HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-29, Page 6SINGS 1 '�A ES, ETC. And all seasonable goods at the lowest price. at EAST WAWANOSII. 1 int 1 INGHAM 4'S, OCTOBER 29. 1897, Imre magi; Maximo. amt of :he old settlers of least I East Buffalo, N.. Y. Oct„ 26.—Cattle a�rawauosh were honored last weals . °- The market was regarded as about by a call from Mr. Matthew UMW- I steady, The market opened slow 9 !son, of file firm of llutchison &' and for all but a fancy selected • Oughtred, advocates, Montreal.•Mr: (lot, prices were all of lOc Cl'. 15e Hutchison gave S. S. No. 0, of which' loess it being to late irt.the day on he was teacher in 1802-63 a friendly call, and noted many changes. Since leaving this community he has earned for himself an enviable: reps• half fat native feeders neatly good tatien as a lawyer, and his name enough for the bloek, brought '''?-4.35;will long be remenibere, as one of ehviee to extra Canada feeders $4 @ Huron's sons who ha.l n tame aa{d 84.25 : fair to good do., $3.01 ,;:3.90 ' distinction at the bar. Canada yearlings and stockers, $340 WEST 4%'t1WANOSII, ® $3.90, Hogs—Receipts. 15 loads, markets opened steady but closed Collector J. H. Taylor, has coolweak and sheer ;good choice $3,97, menses his annual visit for the col.t� $4 ;, mixed packers grades, $4 ; t^ i les fun of tuxes f`o 1SJ 1, medium weights, �o.9ri @ $4; ; heavy i +y)Vm. Ha rrisou has leased his ex. bogs $4 ; rough $3.50 to $3;05; stags cellent farm, lot 27, con. 5, for a •!;2.75 @ 325 ; pigs $3 50 to $4. • to i of five years to Wm. BarnfordlprSheep and lambs—Recipts , . nine VOn the evening of Tuesday, the .loads included six _cars of Canadas 19th, a pleasant evening was spent I with several loads reported to arrive DO A. M?LL'Z, Druggist, Ete., . Ard be sere and buy thein bef•ere 9 p. in. for we, these at that time every night ext.epting Saturday. TO ADVER1/3a;ERS. Notice of changes must he left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues. day evening'. Casual advertise• ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Os 0.01„mq ktatts �.1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1897. EDITORIAL NOTES. Ines, A. B. WARBURTON, has been selected as premier of Prince Edward. Waled in succession to Hon. Mr. Peters removed to British Columbia Trre Ontario Legislature will meet on icily. 20th to hold its final session i re anclther general election. Ara a meeting; i.f the Patrons of Centre l;ruee on Friday last, John . eDutlald, M. P. P. was again elected to contest the riding at the t general elections. BELORAV1 . Mr. G. 11. Davids was visiting Ingham friends this week. ' At the Communion services in �.x church, on Oct. 10, the collee- n by envelope for the schemes of ash ire, amounted to $53.80, ng tat collections fie mission- purpoiees fair the year, $180.30.. Mr. John Kerr. of Wingham oc- Upied the pulpit of the Methodist ui'ell on Sundayevening, in the erien of the pastor. Monday before all were sold,cand closing sales were the lowest. A load of contracted Canada yearlings sold at $4.25, and a fancy load of LUCKNOW. se. Shinner. & Cameron have heir pacing mare, " Minnie R," I. Jelin Gentles, of Kincardine. e cheese factory at Paramount completely destroyed by fire night, together with a.hout 4,e0 worth of cheese. The stock as insured to the amount of 4.1.'2,000 the London Mutual, and the lading for $1,500 in the Waterloo. he. members of the Anelent r of -United Workmen of this see, with visiting brethren, at - the Methodist Church in a y on Sunday iast at 11 o'clock, a. special sermon was preached em by. the pastor, Rev. I, 13, twin,. B. A. e members of the Roman Cath. aith in this village have per. 1 the stone church on Have - street south, from the Baptist gregation. The building is to omsiderably improved and when ed will make a convenient and unable place of worship. Largely attended meeting of the now curlers wag held on Mon- , evening of last week, and the was re ar;anized with the fol. irr . officers: Patron, R. E. Truax, .,1 Walkerton ; Patroness, Mrs, Truax ; President, J. Murchi- Vice•Preslcaent, jaws Baan ntative :4ienibers, J,.hn Mur-- , J. G. Murdoch ; Chaplain, R. II. Hall ; Treasurer, .1. D. 1; Secretary, J. l r. Murdoch ; eitative skips. W. Allfn, •l', Jcxrtf 41te1'mnte skips, J. D. and J. 1i. hunter; Commit Management, Skips and T. F. Glaeeford, s prisoner in the jail on a. charge of assault. lea I3evine, a school girl; near v, t e'npi if from the prison leg over tha 1wrt11. at the residence of Matthew Young, township of West 11'awanosh, the about noon. The market was 'quiet and easy for lambs with but little occasion being the marriage or his I change in prices from the late de - daughter. Miss Clara, to Charles i cline of yesterday, while sheep and Young. of Hibbert township, Perth I yearlings, which are scarce, were county. The pastor, Rev. L. Arm-, eaciy end•firin for the few on offer. strong, tied the indissoluble knot. 'he supply of Canada lambs was On Wednesday. the 20th, Frederick, fair on Monday, when all were in abrut 2,500 bead. The first sales of earliest , arrivals were at a shade stronger prices, but in sympathy with the decline in other grades. The closing or late• ,afternoon sales were at about the salve- prices as those nt the close of lastweek. Sales ranged from $5 65 @ $5 75 ; a small second son of Charles Robinson, Ash- field township, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Ada, daughter of the late Hector McPhee, school teacher, also of the the township of Ashfield. We ex- tend congratulations to the newly wedded couples, and wish them happy and prosperous unions. bunch at 55 85 ; culls, $4 90 ra $5 ; J. W. Robinson is again able to Canada sheep, alt ewes, $3 25 @ $8 •50 ; lambs, yearlings, choice. to prime, $4 60 @r�$4 75 ; fair to good, $4 25 @a:4 5V'; culls to common, yearlidgs, $3 CO to $4 10 ; native Jambs, choice to extra .choice. $5 • 00 @ .$5 75; fair to good, $s 25 $5 50 ; culls to common, $4 25 @ $5 ; native sheep,. choice to selected wethers,• $4 50 @ '$-t 66 ; good to choice, mixed, $4 @ $4; 35 ; common resume his duties as teacher in S. S. N 2, much to his friends delight. haries Wilso,has purchased the farm in Saratoga, containing 100 acres, from the Win. eVilson estate, for the sum of 41,212. Doralnion W. C. T U. At Friday's meeting of the W. C. T. U., of the Dominion, in Toronto i to fair, $3 50 @ $3 sO , culls to for the executive committee, the • fol- lowing were elected: Dr. Youmans Winnipeg ; Mrs. Gordon Grant, British Columbia ; Mrs. Strong, Prince Edward Island ; Mrs. Burpee, Nova Scotia ; Mrs. May Thornley, and Mrs. Asa Gordon, Ontario, liars. Middleton and Mrs. Judge Foster, Quebec ; Mrs. Atkinson, of Moncton, N. B., mils elected corresponding ; Mrs, McLauchlan of Montreal, recor- ding secretary, and. Mrs. Tilton of Ottawa, treasurer. House of Refuge Notes. One of the female inmates is aged 95 years, and she is nearly as active as a girl of 20. She is 1n good health, and inay live for a considerable time. She came from Goderich, which, by the way. is responsible for twelve of the inmates. Visitors to the House of Refuge should bear in mind that Thursday is visitors' day. There being so much work and so many inmates, the general public cannot reasonably expect to be admitted at any other time than Thursday. Huron's New City, Narcisse N. Gamine, the young Frenchman, who is building that "magic city" on the lake shore, about ten miles south of Bayfield, went up to the northern peninsula last week to buy a million laths and ttie same number of shingles. He was in Detroit recently and purchas• ed 100 porcelain baths for his mane moth hotel he is ereetir;g;• in St. Joseph, as the embryo city is called. There is an air of miatery .bout the place that has aroused much curios- ity. No one seems to know just what the man means, It • is said that all his workmen are sworn to secrecy, and notices warning out- siders from trespassing on his proper- ty keep the curious from the place. Already he has a small store and a three story factory, where notions are manufactured, and the building of a pier is going on at the same time, besides the hotel 250 by 150 feet. Mr, Cantina seems to have plenty of money and appears to be spending it with prodigal hands. Ile was born in the vicinits of St. Joseph and is only 27 years old, A writ has beenissued oil behalf of Mr.W. II. Pontos,, late teller' at 1' apenee against the Dominion Bank, Inspector Bogart and the Pinkerton detectives, claiming $.550,000 damages for the preceeding against him in connection with the recent rob- blry, • MA.11 FEET DEPORTS. WINOTIanr, Wingham, Ootober 20th, 1807, Correoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer, Flour per 100 lbs.. .. , , .. . 1 50 to 2 25 i Fall Wheat 0 80 to 0 811 Fall Wheat, new....... , 0 80 to 0 81 8priuOats g Wheat .. 0 75 to 0 78 . " .. 020to0211 Barley.... ... . .. .. ......:,. 0 25 to 0 27 Peas .. 0 40 to 0 42 Butter,.,,.. , ,. 0 18 to 0 141 Eggs per dozen 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord.... 1 00 to 1 25 Flay per ton, 5 00 to 5 60 Potatoes,per bushel, 0 30 to 0 85 Tallow, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb0 8 to 0 5 Wool 10 to 21 ADMISTRAFION NOTICE Pnrst nt to .the Revised Statutes of . tario, 1587, chapter 1 section JO'fhe creditor of Ai xaude r DIMU011, of the town of r' righaie, in the County of Hut • t, and Province Ontario, Inger.. mute Agent, win lied on or out, the 27th day of February, A, 1),1 , aro re lred to send to J. A, Morton, of the town f W sham, At the County of Huron, solicitor for th dersisned adntinistratrix of the said deceased • or before the 1st day of November, A. i), 180 'th. r mace, addresses aid descriptions , the f parti lars of their claims, a statement of thea accounts d the nature of the securities (if a y) held by th • 1. And notice is hereby given at the said adnn 'stratrix will itn. mediately a er the last mentions lay proceed to distribute ie assets of the said decoy d among the parties e titled thereto, having; rogeronly to the claims • which she shall then have bad ' .tice. ANN . DAWSON, J. A. MOR .dministratrlx. Solicitor for Admiuts Ingham, 12th October, 1807. atria. common, $2 50 @ $3 25 : export, ewes to )prime wethers, $3 75 @ $4 35. Toronto, Oct 26.—The Toronto cattle market to -clay was dnll. Re- ceipts, 38 cars, including 674 sheep and lambs, 1,700 hogs and 30 calves. Bud ing for Montreal was slow. Ex- port cattle quiet, with sales of best at 3 .c ; some sold at 3 e. Butchers' cattle, little firmer on light offerings;best pce touched, however, was 3,l c per lb. ; some good cattle sold at 3c @ 3 e. Bulls firmer ; not many be- ing offered. Prices ruled from 2e m 24c, Stockers -and feeders steady ; some stockers sold at 2¢c, and feed. ers sold at 21e. Sheep and lambs— Export sheep dull', but steady, at $3 it' $3 30 per cwt. ]3utcher& sheep quiet, at $2 75 @ $3 25 cacti ; lambs in fair demand for export to Buffalo, at $3 75 @ $3 90 per cwt. Calves, choice veals at $2 @ $3 each. Milch cows and springers steady, at $25 G $45 each. }logs depressed, and choice brought 4-c `3 4gc per lb. ; others unchanered. DIED. PREsToN.=In Wingham, on October 2,1th, Thonnisipreston, aged 88 years and 10 months rizaftnaries VmoN.Crr,—Nteoe.—In Morris, at the residence or the bride's father; on Wed– nesday, October 20th. by Rev. John Ross, Mr. Alex. Fi. McNeil, of Brussels, to Missp.I anet, daughter of Iter. Alex. Nicol. PREEMAa-•-MOKnY.—At the residence of Mr, Robert Ross, Huron 'Terrace at,., Kincardine, by the Rev. J L .liarray, M A, on the 20th inst. Mr. William Alfred Freeman to Miss Josie Kelly, daughter of the late William McKay, Deo, all of the town of Seaforth, You think of Scott's Emulsion as only for those who' have consumption or who have inherited a ten- dency to it. Almost its greatest use is for those whose condition is so im- paired as not to be able to get the good they should out of their ordinary food. In nearly every case with these, Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil brings back appetite, stimulates digcstion, restores color and plumpness, and controls the diseases of thin - gess. Book about it, free, So eta. and $t.00, at all druggists, SCOTT & BO\NE, 13.ilcvilte, Cat. tches AND... era, elry We have the largest and best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., to choose from in the town, and our prices are as low as ever. CHRCS7MA GOODS/` � arri g .daily. All Repairing done on the Premises. I PATTEN, Opposite ]sank of Hamilton, DRAYTON All sizes at, lowest price (Whitechurob Station), Apply--�ippto DOBIE, �a�'ii• R. .J . D OBIS, Whitechurch, IT'S NOT NECESSARY.... To lay aside your soiled or faded suits or overcoats, but tako them to the Wingham Cleaning and Dy ing Woaks, and have theca clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. Order your��- —AND- -FROM THE -- HOLSTEIN DAIRY. ®2 THE 'BUTCHER °o is selling all kindsof MEATS —at the— OLD PRICES. Meat delivered and orders taken daily. D. J. G ED D ES. r".Ageffir ,w107 0000, We will have a supply of Fresn Fish every week. Leave your orders early. JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGHAM. 'AAA Just to drop into the new general store and get everything you require- in fresh groceries. • +td Do you use. Tea? We sell Ram Lal's Salada and Kincora Tea. Salada Tea 1, and 1 lb. Lead packets in Black or Mixed, at 30c and 403 lbs is a beautiful Tea. Use it once and you will always use it. Kincora Tea at 25c lb. in Black or Black and Green mixed, has not an equal. Every lb. guaranteed to please or money refunded. As usual we have the choicest Japan Tea at 25e lb, We give you, Pine Fresh Salmon, 100 a can. 10 ib. can White Clover Honey at 75e a can. 4 packages best Corn Starchifor 25e. Chow Chow Pickles 10e a bottle. Machine Oil 5c a bottle. Clothes Pins le a doz. A crate of the finest.White Crockery ever shown in the town has heels, opened up. Inspect it.. . R. G. G. , RDON.. Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store. IT PAYS TO Those who are graduated from the CANADA BUSINESS CCLLE E CHATHAM, Opti T. Dtil?erioncs the truth of this statement when they aro phinod ,In good positions,. The following. have been placed s. F. B',. Cornwall, 'as teacher of penmanship and shorthand, Sp.ncorlan Business College, Evansville, Ind.; Miss Bessie Dunkley, of Chatham, as steno. with the Michigan Chair Co., Grand ltapids, Mich.; Wm. IticTavi-h, of Napier. as steno. with bar. Pratt, Sorry of the Y. M. C. A., Toronto ; Walter Oliver, as book.\upper with McLachlan & McFarlane, Hall's Sidint•, B. 0,; Sarah Towi, as steno. with Messrs. J. B. Stringer & Co„ Chatham, Ont. Does it not pay to attend the BEST? Write for Catalogue of either Department. D. MCLACHLAN F., Co., Chatham, 'int. SA '" M1VIi All kinds .of rough 04 dresse o'er—SHINGL,1Sa. --LATH, • —WOOD, —BARRELS, • CEDAR POSTS, Etc,. kept eonstan try on hand and delite.3•, ed on shortest notice. • Call and get prices as we lar@ determined not to be undersold. iviCLEAN & SON. WINGHAM W. T. SULLIVAN Ilas just received a nice line of FALL GOODS, . . in newest designs, including �-- i SUITINGS, PANTINGS, OVERCOATING,S, ETC. .-.-r-.-.-.--►-r..-.+- . .-e-+. . — . i ..«.P-.-O-.-O-..�.. +-... EVERYTHING NOBBY AND UP TO D.T 1, See my stock before purchasing elsewhere. w. Opposite Bank of IJamilton. WINGHAM TAILOR'S PARLOR, McKENZIE BLOCK, WINGHAM. To TIIIE PUBLIC OIr WINGHAM AND NEIGHBo1uxooD: I have returned to Wingham and purpose devoting my whole time and attention to the Tailoring business, in the rooms lately vacated by Mr. l3arrand. where 1 shall hope to secure the patronage of my old friends as well as many new customers. After an experience of some length in one of the largest establishment, in Ontario, 1 feel confident that I can give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workmanship, 0 (Ce .A:.4 ., . '► i i . 14(oK i'NZ1E BLOCK, 4VINGI3Abi.