HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-16, Page 6Studenti essay in , aaiwalsomos io , . . :-./ . . : . .---. p .- . - - --0-• =---0....., ---.---. ..,..-----;... _:_>_,:•'...0 .0 ,..--.... .%--• ,..-_,..---!-%• --/..--- ....„0 ,..,........-:-.....„,. „ ......„:1---,i _ —4 . 0- - '1 0- -0a • ' ----: ---_:---% -----.._0- a ---..„-, ...- _.,, _...:::...; .---....-0. gSSAY.WINNERS — Two Sealorth students were presented with awards for their prize winning essays at the Legion' last week. District commander Howard Carroll of Goderich, left talks with !/lariorl Hunt who placed first in zone and district competition arid Christine NelemanS who was second in the zone finals and zone commander George Campbell, Clinton. (Photo by Oke) TOP 40 umuntair FOODS r • WWI MOM IMO Mae S S =Ma S min Mon nom • S 'a S OEM -- S in M w OMmil Min Blown-in insulation means that you get a contractor IMO with special equipment 'to blow loose' fill into a, wood-frame wall that it hollow, or almost, but has obstructions that stop you from pouring intulation into it (as above).. For _this,an adeiss hole-must he- drilied-in to-the -wall space-fi our the outside or inside, or from fhe attic or basement. WOOPF..1•1 TAM MOW THE, HURON EXPO91 OR. MARCH 16, 1.878 io contest, - fall., as he was buried and "The Last Cull."- was heard front the distance, it was easy to imagine Flanders Fields in France' as it must have been many years ago with the poppies growing abundantly. - Marion HUnto, a , Grade 8 the, veierahs, of World' Wars'll and student at $eaforth'Public School, , II atilt' the Korean War. '. has won the Legion award at the " I wear a poppy becausk I district level for an essay she appreciate the freedom I have at wrote last fall On Remembrance the expense' of others, Day. The essay, which follows', is ' The Battle 'of Dunkirk. Sir one of nine now being judged for Winston Churchill, Hitler mean the provincial Legion champion- nothing to me as yet. I'm .surets ship. Marion is . the' eldest my history lessonS • progress, daughter of Francis -and Carol these names will come to mean Hunt of Winthrop. ' ' • • more to me. At point in, time, . . the only way I can relate directly . • WHY I WEARAPOPPY , ' t o the warS is through my Great IV Marion Huntl Grandad. • („,„ Since 1922, the : oppy has No one learned much of the war 'been a symbol of the tragedy )..ar and for us here in' Canada. it 01 . through Great Grandad. Ile never has also been a symbol . talked to anyone about his war of ''.' experiences--he kept them all to freedom and_renewed-liK_ himself, Many members' Of hiS a lt is difficult for the cfificiren of family knew of his decorations my generation to associate with and medals only when they saw the !vacs because many Of the them 'on him at his wake, All 1 veterans have _passed on without „knew about Great Grandad and us having known them: • the wars was that he was gassed Some of us wear a poppy 'and as a result suffered . from . .. 'becanse we know the' money is emphysema which weakened his used for the benefit of disabled heart and .. caused his death and needy veterans and to.honour several yearS ago. On a day in late biting cold,wincl was blowing. The Seafortif" Canadian Lesion members and veterans marched . as if they were not 'aware Of the weather, as• it stormed around thent. They were there in body but It seett4z1 'to me as 'if their thoughts were someplace else-- maybe on the battlefield or with friends who died a terrible (le th years ago. I think it must -have been impossible for anyone 'to return from the wars unscarred• permanently one way or another. I was born in a free country and, have never lived through a War. How, can I really know how the Veterans fect.on Remembrance Day? My Great Grandad did know, My Great Grandad, and . others like him--they are why I wear my poppy. I do apprecia,te what, , they . sacrificed" for my freedom. , An Expositor Classi fied will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial '527-0240. I particularly remember the Remendfiance 'bay service; or Armistice Day service, as it was known earlier of several years ago at our Seaford) Cenotaph. The day was a Sunday. 'The weather was' terrible--snowing and a n iiiiiTmliiiiil i i filliiimmilmilimiiiii iiiiiiim immism ion mum in m minomm iium annum I ip iii mini um iiimiltimm i i i imtiiiimiii 1 I iii ilium i i ii il mill = = 'Mir . = — . . = . . . .,.. F,O.0 - D - - - -STOF 3 ES . _ McKiiiop 3 ele.cts, McKillop #3 held their first , Vice; SecretarY;Francino Visser meeting on Monday February and Press. Reporter,• " Jean 27,1978 at Mrs. Van Dooren s. Vantyghem. Mrs. Van Dooren, leader and McKillop #3 held their second Mrs. Hoste, assistant leader; meeting on March 6 at Mrs. 111' Man welcomed the girls. • „ ;. • ,,,„ Hoste's, ' _ .. - ..... ,.... ' Mary Jane Visser ,w)1 nominat-. The girls all learned how to ed,President, Majr rn Hoste— quilt. , \• ....0. wm.m.svizie4-switvfxskvzos. t. tea = Prices effective till closing "4 Tuesday •March 211:78 al11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i 011W .0°011.°_,1•1110r •••••n --__.-mmora a 1.1.60 PRODUCE by Richyrcl Charles 6 ' 'Walls within wails Packers •169I0 inn ••••• FreSh,Frozen MIL "41Poir • 711.: 111•118 yTILIT.Y,, •-• Bag i11111111.40. • 2' Lb 19 c--r—a.A•TURKEYS • PP = Prod. USA Can.No. 1 = 'ParannOunt 4".."1"11111111.1111.11...P07, . -3-CELERY STALKS S , 114/144 If your home was really your castle, it would have walls several feet thick and you wouldn't need insnlation. Rut, to save on building materials, space and cost (and becaUse .yoU , aren't expecting a besieging army to open fire on you at any moment), yoti have thin walls that need another wall of insulation inside thein. . How do you know:if there's enough insulation inside the wall? 'One obvious way to tell is if yoy feel the cold striking into the house (which meratA that heat iS leaking out) when- ever you go from the middle of, a room,toward an outside wall in winter. HoWever, if you ,, wait until winter to find that out, you may not be able to retrofit (reirisirlate) yOur walls before the warm weather return's. . Two thing's you can check before winter are the kind of insutatibTrIOU have in the walls and the way in which the walls have been constructed. With this information, you (or a contractor) can work out the effectiveness of the insula- tion and, if, it is not goocpripugh, what method of retro- Jitting w uld work best in your case."' • t Here' a rough guide: wall insulation'should, have an R value Jr :stance to. heat passing through it) of at least 12, which equals 4 inches of loose fill insulation or 31'. to -4 inches of batt or blanket insulation containing glass fibre or rock wool. There. are,. of course, many' Other types Of materials available.. , . ''‘''' E daft , - Sockeye = MIL m.p. JOU = N.T7. E Prod. USA Can'. No.1 • SALMON =I COOKING ONION 1/2 Lb *'"'E Prod.USA Can.No1 TOMATOES 9' 1 35 Tin Nag.. • ' Lb. 3 1411 it 2/79 MOW MIMS Bags = • a a E Ont.Grown No. 1 E: CARROTS Ri11111:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 ‘11W Ethiniiiiilinlililliffili1101i1IMMOMMIMI11111111111111111111M =, OEM IMMO NMI MOM 1•••• = Heinz Tomato- or Vegetable ., 4 • liroo MEM IMO =NM MOW UMW SOUP 7"v7—'"Ilmr 19Tinosz: mom 414114 NMI IMO .411k S hneiders au= The fiVe basic ways to retrofit walls are with loose;poly- 44111k —i. 4.4 Smooth ""quommillors' Norfhern Gold Granola CEREALS Old South El' ORANGE JUICE 'Ties:. 7 IMMO E .111•64111.1. 2.19 MP.* NMI .styrene, blow-in insulation, foamed-in-place insulation, wall NNW Max '7111111111Y"' '1"411111111IIP"'''. ;. -mew NMI Minn NMI renovation, and outside insulation. But, before you take -"a: iimiL Y our pick, read on. 3 Lb. Loose polystyrene insulation can be a do-it-yourself job = = WEINER and does not cost much, but you can use this method only if your wall space opens into the attic and goes right down ....• lour. IMO ' Own MEM ••• loo to the foundation. You can' test this with a weight on 011/1.,di, P"-,i100 BUTTER S 011°. Imo jars, '144*. Weston's CrUller 1 'Lb. Pkg, TA" string that's long enough to go all the•way, down. PAG-AIF 2/ 890 79- DONUTS = Nabisco - IMO ‘4\ lititillitt,04‘ SHREDD1ES 675 gr. ititk - aMINI 40=11 MINN 90 ••• SM. NMI IMMO E-* Schtie.iders Crispyflake ....... Foamed =in-place insulation is also a job for a contr acter Owe who has the proper equipment, and is an option for filling 590 = 1.111M *min the space inside a wood-frame wall,,and also sate masonry ... ......., g SHORTENING Lb. walls. However this approach should only be taken if the SIM wall has noinsulation whatsoever. The foam is urea- ...a.... OM .... fOrMaidehyde and it is injected into the wall space in 6.... . mi. semi-liquid form. (Make sure any U.F. foam you buy a ..... Wane meets Canadian Government Specifications Board quality OEM . • IMO mum !ilium minim m mum i ....s4.01111ellesur wi&imur `41 WestOn is -11001111111r = Schneiders Broken = = 1.01110101111r standards.) Wall renovation is a good way to insulate if ,you are undertaking major renn'ovations anyway. With, a wood- wawa 41114, ' Robin Hood --mimmirsr , 4404.4%. Hof Dog S = 1.1 Amok HAM SLICES Mom = ANL H" a mburg ' 6 Ox. Pkg. =MU MIN frame house you can remove the wall board or plaster from = the inside and fit the -insulation (such as batt or blanket) = MIL All-purpose -a., moo Vls'e OMNI MEND S -mar 11•110 10,11. . min 7mliwor .11116 • Schneiders Chunk Luncheon into the wall space. Another way with either 'wood-frame or masonry walls is to build a new wail inside the old one and ' insulate it. AIL Paw • maw MEM Nair ROLLS = AWL = S S .10116 FLOUR Immo • 1.39 MUNI IMMO MIN Mon FKG.OF 10 varieties VW". Nowl MEATS 12 = 0104'...afr Outside insulation is 1,,,good method if you happen to be 'putting new siding on your home. Polystyrene insulation can be inserted between the old and the new siding. 0.• Bag ofr,„,2•9.9 Lb. S •••••• = NM* ". 2/99' moll lam MINFil . • .. . . .. WM Orr =MB S ' 000 •• 20 Lb. Schneiders MINI SIZZLERS Pkg. • 1.28 ‘k, = Schneiders tin I OAS' .= 4 varieties 8 Oz. This ,is just a quick run-down of ways to retrofit walls and, by omitting the details, has oversimplified the job.' ....0 However, it is not ,very difficult, and it repays you in , MINIM comfort and fuel savings. If you want the full story, see OMNI NNW 'Keeping the heat in (Office of Energy Conservation, De- ... ii... SIM VIM S OMR MIS For informatidn on government grants tore n-insulation, Schneiders Family • Pkg. • *OW* 401 NV* E v • • 0°' BEEF BURGERS 2 Lb. = 2.19 40Prod. USA ISIOure = ' Schneiders Sliced "Ilkire Can. N = Monarch INI DELIS o. 1.0.1111110111 46141 74r 4 Oz. o 68c = pink or white + r partment of Energy, Mines-and Resources) which you can 'get by writing to Box •3500, Station C, Ottawa, Ontario, KIY 4G1. 14m.i WWI write to: Canadian Home Insulation Program, P.O. Box 700, St. Laurent, Quebec, H4L 5A8; or phone collect (514) 341-1511. = 4.4tit = .01471; •••nn ••mommirm•ur ,immummesmorw = M S CAKE MIXES --COOKIES "pkr 99' E.; Dare Breaktime = . ram• • P ouch Pak ANL =GRAPEFRUIT 00. immiiimmommommummuimmomommumming 0/99 0 = •••• ' regia 04' S 10 ' MUM /MI St ROTHS FOOD totillikok Pour 714 Oki WE RESERVi THE RIGHT' MARKEI• ,TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO • AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. 1110111011111401101111111111111111MIHMOMIRM11111111111011111111110111111111111110111111111011111111101111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111