HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-30, Page 6r- ••••• "..••••••••••-••••••••,,, • •••••-•.7.,••••••••,-,••.- 11 „ 6 — THE HURON EXPOSIIOR, MARCH 30, 1078 Winthrop 6oy at Sunbeam school East6i. rtors ientifui " • , Co nstan ce ..... in and Mrs. Frank 'Riley, enrpute home to Montrearfrom a holiday in Florida, Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Southgate, Jennifer and Sean visited, on Friday evening with Mr: and Mrs. Mark , Srilith, Chris and Julie of Exeter. Easter weekend visitors at the Whyte .Holm Faint weir Mr. and ' Mrs. John Whyte, Jeff, Andrea and 'Kerrie of Lindsay.,- Mr, and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan and Margie ofOakville, Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph. John and Elizabeth` Lawson spent the weekend with their aunt and uncle, Mr. Wand Mrs. E.F. Warren of London, They all returned to spend Easter Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Lawson. Mr. and-Mrs-;", Reg Dollimore, Mr. and Mks. Bert Blenkhorn of Ajak visited on GoOdFriday with the Don Buchanan family when Tim and. Darren. returned home to Ajax. Mrs. John Wammes'-Sr.-spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Don uchanan, Paul and Gary. Tim a d Darreirr ained for the holidays. Miss Michelle Woods of Gananoque, Miss Deb ie Woods and Cam Patterson London visited tit Wednesday ith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack rozier, Brian, Paul; Kevin andLori of Fin= Ridge, Kincardine, visited on Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Michelle. Mr. John Wammes Sr. is 'on a two week trip,.the Hog Prpducers Tour to England, Denmark,, Holland and SWeden. David, Darren and Luanne Stevenson spent a few days holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil •Herman and Betty Ann of Shakespee- MissKathy Dimaline of London . spent the holiday weekend with . her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline, Don, Peter and David. Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Ellwood visited on Good Friday with Mr. Leo Sanders4ennifer and Jeffery , of R. R. 114, Brussels. Mr. ..and Mrs. Alvin Smale -of Seaforth were .Easier Sunday . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preszcator, Christine, Lisa, Christopher and Greg. Mr. and Jim Preszcatot, Bill, Debbie andMichaely'had her family, on Easter Sunday. They .were Mr. and Mrs. Bill DAson, Brenda, Bonnie ancti, John of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, .Carol, Judy, Danny; Billy And Paul, Mr. and -Mrs. 'Ross Jewitt, Lori and Scott, MrS. Ella Jewitt and Ken and Joanne Gibson of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt; Kathy. and David Of Clinton. •• Mr. and Mrs. Bill Millson: Barty, Valerie and i3fatrietuined - home on SundaY 'night from' a holiday in Florida. . ' Sharon Thompson and Doris— McClure returned hbme on Sunday from a week's holiday in • Hawaii with the S.aforth High' School. and Saturday with Mr. ,and Mrs. John Thompson and BoWand Mr. and -Mrs,. Jim Thompson and Leisa. 'Don't forget the Foresters are having a Family Dance on ' pril 7 with Marie Flynn's band providing the music. It starts, at $:30 and the ladies are asket to please bring sandwiches. 1 1- Mrs. Mary Merner I • ,,,482-71413 Mr. and Mrs. John . Thompson and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter. of Colborne Township spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, RObert Reynolds Mrs. Vi • Bob and Nancy lob an iArmstropg of Sot hfield, Michigan. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David, Darren and Luanne were Mr. and • Mrs„ Ron Hetmap-of-,Stratford. Miss Betty Herman and -Paul Beier of ,Shakespeare. • Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregor of R, R. #1, Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Southgate and Mrs., ElSie Southgate of Seaforth, Mr. .and .Mrs. 'Gordon MEGrhor Clinton a spent Friday with Mr. and ,iviRs. Paul Southgate, Jennifer 'an Sean, after they celebt'ated, Jennifer's lourth birthday. "`-• ,Mr. and' Mrs. Reg Dollimore •7-'atid Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Blenkhorn and Darren of,,Ajax spit Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Gale, and family .of London were Easter Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Counter, 'Richard, Kassandra and Vicky.. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thempson of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs, Terepce Hunter a • Colberne Township, Mrs Vi Armstrong of Michigan visited on Good Friday ' ,. The leural Mall Service "°With the first snow in November, And the roads so neat and fine, Do you patrons well. remember -Tpe..mailman always came on time? , . • . . . , Then .came.-,New Year's'time and • snowbanks; , ' . . The driving wasn't quite so gay, Though..he never heard a single thanks:, , • Still tie' delivered every day,. .• . By March it was real madness': For opr rural mailman scout. And to add to all the sadness, °No one dug their mail box out! 6, . . . • , His schedule was a nightmare, With climbing banks to service • mail, . . The boxes, looked . like' broken 'hardware, . •-........„...- And the posts 'got old and frail. \ Di -••yOu appreciate his winter's • thmps and knocks? . . Now that spring is on the way, Then for goodness sake . repair your 'mail 'box - And try to brighten up his Mayo Correspondent Mrs. Robt. Holley \;-•.:, 527-180 The Winthrop Ball team will be having an open dance at Family. Paradise, April 8 with the Music Makers" providing the music, • Debbie Blanchard spent some holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Embling., Kim and Dixie of Yanastra. Kenny Hi.linehard who has been attending schoOl at the Sunbeam Lbdge in Klichener will be home for holidays with his foster parents Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard. Kenny has 'been attending school in Kitchener -since,Ctetober and. Gordon and Ada are well pleased ' with 'his progress. Kenny is taking up wood working along with his other studies at public school • level. Debbie Halley is visiting in . London with her sister Sandra this week and also other relatives. • •Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Pethick visited with Mr's, Johh Pethick, patient 'in "Seaforth Community • Hospital. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" -• VACUUM, CLEANERS - sales .and service of most makes. ' CB 'RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES - MOFFAT, APPLIANCES SMORE:SENSOI(S • * INSECT LIGHTS AND 'FLY KILLING UNITS HAND CRAFTED GIFTS Yartra,,Ont. " 482.710,3 [OOD STORES AL • Win qtRebekah euchre a •••••• a ,The Rebekahs and Odd Felloes :held j(girit -euchre on Wed: hesday, March '22nd'ith eight table's • Winners were; tidies First • Mrs, rldin Kerr; Ladies I own Tfiner:- Mrs, Les McClure: Ladies Ceneellation -'Mrs. Genie Taylor: Men's First • fiiiss(...11 Coleman; ' Mun'cl.00n :Alec Minds.: Mill's .coneeiliition • Jim , • I, tick 1)11..aW was„...e_en_hy Mrs. (;coree. Campbell, a Prices effective till closing Tues. A"pr.4/78 ' ri:N.A.N.W.07.%%11%, .I.ANAVVY11 • P4 - %WV/ AIN. \Vivi/WNW .11:NANWITZVON.1 .774:441 by Richard'C'haries PRODUCE um* •IM•N wino • crilecErielYtavels Schneiders — •Side -7Rinimmeaffr.,-...g, ,10 Lb. 89v ° Bag. MIL qmippir , .1"11Pijar ...- . • •10011111111..,••••••, .11"1"•"111111Mill y "".411111111111,"' ,E Ont, Grown No. a 41•1011. a C OKING ONIO a a Heinz • - t13 z = prod.usA cari.Ao. 1 CELERY HEARTS ••••• See you later, radiator? • mop 694 tis. KETCHUP ENDS ••• 1 Lb. .Pkg. H you ‘.0ant• to keep ,our home heating system working for 'you, don't' tan your balk on it during the off-season, and then cross your find,rs and hope it behaves itself when' the cold weather comes back, This advice applies as much to the old-tried-and-true heating system with' hot-Water or steam radiator's as to a, more 'modern electronic marvel. In fact, you May not be aware of any 'trouble, and yet by letting heat go to waste before or after, it reaches the radiator. It's never too soonlo MINN ••••• •••••• a • Prod. USA Can. No. 1• ;"... English/CUCUMBERS = Prod. USA Can. No. 1 F---* BROCCOLI Nitimmiummemimmillli11111111111111p11111111H111111111111fig 1.49 • 9' :14110.114111N. 32 Oz Keg r. So. fig. I lit 11••n •• a • ••••11-1. ammo ' check: over the system and take Some sim,Ple preCautions againsf waste.. But, of course, you need to keep an eye .owit • a Bnch. in winter too, • With hot-water the water • is, pumped through tubes in a furnace, where it is heated to .a maximum of a ffill11111111HH111111111111111111111.111111111111-11111111111111111111111111111U. *. .000" an ••• 82°C (180°F), and then piPed to radiators throughout the MINIM home.. The water coots in the radiators and then returns to 1114)k‘ 0400 :An, .expansion tank .and relief valve keep the .104t water , 82111101011.11r pressure from going too high. Another valve prevents the flow of water when the circulating pump stbps. the pump and stalls again. = SNACKIN' -CAKES - 140z..71°22. 74% ;S chneiders = = Betty Crocker Asst. flavours 4ftiL 3 3 "IL SKILLET - STRIPS litre 99°K-3 S•'.. ••••••1 a os iftsis. AA Here are some points to watch in getting the beSt froin 0 march "114111111impam, • - —.4 Gusto' All Dressed PIZZA . hot-water heating. - ' • '4111011111111111111rir -Make sure that there's anair space in the expansion tank: . - •""' Am Cake. E4' Pastry. •''''amor'r .. (see -the operator's manual or 'ask a heating expert). • . = ..IIIMIL ' I . Insulate' the water pipes leading to and from the furriace,,e,_ especially where they pass. through areas that don't need N. • = . • I Amu NEN 24 Oz mom • -Mar- MI.. 1 Lb. Pkg. Mal III•••• ." a . DESSERTTOPPING Keep up the, watek levels throughout the system; check , = the water-level gauge on the furnace before you start up in the f alt. . Let any air out of the system (while it is running) by opening the vent on'each radiator in turn, but. close the' '= vent,es soont as,.water starts to spurt out. Keep_radiators-clean.;-and-d-orerb-lifiek -thernoff from the M • Mao a = COttOrle BATHROOM TISSUE 0.\ a — room with furniture or drapes. , 'When painting radiatbrs, use a matteot satin finish, not om• moo ' Metallic paints or glossy light colours. Scotties • Use a reflector, such as aluminum foil, on the wall = behind the radiator to direct heat into the room. The steam heat system - is similar in. Some ways, but in .this case the water is heated to:100°C (212°F) in Opiler. The steam from this boiling water then rises of its' own accord through pipes to 'the radiators: .When it cools and condenses, the water returns to the boiler by gravity. You can, help the system to stay in good working order in the following ways. Flush and clean out the boiler once a month during the heating season. • Keep the water at the. Ma6rfacttirer's recommended level. Too much water makes the boiler less efficient, and ..too little makes,the heating unit shut off. • Look for leaks at the joints, where steam and heat can escape. Insulate pipes as you would with hot-water heating. • Check' the radiators. If there's a cold one, look fOr faults' in air valves or vents in the system. Take care of steInt.. radiators in the same way as hot-water radiators. . If 'you want to knew more about keeping your home warm in winter, including the use of hot-water or steam heat, write to Box 3500, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario, ICI Y 4,01; for a copy of -100 ways to gave; energy and money in the home. 'It comes from the Office of Energy Con- servation, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. th. 'OW "3 FACIAL TISSUE 2 "'s 59 / Aniiiimminuminimminumommiminommmimm a a ••••11 GINO MI6 g .4.000011" a .0 • .iimiimulinimmimmummummumitimmumumiumine q%k 4114k- Ivory --1"'"'" a Schneiders a . • 1 Lb. Pkg. • = • • • ""m111R4U1111111.1pria: 1 39 - Liquid = • saltBye The Sea =ITALIAN SAUSAGE • = aft 7-41mrs". - Flaked Light • min • "111114prar a = — a = Schneiders Smoked • = .100. PORK SAUSAGE lb. PI 0A... DETERGENT ,,._:-,,..--1 ••• 890 24 Oz. :4‘. ri RING BOLOGNA Lb. " = IMAMS ANL = jig& Oa On. TUNA • = = sop 0 6 Oz. • = Schneiders 1 19E CHIPPED BE 59 0 E' filiimoto4‘‘ Tin SP. a a kt I = Schneiders 4 Oz. ea • ea 4111/1/* • a Sani Flush Toilet Bow LI CRYSTALS 971 • •"".t.4601, **°14 a ; 4044 .0018iir = 44bok, .400101111. = Bicks "1"""samimmon' = Aft • 7.41Wir 47 Oz, Javex'= 4,4 • Heinz .ssi orri nw •••••11 ••••• Ian a ••••• a 1111110 MOO 2A AT012/ PAPATOR ."?.. LIQUID BLEACH ... B4 Oz. CI Oil • wp u Aft. Tomato or Aft. IBM 11011111M a 11111111 III`IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111UIIlIIIIIIII F1.002 - VegeiCible •••,. PICKLES = AMIE = 0101 • Sweet Mixed um Yum or Dills = lwf d D Cana aDry ••. a NMI a a a GINGER ALE "Az: = SOUP • .ffill11111111111111111110UM11111101.11111111‘11104111111111M1111 Tins o-i• ' ° 10 Oz. Bti)6.Nsior,3 TA,1\11< 111111111111 1111111 HOT WAIT. VALV ?VAIN ESLICITOFF - atitiNg 'VALVE WATE:12 a.)PPLy coLD wATER PETURN 00 *•.- 9 32 Oz '06.44,„ a ••• a a ' a a 4NIMON seittitiluto' mARKET -OW) " STORE HOURS VVE RESEFt3/E THE RIGFIT - , TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO Mon .thiuuress:: Wanecichit. iS.a.9t 19, 9-6 a a a a a • DRAIN C.00k AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMERTS. all1111111111111101111111111111101111M1011111111111111immimliffiffill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111Mithill1111111111111111101111111111111111111111411011R". ICAL PloT WATE2i-.AEATit•I SYYEM