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The Wingham Times, 1897-10-29, Page 7
PHRENOLiNE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t+, supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that; hundreds upon hundreds poor sufferers ,. f et orers P uflare being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TOS' • RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely Pure and healthful, Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all furors of Kidney and Liver troubles. BrrweuE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS Sold in 'Wing') am, only by Gordan d; Co Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and ail patert business conducted for MONERATE 1.'EES, My office is in the'immediute vicinity of the Patent O(iicc and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit% description and statement as to advantages claimed. .tk"•2to charge to made for ars op fnion ao to Tatentability and my fee for prosecuting the application toad moil 8o called for until the patent:t allowed. "Iavnivroas4Gvrna,' con- taining full information seat free. Alit commune: canons eonsIGeretl its Strictly eonadenIbII. FRANKLIN! H. HOUGH :kr rF f3Y"r'©p1a WASIffIIIQi+i74114.IMAM ELT N'3 /•� �rPS f� 1A 4a Will stand wear and tear for s ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON' and FORCE PUii'IPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SROP Digona1 St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, +riringiiam, On! IT PAYS TO .ADYE RT I SEES IN THE TIMES.. THE WINUHAM TIMES, OCTOBER 29, 1897. ONE HONEST MAN. Ime',mitten to confdentially t will mai raider', oled that ter particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by Wblchq I was permanently restored to health and debUlty,l'mxual weaknesstnight losses and weak shrunken parts, I was robbed and swindled by the Maven until I nearly Iost faith in mankind, but thank too make this certto nomevigorous f ro known tandll suf- ferers. 1. have nothingtosell and want no mover, but beinga firm believer in the universal brotherhood Of man I am desiroya of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happpiness, I ppromise ypoo�u�p�esrr fectsecrecy. Address with aternp,WM.T.MULIOsu. Agents' Supp ies, RA BOX 69, St. Rears, Qua • Mr John Purvis has been appoint— ed d by 0 Y the Dominion v om neon Cro ernment postmaster of the village of Bolyr'ood and has already aussmed charge of the office ; which became vacant by the death of the late ll.lrs Campbell The appointment is a popular one as there is no more ""blgiing and cap- able man in the township for the office than Mr. Purvis. Wwww........•Inamnomam,romeororc irrostaamn rum' P. TEF IETTL POLLS Ii � t�tn4L'Y Positively cured fey these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ncss, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. (areal P1111. Small! Mosel', Gmen Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. I See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pi11.g. r NDMM ADVE TI EO o Best One Cent tally in Western Ontario Cannot to excelled as a bright, enterprisinand p,pular paper. Has all the 1 est ne s from all parts ofthe world. Supplied oy ' 1 news dealers in Western Ontarili. The WEST : Niki AD :-RTISER (Weekly nddi'tion. ON l Y 756. A ¥ rig al to and better tha many pub shed at $1,00 a year. A nts wanted in every distri t to canvass for this publication ddress all orders ADVERTISER PRINTING 00., ltd LONDON, ONTARIO , SLOAN!:;; .3VAN TONIC Cures + rysipelas, Scrofula, Salt Rh m, Eczema and ail Other Eruptive Skin Diseases. marvelous cure for Erysipelas, by an s Indian Tomo, in Lambton County. Mrs, J.J. Porter, of Corunna, writes : I received the medicine all right, and am mob obliged for it. I had Erysipelas every summer for five years, sometimes so bad my face, arms and body would swell to 4•/ ; � _ an enormous size and my eyes would be r 11 sbut for days at a time. I tried two don - y tors but they did me no good, and I oven TRADe MARK. went for ebange of climate, but all to no avail, until I got your TONIC. After taking one bottle the swelling ceased, and I improved every day and am now entirely cured. Fred W. Leiskan, Baden, writes.—"?lease send me another bottle of Sloan's In- dianTonio, I bought one bottle from your agent early this spring, and I must say it hi the best medicine in existence. I was troubled with a soreness in my right sale and I tried many doctors, but they could not cure me, and after usiug the one bottle I have had no trouble with the soreness. X am very glad I can state this. Price $1, 6 for $6. All Dragaistt or Address THE SLOAUi l'Ar; ilCINE CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. Hotiv to Xeep Cheese Warm 1 During Oold Weather. The usual plan is by the use of an ordinary wood stove. This is not a satist'aetory method, as the heat radiates from the stove and makes the cheese near by too warm, while those farther away aro too e+r)id. A elleese one foot from an ordinary stove receives 100 times more heat than a cheese 10 feet away from the same stove, The point to be aimed at is to maintain an even temperature in all parts of the room night and day; Cheese should not be allowed to cool off at night; hence wood is not a suitable fuel to keep cheese at an even tem- perature, The curing room should be prop - I1rars Good Pews From Crowds of People 'Filo 0 btaiu.ed a Free Sample of Hili Pills at GOR ]O 1 & C s DRUG STORE. All Report A Change for the I Better and Will Persevere, eras constr'lctecl with paper and air ) spaces, to assist in controlling tem- perature The method of heating may be by Stearn, by hot water, or by a warns air process which will cause a circulation of the alr in the room. At the Black Creek factory, near Stratford, at the Strathallau factory, and possibly at others, they use a furnace known as the ' Alaska' (made by Burrow, Stewart & Milue, of Iitutilton, Oct.), which gives en— tire satisfaction. lir. li,.• M. Ballan tyne, speaking for the cheese buyers of Western. Ontario, recommends this system as the hest he has seen in use. The main features seem to be a heater surrounded by a galvanized iron casing, lined on the inside with asbestos and corrugated tin. It is so made that it allows a free circula- tion of air—cold air goes in at the bottom and warn air goes out at the top. The casing of the furnaice should extend as high as the bottom of the highest cheese in' the room (about 6 or 7 feet from the floor), so that the we7 rm air may be con- ducted above the che.ese., The casing should be made that no. beet is radi- ated therefrom into the room or against the cheese near the furnace. The wholesale prices of these fur- naces are : No. 20 (capacity 12,000 cubio feet)..j$35.00 No. 22 . " 17,000 " ,+ ).. 42.00 No. 24 " 25,000 " •' ).. 52.00 Temperature In Curing Cheese. When cheese enter the curing room they are but half made. The proper curing of cheese is.as import— ant as the making. Temperature is the most important factor in the cur- ing of is ell naade cheese. The best , temperature for curing cheese is from 60 or 70 degrees. Below GO degrees too much moisture is re- tained near the outside, which causes discoloration, uneven curing and poor fiavor. Above 70 degrees, evaporation takes place so rapidly t•hi t curing is retarded rather than hastened, as moisture is necessary for the ferments which cause ripen- ing. There is also loss by cracking of the cheese, loss in weight, and loss of butter fat, when the temperature of the curing raotu remains for ary length of time above 70 degrees A prominent cheese buyer remarked recently, " that the less by evapora- tion and loss of butter fat .from cheese in one year in stn ordinary cheese factory would pay the whole cost of storing ice, and the cost of suitable ice boxes or racks for cool— ing the curing room during a hot spell. The arrangements for curing cheese are very deficient, and we have praetically no means for eon - trolling the temperature of curing 'owns in hot weather." fl ARTHUR P. THORNE, OttantoTTi- TOWN, Pali., says: "I have used Dr. Chaso'n Catarrh Cure, and it not only gave relief but made a permanent sure." Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure NEVER PAILS TO CURE Cold in the Head, Hay 'Fever, Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness, Void Breath, Loss of Taste and Smell, and Catarrh fit all its forms.(ltotttrint no Co:inti m, Price, 25 cents,, complete 'with blower.. Sofa by ait acetols, or lt6mnuson, Bates & eo+ Toronto, Ont. JULIUS HOBBS, tN. D: Our follow townsmen, Gordon & Co., druggists, did not expect so soon to get favorable reports from applieants who procured from thorn, free wimples of Dr Robbs Spai'agos Kidney Pills. The tests spade so far by the users of the free samples, show that 'these re- markable pills produce favorable results with a degree 'of quickness heretofore unknown in t.ho treatment of the Kidney Bladder and Blood diseases. and allied ailments. `!'hose who hares riser] thein have been encouraged to persevere with the treat- ment, koowing that they could not ex- pect the tine days treatment contained in the sample box, notwithstanding the remarktibia results obtained +ao far, would effect a complete euro. Kidney disease is of imperceptible and insiduous growth ; it takes months to develop even the symptoms. Reason and experience suggests that it takes more than a few days to earn. Fortunately Dr. Hobbs Sprague Kidney Pills begin 'the good work of oure from the first dose. The delightful effects thoselulls induce the patient to (teatime their use until oared They are easy to take, easy to get, easy to buy and bountiful in goou results. Du. flouus SPAR.%GUS Iirrusex Prtas.. FOR SALE BY OOFOON 8: Co., Or uggis s, iyS:dGII 1 ons. .economy In Chicken Feed. LET HIS OWN FOWLS EAT THE OATS INSTEAD OF \WASTING TIIEM. An old farmer who comes jogging in 0) town two or three times ,t. week always brings with 'him a couple of fallgre'won hens which ai'e deposited in the bottom of the farm wagon with their feet tied together. "How much for the chickens ?" housewives ask as he sells vegetables at their door's. "The chickens ain't for sale," he answers, and bobs along with .lis load. When all his vegetables are dis— posed of the mystery of the poultry deal is explained. Driving to a con— venient place the farmer slips the bridles his team and hangs a •nosebag; full of cats in their plate. Then he unties the feet of the two chickens, which are too cramded to fly and pitches them out on tee ground at the horses head. "Now, you jest watch how my little scheme works," he says to the curi- ous. "I used to lose all them oats the horses spill .over or leave 'em for them nasty sparrows to eat till I tumbled to the chicken racket and I saves every one and fatten my chick— en fur market at the same time. Hi, there, Sal, you'll cat your old head off 1 Dip in Nell ; I guess you ain't any slouch at pickin' oats ! To—morrow P11 fetch in another pair till I , get round the poultry yard. Yes, sir it's my idea, an' the patent ain't run out ! Stop your crowin,' Sal, an' finish your oats 1" The last seen of hila he Was tying their feet for the holm run. --Chicago Time Herald. Bruce County electors will have a Chance to vote on the Poor House question At the nett municipal elec- tion. Gaaties. For E &llovaa'en. FII1ESWE DrvituSIO IN KEEPIN �VIDFI 't'Ut:, TRADITIONS Or ALL SAINTS' DAY. Any innocent joke, prepetrate in a spirit of friendly nrisebicf, benefit Hallowe'en night. The idea of olden time centered around th .pairing of lad and lass, hence th chestnuts were put before the fire t test the future to those whose naw they bore; if they burned steadily the courtship, would go well if they popped apart the course of true love would not run smooth. Band -glasses with apples beside then, should be placed here and there, so that the modern Eve may eat her apple and wait for Adam to peep over her shoulder. Greater pleasure, however, will be found in the games which all may play. Tire tub of water, with float— ing apples which must be lifted out by the teeth alone, and the fork suspended from the ceiling, with its lighted candle at one end, and the apple from which a bite is 10 be taken, at the other, will cause much merriment. The search for the ring in flour is also much enjoyed.. The flour containing a ring is packed upon a large platter. The guests each eat of a slice with a knife, and the one uueovering the ring roust pick it up with his teeth. Lead, melted in large iron spoons - may be dropped in water, and for— tunes told from the shapes which it assumes, Great amu.ement may be ,had by placing two hickory nuts, about three inches apart, on the hearth frr froi7t of an open fire. One is suppoied to represent the girl who places it there, and -the other Iter, as yet undeclared, but mentally—chosen lover. Should the nuts burn bright— ly a nappy marriage will result. Should the nut named after the man jump toward the nut named after' the girl she may expect a proposal befot e the next new moon.—October Ladies' Home Journal. Had Many Ailments "For years I have been taking Incl G cines for liver aornplahut, rheumatism, heare•trouble. and nervous prostration bu. have doneee nmemnnre god than snaypothlla er medicine I have ever taken, I heartily d' row:nramed it to others.." � R!..i. S. A. 11 JUDO, Vernon, Michigan. e Hood's Palls are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarauparilltt. lieey, yet 0 efficient e0 AWOMAN'S TRIUMPH. . SheY°I4ia-Raged Her ®Work eel Well That It Equalled the Efforts of Pro- fessionals. While it is well known that any woman of intelligence can do as good work with the Diamond Dyes, and at less titan half the cost charged by professional dyers in city steam dye houses, yet there may be some people who doubt the scaternent, The following' extracts from a letter written by Mrs. J. Gardner, of Owen Sound, Ont., prove that Diamond Dyes are unequalled : " There was a man in our town going from house to house taking orders for a Toronto dye house for the dyeing of all kinds of garments and clothes: I had just taker. oft the line some goods that I had dyed with Diamond Dyes, and showed him that I could do as geed work as any dye house. He honestly ad- mitted that I was right about my work with Diamond Dyes. "Having a large family I use Diamond Dyes to eccnomize. I have always the best of success with your dyes, and must say that I am more than delighted with your colors for dyeing cotton." CASTOR. STf f .. rs tl For lrfantr and Chi .clren, 'As too - mule itlgoaturo 78 im fry "';, :, taov reZt A disgusted newspaper man gives the following philsophieal reason of retiring from business: A child is born, the doctor in attendance gets $10 the edtior gets 0 ; is christened the min— ister gets $4 the editor writes it up and gets 00 ; it marries, the minister gets another fee, the edtior gets a piece a cake or 000 ; in course of time it dies, the doctor gets from $5 to $10 the minister gets another $5 the under taker $25 to $40—the editor prints it and receives 0000—and then the privilege of runt.ing free of charge a card of thanks." An (gainers, cough or cold may not be thought touch or at the time,but neglect may mean in the end, a consumptive's grave. Dr,Chuse'S Syrup of Lintseed and Turpentine will not cure eonsutnptiotl when the lungs are riddled with ceeities but it will stop the cough, will cure eonrumption in its early stages and even in ire last stages give such relief to be a perfect Godsend to those whosolives ate nearing a close. Success in farming,as in every host- ness, depends upon the. prevention `of waste. It is a waste of land to give t only half the cattivation it needs ; it is a waste of feed to give it to the animal it is a waste of time to spend. it half doing a thing.. If the wasted land.—now given over to weeds, only half cultivated—the wasted crops —only partially gathered --tile wast- ed reed—improperly fed, were util- ized to the faIleet extent, another hundred million dollars could easily be added to the income of the far - /tiers of this cctlntry. tr. tre ty Ceselfas tOOL11Cy elictEelEtn, ! HOLERA:2g RIO R BIDS, E Wil.,'n 11l e,A, 'lanrsEt'e3Ti f •RT, And all StflOrEE R GeraF,LaLfl S ®f Children Or Atitottts. $$ICE. 35e. Iicw se of Imitations. 8831 SixtyEiehth Vear TIMM 1898 COUNTRY SENTLEMAN The Best of the AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. INDSSPr,NSIBLE TO Alt - COUNTRY - RESIDENTS. WHO NISI' TO Keep Up With the Times. TERMS REDUCED CE FOR I8'38i Single SnbScription, TWO DOLLARS; Four Subscriptions, SEVEN DUL,.AEt Six Subecriptiuna, Ni:iE 1) ).!.ARS. ,ErSructau INDuc8MS\r3 (which will be stated by nail an application) to persons raising huger Clubs; =Paper FREE all the rest of this year to Isfeet SWAM Wars for 1698. t.a'And a Premium for Every header. It will be seen that the difference between the co,t't of the Couxrr-¢ Gt: nt.Vsr and that of other agrieIoltural weeklies navy readily be reduced, by nak!ng up a small club, to Less Than a Cent a Week 1 Send for Specimen Copies Which will bo mailed Free, and see whether this en. ormous different() in cost should prevent yotor have int the best what account would ,you ,,al<e for such a differem a in buying medicine or food ? 'ddress LUT$ER TUO KBR c°S SOS+, ALBANS!, N. F. In Spring Time get Pure Blood 13y using B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per. feet cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete Or waste matter front the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action.