HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-29, Page 88 ' TIM. \ 1i UH AII TIMES, OCTOBER 29, 1897. H. M. MOINDOO. SATURDAY llargain_Da We're using ready cash to good advantage, and pelting up bargains in all classes of merchandise, That males it easy for you to save money. Your fault it' von don't. The eatly shopper an S,tur•day will get the first choice. 100 pee Crompton Corset, regular $1.00 and ?1.25, Saturday 50e. 20 piteee extra heavy Shaker Flannel, regular 8e, Saturday 5e. 50 Remnants Dress Goods, 'I weeds and Serge.::, ends Froin 2 to 5 yards, regular 50c, and 75e goods, fur 25e. 20 pieces white and cream Lace, regular 8e, for 5e. 20 pieces Silk and Satin Ribbon, regular 8e, Saturday 5c. 5 doz. Ladies' Undervests, regalar 45c, for 25e. 10 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, regular 40e, Saturday 25e. 0 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, silk finished, regular 85e for 20e. 10 doz. Men's Linen Collars, 4 ply, latest 20e, for 127,c. 20 Soft and Stiff Hats, black and brown, regular $1.50 and $2.00, for 950. Great Bargains in Boys' and Men's Ready-made Clothing. • 20 Boys' Suits, Regular $2.75, for $1.90. 10, Heavy Suits for men, regular $10.00., Saturday $8.50. 75 pairs Ladies' Toe Slippers and Lace Shoes, regular $1.45 for $1.15. Special Bargains in all lines on -Saturday. Fur Coats, Fur Capes 4nd Collars, Carpets; Lace Curtains, Linens, Readv-made Mantles, very special. Shop early. Ask for $25.00 ticket, good for 1 doz. phdtos, FREE at . F.13 D Dere o • The Poultry A.ssooiatip.. The following are the managers of the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association, under whose auspices it is proposed to hold a winter show lit Goderieh:-.President, A. MeD, Allan, Goderieh ; 1st vice, A. J. Grigg, Clinton ; 2nd vice, J. G. Scott, Sea - forth ; ea -forth; 3rd vice, Walter Taylor, Wingham, Directors -For Uoderich, W, Anstay, J. Fisher, C. A. Wells; for Clinton, Lack Kennedy, Walter Coats, J. 1V, Ford ; for Il:ullett, Wit. Wallace, Wm, Carter, Fairset•viee Bros.'and G. W. Irwin ; tor Seaforth, A W'lstan O. C', \Vilson II J. r , Johnston, John Ward, T. 10. Cole- man ; fur Lucknow, .1. 0. Lyons; fur Wroxeter, John Barnard. Ladies, Re Is Coming ! When bodily tired, a sleep is r•lfresliing. but viten that tired feeling is felt through dissatisfaction with one's personal appear- ance, sleep is not the remedy to employ. The b.tir playa an important part in this respect. One of Prof. Dorenwend's beauti- ful xtVlea of .Bangs or Wavy Fronts, will soften and refine the expression of the face and a tins switch to coil or braid will giye the head a beautiful shape. 13y wearing these go !is yon will feel better and look yoatiger. CIA on Prof. Daranwend at the Branewick hetet, Wingham, on Thursday, Novotnaer ll.th, and see the foregoing de- moust:att.l; it will cost nothing. Thou. sands w:ar these goods with satisfaction, you can ba benefitted likewise. .A. Bold Stroke For Canada, Canadians are very generally aware that they have now reached an eminence from which they can look backward with relief and for- ward with ucpefulness. The year has been ail everltfal one for Canada. I Mr, Wm. Fraser, of the Oth con, of Kinloss, had his collar bone brok- en on Wednesday, by a colt crush- ing him. against the side of the stable Mr. S. AT. Sovereign of Siniooe had nn adventure with a gold brick swindler but eoutary to the usual order, he was $50 ahead when the swindler got away. Two young childern of Mrs. Eager of Bridgewater were burned to death end the mother was probably Dually injured in a lire Which des• troyed their dwelling. Several animals owned near Ot- tawa were recently found to be suf- fering from tuberculosis, and on the authority of the Minister of Agricul- tnre it is stated that the disease also exists at the .Experimental Farm. Prof. Saunders, under whose charge the farm is, has taken the necessary precaution for eradicating the disease One of the London papers tells a story of De Quincey, who considered himself obliged to fill up every blank It has seen the great wealth of I in a census paper. . After consider - British Columbia acknowledge by mining experts from every country in Europe ; the gold finds in the Klondike region have also attracted the worlds attention, whilst the social and political occurrences in connec- tion with the Jubilee year have been of incalcuable value to the country. Torur,to Saturday Night's Christmas Number has been prepared with a view of gaming for Canada as much as possible from this favorable state of British feeling, and of correcting palpable misrepresentations of our climate and resources. Thousands of, copies of the Christamas Number are sent to Great Britain, and this year the editor attempts to correct false impressions about the ' Canadian climate to show that the Klondike DISTRICT MEETING. The aoau.tl district meeting of the Good Tempters in District No. 2.4, was held in the '1emp•iratne hall, Lucknow, on Tues- day }sit. The attendance, owing to the busy season among the farmers, was not as large as on some former occasions, but delegates were present from Londesboro, Constance, Blyth, Auburn, Westfield, Cul - rose, Paramount, and Lucknow. Grand Chief Templar Spence, and his brother. Alderman, F. a. Spenca,of 'Toronto, were also in attendance and took part in the meetinga. The Distrirt Secretary's report showed that eight Lodges out of the sixteen in the distriet had sent in their reports, but those received showed a membership of :lea. District Chief Templar, J. D. Murdoch of Ashfield, presided at the meet- ing and !evolutions were passed pledging the members to do all in their power to help on the Plebsoite vote which is to be teat., in the Domil.isn in the near future, The meeting, owing to the low finances of the District, decided not to put a paid or. ganize•r in the field, but that the work of organization eto., should be done by the officers and members of the district. It was decided to enlarge the district by tak. lug in a number of Br•Uoe lodges, Before the meeting closed, a hearty vote of thanks VMS given to the Lucknow lodge for the iioepitality shown to the members of the District, and also to the District Chief Templar, Mr. John D. Murdoch, The next meeting of the district will be held in Auburn in .tanneery. In the evening a public meeting was held in the town hall, and the large build. lag was well filled by an appreciative,tudl ,aluce. The chair Was ably occupied by she ,l'Jifsttriet Chief Ten'iplar, and among those ,cmt 'tyre platform were, George .:pence, of Teampplai, ; tilder,nan, Zr. fi. :Spence, to ; Bev. fi, lkl. Whaley, St. Yielens,; may, and d, G. Murdoch of wtfh its ice, is 1,040 miles north of agricultural Canada, and the St. Lawrence River should attract the Pleasure -seekers or the world during summer. The two beautiful high -art, colored supplerneuts which are this year given free with the book, also arry out the idea. One is entitled "The - First Harvest in. Canada," and the other "Canada, Sixty Years After." These are beautiful pitetures, painted by J. D. Kelly of Toronto. Everyone that is, or has been, connected With a farm will desire to have thele framed for their walls. They are said. to be the finest specimens of lithographic art yet produced in Canada. ‘•".111te teraves of Three (Treat Celia - diens," an article describing the last resting -places of Sir John Macdonald, lion. Alexander Mackenzie and Hon. George Browu, with photographic kIa `rrC,°re va views cf the same, and half tone port- I Razors Honed. able thought he succeeded in putting .himself down as "a writer to the magazides," but failed utterly to com- pass the • occupations of his three daughters. At last he bracketed their names, and described them as "lilies of the fields ; they toil not, neither do they spin." ROW MUM DO YOU WEIGHT 1 Thinness is westing. t1'asting is tearing down. Scott's Eniul',bu, builds up; it never makes waste. It will give you rich blood and bring back your weight. TEACHER W4W g I For S S. No. 9, To it Terry ; rua'e, holutng second-ul•iss 'Ord tica d, pro- fessional, preferr I. Seel refarencos and state experie c'. Applications to be in not later than 'ov. 8. Apply to JOHN ROLPH, Blueval jP, O. HEW SHOE HE1 QO TOS Vebst er's FOR YOUR Fall Suit having opens' t a. shoe store next door north c r ,isholm's Block, I ani now ready • repairing, which will be done at cash 'prices. JOHN HILL. F .H. KERNEY, TON aOR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel; Wingham. Shave and a First -Class him a trial. raits of three men as we knew them, will prove highly interesting. Several first-class urignal stories by Canadians writers and illustrated by Canadian artists make up the bulk of the book, while • a new t'eature .will be a record of the leading sport- ing events of the year, with portraits of the Canadians who have won inter- national and other triumphs. Each Copy.is strongly wrapped in a pasteboard tube. The number is sure to attract great attention. It will be far the best souvenir to send to your friends. It will be for sale in this town by the stationers and newsdealers. The publishers' address is Toronto Saturday Night, Saturday Night Building, Toronto. NEWS NOTES Horse -thieves visited several farms in the vicinity of Brampton. • The Duchess of Teck, cousin of Queen Victoria, is deed. The Verity Plough Works at Brantford, were totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday. ,Jubilee stamps will soon by at a premium, as the post. office Depart- ment supply has been exhausted. The Culross and Teeswater Agri cultural Soeiety will be about 5100 ahead on this year's exhibition. Six officers and 100 men cf the British forces were killed or Wounded in the storming of the Dargai ridge. Frank Rearz, a Piston painter+ fell over a cliff and broke his neck, Hie body was found Thursday thorn trig. Dl'eIntyre':t private bank at mutton was entered by burglars, who blew the safe open an l carried off a lot of. money. On Sundt y last, a New York ten- trai train lef: the tr•teit and plunged into the Hud: o:t rive.' near Peekskill. Ni.taeteen lives were lost, WOODS Fla CloSIP7i$O1IIPNE. 'i'he Great English Remedy. Six Fackagcs Guaranteed to promptly. and permanently euro all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm• atorncca, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before aozd After.of sTobts,acco,which Opiumsoonlead or StitomInti• la firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Lias been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist f or Wood's Phosphodtne; if be offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will sand by return mail. Price, one package, $1; six, e5. Ono will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. ozam-- vercOat Satisfaction and perfect ft guaranteed. Queen's Block, - Wingham. Are RUPTURED? Sold in Wingham and everywhere: by responsible druggists, - ..,EL(J,Ley- ir'02m:AtElma r n-ETLI.a -; M0, u' "rMEu "EL2GMEgati ', If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon &,,C:o.'s Drug Store, \Vingham. They are the agents. for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WY THE WETMORE IS THE . ONE FO YOU 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment witeout one. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A. person wearing a Wetmcre does not find it a bother. L We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This tress cannot possibly move d after ad,juetmont, i t Ii Some of our townspeople can Je, testify `•o its merits. 40 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money e refunded. L :tl II rrI err READY- ADE CLOTHING re is a very important department with us, All our clothing is ,ld made specially for us, which insures to the buyer' the best in t,: I;, materials, workmanship, style and comfortable fit, and they 1 ua range in prices `from $1.75 up for Boys', and $3.50 to $10,00 for Men's. If you prefer an Ordered Suit made by the best ' r tailor in town, we have the nattiest Canadian and imported 'f . good s in town to select from. Still our prices are lower than oth G(} ON 4 I ANTLE .. Ii We like to talk about our Mantles, for they please our rl customers in styles textures, shades, and prices, it will pay you to see our mantles if you intend getting one this season. u 11DDR FUR COATS 11, 1-14 u l rr j14 fd f c) c1 Al .OPEN SECRET It is an open secret that we are giving good value for every dollar that is spent in our store. Good value in Worsteds Berges Tweeds Don't get your Fall Suit or Overcoats until you get our prices. We will guarantee a perfect fit. W. DARRA D Shaw Block -Next to Brunswick Hotel. ur] Did you ever see how careworn CJ faces can be made to lo• FRESH, REFINED A. 1 'OHM? 11 iJ fir] Gentlemen's wigs and Toupees, Ladies' things, Half Wigs, '.J Prof IF NO', TRY See him on his vita to Wingham, at Brunswick Motel on Thursday, Nov, I I, "' bkTh daniseeowe thheiirr good looks to his art and Bangs, Wavey Fronts, Switches, &e. QpntNlwEy 1CUI'iC ? - It will pay you to see and have these goods tried on, You will then bo able to realize the true state of your personal appearance, u Remember at k' Brunswick Hotel, Wingham Thursday, Nov. II. int +TO ifJsli e4= 1 : r. l J Ir, Capps, Ruffs, Gauntlets, &e., are the best, and we are selling them at close prices. NDERWEAH -- , so customers say, .r S'L This is the season for nice warm UNDERWEAR. We have piles of fine, comfortable lines, and our prices will make them pe very interesting to close buyers. UR BOOTS, RUBBERS, c Ore ul 1 are so well known that it is only necessary to say that we are rlj daily adding to the stock the best that we can buy. Please do not forget that we keep the best TEAS in town. D. M. GO DON vi Wingham. D 5 _ =1* r rFI, ryF, t it .- r-.7 aziDirr.:E...y" 14 -1 -all Direct Importer. irI rub • e rt ur eet ,rL"uuta.. e, le uai T. tirdL o,. eel) iJ, THE Lagst P• Assariit. u G f_r :Dinner Sets C "Five 09O .®ek Tea Sets Tah1ar Sets Toilet Sets' . r l✓1 i 'r tri iLr.1 EL Tea Sets ► ever shown in Wingham, arid at the lowest prices. N. A. FARQUHARS V N The China House Grocery. ;r --a r-1 v r-tr -c rr, r-tr-, -1 fL Ir K= C _ 7r . ]r 7t 7r.G `tC it rr %- WO- tir "irr'tj 7. W 5 Cif heaper to m.ove Th&n Pay Stop Rent If you want to buy anything in the line of PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING. MACHINES, PLOWS, ETC., ETO. O'N'oti d 15' tid AND GrJ T IR,IGLS. T. H. ROSS, Wiip.gham. ti N+i►' 4 1r1►• dr'NtPo1r " ' 1+' i v utli. N