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Phone 527-0270 .
-By Cathy McGavin
The 1sf meeting of Walton II
"Focus on Living" was held on
Feb. 20 'at Lynda Aktrnann'S.
Officers • elected , as
follows; President - Laura Dennis,
Vice/, Pres. - Lynda Axtniann,
Treasurer - Dianne Godkin, Press
'Reporter, Cathy McGavin. There
-will be a floating secretary..
Leader. Mrs. Albert. Hudie and
The 2nd meeting was held at
the home of Liz Reinink.
A name '
for the club was chosen as "The.
Busy Beesy. MemberS started
qPilted samples, to be made into
a pin cushion. 12 members
answered the roll call.
Mrs. Ron Bennett•and Mrs. Viola
Kirkby,,Luelty cup Harold Bolger.
Institute hostesses were Mrs,,
Mac Sholdice, Mrs. Nelson -Reid,
Mrsi Harvey Craig and Mrs. Ray
Those in Charge for the euchre
,on Tuesday, March 14th will be
Mrs., Bill Humphries; Mrs.
Kathy Achilles, Mrs. Bev. Smith
and Mrs. Joanne Plas.
assistant leader Mrs. Marie
McGavin explained . what 4-H
really stands for.
Many different styles
sizes - colours
o desboro kids g
granges. from: Florida
Duizer with 11 girls present. - "Leisure Lovers"
Roll call was a leisure time The girls had as their guest
activity I would like to develop, speaker, Art Metslaughton from
Mrs, Allen McCall
.887.4677 ...
Walton l',.. 441 Club met at the
lihme of, Julie Bl'ake on
Wednesday evening, March 1st
with9 girlspresent. The roll call
wa 'answered by "An important
The. third meeting,. of - 4111 ---role—for - babyT-sitters. -Nana—
"Quazy Quilters" was held Bennett read the inutes. The -
February 27 at home of Marjorie name chosen for he club is
Comunity Spirit .in Modern
Living'was the theme for 'the
World Day of Prayer service held
in Doff's United Church on, Friday
' Mrs. Campbell Wey presided
for the Call to Worship, The order
of service of worship was followed'
.12,ythe_prekared materially., the
Women's Inter-Church C6ttncilOr
The pianist was Mrs', Laverne
Godkin for the hymns thfOughont
the service ;Praise to .the Lord";
Mrs. Allan McCall, Voices were
' taken ,by Mrsg Norntan Schade
and Mrs. N elson Reid. $cripture
readings were taken by Mrs. Ken
McDonald; Mrs. •-lelson Reid;
Mrs, Graeme Craig and, Mrs.
George Williamson.
The offering was received' by
Mrs. Lawrence Ryan and Mrs. C.
McCutcheon and dedicated, by
Mrs, Wey,
Mrs: Merton liackwell, Mrs. •
Wafter Bewley and Mrs. LaOrn
Godkin acted as a panel giving
closing benediction.
Affairs meeting of the. Walton
The .C4enship and World
Wortien's Institute- will he-held
Wednesday evening, March 15
with conveners, Mrs,. Frank
Kirkby and Mrs. Emerson.
_t_he_commun inert- Mitchell charge of
Women are invited.
Brian Marks had the.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Don Wier and
Paul of Thamesford spent the•
weekend at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Watson., , •
The inititute are sponsoring a
Court Whist Party this coming
Friday ' afternoon in the
. _ 1
Correspondent accompanied by GAII Lear at the
Mrs.-Bert ShobbrOok piano.
523-4250 The message on "Community
United Church Spirit in modern living" was
There was a large turn out at given by, Marjorie Duizer telling
hunch on Sunday Morning- -of-Ways people can _help. With a olio- community spirit: Collection was
month. Greeters were Emerson received by 'Norma Glousher.
Hesk and Bert Shobbrook, Ushers Prayer hutch was served byt Helen
were Neii Cartwright, Kevin Lee Audrey'ThompsOn and Helen
Fothergill, 'Danny Jewitt and
Mark Mitchell.
- Choir anthem - was "Jesus
Walked This Lonesome Valley"
with Louise McGregor organist
and Ruth "Shaddick choir leader,
' Rev. McDonalds children's,
story was, an orange on display ,
"it's what's inside that counts"-.
He gave each child an orange he
brought from Florida. Kinder-
garter). teachers were Barbara , Cartwright and John spent the Knob and Susan Jamieson: The ,
message was ",'It's the Real week of February 18- to 25 in
Thing,," Toronto then to Ottawa and
-Next Sunday will be Apnual • Montreal where they attended the
Easter Communion service. Montreal-Buffalo hockey game,
Flowers on memorial stand were toured the Parliament buildings
in loving memory of Dorothy and other places of interest.
,Little who died February 28, 'Claude spent week with his
1977 -- grandmother, Mrs. Mae ,Rinn at.
The congregation .extended Belgrave. Norman, Florence and - John viSitecrwith• her on ,S_unday their sympathy to Tom Whyte on when Claude returned home with death'ef his wife Lenore who died
r 29th year on a uray after them. --Mr. and -Gordon :'being in Intensive care in Univer;- Shobbrook and Mr. and Mrs: Bert}' city Hospital London for the past Lyon returned ;home on Tuesday, two montbd. ' February 28 from enjoying an 18 World'‘s Day of Prayer service day vacation tour flying with Hay's • was held on Friday March 3 at 8 p.m. U.C.W: President Helen Travel Service leaving,,,..freITI
Toronto to San Francisco, Lawson,. welcomed all and ' California, for two days then to 'thanked. ,'all . Who helped with Kauai, Honolulu, Hawaii, program. She gave • some
Pnouncements. The U.C.W. stopping at places, of interest on '
neral. business meeting to be the Islands.' Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Mitchell 'I 3 1 8 p.m. in: the church )WasterThank- returned home ,.on Wednesday,
offering to Walton _when Rev, March 1, from' a two 'week
Bolger will be speaker to Auburn vacation driving to Fort Myers
U.C. when a cantata by Fordwich Beach, Florida.
choir, to Blyth U.C.,-when Rev. Mr. and Mrs: John Bain of
John Stinson will be shing ,Stratford; spent two weeks with
pictureS on Holy Lan All grandchildren, -Gracie and. Mark
Mi h 11
• Correspondent •
- if was noted with 'pleaStite'tlidt.
ort.Sunday the 6th of March, the
slopes of Dodd"s hills were dotted
with sled• and toboggan
enthusiasts. Many of them were
small children - enjoying the
pleasant winter weather.,
Ken Pethick and Mtitray'Cox of
Bressels - have returned. home
from a training school .program::
held at 'Pennsylvania. The boys
are employed by -McGavin Farm
Equipment Ltd. Walton.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halley
accompanied by Mr.. and Mrs.
Calvin Hulley, Cromarty,' spent
Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Halley, Monkton.
Mr-. and Mrs. Robert Harris,
have returned home from their • winter home in Florida.
Visiting with the Harris's on
Sunday were 'Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Argyll, Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Wolfcamp 7. and family,
Mitchell, Mr. and . Mrs. Ron
-"Harris and Craig', • Vickie Harris
and Dennis. McNally, Seaforth.
spent the weekend 'with the"Miss Sue Tuff has returned to
and Lori Jo„ Cromarty and County.
enjoyed the tobogginiiif
Dodd's Hills. "
uainwdeMrertso. WindsorEugene St.ov eLIOAuhies
We • welcome Mrs. Pat weekend. While there, they
Del ge and 'family to the visited with their daug4ijer Sheila
community.'Pat has moved into and James St, Louis o- Riverside
the residence of the late' Oliver and:visited with Mrs, St. Louis in
Anderson on the farm of Eric hospital.
Hullett has public speaking
Hullett Central school was Julie Daer, Hullett, who spoke .on
the scene ‘94, a public'. speakers a dream, Garth Whittich, Myth. •
contest spoilsOred by the Blyth whose topic was my hobby, atid''"
Lions Club.
Contestants were fromBlyth,... ,-spoke on .the 'Blue Mountain
and Hullett schools, . Caves.
third was Nancy Snell, Birth, Whi'3-
Winners in the senior division 'Due to strike conditions in the
were: first, John Lawson, Htillett secondary schools' speakers were
who spoke, on money, second present' from the high schools.
Karin ar har, -Hullett, who Franklin Snell won the junior
s'poke on teachers, and third section and went on to speak in
Jayne Snell, Hullett, who spoke on .Coderith, Saturday. '
Glenna Ellis spoke on the age ballet
Winers in the junior division., of maturity-and won the senior.
of grades six and under, were divisop,
• •
Lawson. •
The second and third meetings
of Londesboro 1 4-H were held at
Mary Buffinga and Hattie Snell's
homes. '
Members discussed what skit
to do for Achievement Day and
decided on' the name 'Wonder
Mr. lend 'Mrs. - Norman.
i ....,,...2nvtations are.for April 9ith. . .
Rev. MoDonald returned home Service of worship was
conducted by , Margaret on, Wednesday from spending
'Anderson. Scriptures were read the month of February hi Florida.
Westerhont will - -be showing
pictures for the study on
Caribbean. Roll call will be
paying of fees.
4..H #3
by Pat Hiinkipg, The voices were' Norman ,Alexander and Laura
taken by Doreen Carter, Th e Forbes were representatives to •
hymn "As '' children of one Huron-Perth Presbytery on !personal
Father" was 'read • in unison
followed by prayer by Helen
LaWson. A duet "They'll know We
Li.nre1 and
and Diaik visitors --with__gr., and • Mrs.
February 28 at' WeeleaavAllis ,
United Church, Clinton. Correspondent•
Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Sh brook
on Mrs. Ed. Regele
are Christians by • our love". by returned to their the , Mr.„, ., and Mrs. , Harold
- ,- Lisa. ,,4,,.rbiioti,,, ,,..Piebrear.;;28 ,from spending IV i ihealuitio 404 i ehite oehoiiipii, .1
Shobbrook. Stanley Preszcator and. girls at
,Mr. and Mrs. JaCk ;Le visited Crediton.
on Sunday with their daughter • • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Re gele
Mr.. and Mrs. Stu Mustard and visited on Tuesday afternoon with
Sheldon, Stratford. Mr: and Mrs. Harold McCallum
June Fothergill was to and with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
KiteheneerBowling for Dollars" Regele on Wednesday afternoon..
on Saturday, February 25. the will Sorry for my mistake saying
be on T.V. at a later date. Mrs. Mary Thornton had
W.I. card party this Friday, returned home to Crediton from
-,March 10 at 8:10 p.m. Bevan Seaforth Hospital as she is still-a--
Unit of U.C,W. meeting will• be, patient in the hospital at time of-
held at 2 p.m: March 14. Sandra writing.
T.V, NEW&,
4 Service Hook Up
Line Locates
Advertisements on Local Channels •
Call ienith,82110 leaving name,
address and telephone number
Guests will be Mrs. Lavein
Clark . Roll call , Some
interesting incident you
remember in'Walton. History, of
c dren of one Father" arzi,_tlieughts on the 'Aherne. , The• Walton to be given as 'the motto. Hospital where a east was Leaders ',Marjorie '''Duizer and the Seaforth Ambulance service,
Judy .Datima helped the girls to who explained about first aid care "They'll know we are Christians." question asked "Who arethose in There will be a plant sale for necessary 'for his' back befOre
start a 'crocheted o er knitted , our neighborhood who need'which members are asked 'to and concluded the meeting with byRovuard lows
ta"king part were Mrs. acceptance into our Community". bring an item.
returning home.
article. The quilted samples Were the 47•H motto, "Learn to do by Wey; Mrs. Don McDonald and • We should reach out beyond our • also worked on. doing". Personals
• • community; we. should 'be.kept Mr. and Mrs. Murray -Mint, •
for euchre community minded, you should Scott, arid David of Brantford
misfortune to have injury, in a
snowmobile aicident a week ag
He - Went last 'week in Seaforth
Winners named
The Tuesday night euchre was
held in the community centre with
11 tables in ,play.
Prize winners were: 'High Lady
- Mrs. Ken MCDonald, Low Lady -
Assorted Sizes - Red-Navy
' Gieen43100-Purplo
so- Yellow
come out to social activities to get spent the weekend with' Mr, and
p kibggan .
to know those people moving in or Mrs. Earl Mills. ' ds to o out. Keep inviting those to , • Mission Band members are
Miss Linda Currie, Dorchester, Anderson.
Mrs. Fern Patterson, Seaforth; Hulleys: Visiting Sunday in the her home in St. Thomas to 4 H- elects officers High Man - Harold Bolger; Low same Homewas Mrs. Larry continue her studies because of -
Gardiner, Steven, Lisa, Leanne. tile; strike of teachers in Huron Man - Ernie Stevens. Draws on
• door prized. Mrs. Ken McDonald;
neetings, be friend y. reminded of their Meeting this
Rev. Ed. Baker gave the coming Sunday .
"The Store That Saves You More"
Just arrived .
10 galion-
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Take a minute now to think about
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Safe and healthy workers are better
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Thy Division communicates and works •
with employers and employees alike,
encouraging all concerned to do ,
everything )ssible to 'prevent injury Or
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compliance with the legislation;
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technical services on bealth and safety'
• promoting internal labour-management
responsibility fat-Maintaining a safe,
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• reviewing prOposed plans for new
projects in the pre-development stages
to avoid "bilitding in" potential hazards.
The ne Division is dedicated to the
control and e ination of occupational ,
health and safety a ds with ongoing'
research, educational pr ms and, if
need be corrective action W_ en
cooperation doesn't ,
A booklet'svelling out indetail the
activities of the Occupational Health and
Safety Division is being distributed to
employers. If you would like a c6py,
contact your nearest Ministry of Labour
office. And work in good health!
Bette Stephenson, M.D.,
Minister Of Labour
William Davis, Premier
Province of Ontaiio'
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