HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-09, Page 5S The income tax return has been improved this-year, making it easier for you to do it yourself.= And TO" make it even easier, read the six basic steps ins the*Guide. You'll probably find all you 'need to know there: But if you have any arlditionarsclueglions, you'll find the answers in the detailed portion of the Guise. And,remember: 1. Include 'all your original receipts. • 2. Dodble check your return before,mailing it. If you have a refund coming, you'll get it sooner if -your tax form has been done accurately. ,04.,ithead! -You ean do it. Revenue-Canada Reverio-Ganada Taxation ImpOt Hon. JoSeph P. Guay P. Gilay Minister -Ministre Schoo1 House-Store ,Con 12 Hullett 2 1/2 miles from No 4 WORK CLOTHES ' Men's Leathei Top • RUBBERS. ;•;. Felt Lined - S.Toe ' S. Sole. $I9.00. Special BEEJAYS Size 6 - 10 • IS &Condi 00 512. - . Little Gir4s--- . SLIPPERS . ,.. • '''' • ' Size 11 ,:.3. CHOICES-5.00 pi, Men's WORK BOOTS Insulated or Plain St. Toe 525.00 - $40.00 Green Drill PANTS . 54.00 North Stir RUNNERS . Size '1- 6 $8.00 . RUBBER BOOTS 6.00 7.00 9.00 P.P.PANTS Shirts • • • ••• 9.50 $7.50 ether Runners $2.00 - $5.00 • -, -4 O CASUAL LOAFERS $1-2.00 ") , • e MEN'S JEANS $ 8. 0000 - $14. , • <it.- Men's RUNNERS • COVERALLS $12.00 -.$16.00" $10.50 ' BOYS' LEATHER BOOTS New $l4.00 PARKAS JACKETS COME Open 'till 9 SEE , Closed Tuesday till 1 P.M.. t , • OUR li REGULAR PRICES GLOVES - 'SKATES.' STICKS GARTERS SUPPORTS 1-1ELMETS SHIN PADS ELBOW PADS SH6ULDER PADS -41 - Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE IVIERCHANT5 HOatingl "Plumbing and Eleettical Sup'piies Phone 527-1626 . Seaforth FUEL OIL .FURN ACE • Repair & Cleaning 24 Hour Service ,PARATCKK!S • MAINTENANCE 3452235 't • Dublin' •• U 0 EXP0SiTOR, iViARCH 9. 1978..-- 5 Presents plaque A BIG ONE - Ronald Ryan of R.R.1, ,Dublin,' caught this 32 pound barracuda when he and his wife Mary and anothercouple Bob andJoanCroniri of Dublin went down to Florida in January for a ' vacation. They -were just out for an afternoon of fun, on the •boat vvhen Mr. ,Ryan caught the 'fish. He fished 'out of Miami Be.ach CastaWays Docks. The Ryans are having the fish stuffed in thb States and then brought home. ,The fish was entered in the. achievement , and did , an exercise on the bicycle. parl,ene reply waS. ".How-,about that• fire Ekel explained. how to quilt and extinguisher?" .., Cacti member began her sample. Still another--my Mother told McKillop #2 4H • me when I was about six years . The third ' meeting -of the . I got a pair of skates for Freedom Finders was held, - on Christmas. She said to me; Tues-. Feb. 28. Horne, filmsfilmswere "You'll be happy now", 1. said shown. on scenery' and people. -I'd be happy if 1 had ice." So so Membersrs alSo dissussectdifferent sum it all up, you anyway, ways to' use time Wisely such , We never know when lucky. we are reading. . ' • . ..'ew,..neighbours. in n. .• Metropolitan South. Florida Fishing Tournament., Recognizing hislong years of service to the township:, Reeve Ross*McPhall oh behalf of coma presented Ed. Chappel,„ who recently retired •-•as Road Superintendent, with , a Thirty Year Awaid • Plaque from The' Ontario Good Roads Association: ' The plaque had been accepted pn Mr.' 'Chappers ,behalf at the recent Good Roads Convention ht. Toronto,. , .Council wished. MI% 'Chappel the 'very best of :health and • a "happy and' extended retirement. The Meeting featured numerous Visitations, including .ratei)ay.ers 'interested 'In severances and ' zoning amendments. These were recommended to proceed through the usual,channels, Ms, Linda' Clarence, of the Perth County Public -Health ,. Unit gave Council a resume' Of the Health 'Unit-i's function in Preventative • Health as a when, and her work ri V. J. Lane bring a storm and if the sun. Someone mentioned'. to me • melted it would• bring mild. recently that l'.h.all .n-tade 'no -weather. • weather predicOons for some- This. year waS. 'exeeptional.._ time. My reply was that it was Some purchased snow 'Shovels 'perhaps just as well as I hardly that' they never used. Our d-'coulpredict it being so gopd for neighbour Mr. Van BAkel who for so. long. I think everyone. agrees some years used his snow blower thatlhe past month gave us more to a good advantage at .home," as ,white frosts with little snow or well as loeking,.after several wind. .driveWays in the harm-et, thought As I recall previous years when • it had outlived its usefulness, and if a -white frost blew off, it would traded' it for ;a :new one . some week. ago:. • Freedom Finders , H eins hardly had enough, : snow to give it a good tryout, or Tile second meeting of the like the farmer looking over his. -McKillop #2 • waS, held. at our esdaY isSed. finances for the past year, Saying leaders home on Wedn February 15. Members -disci St. Columban No more pre ictions Brodha-Oh.... to his wife; "I can't. see where we purchased' anything in the past year we had• no use for." The . By-laws were Passed estab- lishing dog licensing fees for 1978 and for zoning amendments which would permit changes in front and rear yard Measure- ments to . a house destroyed by fire in Dublin. Council will re.conveee on Thursday. 9th March. );30', p.m. at the Township Office to decide on graVel ' requirenients and suctions of road to be constructed. General accounts in the sum of $6093.99, and road -accou nts of $20,954.74 were approved„`Clerk, Chas, Friend, was directed to submit a ti $197,909.10, to i inistry :of rod budget df"-- , Transport 'and Communications on subsidy $111,100.00. .Coened discussed'spending in excess of this amount to build up certain stretches of road: the amount depending on the arnotints spent in snow removal during the next four weeks. - •ing the Police Village of Dublin. Chairman of Dublin Hydro, Louis Maloney and Trustee lien acRae ; director of Grand Valley 1istrict #6 of Ontario Municipal Electric Association attended the . annual convention of the 0.M.g. Association at the Royal York last week. . It I'S expected an anticipated rebate to Dublin Hydro will assist the System in operating without ,an increase in consumer rates for the immediate future. The rebate reflects surplus earnings by Ontario H ydro. Personals Mr. Edvvin Stanletonof Raglan Mrs. Gordon Wolfe. Congratulations arc extended to. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon who had enjoyed a week in. Toronto '• with, their daughter Sh eila, and son-in-law Ben Peluso and new arrival Matthew Jeremy.- They are-grandparents for the first time, The proud- great grand- ' parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Siemon and Mr. and Mrs. Ervii Miller, a nephew for Uncle -Ro ' Roger and Garry and AUll -Siemon. r. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Ahrens :e guests of the lattcr's sister, s. Gordon. Buck in Londonlast w k. r . riends of Mr. Antone Sieltion will be pleased to know he 'has returned 'to his home from the General Hospital in -Stratford. Mrs. Fred Young has returned to her,.-home , from the same hOspital. They arc both recuper- ating at their times. There were a number of ladies from St.. 'Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, who attend- ed the World Day of Prayer ay:St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Dublin on March 3. ' Congratulations are extended- to Rob and' Phyllis Brady in the ney arrival -of a son Michael Robert. The proud grandparents are D-r. and Mrs. P.' L. Brady. Mr. and Mrs:, Haive.y Ahrens their first grandchild and a little - nephew for Mint Marilyn and Uncle Seven. . Friendsand relatives" of Robert Siemon „son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Roy. Siemon, will be sorry to hear he is patient in the General Hospital. , in Stratford. • Mrs. Katie Ouenguesser haS returned to her home aftdr spending three, weeks with her soil-,inrlaw'anct_da_ughicr: Rev. and Mrs. John .Arbuckle - lit , Linwood, Guests with Mt. and MrS. Jos. KorrisonwereMf. and Mrs. Eiarry 'Wagner of Picton. - Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'Morrison" and daughters from Caledonia. Master Jamie Gibb of Stratford R. R. #2. spent the weekend with his grand1parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Les. Weitersen. Mrs. Edwin Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mogk, John and little . ,Melissa Hunsberger attended the morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church in Mitchell on Sunday where Jeanette Amanda, daughter of Sherri 'and Ken Hunsberger was baptized. They were all guests of Mrs. Ed. Hunsberger following the service.. Jeanette is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Glen Mogk anal. Mrs. Ed. Hunsberger. and, the' gkat granddaughter 'of Mrs.• Edwin Mogk of Bornholm, ''' We are glad to report that Mr. Albert ,Siemon and Mr. Lorne Sietnon whb were patients in the CommtinitY Hospital in Seaforth ,have both returned to their homes "where they arc convalescing. The stXrisbr of &t. Pcrer'.1 Lutheran in particular. The role of proven- , tataive health care is being stressed' by' all levels of government. Cyril Brown, County Weed. Inspector, was -appointed official weed inspector for Hibbert. The Clerk *Os directed to draw the ' new 'ihspector's attention to "jinispn - weed which is tiPpearing in the "township, ‘, 4 CI Henry Uderstadt, O.L.S. of' Orangeville. was named to bring in a eport for repair and improvement if n ecessary as the result of a petition signed by Ted Melady on the "kleinfeldt" Drainage Works, , Grants were approved in the sum of 575,00-for Hen sail-South 1-10 roll Fa r, $25.00 to the Road Superintendenr's Association. and $110.00 to the "T.„1. Mahoney 'Road School" for Road Superintendent Ernie Harburn to attend, • Playing before a large crowd in Seaforth Sunday, Lions Head Ba ntams took advantagejof every break and put onxeellent display fo foretbecking to keep the' big guns under control. They ' . especially were successful in keeping them in their own end of the ice the greater part, of the game, and having a 4-1 advantage after, the • second •-• period, were never in -great danger of giving -up -that-1W- Perhaps. one eqpId say Dublin were a little confident after winning Thursday's game 5-0 and just could not untrack themselves bcfor it was too late. Rob Malone sco Dublin's only 'goal late in the second period.. Personals , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Verberne have recently returned after spending a two Week holiday in Florida. Our pastor, Fr.. P. Oostveen returned from Fltrida last week. He reported a couple of cool wet days and picked up an undesir- , able colcf: in the exchange. Frank' Maloney who has had surgery on 'a foot problem has recovered nicely: COrrespondent Don MacRae -"The- World...troy of Ppayer" has • observeda at St. Patrick's Church on Fri. lay afternoon. The theme this year was Community. Spirit in Modern Living. Rev. Paul Beck of Stratford was guest speaker and about 65 ladies from- St,. Columban, Brodhagen, Dublin and the First Line Church attended. -After the service lunch., was served by the Catholic Women's League. Inspecting TrIusteq Matt McCreight attended the Good' Roads Convention at the Royal York Hotel in ,'Toronto represent- St. ratritk's**erVes'-Prdlie Day attend -: tt tr. n.1 Ed. `. sRt with Mr, and the Sunday hockey Agar` in Essex and game at Detroit, Olympia Stadium. Mr, and s, Don Benninger, Loui and Bra ley of Cambridge with Mr. an Mrs. • Hugh Benninger.' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trutter have taken up residence in Mitchell.' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eyre of London have, purchased the Trutter property and have already moved in - a sincere welcome ,is extended to them from the citizens of Dublin'. CorreSpondent Mrs. Lavern WOlfe 345-2757 Welepme to another young couple,who have moved to Brodhagen. They are our new ' neighbours Rick and J'Oy.ce ' Mulholland and, little Angela. W e hope they will be happy among our inidst. They are residing in the home of the late Mr. 'and Mrs. , Edward Ahrens. It is so nice to see the home all lit-up again. Rick is formerly- of Brodhagcn. and is' emploYed. as a weldelr -in, the Magal!'oy-"'Foundry in 'Mitchell, Joyce is the daughter-of-Mr:'. and • 'IP Church Bulletin for February was. Mrs. 'Alice „Beuerman 'in loving memory of her husband the, tate Mr. Manuel' Beuerman who passed, away one year ago. ' 4-H Meets 4rodhagen 4-H -Club met. Monday evening' in the Brodhagen Community Center. Roll Call was "How would -I define a good citizen". Members diScUssed the Canadian Govern- , merit and learned sonic of the more inportant Members of Parliament. . . .. . Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited with Mr.. and Mr's. Erlyn Wilke,- and Mr. Lorne Wolfe Micky McCloy, •