HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 4h rr CORKS, , RUBBE ` ' '�O• 5 BOTTUM 'A, • SPE, ETC, • And all seasonable goods at the lowest price at without Minding any relief from her' sufferings. Ralpitatien of the heart, dizziness, extreme pain in the cheat, loss of appetite and nervouseeas were some of the symptoms of the disease, gathering that caused eea cruelating pain formed at the knee joints and other parts of the 'body, and at last she became perfectly helpless, and unable to walk or even sit up. At this stage she were advis- ed to enter the hospital, that she might have the benefit of skilled nurses as well as the best medical treatment ; but after speeding some [IMILL1, time there without obtaining any relief the poor woman gave up all h;.pe of recovery and asked to be taken home.. So emaciated and weak bad she become that her friends were shocked at her appear,•- once, and so utterly hopeless was her condition that it was like. mockery to speak hopefully of her ultimate re- covery. What then was - the aston- TO ADVz 2,VdT1^'EP°S' iehtnent.of all who had known her dreadful condition to hear that she had at last found a remedy whose magical power at once demonstrated the fact that where there is life there liaama;es i;eet,' atce., And be sure end buy them befire 9 p, m. for we close at that time every night excepting Saturday. • Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- I is hope. The flame of this remedy tnents accepted up to noon that worked such a wonderful change Thursday of each week, in such a short time was Dr, liams' Pink Pilla, and after taking five boxes she was able to walk about and visit her friends. Her strength gradually- but surely re- turned and in a few mouths from the time she began using the medicine she was able to resume her work, The subject of this article, Mrs. Jane Marseille, is well known, and her youthful and healthy appearance to•day'causes people to exclaim - wonders will never . cease. She attributes her restoration to her family, solely to the virtues to be found in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and her experience she hopes, may put some other sufferer on the right toad to health. This great remedy enriches and purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, and in this way goes to the root of the disease driving it from the system and curing when other reme- dies fail. to send to the Goverment at Ottawa Every box of' the genuine Dr. Wil, models of the• statues of Queen Vic- liams' Pink Pills has the trade mark toria, and. Iitni.Alexander McKenzie. on the wrapper around the box, and Models are tow in prepb.ration at . the purchaser can protect himself Toronto and Quebec. ( froin•imposition by refusing all others • Sold by all dealers .it 50. cents .pei IN the Greater New York elections i box or six boises for 82,50. on Tuesday last, Robt. Van Wyek, the Tammany ettudidate was elected;. Low (Citizens' Union) and Tracy (Republican) following next, about even ; henry George, the young roan not being seriously it the running. i'1tIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1897. EDITORIAL, NOTES. THE Whiteway Ministry was de- feated in the general elections in Newfoundland. The premier and several cabinet ministers lost their seats. Hoer. H. 12. EIIMERSox is Premier of New Brunswick, a reconstruction of the Local Government being effect ed, On aecount of ill health, Hon. James Mitchell resigned the premier- ship. CAI aDIAN artists have till Jan. 1 THE authorities of the Toronto Naeiteba innigration oi'iise sc y that • '8,000 settlers have gone to the. prair- ie province this year, exelusive of the 6,000 farm laburers, a large num ber of whom will probably locate there. This breaks the record for many years past. Ho+r. CI.IFFoaD SIFTON says that his trip to the paws leading to the Yukon gold regions, have trot shaken his faith in the advisibiiity of collect ints a. royalty and of reserving for the. public benefit, a portion of the mineral wealth of the country. It may h^wever be necessary to change the details of the regulations, already p: onulgated• A WiEn 'HARD WORK 13ROUGrl3T ON A SEVERE ILLNESS. NERVOUS PROSTRATION,0IZZIXESS AND EXTREME WEAK::ESS-DR. I:1lIS' ME PILLS' CAME TO Fids. RESCUE AFTER HOS- PITAL TREATMET FAILED. Fe= T:,o Fort William Journal In the town of Port William lives a brave widow, who for years has by dint of constant laboe kept the wolf from the door and her little family together. From morning till night she toiled to provide comforts for her loved ones until nature at last pro. tested against snch a constant drain on her strength, and so she began to lose health. Soon the slender frame became unable to bear its daily load ref roil, and the poor 'nuttier was ort last forced to give up the unequal eontest, and become 1t burden where she bed once been the chief support. Nervous prostration, heart disease, eoneumption and other names were given to her malady by local physi- x hms, bet months passed during which she suffered untold agony John Hutton was killed in a quer rel with his father, James Hutton, in a shanty ori Victoria street, ribronte, on Saturday evening, ard the father is antler arrest on a charge. of mur- der, WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 5, 1897. seam. Ganz -In i'ine)am, on Novernb a4th, tap wife of Mr Jos Gray, eta sou.Y. 1.1ost.w-Xn East Wewanosh, on Octo- ber 20th, the wtfe of Mr W T Nagle, of a daughter.", in Morris on November 4th, the wife of Mr Russell riohmond, of a ann.'s/ Kis .--In Gerrie, en October 27th, the wife of James King, Albert street, of a daughter. ML'Nuo.--In Wroxeter, on October 23rd, the wife ot A:lunro,ot a daughter. I.IRKLANn.-- ru Culross, on October 23rd, the wife of W. J. I iaalaud, of a daughter. MARRIED RITollIE- ixoN.•-4t the home of the bride's father, on Ontobor 27th, by the Rev. S. \V. Muxworthy, Mr. George H. Ritchie, of 'Toronto, to Miss Isabel on, of Teeswater, EDGAR--TuRNnu.-On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. N. S. l3urwasb, Mr. David Edgar to Miss Sarah Turner, fourth daughter of Mr, Charles Turner, both of uiross. JorNsra 1-- Mo Wnnu in .-On Wed- nesday, October 270, at St. Thomas' Church, by Rev. 0.13. Shortt, the rector, Rev, D. A. Johnston, of Magnetawan, to Anna. )yI.MuW t,inney, formerly of Wing - ham. • MuLEAN-CAMFart,t,,-Op the Ilth inet., by Rev. D, Guthrie, Mr, John D. McLean to Miss Annie Campbell, both of Kinloss, Wu,tamds---Hooarxtr.-At the resi- dence of E. 3, Blake, 477 York street, by Rev. Robert Johnston, R: D„ on October 30th, 1897, William Maris Williams, of Godene.ricb, to Jessie Hogarth, of Kincar- Wirm, FOUNTAIN.-Ineeswater, on October 22nd, Catherine McBride. beloved wife of George Fountain, aged 76 years. DIo>zsoN-1n Senforth, on October 25th, Helen R. Dickson, aged 84 years. Livo stock idar:spto. • East Buffalo, Nov. 2 -Cattle, fair to good stockers sold at $8.25 to$3.75 fancy, $8.85 to $3.90 ; few, $4 ; good to choice feeders, 53.65 to $3.90 ;. up to $4, with a few. very extra bred, at $4.10 and 64.15, and a load of big I but coarse and thin staters, of 1,233 pounds, at $4. Hogs, receipts, 12 i cars at fair demand. Yorkers, $8.80 to :•,x3.85 ; mixed packers, grades, 53.80 ; medium weights, $3,80 to 153.85 ; heavy hogs, 53.80 to $3.85 ; troughs, '3.30 to 53.40: stage, 02.75 to 53.15 ; pigs, 53.25 to 83.80. Sheep and lambs, receipts about 10 ears, including five . loads of Canadas. Heavy Canada sheep, fat and smooth, sold at 54.25 to 84.35; lambs yearlings, choice to prime, $4.65 to $4.75 ; fair to good, $4.25 to $4.50.; culls to coronion' yearlings, 53.60 to 53•.10 ; native lambs, choice to extra, 5.4.50 to 55.50 ; fair/to good, 55.15 to 55.35 ;. mills to comtnun, $4.25 to 55 ; native clipped sheep, elloice to seleet- ed tethers, 51.50 to 54.75 ; good to choice mixed, 54 to 54.40 ; common to fair, X13.50 to 53.90 ; culls to com- mon, 52.50 to 58.35 ; export ewes, to prime wethets, $8.75 to 54.50 Toronto, Ont., Nov. 2 -Receipts at the Toronto cattle market to -day were fairly heavy, being 44 cai:s, including 700 sheep and lambs,1,600 hogs, 22 cows and 14 calves. Export cattle, the best price being 54.90 per cwt., and from that to 84.50. Bat. .hers' cattle. Some choice sold at 58;75 per cwt. ; the general run for good loads was 31c to 81•c. Quite a few loads of medium sold at 3c,Bulls. .Some good export sold at 3•c and. stoats bulls sold at Zit; to Bic Dis tillety men want a few good feeling bulls. Stockers and feeders -There was an aetive demand for Light stockers for Buffalo at 52.00 to 53.80 per cwt. Dietillcry men and farm- ers are buying a few teeders,at 53.30 to 53,60 per cwt, some fano, half fat steers going perhaps a little high. er. Sheep ,nd lambs -There , was MARRET 1vEPOns. wz9enanl. • Wingham, November 5th, 1897. Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 le'all Wheat , ., . • 0 80 to 0 Fall Wheat, new,...., 0 80 to 0 Spring Wheat.0175 to 0 Oats, ., .,.... Q 20 to 0 Barley 0 25 to 0 Peas.,.,,• .......... 0 40 to 0 26 82 82 80 22 27 42 15 Eggs per dozen,, 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord .... , 1 00 to 1 25 Huy per ton, ,. 5 00 to 5 60 1'otatoes,perbushel, ,., 0 30 to 0 85 Tallow, por lb 0 3 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb., 0 3 to 0 5 Wool 10 to 21. was scarcely any demand .for export sheep, on account of depressing cables ; prices ruled from 8c to 3;ie per lb. Butchers' sheep quiet, at $3.50 to $3.75.Thore was a good de- mand for Buffalo, and prices were firm at 4/;e per lb. Calves -Choice sell readily at top prices, too many poor • calves eoming forward. Quo- tations rule from '52 to 88 each. Milch cows and springers -There were quite a few dairymen on the' market, looking for newly calved cows ; choice cows and early spring- ers sold readily, but common cows were not wanted. Prices were firm at, $25 to 846each. Hogs-Offeringswere lighter and the market wile. firm,•at 4-'4e to 4c for choice selec tans, si'eighed off the care.: Thielse fat light and stores sell at 4 ;•e; stores are wanted. NOTICE TAKE NOTICEthat the Munioipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingharn, intends,to carry out tbo following local imprOvo- ments namely : ' (a)..The construction of n concrete sidewalk four and one half feet wide the east side- of Shuler Street, roan Diagonal Road to Alfred Street hence along the south side of Alfred street to Josephine Street. (b). The construction oa concrete sidewalk four and one•hni ' feet wide on the west side of Minnie :treat from the South East corner o Lot 478 to the North East corn-, ot ' ot 466. (c). The coast ue ion of a concrete sidewalk five fel ide on the North side of John street, from Josephine Street to a point one hundred feet west of the South East corner ot Lot 57, Peter Fisher's survey; (d). The construction of -a concrete sidewalks four and one half, feet wide, on the south side of John Street from 'William Street to Frances Street. (e), The construction of • a concrete sidewalk four and one-half feet wide, on the North side of Vitoria Street, from Leopold Street to Carling Terrace. (0. The 'construction of a concrete sidewalk four and one half feet wide, on the North side of Patrick Street, from Leopold Street to Josephine Street, and thence on the South tido of Patrick Street to Frances Street. J. 13. FERGUSON, Olerk. Clerk's office, Wingham, Nov. 5, 1897. There doesn't seem to be very much the matter with your child. He doesn't ac- tually lose weight, but there is no gain. He belongs to that large class of children that don't seem to prosper. You look at him a little more thoughtfully than you do at the rest and say "He is not doing well." Failure to gain in weight in a child is a danger signal. • Scott's Emulsion should be taken at once. ' It puts on fat where, health demands it, strengthening the digestion. SCOTT &. BOWNE, Belleville, Ott. Order tri l X a -AND- (j - -rnom THE-- •." ��•OLST.N.:.1dLJ.a DAIRY. . WINGHAM SAW MILL All kinds of rough and dresse --LUMBER, -SHINGLES, -LATH, -WOOD, -BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, Ete. kept constantly on hand and deliver- ed on shortest notice. Call and get prices as we are determined not to be undersold, MoLEAN & SON. WINGHAM 1 PAY YOUR Tate .ES For .the convenience of Tax Collector will b in e Clerk's office, in the Town Hall, Ever .. Friday loo public, the from 2 to 4 p. m., and on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th from 10 a. m. to 5 p. In., and any other day at his residence, Frances street. All taxes must be paid not later than December 14th. Sri X. ROBERTSON, Collector. We stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., to choose from in the town, and our prices are as low as ever. ate : es . t1ND... Jei eir have the largest and best OHRlS AS GOODS arriving daily. All Repairing done on. the . Premises. ATTERSON3 Opposite Bank of Hamilton, e® THE BUTCHER 20 is selling all kindsof MEATS -at the - OLD PRICES. Meat delivered and orders taken daily, ; See my stock before purchasing elsewhere. - y. Opposite Bank of Efamilton. WINGiIAh1 Vie have a large srock of c AND 30ROELAIN. 1 These gooas are very pretty and prices are moderate. Also a large assortment of decorated Tea Sets, Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets. A six piece Colored Toilet Set for $1..50. J HN KER GROCER, WIN G1 THE LEI DING t s ,It e One of the features of this business . is the Cloth- ing Department, and it pays well to buy your clothing here. We ask you to carefully examine Our men's extra heavy Tweed Suits, superior lining and fin- ish, fashionable cut and neat , fitters, regular price 87.50 for.. 0.13 Black Worsted Coats anti Vests, venetian finish, newest out, well bound, first-class lin- ings and trimmings, excellent fit, nn regular price 810.00, our priori.. Men's heavy brown Frieze Overcoats, double-breasted, slash pockets, high storm collar, splen- n did linings and well made, for.. $5 We have the Overcoats with the patent npre to-keep-the-arni- warm -sleets" 1n them, See them, they are comfortable. Good, solid Vests at 85c, extra weight wearing Pants at $i.00. We want your butter, egg and poultry, and will pay you the highest market price for thein. R. G. 6--0 �^ Store. Opposite Chisholm's Drug in . T NECESSARY.■ ■ To lay aside your soiled or faded suits or overcoats, but take thew to the Winghnm Cleaning and Dy ing Woiks, and have thee, clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. AYTON All sizes at. es •rice (Whitechurch Station), .r •ply to R.■.DO Whites ch Did you ever see how careworn faces can Pe made to look FRESH, REFINED AND YOUNG o orolin�o A 1 lay See hi, on 1,15 crit to Winghai at "Brunswick Hotel I'll lay, Nov. i B. hnu••ands owe their goo colts to has art and ' 1 1 ekiltuI devises. He has f'C as Gentlemen's Wig's ,lid Toupees, Ladies' Wigs,If Wigs, Ban::, Wavey Fronts, Switches, &c. rt will pay you' to see goods tried on, You Will then b the tru 3 stato of your personal ap Remember at have theso lo to rozlls° tante, Brunswick Hotel, Wing JC Thursday, Nov. I I. • ; -lat7 sari, sOaser,�,�t �r ' i _shat eY�:?`I • :;r,.t .Srx`iF� --W-9t'-+�7ealwi al W. T. SULLIVAN Has just received a nice line of I+'ALL GOODS, . in newest designs, including . . t SLANGS, T'gI GS, / PA(Tlv1(ilS, OVERCOATJNQS, ETC. EVERYTHING, NOBBY AND UP TO M, T ly D. J. GED D ES.