HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-09, Page 200 Complete Bookkeeping Service 4, Related Fields Income Tax Assistance — Preparation INDIVIDUALS SMALL BUSINESSES ' FARMING WILFRED L. ELLIPTiv „„; ' 12 N: Main St. Seaforth-, Ontario ' P.O.Box- 729 -54"°243-'318W-tilf TelePhone (519)527-0301 THENCE on a course of N 58'deg. 56' 30" W a distance of 269.98 Feet to a point; THENCE on a course (AA, „at deg: 47', 30" E a distance of 378.16 Feet to a point, which said point is the Rant of Commencement of the herein described parcel.. EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW NO. 6 for 1978 This by7,law affects,the ;Jae9f lots in the Town of Seaforth, east of Main Street ap(d north and south of Birch Street and west of Silver Creek, as shown the accompanying diagram in hash marks; The and includes Lots Nos. 151 to 172 inclusive. The said land is now zoned -Gene'ral Industrial (M2) and the Town of Seaforth intends 'to make application to the Ontario Municipal , Board approving a change of zoning to Highway Commercial (G2). By-Law No. 6 for 1978, if approved, would; change the perrnittee use of the 'above-mentioned lands to Highway Commercial. 1-1-‘46.1'D \1 From a-t•sa.,s-ro% AA.. TO I-1 IgiAwAY CowAC2C1AL.• SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET Cold :Mop Flatters Ava9akiie for all Al Occasions ,Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL flon:innenidn'gdevelopment ne w construction ,COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES REPRESENTATIVES IN YOURAREA PHONE • SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. .Head Office: 56 Weber Street East, Kif6hener [519]744-6535 Branch Offices: 705 Goderichst rSe ap Street, Port 04.. 19]833122-2104;i 504Tenth : Evenings call: David Beynon 15191 794;3217 "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH - . SEAFORTH - AYR CAMBRIDGE ill , All tractor maintenance am) service procedures for new and used tractors to be discussed ‘(' MARCH 14th, 1978 1:30 PM. at our Setforth Store EirgitYONE WELCOME HIRING A NEIGHBOUR SEAFORTH 527-0120 ""r.,-"r '7.,"7: 7`.• Tr,r(rTynigr-7717,7"..Pr • ; 71.1,,•• 771,'"Ir 25 In Memo tam:, , • WHITMORE ""7 A tribute of Lowe and Rememb ranee to.Ralph- e. Whitmore' iartio psed away suddenly 6-years ago March.,13, 1972. To a beautiful life came a sudden end, ' He died and lived, everyone's friend, He was always thoughtful, loving and kind, What a glorious memory leave • behind. He left so sucicigully, his thoughts unknown But he left memories we are ' proud to own. Treasure him God, in your garden " of rest For in this world he was orrepf the best.' — Lovingly remembered and sadly missed, Mother, Dad and Karen. , 25-39x1 • • COSTELLO — In loving .memory ora dear father. and grandfather Daniel Costello who nassed away .1,MARCH MRS. MILTON LAVERY .At,QueensWay.Nuoing Home,' Hensall, on Monday, February 27, 1978, the former Map kerniee Harris. of Hensall in her 63rd year:' Beloved wife of Milton J. Livery of Hensall. Pear mother of Gordon Lavery Zurich, Robert Laery, Hensall, . Alvin Lavery. London, and Sharon (Mrs, Charles Doxtatoi), of Hensall. ••• • JAMES CROCKER Clerk 27 Births 27 Births NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario MUnicipal ..Board' by The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth , for apprOval of a by-law ,to regulate 'land use, passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act: • TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth intends to apply to -The Ontario Municipal. Board 'pursuant to'the provisionS of 'Section 35 of The Planning Act efor approval of By-Law No. e for.1978, passed on the ' 13th day of February, 1978. A'copy of. the by-law is' furnished hbrewith. A diagram and a note giving an 6 explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law - and stating the lends affected thereby is also furnished herewith. ANY,.PERSON" INTERESTED „MAY' within fourteen (14.) days after the date Of this notice, send by regigtered mall or deliver to the clerk of the Town of Seaforth notice of his objection to Approval of the said by-law, together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD:: may Approve of the said by-law but before doing so it-may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-laW will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be"giveh only to persons who have filed an objection and who have left with or delivered to teler* undersigned, the address to which notice of earing that may be held will be given only, to persons who have flied an objection. and 'who have - will be March 23, 1978. DATED at the Town of Seaforth this 9th day of March, 1978. JAMES CROCKER CLERK 72 Main Street, Seaforth, Ont. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY-LAW, No. .6 FOR 1978 Being a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 794 WHEREAS the Official Plan for the Seaforth' Planning Area permits the use of certain land for ,commercial purposes and , WHEREAS' the Seaforth Planning Board has recommended that certain lands be. -zoned as -ComMercial (C), • NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of By-Law No..794, the zoning_map forming part of By-Law No. 794 is hereby changed for those lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, from General Industrial Zone (M2) to Highway Commercial (C2). Read a - first and second time'this 13th day` Of February 1978. Read a third time and finally pasied this 13th day of February, 1978. SCHEDULE "A" to BY-LAW No. 6 for 1978 FIRSTLY; All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and. premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron and in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Lots 151,152, 153,154, 155, 156, 157,158 and part of Elm Street according •to Registered Plan #15 'for the said Town of Seaforth, which' Said part may be more particularly described as follows: Sister Of • Mrs. Sidney .,(Pearl) 26 Personal service will be held Thursday.Pullman of London. Predeceased WHYTE:. Lenore Aileen passed Hensall, where funeral .service away at University Hospital,' 1978. at 2 p.m. with Rev. D. t ooplace Thursday. March London, March 4th, 1978 in her , Beck 29th year. Leonore (Binning) officiating, Temporary Whyte, beloved wife of Thomas entombment Hensall Union Whyte, R.R.2, Seaforth. Beloved Mauwleum. Burial will take place -- daug liter of Ethelwyn Binning in Staffa Cemetery at a later date. and the late Charles Binning. , FLORENCE TUCKEY Flogence Mary Elizabeth ' Dear sister.-of Jack and Norman of ListoWel, Beverley of (West) at University Hospital, London, on Friday, February Qowanstown, Maria (Mrs. Doug 24th, 1978, in her 69th year. Shean) and Ruth (Mrs. Aaron Thompson) of Kifchener. Fulieral Beloved wife of Bruce Tuckey, of service was held. Monday from Exeter. Dear mother of Kenn, •the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Camp Creek, Alberta, Mrs, John (Marilyn). Osborne Township Home. Interment Maitlandbank • PYrn and Mrs. David Spencer (Carol) Cemetery, Seaforth. Rev, Stan Waterloo. Dear sister of Sydney McDonald officiated. .28-39-.1. 'today) at Z p.m. Interment by two brothers. Also surviving Bayfield Cemetery., Rev, are six grandchildren. Visitation Yournatoff officiating. 28739.1 at the Bonthron Funeral Home, West, Ottawa 'and Harry WEst. Sarnia. Also surviving are, nine grandchildren-. -The funeral, service was-held Tuesday from the L, Hopper-Hockey Funeral- Honte.- Rev, George-Anders-on- - officiated and interment wag' in Exeter Cemetery. MISS JEAN CHIDLEY Miss"Jean 9reig Chiclley of 92 Goderich Street, Seaforth, died at Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, on. Tuesday, February 28.She was 85, She 'had been in poor 'health for some time and until recently had been a patient in Seaforth Community. Hospital. Born in. Clinton, the daughter of the late Joietth 'Chidley and Elizabeth Jackson, she had attended ...Clinton schools and following residence there, .had been .on the -stag of, the Ontario Government in Torento.• She had beena resident of Seaforth for 15 years. ' Miss,Thidley is survived by a brother William J. Jackson of" Toronto. Shewas..predeceased by' • two sisters,'Mrs. E. C. Boswell, Seaforth and Mrs. "RiPth"--" BUchanan, and a brother Thomas Jackson both of Toronto. A private funeral, service wa conducted at the' Ball. 'Forte Honte, Clinton, on Thursday, March' 2 by Ey:Gerald Johnson of Ilderton Interpient followed in. Clinton cemetery. . ALMON LEWIS Almon Edward Lewis of 443 Dumfries Ave., Kitchener died suddenly at his hOme on Monday • evening. February .27 in his 47th year. • .. Born in Kitchener, he was the only son of JulM Dippel; formerly of ''Kurtzville and the late Lloyd Lewisl On August 23rd. 1952, he was married to Franees Dennis of Grey Township and the 'couple had celebrated their twenty-fifth ,anniversary this past August: • : Mr. .Lewis is -survived by his vy ife , Frances._ _try_o_ _daughters- - Dorothy (Mrs. Dale Cybulskie) majtS'adra, 'as well as two sons, Allan and Jim, all of Kitchener.. His mother Mrs.' Julia Fisher also sinFvuieivieSra. services were conduct:- ed in the Ratz-Bechtel funeral chapel on Thursday' March 2 by Rev. Robert ROss with burial at Woodland Cemetery. Mr. Lewis was a member of Olivet United, •Chtirch, and was serving as a member of the Board of Keenly T u s t e eisnterested in youth. he had been active in the North Waterloo Boy Scouts; and at the time of his death was a convener of the Midget Division of the Kitchener Minor Hockey League. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis of Gorrie are parents-in-Law of the late Mr. Lewis. 20—T E URON EXPbSIT 20 Auction Sales ' FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SALE , SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1978 Full line of machinery tin. LEWIS P. COYNE, 3 mile north & 3 miles east of Setif orth. ' Full particularsitext week:20-39-1 21 Tenders Wanted TENDERS 1971 750 Ford truck with 14' x 8' Aluminum box, hoist and blower-sucker Unit, to be sold by tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by • MARCH 20th. • - To be marked tender.: Has been safety checked. . ....... HENSALL DISTRICITO-OP. DAVIDSON DRIVE HENSALL NOM I XO 21-39Q 23 Bus. Diiectory LINTON — 'To .Mr. and Mrs. David Linton, Blyth, at Seaforth Community Hospital; on March 'Ist, 1:978 a -daug ,hter, Stacy Lee. 27-39x1 22 Legal Notices-- 25 In twig m 3 years ago arch 3,' 1975. In our hear there's a beautiful picture, More precious than silver and gold, It's the face of a very special person a Who's memories will never, grow old. — Always loved and sadly missed by daug hter Dorothy Anne, son-in-law, John and -Grand- children, Carol, Jack, Pat, Gary and Theresa, 25-39-1 Nor:.--and Mrs.. John Stevely, Clinton .are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Marion .to Norman McQuaid; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuaid, Seaforth. The wedding will take place March 11 at 4 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Clinton.' • 26.39x1 Mr, and Mrs. William Taykr, Varna are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of " their- daughter Donna Jane Louise to Mr. Brian Edward Glanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Glanville, Seaforth: The wedding to take place at Varna United Church -on . Saturday, April 1, 1978 at 4 p.m. 26-39x1 27 Births HOLCOIVIB — Doug and Bonnie of Grande Cache, Alberta, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Shannon Louise irM -Feli". 22- in Grande Cache Hospital,--Eirst= grandchild---=forte.- Murray and Betty Holcomb, Grande Cache, Alberta and a 29th grandchild for Edwin and Susan Bennewies, Seaforth. 27-36x1 22 Legal Notices 8 Death!, REID — Mrs. Ada S. Reid, formerly of Bayfiyjd and Seaforth passed away, at Seaforth Manor Nursing Home on March , 6th, MO in, her 93rd nif.11-.101.- Galbraith beloved wife of the late jack Reid. She 1,vas predeceased by sifters Mary .sand Grace Galbraith; Kate, Mrs. Jack Geminhardt; Johanna, ' Mrs. • Charles Marks and ' brothers Archibald and Donald, Friends called at ,the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 GoderiCh St. WEst, Seaforth where funeral ,At the funeral home Sunday night, a memorial service was held attended by 6p members of Court - Censtantitie, Forresters Lodge. MRS. ADA 4. •REID A resident . of Seaforth for nearly 50 years Mrs. Ada J'. ,died at Seaforth Manor' Nursing Home 'on Monday. She was 92. Mrs. Reid was born in Varna , a daughter , of the late ..John .Galbraith and' Kate Cameron, Shortly after the death of her '-htlibarld in 1928 she moved to Seaforth to a residence., on Goderich Street which she continued to occupy until entering the nursing home.She was a member of 'St.' Thomas Anglican Church, . . 'Mrs. Reid was. predeceased by sisters Mary and Grace Galbraith, Kate, Mrs. Jack Geminhardt, Johanna, Mrs. Charles Marks and brothers Archibald and Donald. She is survived by nieces Mary, Mrs. John Wayne,, Tol•onto, Grace Tarswell,- Kansas City and nephews John Marks, ' Bayfield and Joseph Galbraith of Ottawa. The remains rested at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral ;Home , Seaforth until l'hurday when a funeral service was conducted by' Rev,. - George ' You m ato „Temporary interment followed in Pioneer Mausoleum with burial -following 'i n BaYfietd---C'mnete ry MRS. LEILA FORBES Mrs. Adin" Forbes., .of Egmondville flied TuesdaY at 'Seaforth Community Hospital' in her 80th year. • She, was the .former Leila -Smith, a daughter of the late Ja,rneS and Mary (Menzies) Sniith of McKillop Township. She married Adin Forbes in McKillop To in 1921. They farmed in 'llop, moving to Egmoridville in 1942. 'A member of Egmondville United Church 'she was also .art active-member in the,-L,O.B.A. No. 712, 'Edelweis Rebekah Lodge -and the Order of 'the Eastern,. Star, 'Her husband predeceased her in 1975. Surviving are one . son, .Kenneth of 'Kitchener and seven daughters. Mrs. Kenneth Radio,- TV will help Eaiter . Seal campaign The Annual Lions Club Easter Seal 'campaign Maid of crippled children-got-underway last Week and already gifts are coming in according tc, Tom' Young who heads the Lions Club.committee arranging the 'appeal. The campaign will be assisted . by two special events in the' near future he said. The fir;t will be the showing of a film outlining the work done by the Ontario Society- 'for Crippled Children over CKNX-TV•on Friday afternoon at 2:15 on Eister 'Monday night March .27 at lb- p.m. 'A CBC-TV half hour documentary will tell the story pf 'a handicapped youth--17 year 'old Akin ,Law Who _was_born..withont-Larrns and who despite his handicap leads an almost normal life. • The area crippled children campaign' continues until April 2. Gifts may be forwarded by mail or left at Seaforth banks. (Thelma) Coombs of Seaforth; Mrs, Ross ---1'011atty0 Thuell, Arizona Mrs, oseph (Alas) Nowasad, LOndon; 'Mrs, Wesley (Phyllis) Coombs, Seaforth; Lynda, Kitchener; Leona, London; Mrs. Clarence le e) Robinson., Collingwo d, and 13 grandchildren. • Also surviving are. *two " of McKi1 Township, -a nd ,,Clifford brothers, .fi lbert of Celli n.gwood; and one sister Mrs: Adrian (Irene) Hogg, Cellingwood: . She- was, ' predeceased by one daughter Verna. The body is resting' at R.S.Borr Funeral Honie, Seaforth, where service will be held Friday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Robert Roberts officiating. Tempbrary entombment at Pioneer Memoiral Mausoleum with interment to follow in the spring at Maitland- bank CeMetery. Visitation. by members' of the Lodges at 9 p.m. with' memorial service by L,O.B.A. #712 at 9:15 p• m. As expressions of sympathy donations to the , Canadian Arthritic Society woOld - be appreciated. • • u antes MALONEY — Dan and Kim are pleased to announce•the birth of their daughter Amy Rose at Victoria Hospital, London, on November 1, 1977. 27-39-1 22 Legal Notices LENORE WHYTE Mrs. Thomas Whyte, 28, of R. R. #2, Seaforth, died Saturday at University Hospital, London. Born in Elma Township, she - was the former Lenore Aileen Binning, a daughter of Ethelwyn Binning of Milverton and the" tate Charles Binning. On January 15, 19 married Tom Whyte of Seaforth. She ' was -member of Londesboro United Church and No. 157. Court Constantine, Forresters Lodge, Kinburn.. She is survived by her husband, her mother, three brothers, Jack andNorman both of Listowel and Beverley, Downstown; and two sisters Mrs. Douglas (Mare) Shean andMrs. Aaron (Ruth) Thompson both of rgitchener. The body rested at Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home where seryice...-was.iheld Monday at 2 p , m. k with Rev." Stanley McDonald officiating. Temporary entokbment Pioneer ernoriat Mausdieum -with interment to • follow in spring at Maitlandbank Cemetery, , 23 Bus. Directory ELIZABETH CARDNO Mayor SECONDLY: THE • ILASTIDAY-----FOR---F-1-L - 27 Births -PELUSO =. Tell-Lenny and. Sheila (Siemon) of Toronto on Feb. 13 a . son Matthew Jeremy. First --gratidehild" Tor "arid-Shirley Siemon and John . and Lena Peluso, Toronto.' 27-39x1 22' •Legal Notiies All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying ind being in the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron and in the Province. of Ontario and being composed of all of Lots 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, all of Ash Street; parte,of Lots 164, 165, 170, 171, 172 and 173 according to -Registered Plan #15, part of Lot' 10, concession 1, Huron Road Survey and part of Lot A, ' left with or delivered to the clerk undersigned, the - 'Registered Plan #7 for the said Town of Seaforth, - which said parcel may be more particularlY described address to. which notice of hearing is to be sent. PREMISING that the Northerly limit of Birch Street according to, Registered Plan #15 for the :said Town of Seaforth has a bearing of N 59 degrees, 03' 45" W, and relating all bearings herein thereto; BEGINNING at the North East corner of Lot 158,, Registered Plan #15, the said point being the Point of Commencement of the herein described parcel; . THENCE on a course of S 59 deg., 03' 45" E a distance of 66 feet to a point on the Easterly limit of Elm, Street; THENCE on a course of S 31 deg., 47' 30" W along the Easterly lirriit of Elm,Street a distance of 104.71 Feet to a point; - THENCE on a course of S 65 deg., 09' 20" a distance of .18.63 Feet to a point; THENCE on a course of N 59 deg., 03' 45" W a dIstance"of 55.75 Feet to a point on the Westerly' limit -of Elm Street, THENCE on a coqrse of N 31 deg. 47' 301: E along the ',Westerly limit of Elm Street a distance of 120.12 Feet to the' Point of commencement. PREMISING that the Southerly limit of Birch , Stiteet according to Registered Plan#15 for the said Town of Seaforth. has a bearing of N''59 , deg., 03' 45" W, and relating all bearings herein -thereto; COMMENCING at the North West angle of Lot 159; , THENCE on a course of S 59 deg. 032 45" E 'a distance of .521.87 Feet to a point; THENCE on a course of S 65 deg. 09' 20" W a distacice of 457.97 Feet to a point; HIRE A STUDENT - for an hour . - for a daY -,fora week FOR ANY JOB AND' FOR EVERY JOB CALL CANADA MANPOWER__ CENTRE for STUDENTS GODERICH 524-2744EXETER 135-0471 S