HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-30, Page 10.. . ..... by John ,D. Baker, Publicity Chairthan, Branch 156. New 1VIembers.lnitiated There was a very good turn out' at the general meeting last ThurSday night when . the • inqgram included nomination of officers and initiation of nee' regular and 'associate members. President Tdm. Wilbee opened .• the-, meeting and welcomed George. Canitzbell the Zone' ComMander, Bob Chapman the Zone secretary.- lien Cardno the acting speretarY read the minutes.of,the last meeting and the cerrespon= 'deuce. GeRgge Campbell ad Dressed thV meolbevs and stressed the importance of getting the .associate members involved inthe ,work of the Legion. and the ' inmortance of Public Relations. Membership Chairman, Al •Melady,' James Scarrow, Sidney W `145.k. es Zone Commander congratulated the 'Membership Conimittee. for having so many new members. Lunch .was served '"by the Ladies Auxiliary. Legion. Bowling Last Saturday four teams froth Branch, 156 entered,' a bowling tournament at • Seaford). and Clinton. Two of the Toronto teams - came first and Semi& and two of the Seaforth. teams came third and:•fourth.. Twenty-four tennis participated, and the individual high scores were as„follows: High Single for the ladies, 'Jackie Melansen, High triple was scored lady .from, Hanover, high single'for.tite .men. John Cairns. high triple- was scored by a man from' Toronto.' Congratulation's Seaforth Bowlers. After . the tournament, the Ladies Auxiliary served a coast beef dinner to all the participants. egmondville- Mrs. C. Geddes • Mr, and Mrs. John Watt and family were in Buffalo over the . .holiday weekend visiting Barb's aunt and, uncle Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lewis, and their. family:, Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron were visiting their daughter and son-in-law Carole and Charlie Geddes and family. M—M—M GOOD' —Rogpr Roland of St: PatiVs. enjoyed a meal of :panoakes and sausages at • -vjneent's Farm • Equipnient Atm farm machinery outlet held a pancake day last Thl.(t.q,44,,,- SEAFORTH MINOR SOCCER- ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Thursday, March' 30 7:'30:Seaforth Community Centre A'lh interested" coaches, ManagT.s, parents or anyone interested in Minor Soccer asked to attend. . STAG for Bob '„-ar-09ger .. .April 8th, The Family of Marguerite and Clarence 1 Wa den Wish to extend an invitation to relatives,- friends and neighbours, • to an afternoon tea at Northside United Church, Seaforth The occasion of their parents 50th Wedding, Anniversary,- Sunday; April 9, • 2100 - S:01) p.m. Rest VIrghes only. 550 Club DANCE Seaforth Community • Centre Semi formal Friday, March 31 Tickets $/.50 $3.00 at for Admittance Restricted to 18 years and over Girls! .-Girls! Girls! Under 22 Years. An - open invitcrtion--to -try out ;fir —`fie Dublitf r. Ladies'•Fastball Team st Practice, -:-.-- APRIL .2 -- Contact Joe Cronin - Janet Graham Judy' Morgan 345-2552 482-9.908 393-5,546 ▪ Soccer Practice • St. 'Columban "A" & "B", Teams of the London and District. Soccer, Association will by holding , their 1st practice Of the year, this ' -SUnday, April 2, at 2 p.m. in the Centra ha Gym. Anyone interested in playing for either team is Invited to attend.. There is no age restriction for either team.. • SECOND-DRAW—The team that .finished second in the second 'draw of the Huron County Cornspiel last week at Vanastra was comPOped of, front row left to right, •Bill Gibson and Brian Falconer, and back row, David Townsend and Les Consitt. e,;„,,, (News Record Photo) Reserve Your Summer.Picnic Now At the Seaforth Lions Park IV% For Reservations and Details Contact The Seaforth Reereatioh Office 5214882.. Seaforth Junior Farmers Special. MemberShip Meeting Sea forth District High School Tuesday April 4, 1978 8:30 p.m. Come Out & Bring A Friend' COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH s Entertainment- Thursday, Friday '& Saturday Recording Artist and vComedian Jimmy Steele • FRIDAY SPECIAL Breaded Chicken Legs' FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT • Chicken Wings, This is the last weekend to enter in .the pool tournament • • FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINMENT Results At The Curling Club This' Week COMING EVENTS April 9 Fun Day • April '15 Junior Pot-Luck Supper • - April 29 Annual Pot-Luck Supper and Dance May 26 Third Annual Dance• - Brown Orchestra MEN'S •LEAGUE .. - Beattie over Longstaff 6.4 Linglebach over Cornish 8-4 Roberton over Brown 11-7 Cunningham over Patterson 10-3 Rowcliffe over Lovett 7-5 Forbes over. Patterson 9-1 Campbell over. Wilson 9-3 -LADIES LEAGUE „ • Brown over Fotheringham 8-2 Beattie over Murray, 7-6 Domage over McKay 7.3 JUNIOR LEAGUE Bibey over Ste. Marie 10-5 Wilson over Primeau 6-5 Robinson over Vincent 5-3 D. Underwood over M. Underwood 11-2 MIXED LEAGUE Boswell over Roberton 9-0 • Beautennidler over Deighton 9.0 Hoggarth over Hilderly 6-2 Brownover Beattie 7.3 Tremor over Wilson ,9-5 HaytW over 'Forbe,r 7-6 „ Fleming over Cunningham 7.5 Smith over liotheringham 6-5 .SPo-nSored by Wright-Taylor Ltd, Show L 66114 come To ,... IF, .iil • The Movies I Ilk! il r Monday, April 3 " 9p. "ROCKY" ill III VP-_ killE9Pirii. Anil!" ...AV" 4 el HURON HOTEL, logi HWY. 8 DUBLIN THIS WEEK Sat. Matinee 4- 6 p.m. & Night Eddie Kerngt Thursday, Friday, - PP 01 Id PA ONE SHOWING ONLY 9:30 P.M. tt • • • • • (M'e're very seiiiitis-iihnut this) THURS., MAR. 30 ONE SHOWING ONLY FRI. 8. SAT. - 7:00 & 9:00 "The One and Only" is Funny, Hilarious and Hysterical • • Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Some language may be offensive: Theatres Branch Ont. ,•'(1 ‘,t,111Akt Program iy\f .'41 i subject nIH(.()Nbl TIME ,to change * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • sa 10' THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, MO • • . . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith of Egmondville were in Toronto last .week 'attending the 0,M.I.A, convention in the Sheraton Hotel Where Mr. SMith had the honour of piping in the dignitaries the Opening ceremonies on' Monday. and the head-taVe guests "to the dinner .On Tuesday evening. Later he, made a. personal zing n the n the Nieholgon, roportel that the, total membership of 'the Bianeh\,..was four hundred and one which included Regular. Honorary, Associate and Fraternal members'. Reported on the• result of the Early Bird Campaign he said Branch 156 had again gained' recognition for having the ,highest ntunber of paid up members in a Branch' of 400. The Early Bird draw was then 'conducted and the winners were,: First Prize, Bill Smith, Second.. Bon . Colentan; Third, Arnold .Stinnissen. Fourth, Dennis McCauley and Fifty. Laverne Scott:. . • Zone' Commander. George COMPbell initiated the new members. The Initiation team consisted of Zone Officers, George Camp, elk- Cleave Coombs,. .Bob Chapman' . James. Brown: . • The new regular . Members initiated were, Giant Curralt, Paul Felker, Mark Geisel, Art McNaughton, kimes, '. Servos, Charles Scott, Peter Spittal and John Wocks. New 'Associate .-., members initiated. were: $cv ,Brovvn, Bob ,Beuttemniller, Chris Coomb4, . Rod Doig, Ken ,Doig; Charles Geddes, Hank Groothuis, Bill • Hart, Bob' .Harris, Mark Kalichuek, Bruce- Lamont, John t.pi* Pat Malone, John Mere, -Glen' Malcolm., 'Leant-it McKay, .Joanne Me lansen,' Glen Nicholson, • Richard Stewart, Robert Robert Saunders, Dean Reid, Jim f . appearance in„ the Pinnaele room where he played "Am Grace" • whiCh everyone really enjoyed. • A Seaforth • native, David Staffen, was 'a seaman HMCS Nipigon when it was involved, in winter exercises, 'Caribbean off Puerto Rico-from January until mid-March. David, • the son of Shirley and Glen Staffen of Jarvis Street, IS an electronic warfare operator: He hasl?efe:a.,- the navy for a yoar and has now returned with his ship to port in Halifax where he is stationed. -Dave Condron and Jim weekend •with Mr.•and MI Murray. , Joe ,McLean, of Sheridan College, Oakville, spent a ten: day break with his parents. Mr. and. Mrs. A..Y. Mcl.caa. . • Bud. and Frances. White of Borminghtn, Michigan. Spent ,Easter with their son and family, Andy, Susan and Gaby White illop. r, and" Mrs.. Howard Armitage and children Alan a and Der k of East Lansing, Michigan, were dinner guests. Saturday evening .ift the , same home. • Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bray visited' With Mr—and Mrs. Dnitglas Bray and Michael in Windsor on the weekend. Greg McPherson entered bagpipe competition .at otlitt3th Highlanders in Toronto for the second time. Placing first' in 'a claSS of 36 he was awarded a gold trophy, Mr. 'and Mrs.," arnes McQuaid of the Victoria, Apartments ha d . their family lOr Easter:Mr:and Mrs. Patrick Murray aild family, .London; Mr. and.Mrs. Matthew Depornme,.Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid, and baby, Oshawa. . Mr. and. *Mrs. John Patterson .enjoyed Easte r weekend in Peterborough' w61 their mother, Mrs, James Patterson and broth-ex n d-- 'Fran-lt 'Patterstin — -; •. . Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley and.family,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mills.on and family • and r‘44-. and . Mrs. Don Cartel' • and family have. returaed -from Florida-where they spent the last two weeks. '" • Mrs. Robert 'Haves and sons of Duatroon-and Mrs. Pete. Haswell, and family of Fergus and' Miss Erma Broadfoot of Kitchener speht part of last .week with Mr. 'and , Mrs. „Elmer. 'Tewnsend of -Harpurhey. Easter . visitors with Mr..' and Mrs. Edward AndreWs, Harpurhey were •Mr. and Mrs., Garry Dykstra and faniily,, NorWich: Mr. and .Mrs: Bert Andrews, NorWich; NIr. and Mrs. Tom Fox,' Pine :River and Mu. and Mrs.. Barry Graydon, ' Kitchener:, MrS.Walter Shortreed who has been a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital has returned to her home in Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. • •JoscptirT.. spent the the. weekend in Missassuga. Mr: Donald:Is/lot-top spent Sunday in Grad Bend. W..1. Thompson and Mrs.Thompson have returned from a.. motor trip, to. Texas and and Florida. - :Veyn and Mona Alderdice - frierds, and neighbours • hi. their ' .25th Wedding. Anniversary Party . 'Saturday, April 1 9 - 1 '-lPineridge Chalet . Best wishes only. All you need to • grow • flue.. ..'"aorotis grass is a 'crack in sidewalk. Seaforth ri• THIS WEEK Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Tequilla NEXT WEEK Thurs.,Fri.& Sat. GAMBLER (ionnerlyTheRevols ) Daily Lunch - Hour Specials Legion gets new members of enwood, Illinois spent 'the OC vereaux and Ken, and Joe 7 A Seaforth•DashwOod Band,, rehearsal will,.be held Sunday April 2 in DashWood 'lawn 'Hall at 2p:1n. Sunday, April In, there'll be a rehearsal again in' Seaforth .:'own Hall at 2 p.m. Sunday May • .7 rehearsal in Dashwdod Tow Hall at 2 p.m. 'Sunday: May 21 rehearsal Seaforth "Town Hi at ,2 p.m. Saturday May 27 the band will play at a _Stratford Parade at I I. a.m. 'All members are kindly .sued to attend rehearsal's' in • r`• and May. to' get ready for the summer season firogram. Any, musicians who would like to join the band. arc invited td attend reTiCarsals. Seaforth Dashwood Band is rehearsing Smiles ' A group orcity-bred teenagers stopped at it'.snian eros.:,roads settlement in the mountains 'to gas tip their car \\Aide on vacation. ra nd pa hooted :one young man to the' elderly, be- whiskered gas station. Owner: —I-low long has this town been dead?" Still.ptimping gas into the ear,' the oldster replied. "Tot long. all reckon. Yo' all are the ' first hul/ards to come 'rolind.-, 4 • k 44,