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THE 1'1 IING i.AM T.i.11MES, OCTOBER Y . 1607.
Tho old style of trying to force goods on people la not indulged in here. We
simply show you the goods, and if you want to buy them it's all right, and if you
don't it's the sauce. The whole matter is in your hands.
Fur Capes aro a most useful article now,
Coreau Sable Capes, 27 inches long, full skirt, sizes 30,38 and 40, Black
Opposeum Collar, Quilted, as good as sold lust year for 811,, for 88.50.
Corenu Sable Crapes, 30 inches long, nicely trimmed and well gotten
up. very warm and snug, at 8950 and 810.
Astrachan. Capes, fasbiopable length, good eurl and well lined, $16.00.
A. longer Cape than above, in same quality, at �*18,u0, A Cape we find a good ne is
a black Opossum, fancy shot silk Lining, 27 ipchea long, $18.50. Heavy Astrachan
Cape, very warm and very stylish, best lining and a handsome garment throughout,
at $25.00.
Ladies' Fur Coats, prices vary according to quality—$26.50. $32.50 and
836.00 are numbers we tind good ones. A lady does not buy a Fur Cape every
year, and when she does buy she expects it to give her satisfaction. We strive to
have only the best.
Boots and Shoes
It's perhaps well to remind you that shoes aro sold Lere. Everything in Shore
from a Baby's Shoe No, 1, to a man's Long Boot No, U. Special lines in Girls,'
at 75c and 80c, Special lines in Ladies' at $1,00 and $125. Special linos in Men's
at 90c, $1,00 and $125.
Blabbers worth 45 cents for 35 cents for ladies. Rubbers worth 30 cents for
5Oo for men. We also sell the celebrated WILLIAMS PATENT BOOT.
"Come and see us, and let us get better acquainted" '
GEO. CARR has now in stock a large 'display of the very etc., newest toma arial for
Overcoats, Fall and Winter Suits, Trousering, Fancy Vests,
Most stylish Gents' Furnishings in the Market
If you want stylish and well -made Clothe at a moderate price,
• Give us a call. We can give you the best f workmanship. Good fit guarateed.
BIsYTII. I #0,41•"q lr'4.'@RiVfoolf•'b'f fdl►t✓1II r'fAllalliAbtt 'l'% ibO'ik14 ,11+11fiva•' •' fvee
Miss Sadie Emigh returned home
from a few days visit with friends sdo Mil Blake,
Large quantities of grain are eom• Bankrupt
• e days,
the � market t
ill. 'HatoCut
n in lxa yi �
i li
buyers beim; very anxious for it,
Mr, Thos, Joynt shipped a car-
load of ashes to Thiele Sam's terri-
tory on Monday.
On Monday Rev. T. D. Bigley
went to London to attend the annual -
5, 5, and Lay Workers convention,
which is being held there this week.
No Service in Trinity church on
Sunday next,
F. W, and Mrs. Scctt were visiting
friends in Brussels on Sunday.
Regular of the 0. 0. F.
was held in Watson's Hall on Tues-
day evening,
Our town Fathers, have had a
quantity of gravel laid in places re-
quired on some of the streets.
erco 0
Opposite Queen's Hotel, -
' One of the Finest and Largest Ovens in Canada. by the skilful
oven builders, McGregor Bros., and my bakery put in modern
style, We are prepared. as professional bakers to supply the people
of Wingham and surrounding country with
Fifst Gass Bread, Cakes and Pastry
of their vai winds, equal to any city bakery, and
Wedding Oakos and Ornamenting a Specialty.
Parties and Receptions Supplied. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Thanking my numerous customers far their many years
patronage, and hoe,-' a continuance, I remain,
Yours truly
. -
r' H Ophearket.
Mrs, Brydges of Morris, visited
her daughter, Mrs, JJs. Ruddy, last
w -ek.
Miss Maria Loutti is slowly recov-
ering' from her recent illness.
Miss Hannah Powell is at present
indisposed. Her many friends hope
to hear of her speedy recovery.
Mr. J. Menzies lost a valuable
horse last week.
Miss Jennie Deacon has gone to
Wingham, where she purposes learn-
ing the dressmaking.
Miss Belle McCurdy of Wingham
is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Fergue-
Mr. Robert Scott has purchased
the "Bretz" farm from Mr. Charles
Mr. J. Shoebottom has moved into
his new house. The numerous
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Shoebottom
join in wishing them many happy
years in their pretty home.
Mr. Thomas Sterling has secured
a good position in Lordon.
• Mrs. (Rev.) Alfie was in London
three or four days last week,- at the
bedside of her mother, who was dan-
gerously ill.
F. 0. Rogers has been so seriously
ill as to cause considerable alarm to
his relatives and friends. Dr. Par -
fit and his father of London, paid
trim a visit. last week.
Wm. Burton has purchased the
house and lot on Mill street, ueloeg-
ing vs Walter Smith, jr.,•and will
remove from the States and take up
his residence here.
Three members of Wm. Bryan's
family, 4th line, are laid up with ty-
phoid fever It is a ruild type, and
we hope they will soon be recovered.
s; Mrs. James Boyd, of Loring, Parry
Sound, was visiting friends in Morris
this week, • It is nine years since
Mrs. Boyd went , to Loring, and
everything is greatly changed since
Stretton Bros. are building a new
brick veneer stable in the space be-
tween their hotel and their present
stable, Thomas Street.
R. Roach has two 4 year old horses,
i,he property ot' Dr. McPhayden of
Mount Forest, formerly of 'Brussels,
in training on the Brussels driving
A new 6 foot culvert has been
placed under the G. T. R. track near
ties semaphore, west of TurnberryGLENANNA\.
street, to replace the old one.
Dr. Knechtel has decided to locate Mr. and Mrs. John Hastings of
in Winnipeg for the practice of his Orangeville spent Sunday with their
profession. He and Mrs. Knechtel friends here.
the best wishes of theHiss Bella Robinson left last
followed bleft last week for their new home, Monday for a visit to friends in Hayfbyir township,
many friends for their future pros- The farmers in this vicinity are
physic Dr. Knechtel taken,
� isda cltage busily engaged taking up their turn.
physician who hos taken, advantage s i and b the end of the week
brightest expectations may
of the best training and we hope his p• + y
with favorable ,weather they will be
real- about finished.
ized in Winnipeg.
hisss Lizzie Early last Saturday night, some
Moore, sister to Mrs. Knechtel, accom• person or persons set fire to an old
panted them.
D. Stewart, Secretary of the East lot house on the north side of the
40c. Huron Agricultural Society took , a river, on Robt. Hastings farts. The
- 30e. triparound to award the prizes for building was n.,t worth much, but
the best half acre of mangolds and it is a mean set, and the guilty
- 60c,
turnips entered for competition in
50c. connection with the Fall Fair. The
mangles turned out as follows:— 1st,
80c. II Jas. Spier , Morris, weight 194 lbs ;
25a' 2nd, Jas, McCallum, McKillop, 177
lbs ; 3rd, John Stafford, Mcleillop,
159 lbs ; 4th George Robb, Morris.
mit,120 ills. In the competition fee the
oiu�d best acre of Sweed turnips, the deeis•
ion arrived at was: --1st, James Spier
Morris, 1382- ib ; James McCallum
11lcl�illop, and Geor,�;e Robb lIrn'ris AithougliI3ob is a good sized,man
.' t'ed at 131 lbs • 9th Wm Aria- he can get around as smart a; any
Having bought 35 cases of .i :ubbera at greatly reduced
prices, I am prepared to'give my customers bargains.
Ladies' regular
550 for
ii " 35c
Men's City Rubber. Boots, regular $3,50, for $2.50.
A full line of 1 and 2 Buckle Lumbermen's Rubbers always in st
111y stock of 'Boots and Shoes are complete in all lines, and I am b
fro he undersold.
Having purchased the Bankrupt Stock of G. McIntyre, Esq.,
n, large Tilbury stock bought at a very low rate on the $, and
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, G
and Ready- a e Clothing.
l'inghain, we have added thereto
ve opened a Gigantic Cut rate Sale of
cerieu, Boots and Shoes
These two stocks amounting to nearly $
lightning flash clearance of the whole lotI
by any individual or home, and wishing to t
tom, we. will quote a few prices so that you can
, will be sold at such prices as will S0011 make a
se two stocks will be found almost everything desired
J g
e your acquaintance at once, as IN are after your ens -
compare thein with what you can bay elsewhere :
27 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for - -
23 " St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar .for
8 " Choice Japan Tea for - -
5 " Finest 35c Japan Tea for
28 " Best Rice for - -
Kingsville Canned Corn for
1 box. (3 5c cakes) Complexion Soap for
Fine Red Indian Salmon for -
$11 00
1 00
Choice Pattern American Prints for
Fine Canadian Prints for - -
28 inch Flannelettes, choice colors, for
Checked Fianeleltes, regular 120, for
Double -fold Dress (foods worth 15c, for
" •• 14 ••• " • 30e, for -
30 inch Heavy Grey Cotton for - Prima Donna Wrapperettes worth 15c, tor
Aa we cannot go through the whole list hero we will ask you to come and see for yourself. Remember these
goods are for sale just as advertised, and are rock bottom bargains as a sample of the whole stock. Good Butter
and Eggs taken in exchange. Dress Making in latest New York and Detiait fashion in connection with the store
Remember the stand in Dr. McDonald's Block, Wingham, and that the great sale is now open and you are
invited to come, McIntyre's old stand..
Rev. J, B. Kennedy, of Wroxeter
preached missionary sermons in the -
Methodist church on Sunday last.
Thomas Nicholls, general store
keeper, has assigned to James Per-
kins. The creditors will meet on
Nov. 2.
Messrs. Blow & Nash, - have com-
pleted the contract of the Presby-
terian church at Molesworth. •
A grand Orange concert will be
held ins • Frida ,' evening next.
Rev. T. A. Wright, ot Brantford
a former incumbent of this parish
occupied the pulpit of St. Stepen's
Church on Sunday last.
_,Ir. James H.- Robertson has rent-
ed the farm of' Mr. -James Timmins
for a term of years, On Mr. Tim-
mins' farm is to he found a good
house, and it is to be hoped that it
will not be occupied by a bachelor,
and if Jim knows what's what tie
will get spliced. •
Messrs. Page 6s Wynn of Wing -
ham shipped a car -load of hogs from
this station to Collingwood on Tues-
Mr. John Burgess, High Court
Auditor was in Brantford last week ship for $500.
attending the quarterly audit of the ; Hill & Joyner, flour and feed
Canadian Order of Foresters books. 1 merchants, have dissolved partner -
Rev. J. W, West and Rev. Mr. I ship. The business will be contin-
Ballantyne of Molesworth, exchang- ued by Mr. Hill.
ed pulpits on Sunday last.
ids'.• Beet Bailey and Mi•. Adams of
Trowbridge Sundayed with friends
Mr. Matthew Hutchison, lawyer
of Montreal, who taught, school Isere
some years ago, was renewing old
acquaintances in this place during
the past week.
The Orangemen and Young Brit-
ons, of this place will hold a box
social on Friday evening of next
Wroxeter has a new barber shop.
On Sunday evening Rev. Mr.
Anderson, pastor of the Presbyterian
church preached a 'sermon on the
250th anniversary of Westminister
Miss it, Willits, who has been
visiting in York State, U. 5 A., has
Rev..1. B. Fisher of Gorrie, preach
ed Missionary sermons in the Meth-
odist church on Sunday last, Mr.
Kennedy taking charge -in Gorrie.
The new plank walk on Mill
street adds greatly to it appearance.
Miss Musgrove, of Turnberry, was
the guest c1' Mrs. W. Rutherford last
One of our tailors, Mr, S. M. Ram•
say, has moved to Galt.
Wif ra' Gli1ir1111 .
11:111310X131110111122: Mr=a412011113111
statement "it is not good tha; man
should be alone," Alex. FI. McNeil,
a well known young man from Brus-
sels, wooed and won Miss Jeanet,
youngest daughter of Alex Nicol, 6th
line. The ceremony took place at
family re-idence on Wed nestle y .fisc•
noon, about 4 o'clock, in the pry• .once
at' about 60 guests.' Rev. Jn11, floss,
13..-., of Brussels, tied the matri in nial
bow. The bride was attende•t by
Hiss Jenne McNeil, sister i•t' the
groom, and Geo. Pipe tools lessons
by supporting the groom.
--Mr. R. Holmes is in Hamilton 'his
week attending the Provincial Sun,
day School Convention.
Mr. M. D. McTaggart has sold his
100 acre farm on the London road
to Mr. Levi Wilisey for $6,200.
Mrs. Thomas Cooper, bas sold her
frame dwelling and?; lot on Albert -
St. to Mrs. Garvie, ,Goderieh town -
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser
have returned from a pleasant visit
with friends near Tara.
We are pleased to state that Miss
]i' d Sanhurn is recovering from
in a
her recent illness. .
Miss Lizzie Vanstone has been
engtied fur the ensuing year ! r, a
good increase in salary. Miss Van
stone's services as a teacher must be
highly appreciated by the people of
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Hugh McDougall is recovering from
her attack of bronchitis.
'Phe members of' the beef ring met
last week and settled the ;jcuvunts
for the past season. All apps,• red to
be well satisfied with the way in
which Mr. lierbert I-lenrig cowl -net -
ed the business.
The old established business ot the The friends ot Mrs. Elliott (nee
late J, Biddiecombe, for some time Miss Mitchell) gathr.red at -the home
conducted by tho Estate, has been of, Mrs. Andrew Mitchell last idon-
purchased by Mr. A. J. Gri;g, who day cy'ening to bid her farewell ere
takes possession next week -she departed for tier home in Iowa.
Mr. D. Cantelon, the ,apple king, Mi•. John Wylie and. Mr. Herbert •
expects to ship about '15,000 bots. Henning were in Mildmay this week," 0fir''
of prime Canadian fruit to Glasgow i 41i's. Hooey was visiting at Mr,
before the end of the season. I Wylie's this week.
The entertainment given by the. Miss Merkley was the guest of
1. 0. G. T. last Friday evening was ` Miss Maud Higgins last Sunday.
successful beyond the most sanguine l
expectations. The large hall being
literally packed and.many being un-
able to gain admittance. In addition
to the splendid programme of vocal
T. A.
It is estimated that Prince Ed"'ai'd
County will have 130,000 h elute
of apples for export this see, •'.
and instrumental music, an eloquent
and timely address was given. by -
Mr. C, M. Bezzo.t O • a
parties should be punished it found
Miss Ella Hastings who has been
away in Kent county, is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Thomas Small went to Tor-
onto last week.
George Harkness, of Culross, visit-
ed on the ninth last Sunday.
Robt Harkness took in the ball at
Jamestown last Friday evening.
•'strong, Grey, 117 lb, young boy.
Farmers are busily engaged tak
ing up roots.
Mrs. Wm. Bray of Dungannon is
visiting at her father's, Willis Far-
':Joseph Bowman of the third line.
has purchased the Jno.Sample farm,
containing 100 acmes being lot 3 con.
6, payin ; $$3,200,1 i se9ass t il'i
Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland of the
third line attended the wedding of
their niece, Miss Joanna McKay of
Miss Proudfoot of Galt, payed a
frying visit to her cousin, hiss L,
The trurtees of S. S. No. 6 have
re-engaged the services of Mr. J. T.
Curtis for 1898, unci an increase of
Mrs. A. Cantelon, had an attack of
inflatnation;but her many friends are
glad to hear of her recovery.
Reaming the truthfulness of the
Is never done, and it is especially wearing
and wearisome to those whose blood is
impure and unfit properly to tone, sus-
tain, and renew the wasting of nerve
muscle and tissue. It is more because of
this condition of the blood that women
are run down,
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Than because of the work itself. Every -
physician says so, and that the only rem-
edy is in building up by taking a good:
nerve tonic. blood purifier and vitalizer
like Hood's Sarsaparilla. For the troubles,
Peculiar to Women at change of season -
climate or life, or resulting from hard
work, nervousness, and impure blood,
thousands have found relief and cure in
Tho One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle.
Prepared only by C. T. liood & Co,, Sowell, Mass.
are the only pills t0 take
Hood'$ P111Swith Hood's sarsaparilie.