HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-09, Page 10A towering story of faith • andeourage in the midst of ,histotis darkest hours. • . (DING LACE - Starring JULIE HARRIS • EILEEN HECKART ARTHUR O'CONNELLs Introducing JEANNETTE CLIFT Screenplay by ALLAN SLOANE and LAWRENCE HOLBEN A World WIcle Pictures release indvietrocoloe Dates: March 12, 13 &.14 6:30, & 9 o'clock Sunday 2 P.M. Advance Discount Tickets Until March 10th Radio Shack Seaforth at $2.00 each or phone 482-7155 Adults $2.75 Children S1.00 Beilefit Dance' . Mr. and Mrs. DON RUEGER Friday,. ch..10th .' Vanastra4tecreation Centre 9 - 1 a.m. Ladies please bring - sandwiches * e i ) liler4 A) ...." Chairman Gordon Pullman and commissioner Roger Whitman of ,the Seaforth PUC were in Toronto last week attending the annual convention: of the Ontario Municipal EleCtrieal Association. At the sametime* PVC manager Thomas Phillips attended the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities - Convention. They were accompanied by theii wives. Mr. and Mrs. Jones McQuaid, have sold their farm 11/4 north of St. Colunibart to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowley of St. Colurnhan. The fain: 'is a century farm and has been in the - McQuaid name since 1553 having been purchased by the ptist ' . Owner's great grandfather who came from Ireland in 1841 when he settled. at Let 21 Con. 2, Iv1cKillop now known as the Westerveld farm: '' , , . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Papple, Seaforth, are quietly celebrating their 68th Wedding AnniversarY today. A Seaforth girl, Anne'Marie ,McQuaid, 12 years old, placed first-in step dancing competition at the Western Fair Farm Show ____,J last Wednesday night in London.. She competed against 43 contestants. , 4i. and Mrs. 'James A. Stewart have returned from a holiday in Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 6evereaux and Mr..and Mrs, James Devereaux who recently motored to' Florida. have. returned ' home. , . .Mi. 'and Mrs. Robert Watson and. Miss Sady Watson are spending holidays in Florida. Mr, and Mrs, Robert S. ,McKercher , and Miss Helen •McKercher are home again following several weeks in Florida. Mrs. Ethel McDougal of Clinton and Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart were Sunday evening gueSts of Mrs. Ralph Mundro of A utairn. ' - Mr. and Mrs. •Elmer Larone have returned from ,a trip 'to ,: Florida. , , ••: STAG for BRIAN (Buck) GLANVILLE Friclay, March 17th Joe Overholii NEW AL6'CJM- On Sale. • . RecordS $5.00 Tapes $6,00 Get Them Personally Autographed' at the Pineridge Chalet This Saturday Night R,R.#2, Bengali t. HURON HOTEL HWY. a DUBLIN Thursday, Friday. & Saturday Sz Saturday Matinee ********* MYSTERY TRAIN a . v. • STARTS THURS. ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. MARCH 9-11 FRI. & SAT. 7 P.M. ONLY GREATEST LOVER 7:00 FIRE SALE 8:40 Make your plans to come to the Show during Easter holidays and see MARCH 17-23 • ajitYe:d. sec.cooltepa(e.:;14;1 s re Not Salted. They're, Just , Plain Nuts. .-srAirrs-sUuw------NUARCHI 1 244 SEE SEPARATE AD FOR TIMES HiDIN6PLACE PETE'S' PRODUC11ON N :f: iIII INI '.(,)11;\ h'l iPorOcOhraarn mange su b ect .0Npl ' - • Interested In A .A4en's Industrial Soccer League? MEETING • Wed. March 22 8 P.M. •,....„,..esCOMMCNITY CENTRE HALL For further information contact the Seaforth Recreation Offiee 527-08821 • Snowmobile Rthces al HULLY GULLY O'val and Novelty. Races REGISTRATION 9-11 a.m. Sunday Marchl 2 Sponsored, -by 1-lidly Gully Snowmobile Club COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH En.tertaihment Thurs.& Fri.& Sat. WALLY DEE ND OW NERS **4-*-****-i(********4-4 FRIDAY.. .SPECIAL Hot Turkey Sandwich' 'Friday, end. Saturday Night CHICKEN WINGS SPECIAL SUNDAY 's 4 "11 ' to 8 p.m. T-Bone Steak Dinner $4.50 In, our Beverage Boom & Dining Room ******************* Don't Forget the POOL TOURNAMENT FINE 'FOOD FINE ENTER T N't 111, IN I' PLAYING ON RICK$ WEEKEND.MARCH 17 & 18 In our Dining Lounge HURON COUNTY'S— FINEST ENTERTAINMENT AND DINING CENTRE • FULLY LI,CENSED.UNDER THE L.L.B.O., OPEN; 7DAYSAWEEK 12 NOON • 8 P.M. • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING • • 'T1L 1 „A,M, 5C9Z 3661°1 • S The Sandpiper In...for the finest in , SMORGASBORD DINING 6 NO—RESERVATION REQUIRED . • Srved Nightly Onmembor our NOON LUNCHEON BUFFET. • MONDAY-SATURDAY, 11:30 A.M.-2:04P.M. (1 4,,eWe FOR OUR LAVISH EASTER DINNER SERVED ALL EASTER WEEKEND FRIDAY, MARCH24: 12 NOON -10:00 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 23: 4 P.M.. 10:00 P.M. EASTER SUNDAY. MARCH 26: 12 NOON - 8 P.M. • 77,71rmarTrairtrarlarlir'7-9" 5, 10 THE HURON EXPOS1TOR,MARCH 0,1970 Covntry- Playhoute •prepares for 1978 will make up the 1978 Festival of same' effect today,,, said the house, Grand, Bend, " reAsed screamed in horrdr, some fainted. Plans for five of the six shows that Director for fife Country Play- that many audience metnberS Summer Theatre. Opening t he Playhouse Artistic Director, but it James Murphy, „Ar tistic The production was so frightening The play is not likely, to have the , season ee JelyAth is history. over: its 50 year —The Odd Couple, the 5th Neil .Simon work to be staged at the , The third production of the Playhouse, The odd Couple first appeared on Broadway 13 years season is Pajama Tops, by Mawbry Green- and Ed T lbeirt ago and starred Art Carney and Walter Matttrau and based on the French farce - The second prOduCtion of the 4 4 Moumou" by Jean de Letraz. In its original French version, the Playhouse season is the - - • Melodrama; Dracula, based . on play ran for 5 continuous years in the novel of Biagi Stoker and Paris. Mr. -Murphy reports being dramatized by Hamilton Deane only vaguely aware of the play 'and John L. Daiderston. 'before seeing a Toronto produe- According to the Playhouse, when ion 2 years ago and deciding it t • Dracula first appeared" in • 1927,- was One 'of theluriniest plays he had ever seen. • FolloWing Pajama Tops, is the Legion. news musical comedy Oklahomal. With Music. by Richard Rogers and book and lyrics by Oscar By John Baker, Hammerstein, Oklahoma! , first Publicity Chairman appeared in the early 40!s, ['Branch 1561 Oklahoma! is probably the msot Last Saturday,' three Legion popular musical comedy in Bowling teams from Branch 156 theatrical history. participated in a bowling The 5th Playhouse production -tournament at Branch 31, Mount of the summer season is -the :Dennis; Ontario. Their standings nostalgic comedy hit from the in the tournament were not 30's The Man Who .Came to . reported, but- if their past record Pinner. 'Moss Hart and Geo. is any indication you can bet that, Kaufman created this p 'pular they did alright. . classic which originally starred Monty Wooley as the celebeated Pro Life wants child cantankerous and egocentric man who. came to dinner - and stayed several Weeks. • The '78 SeaSon the 7th for the PiayhouSe, is a salute to 6 .• • decades of great theatre hits. The final produ.ction 'or the season - from the 1910's or_the 1970's will be announced shortly.. • Sicifort . "h N Minister of Communilty az, Social • t 4.• It was an exciting and close game for both teams as there was no score until thdre was 2 minutes' left in the third period and • Mitchell, scOred: Or SaturdaY, March 4, Seaforth trayellFrkto- Vlitelietkfor4% the ,..Ath game ef r 6e series winning 7 NEXT WEEK Wed- to Sat. !kings & - ThelLittle (Me abuse program On,February 27 the executive 4.""."*“ trf the Wingham. Voice For Life group met it the home of Mrs. Ricahrd Campeau, Adrian Keet in .charge. Mrs. Sally Campeau reported that a' library pack • of pro-life,., literature was 'sent to Seaforth District High School at the allow their child abuse program to continue, It had been stated in the Dec. 3 -issue of the Landon Free Press' that "an education program, credited for placing more abused children under the proterction of the Huron Coenty, Family & Children's Service„;har been cut because the province was ,not prepared to provide an Daily Lunch 1 ,„... Hour . Specials 444r. (94 a Seaforth r" ThislVeek :Thurs. to S41, IAN'• WIREATLEY third, period. • With 6 minutes remaining' Ron Pryce scored and shortly 'thereafter Mitchell got ENERGY CONSERVATION •STAFF — Huron County residents with interests in energy saving can get help frorn the new energy conservation ere, with offices in ' Goderich and Luckrratv. Staff members are,, from left, Bev. Brown, Gerry Zurbrigg, Tony McQuail, project co-brdinator, Barb Zettler, Joe Drennan and Ian Finlayson, • Energy conservat ion • cpntre-T- 0$.-becomea Tegljt, • in, community in terms of education, • money savings and new projects in energy conservation." Barb ,.Zettler, Pat Nibleck ; Ian Finlayson, :doe Drennan-and-Bev Brown. These people are employees of the new Community the game making the score '7 - 1 for Seaforth.' ' This eliminated •Mitchell from the championship round, Mitchell and Milverton play off now for the consolation trophy..,Seaforth 10:--itiff: With • Brussels —fer the championship trophy. This series is alsaa 3 out of 5 series. The first Brodhagen Community Centre 18 YEARS AND OVER FRI MARCH '10 ,9 - 1 AuSic LINCOLN GREEN, - • ethers. These he 'available to the public at the Community ConserVation Centre's which arc located at ,Goderich (above the Bluewater 'Cleaners)and at Lucknow (on the main street next tq the new Sentinel, 'Office). The official openings . for these- .Centres will be announced in next • B C Conserver udders, anadaas a ,Alibbabb011b•••••=11•11...0111MMOlb. a . various 'forms • or alternative o V Ice . energy sources and cqnservation- . a. -. praetiees., They have already - . request of Brtice Shaw, Principal. . :. '' . ;,•, . . . . . . . • . gathered together an impressive' to . the .1-lon.• Keith ,.. NOrton, aes to 0:Foy -offs• .:' Mrs. Campeau has sent a letter - • • ' library of books such as The Sun, , . . . . • Society, Stop the Five Gallon Services, to. urge that ministry to On. Thursday, March • 2, • their first goal of the game. With Flush, Other Homes and provide .funds. to the ' Huron Mitchell Novice carnet° Seaforth 9 Seconds left • on the chick Pat. Garbage, "Tile Woodburners County children's Aid Society to', winning .i - 0... . ., Murray scored the, final goal of EnCyclopedia and dozens : of A small conference • room in Conservation Centres at Goderich --turnberry Town-ship, "the Goderich was the scene last week, .-and Lucknow and their job is to accomplishments of this group : of daily 8-hour training sessions spread the word on how people will be far reaching the on energy. conservation 'for six' can save, money by becoming area residents: Gerry' 2ilrbrigg, energy conscious in their homes, their cars, at their besinesaeS and on their farms. Guided by the Project Leader, Tony McQuail, the group has . • familtarized themselves. with Jeff 'Alce starated 'the scoring game of the series Seaforth. will week's .paper. add ititirrat- — $20,000, " • early in the first period, Ron travel to • Brussels on Although this prograinnie is Pryce scored with 1 minute left in Wednesday, March 8 at 6:0o fuhded for only 7 months under the first period and 30 seconds p.m. 'for 'the first game of the the ' Federal Labour Intensive. later Pat Murray scored. .. . series.. . .Programme," says' Bev Brown:of Thd only, goal of ' the second ' . . . period was scored by. Pat Murray.. Pat scored again 'early in the- . b a aret Dance