HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-06, Page 8WEBBER FISCIIER Gaye Fischer, daughter of Mr, and,Mrs. Ralph Fischer of R. R. #4, Walton and Ron Howard Webber son of Mr. and litirS..'1,10yd Webber of R. R. #1, Woodham were married at the Victorian Inn in Stratford on Friday March 31, Rev, Allan Adams officiated at the traditional candlelight ceremony. The bride was OVert in marriage bylher'father, The matron of honour was . Mrs, Dale Bachert of Blyth; sister of the bride, and bridesnahlds were Mary Devereaux -of ,Seafroth and Mrs. Al Rovell of Staffa.7The groomsman was Peter Case of Exeter and ushers were Cliff Webber of Stratford and Craig Webber of Exeter. The organist was Lois Horst and the soloist was Mrs, Eleanor Horst. The reception was held at the Victorian Inn in Stratford and guests came front 'Elmville, Walton, Exeter, New Jersey, Nova Scotia and Toronto. The couple will reside in London. (Photo by Phillips) • • GLANVILLE - TAYLOR Donna Jane Louise Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Taylor of Varna 'and Brian Edward Glanville, son of Mr. arid. Mrs. Meryl Glanville of Seaforth were married at Varna United • Church on Saturday April 1.' Reverend Taylor officiated at the traditional ceremony. The bride, was, given in marriage by her • father. The maid' of honour was Pauline Leppington of Clinton and,bridesmaids were Cathy Taylor, sister of the bride, of Varna, and Kathy Rueger. The flower girl was Donna Whittaker and the ringbearer was Ray Lamont. The groomsman was Doug McKay -and ushers were: Wayne Coombs of Seaforth, and Larry Glanville, brother of the groom, of Seaforth. The organist was Mrs. Doug McA sh and the soloist was Pete Postill who sang the Love Theme from the Godfather, Love Story and We've Only Just Begun. Dinner and, the reception were held at the Seaforth WEBBER FISCHER Legion. Guests came from Newtonville, London and Kilsworthy. - The couple will reside in Seaforth. (Photo by Phillips) GLANVILLE - TAYLOR;, by, Richard Charles- Little goes a long way Most people will agree that cars take,,a large slice of out incomes, but are not so ready to admit that many of us pick the wrong cars and often use them wastefully: Mean- while, everything from rising prices to dwindling fuel supplies; from -congested roads and parking areas to -traffic accidents and air pollution is plainly telling us to ease up. Which means to drive less often, larfast andless fancily. To a society brought up on the legend of the Stutz Bearcat and the Open Road, the notion that motoring today is no longer so free and easy comes is *a slap in the face. It's a bit like the knight of 500 years ago discovering that the glory of putting on 'armour and galloping to the rescue of fair damsels had suddenly lost•its appeal now that, he ran the risk of being blown off his horse by the new- fangled 'aition. We have no' choice, it seems, but to -learn some tricks that can help us to travel in fair comfort while being aware , of the needle on the world's'gas gauge, which unfortunately .• is creeping toward "Empty"._The first trick' is to, pick the right car. ,- • Two kinds of energy•go into a new car - the energy used in producing the' Steel and other materials, and making the parts. and• putting' them together, and -then the energy to .r un......That's_not _Daunting the _energy needed. for _ maintenance, new tires and repairs, and for providing roads and traffic control systems, and finally for towing the old- heap to the dump. vyhen-you set out to buy a new ear, you look for the deal that suits you best, of course. But remember, a good- deal goes beyond finding "a honey of a car", bargaining hard for it, doing well with your trade-in and paying on the easiest terms available. It also means asking: What kind of car do I need? What will it cost to.run? How long will it last me? If you can get the answers right, you will save yourself a lot of money in the long run and (may heaven bless•you)• you will be helping to beat the energy shortage. If you 'are in the market for a new car, a, good way to begin is with a list of current models that shows -their fuel consumption. The Office of Energy Conservation, De- partment of Energy, Mines and Resources in conjunction with Transport Canada publishes such a list with over 250 makes and Models ranging from a' low consumption/of 53 Miles per gallon (85 kpg) to a high- of 14 mpg (2'2 kpg). These are divided into three classes: 51 gdod fuel savers giving better than 33 mpg (53 kpg), 74 reasonable savers at 24 (38' kpg) to 32 mpg (51 kpg), and 127 that make 'the fuel problem •0,/orse by giving less than 24 tripg-(38"kfig). , This list of cars and other information on buying, driving and maintaining them is in The car mileage book. Just write to Box 3500, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario, K,11' 4G1 for your copy. A useful rule of thumb to apply is, of course, that little cars usually go farther on a-gallon of gas than bigger ones;• but size is not the whole story, especially as the smallest cars don't meet every need. A car's fuel consumption also depends on the weight, size and efficiency of its engine, the efficiency -of_ its --transmission_ and driVe train, its_ shape (streamlining), ,its stability on the road, and the extra equipment 'on' it (such as power windows, and air con- ditioners): Fuel consumptioe will vary too with your driving habits, how well you maintain your car, and the weather and other driving conditions. So your miles-per-gallon (or kilometers- per-gallon) may not quite match the published figures, but the more economical performers will continue to serve you best. bout 30 Huion County citizenship certificates 'on residents took their oath of Wednesday mere: loanuis Canadian citizenship at a Citizen- Antonopou los of Goderich .ship Court held alst Wednesday , formerly of Greece; Mr. Wilhelm afternoon in the Goderich Court Bednarek and Mrs. • Anna House Chambers. Valentine Bednarek, of Goderich, Among•those receiving a certi- formerly of Germany; Mr: licate 'of Canadian citizenship Cronelis De Boer of R. R. #2, were Goderich town councillor Clinton.° formerly of the Stan Profit and his wife Frances. Netherlands; Mrs. Hendrikje They .came to Canada ,fro,m Dorsch of R. •R, #S, Bpssels, Edinburgh, Scotland in 1960. As formerly -Of Holland;' Mr; a British subject,. Profit was ..leendert Dyk and Mrs. Tryntje allowed to run for town council. Dyk of R. R. #3, :Walton, formerly Profit said -it wasn't a matter of if' of the Netherland's; Mrs. susanne he would become a Canadian Ingrid Fee of Goderich, forrrierly citizen, but rather a matter of MrS. Glenda Kpapp of Clinton, When. formerly of.. England; , Mr. The citizenship ceremony was a Clarence Knight ./and Mrs. moving one as those taking part Pauling Knight Goderich, accepted the responsibilities of formerly of England; Mrs. becoming Canadian citizens as •Gislinde Christel LefneSki of well as the Tights and priviliges. Goderich, formerly of Germany; Her honour Judge Elaine Mrs. Elizabeth McAlpine of R. R. ll'ensa, new citizenship judge at #1, Brucefield, formerly of the Court of Canadian Citizenship heist' d; Mr. I kbal Fazal in London, presided 'for the Rahemtulla and Mrs. Nassim AIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMM111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111HIWIIMIRIHM1111111011111111111MOMMMIIIIIIIIIII0111111110111111111111111MIHIMM11111111111g ceremony. She ,replaces retiring Ikbal Fazal Rahemtulla of chapter has been hosting such' Biota! De Lange and Mrs. Etaatje St. George's Parish Hall. The:- -formerly Of the; Netherlands; Mr. Leaf ChaPter of-Mel:GI:D.E. at Johan Viser Of R. R. ItS,Tucknow, the •four years prior to applying for citizenship. This . residency crhe cEnergY8avers . • WO' FOOD. STORES pfe haft,../a.OP:Xer .'"•4 • do' • MIN MOO NNW = Prices effective till closing • • • Immo al111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111 NEP Elm E NE 8011W .' .11.111 WOW WOMB fafka IMP • MIN MOM 1E1E1 ' NEN Kerit r= ."'s • SYRUP • • Tin = lag no _ `. COOKING ON ' i I V a 1%. = =... i k‘s F.1 Prod. OA Can. No. 1 - , 2.-- 14 1 4 I ittAk _ 1 R• ADISHES ',33. ' 39' "Ire ...... = _ RimmmiimmomiiiimmthummimmumffimmlimmouN . OW - SNOW RKG.OF 2 24 Oz. • Btls. WIN ----744*(11-t"- 4. E °.fritii, . ,... .... . l ' = = I . , .="." 410110 . ..... Fish St i x . ,14 Oz. .E sm. Es 47,1 . Maple Leal .1,000 . is; ' t k. 0'1\ k g.. ORANGE JUI-CE • ig:. Iliff , fflumumnimmilmimmilmimimmomilimmimmind 2 COD.- in Batter or = Highliner MIIIIIIMIlliffillifilillIMMIM*1111111IMMIIIIMIMMIN ' , . . 1.49= . . ,. . = . 4,6,... . , . • Vacuum Pa.....__k 1"Wiwwllir.rw,.irigr.vmivar Fia.' OW. 400:Loor 51 . W MOM • IMO ONO •IMMIN I.= OMR = = WIN 1 .. OWN = IMO , MOM left . ..a....imerw111111.111 := ' Schneiders Mini Deli ' 8 Oz 9 8 4 g m,--,z. • Good Aost .--111....,.. --,,______ E- . E. , I __CHEES E EESE--1::. .'"irr''..- :: ., zi.,..z. cHuBs '. """ aft = AN.. Ei flit SLICES ..._ ..... Schneiders 980 1-3. COFF EE .."77. _ .7--- a .SMOKIES '717. .' = = -ob. All pu rp ose g rind Tin 1"*" , .... 1 19E -t . - • = 3 1 Lb, '..." = eme = OP = Schn-elders Sweet Pkkled . - -.... = individually wrapped . ',... Ik.,. .... rlt • . 59 . . . ....= Ite - ..,..1 la ' . s. - i CORNED BEEF :7 fe . • NJ . = 'llik‘‘' -=. Gem RICE .... . . 2 Lb. Bag Lb. , 69° E-- 4f11.40 = . I iiiik" ' 4 0,‘ • N....'-.4%. = = = = kiiiiiittl' - - -=--- Tea Time 2 cup PIM OF ,- E Me = MOM NOM .... .N • i TEA BAGS •100.• • . ' OW* . ..... . = , .„40,10* a Dare Breaktime r": * tegir,00._...t ; - - .NN‘ 1 4tkr" Kraft ' .' -*•1.1111resigr, . r." ' COOKIES 9,„oz, • 99°1 #- Prod. USA ... ftw f: - - .4itik, .r-.1= Christies Honey Maid, - m g ,._ ... •••.. • • mar!' -...Rookomm ' sg. GRAHAM WAFERS 1.7". :Ott fink OrWl1fire '.1.: 5.2 = 4110NZ- 40104 Can No 1. "Cilairimmir = ..... ...m....u.m Zam;- CHEESE ..... . = .... ...T.-. - = = ANL ' . Ens Robin Hood AI:I Purpose am OM. •.... 2187. 3 39 E ,„.% GRAPEFRUIT i'llix WHIZ 2 „ .Z.; E.: „FLOUR • = sio . . Jar''"'" MM11111111111111101111111111111111111MMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilla ' 0%. 1 1 - in n 0 ---*". -.! - se,,.. = ,.. . - ...., .1,r,... • .,..„. , _ tee,i , _ • .i ,,,,,. = = i... .... si Es A V E RTA°G LIMIT WM QUANTITIES l LENTS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT AAAR Er . * STOP.EThHuOrUsR.S a 0.9 Mon., Toes., Wed., Sat., 9-6 ...... - E ...... = - = giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiliffifillinilliiiiiiill1111011111111IMMIMMOMMINIMIMMOMO1011111i1111111111111111filiffi I I I MillIIIIIIIK 0 iii::::::::::mini - • 8 '-- THE HUR.ON. EXPOSMOR, APRIL 6, 1978 Goderich ns take oaths - P011owing the ceremony, the England; Mrs. Olive Beatrice = • NNE NEE new citizens were invited to. 'a-- Venn of Goderich, . formerly .of reception •hosted..__by _the. Maple England; Mr. Gerald • Antonie = Nu. !n▪ ow county' depends on the strength England; Mr. Reginald Frank - = EMS OMR Judge Campbell Calder, citizen- Goderich, formerly ' fo Kenya; Judge • Pensa told the new R. R. #2, Hayfield,' formerly of = Canadian citizens that a county the Phillippines; Mrs. Suzanne = IMO Aar• SEM IMMO and its eitizires are one. The Stevens of Bayfield, formerly of = DE▪ W ship judge for the last 14 years. Mrs. Remedios Almaden Rich! of = IMO inm10 •••••• NMI AMMII and character of its neonle. Venn of Goderich, formerly of = 61.0 IMO • .lowered from five years. Citizen senses: touch taste 'sight, smell = , ship oaths can be taken in French and hearing. The successful man "''" citizen one must be at least 18 formerly of Netheflands; and O▪ NE IDED resident of Canada three out of Clinton, formerly of'England. = - . 1 .11 . • years of age and. have' been a Mrs. Janet Walter of R. R. #4, ••• . requirement was just recently The average man has five •••• receptions since 1945. . Arina De Lange of Atwood = Ift44411 CORN or English." has two more: horse and `04111111•1111•1111111INL = HEAD LETTUCE Those receiving their Canadian com mon_ . ' ‘"4.111111111111111Pw -.0r • = .‘"•61111111P' "*" ' In order to become a Canadian (forinerly of Auburn area), A.... - Tuesday, April 11, 197g wora47.7fia = Smile - ENID - - - - Tide - - - 1,011.4.:11111 . F.--2 Mir Liquid - - ..... -"mu:ar •r. --.2 D• ETERGENT • = = ' soft .044, Laundry .1‘111.11111111r.'-minp., n == Miss Mew . = AM 6 litre "-"'w!".. -,.: E CAT FOOD 1§. is z:DETERGENT .. ' ri Valley Farm DINE ' :Z7 FRENCH FRIES 2 Lb. a .0e, 2.. 4 ' 9 .7:... . Old South . Bag MEM = E Prods: USA Can. No. 1 '4411M. 5 Lb. CELERY STALKS .410 011.1",miir Bee H ive = Prod. USA Can. No. 1 `,...6*.mormoriP•Nr Ilrow =NM Can: No. 1 PRODUCE MIMM ..4°..°04 161° • NM*. I 0 = AMID Nam ENE Aftiv."111114, Fried Welders milmour ' 4/1! CHICKEN -"-- Tins 'Nur DmE ono MOM 4111P.'- .." ea 2/$1 mit SIDE - _=- MEI 41111. ,BACON IMIN."6 • • efe 1. 3 l'iilligittikkk ►NOW Gs Box, = mooll111r1 1 I. WWI 711. •••• Pkg. EEO O EN = sr.