HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-29, Page 2x . U; 'ala :\ U.1IAL �Y �lA], OOTO. 7tER 29, i
*Y ',(.r ). + r ud �_+\ir �`f.i lr'; lv iLll, 1. 141X1s'�iWx1g, i s'stiene j as 'In Oat be -
;d .,"af:fre. [laF\` a i"7� �%?Ic f `\' ft inning* and yet what am. I but a. pal-
,,, /J,t(/- t!' T•� et\n. �_ .e 1 vanized
r�•-t- ;�.�( •�i��%'F�;;lt:•����al�, ��'�t��rt �� �7ti I eorpseP I am dead to all that is
1 worth living for. Aly one wish is to bo
A 0 ate ; free, and yet, Con„ndo you know I have
i Hover caro been
e 4famon .�'Coterie
(E. 1V, Van Deventer)
*Author of "A Woman's Crime," "John Arthur's Ward,," "The Lost
`Witne"A Slender Clue" "Dangerous Ground,"
Against Odds" Etc., Etc.
ptccl to salt-ciestruc-
a Constance Warden sprang impetuously
1 to her feet, and paced the length of the
i boudoir again incl again in perfect silence.
II The tee•rible weight of torment that was.
ct‘ i ('rushing Sybil's heart, and maddening
her brain, seemed to rest, too, upon her,
and weigh down her spirits; she was
torttn'etl with the sight of Sybil's misery,
I and the thought of her own helpless -
1 ness. Could nothing be donee Struggling,
tifor an appearance of composure, she
paced to and fro, and at last, having
�,.. ,. 1 mastered her feelingf, and arranged her
ire annfmncement seems to galvanize mitt hes wife glizeil' at. evert Irma 1,1 , thoughts, she resumed her seat beside
them all into. life. Mr. Lamottt0 looks tip silence for a moment, and then he said: 1 Sybil, whose eyes had followed her move -
with a gleam of latent anticipation in "Do you think it safe to leave them •merits with curiosity,
his eyes; Frank. smiles his pleasure; and alone together too longe" I "Sybil, listen;" she began with that
Jo.ui Burrill steals a deprecatory glance "Who, Frani. and —" clear, concise energy of manner that,in took
at 0 mirror, smoothes apwrinkle out of "Pshaw, no; the girls." itself, inspired confidence. "If you do not lndlin;; themos with 1CTG'ieF e are more,
his waistcoat, and outszniles Frank. flare "'It is Stitt; nevertheless I will go up wish me to make any overtures of friend- spread theist out before her, and resting
be another triumph; he is about to be to them," and Mrs. leamotte arose and ship, rest assured I shall maize none. I her elbows on the ere her, table, and
introduced to the richest girl in the went slowly up the stairs, and softly past at least ant not under the spell which her elbows
in the paha of one slender haul,
country; to meet her on =equal footing, the door where Sybil end Constance sat this man scenes to leave thrown about her c end thought with darkening brow
in the ells. anter of husband to her dear- straLi„ht to her vUtl al . , d
t I " cTE Y
'� ,wrtt te. ir' t n StTt t let t
^�. f 7x termite
her my secret," she mused. "1 know she
will keep it; vent yet, somehow, I fear T,
was too hasty. One would think it had
grown too Mg for me to keep. But,
pshaw 1 it's not a life and death nu Mee
and I wanted to give a new impulse to
that poor child's. thoughts, But I mast
try and cure myself of this impulsive-
mpulsive •
ness,. just as if it were not 'bred in the
bone,' for it was. an impulse that made
me whisper my secret to Sybil; and once,
]t has gpti.nle into Klima tronble," And
ner'nrow nieniteA ti, its she thought of'the
feud thus raised between herself. and
Dootor Heath.
While she was thus pondering, Sybil
Burrill had hurried back to her own
room, looked herself in, and with hands
olazpeU and working nervously, was pao-
ih;; ienn"ssly up and down, as Cansteame
had done te little earlier.
"It's the only wad•," she muttered be-
tween shut teeth, "the only possible
way." Ard then she unlocked the dress -
est friend.
a'vail rises and goes to the window;
h'a pale flea', flushing. There is a rolling
of weeels, a sound of swift, firm footsteps
without, and then the door opens, and
' Co ,tans is aunuonca(l.
1' alio follows her name in her usual
ire , at home fashion, and in a moment
is ic.!ssing Sybil, shaking hands with ars.
1 aniotte, eecihanging smiling salutations
wrch l,ir, Laurette, and gay badinage
with Francis. And then, 'while Sybil still
hesitates, a�+van comes to the rescue.
With. face of preternatural gravity,
he a ol111res, seizes the arm of John
.i urrill, a`a�;r ' hint toward Constauce,and
says, wit" elaborate politeness:—
"Conste,iece. allow rue to present my
new bronc'r-in-law, Air. Burrill. Brother -
in -hew, tido is Friss! \V ardour, of Wardour
, In spite of themselves, they senile; all
t t Sybil. John Burrill feels that
Vin,;" he is noble ridiculous; that
son ,
in he; piece c w ul l x of have
rx •.n It e a c h
an 1
been thus in't,,•(sduced. But the eyes of the
heiress are upon his face, her daintily
gloved hand is proffered him, and siie lies
in her softest contralto, and unblushing-
"`I am happy to know you, Mr. Bur-
rill." e
. tiomehnw, they all breathe freer after
thatprettc falsehcodt John Burrill re-
-gains his eorupirsure, and relapses into
his iortner state of comfortable gloating.
Another face ie =teed to the circle of
Ligh-in•:•d people around hint. He does
not tele much, for he is not yee quite at
his peso- when in eot versation with them.
As they talk, he think: what a fine nest
tip''is wiiich he has ,wined. for himself;
what a lovely woman. bis wife; and
.haw splendidly •harcThome is Miss War -
dour. He thaw:F. howl by and hy, he will
boast to some of his q'lhoice spirits, of his
friendship for bliss Wardour, and of the
value in which she holds his esteem. He
thinks how good is the Jeanette cook,
and how, p c lent:e Le - will sample the
otte -v it ee, and snake a .splendid
gar: 'rd been;' a ticks uti ht' ears and
Fifer the e inveesation has drifted
ireen the ceu,IP.aouplace, and Miss
dour is saying:
It really is a 1 ,rke'n hare, I fear, Mr.
Lamotte. I don't knew what to reply to
Mr. Belknap, but I think he is wasting
his time, and I my many; and, if you
will communicate with hire, as he failed
to pante ]lis addreee in his note to me,
we will close up the case."
"And say faiewe:l to your diamonds?"
"I have pecrarxed that ceremony some
time since. I really ant worn out -iota
the subject. At some other time I may
re::tnne the search."
,?' You aro getting didcouraged."
":n11 it that. if ;-ou,like."
"Excuse me, if I rt;r iee so wearisome
sur;eet, Constance; but—c',oes. not Mr.
ileeep hint at a new clue in this note
In? You meet know he has written
"1i• Wilts, and very vagenely."
"Well, I am anxious' to loots into this
Vientiane own room,which 1 There, don't draw leech, child,
ell • entered, closed and locked the door have no more to Fay on this part of the
(areiully, and allowing the look of I subject. I may ask a few questions, how -
haughty calm to die out of her face, she ever, without treading on forbidden
threw herself into a ci'ressing chair, and ground. You say John Burrill is avari-
presses two feverish hands against a face oious; can he not he bought off?"
that was sad and bitter and full of weari- Sybil shook her head.
ness. "Not with the Waixiour estate," she
Left to his own devices, Jasper La- replied, sadly. "Not with all our fortunes
motto seated hinisel at a desk and united?"
dashed off a few hurried lines, which he "Cannot he bo frightened then?"
"Frightened! You ,;don't know what
you are saying."
"Then, I can think ktf no other way.
He is a bad man; he must have led a
wicked life; can we not find something
in his past, which will place hire in our
power? Can the not be driven into ban-
ishment, through fear of justice?"
Sybil turned her eyes full upon her
friend; eyes dark with the shadow of
despair, but unwavering in their sad
"If that could bo 'done," she said,
"The very clay that witnessed his
downfall, would bring ,,about the catas-
:at hc-trophe I have eacrificedanyse1f to avert.
Constance, say no more; we can do none
of these thin'„s; there es no help for ale
on this side of the grave."'
Constance looked office more at her
friend; looked long an earmrt1y then.
"Sybil," bil," she cried, ith swift resolu-
tion. -"Do you know what Jou are bring-
ing upon yourself Da you want to go
mad, and so be at the mercy of John
Burrill? It is what will come upon you
if you don't throw off this torpor. Your
eyes are as dry as if tears were not
meant to relieve the overburdened heart.
Let your teras now.; shake off this
directed to
"Iir. Terry Belmar,
"No. —, Hoene 7, .T. ar-'t ,hiss,
Constance followed her friend up to
tate ruoln where Clot- had so often passed
nate boors together, wonderingly at
ete 11's collipostlre and seeming insigne-
ti:,iI, and shuda'rin ly recalling the
al r.(i om hng started of the elan who
wes ear ieteeand.
lt tees the first tense since Sybil's re-
turn tear they had been alone•° together,
aur:d Cti.st,nce. half " dreaded the inter-
view, vis well as wondered not a little
+:a:,t r..t' ceportunity:was of Sybil's own
rust ;, hitherto slie seemed anxious to
':cid e. tete-a-tete. •
Sybil moved straight an in advance of
eel' ,r]t't:c„ sand never turned her head
Fuser spoke, until the door of her boudoir
had s,:ut them ill; then she turned and
feeee her companion; uttering as she did
so a low nhirthie.es laugh.
"Well!" she askeddebxuptly, "how do
you like him?"
Constance bent a searching gaze upon
hei ;•edend. and read her state of hind lethargy; battle royally for your life; it
with �a woman's keen intuition. Th.- is worth more than hij; do not let kiln
Tensely strung nerves, fixe a: eaicr of tiia put your reason to flight. an.d so cononcr-
ilirexyiew, the determination to have :t ayture ayaar
over, and to neer her part braveir; The worts ended in'a sobbing cry, but
proud and stubborn Faure, battling with Sybil only gazed dumbly, and then
(.'~pair, and unspeta tble heartache. She looked helplessly ab,n tt her.
understood it all, race her own heart bled "There, there, Canny," she said at
for her friend. But, being a wise little last, as if soothing ay',(,urt child; "don't
women, she held herypity in reserve, and. mind nee. It's true sheer life is newel more
replied, as if the question concerned a than his, but -I can't. cry, r don't feel
haw dancing master ,Z-- like crying.
• "I don't like him at all, child; let's "Then laugh," cried Coustance deFper-
talk about soinethir-,e:lnore interesting,"
Lard she threw herseltdown upon a faen-
tenil, and t:>ss'd off her hat; just as she
]teat tossed. It aside a hundred times, in
that same pretty coon}.. The simple action,
brought a thrill of teniierness, and sad
recollection, to the Mart of Sybil. She
seated herself beside her friend, and her
iELce lost a shade of its bitterness.
"It's like a shadoov of the old Clays,
Cetl.," she said sadly; "and the substance
I can never have any more. But you
must let me talk, I feel as if I must talk,
and you will let me say what I will, and
and c. np e:etel lips; and with now an
then a Fl.t oder, and a sternal glance
behind and acme; her.
"It's the only way," she repeated.
"They have left h me but one weapon,
and it's for my life;" and tho lips se
themselves in hard lines, and the dark
eyes looked nteoly, and resolute. What
wild purpose was s tacking shape in the
tenured brain of Sybil Burrill'! planted
there by the ilr"l;ultive revelation of Con-
While the lurid light yet shone from
her eyes, there came a tap upon the deer,
and then Mrs. Lanlotto's voice called:—
"Sybil, are you there?"
"Yes, nhamma."
feybil gathered up the jewels once more,
hastily and putting them under lock
and key, technitt!d her mother. Mrs. La -
matte was never a demonstrative parent.
She glanced anxiously at her daughter,
and the look uponitlie pale face diel not
e;•c: pe her eye; but sho made no'com-
ment, ('rLw hFLwtn'*:—
"I heard Constance stance drive away, and
the -meta I should fend you alone. Do you
feel equal to a (Irina, Sybil?"
Sybil hesicattel,t and then answered:
"I mhinie so mannas•, if you wish to go
"I have some slopping to do, and—Ft's
Lest for us to go out a little. Don't you
think so?"
"It's best tient we keep up appevrautccs,
certainly nuenirla;;for what else do we
exist? Shall we tette the honorable _tir.
Mrs. Lunette' shrugged her shoulders.
"By no lneans" ripe rdiie(1. "Mr. Bur-
rill, if his fecling4 are too much hurt,
shall drive with le to -morrow. It's an
honor he has hes thirsting for."
"He has indeed,, manna; the creature
is insatiable."
Mrs. Jeanette arose 'with one of her
cold smiles.
"For the presen$ let us ignore him,
Sybil," she said, "Make an elaborate
driving toilet, we levant the admiration
of not its pity." And having time
uttered one article of her erred, Mrs.
Lamotte swept awry to prepare for the
ordeal, for such th tt drive would l:e •to
ate]y;• "laugh and defy" your tormentor; those two proud wcjnien.
harden your heart if you must, but don't No one could hwte guessed it, however,
let it break." when an hour later, the elege nt barouche,
"I won't," said Sybil, with quiet em-
phasis. "Now come' and see 105 dia-
monds, Con."
She crossed the room as sho evoke,
bent over a dressing case, and casae hack
with a tray of S aak1,ti
newly set jewels.
"Bah!" she said, es she ciroppe!i the
glittering thins one by one into her
friend's lap. "How I loved their glitter
once, and how I envied your tr.'F;snre of
jewels; now you have lost your treasure,
cask inc nothing. Ceti., you saw that— and I have no more love for mine."
that creature down stairs: You saw hint, Constance laughed oddly, as she bent
Let you did not hear ;him." to recover her hat from the floor, where
She shuddered, arc1 paused for an it had Iain during their interview:,
il.stant; but Constant° did not speak, "Secret for secret, Sybil," she said,
end so she continued" with forced gaiety. "I have one little
"I had mese up -my mind never tri secret of mine own, and I am inclined to
speak of him to you, .but the very thing tell it to you, becaus4 I know you can
I had Mewled has Happened; you have appreciate it, and den keep it; and I
choose to have it kept. ;Rend dowel your
head, deer, walls may have ears. Listen."
Sybil bent her dark head, and Con-
stance whispered. a fe, w short sentences
that caused her to spiting up erect and
"Constance! you are not jesting?"
"Honestly no. I have told you the
truth, plain and unvarnished."
Sybil stood as if transfixed with sur-
prise, or some ettddele inspiration.
"Why, how amazed yon look, deer;
after all it's an old, bid trick, and easily
played. Come, don't stare at me any
longer; pet away your diamonds and
come below with me, my ponies must he
dying with impatience, and I am anx-
ious to avoid our *teal iee, for I make
common cause with you, dear, and I
have told you my scree, that we may he
in very truth, feline' conspirators. Make
my adieus to the family, and be sure and
risme to me just ah you used: if your
ogre insists upoli coming, twist me to
freeze him into an earnest desire to he in
a warmer and more congenial place.
Courage, mon ami, somehow .we must
'win the battle."
1yhil took the diamonds from her
hands and put them away,
with far
more care than she had displayed in
bringing them forth; then she followed
her friend. from ,171:io room, closing and
carefully locking the door behind her.
Constance obser'ed the unlisted cau-
tion, but made no comment. Only when
ninny days after tshe remembered that
day -she wondered how she could have
leen en stupidly blind.
She effected her departure wit'0n 7: ',' -
ing seen by Prank or Burrill, mot dries
homeward, revolving in her mind. ' ; , tees
plots for the eonfitsion of the lain•,.:eel
plans foe awaken le,,, . S
. bx
dangerous melancholy that would •tt . 1y
unseat her reason,
I "If I, could only move her to
Row a ,
to h e. ho f� Alco x
e � ea 1 Du n
1'3.ot Woat7hAr.
A supply' of ice should be stead
during this winter for use next sum-
mer. To preserve ice„it is not nacos•
eery to have an expensive builaing..
Any sort off buildings which will shed
water and allow thee.- melted iee to
flow %way from the body of ur,.urelt-
ed ice will answer the purpose, if it
be properly packedin sawuiust,
Straw is, of little use flee packing, ice
Use plenty of sawdust around and
over the ice, and pack all openings
between the blocks. with broken. ice.
Now is the time ts.prepare foe next
summer's hot weather, and, thus
prevent loss of cheese. Store pleety
of ice (8 to 10 Cords for an tnalivary
factory), and use freely in hot
There are several ways In which
the iee !Hey be used in the sense
teom. In the curing 700111 at the O.
A, 0. Dairy, we 080 for holding the
ice 0 large open pen made of gal-
vanized iron, which sits on the upper
shelves of tr, cheese rack. This pan
is about 6 feet lona, 21 feet wide,
'and 3 inches deep. In one corner is
an inch hole, which is connected
with piping to convey the melted ice
outside. This is a simple and effec-
tive method in a small curing room..
For a larger curing room with
high ceilings, the plan adopted at the
Blaek Creek factory is satisfactory:
Ice boxes are suspended from the
and suppoi.ted by a cross
piece from two of the uprights,
which are used for supporting the
cheese shelves. The boxes are lined
with galvanized iron on the sides
end. bouton and form a trough in
the centre to catch the drip, whish
is conveyed outside. In the boxes
are nicks for holding the hlocks• of
ice. These racks may be taken out
at any time. The size of the racks
is' 3 feet wide and 10 feet long.
There should be three or four of
these in an ordinary curing room
30v40 feet. - -
Another way suggested by Mr.
Ballantyne is to blind a box, say
4x0x0. Have the box lined with
galvanized iron, -and open at top and
bottom. Place the rack and ice 50
this box, and provide for the over-
flow of waster.. Or, in this box piece
galvanized iron cylinders, about, :y
feet in diameter, anti till them with
broken ice and snit: In this way
the temperature can. be very quickly
caret, and, in the gen''rosity of your soul,
tter aL little further. As a special favor for my sake, you hate extended to him
me will you retain the services of Mr. your hand: have ('71i11y accepted his
ena.t a little longer?” acquaintance. Oh, t;ou. ! I could have
s you nxea'ke such a point of it, yes,
.arr_otte; but—do you really hope to
cathing new, at this late day?"
really do, my child, but can not put
ideas in shape, as yet. I think we
al have Mr. Belknap among tie soon."
'Well, don't let . him peeeecnte ate,
t s a11," stipu?atfd Constance. "z have
tee faith in detectives,"
11 this talk reminds me, Constance,"
opted Sybil,- "marnnha bas had her
nds reset for me, and they are
beautiful; besides which, papa and
Merrill have added to the collection,
at in the absence of yours, I may
self up as diamond queen. Come
c room incl 17e dazzled."
And Ieave tee under a cloud," chimed
'rank, "I,urrill, come, let's adjourn
he billiard room, and have a segar;"
intent u•'on keeping his brother -in -
in orderduringthe time Constance
struck -him dead before b tottered your
hand. lie! Ab, there ,s a limit to lay
iorlaeontence; he has faced himself into
lay lila to blight it; ,he Macs forma him-
self into nay family eft be en nddcd curse.
But he shall not force himself upon shy
friends, Con., treat hint with the disdain
he deserves, else, he will force his way
into your very drawing room. Never,
never, never, extend to him the c nurtesias
due to an equal. He is not an equal, he
is not a man at 011; he 1s a fat, *leek,
leering, ruminating:animal, at his Reset;
he is a wolf, a vampire, 0 devil, at other
tines; ignorant, vain, avaricious, muss.
Rather than see him force himself upon
you, as he has forced himself upon us
here, I will myself sever our friendship,
I will never see, never speak with 500
again. John Burrill snail find a limit,
wnieh even his brute forme cannot pus.:."
ted be raider the reef, he slapped hint She nus growing mitre and more ' olted,
Tally on his brawny shoulclextand they and 0 bright spot burned on each cheek.
Constanee was startled, but fully un-
derstanding the necessity for perfect cool-
ness now that ,Sybil's tom 1Iosure had
almost given way, she never attempted to
interrupt the words that were but the
overflow of long pent up feelings; hut sat
quietly stroking one of ,whir's slender
hands, and becoming more amazed and
mystified as she listfled.
"Sometimes I fin myself wonderingy
at the tenacity of my life," went on
Sybil, more hurried and with incr.'xs-
ing excitement. "S nictinhee I feel my
strength leaving n', end think the
battle. is over; but so whew it is renewed,
a' , rr ,. a
vs' . s rr ss E,al
and I find IllySelf (.If err wing, t n , it t
I- -
W •'(t with of w( ,.t. Pnr m(11hr,tr. ._ h t ,
try Mote my eyes.
no escape; that
what has transpired',, mist 1NL'velt
t mit in most amiable and brotherly
and entered the billiard room,
here Frank permitted Borrill to cheat
the game, and eventually win it,
]i ht of
,. c he de
When they had left the murning room,
n Lamotte, ton, sauntered out and
the hall, and, hearing their voices
amiable dialogue, interspersed by the
k of the billiard balls, he mrtttered:-•--
h, Oonsstanee, you are a switch in -
'eon have Horde my inti niflclent
r adopt my role for once; so long
ate her we may depend, upon
k to keep our bull out of the china
n deserves a11-
.1 turn df:, rv.
nes ('c
Hale' a turn
your 1
took in at 'Old Forty Reals;' -1. In inevitable fate ennsta
go off duty for the clay." I knew that there w
ten minnfee later the i eeless
wase galloping Frank's blooded
the highway en route for the
es the initiated as "Old
mar; Mr. ammo epi tte
have suffered tort(
without sleep, and c'.a 'a without fond. I taint 011(71, WA, ma11 1 touch. 1' i1'r', ,..,•;t,
have grown a little psiler, a little thinner. her? It must be done." And 1''1'(:•ei1. ~'
:eta a groat 'Casal 'leks der. and that Is this difficult task, alio, t:r'ove slows'' ore.
drawn by two superb grays, rolled
through the streets iof W—. Two richly
dressed, handsome' high -bred, smilino
women; that is whet W— saw, and all
it saw; and light -hinted poverty looked,
and envied; little knowing the sorrow
hidden underneath tho silk and lace, and
the misery that was masked in sn.'les.
Meantime, John Burrill, left to iris own
devices, found.tinie:drag heavily. Frank
fro BE co:metier]
;, pns.sec Ihit;hta • Alto nntrnture(l, '"only break th't' fee. •c'
S '
AN INT'ENa IEW • mai A COleeee E
TO 1)1111 AIIt DOWN—WR. wibiji4MS'
1 ilei
ACTI.'vsu'. .
From the Iteepublican, Columbus, Ind,
The Hartsville College, :situated
at IIartsi'ille. Indiana., was i+liunded
years ago in the interest of the
United Brethren Church, when the
state Mats• mostly a wilderness, and
colleges- were scarce. 'Pile college is
well known throughout the country,
former students having gone into,
all pants, of the world,
An Old Resident Cell Known in
This Vicinity.
Mrs. Leonard 'toung, Mitchell, Ont.,
says : !
For a long time I have been unable
to walk except fod a short dic?tanne' be-
cause of shortness of breath. My nerves
were all unstrung. I also suffered a
great deal with sail:idiness and weak eye-
sight. 3. slept very pourly and was in
constant apprention that something
would hapnen. I knew not what. Hear-
ing that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
were a good remeidyy for ailments like
mine. 1 not a leers from Mr. S. A.
Fiodge's drug (tore here. The results
followinctheir tare have been marvel-
ous. They proven beneficial to me in
every way, restoring restful sleep,
Ftrenathonin Er my,nerves, and enabling
me to walk with gerreet freedom.
"My granddanIter, Mrs. Seymons,
who lives two mil s from here, has also
taken these illi for nervousness and
general debility, and they have cor-
ed her besides building up her health
n.nd strength." (Si umid) Mrs. Leonard
Young, Mitchell, Ont.
The prper erring of cheese is so
irnportant a question that we time
makers and factory owners will give
it the attention which its importance
Coe vietio For Drunkeness.
wi table, showingh
The foliothe
convictions for drunkenness by pro—
vinces, for 1884 and 1895, will be
read with more than ordinary inter-
est just now: 1
1894. 1895.
Ontario e 3,266 3,132
Quebec 11 ..4,272 4,307
Nova Scotia...,........ 1,258 1,507
New l3rnnswicli 1,227 1,205
Manitoba , 585 467
British Columbia581 408
Prince Edwardplsland• 174 162
The Territ st'iesP 194 220
Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto,
nt :
Gentlemen, ---For a Jong time I have
suffered from weds action of the• heart
together with 'exeeasive vert onsneR, my
strength was touch minced, and I[ dos.
paired of a care. 'I have taken Milburns
Heart and Nerve 15,01s, which I • got at
5 A. Ifndge's drutr,etore for my ailments
and can truly state that they have prov-
ers the hest medieine that I have ever
iio-e,i. They are indeed the most splen -i
,t1,1 t• :7,', strenghttinins( my heart and
nerves improving
my gen
health, ealt
and intnr.trng my vat al strength. I
E'L"' ,awithont Raltatlnn' that they
have deep me mnr, good than anything
I c•er took for my heart and nerve
troubles. t
tSigt,e,t} MRS.t MIDLEN AGAR,
r Mitchells Ont.
reporter A rep r recently called at this
famous seat Of learning and was
shown into the room of the president,
Prof. Alvin P. I3arnaby. When
Inst seen by the reporter, Prof. Barn-
aby was in delieate health. Today _
he was apparently in the bestlof
health. In response to an inquiry,
the professor said : •
" Oh. yes, I tem much better than
for some time, I and now in perfect
health,but my recovery was brought
about in rather a peculiar way."
"° Tell Hie about it," said the re-
" Well, to begin at the beginning,"
said the profes,or, studied too
hard when a sehoc , endeavoring to
educate m -elf for the profession,
After tom t - •'ng the common course
I came hale, and graduated 'in
the theological course. I entered .
the ministry and ecceptec be charge
of a United Brethren 'hunch at a,
small place in Kent ounty, Mich.
Being of a am xtieus nature, I
applied s- G' gently to my work
and studie time I noticed that
my health was failing. My trouble
was indigestion, and this, with other
� nervousness,
brought t on v
My physician pie-cr ibed fur me
for some time, and advised me to
try a ehange of climate. I did as he
requested, and was some improved.
Soon after, I came here as professor
in physics and chemistry, and later
was financial agent of this college.
The change agreed with me, and for
'a • while my health was better, but
my duties were heavy, and again I
found my trouble returning. This
time it was more severe, and in the
winter I became completely. }iros—
trated. I tried various medicines.
and different physicians. Finally, I
was able to return to my duties. In
11,558 11,558 the spring of 1896 I was elected
president of . the college.. Again I
had considerable work, and the
trouble, which had not been entirely
cured. began to affect me, and last
,fall I collapsed., I had different
doctors, but none did me any good.
Professor Bowman, who is professor
deline of conv'ctions under this head- • of natural science, told mc of his
ing, will be, seen b ' the a� hended
g, , b P
table :
.1884 - —4,694
With such a record, the Liberal
government of Ontario may certainly
make reasonable claim that its efforts
for the promo, ion of temperance have
not been unavailing, and that the
province of Ontario enjoys no mean ,,
trouble for the past two years says
It is ratherecul.iar to say the least
of it that the teal number of convict-
ions fax the D"minion should have
been precisely . be same in 1895 and
1884, With respeet to Ontario, How-
ever,, it is satisfactory to know that
for years past there has been a steady
experience with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, and urged me
to give them a trial, because they
had bfitted hint in case,
... ... ..5,863 enen a similar
5 4,i3 I and I concluded to try them.
.. 6,200 " The first box helped me, and the
• 6,038 second gave great relief, such as I
• 7,059 bad never experienced from the
..6 553 treatment of any physician. After
• 4,973 using six boxes of the medicine
..8,967 was entirely ' cured. Today I am
.. , , .3,?$7 perfectly well. I feel better and •
..8,667 stronger than fax years_ I certainly
3,182 reeommend Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills
to similar sufferers and overworked.
"I have had dyspepsia and stomach
po hien in con,rast with the other Mine Dien Whalen, Niagara, 'Palls, and
province of the Domimon took various
etredies in search ot
11 cure
and none of them suited me like Latta-
Liver Pile They edit mo exactly, and
T; removed the troubles promptly and
effectually. I willingly reoommend
theta to all wbo suffer as I slid."
Sime will pay for TII
TIMES to Dec, 31st, 1808.