HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-30, Page 5put on a pancake breakfast and a • dance for, the students, . :fhe 'township council gave the Centennial Committee money just to get. their project started and the 'Committee also 'received ' a $1817.50 Wintarip grant which the council got Tor them. ...."Wejust Want people to have , good time. We're . net trying to make money out of it. It's jest going to be a great big birthday party. thaes my impressioe of it," Miss, lityit.iller said. Clerk' Chi ei Filencl said 'that the Hibbert Township Council IS supporting Dublin in every way possible. He said that the township is going 'to put a new grader and a 100year old horse drawn grader, in the parade. '.!The council of Hibbert Township is fully behind them.. ,100per cent." Mr. Friend said. ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE and IVIortgage Insurrince Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered - Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our hew Flexible REPRESENillsi Sun Life 'Assurance. Company of Canada for 19 years. Te1.527-0410 • 14-7 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH , • on dasual tabipware' 20 pc-starter' sets Now on sale Marph 30L Apr,i1 15 .. :II cciLdokicSKhack OFF RADIOS All Radio Shack SCIENCE FAIR KITS Patiick's SchooL.. akes .Centen.nial lans It was fifty years igo when. Rev. Berman Weigand confirmed a class of twelve at St. Peter's Lutheran.ChOeh., Brodhagen. A reunion of the confirmants 'was _enjoyed . at Brodhagen Community Center on Sunday where dinner and lunch were THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 30, 1970 Brodhagen class has reunion confirmation e u n le n at Correspondent — McKenzie, her annt Mrs, Adele Marnee of Clifford, Henry and Phyllis Leonhardt, Colleen and Lisa of Thainesford, Richard and Marlene Leonhardt , Jeff. and Kevin of Dago, • Charles and Barbarah b rt Lo d Mrs. Lavern Wolfe M k I „ — Spending holidays in :Florida. Dublin and,. Mitehell District Lions Home Bingo Cable Channel 12 winners last week with Mitchell Lions on stage - Mrs. Alf Anderson, Mitchell, $20.00; Mary MeNaught, Mitchell, $20.00; Mrs. Una Macebougall, Mitchell $35.00; Mrs. Dune Eernms, ' Mitchell, $20.00; Cheryl Hunsberger, Mitchell, $10.00; Mrs. Floyd Dale, $10.00; Fergus Campbell jackpot $140.00. Entertainment afterwards by Horace Salt, Scot Pauson, - Ted-: Sahenbren. Thanks again fellows. Visitors with Mrs, Dan 'Costello, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costello and family of Kingstcin. Mr. and ,Mrs. Danny Costello, Kitchener, Father John ) Tillsonburg, Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGilvery‘, Chathain; and Mrs. Peter Gtosbak, London, John Kirauskopf,' Guelph. Visitors with Mr. ;and, Mrs. Hugh Benninger, Mr. and Mrs. Maraviri Benninger and Mike Hornepayne, Don and Marylen, Philip James had the 'special number reading the story' of -the Holy Land. : Mrs Duncan Scott chose as her topic a paper on the Story of Revival. Mrs. Carter Kerslake closed the meeting with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Misses Marion Smare andiuth parburn Were among the Mitchell District High School students, who enjoyed a holiday in Spain during the Easter school break. 'Mrs. Rob Templeinan And Carrah Dawn, returned home from Stratford. General Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris, -Sean, Michael and Erin, Bale d' Urfe, Quebec, visited on the weekend with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr: and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. • Darlene Ternpleman, London, spent the weekend'with' the family. Visiting on Easter Sunday .,,,,Were-Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martyr' -and- --,:girls-,---ita-nle—Wertens", kusseldale, Mrs. Jim Neilson, Stratford, and John Arts, Seaforth. Correspondent Don MacRae Mr. 6nd Mrs. Jade MacRae, Jenny and Ian- visited with Don MacRae and with Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Fadden; Dave, Jim and Lynne of Toronto spent the weekend ivith Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. of.,Lhe Centennial Committee to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon KiStner offer suggestions. , and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hinz of "They're supporting us 100 per West Monkton and Mr. and Mrs. cent," Mary Litwiller said. Wilfred Maloney spent Sunday The Catholic, Women's League with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner. arc doing, a cookbook for the Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Maloney, Centennial ..„,With. each- woman Mr. and 'Mrs:- Jerome Murray bringing recipes. The--Knights of have returned from a holiday, in Columbus arc operating a beer the Bahainas. tent. The Lion's Club are looking Mr. Doug Small has been busy after other refreshments. The demolishing er of his the remaind and addresses of people- who,,had moved away from. Dublin.. Although the P.T:A. and the W.I. have not played a direct role as yet, they have indicated -that---" they're willing fo help out in any way they can. Members could possibly be -in information or souvenir boohs helping ont at the actual , celebrations. . The Lee Club is going to help • with the decorations and 'possibly ' BANK RATE FINANCING served by Mrs. George *Rock of Mitchell. In the class are: Harry IvInegge, Seirnon, brothers Albert and Antone Seimon, August Scherbarth, Alvin Rose, Sarnia, Mrs. Leslie 'Weitersen , (Adelia Hillebrecht) Mrs. Robert FrOch (Hilda Bennewies), Ws. Nortnap Kistener (Anna '''Giper) Mrs. Leslie Beuerinan (Telecla from Cambridge, Mrs. August Scherbarth (Frieda Hoppenrath) and Miss Marie Mayer. Of the class of twelve only one has passed away. This was Mrs. Norman Hoffmeyer the former Hazel Rapien whose death occurred in 1970.- The husbands and wives Of the class .,,also attended and, the evening was spent playing games. The high light of the gathering were,.the-- •-..pleasaet memories of school and confirmation days which reminded members of many hurnourons happenings. Guests with Mrs. Heiman. Leonhardt and Earl after_ - attetiding the showercon Sunday were Mrs. Grace Eagleton,. Calgary, grandmother of the latter's' fiancee Marilee Staffa Ladies set qu il t prices St. Patrick's School in Dublin has what may turn., into some pretty interesting idea s for the --Centennial celebrations being held iu Dublin on July 1 and 2. Although nothing has been finalized yet, community co-ordinator Mary Litwiller says the school has been talking of publishing a booklet outlining the school and the Church history. They're also considering doing a ' record that 'perhaps will have Irish songs on one sick: and swigs they've dope at the Stratford Festival on the other side. Then they could sell the 'records 'is souvenirs. She said shc assumes that each —class will be doing sornething and shelhought it was t heir intention that at the end of June they would get together, compile. their information and display it in some form. • "I think 'most teachers are looking for information aware th at it (the 'centennial) is hap pening: As spring rolls around, they'll probably get into it a little bit more." Miss Litwiller said. . She said she didn't know whether the School was' planning on entering a float inthie Parade or not.. Miss Litwiller ,who is the se:cretarY-"-Tor the cen ten ni-a 1 committee also talked,', about the other particiOnts iri the cele- brations. She said the parade, committee was hay:0g a ' Centennial Queen" conteSt- ' 'and they were looking for people to sponsor a Queen. .Most of the events are taking place on Saturday. The whele 'coMmunity .has become involved in this." Miss • 'Litwin a & Sid. She said that different groups in the community were trying to -work co-operatiVely in_seeing that the Centennial celebrations are a success. , Among organizations which are involved are the Dublin District Athletic Association, the Liens Club. The Leo !11.113, the Catholic W,Onietes LeaguC, the e.T.A., the Women's Institute, St. Patrick's School. the Knights of Celumbils and the senior' citize,ns..„,, The centennial organization also has recii•ivca' support from Hibbert .Te,Wnship elerk, Charles Friend arid the reeve of Hibbert, Ross Mc:lilted Who attends the meeting fiespeler, Jim and Patricia Ouelette and family, Essex, Ben of Waterloo: • Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Evans, David and Yen' of Niagara Falls With Mrs, Millie Evans, • Mrs, Millie Evans spept Easter With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary,. London. Mark and Jill Warren spent Easter Monday with their grandmother in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney have returned from a vacation in lion& where they visited With friends and relatives including Mr. Geo. Coyne of Nelson St. Ease', kExpos,itor Photoi. Mrs'. John Templeman . 345-2346 Mrs. Gordon Scott Was hostess for the March,,, meeting of the Marion Ritchie &ening auxiliary held in her home on Tuesday ev'ening with twelve - ladies present. Mrs. Carter Kerslake preSided - and opened with an Easter essagc and hymn. Mrs. Bob Laing provided the m_usie for the hymiiS on her accordion Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Gordon Scott Mark 16 Verses 1-13 followed by prayer. Members answered, the roll call with an Easter verse. The president, Mrs, Dimean Scott presided for the business, when prices Were jet for making —and:quilting quilts. Mrs.. Tom Scott reported the, highlights of the spring executive meeting held recently in Stratford, and a note of .iptro-, daction was read from the 1978, Presbyterial visitor. _ Mrs. Tom-Scott introduced the S'tUdY. book on • the Caribbean, . giving all present an insight into the Islands and their people. Mrs. Mantic.' Jeff and Kevin' .Leonhardt remained with their grandmother and uhcle Earl for the school holidaY'S. shower was held for the bride-to-be at Brodhagen -on -Sunday. ..- Mr. and*Mrs, Harold Elligsen Who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harold"-Wurdell have returped.. hOme : safely from . a motor trip 'south of the border: Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown recently enjoyed' several days with their' Son-in-law and daughter,,_ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kettlewellihd family of Strathrciy, Mrs Etta Armstrong and Mr: and Mrs. Allen Brown of Melborne, Mr. Greg Gured, Greg Junior andShawri visited with the former's in-laws Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paul in Stratford on Saturdays Mrs. Herman Hinz, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and Sandra visited with, the former's son Mr. Gary Hinz and Nicele': liver the weekend and celebrated birthdays of both little girls zs. well as that Mr. Lauri FiScher who enjoyed,,, the winter '''months with his grandmother, MrsMartin Diegel and:parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer., Gaye and Mark have , returned to Edmonton, Alberta. Miss Bessie Cameron who has net enjoyed good health ,is now residieg ,at Hillside Nursing horhe R. R. #5. •- • Friends of Elizabeth Currie will be sorry to hear she is a patient in the General Hospital in Stratford. Visiting -With • Mrs. atie Quenguesser,wat Mr. and Mrs. "Milton Rock:'of Mitchell: Mr. and Mrs. Alai' ct Rfe of . Sarnia Whortte-fide t 58 Brodhagen visited ivith the latter's sister„Mrs:‘ Ella Leophitrdt and called op Mr. and Mrs. f4rolci'Mogk and Mr. and Mrs. Etbkin Scherbarth oil d oWSnuiMntta'aEarri ip Q ster ,Spnday with the of Kitchener were guests uincey andDebbie formers uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer, Gaye ad • Mark, Dinner guests on Easter day with Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Dale were M. ana Mrs. Don Wolfe, Steven and Jamie, London who also called .on the latter's 'aunt Mrs. Edna Getier in the Lutheran Ritz Villa in Mitchell, Douglas „Watson, St. Thomas and Don Watson., London. Mrs. Ella Hoegy accompaniedo herttiiViii-law and-daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and I3eVerly 'to Stratford Where they were guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'Randy Smithers,'StaceY'and Scott on Easter Sunday. At the same home 'were Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Hoegy, Christopher and Jennifer. Vice Chairman dies , . Alex Corrigan of Bluevale, the vice-chairman of the Huron County Board of Education, died suddenly from a heart attack Tuesdag night on his way home fronv:a Ws ttlpto pefrbit. Mr. Corrigan, wcts dead on arrival at Clinton Public. Hospital. Mr. Conigan, a retired farmer, was ta board member for six year's and was serving his first ferm- as anexecutive officer. He lopped ;the polls in' the last electiort as trustee from: Wingham, Turnbe?ry and Howick., The board will decide Monday whetlierikyappoint someone to fill the trusted's place or ,to ask the municipalities Mr.* Corrigan represedied to hold a by-election. Funeral arrangements by Currie/ of Wingham, were not complete at press time. SPUD' These. St. Patricic'S. Schools :children enjoyed a game of, Spud when the school held 14oliday .H_appenings for the school-children out Oft holiday last week. In the picture are #32, Dalepronin Of'DUblin, and around the -circle starting on his eight are:' Theresa Kearners, Mary Litwiliet, cornniunity co-ordinator. for Dublin, Michael Cronin of Dublin, Lopby of -Dublin :and-Larry-Cronin of -1:L R.1 , - Dublin.'- • Athletic Association is going to house which was gutted by fire a have a dance at night and they're month ago and is preparing to looking intctdifferent things like a build again when the weather- haVirig a baseball tournament. permits. Miss Litwillcr said the senior ;. Mr. Joseph Looby spent a few citizens had done a goo. job • days in Dublin last week on Lobby, getting out the inyitatiens, and ConstruciiOn Ltd: busineSS. Mr that theee was a lot of work put and MrS. Louis Looby have been into it with the pooling cif names home for a few weeks after - - . - ' P-eopte Mr. and-Mrs. Ken Gardner of Downsview and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKellar and Stacey of Mississauga visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Egmondville on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs: Bryan Stewart, Karen and Jeff of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stewart on the weekend. The Stewart's other grandchildren, Craig and Jill McDowell- of Kitcherier also visited with them on the weekend. Doctor and Mrs. Ross Finlayson and Donald of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Of St. Catharines visiterOn Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. •Dave Stewart. 111111 MIN 1111141 MIN Saline also pf Calgary., Mr. an3 3 5:275 '-"-Mrs "Harold c eagle an o. Stonecraft 20 pc Starter set 4 fruit nappies . 4 tea plates 5 pc completer cream cov'd„sugar • platter, open veg. miciscan Reg. retail Special Consumer value . retail savings 74.95 .54,95 4' 23.00 16.95 • 23.00 16,95 43,95 ;32.49 26% 00 $20 26% 26% on all models,- new and used Come to Brussels Motors ----See Our Selection TRC 455 BASE - Catalogue #21-1542 Stonecraft patterns on 'Ole Floral Sundance Snowden Reflection . Honeycomb Cinnamon Midas Chestnut Origin Butterscotch '77 Catalin .as with & without air cond.. 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HE 'WIWI OF BEITER ISM) CARS' Box 335 BrussOls, Ontario aus ow Ian liMM 1111111110 OMNI Min Street, Sea forth BETTY'S- VARIETYAs. 5274680 timmorrwilmiltiregirriiis:rminonioromai