HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-06, Page 29ance, can cause the catalytic converter to overheat, cuts into fuel economy and lets more unburned hydrocar- bons foul the-air.-. • Faulty timing not only makes .a car sluggish or hard . starting, but increases pollu- tants in ,the exhaust. • A delay in changing oil and oil filter past .manu- facturer's recommendations hurts the general efficiency of the engine. A well-run- ning engine will last longer and operate at its begt-for a longer period. "Keeping your car in good working order makes good -sense; 'says MVMA's Wea- ver. "It's also worth dollars - and cents in your pocket." „ . CAR CARE SECTION' — SS Anti-emissions:equipOitenti now improved Tampering with devices hurts performance, cuts• fuel economy, increases pollution There's a lot designed into today's automobile engines that make them the cleanest ever on the road. But it takes some work on the part of the owner to keep them that them way. The automobile engine provides motorists "with a good combination of per- formance, economy and low emissions, says the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers As- sociation of the United States, Inc. "If-you attempt to change any one of those functions, it will be done at the detri- nient,..of -.at 'least one and possibly the other two," says Harry B. Weaver,. Manager of the Environmental Activi- ties Department for MVMA, Most of the people who tamper with the_ engine 'or emission controls are at-, tempting to get better per- formance,. More "guts and go." Motorists may get the performance boost, but they' will pay the penalty of poor- er fuel economy.and possibly an'upsurge in patitants coming from'. the tailpipe, Weaver says. Controls work - But there really is no need to tamper with the anti-pol- lution equipment. because to- day's pollution controls work, they do not hurt per- formance and they do not hurt fuel economy. In . fatt, the latest emission equip- ment has' enabled automo- tive engineers :to improve fuel economy. "Driv-ers -of late-model- cars could not benior.e wrong if they think that a • few simple adjustments to today's emission control equipment can increase their--- car's performance and fuel economy," Weaver says. "The best advice is to fellow the service manual and keep: the car in good running or- der to maintain peak fuel economy, high performance and low emissions," Regular inspetion and maintenance"of a car's pol- lution controls improve gas mileage, produce better car performance and help mee clean air standards. The co to the ca t owner is recov ed • in great part through im- proved fuel economy. Motorists Who think -that tinkering with, the engine of .their. late-model automobil will, improve their...p. - ance probably remember he early days of anti-pollution equipment, basically adjust- meot modifications to the engine. Catalytic converter The advent of the cata- lytic converter on most auto- mobiles built since the start of the 1975-model year — a technological revolution — enabled automotive engi- neers to retune engines to achieve that good combina- tion of fuel economy, per- formanj and clean air. The catalytic converter actually is a small chemical factory, taking hot exhaust gaSes, hydrocarbons and car- bon monoxide, and passing them through and around platinum and palladium Jo change noxious gases into carbon dioxide and water. One of the developments being tested today is the three-way catalytic converter which also helps control emissions of oxides of nitro- gen. Equipment in use toda has allowed autOmakers ,t reduce the amount of hydro- carbons from today's auto- mobiles Lby 89 per cent from uncontrolled models of 1960 vintage. Carbon. monoxide emissions have been cut by 82 pet 'tent - tmd..• nitrogen oxides by 51' per cent. Fu- ture developments promise even greater reductions. Tune-up best test "Servicing today's_modern anti-pollution equipment is best left to an experienced mechanic," Weaver says. "The emission-controls on the newest cars are highly complex systems that require adjustment by competent Mechanics since_ they .are- - bUilt into the engines. them- Selves. For an amateur to fool with them would be folly." The tune-up is the best assurance motorists can have - that their . cars are nursing, the. most miles possible , out of a gallon of. gasoline, are operating. at the, highest per- formance level arid"ernitting the fewest pollutants, Tests have shown that Owners-who maintain their cars for the best fuel' econ- omy also are The ones driving the least-polluting or "clean- est" automobiles. Motorists won't be able to service most of the anti- pollution equipment them- selves but mechanics, in, the course of a tune-up,, will make sure that the car is • both fuel efficient and. non- polluting. What can go wrong Here are some of the things that can go wrong and foul up your car and the air at the same time: • A clogged air cleaner not only reduces fuel econ- omy because the engine can't get enough air to maintain a- proper- air-fuel ratio, but the output of carbon monox- ide also is greatly increased. • Misfiring caused by faulty spark plugs or distrib • - utor points hurts~ perform- 40 ifoswomsummonommv lo PUTTING YOU E_ We'll Carelor yoilr car this season to • leei),you•siniling WE'RE YOUR TOTAL -Sf.RVICE-cENTER,. 1..MeCutcheon Motort.Ltd.. BEA_Gm.TEsT,DRIviR • • Piton-e 8.8.77686 IN, 1. 0,3 )0114 FIRST RAVEL WITH CO.OFIDENSCE. THIS SUMMER! We'll Check these Troublespots to ensure that you have trouble free summer driving IGNITION SYSTEM CHARGING SYSTEM EXHAUST SYSTEM CARBURETOR \ COOLING SYSTEM BATTERY TIRES REMOVE SNOWTIRES SUSPENSION STEERING SEAFORTH Should you neglect this maintenance, REMEMBER, we offer complete road service! BILL Mc-LAUGHLIN MOTORS LTD. 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