HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-06, Page 13If We Seek Your Help Envelopes giving details of the annual Cancer Campaign have gone out to all area residents who are.asked to forward theirgifts by mall In the envelope Piiivided to R.J.Splttal, Campaign Chairman, Seaforth, Ontario or leave at a Seatoith Bank - Seaforth and Area We need your money to solve the carver puzzle Cancer is a tough and expensive puzzle to solve - but come of the pieces are coming together. Now, nearly 100% of skin cancer is curable. Almost all cases of cancer of the cervix can be cured when diagnosed early, We've proven cancer is not contagious or hereditary. Still, there are missing pieces. Pieces that only research can fit into place. And It's going to take more money. Please give generously when your Cancer Society calls. We know cancer will be beaten, What's it worth to you? CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY YOU ARE MAKING THE DIFFERENCE... . CANCER CAN BE BEATEN 14% • • • •••••••• THt HU R0 EXPOSITOR, APRIL 1975 — 1J olunteets help vetoed THREE CAR PILE UP IN FOG — Witnessessaid it was a miracle no one was badly hurt in a three car pile up just east of Seaforth Tuesday-abbut 5:15 p.m. A car driven by Mae Hillebrecht was,` hit from behind and another, vehicle h'it it. The Hillebrecht car ip in the ditch at deft and police, at right, are detouring cars around the Flig)ivyay 8 scene. (Expositor Photo)) Sugar bush visited by Varna 4-H Correspondent, by Hully Gully for their motorbike Mrs. Mary Chessell customers. Among those who 482-9969 went were John Dowson, Scott window visibility. Two babies received the Saara-. men t of BaptiSm in Varna. United Church on Sunday.. They were . Suzantie_Marier_daughter.olTau I and ' Elaine Stephenson, and Elizabeth -Janine, ' daughter---of .Glentr..and Lois _taper Brian and Joan MeAsh.Were'in St. Catharines on Saturday to .• attend the .wedding of• Joan's cousin. Danielle' Williams, to Terry .Monaghan.. A very beautiful five-storey wedding • cake was baked and decorated by the bride's 'grandlather,, a retired • .baker.. • , Sandra and Janice Webster were. an-long Cie twelve students of Clinton. High .School-whdispent ten days in Paris, France. While there- they Went On a two-day exetirsien to the Loire which is similar' in some ways. to • the cdun,tryside here. The roads . were winding and led through little villages and small pockets of farmland, where there Might be oily five,-or three-farms, together. There were a number • of vine- yards in the .area. They walked ,down '" the .•fameus- Champs- Elysees Boulevard,' visited Notre Dame Cathedral, • the Arc de Triomphe, Napoleon's 'tomb, the Louvres,' and had lunch iri the Eiffel Tower. The trip. was, interesting, hut the weather ,was and wet, whieb., improvethe appear:. • antic. of the drab and dirty. areas they saw. Items in the shops were • . quite expensive. .:they thought. ,They were in Paris ',during, the election, which was held on. Sunday, to .accommodate the working people.- Several local lads went on a bus Ario to. Pontiac, Michigan. on Saturday. The trip was arranged °pi-lotion Children are the world's greateSt 'mimics. If you don't obey safety rules, can , -you---ex-peet-fhetn-to? Guard-- their lives with your exam- ple. Make safety conscious- ness a part of their Life- - " style. HOMES built where you want to live. Choose from over 168 - Halliday home and leisure home models. .'or we'll custom build to your blueprints or specifica- tioii. First grade materials and workmanship backed by all the resources of Halliday Homes ... a respected name in housing since 1.888. Full colour catalogs available on r,equest. Phone or write for complete details. ()Authorized H Halliday ../InefI Building Contractor. Frank Kling Seaforth Ltd. 527-1320 and David Con'Sittv• Brent Taylor. Jeff Chuter and Chuck and Becky Collins They attended -sfowed-pictures--of- -the various responsibilitie.i. of .tho. Provincial, Federal and Mcinicipal governments and had the members identify th0n, 'A homework questionnaire sheet on government was discussed. This was a special night as over 100 members from surrounding• clubs came to hear •the provincial member 'of Parliament. Jack Riddell, speak. He showed' a film • and' afterward added more • infefniation on government. Kippen II Busy Buddies held their 4-H meeting Match 27 at the home of Mrs. Roberts. The meeting opened with the 4-14 pledge followed by the roll call. "My Contribution to My Community". Mrs. Roberts gave Some important pointers on poisonOus --Plants found around the house and garden and poisons found around the home. She showed a film on Safety on the Road, in the home. and at play. Mrs. Wilson told how to store food around the home. Meeting adjourned. professiotlal- moto-cross„races at the huge Silver Dome Stadium. The races were a little different. with ramp jumps and other extras included. The kids had a great ,time.. On----Saturday-the Varna 4-.H club visited Ivan McClymont's sugar •bush.,-where Ivan showed them the procedures 'for making syrup. Then they went to Joyce Dowson's for a pancake dinner. On , Monday morning, they' attended the prOvincial divisional Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren Jodi and Brooke were week-end visitors with Mrs.. Bertha Mac:- Gregor and Mrs. LorneCliapnian; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wray .of Mississauga were recent visitors' with. Mr. and• • Mrs: - George Parker, Randy and Roddy,. • Mr., and Mrs. Mervyn Bell and family of London were recent visitors with the formetmother- Mrs. 'Glenn Bell: • Mr. and MrS.BilliShaddick and family of Kitchener were EaSter visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Hyde and. daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ducharine have taken up 'residence at the home of ,Mrs. Lorne Chapman. who moved to the dwelling .she The Huron County Board of Educatiori decided Monday not to get involved with the use of volunteers to oversee tutorials for Grade 12 440.13' students out of school because of • the 'current secondary school teacher strike. The. board decided to shy away• from the volunteers because of potential liabilities, a small number of .qualified volunteers and the possibility that• the. volunteers could be labelled strike breakers. John Cochrane, director of education. recommended' to the board„that the use, of volunteers in the schools nOthe considered. He said that the effort to find the people willing to volunteer :may not be wasted since the names of those people will be made available to senior students or parent groups looking to set 'up study groups. Cochrane told the board that court at Goderich where a numlier of cases, relating to drugs. alcohol, .etc.,' were being tried. TWre will be instruction on babysitting at Varna Hall on Thursday, April 13 at 7i30 'Constable Wilson, itY services officer with the Goderich 0.P.P, is Rresenting-t.his._courSe. Sponsored by -itie:VarMI and Parr Line 4-H clubs. Everyone is Welcome to Ittend, especially parents. and young people who do babysitting. 13 students. He said that spread over five high schools eight was not many. "When you come right down to brass tacks, there Were eight that probably could have been some assistance to Grade 13s", said Cochrane. Mr. Cochrane said the small number of qualified volUtiteers combined with the possibility that they could be' construed as ,strikebreakers. that:-they would not be paid, that the education act demanded. they not• be used .More than 10 days and the possibility of legal problems. and ' liabilities pioni pteelb im to-sugg.est. that ilia,. board leave the volunteer progran~ to local groups like 'the one in Goderich. The,director also told the board not "to panic" about lost instructional time, due- to • the strike. He said the ,students had not •lost too much time thus far since the board had cancelled the mid-term eirams and little time had been losi due to winter storms. He said -that he. knew. of Correspondent Rena:Calthiell 262:5935 ' Mrs. Emerson Kyle underwent surgery during the past 'week at St: Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Percy Wright is a patient in Exeter Ho'spital. Jack Swartz, 'Ffillsgreen, underwent surgery during the past week, John E. Caldwell is holidaying in Ptierto Rico. • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice on the' occasion " of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Meeting 4 of the Busy Buddies Kippen Il Busy Buddies held their 4-H Club meeting at the Brucefield ChurchHall. Meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and the roll call, "HoW could I define a good citizen?" "Mrs. Finlayson told • about "Basic , Freedom" witch is found in the members' pamphlet. Things affectedby law and kinds of government was given by Mrs. Roberts, who also ppp6:.....4717.1..iclubs..... • THE 01117Y DETOUR TE If you can combine a Dirty Detour with dirty weather, so muchthe better. These rotten conditions would be ideal for testing the 510's steel-belted radials; power:-.assiSt front disc brakes, pressure sensing valVe, . dual headlights, front; rear and side window defoggers, and wide 304 degree k11110111NktIm\\iiliir THE FAMILY SAFARI TEST If your family motoring trips resemble a troop movement, bang the troops along for the test. 13e sure theyall fit in, bag and baggage. There's rarn p enough in the 510 for 2 adults, 3 children and 'a St. Bernard, plus luggage. The possibilities are endless... THE NIIIMENT TIIIITII TEST . Compare the 510 with other cars. There are comparably priced cars. Add in all 510:s standard features (that aren't all standard in compar- able cars), and add in the gas savings and main- tenance savings. You're boundlo .9rgre: the Datsun 510 adds up to' the smallest value on the road today. So,why wait? members Hensall purchased from Mrs. onthron. Mr. and Mrs. GreggSpeueer., and family vet tinted to their home at Bancroft after spending several ,days last, week with the' fernier's father Mr,•-Walter Spencer. Mr, Burt Coletnan of London spent the holiday. week-end with his mother Mrs. Gladys Coleman and brother Ivan., Mrs. Harry Horton who was a • patie a in Sell tth _H WW1 Hospital Exeter returned to her hem last week. Mrs. Anita'Bengough who was a patient in. South HUron Hos- pital.' Exeter for ''the• pastthree week's returned to her home. THE 11IP OF 11111111IY TEST Get inside 510, 510 isn't yotir ordinary family/ economy car interior. Colour co-ordination throughout. Deep pile carpeting. Full instrumentation. And standard features ...that go on forever. DATSUN \ • NS" MADE BY NISSAN 280 Z— B. "1.Q---F-10—SPORTRUCK-200 SX-510 WHEREIN SMAR MONEY'S GOING. Watch the Datsun Special on CTV's 'Wide World of4pOrts.' June 10,1978. Geralds Datsun Ltd. Seaforth 5271010 k-44, one such group had already been two students that went to another establishes 10 Goderich voIunteers and and was advised that they were not education system to study and he i nvol ved 40 students. He said the groups that far behind. met Wilco weekly in the basement - "But the' clock is running," he of Knox Presbyterian Church in warned. "From here' on time is oTdhee Goderich. important for many of the director said the volunteer students. All I'm saying is don't • project was authored by himand panie.7 , • board chairman John Elliott. He Zurich trustee Herb Turkhefin said the two decided to "sample asked why ,the five secondary -the—water and see what the school administrators could not volunteer proposal' would be take up some teaching 'duties ii.ke". He said the subsequent' during the strike. He suggested annoutternen1 from, the board that the principals and vice- office resulted i 28 names' of. principals could be of great people with offers that they were assistance to the Grade 13 willing to help where they could. students in a classroom etiviron- He' said that of ' . the 28 n4nt. _volunteers eight had the Mr. Cochrane, explained that , necessaryacademie background'. the principals were , hot to be of any assistance to Grade Brussels OfficeOpen Tuesdays & Fridays Phone 887-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency INCOME TAX PREPARED . • .1 W PAYING 9 1/2 % Farmers Businessmen.- Individuals —At Reasonable Rates -File early to avoid the Rush and delay in refunds [gAy_ears Experience] Compouhd and ?Nnnually,. Monkton Office Open • Monday thru Saturday Phone 347-2241 • necessarily. qualified to teach all subjects.' He said they May hold a degree in history but that that wouldn't be much goOd teaching niathematics. "I've been given to understand that secondary school teachers are qualified to teach anything," said Turkhe1M. John Elliott added that the principals and vice-principals are members of the Ontario' Secondary School , Teacher's Federation and as such arebound by OSSTF regulations in the strike. He, said the seller)l adMinistrators could only teach classes they' taught before the strike and cannot expand their services to any , other course, class or ti