HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-30, Page 15Jocr ksii,„,„„ Says Family 'Law bill important 4 yr" nlir• 7-77-r^ •.b THE H RCN EXPOSITOR, MARCH a Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim fin ncing on n ew construction gt land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE • & CONSULTANTS LTD; S4FEVVAY INVESTMENTS Head Office: 56 Webei Street East, Kitchener. [519)744-6535 Branch Offices: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin[519]832-2044 504 Tenth Street,Hapover [5191364-3121 Evenings call: David Beynon [519] 794-3277 • - "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASE" The Holly Hobbies' members met at the home of the ,leader, Mrs. Janake Murray on March '13, The tepid for the meeting was' "Learning through Leisure." For a leisure activity each member practised indoor gardening they did this by bringing a slip of plant' and' planting it at the meeting. Later they showed their plants, and gave the name of the plants, and explained how- they would re for the'ni. • March 21 Guest speaker, Mrs. Marion lure,' spoke about the mimic al government and its responsibilities. She also answered any questions that the members had. Members enjoyed a selection of .slides and photographs•preSented by Mrs. Anna Dolmage. She gave the members tips on photography and told them about her other creative .interests. • '•/\ • THE2549 LINE rristPr charge marriage. Where there is no . marriage break-down, each spouse remains free to acqurie, manage and dispose of property as he/she does under the present law, except in the case 'of the matrimonial home, where special , bprovisions apply. Both spouses .. , are given rights----in the matrimonial home: either has the right to seek a court order, •for possession of the matrimonial home and contents; neither • spouse .can sell or mortgage the. home without the other's written 'consent, ,regardless of which of them owns it. This new law applies only upon Marriage break-down, and. only in the absence of a:. 'marriage contract. Under the legislation 'the woman is considered to be an equal partner in the marriage relationship ad the "family 0.irn assefs7-* 7 Ill home, , include the furniture, cottage, boat, car, • 'appliances, etc. are subject to the . ride of equal division. This is, of course, subject to judicial discretion;in other words, unleSs ' - • but which is essential to tradition- al 'family life. . • • This legislation covers a broad range of property. and support rights for married and separated people, we well as:those living in common:law relationships. The most significant change affects the area of marriage break:down. ' the judge decides it should be otherwise. Under the new law a woman can. go to 'court and demand a share of other assets such as business profits, bonds, stocks, investments commercial property, trust funds or pensions. Court decisions would be based upon the circumstances of the case, whether the woman had contributed to..,the financiAl success of her husband, or in the event the family assets were not considered adequate to give her a fair share. The key'words here are "contribution to the marriage", ' as a wife will not necessarily be awarded a share of business and other assets. Liberal Margaret Campbell proposed a significant amend-' ment to 'the Act, Which ..wias passed by a majority of the House. Her amendment recognized that "child care, household , mauagernent and financial provisions are )the joint responsibilities of the spouses 'and that inherent in the marital relationship there is joint contri- bution, whether financial or update the traditional legal otherwise, by the spouses to the assumption Of these responsibili- 'concepts governing matrimonial ties, entitling each 'spouse to an preperty and stip ort 7 equal division' of The" "family to accommnda forms of modern family life. It assets, subject to the equitable recognizes marriage as a considerations se t out in sub- partnership belween two people sections 4 .an'd 6." She proposed - also that "The court may make A no matter who works where and who actually brings home the division of any property that,is not a famil y asset wliere,(a) a' spouse paycheque. "WM*" is defined . broadly to include not only work has unreasonably; impoverished t for whiCh one is paid, but also the the family assets; or (b) the result of a division of the family. assets work of the homemaker, the management- of the household would be inequitable in all the and care of the .children - for circumstances." The incorpora- • which the wifeis not usually paid; lion of this amendment represented an important step krward. -There was bitter ,dehat6 over the so-called. "support" clause "the obligation to, provide support for a spouse exists without regard'to, the conduct of either spouse, but the court may be determining the amount of The Act proPoies that the famhy support have regard to a course of assets system be the basic system conduct that is so unconscionable governing• . property relatiOns 'as to constitute an obvious and between husband and wife in gross repudiation of the Ontario. Under this system, relationship." Some' Members, "family assets" include property including Margaret Campbell, owned by 'One Or spouses believe that this clause should be Which is used by the family for amended because "judges shelter or transportation, or for function with a double standard household, 'educational, for the sexes".. By Jack Riddell M.P.P. The Ontario Legislature has adjourned for the Springalreak. One of the last developments, before adjournment was the debate and third reading of the controversial Bill 59 - "An Act to Reform the Law- respecting Property Rights. and Support Obligations between married persons and in other Family Relationships". ThiS legislation, known as the Family. Law Reform Act, Will go into effect on March 31st, 1978. In term's of social reform, it is considered to be one of the most significant pieces of legislation to be passed in Ontario in the last fifty years. This important legislation is the culmination Of a decade of discussion • and debate on the subject, and has been before the Ontario Legislature for the, past two years. In early January of this yeas, the Bill was studied, in the Justice Committee, clause by ,clause, by Members, of All ,three parties. Some significant amendments to the Bill were proposed ar that time. The family law 'reform legislation was designed to • ,• ,recreational, social or aesthetic purpoSes. Famhy assets are owned separately • during the • TiiE 2540 LIN The Bill recognizes• common law relationships, providing for a couple_ who have hived together for a period of five years, including the year preceding the relationship's break-down, (or where a child or children have resulted from the union), to have responsibility ,for the support of one another and any children of the relationship's. In common-laW situations, the rule of equal' division of assets does not apply. ''Child care. bectmes the "joint responsibility" Of both partners. Parents' with illegitimate, foster, or step childrenliYing under their roof will be responsible for their support until they become 18: year's of age. The new law recognizes marriage contracts, unless a, judge rules that the contract is unfair to one of the partners. Finally, support payments'• will no longer be allowed to be continued for an indefinife period, and it will be incumbent upon die` spouse to support a dependent wife or' husband only until he or'she can' find suitable employment. ' Venture Capital, an Experience '78 .program sponsored and 'administered by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities in. co-operation with the Ontario Chamber of Clinton may dies in exhaust poisoning, Ontario Provincial Police are terming "accidental", the death Sunday night, March 19 'of M. Keith Holland, "28, of 'RR4, Clinton. Mr. Holland was found dead in 'his car parked in a garage at RR4, Clinton and a post mortem March 22. :examination showed he died of ' • carbon monoxide poisoning. — oaaa. Police' said the garage door was , - open, the car battery dead and .the automobile out of gas. A faulty muffler is,,,,blained for allowing the gas to escape into the car .,-Where police believe Mr. ; Holland was' likening to the radio, • The late Mr. Holland was the son of. Bill and Wonnetta Holland of RR4 Clinton and is also survived by a sister Marilyn (Mrs,' Tom McMahen) of Clinton and two brothers. Harvey and Clifford • . PRE- SEASON SPECIAL "THE 2549 LINE" 100% KIREIISALINA FIBRE CASH-at CARRY Commerce and the Royal Bank, will provide interest free loans to a maximum of $1,000 to students to set up their own sum r businesses. Now in its fifth y r. Venture Capital, has progressed from 14 projects in 1973 to 71 projects in the summer of 1977. Mok of the last year's ventures were profitable for their student operators. Projects ranged from sealing driveways to manufactur- ing and Marketing soaps. both of RR4, Clinton-He is also survived by his' maternal , grandmother, Mrs. Elsie Henderson of Huronview. Funeral and committal service was held from the Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on Wednesday Students seeking to launch a Venture capital project work closely with members of the e Ontario Chamber of, Commerce. Local participating chambers --- screen applications, suggest improvements and approve those which' contain the fundainental ingredients of success. When the student's proposal is accepted he or she must agree to folloW certain standard business procedures, make regular reports and• •repay the loan. within specified Period of time.. The Royal Bank provides financial advice and interest free bridge loans to students who are eager to begin before the government • . financing is available, Projects may begin ,as early as April A financial liaisen1 officer from' the Royal v.a er DRILLING! W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS PHONE Noll 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 JIM 527.0775 PER BALE ourfFISISMANA FIBRE Bank and the Ministry's Venture Capital Program, Manager, visit p jects during the' summer to rovide students with assistance and guidance. Venture Capital is one- of the '78 component of the Ontario government's $16.1 million ' Experience '78 'program administered • by the Ontario. Youth Secretariat, Application forms for Venture Capital are available now and May be obtained by contactingr LOH Mark, Program Manager, • Venture Capital '78, Ministry of 'Colleges & Universities, 6th Floor, Mow at Block, queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. TWA 1B9. Telephone: (416) 965-4530. COMPARING NOTES 7 The Publicity Committees for Ken , Huron and Frontenac Counties compare notes and budgets for the up and coming International Plowing Matches. This years I. P.M. is to be, held near Wingharn and next years I P.M.is hosted by Kent COunty. Raymond Scotchmer and Russel Bo Ron of'‘, Huron exchange ideas with Kent 'County Delegate and Ken Baker' of Fronte;i4c Cbunty. bHob ies learn about plant care • a1, Here's The Man To See For TES Farrn Buildings '1.-et -us help you-to expand your farm s operation at low costs with'out sacrificing quality. Barn additions, poultry barns, hog barns , dairy barns, machinery, sheds, and feed lots. •Before you build see John 345-2235 Hi-PARATCHTEK'S MAINTENANCE .: FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair & Cleaning 24 Hour Service • .. 1st 7540 LINE JOHN VAN BA'KEL , • That homU'ou dream about is now within your • reach—all yours to enjoy .1- while its investment value keep's growing over the years. Get 'it with, the help of a Victoria and - Grey mortgage'—built to- fit your need and your purse. Do it tot! at Victoria and grey. You can have your own home E 2549 LINE" 100°0 PURE SISALANA • 10,000 ft. . 300 lbs. Average Tensile Strength • 135 lbs. AVerage Knot Strength • 40.Ibs. pbr Bale PrgEp IN EFFECT UNTIL MARCH 31,197$ OR WHILE SUPPLY LASTS. THE 25. 10,000 FOOT BALER 'TWINE II; i ',,s I 04 11:1 01)0. i• 1'119 3001.tt ANL EWAIIWI NI I Nr•TI1 1 0-1114 l AFILLI • (HI 4,61H tILBII MUM 111'• AIIIIIEVA 611.01‘111 100%511PEOS15111.1011kfIBRE APP901I.1MEIG9T P Il 9plE t999t ASO. tEl 3918.(11.69k% I NOM Pt it {l11 ll 11111Lj cool to mom Tam GR RVIEFIR4 I FINANBIN1 AVAILABLE 111ROUGH oV\INI i'codoet -A0•11°." Wood Roof Trusses \MUFFATT iR LPowELL, 0068),TiblE eiValkiEST v" • "•,NHERE atilLOIN Perth Ltd. MITCHELL , ONTARIO • 348-8437 Highway 8 just east of Mitchell r11U t' COMPANY SINCE 1089 • 7 .4 • f