HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-29, Page 4'ME :ta WINUJIAM TIMES OCTOBE > 29„ 07. eoihtn e. Next mornings wy GOTH* f j . prillic,ns west oft Goo see a boat snores DC4//' :>6. e. t " � some friends, and (lid not S q toviolGs (see..-eee _m ease_.�.._.- �- "" them again whileo in beforeia. I found my old 1•'itI1JAi', OCTOBER, .eti 1887., but they slid not know me ; we had . , nut, lliet fol• 12 years. "We eomparecl ''""` '"'" , . California with Ontario. It is harder n Eke GATE PARK, fur Lt working elan tomake a living 1 former than the latter puree, In the and mull more is expeeted wf 1i '�O. � Morning L > X. r, )�.1N4 t t dl L , San � J ,. � Lne(,h,anles. Cher ch v Congregational c1. a Ona :;floc t'rr had sht t th., Chutes i e attended the COn„ICnatl deei(le;l to nuke a trim on the: Semite and beard a good sermon saidgood Railway ineittc the sante ground, the singing. The building was ne ti(':l•;ttt tin, tin;; 10 cerits. Tho Sconto one, and the dresses of the ladies' Railroad is like a railroad bridge wore very showy. In the afternoon. Unto hundred feet high or more, but we listened to music by the band in the track is almost circular, or like Golden Gate Park, which •was excel - the rac•ct'„tirae;s. The track goes lent. One 'of the pieces was a • wed - around the eire:le twice, one track ley of all the C. E. pieces sung at the convention. It was fine to watch being under the other like the groves of a screw.We fleet satrailed:, the baud master, t er, his body as rigidid ourselves that it was perfectly safe,' as a statue, and his hands going as if • if we did nut get dizzy by looking . by machinery. The array of dresses down. It was 1a two seated open on every hand was somethb'g got- car like a double cutters let side goons. In Frisco bright red, green rairway ��ns fastened I or purple can be worn without criti- of the; cel:, Lla the cal• Went to the IeisOn our way to the Park we got right always, and in tureiug the corners this railway kept one from `out• dinner at a restaurant, One being swung out on the left, 'W � cfin get such good'iieitls far 15 cents got into the Gael; seat and started, in restaurants. We returned orne up a long chute like a toboggan 1 before tea time, and on Monday went slide. When we got to the top the! to Frisco to visit the Sutra Baths tragic took us down hill ata a breath -and the Cliff House. REPII less rate and then curved sharply to the right on a pieceof level. 1, wasI 'LETTER THAN XLONDIIEF.. on the right, but there was no need I ,n of t1 calling on .1ny :ids. We held . •t„ ! Mrs. E. Winkworth, Morri• son attach- .. ,........-..-�.-.••.•.-_-•--- .. BEADS THAT ACHE. power sUell5 for piercing arnaor.l These are supplied. by private par. I Heads that Roheeau IN Wood ht tieclear and free by and who Tt' ot1ft1e,.aa t 111e 611t118' i:3tttevs, the true natural cure for bead - pain under their own patents. At the ache from what over pause arritee Rleadache lend pain in tht, Utak Watertown arsenal is done the test- , tng of the strengl� Af material used m free from 11oia'thf. thanks touthenutt3 different lines of manufacture. of one bottles and a halt of 13• 13, 1 e,e At Rock Island, 11fl;bb plant for the lnlari : chine gun carriages old faun car -1 The great roller boat about %.vlileh nose in Ill tilers is a J 11 1L1 lSi'1 ft A1moaGl,t)nt 1 u# tetur•e of m a- I riages, limbers, casslons, battery wagons and forges for gulls from 3 1 r1- ' h 10 to 5 inch bore and for ?Ina itzers. • The uiagezille rifles with whish the soldiers are armed are made at Springfield, Aiass, The War Deport- ment has recently adopted a new form of small arm, invented abroad but confessedly the best of all sub- mitted for competition. The con - treat however, requires the rifles to be manufactured in this country. the I in l ., nal ice t • •tl A , 1 -f l At the 1 11n1R o city of Philadelphia, is a plant for nlaiiufaeturing email cartridges. The number made is only 36,000 per day' ; but their is sufficient machinery to '' Wnl. McGaw, of Kinearbine, was �� Friday last in the Lake instantly increase the output to ..50; drowned on 11 y 000 or more. in case of crnergeney. of the Woods. Maainl and Galling rapid firing The erection or file'. M. 0. AL guns are purchased outfight from building 111 Stratford is about to be their inventors. T started. Heavy cannon for the Navy are made at the Washington NavyI A, Prominent IT. S. Played:nen Yard. ' Praises Dr. Agnew's Ointment., The testing ground at Sandy Hook N. fir•, is used to test cannon Dr, 8i11', Send me'12 dozen more of Dr. So. much bits been heard 1018 tried on Toronto bay with a fair She all rolled s measure of'success, Slle ►( ,.o• right and I'elr;O,t the constructor thinks she can. get about. 110 utiles an hour out of her, tightly to the car all the time. going up the first hill we told each other that we almost wished we had not started, out it was now too late to turn back. In 0;i,ltll; ,down ,the doctor here pronounced my c first hill and al•oand the curves we plication of Bright's disease and dropsy, said BOG a Stria but held with film I and saidadvised ins t1 could not o try Doan'et well. 3rlfiduey i 4e 1 Pills i Max- i Niagara halls , Ont., says : ed by kidney trouble about a year ago and steadily grew worse until November last when I became so low that 1 thought 1 would live only a short time longer. The ase a corn - i SADJ3d111B. SERVICES. Ml,THODIST--Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pas tor. Services at 1.1 n 1n and 7 p m, PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. D. Petrie,' pastor. Services at 11 a m and? p n1. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's ---Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector. Services at 13. a in and t I p BAPTIST --Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas- tuvms OFFICE, JOSKPHINI 1TRET tor. Services at 11 a In and 7 p m , ' WING HAM, ONTARIO. CONGREGATIONAL --Rev. IL lir.' Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a in seer 7 n1. Pie es — 1 s CIiP�IS'CIt1Lr' WORKER'SA2 . inttai '� lues --IS rUi;1+I8IU P EVERY FRIDAY MORNING -.- 4.2 1�IO 3to01,1 •FO3 SALT P.IIE13116., Salt Rheum, erysipelas. totter, shingled, rashes, scurf, ete., cannot exist where Bur- dock Blood Bitters is used, litre is It proof : "I was so bad with ult rheum, tat my finger nails nacos ort. B. 13. 3). eared n of ' T have: li,ul no return arra.. „ me completely , the disease during the past three yatt.s. 311its..Ls. SAN1a.as, 1•.tnn:scu, Al an Outran and Lock an command, Services nt 3 p m and 3 m. Miles Ml. . taut 1 r, ati •. -- d '.l Al AR X �ri n . 0. cal I Ara S LIT Services 1 ln. '`0e a t mid Sate in aominan(l, vol vlt._ ea, 3pte and 8pm, In eauji of the above named churches Sabbatli fichool is held at for tri Army,. and that at Indian Headipn the Potomac, for the Navy. Scattered throughout the country are numerous depots for the storage of munitions of war, so that the invasions of Dile seetioll would not cripple the Government. Sri . Agnew's. Ointment. I prescribe Ierge quantities of it. It is a great remedy for tetter, stilt rheum, eczema, an,l alt skin diseases, and also a erre for piles, P,•iee 35 cents, Sold at Chisholni's Drug store. Bubscripttan prion, SI per year, in advance ADV1i1tTIS1 NO RATES Space 11 yr. 10 a,0 1 8 uro. 1 0 , �t2u uu One Column 5t10 00 00 v40 OU ,12 00 Butt ”" 20 00 12 10 7 00 Qnarter00 n 2 G 0 8 0 0 rine --------- Rest, p m. legal and other casual adret tisenieat. So pe ne _— -- -- for Bret hisortion,and Se per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured b,' nonpa('41 scale. Local notices 10e. or lino for firer insertion, ands le, per line for each suboutlueut ,nserttcr.. Advertisements of Luat, Pound, Strayed, Situations ana a Wanted not exceeding 5 line and Business Oh o r nonpareil, 81 for first month, and 50c, for molt L� M . subsequent month, Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. 713,000 1i1 tor shit month, 800, per subsequent month 'i1,^.50,000. Re't+ Larger advertisements in p"oportien. line - These terms will be strletly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or +0 periods. od e. longer nn 6 P s without specific* u ce a pal ti . i ants and to n Advertisements DIiYEv'PORS directions, will he inserted till forbid and charge ` accordingly, Trahsrtery advertisements must bo JOHN PnOOTOR, •ORRo. Roam, Wu (ISMS, Y, A. T. I paid in advance that week J wool), A. B. Leo (Toronto). Changes for contract advertisements !must be MI the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear' II. P,. ELLIOTT, P0OPR,a1'Olt AN0 PUBLIauBB• ,9� '.� rj A(LUTON Capital, , President—JOUN ;STUART. Vlco-$resident-A. O. RABAT. XeLore Like the Foot. Powder is parellased from private Canvasser—Yon are the head of manufactures by contract and at. the I•the house, I pastime?" arsenal located at contract Benicia, Cali., are Dinluyth — Your presutubtinn is Donald >^ t the Cal'. Then we breathed I P 11 it was my only chance to get well special. fortes of (Apparatus for testing quite natural, but you've gut nllother that P freely and said it was perfectly safe I did so, and can now his advice,.afor I I the different stvl'es used, guess coming. after' tell. We had many other down I owe my life t 1 I � o following Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Birteial;n Danis, 1lours,l0to 8; Saturdays, 10 I. Deposits of 81 andd upwards received and torest Illowed. Spacial leepoaits .also received at 0urreai rates of ic.,ru4. Drafts eh Great Britain and the United State. bought and sold i d Il today. My lie has It will thus be seen that in case of n strong; an,. we •) Curves but we i at • e children, and I grat(ie3 end tiha: a 1 been spared to my three Ltt�,,�•f•(l ir•. 1',rbt'tl we got around I think that Doan'n Pills are worth their Once we kept right un with the first weight in gold. piece O'' ti ick alov-e nti 'l o wind up the j L 1(ie We mile through at long, WASHINGTON LETTER. curved, (lark tunnel, ail cam t0I stand still at the other end. It was How Uncle • Sam Would Equip an eYcitinr ride, and seemed Navy 1n long, though we were told that it His Army and Case or i)VNa - lasted three initiates. Then we joined the others lit a building inside the same grounds. This building had VARIOUS ARSENALS : Ni) FACTORIES " Admission Free" printed on the FOR SIIPYLIES. door,, and here an entertainment is N... going on every AfterncoU. Part of it was ventriloquism and rather silly. An artificial man and boy were, try- ing to ride an artificial donkey, which threw them off and kicked them down. Then too young then gave s0t110 nice music o11 different ' things; once by twirling little metal saucers. Then they came out with bells on their necks, wrists and ankles. Another man was playing a violin, and these kept time with the music by shaking the bells. It was well done The two were car- rying On a conversation and em - phasizing their remarks by shakin the bells' whenever suitable, and would pay for them. r keeping proper time toQ the music. many times" its normal size and rented to do, and the 00 eggs disap j Paining, take Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver t INCRI.,, M Pills. aini Tha gnick way they help you back The jingle was very pleasant. Then to health will surprise you. Om e tivas a cage in which three still be�lln er her ofmen�ovailabler for peered mac lei H ouIdthaveleaten imore, war the Goiernnlent has at cotn- mand a formidable, fighting machine capable of immediate and -indefinite expansion. Ate tilxty Raw Eggs. the news. AE An iteral �ly givingin otice of an � �urD Mhgronu papers recently, I 1 egg eating competition about to take 1 place between two APOOP Bans, one di is what Mr. George Benner, Canvasser — Beg pardon, but 1 don't quite cutch your drlht. Dixlllvth--Well, I have to foot the; bills, and as n1:y wife says I'm kick: ing, you can draw your own •C011 - elusions. W. COR B.OULD, AGENT E. L. 1.)16 CLIN SON, Solicitor. A. E. 'a")r tl ili BANKEI3,,~e1�r' ING H[ M GEBE11 L BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED, VANSTONE, 1.1u. BARRISTER, tuLlC1T01t, Eto., Private and Company funds to loon at lowest interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town• and farm proport3 bought and. sold . OFFICE—Beaver Block WINOIIAM ,,Loney advanced on Framers and Business men on endorsed note and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. moneys ,'emitted by draft to all par of Canada and thuilaiu01 States. Netts and aeecitnts collected on ri:nsonable terms. • whom baying eaten 32 eggs at sitting. Referring' to the article When the papers are filled with while speaking to a Galt Reporter accounts of disputes ot this country !representative, Sam. McRae, Spruce with foreign powers over the inde• pendens of Cuba, the protection of the seals or the Venezuelan bourn dary, the sober minded citizen asks tin the the Glenmorris general store, the question, " How would the Gov- kept, at tfhat time by Richard Brook- ernment prepare itself to carry on hanks, which simply distances the the conflict if war should be de- American record. On . the day in street, Galt, told of an egg eating event which took place in the year 1863 on the Thursday before Easter clared ?" In the first place our Army is peculiarly organized. The total number of regular soldiers is limited to 25,000. The number of thor- oughly trained otters is large in proportion to the number' of arivates. For this reason the army could in a very short space of time be increased rne Wiarton, Ont., styles Dr. Chase's Kidney- - Liver Pills.. Not that I am• at sal fond of having my name put in public places, but as a life saver to mankind, I hereby state what Dr. A. W. Chase's K. -L. Pills did for me. For nearly four years I was greatly trou- bled with Constipation and general weak- ness in tho kidneys, and in my perilous cousin Find- question M. McRae, his 'co sig 'i position Was ase's pills, and goydayvise can safely lay, since deceased, and. Hugh and 1 and truthfully state that they have saved , ,r7 al.Tr,n Alraptrienced canvnaser to travel Thomas Bell, now living in Oak - my I my life. I'i aur n , leant ng'nrs No ennanasini , Salary at,c1 eXpet'ee8 pard. Tan 1aADLRY•GARRNTBO8 CO., lauds, California, were in Mr. Brook- GEO. BENNER. 11 banks store, 1 With health f in,ite,t Tarnotc, K'd ys and Liver so g host > i 1 tempus to tom- .. keeping the sys om potent persons. . '. waste material, Stomach Disordered, 1 Money to Loan on Notes, t oteS DIE:COMILted AT REia.SOISABLE l•ATE S Stoney advnnerd on Stortgares at 5i. pot eentwl,h privlie'sa of l' 1''; at the end of enc ve0r. Not, w14 30001104• eolloated. R fl'd1T. I+So ?(11r()U. 3onvor I:InrkwBtvlwrr,. R ,t (dill-t.ND TRUNK RAILWAY. D14PABT ABItIVE Toronto and hest 0 „0 n. in. 2 40 p. m 830pm 10 25p m Palmerston mixer! 9 55 a m 2 40 p m London and South 6 53 a m 1,1 10 a m 3 30p m.9OOp to Kincardine • 11 10 a on 6 50 a m 255pm 380pm 1025pm 880am J. A, 1110HTON, B aItR lsTl lt. Wi,.,,•rom. Oro. E. L. DICE (NSON, BARRISTER, 16TC. BOLIOITOB TO BANlt OP HAEfILTON. LMONEY TO, LOAN. Otilce—Sleycr muck. ,vfuohaul. 11R G. CAMERON, ill BARRISTER, SOLICITOII, CONVEYANCER, &o Ot ice—Confer Hamilton and St. Andrew streets' opposite Cdlborno Hotel, Gei1NRIONI, ONTARIO. ' wheat' the late uUs To all Silo Sed thsmsolvea w1 _ Griffith, of Glenmorrie, entered and 1 gradually slipping away, Kidneys ^�T • t freefrom potable f NATA hid e orlc Ladle, t offered to eat five dozen eggs, then l disorganized that they are incapable of AMTRD•—Thrn.• 7,adi nal LO drAY'ce a Toronto, and there, if the gelid ' omen,pltSe rat his they Con; i Bowels Constipated, Bead Aching, Back lions appeared and a woman went total "num and d them per -I .carrying arms is estimated at 12,_, but his £riei c16 were afraid the 1 0 ld p serious if he inside the cage m. e and no nation of the world '( the 1. an is y ye control, and they any she is never of such vessatlltty as our own. They all emergcncits, and overcome all obstacles that may arise. The question of the equipment of a large army is one that naturally bas occupied the attention of the War Department, and scattered over resale wouldi do so. Grif- fith those ret. ' had eaten about twenty belled eggs . tor his breakfast that morning. nit.; fr.,,,• McRae assured our representative 1 This is an advertisement which tells that the story is not eggs•agerated in the truth rue hlsabout Milburn's Heart and the slightest. particular. • I All Dealers sell then at 2B OT3NTI3 .A- Jit)=e DENTISTRY.—J.13.uSRf) IE, L. D. S.,W1NGnset.— iii 1,.,umrucaotur Arst•olass eats et teeth us cheap ON they can be made ( in the Domioi0n. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed purie.tiy safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, oppoo Brunswick }louse. et . n rove I PUMP O S forth fol• about half t hour. One 000,000, p people were pelmhtted to present that he of t wader perfect I has ever been matte u of a e(1 le bah also told P sure of coming out alive. We now returned to our boardin„ house and bad tea, and afterward went to Oakland to hunt up some o d lends, bat did not succeed. Di I tell you about the ferry ? naturally adapt themselves to gleet Newly all the street ears of the city I are numerous establish d L` the ferry wharfs on 1larketl the ts, ea untrh equipped for doing its own particular 1Art in the general plan. In the first place at the Water- vliet Arsenal near Troy, New York, the Government has a finely Equipped plant for the manufacture of the largest eoast defence cannon and mortars. It has turned out s u 12 inch mortars in' large numbers, bell rings P goes pour forth through an and now has under construction a ul 16 oke people po open room and on to the ferry. The cannon deal d ametert and weighing P fits in between walls so that no inches ferry one can fall into the is not crowd easily than a ton. The out forty factory ycan coast boatd.is so large th20 it �, It takes `_MO minutes to -cross defeneeaaAnd t fiftyt euf�-tile duns aro abs in and then we get off the ferry on to a a y pat together, the sunsrate train over half ova, across the Bay, tuh�glyjac cots, eeth being furnished the track being built out into the eke Bethlehem e t Iron tiVorltf4 and 'water. The train meets every ferry, by a. of Plats-- and runs up and down one street of by the Carnegie Conipa.ny Oakland every half hour. The train burg. In the arsenal at Watertown, stops at every station an this street, and from your station yon take Mass., are made ll the ars Sal saflfor t se street ears to your destination. We heavy a vy cmc fcan for file field, siege t returned from Oakland late that P J may be prevented by owing night, and had quite an experience and seacoast service, with the ex eep' i ore and the system toned up with getting our cabinet bed pulled into I tion of the serapnel. The Govern• i shape, and then we feared it would matt does not make its own high 1 Mood's Sarsaparilla, ell , v street, which is ie. the main street of San Francisco. If you are going to Oakland yeti go into the depot and buy a 10 cent ticket, give it to a man at a door and pass through into a large waiting room. There are always hundreds of people in this 'waiting room, and no one gets in without a ticket. As soon as the a door and then veTtisemellt PEOPLE E WHO SUFFER A11 ALARMING CONDITION I i'' om sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness al of breath, smothering feeling, ita- p p OI A rANANo0UI3 BCBIDL''_I'T--ILESM SELL OFT.I FROM. 214 to 143—,mANDcm SD 33Y PIITSICIANB --DLL. MINIM'S COBB 700 81173 13DAI:T SAVED Ills LIFE. tion of the heart, pains through the breast and heart, anxiods, morbidcon- diLion of the mind, Four yews ago it of IIli groundless of m danger, Island, nearGaaoqIe, was draggedai0miaor impoverished blood, ter most to the verge of death, dreadful i effects of la grippe, general debility, heart disease. Remedies failed.. Physicians.1 etc,, should'failed. He was given up to die. From vigorous manhood lin had gone to a broken i new e w s Cure wreck. Ila , u procured t faithful as they cure these complain.:.;. Every box new's Cure for the Heart, need it faithfully I is guaranteed to give satisfaction or tobre to -day he Weighs is 219 tpounds and lives , money refunded through the party from re bless the day the great remedy was -whom the pills were purchased, acid we recommended t•, hen. sold at Chisholm's authorize thein to do so Store. D�nl, St TRY THESE PILLS w• n th • au on the stye of the above statement. This:- offer is +. on His Advice. limited to the first box used by any one ActingI person. T. MILBURN R.Z. CO., Toronto. remarked the interesting widow to 1for'Tv1A,a y scve •,°pDs1 S p ' Mr. Tilinghilst left me $50,000,', young Billow, ' My dear Mrs. Tiiinghast," replied i� Y you should husband your I 1, ..,at i Billow, t .�. resources.' I r . r+.,. i` lt�! '`' ' Ob, Frank, dear, this is too sod_ den. But tare you really sure that you love me ?'—Odds and Ends. � Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers', a 19 blood THECOO °SSBE TFRIEND i.ARGC81' SALE 1N CP.NAD'I, ARTHUR Jr IRWIN, D. D. 3., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylrania Dental College OFF,OE---MAODONAL0 BLOOK. NoTx-11,lil visit Blyth ovary Wedn•'.day. L'i'CHN RITCHIE.1 G&NE1tAL INSIJ.t(ANOII AGLNT • W INO0AM, ONTAaiO A . DEANS, JR., WING,,Ale, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FM,. .t1E COUNTY OF 1111(034. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. ate. JOHN CURItI1.', <Vlsoaaat, ONT., e1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Implements, it specialty. • All ordure loft at the Turas ottico promptly atteni, ed to. Terns reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Camp Caledonia No. 49. meet 0. 0._the first undo third Monday in every mouth, in ,.he odd ?allows halt. Visiting brethren welocm^ J. Murray. Chief. D Stew- art tion. -Ser Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, T. am now prepared to supply the public with 'Wood tend /rola iFOrce and Lift ramps, 11Bt ass and Galvaniz- ed. f� �,1 1xm111t Cylinders, ed Ifron Tnbiang. Cisterns, Water Tn'Onf 3El. s1131aks, Baths, Pipe }l± `ittttizl,.^�,,, Well 0110;0117 and everything in Con- nection with water supplies. Oalvanize(1E5'teel \Vind,triils for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Partien writing tor informatiotl or orderine by mall should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale.. C. MCRNINC-1.STAR !:lox 140 Wiughatn, Ont.. Agents Sell "Isioredike Gold Fields' Like it 8811 rlvrind. Experfenred canvassers reaping tho richest harvest of their lives: now beginners doing wondois, Near', everybody snbrewlbes. One young fellow on it farm rat $12 it month is making 816. A lady typewriter,it 83 a wok is clearing 811. A mechanic who had earned 81.50 a day is clearing 85 a ' ay, We went MOre agents Canvas?iug out. at 25 Ms., worth 81, THE ll>tADf, •0.11tREr3oN Co., Toronto, Limited, t,nt. •• QOBRN VIOTOULt" is booming.. Eight thousand copies sold, Throe thousand Ove hundred ordered from Austtatia; large quantity gone to South Africa ; gobrg tike wild•Bru in Canada. Lord Lorne, Her Mnjesty's son•in•law, says : " The Beat Popular Life of the Queen 1 have seen," and thousanes en. n ors ; ex. • dorso the statement. Outfit Ireotocnvasa nlua100 territory, Rocks on time. Easy to mak0 five dollars daily. Some make twice that. The Bradloy•Garretson Ct., Limited, Toronto) JOB P HTINO, INCLUDING Rooke, Pamphlets, Posters, B11 J. heads, Cireulars; &o., tic., executed in the best style ot the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address 11, B. ELLIOTT. 7' tins Office, Winghani. BOOKBINDING.. We aro phased tc announoo that anV Boons ail Magazines left with us for Binding, will have 00 prompt given on appliroi Prices o tthee Tugs is bac style ) All t[ ,of Mr. 1ew- , trout for ei to ge pains at ni need( anAev Scull forty Gene mint neeel hope Cite Tapi done and Mon MI fatly cum MI cu re ach M ;non .lou; sligb Iy hi D1 pain fore :81 rich et cure M imp burp 3 tri $1. fail, era( and clef 11/ ver Pri all 1 All fre Ti pet me off co' col M: th. tri G(. hr co se 11 of P a a