The Huron Expositor, 1978-03-16, Page 7Kilbarchan note
Re emb
THE HURON ExPosrr R, MARCH 10, 197$"7
to enn •
. ,
her dreams; arid then she finds out how'rnuch
all those extras ainount to in dollars. There
goes her budget!
• A friend of mine heard a story of how an
American farmer responded to a similar
her an idea of the make and model she should
order. She doesn't mind waiting for a few
weeks for a vehicle that's just right for her.
Of course, she wishes the price was a little
lower, but, if she scrimps, she should be able
to squeeze the paynients into her budget. •
Now she enters the wonderful world of
• options: Does she want automatic
transmission or standard? Power steering
and/or brakest- Two doors or four?' Bucket
seats? Reclining-seats? What kind and colour Basic cow
Of upholstery does she want? Two-toned exterior
Would she like a radio? Air conditioning? A' Extra stomach
rearwindow defroster? White wall tires? How Product storage compartment
• about wheel diScs? ' Does she want an • ' Dispensing' device (4 Spigots,
adjustable steering wheel? ' $IG. each)
Soon she's wondering what . else are Genuine cowhide upholstery •
considered to be options - windshield wipers, - Dual horns •
one or_two? Signal light'S, left and/or right? Automatic fly swatter
ark plugs? An ignition?-k-motor?
she has designed the ,automobile of Total (exclusive of tax and delivery)
C .WL .luck supper
. Options can drive .a car bUyer crazy,'but one -
farmer found a way to retaliate.
Before Igo any further, let me assure you I
have net been shopping for a new car; nor,do I
intend, to look for one in the near future. I'm
'Wing my four-year-old Dus,ter • hangs , 'situation, .
together for another sixteen years. " • When shopping for a new. ear.. he- became
But let's folloW a prospective car buyer onto . thoroughly diSgusted with the pricing system
a new car lot.She sees an auto that.she likes; ' that showed a basic price for an, automobile
it's not exactly what she wants, but it gives , and added to itt for anything extra he wanted
in the car. He settled on a certain make and
model and• made the purchase.
•A few days later the dealer, who sold him
the car, arrived at his faim and said he would
like to buy a cow for his country place. The •
farmer showed the dealer his cows, and the
dealer selected one.
"How, much?" he asked.
'The Pdrmer quickly siieeUp the situation-
and scribbled this'itemized bill:
Changes will be necessary for the
positions of President, Vice.
President, and Corresponding
secretary as they have been held
for 2 years by Pres. Mrs. Ewart
Wilson, Vice President, Mrs,
'Joseph Van Dooren, and
correSpOnding secretary Mrs.
Her-man .,Hoste
The installation of officers will
be held, at April 4 meeting
preceded by a 'pot luck supgt at
6:30 p,m. in the school.
SiSter Isadore Coyne, who is
celebrating her 50th anniversary
as •a ,Sister of 'St. JOseph's this
year, kvas guest speaker. She was
raised in the Dublin area and has
taught in many schools.. She has
been principal of several high
Schools and is especially fond of
teenagers. She spoke on the
` VignIty,• of. Women". ' Mrs. —
- 49
0B &
for a ,
111 us lit
AA,Filmns and
Pv'egic cubes
Margaret in the lake district:.- Liz thought the fondness for
North England. 'apd .7 v,tere this 'custom was perhaps for the
-returning to Kingston by„train, I sugai ,oir cookies and- crunipets
herself. L.--••••-ordered and. served to all ia the
compartment. with an individual
teapot for each. •_ • •
Susantook the lid off her teapot
and looked in. She exclaimed
"Ugh! Tea, Weed", in - a
disgOsted tone, 'The English.,
people were amused..., so Liz
thought an explanation was in
order to explain Susan's reaction.
-namely, that in California tea was
always done tip in tea;hags.
Susan would always look into the
teapot and if she, found loose tea'
Jeaves floating around she 'Would
always say '"fea weed'.' in
disgust, . -
One old 'Man in the compart-
ment laughed until the tears ran,
down his cheeks- and the rest of
the English. folk were highly
amused. at this yOung American
girl's reaction, •
This .'broke the ice and all
- were very friendly atter,tlIfs,..ttle
EttgliSh have a certain .atilount of
reserve but when travelling in
England, I found them very
friendly. If •One wears a maple -leaf
pin they seem to see it
and they showfto deep feeling
toward Canadians. • .
I would never travel in England
without a maple leaf showings I
was often mistaken for an
American from speech and dress-';'—'
but when they4.'d• see they maple
leaf their attitude would change.
will, relate it to you as told by Liz, • served' with the ten., Tea Was
,In the compartinent on the train •
were several ,English people. It
was getting along in the afternoon
and time for the traditional cup of..
tea. Liz, Ted. and their three
children who had become quite
fond Of this English , custom
especially Sesan, the youngtst.
who was 'Seven or .eight years,
crinnomn TIRE
F. W. Tiliey. Ltd. Seaforth
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Wilson thanked .her on hehalf of
the ladies,
The meeting was clOsed with a
prayer and lunch 'seiwed by .Miss
Teresa Bauer and Mrs. porssers.
lay Mabel Turnbull
Congratulations to Mrs. Sally
Sillery who celebrated her
birthday March 4; Mr. and
Peter Sillery, Toroi;i6, were with
her to celebrate.
Two birthdays on March 4: also
congratulations to Mrs. Gladys
Brightrall; with her to clebrate
were members other fainily. Mr.
and Mrs.
Brightrall.' town.
and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Nicholson,
Egmondville, Mr.-and Mrs. Dave
Rea, London, visited Mrs. Gladys
Brightrall 'on her birthday.'
Visiting with M. Turnbull was
her niece. Miss Marilyn Hillis.
Tillsonburg. Miss Gladys
Thompson is visiting Kilbarchan
regularly again. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
McTaggart. Goderich, with Mrs.
Ed. Miller.
Owing, to lack of activities at
Kilbarchan..1 will tell you about
an amusing incident which
happened in England. My niece.
Liz, and husband, Ted, were
travelling in England...when this
incident occurred. They had gone
to England to visit Ted's. mother
in Kingstbn-on-Thames.
' They had gene ,by train to .
Cumberland to ' visit Aunt
Get Your Car Ready for
r 1 Water Weill.
W.D. Hopper
and Sons
PHONE Neil 527-1737
Dun 527-0828
Jim 527-0775 —
With our Free -Visual Inspection , •
of your cares front and rear suspension .system, brake
system, exhaust. system,:and 'electrical system and
report any required work .to you „
Representative' -
The ladies of St.': James
C:VV1. Met March Twiten Mrs.
Ewart Wilson presided. Spirtual
reading "The Way bf the Cross
s teads to God" ,was presented by
Mrs: Alvin Striate.
There were 8' vitits to the sick
durifig December ,iby- Mrs, Lcon
Bannon and VIrs: Wilfred
McQuaid. Mrs. Rose Pringle and
" • Miss Teresa Bluer will' be the
April visitors.
The C.VV.L: London Diocese
Convention will be held on May
10, at Brescia College in London.
It is hoped that some local
meMhers will 'be attending this
Nomination forms for the
1978-79 execitive were - handed
out' and can be - returned this
Sunday, Math 19'and placed in
thitox at tlhe rear of the church„
_Grdde: 1.3: I's _......
_, ,
plck t 13 Of .E
Abott 75 Grade 13 students Grade 13 students at Centital
front. thee of the five secondary , Huron secondary schoot, Clinton,
schools in Huron County waved said after losing 12 days of school
their phcards and march in front so far, they had contacted four of
of the Huron County Board of their teachers who agreed to give
Educaion 'office in Clinton Wed- them four one hour long classes at'
nesda' afternoon. Wesley Willis United Church in
The • students from Clinton; Clinton. The subjects taught will
Seafath and Goderich were pro- be algebra, calculus, function
testirg the quiet battle being relations and biology. '
_ _waged by the Huron board "Basically we want the
members and the 270 teachers in • public today we are concerned
the live secondary schools in the about our education," Doherty
county. said. .There are sixty Grade 13
The -student ere laughing sttidepts in the Clinton ,school.
and V)od natured as they tramp-
ed tty and, down in a line. before
the - offices. But there were
flask% of anger as they protested
theit'closed schools because their
teaeiers were locked out of the
schdAs by the board following the
- teatfiers' series of one-day strikes
in the county.
Scott Doherty and Bill Murphy,
can have
your own
That home yea dream
altut is nouivithin your
reach—all years to enjoy
while its investment value
keeps growirg over the
years. Get it with the
help of a Vitoria and
Grey mortgtge—built to
fit your nec,1 and your
purse. Da E today at
Vietoria td Grey.