tilbury stook bought at a very low rate on the $, .and have opened a Gigantic Gut rate rale of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes sad Ready- ads Clothing. n'0 will be sold at such rices as will soon make a i e tyro s..oeks anlauntin to nearly�L0,00 , will p T {�Q g -, � ( , rr salons field :fn S S. Ivo..,), the, foil lj water was thick and muddy. 1 wad a e whole lot. In these two melte will be f,runti almost every tlurig desired ter kinds• in fancy stripe ,or„ plain grey, I11.40. •xn ail the' above litres we have Drawerstt snatch at sartae.pvice as Shirts, Underwear for `omen—Ladies' Vests. Fibbed Union Vests, 15o,�:Elegant lines An all wool Vests, long sslave, ar a fuz either open front or closed, antra special eat .50o.; the best g od a Meavy ribbed, fashioned Vests, open front,+baicely•trimmed, our speoial,:350; .White Lamb's Wool Vests, silk'rimsmed, very prem y and.iturable, 75o. Drawers;to match moat of above at same prices. Girlld`iVests-Pricres vary according to sizes --k80, 10o, 12%0,15o, -10e, 20c. 25c .M1 -wool Vests -••-20e, 25e,300;i o and 400. .1L'bese :are nice, soft, all -wool Vests closed fronts ..�' 1:e t i. • sui rte r After •u ei,a•tt>rn at once, , s ,s f e ort ccs- v •es ca.a• ata e n 's1' �•r c -> � ert i poor health tc, i ing i upil � broken up and in t h 1t genera id wishing to make your , cru � 3rd to kth--- Margie MoDoug;t Two boxes of Dr. Hobbs Spariigue Ki s so that you Dan compare them with what you can buy elsewhere; 11A1abel Shiela, Floreuec Shiell, Mee } ney Palls cured the completely. Pu I the sale of them hare. there is nothi ;Abram ('better. A. N. VAN A1,a+i'IN. Jr. to Sr, vc1--Frauk A>llils, Alert i 64, Toledo, St. Adrian Micl Ritz. Alex, McDougall, Alberta Bet I I had suffered with n lame back and wr •foul, Leslie Deacon• rt 11 f b f D H b confinedto my bed for nearly two — 81.00 Sugar for - 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 3o Se leo weal . '2nd to 3rd -Willie 1 took not quf e a c, a oxo Dr.Hob Elliott,' ; Sparagus Kidney Pills and was entire beacon. j I cured. It3SA{ MARIE dap for , Jr. to St. !had -Albert E. Sail 851,5. I levrnthiSt., Saginaw, Miu _ , bury, Ethel Hicks, I3ella McDoug Part II to ` ndl-Iiaytnord BIN; -u .`� "5 L whole list here we will ask you to eawe and see for yourself. Remember these Boyd', Sbirtts antdl. Ini,awer a--b'inion make -20o, 25o, 30e, .35csand 400. .,according to size. All -wool lines, best trade -.300, .35c. 40o, 45o, 50e. Drawers to match above. M°KINNON -� ---FI ORDERED 0 T II NEW te00.1a'§. NI&W 'STYLES. GEO. CARbas now in stook a large display of the very newest material for gi)•vercoats, Fall and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Vests, etc., etc. Also the Mo Stylish Genes" Furnishings' in -he Market GI•616r/ MN :If you want stylish and we11•mede Clothe at a moderate price. ,Give us a call. We can give yau.the beat f -workmanship. Good Olt gnarateed. G -EQ- , Opposite Queen's Hotel, - WINGHAM CAR F T HA "` ' x -s ?Just Completed One of the 'Finest and Largest Ovens in Canada, by the skilful oven builders, `McGregor Bros., and my bakery put in modern style We aro prepared. tie professional bakers to supply the people of Wdngbam and surrounding country with firsi Class Bread, Cakes and Pas4 of their vat kinds, equal to any city bakery, and Wedding Cakarz and Ornanmenting a Specialty. Parties and Receptions Supplied. Satisfaotton Guaranteed. Thanking my numerous customers for their many years patronage, end horn' a continuance, I remain, Yours truly . C l IRA! BEERY ®� r � t� `a) �1.57p Opp. the Market. 6 DB.. }1OBBS. Ohftire Pattern American Prints for - Fine Canedian Prints tor - dpie 28 moll Flannelettes, choice colors, for - 4e Checked Flunelettes, regulti 12:yo. for - Sio Double -fold Dress (foods wlirtl, 15e, for Oc 6 r' ,t " „ We, for - 15e 30 inch Heavy Grey Cotton for - - $'c -Prima Donna, Wrapperet.tes wortb 15o, for IOo Ale:, Rintonl, Will Hicks, Deis Johnston, Roy Anderson. k; .The following is the school cepa for S. S. No, 9, Last Wawanosh,' the month of October. The nen; are arranged. in. order of merit it certaialed by a system.of daily met, ing, deductions being made for r eoedieAt,,, lateness, &e,: 4th--JennieRintoul4 Lena Deac Sr. 3M -Maggie McDougall,,Mss Abram, Mabel Wells, Floret, Shiells, Euterald Anderson. t Jr. 3rd. -Frank Mills, Alex. Dougall, Alberta Rlntoul, Leto Deacon, Alfred Ritz, Alfred Iiodgs% maturity before slaughtering. Sr.2nd-Willie Elliott,Roy Deaee good substitute for 'whole . milk Jr. 2nd --Ethel Hicks, Albert Ea skim milk and linseed meal, a isbury, .Bella Mel3uugall, Herba calves fed on this ration will eq Steell, Ida Abrar?. ;'t in weight at one year old those f on whole milk. Young cattle ne a,butky food that is easily dig,est The beef breeds make beef mo protittr.ble than others. This is cl mostly to their predisposition to e ly maturity. Individual animals Lords B. DUFF, Teachere the same breed differ in this tende KIDNEY. PILLS, ed, and are rook bottom bargains ns a sample of the whole stook. Good Butter i;"or hale hr. res. Malting in latest ]Sew York ^+(nd Detroit fashion in connection with the ?tort BORDON c1- Go, Dilia;lsis McDonald's Block, Wingbam, rind that the great sills is now open soil yon ar t. • WINGFIM1 0n old strand, _ . �,.-, ..�. .J �k�'iZlQ>F3f�ltlf. • Points an Cattle Feeding. The Ontario Agricultural Colle ��p. ,,.. etezeere Eeperimentat Station, after caref investigation, eonsid rsetbe fol'lowlr points well established in referen to cattle feeding: 1 Calves fed on skim milk mai much cheaper beef than those fed whole milk, even when carried • Part II -David Johnston, RAY mond, Elliott, Will Hicks, Alex. 11 , tout, 'toy Anderson. 1st Howard Shiell, John Abrar Willie. Shoebottom, Wilburn Feril son, Carrie Deacon, Leamon Hiekite BLTJEVALI . 1 ',Mrs. John McCracken, of B1uev road, bas returned home from via'. ing her s n, Mr. Thos. McCracken; London • The Orangemen and Young B, tons of this place will hold a b social this (Friday) evening. - - Rev, Dr. Moffatt, secretary of the Bible Society, • will lecture in the Presbyterian ehurch Friday evening. Rev. Fenton Hartley, of Winnipeg, and formerly of Bluevale, is visiting old friends in. the village this week. Mr. Hartley has received a can to •a station 70 utiles north . of Winnipeg. He is the son of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, formerly of Bluevale, bat now of Maclennan,. Algoma. Mr. Hartley will uccapy Mae pulpit of the Presby- terian church on Sunday, Nov. 7. EAT GHQ, SA lf' Having bought 85 eases of Rubbers at greatly reduced prices, I am prepared to give my customers bargains. Ladies' regular 55c for Leilv W410 ,t fr Men's it „ t :Hisses' tr it it Defense City Icubber Boots, regular $8,50, for A fall line of 1 and 2 Duette Lumbermen's My stock of Boots and Shoes are complete in 450 75c 65e 40e 35e ey ; hence deductions from compa sons of beef breeds are not alwa reliable. •�a� Calves fed on -liming rations t first year give'unsatisfactory resul the second year. The daily gain weight grows less as cattle gro tier et eneeetn eti etrleee.; ad an auction sale of has • farm stock. and implements on T'iesday. Mr. Gannett is retiring from active work, has given his farm over to the man- agement of his son, John. He and Airs. Gannet will continue living in the house on the farm. A1iss.E11a Corrtyn and Miss Martin, of Wingham, passed through the (intendo•i foe In,t rvaui..) Mr. Matthew li.ntchinson, Q. 0., of Montreal, carne up from that city the latter erid of last week to •visit bis namesake, Mr. Matthew Iiuteuin• son Elliott, of Wingham, and also his old neighbors and, pupils around Bluevale. Mr. Hutchinson is a `son of the late Mr. Seen Hutchinson, a Turnberry .pioneer,. who used to live on the farm, near the village, now oeeupied. by itir. Charles Gannett. About thirty-four years ago ivir, Hutchinson began his fleet work by teaching in No. 9, Last Wawanosh, in the old ing school house that stood' where the frame one 'is now. On Tuesday of chis week he visited -the school in 'Wawanosh and also some of his former pupils there. ,Atter teaching in Wawanosh, ne taught in Bluevale, where he :s remembered as a very popular teacher. In 1865 be went to Montreal and entered the law office of the tate Hon. J, 0. Abbott. Premier of Canada, 'with whom he practiced for some years. It rn to ay in ,ry fns dy •'t.y ut- in to ed er i r}. ay e .00 up for it GORRIE. holds quarterly meeting 0.0 aaera- S. Lukes, Esq.. Mrs. Lukes and mein Salem at Salenext Sabbath Master Oscar, of Bradford, were the morning. guests of Rev' 3. W. Griffin, at Rev. Anderson, s,t, Wroxeter. and of � °' Maple Villa." an their hou.ewRev. Perrie, Wingham, excbatnd urney from Manitoba. pupils tis jo "1. last Sunday. , w A court of the Canadian Order of .dr. J, H. Gibbs has been drivi g Chosen Friends Was organized here the Brussels stage several days this on 28th Oat It started With a mem- week. bership of 23. At the election of Miss Andrews, of Holmesville, and of officers, N. NeLaughiin, .Esq,, and her brother, E. W. Andrews, were Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Goffin were chosen in townover Sunday. as Chief Councillor and Vice Coun- Jin Geo. Smith, late of this place, eillor, who has been en inmate of the J. B. Ferguson, Esq., and Anis, House of Refuge for some time. died, on Wednesday morning of last week guests an, of Wingham, were the of ecrnsumption and heart trouble, -at guests of Mrs. Iiobt, licLnn;;hl n of the age of 75 year,.. His remains this place. Miss Staples has returned home were brought here for interment. from a visit to.friends in London. 1 Several of our sports have left' fork • BRUSSELS. the deer fields in Muskoka, (' Mr, F. 0. Regent, who has been, set lonely ilt is able to be out agair 11 r. 11' H. Kerr attendect thtx Pr ; viurt:rl Sabbath Sch,ol Conveutit: at Hamilton, last week. Mr. Berry. of Lucknow hate pu' ehrsed ince of Mr. Leatherdale's die sey cows. The first monthly horse fair, w• held on Thursday of this week. number of buyers werepreselit and few horses changed hands. Tr fairs will be continued • each mom until next May. . , • The incandescent dynamos are placed in position at the electric. light minding, all the •connections ritade and everything ready for oper- ations in a few days. Through the decease of an aunt; Mrs. Joseph ]louden, Thomas Carry• and other relatives fall heir to ani! sum of money. The deceased 10, was a resident of Montreal, and . hs had no children, hence the dis'ib• tion to the next kin. A pink and white social was given in the schui'l•rooar of the Methodic'' church on Tuesday evening. The Orangemen will hold their ianniia'1 conee i this (Friday) evening. F. J. Enepher, evangelist, of Winghamr preached in tate town hall on Wednesday evening last. sirs. Y'T, IL McBride and son, Preston, attended the funeral of her uncle in Wingbam last week. Mr. Caesar, of Lucknow, has gone into tt.-e produce business in the stand next to W. J. Greer's shoe stot e. village on Saturday en thea° return g 0T71.leGS home from a bicycle trip to some neighboring towns. Miss Murphy. of Mt. Forest, was Mr. Gibson, who but �1iie stone the guest. of her aunt, Mrs, D: Me work of our railway bridge, is the Cormick, • this week. contractor of the stone work of the Mr. and Mrs, T. Kerr have re: extensions to •the Victoria bridge at turned to their home in Galt after I a pleasant visit with friends here. .Aar. P. Arkell has just sold to J. Myers, of • Montrose, Colorado, one hundred eof his registered Oxford Down Sheep. Mr. dyers is prob- Montreal. T''URN BERRY . jir, Wm Gras returned home from Manitoba. Mr. Watt has leased Mrs. Mills' , ably the largest sheep randier in farm on the B. line for a term of 1 Colorado, and thinks a great deal of years. 1 the sheep of Bruce County.. Mr. Mr. Samuel Anderson has returned Arkell's Beek of registered sheep now home from Owen Sound. ( number over three hundred. Deals of this kind help to bring our noun tcy into. notice. Arr.ehor outbreail; of hog circ e2; A very successful entertainment in E est ii repot tod. ave -. - . and medal contest was .held by the „- --"" `„,-,...----- .. r .tor BLYTH. A *most happy and auspieious event took place at the Methodist parsonage here Thursday, when Miss Alice Maud Rigsby, the eldest daugh- ter of the •esteemed pastor of the church here, became the tulle of J. Frank White, of London. Miss Rigsby is much better known to the people of London than here, where she has been living for some time, and that she is exceedingly popular was indicated by the nur:nber of At the present time, and for many t costly and beautiful presents given � 1 e' have been partners. 111.- liatehinso F contracting pat•ties were present years ears past, a French lawyer and he her. Relatives and frieiids of the 80e.` is a. prominent speaker at Many frotn London, Hamilton, Clinton and the Liberal meetings held in 'Mont - 60°. I real, Their many friends here will be triad to knots that Mr. H.utchin- 0. Norwich. The fortunate groom is a prominent and highly esteemed voting mate of London, being the 1 Sena nether is well, and that the i youngest son of Mr. Jahn White, of 130e.I rest of the family, Mrs. Drysdale,1 tits London Bolt Works. The dere-- irs95c, (Judge) Archibald and Dir. — John Hutchison, with their ramifies, W t of whom reside -in Montreal, are irony was performed by the father of the bride, Rev,Rigsby, as- sisted by Rev.. B. Clement, qf Clinton.i After the usual eongratul:ttions, din - net was partaken of, and amid showers of rice and expressions of good will., the young eouple left by the afternoon train on a wedding tour prior to settling down In s Viet, are visiting her parents,, Air.' London, $2.50. well also, Dr. Hutchinson formerly, Rubbers always in stock, practiced in l3ltievatlo and Brussels. all lines, and 1 sten bound I The Ilntehinson family is a credit to I Ituron,and Bluevale is proud of titent. not to he ttncaersold. , Mrs. Boyd and ehildren, of the . village of .Loring, Parry Sound. ufs- members of Culross Star Lodge on Tuesday evening. The entertain- ment was furnished by the members of the lodge and by a choir from the Westford Lodge. The contestants in the medal contest were from Tees - water, seven in number. The medal was awarded t- Miss Mary Kindlier,Kindlier,and wits presented by Airs. F. F.1 Moore, of Teeswater. The judges were Miss Switzer and Messrs. John McRae and D. McIntosh. WROXLTBR. There is a rumor of a young ladies' literary and debating society being organized. We have two new butchers, a new .barber, a new baker, and a new tail- or in town this week, We are pleased to record a de- eided improvement in the health of Air. A. Petulin's daughter, Ida, There was a meeting of the Tract Society* held in the Presbyterian chri.rch Here on Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr, Moffatt, of Toronto, agent of the Society, addressed the meeting. tog, J. B. Kennedy, of Wroxeter, •5 Is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla ; + + g popularity, its constantly iwa c'a: sales, dnd onables it to aceomplisl wonderful and unequalled curve. combination, proportion and pro used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa ate unknown to other medicines, snake Hood's Sarsaparilla Peculiar to itsc, It cures a wide range of diseases bee of its power as a blood purifier. It directly and positively upon the bi and the blood reaches every nook corner of the human system. Thu the nerves, muscles bones and tis. conte under the bentAiicerlt id:Weur 0 0 1 arsaparilla the Ono 'true Blood Pallier, $1 per. Hood's Pills taakre,ea$ytoVit'